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Guardians of the Galaxy Mafia

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8 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Kind of, but not really.  

I have a strong feeling I know who you are (take a look at your pillow 😉 ) ... and I am guessing I know who Deadpool is as well.  My "captain" comment can "almost' work both ways.  ::giggle::

On 11/8/2019 at 10:11 PM, saoirse said:

@BizBuzz has similar feels on them, although she’s clearly confusing her feels on @JTMacc99 and me!

Ok ... for future reference ... I just found this ... hmmmm ... gonna noodle a little bit on this interesting bit of information.

  • Useful 1
17 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Ah, got it - @meet trouble is saying LCalypso (musical name) visited Lisin and Deadpool (two swords) on the first Night.  

Kind of, but not really.  

If we had a SK, we would've seen them by now. 

If our recruit hadn't been recruited on N1, I'm thinking we would've heard something by now. So assuming TCS is bad, either 1-2 Villains remaining.  As for who they are, I'm still up in the air re: the alignments for you, garnetLC and saoirse.  


I do know that @saoirse was checking someone for weapons last Night. I just don't know who she was checking.

11 minutes ago, meet trouble said:

I do know that @saoirse was checking someone for weapons last Night. I just don't know who she was checking.

Yes, I was and it actually got referenced earlier. I checked @JTMacc99 the first Night, hence my suspicion of him. Last Night, the player I checked was clean of weapons.

I suspect I may not be longer for this game, since I cannot seem to prove my Hero-ness to @Drogo, and I’m getting all sorts of shade thrown at me by others.

I may not be a traditional Hero, but I am still a Hero. My side eye is still firmly on @aquarian1, based on gameplay and my [NOT A HINT] spidey-sense.

Apparently I’ve not been good at clues coming or going; the hints I tried to surreptitiously drop about my hero-ness (heroics? herosity?) I’ve realized were probably too subtle to be understood. And my guesses before today were basically vague impressions that were as changeable as the wind. But today felt like pretty solid footing for us heroes.

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, deaja said:

So I’m watching Endgame right now, and I’m thinking Nebula makes the most sense to be the recruitable player. She basically switched sides multiple times during the movies

Definitely a possibility. I bet our recruitable player is still Team Hero and just doesn't feel safe identifying themselves or doesn't realize they can't get recruited anymore. 

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, saoirse said:

That does not sound good. Can you share more?

So, we found out after last Night that HM was an investigator. I decided to go back and look at his posts, which might be edited for ease of reading and clarity. This is what I found:

On 11/5/2019 at 1:04 PM, Hanged Man said:

Ugh I hate making mistakes

1 to DL JTMacc (Drogo) 8 to learn the lessons

1 to DL Drogo (JTMacc) 8 to help demonstrate that JT is a quick learner

1 to DL Spruce (HM) 8 to something something profit.

During Day 2:

On 11/8/2019 at 12:15 PM, Hanged Man said:

I don't mind a DL of Drogo on the first day, I can't count the number of times I have wanted a D1 DL of Drogo.

Of your other 2, soairse or meet trouble,  I could go with a DL on either of them.

Then later on Day 2:

On 11/8/2019 at 1:30 PM, Hanged Man said:

I will jump on this DL, a theoretical clue is better than a feeling at least this time.

2 to DL festivus (Drogo, HM), 6 to make a stand and put your names on record.

This reads to me like he went and investigated Spruce on Night 1 and came away with info that changed his mind about that very first DL of his.

Since there is suspicion on me - to any investigators out there, feel free to investigate me.

Also, we don't seem to have a consensus on who the villains are, like there were many pointers and posts about JTMacc.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also (again) are we sure only villains can have weapons?  If a hero had a potentially fatal twilight or night ability, for example, would they register as having a weapon?

12 minutes ago, saoirse said:

Ok, @Drogo where are you? It’s been awhile since you posted, I thought you’d be all over this question.

I was at the bar for a few minutes, there's some pre-gaming happening in there. 

"Weapons" should mean any player with the ability to harm another player.  Villains, sure - but also SKs, vigilantes, Jack of all trades, and others. 

I've been thinking about it.  Tricky, because if the Villains have any type of reversal power left and I say "use it on A1" and she's a hero the Villains can screw with that... so I don't really want to answer with a specific player.  I would say choose between garnet or A1.  

  • Useful 1

Night 3

The Battle of Xandar

Above Xandar

Yondu and Rocket reunited with the Milano while it orbited Xandar.

Having explained how they’d dealt with Thanos, Peter was very pleased, “We can use it against Ronan as well”

“No can do I’m afraid. This puppy was only good for one shot” Rocket admitted.

Yondu turned to look at him, “One shot?! Why am I only hearing about this now”

“I didn’t wanna worry you”

“Worry me!”

Yondu’s navigator rushed over, “Ronan's fleet has been spotted, and will arrive in t-minus fifteen minutes.”

“Remember, boy. At the end of all this, I get the stone. You cross me, we kill you all.” Yondu reminded Peter.

After preparing, Peter and the rest the group started walking along the ship, “Let's go get 'em, boys!”

Yondu returned to his ship.

At Nova Headquarters

Corpsman Dey spoke to Denarian Saal, who was in charge of defence in Nova Prime’s absence, “I received a transmission from one of the Ravagers. He says Ronan's in possession of something called an Infinity Stone and he's headed toward Xandar.”

