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Guardians of the Galaxy Mafia

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15 minutes ago, BizBuzz said:

So ok ... I have thoughts ... these are random as my powers of reasoning are not at peak performance after the day I have had.  

I'd say your powers of reasoning are spot on. (But tomorrow we DL the DMV, a definite villain.)

Also I'm getting my portion of your post embroidered on a pillow for my bed.

  • Love 2

Okay, I'm going to have to reread for clues. I'm not good at finding then, but I'll try. I have (very) short lists of maybe and maybe-not heroes, but as I haven't found any clues yet, they're just wild guesses from the discussion so far.

Probably Heroes: Drogo and Curious Parker

Probably-Not Heroes: Spruce and aquarian1

Could Go Either Way: Everyone Else. 

9 hours ago, saoirse said:

I do still have my eyes siding at @aquarian1 today because she may be posting but she isn’t saying much. And after last Night, I am also putting @JTMacc99 on my side eye list. I need to do some reading and re-reading, but if the DLs from yesterday were happening right now, I’d probably throw my vote on his. 

Just bringing this forward to reiterate - my side eye on both of these players stands.

5 hours ago, BizBuzz said:

Aquarian1 - very suspicious based on game play
JTMacc - suspicious, however, leaning more towards hero

saoirse - suspicious

@BizBuzz has similar feels on them, although she’s clearly confusing her feels on @JTMacc99 and me!

1 hour ago, garnetarden said:

Probably-Not Heroes: Spruce and aquarian1

Interesting - haven’t had any strong feelings on Spruce, but I will continue to observe and collect my thoughts on this one.

  • LOL 1

It seems to me the last few times people got together and singled me out with side-eyes, there were villains amongst them.  I'm thinking the same is true this time.  And apparently, I've become an easy target for people to point to.   And there's nothing concrete here, just nebulous "game play", which is also odd since a couple of them haven't played with me to know how I play so how can they point to my game play being suspicious? <insert raised eyebrow emoji I'm too lazy to find>

Just my luck. Worked last night, came home, went straight to bed 'cause it's payday and I had a lot of running around to do, wound up sleeping in, dragged myself to the store and out to pay bills (on foot in three inches of snow, I might add), got home, made supper, and crashed for the rest of the evening. Forgot to check in here, and wound up missing the whole damn day. Sorry.

And I know I was kinda quiet the first day, but I was a bit embarrassed because I couldn't come up with many decent hints to my identity, even though this is my favourite movie, so I get why some of you suspect me. Sure, some might think it's kinda dickish to suspect someone just because they haven't posted much, but I don't think any of you are 100% a dick. (Except the villains, of course....)

8 hours ago, saoirse said:

@BizBuzz has similar feels on them, although she’s clearly confusing her feels on @JTMacc99 and me!


If you notice ... I didn't elaborate ... you were just a ONE word thought ... I am not leaning one way or another on you ... it's kind of a neutral suspicion (if there is a sort of thing).  Can you help me lean towards hero?

14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Genuinely curious, what makes you believe I'm not a hero? Believe it or not, I may have grown as a Mafia player since all those moons ago, especially since those many moons ago was pre-mod LC (previously known as jessied112....man, I forgot that I wasn't always Lady Calypso). 

Well, hmmm ... not wanting to share my personal thought process on game play ... over time I have noticed some villains have a tendency to stay quiet in fear of saying too much that could out them.  Just sayin' ... 😉

  • Useful 1

Night 2

Flash-Flash-Flash Forward – Whoosh!

How to deal with an over-inflated Ego

“How do we kill a Celestial?” Drax asked.

“There’s a center to him. His brain, his soul, whatever it is… Some sort of protective shell.” Peter told him.

“It’s in the caverns… below the surface.” Mantis added.



“Come now, Peter. I know this isn’t what you want. What kind of father would I be to let you make this choice? Soon, Peter, we will be all there is. So stop pissing me off! I told you… I don’t want to do this alone. You cannot deny… the purpose the universe has bestowed upon you. It doesn’t need to be like this, Peter. Why are you destroying our chance? Stop pretending you aren’t what you are. One in billions. Trillions. Even more. What greater meaning can life possibly have to offer?” Ego attempted to persuade his son.

Yondu, trapped, gave Peter some advice, “I don’t use my head to fly the arrow, boy! I use my heart…”



While being held by Ego's light tentacles Peter looked at his father, “You shouldn’t have killed my mom, and squished my Walkman!”


He flew at Ego enraged and punched him over and over, they tumbled together through the centre of the planet as they fought.


“Groot? If you can hear me, hurry up! I’m not sure how long Quill can keep him distracted! Groot, hurry! Yondu, we’re about to blow!” Rocket yelled.

“Get to the ship!” Yondu urged.

“Not without Quill!”

Yondu looked at Baby Groot, “You need to take care of the twig!”