“It's a trick. He's a criminal. Did he give a reason why we should believe him?” Saal asked.

“He said his crew just escaped from prison so he'd have no other reason to risk coming to Xandar to help. He says that he's an "a-hole." But he's not, and I'm quoting him here, "one hundred percent a dick."”

“Do you believe him?”

“Well, I don't know that I believe anyone's one hundred percent a dick”

“I mean, do you believe that he's here to help?”

Dey hesitated a moment before replying, “Yeah.”

On board the Dark Aster

“A fleet approaches, they appear to be Ravagers.” Nebula informed Ronan.

The Ravager fleet had stopped near the Dark Aster, “Fire!” ordered Yondu.

The ships fired at the Dark Aster and the explosion bounced off the ship forming a cloud of fire.

“Cover it down! Submerge!”

The Ravager ships ducked beneath the wall of fire and went under the Dark Aster.

“All pilots, dive! They're beneath us!” Nebula ordered, “Forward thrust, now!”

Yondu's ship was shot down, “Aw, hell! I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!”

Just then they noticed Nova Corps ships were joining them, “Peter Quill, this is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps.”

“They got my "dick" message!” Peter shouted feeling pleased with himself.

With the help of the Nova ships Peter landed inside the Dark Aster through a hole that had been shot through it.

“The starboard kern has been breached! We have been boarded!” Nebula exclaimed to Ronan.

“Continue our approach.” he replied, unmoved.

“But the Nova Corps have engaged!”

“None of that will matter once we reach the surface.”

“All Nova pilots, interlock and form a blockade. The Dark Aster must not reach the ground.” Saal ordered.

The Nova ships started interlocking to form a giant net, which halted the Dark Aster’s forward momentum. Inside, Peter and the rest of the group left their ship and made their way through the Dark Aster.


Nebula stepped into their path, suddenly Drax a fired a shot at her, which sent her flying backwards.

“We need to head to the flight deck.” Peter stated as they continued walking.

On Xandar’s Surface

After crash landing his ship, Yondu was surrounded by a platoon of Ronan's army.

“Yondu Udonta. Order your men to turn on the Nova Corps.” ordered one of the Maskless Sakaarans.

Yondu started whistling, which activated his Yara arrow weapon. “Enough nonsense, Ravager! Time to die...”

Yondu whistled again which set off his arrow; it killed the entire platoon.


On the Dark Aster

Ronan made an announcement from his ship “Xandar, you stand accused. Your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. It is the tinder on which you burn!” he activated the Infinity Stone, which set off burning a fire through the Dark Aster, destroying the Nova Crops ships that were attacking, which included Saal's ship.

After fighting their way through the ship, Peter and the group were taken by surprise as Ronan suddenly appeared and used the power of his warhammer to throw the group aside.


Drax rushed towards Ronan but Ronan grabbed him by the throat and held him up, “I was mistaken, I do remember your family. Their screams were pitiful. I... “

Suddenly, Rocket crashed the Milano into the bridge, which seemingly destroyed Ronan. The group huddled together as the ship started to plummet, Groot formed a giant nest around the group to keep them shielded from the inevitable crash.

“No, groot! You can't, you'll die. Why are you doing this? Why?” Rocket pleaded.


“We are Groot.” his friend replied.


Everyone in the group survived the crash except Groot, who was now a pile of twigs strewn all about, Rocket held a bunch of the twigs in his hand, “I called him an idiot.” he said sadly.

Just then Ronan emerged from the ship's wreckage, “You killed Groot!” Rocket rushed towards Ronan, who used the power of his infinity-stone-bearing-warhammer to throw Rocket aside.

“Behold! Your Guardians of the Galaxy! What fruit have they wrought? Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance. People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! Your salvation is at hand.” Ronan declared triumphantly.

As Ronan prepared to use the power of the stone to destroy Xandar, Peter stood up and started to sing, "Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier. Ooh-oo child, things'll get brighter."

He said to Ronan, “Listen to these words” and started singing again, "Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier. Ooh-oo child, things'll get brighter. Now bring it down hard!” he began dancing as he continued to sing, "Some day, we'll get it together and we'll get it..."

Ronan looked at him askance, “What are you doing?”


“Dance-off, bro. Me and you.”


Ronan watched the spectacle a moment then asked again in obvious disgusted astonishment, “What are you doing?”


“I’m distracting you, you big turd blossom.”


Rocket and Drax appeared beside Ronan and used the super cannon to destroy the warhammer. The blast dislodged the Infinity Stone; both Ronan and Peter went for it. Peter grabbed the stone, which then began to destroy him.

A voice called out, “Peter! Take my hand!” Peter turned to see a recuperated Gamora. He had a flash back to when his mother asked him to take her hand on her death bed; Meredith Quill, “Take my hand, Peter.”

Gamora shouted again, “Take my hand!”

With tears in his eyes Peter took Gamora's hand, Drax then grabbed his other hand and Rocket grabbed Drax's hand, the power from the stone spread between the four of them.


“You're mortal! How?” Ronan asked in shock.


“You said it yourself, bitch. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy.” Peter replied.


Together, with the power of the stone they destroyed Ronan, then Gamora used the orb to contain the stone.

Shortly after, Corpsman Dey stepped forward, “Thank you all. Thank you, you saved my family and Xandar”

“You’re welcome. I guess that’s what heroes do” Peter tried to play it cool.

“I hate to ask after you’ve all done so much already but... we really could use your help again”

“With what?”

“It’s Nova Prime, we’ve received a demand. The Sovereign have taken her hostage” Dey explained.

“Of course we’ll help” Gamora said earnestly.

Rocket sighed, “Does nobody around here think about negotiating BEFORE agreeing to help?!”

(And for the sake of expediency, here is)

Day 4

Screwing with The Sovereign

“Well, well, well. Quite the light show” Yondu, stepped forward and chuckled, “Ain't this sweet. But you got some business to attend to before all the nookie-nookie starts.”

“Peter, you can't. Peter.” Gamora pleaded.

“Yondu, look, we need the stone just a little bit longer, Nova Prime is being held hostage by a race called The Sovereign and we've been asked to help rescue her”

Yondu frowned but before he could speak, Peter added, “If you’re that worried about letting the stone outta your sight, come with us”

Yondu considered for a minute, “Aw, the hell with it, it’s been a minute since we had a fight anyways. Now don’t you go tryin’ to skip out on me boy!” he added.

“Glad to have you” Peter clapped him on the shoulder.

Yondu glared at him and Peter removed his hand.

“So you know anything about The Sovereign?” Peter asked.

“All I knows is they’s a bunch of golden assholes. Generally speaking” Yondu shrugged.

“Each one is genetically engineered to be perfect” Gamora chimed in.

“So, they’re 'perfect assholes'” Rocket quipped.

“That about covers it” Yondu agreed.

“Sounds like it's time for the Guardians of the Galaxy to go kick some golden ass” Peter announced.


Inside the Milano, Peter held the present his mother gave him before she died, he finally opened the letter and read it:

Peter, I know these last few months have been hard for you. But I'm going to a better place and I will be okay. And I will always be with you. You are the light of my life. My precious son. My little Star-Lord. Love, Mom.

Peter opened the present and saw it was another "Awesome Mix" tape, he put the tape into his ship's cassette recorder, pressed play and it started playing:



Commiserations to the Villain team.

(See next post for recap)