Rocket added with sincerity, “Not without you”

Yondu looked at him, “I ain’t done nothin’ right my whole damn life, rat. You need to give me this.”

Rocket understood and relented, “Uh… A spacesuit and an aero-rig. I only have one of each.” he handed them to Yondu.


“I am Groot.”

“What’s that?”

“He says, Welcome to the frickin’ Guardians of the Galaxy. Only he didn’t use ‘frickin’.” Rocket translated.

Yondu smiled, “Bye, twig.”

As they flew away Rocket spoke to Baby Groot, “We’re gonna need to have a real discussion about your language.”

Ego was losing the fight, and the bomb at his core was about to explode, he knew.

He tried to placate Peter, “No, we need to stop it. Stop. Stop. Listen to me! You are a god. If you kill me… you’ll be just like everybody else.”

Peter frowned, “What’s so wrong with that?” and sealed Ego’s fate.


Ego yelled, “No!” then disintegrated as the planet began to explode and collapse around them.

Yondu zoomed down and grabbed Peter taking him up above the planet, “He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy. I’m sorry I didn’t do none of it right. I’m damn lucky you’re my boy.”





An excerpt from Night by William Blake

The sun descending in the west;

The evening star does shine;

The birds are silent in their nest,

And I must seek for mine.

The moon, like a flower

In heaven's high bower,

With silent delight

Sits and smiles on the night.


No more gameplay chat until the Day 2 story is posted.

There are no clues in this story.

You have 24 hrs to submit your Night actions, please be sure not to miss this deadline.

**Reminder - if you didn’t post during Day you have lost the use of any ability you may have for this Twilight/Night phase.

Living players: They May Be Dick’s But They’re Not Complete Assholes, Probably…

  1. Deaja
  2. Spruce
  3. Aquarian1
  4. JTMacc
  5. Drogo
  6. Deadpool
  7. CuriousParker
  8. Lady Calypso
  9. Hanged Man
  10. meet trouble
  11. saoirse
  12. BizBuzz
  13. garnetarden

Dead players: Eaten By, Then Pooped Out Of, An Intergalactic Alien’s Black Hole

  • Lisin – Korath the Pursuer – Framer - Villain
    • You are Korath, a cybernetically enhanced warrior and a loyal enforcer for Ronan the Accuser. You’re a ruthless and unexpressive individual who will stop at nothing in obtaining your objective. You’re loyal to Ronan the Accuser and Thanos, who you refer to as "the most powerful being in the universe." Your have strength that rivals that of Drax the Destroyer thanks to your Kree physiology and cybernetic augmentations. You can jump from great heights and land in a crouched manner unfazed, with the ground beneath you being left with a crater marking where you landed. Your blows can hurl a grown humanoid several feet across the air at great speed. Having trained throughout your life in combat with fighters such as Gamora and Nebula, you’re a highly trained armed and unarmed combatant.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you may choose to frame a player, causing that target to appear as guilty to any investigation.
  • Machiabelly – Gamora – Doctor - Hero
    • You are Gamora; throughout most of your life, you have been moulded into a living weapon and the only family that you know and who raised you are the people you consider enemies. Because of your assassin background, you can be stoic, distant and merciless to your foes or targets. Your reputation as the most deadly woman in the galaxy precedes you.During combat, you can be aggressive and ruthless due to your tendency for war cries and your willingness to kill without restraint. However, you will often use strategy to avoid murder when possible. You hate Thanos for ruining your childhood and massacring half of your people. Unlike the other Guardians, you lack the comical quirks and deep-seated personality issues giving you a more serious and deadly personality.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you may choose 1 person to heal from attack, you may not choose the same person 2 nights in a row and you may choose yourself only once.
  • festivus - Ego – Investigator - Villain
    • You are Ego, a Celestial; a primordial race of entities with vast cosmic power, capable of manipulating matter and energy and the biological father of Peter Quill. Lacking a true body, instead you’re a glowing blue brain, which houses your consciousness. Over millions of years, you’ve been able to gradually build up a planet around yourself to protect your core and mould it anyway you desire. You also desired a body to understand what it meant to be a mortal, so created an avatar of your own design. Being a Celestial, you live for longer than most other civilizations. This has given you a god complex; having witnessed countless species adapt and evolve, you don't consider anyone to have reached your standard of species perfection except for your own race, which you describe as godlike. This has made you an emotionally cold, ruthless and manipulative being.
    • Night Ability
      • As an investigator you may PM the game mod each Night to learn the name & alignment of your chosen player. You will receive one of the following responses: Character & Alignment or No Result. Additionally, there is a recruitable player in the game. Should you find them by selecting to investigate them, they will join your team.
  • Love 2

Day 3

Out In The Stone Cold

The Sovereign, a highly advanced, genetically engineered galactic race, lived on the collective of planets of the same name.

“I do not accept excuses, I demand results!” Ayesha, the Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign, told her Admiral.