Survivors: They May Be Dick’s But They’re Not Complete Assholes, Probably…

  • Deaja - Mantis - Motivator - Hero
    • You are Mantis, an empath with the ability to sense other people's feelings and alter them. You’re somewhat naïve, showing no offense when Drax the Destroyer referred to you as Ego's pet and not understanding what a practical joke is. This is probably due to your being isolated with Ego for most of your life. Despite this, your use of higher-level vocabulary shows you are intelligent. You have a passive demeanour; hesitanting to attack anyone.
    • Twilight Ability
      • You may select a player each Twilight – in doing so you will allow them to use their action twice that Night if they have an active (vs. passive) Night ability.
  • Aquarian1 – Drax the Destroyer – 2 Shot Vigilante Strongman - Hero
    • You are Drax the Destroyer. Underneath your brutish appearance, serious demeanour, and seemingly unquenchable murderous rage, due to your quest to avenge your family, is a sense of honour and a calm mind capable of strategy and refined eloquence. You have demonstrated many times a severe lack of understanding for metaphors and symbolism, noted to be a trait of your people by Rocket Raccoon. Your wrathfulness, as well as your calm demeanour, also hides your sadness and grief over your family. The trauma you suffered after losing your family was so severe that you lost yourself to rage and revenge and your unending hatred for Thanos remains as strong as ever. Though your warrior mentality can cause you to appear brooding and serious, you express an immature and childish excitement for battle and adventure and are often thrilled when faced with dangerous and tense situations. You have an uncanny affinity for knives, making them your weapon of choice in most situations, regardless of the size and type of foes you face unless forced otherwise.
    • Night Ability
      • You are a 2 shot vigilante strongman. This means any kills submitted cannot be blocked by any means - neither by Bulletproof, nor by Doctor or other protective roles, nor by Roleblocks. It is, however, trumped by roles that prevent the victim from being targeted at all such as a Bus Driver or Jailkeeper.
      • The examples mentioned are only intended to explain the ability and should not be assumed to be in play.
  • Drogo - Yondu - Jailkeeper - Hero
    • You are Yondu Udonta, a leader of an exiled faction of the Ravagers and adoptive father to Peter Quill, as well as an unscrupulous thief. You’re willing to kill, threaten and betray if your well-being is in danger or you desire something of value. You are a member of the Centaurians, a humanoid race, with differentiating features such as blue skin and red eyes. Your cybernetic enhancement; a prosthetic metal piece protruding out of your head, which allows you to control and aim the Yaka Arrow, glows red whenever you’re doing so. You have a habit of collecting oddities and placing them on the console of your chair. Even with your flaws and unscrupulous attitudes, you are not a heartless person: in spite of being a criminal, you have a level of humanity and a soft spot for Quill, your adopted son. With Quill, you have a complicated history. As numerous of your men have stated, you’ve always been soft on him and protected his well-being. 
    • Day Ability
      • Each Day, you may choose a player to jail that Night by PM'ing the game mod. You will simultaneously roleblock and protect that player from attack that night. You will be able to ask them 2 questions via the game mod (anonymously as ‘The Jailkeeper’), which they can choose to answer or not. If you suspect they are a member of the villain team you can execute them. You have 3 executions. However, should you execute a hero you will lose any remaining unused executions. You MUST submit your choice during Day. Any submissions after Twilight has been called will fail without exception.
    • Twilight Ability
      • You're able to activate a self-protection ability covering each odd Night, to do so you must add to your 'odd'ity collection. Each Twilight you must collect a new oddity, to do this you must either mention one (ex. a pink troll doll) or post a picture of one without explanation during every Twilight. To use this ability, each odd Twilight you must send a link to the post(s) that contains your new oddity/ities.
  • Deadpool – Peter Quill aka Star-Lord – Lynchproof / Mirror - Hero
    • You are Peter Quill aka Star-Lord; the thieves and smugglers called Ravagers abducted you from Earth as a child. Their leader, Yondu Udonta, raised you and showed you how to survive in deep space. Yondu also taught you how to be the perfect thief. You’re naturally upbeat and sarcastic and known for looking on the bright side. Being a memento of your mother, you’re very protective of the Sony Walkman that she gave to you. You have a strong love towards family and loved ones, which drives you to protect those around you and makes you reluctant to hurt your friends. However, your emotions tend to get the best of you, as you’re prone to outburst of rage and sadness when confronted by the death of a loved one.
    • Passive Abilities
      • On odd Nights: A Mirror is a role that passively deflects all actions that target the Mirror back onto the player who used the action. On even Days: Any lynch you are the target of will fail.
  • CuriousParker – Groot – 2 Kill Protector - Hero
    • You are Groot, a hyper-intelligent, tree-like organism from the species Flora colossus native to the planet X. While possessing human level intellect, your robust and heavyweight physiology causes the organs of your acoustic generation to become stiff and inflexible, rendering the limits of your speech to the simple phrase, "I am Groot." You’re the accomplice of Rocket Raccoon. Together, you travel the galaxy picking up bounties to make a living. You’re usually very gentle and warm, displaying kindness towards innocent life. Your child-like personality often causes you to be distracted and simple-minded. You tend to not listen to plans and can go off to tackle threats on your own. You are loyal to Rocket and even willing to die to protect your friends. However, you can also be merciless and savagely brutal towards enemies. As a baby, you enjoy listening and dancing to music, are deeply affectionate and seek the company and comforting arms of your friends. Despite this, you retain your savage and violent nature, as shown by regularly attacking small creatures.
    • Night Ability
      • If you are killed you survive and return as Baby Groot. You may select a player to protect each Night, you may only protect yourself once. You may not protect the same player consecutively.
  • meet trouble – Rocket – Gadget Whiz - Hero
    • You are Rocket the Raccoon. Known as 89P13, you’re a genetically enhanced creature turned freelance criminal, calling yourself Rocket. Alongside your friend and partner Groot, you travel the galaxy picking up bounties. Due to the inhumane experiments done to you, you’ve become bitterly, even bitingly sarcastic and cynical, as well as generally misanthropic, but in recent years seem to have adopted a more calm and temperamental demeanour. You’re also easily enraged and extremely aggressive, which, in turn, makes you exceedingly trigger-happy with an innate desire for violence. Despite your toughness, you also possess a cruel and slightly morbid sense of humour. Such as having an obsession with prosthetic limbs, finding it humorous to steal them. A true criminal, you have a high sense of self-preservation and self-interest. Though you display a somewhat heroic personality, you still have a distorted view of the logical and ethical boundaries of the law, as you believe if you want a possession more than the current possessor of an item, it’s acceptable to steal it. Driven by money, you’re also stunningly intelligent; able to conceive very complexly, intricate plans in a very short period of time. However, this genius is occasionally superseded by your emotions, which appear to be exceedingly strong. Despite your apparent dislike of people, you’re exceedingly attached to Groot, and are the first known individual who is able to understand Groot when he speaks, even while everyone else only hears 'I am Groot.'
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you can build a gizmo to help detect villains. Based on a coin-flip the gizmo will either work or explode. You get 2 uses of each gizmo unless it explodes. Your gizmo choices are:
        • X-Ray Specs - Watch a player to see if they visit anyone (but not what they do).
        • Motion Detector - select a player and find out if another visits them.
        • Laser Binoculars - select a player to learn what action that player performed, but not who that player targeted.
  • Saoirse – Taneleer Tivan aka The Collector - Gunsmith - Hero
    • You are Taneleer Tivan, also known as The Collector. You’re the head of the Tivan Group, and renowned as the keeper of the largest collection of interstellar fauna, relics and species in the galaxy, operating from the Knowhere port installation. Throughout the universe, you have amassed the largest collection of an interstellar variety, through the use of illegal dealings or other, sometimes immoral means; the contents of the collection, while harmless, is also composed of dangerous, even planetary-destructive relics and unlawfully imprisoned sentient beings, who were either made a part of your collection just to fulfil a desire to have them or as a punishment. You also have a preoccupation with the Infinity Stones, and have expressed a desire to obtain all six of them. Whether this is for megalomaniacal purposes or simply an extension of your desire to amass the most powerful objects in the universe for your collection is unknown. Nevertheless, you have a honourable side and will follow through on any deal, no matter the price.
    • Night Ability
      • You can target a player each Night to learn if they have a gun. Members of the Mafia (that are not Doctors), Cops, FBI Agents, Vigilantes, other Gunsmiths, Paranoid Gun Owners, etc. all have guns.
      • Notably, Serial Killers and Doctors do not have guns.
  • BizBuzz - Kraglin - Roleblocker - Hero
    • You are Kraglin Obfonteri, born on the planet Xandar. You’re the first mate in the Yondu Ravager Clan. You’re a devoutly loyal Ravager, placing great faith in your captain Yondu Udonta. Being his first mate, you follow every order given to you, although you feel jealous of the treatment Peter Quill receives, your loyalty hasn’t wavered.
    • Twilight Ability
      • You may choose one player each Twilight to block from performing his or her action during that Twilight/Night cycle. Your target's action will not be performed. This only applies to active, not passive, abilities.
  • garnetarden - Nebula – Sensor - Hero/Recruitable
    • You are Nebula, a Luphomoid assassin, adopted daughter of the intergalactic warlord Thanos and adopted sister of Gamora. You greatly despise your father, Thanos, for torturing you and turning you into a cybernetic assassin. However, despite this, you always try, often in vain, to prove your worth to your father. You’re known to be highly sadistic, even being referred to as the biggest sadist in the galaxy and seem to take pride in the sadistic killing of your targets, one time proudly telling Gamora that "The screams of my victims can be heard through the galaxy"
    • Night Ability
      • As a Sensor you can detect how many villain players were on any successful DL from the previous day.
    • Passive Ability
      • As a recruitable player, if found you will join the villain mafia team and your Night ability will cease to work.

Dead players: Eaten By, Then Pooped Out Of, An Intergalactic Alien’s Black Hole

  • Lisin – Korath the Pursuer – Framer - Villain
    • You are Korath, a cybernetically enhanced warrior and a loyal enforcer for Ronan the Accuser. You’re a ruthless and unexpressive individual who will stop at nothing in obtaining your objective. You’re loyal to Ronan the Accuser and Thanos, who you refer to as "the most powerful being in the universe." Your have strength that rivals that of Drax the Destroyer thanks to your Kree physiology and cybernetic augmentations. You can jump from great heights and land in a crouched manner unfazed, with the ground beneath you being left with a crater marking where you landed. Your blows can hurl a grown humanoid several feet across the air at great speed. Having trained throughout your life in combat with fighters such as Gamora and Nebula, you’re a highly trained armed and unarmed combatant.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you may choose to frame a player, causing that target to appear as guilty to any investigation.
  • Machiabelly – Gamora – Doctor - Hero
    • You are Gamora; throughout most of your life, you have been moulded into a living weapon and the only family that you know and who raised you are the people you consider enemies. Because of your assassin background, you can be stoic, distant and merciless to your foes or targets. Your reputation as the most deadly woman in the galaxy precedes you. During combat, you can be aggressive and ruthless due to your tendency for war cries and your willingness to kill without restraint. However, you will often use strategy to avoid murder when possible. You hate Thanos for ruining your childhood and massacring half of your people. Unlike the other Guardians, you lack the comical quirks and deep-seated personality issues giving you a more serious and deadly personality.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you may choose 1 person to heal from attack, you may not choose the same person 2 nights in a row and you may choose yourself only once.
  • festivus - Ego – Investigator - Villain
    • You are Ego, a Celestial; a primordial race of entities with vast cosmic power, capable of manipulating matter and energy and the biological father of Peter Quill. Lacking a true body, instead you’re a glowing blue brain, which houses your consciousness. Over millions of years, you’ve been able to gradually build up a planet around yourself to protect your core and mould it anyway you desire. You also desired a body to understand what it meant to be a mortal, so created an avatar of your own design. Being a Celestial, you live for longer than most other civilizations. This has given you a god complex; having witnessed countless species adapt and evolve, you don't consider anyone to have reached your standard of species perfection except for your own race, which you describe as godlike. This has made you an emotionally cold, ruthless and manipulative being.
    • Night Ability
      • As an investigator you may PM the game mods each Night to learn the name & alignment of your chosen player. You will receive one of the following responses: Character & Alignment or No Result. Additionally, there is a recruitable player in the game. Should you find them by selecting to investigate them, they will join your team.
  • Hanged Man – Nova Prime Irani Rael – Investigator - Hero
    • You are Nova Prime Irani Rael, the commander of the Nova Corps. You joined the Nova Corps and rose through its ranks, becoming the Nova Prime, the highest ranked member, as well as the leader of the Corps. As Nova Prime, you dedicate much of your time to ending generations of bloodshed between the Kree and the Xandarians. Eventually, a peace treaty was signed ending the thousand-year war between you. You’re a strong and stern leader. Having achieved a top position within the Xandarian hierarchy, you’ve proved able to lead men to battle and do not fear confronting other political leaders.
    • Night Ability
      • As an investigator you may PM the game mod each Night to learn the name & alignment of your chosen player. You will receive one of the following responses: Character & Alignment or No Result.
  • JTMacc99 - Thanos – Protector - Villain
    • You are Thanos, a genocidal warlord from Titan, whose own main objective is to bring stability to the universe, as you believe its massive population will inevitably use up the universe's entire supply of resources and condemn it. To complete this goal, you are determined to track down the Infinity Stones, as their combined might could wipe out half the universe. You’re usually seen by everyone else as the ultimate personification of sadism, cruelty, megalomania, infinite destruction, death, power, and madness, with your search for the Infinity Stones seen by others as a plot to gain dominion over all the civilizations in the universe. In reality, you’re a more complex and tortured soul given that your traumatic past and obsession with completing what you perceive as your destiny has led you to commit horrible actions all in the name of saving the universe even if it means at great personal sacrifice to yourself. You’re extremely intimidating and often unforgiving of failures, as well as being extremely confident to the point of borderline arrogance and you’re almost impossible to intimidate. Along with this you have proven yourself to be manipulative and mistrustful, yet surprisingly patient, keeping a low profile, lurking in the shadows and making others do your work for you even after centuries of failure.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight, you may select one of your team to protect, including yourself. You may protect the same player consecutively.
  • TheCrazedSpruce – Ronan the Accuser - Lawyer - Villain
    • You are Ronan, a radical Kree warlord and former member of the Accusers. You’re a proud and passionate crusader who fiercely upholds ancient Kree teachings and believe that everyone in the galaxy should be judged by them, holding Kree culture to be superior. While you once fought for them and against the Skrulls, you have expressed contempt even towards the fellow Kree who signed the peace treaty with Xandar. You believe your power and self-righteousness give you the authority to punish those you deem unwilling or incapable of following your severe moral code. Disgusted by the peace treaty made between the Kree Empire and Xandar, you’ve initiated a new campaign to eradicate the Xandarians by forging an alliance with Thanos, offering him the Orb in exchange for the destruction of Xandar. After the peace treaty was signed you became a fanatical zealot determined to burn Xandar and its people to the ground. Since the war with Xandar killed your ancestors, you not only opposed peace with Xandar but decided to carry out retribution on the entire present generation of Xandarians, regardless of their complicity in the war or lack thereof. You view it as justice, but ultimately this amounts to a form of might makes right.
    • Twilight Ability
      • As a Lawyer each Twilight you may choose one of your team to protect from detective investigations, causing that player to appear innocent.
    • Night Ability
      • Each Night you may select a player to target for a Nightkill; any member of your team may submit the order.
  • Lady Calypso - Ayesha, Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign - Deflector - Villain
    • You are Ayesha, Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign. Much like the rest of the Sovereign people, you’re a xenophobe. Additionally, you can be extremely arrogant, thinking of yourself and the Sovereign people as much more superior than any other race in the galaxy. Like the rest of the Sovereign, you are somewhat immature; prone to frustrated screaming and fits when embarrassed or defeated.
    • Night Ability
      • As a Deflector, each Night, you may select one player as your target to redirect all actions that target that player at Night to another player of your choice; so that they target the other player instead.
      • Example: You select Player C - all actions directed at Player C that Night will be redirected to your second selection: Player M, instead.
  • Love 2

Recap Time!

This log is a little different as I’m including some game mod notes so everyone sees a clear picture of how stuff worked and what happened.

PM each Jailed player received at start of Twilight:


Oof! You’ve been thrown in jail until Daybreak. Whilst in jail you cannot be killed but also, cannot use your ability. The Jailkeeper can ask you any 2 questions of their choice via the game mod, which you can choose to answer (honestly or lie) or not at all. Whilst in jail you may only communicate with the Jailkeeper.

Important! - If the Jailkeeper suspects you’re a villain because of your answers or for some/any other reason, they have a total of 3 executions they can use. However, should the Jailkeeper mistakenly execute a hero, their remaining executions will be voided. 

Please read again: Whilst in jail you may only communicate with the Jailkeeper. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate modkill.

This time the Jailkeeper has the following questions they'd like answered: (see details in each D/T/N log below)

1.   Q1

2.   Q2

If you decide to reply please do so in here and I will relay your answers.

(Added specifically for Villain team members) - Once Day arrives you may tell your team you were jailed but not share details of this PM or divulge which questions were asked.

Game mod comment: Point of clarification - any and all mafia rules only apply to mafia games, nothing outside of the game itself would ever be applicable.

Game Mod Notes:

  1. All abilities (good or bad) would fail on a jailed player.
  2. Deadpool, Aquarian1, Drogo, garnetarden, TCS and LC were immune to being Roleblocked.
  3. The only time A1’s kill would fail is if the target was in jail.


Day 1

Clue: No clues! #sorrynotsorry


Drogo: Jailed Lisin until D2:

The following 2 Q’s were sent:

1.   If you're willing, please send me your player PM (role and any power/s included.)

2.   Which player do you find the most suspicious so far?


1.   There are things in my player PM that I’m not allowed to share or hint to without losing my power. I’m allowed to say I’m a Hero thief who can do a thing on Nights when certain conditions align. I can’t explain more without risking losing the ability.

2.   I’m always suspicious of everyone but I don’t have enough to really go on to even join a DL right now. I did legit think it was suspicious that Deaja said no one had ever resigned on the West Wing but I also don’t think that the West Wing was a clue so I’m not sure what to do with that. If I had investigation power she’s the first person I would investigate.

Thanks for the 2 hots and a cot! At least I’m safe for toNight! 

Twilight 1


  • Machiabelly: Healed Hanged Man
  • meet trouble: Used X-Ray Specs on LC
  • Drogo: Added Khal Drogo funkopop to Oddity collection = protected toNight
  • deaja: Selected Biz to receive extra use of ability
  • BizBuzz: Roleblocked JTM & deaja (thereby cancelling out her own 2nd use. This game, lol)
  • TCS: Selected self to appear inno to investigations
  • JTMacc99: Protected self - roleblocked = protection void

Night 1


  • Aquarian1: Chose to not use ability
  • CuriousParker: Protected deaja
  • Drogo: Didn't believe Lisin's reply = execution #1
  • Hanged Man: Investigated TCS - TCS appeared inno due to using ability on self
  • saoirse: Checked JTMacc
  • garnetarden: No completed DL
  • JTMacc99: Submitted NK on Machia
  • festivus: Inv deaja
  • LC: Deflected from Lisin to Deadpool = failed due to Lisin being in jail


Day 2

Clue 1: “Nebula shot Gamora’s pod until it shattered and she drifted out into the vast cosmos.”

festivus - I wish I knew more about: Space. OR: My weakest quality is: I'm a space cadet.

Clue 2: “I mean, I respect your gumption an’ all but I simply can’t allow it to stand with no consequences.”

Lady Calypso - My weakest quality is taking initiative

DL: 8 to DL festivus (Drogo, HM, trouble, CP, a1, saoirse, Deadpool, deaja)

Drogo: Jailed JTM until Day 3 (very last minute mind changing!)

The following 2 Q’s were sent:

1.   If you're willing, please send me your player PM (role and any power/s included.)

2.   Which player do you find the most suspicious so far?


1.   JTMacc99 - Meredith Quill - Vanilla Hero

You are Meredith Quill, mother of Peter Quill, whom she had conceived with the Celestial known as Ego. She didn't know much about Ego's cosmic roots, for he left her on Earth and never returned. She simply described him as an "angel composed of pure light." As she raised her son alone, Meredith wanted her son to know all the pop songs that she listened to when she was a teenager, so she made him a mix tape called "Awesome Mix Vol. 1". By 1988, Meredith was dying of cancer. In her final moments, she gave Peter a gift which his grandfather put in his back pack. 20 years later, Peter finally opened the gift, which was another mix tape, "Awesome Mix Vol. 2." When Peter finally met his father, he learned that Ego was responsible for his mother's death, as Ego felt that, while he loved Meredith, he was returning to Earth too often for it to be 'safe' for his continued existence, prompting him to plant the brain tumour that killed Meredith.

You are a vanilla townie and as such have no powers in this game, other than providing the awesome tunes.

2.   Deaja. If it turns out that festivus is a bad guy, then I'm even more suspicious at the last minute jumping ship.

Twilight 2


  • meet trouble: Used Laser Binoculars on saoirse
  • BizBuzz: Roleblocked A1
  • deaja: Selected Deadpool to receive extra use of ability
  • TCS: Void due to no post on Day 2
  • Drogo: Added Gamora funkopop to Oddity collection

Night 2


  • A1: Took shot #1 at JTM (jailed)
  • CuriousParker: Protected meet trouble
  • Drogo: Didn't believe JTM's reply = execution #2
  • Hanged Man: Inv deaja
  • saoirse: Checked garnetarden
  • garnetarden: Void due to no post on Day 2 – (had this been in play it would’ve cleared all players on the festivus DL as heroes!)
  • LC: Deflected from self to deaja / Submitted NK on HM


Day 3

Clue: “By they way, what the hell is periwinkle???” Yondu said jovially and looked at Kraglin; they both chuckled as they walked back to the ship.

TCS: The last movie I saw was Joker

DL: 6 to DL spruce (Deadpool, BizBuzz, Lady Calypso, Drogo, saoirse, a1)

Drogo: Jailed LC until Day 4

The following 2 Q’s were sent:

1.   If you're willing, please send me your player PM (role and any power/s included.)

2.   Who do you think I am?


1.   Well, hey there. I didn't expect there to be a Jailor! Hi, whoever you are!

Ok, so I don't really know much about my character but I'm Howard the Duck. I am a HERO and my role is to be able to distract someone each night with my annoying personality. 

If it helps, I used my power on JT N1 (because he was talking too much) and then used my power on BizBuzz N2 (because I was suspicious). 

2.   I think you could either be deaja or maybe CP? The only other option I can think of is maybe A1?  If you're none of these people, then clearly I am not good at discovering clues in any way. 

Twilight 3


  • meet trouble: Void due to no post on Day 3 (but we did a ‘what would you have done thing and mt picked motion detector on garnet, as promised here’s the result mt: < it exploded > heh)
  • Drogo: Didn't believe LC's reply = execution #3 / Added Nova Prime figurine to Oddity collection = protected toNight
  • BizBuzz: Roleblocked A1
  • deaja: Void due to no post on Day 3
  • LOL 2
  • Love 2

And here I thought I took out JTMacc. 😛

I was also about to seek vengeance and try to take out @BizBuzz for constantly pointing the finger at me.  I figured she *must* be a villain since villains know who the heros are and she was turning others against me. 😄  Of course, since she role-blocked me again, it wouldn't have worked.  (And I would have taken out a hero if it had worked, but technicalities.)

Just now, aquarian1 said:

Of course, since she role-blocked me again, it wouldn't have worked.

It would have, you were immune to Roleblocks. 😉 

16 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

Game Mod Notes:

  1. All abilities (good or bad) would fail on a jailed player.
  2. Deadpool, Aquarian1, Drogo, garnetarden, TCS and LC were immune to being Roleblocked.
  3. The only time A1’s kill would fail is if the target was in jail.

Man! I thought my response to @Drogo was really good! (Btw we figured out it was you by N3 but you had killed us all by then so it didn’t matter) I have to say, as a villain being in jail from the SECOND twilight started until the Day story posted was torture! Not because I couldn’t use my ability but because I knew my team was wondering where the hell I was! I was really hoping that the deflection LC used on me would still go through and the execution wouldn’t work but oh well. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Lisin said:

Man! I thought my response to @Drogo was really good! (Btw we figured out it was you by N3 but you had killed us all by then so it didn’t matter) I have to say, as a villain being in jail from the SECOND twilight started until the Day story posted was torture! Not because I couldn’t use my ability but because I knew my team was wondering where the hell I was! I was really hoping that the deflection LC used on me would still go through and the execution wouldn’t work but oh well. 

@Lisin you killedddd me with that reply.. I was pretty sure you were a Hero, so I put you in jail to find out who you were and TO KEEP YOU FROM GETTING KILLED N1 again...

Then you sent me such a shady explanation,  I could barely believe I was sending an execution order in the first Night. 

  • LOL 2
Just now, Drogo said:

@Lisin you killedddd me with that reply.. I was pretty sure you were a Hero, so I put you in jail to find out who you were and TO KEEP YOU FROM GETTING KILLED N1 again...

Then you sent me such a shady explanation,  I could barely believe I was sending an execution order in the first Night. 

It seemed so legit to me. We’ve had multiple games where we can’t say certain things or only have powers on certain nights etc. so I thought it was the safest way to go without outright claiming a role and making up a PM. I should have gone with my initial instinct which was to say I was the Power Stone and make up some powers lol. 

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

If it had, LC would have died instead bc of DP's mirror ability on odd nights. Lose/Lose situation, you just didn't know it.


Oh, I didn't realize that at ALL.

Anyway, great game, everyone! It was...semi fun (only semi fun because it was such a short game!) and I wish I had really gotten a better chance to play instead of floundering like a fish for this second half. 

1 minute ago, Lisin said:

It seemed so legit to me. We’ve had multiple games where we can’t say certain things or only have powers on certain nights etc. so I thought it was the safest way to go without outright claiming a role and making up a PM. I should have gone with my initial instinct which was to say I was the Power Stone and make up some powers lol. 

"Hey, I'm the Power Stone. My ability is to wait for someone to find me and then I join their team. Congrats! You found me! I'm a hero now!"

-What I would say, probably

  • LOL 2

Btw did @SilverStormm send you the last part of my answer where I thanked you for two hots and a cot and for keeping me safe? Also I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE no one else thought @deajasaying no one ever resigned on TWW was shady! Like, I knew she wasn’t a villain and I knew the whole West Wing thing wasn’t a clue but STILL!!! 

2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

"Hey, I'm the Power Stone. My ability is to wait for someone to find me and then I join their team. Congrats! You found me! I'm a hero now!"

-What I would say, probably

This is why I’m not a writer! That might have worked!

I also went to Jail so early we had no real reads on anyone and we (the villains) thought that there may be a ravager team consisting of Yondu and some others and I was convinced the logical role for Jailkeeper would be Nova Corps so I was just afraid to claim anyone since half the players seemed to think Yondu and the Collector were villains and I didn’t want to be like “I’m the Michael Rosenbaum character” and then get executed because the Jailkeeper thought that was a villain role lol. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Lisin said:

Btw did @SilverStormm send you the last part of my answer where I thanked you for two hots and a cot and for keeping me safe?

I did, yep. Looks like I missed copy/pasting that bit into the recap - will fix that now.

Can't speak for @Drogo obvs but for myself, when I saw your answer my own thought was, "There's no character claim included or hinted at, that's gonna seem shady..." mostly because I'd played out in my head what I would do in the same position and it was precisely what @JTMacc99 later did - produce a fake PM and risked choosing a smaller character like maybe the Broker?

I predict the power stone thing would have worked (that seems v plausible imo) - let's see what @Drogo says about it.

Word of advice folks, watch out for @JTMacc99 - methinks he's gonna be a formidable player soon enough.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

I did, yep. Looks like I missed copy/pasting that bit into the recap - will fix that now.

Can't speak for @Drogo obvs but for myself, when I saw your answer my own thought was, "There's no character claim included or hinted at, that's gonna seem shady..." mostly because I'd played out in my head what I would do in the same position and it was precisely what @JTMacc99 later did - produce a fake PM and risked choosing a smaller character like maybe the Broker?

I predict the power stone thing would have worked (that seems v plausible imo) - let's see what @Drogo says about it.

Word of advice folks, watch out for @JTMacc99 - methinks he's gonna be a formidable player soon enough.

My logic was that often we are told we aren’t allowed to share our PM so I figured that part was logical. Honestly even as a hero I doubt I’d have just copied and pasted my pm to someone I didn’t know... I mean the question worked. @Drogo basically took out the whole villain team so clearly I’m wrong. 

1 minute ago, Lisin said:

My logic was that often we are told we aren’t allowed to share our PM so I figured that part was logical.

Funnily enough, Drogo did ask me to clarify if I'd allow him to ask a Q that broke the rules and I thought it over for a while and realised I had to say yes I would allow it, otherwise it was as good as confirming you were fibbing! And he still didn't believe it lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe it's because I've played on Town of Salem with this ability (very similar) in use but I would totes have copy/pasted my pm as a hero because given the instructions it's obvs the jailor is either on the side of the heroes or at worst, is neutral and killing a hero would neutralise his execution ability. But the idea of a rogue jailor is fun too... (makes mental note).

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