“Priestess, our ships are not equipped for extended space travel” the Admiral protested.

“Then we must find another to do what is required. Willingly or not” Ayesha mused.

“Like who?” the Admiral asked, bemused.

“The Nova Corps”

“Why would they even consider help—“

“We won’t be asking for their help. They shall willingly serve our purpose” the High Priestess told him, “Set up a meeting between myself and Nova Prime and do so with the utmost urgency”


After escaping the Klyn, Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Drax and Groot arrived at the mining colony of Knowhere. Gamora had an arrangement to meet with her buyer, Taneleer Tivan, also known as the Collector, there:

Having reunited with Peter, Yondu decided to teach Peter a lesson:

Gamora, would need a long, long, long recuperation period (that will last until at least the end of this game)…

“Hey rat, seems like you know how to make you some fancy stuff" Yondu said to Rocket pulling him aside.

“Yeah, I do” Rocket shrugged, “What of it?”

“I find myself in need of sumthin' special”

“Oh yeah? What for?”

“Let’s just say its gotta be outta this world” Yondu hinted.

“That’ll cost you extra” Rocket grinned.

Peter & the gang headed to Xandar, their plan was to hand the orb over to the Nova Corps for safekeeping. However, when they arrived they discovered that Irani Rael, Nova Prime, had left suddenly on a diplomatic mission but was due to return the next day. They decided to orbit Xandar, undetected, until then.

Yondu and his Ravager Crew arrived at the sanctuary domain of Thanos.

“What is the reason for this uninvited intrusion?” Thanos asked with casual irritation from his floating chair.


“Well, y’see the way I hear tell is that you’re the reason some Kree asshole is hunting down ma boy across the galaxy” Yondu stepped forward.

“I have no idea who you are or what you’re talking about, nor do I care. Leave now before my irritation becomes annoyance.” Thanos warned.

Yondu wasn’t intimidated, “Thing is, I don’t really give a rat’s cold shit about what you do or don’t care for. I’m here to tell you to call your pet Kree asshole off” 


Thanos laughed then grew serious, “You think you can come here, to my domain, and give orders? Pulling your limbs from your body like that of an annoying bug will be my pleasure” he menaced.

“I thought you might say sumthin’ like that, which is why I brought my little friend here” Rocket walked up to stand beside Yondu.


“What IS this creature? It is so small and furry yet with a very large gun. Is this supposed to be a threat to me?” Thanos said in amused disbelief.

“This ain’t no gun, ya big periwinkle jerkoff” Rocket aimed and fired.

An energy wave hit Thanos in the chest with no apparent effect. Rocket held the trigger mechanism on full as the energy started to envelope his enemy. Thanos recoiled for a moment then seeing no damage, grinned evilly. His chair moved forward, slowly, against the energy wave.

“It ain’t working!” Yondu yelled.

Rocket was unfazed, “It’ll work. Just wait” he told him in mild annoyance.

“Can’t it work faster?!” Yondu shouted as Thanos bore down on them.

Thanos grimaced as his arm stretched out to grab someone, anyone, within reach. Suddenly the energy completely engulfed him in a ball, which emitted a radiant light and with a huge flash, it, and he, vanished.

Yondu was ecstatic, “Woohoo, hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!”


“He’s gone, hopefully somewhere that definitely sucks. For how long I don’t know exactly but he won’t be bothering anyone in this dimension, at least for a while” Rocket grinned and high-fived Yondu.

As they walked back to the ship, “By the way, what the hell is periwinkle???” Yondu said jovially and looked at Kraglin; they both chortled.

“I was being creative okay! Oh and in case I forget to tell you later – you’re an asshole” Rocket snapped, slightly embarrassed.


Nova Prime arrived for her meeting with the High Priestess of the Sovereign and was immediately shown to the great hall.

“Ah Nova Prime, so good of you to come” Ayesha greeted her.

“I was informed it was of the utmost urgency because you have intelligence on Kree activities. I speak on behalf of the Nova Corps when I say that an alliance between Xandar and the Sovereign would be in both our best interests” Irani said sincerely.

“I’m sure you believe that, however…” Ayesha motioned and her guards grabbed Nova Prime and her party.


“Wha—What is the meaning of this?!” Irani demanded.

“You are hereby proclaimed a hostage of the Sovereign. If the Nova Corps don’t do exactly as we instruct, let’s just say, you’ll no longer be in a ‘prime’ position” Ayesha told her with cold authority.

“For what purpose?!” Irani gasped.


“To bring me the orb of course” Ayesha smiled.


There is 1 clue hidden somewhere in this story. You have 36 hrs until Day ends and Twilight begins unless a DL is completed beforehand.

6 votes are required to complete a DL.

Living players: They May Be Dick’s But They’re Not Complete Assholes, Probably…

  1. deaja
  2. Spruce
  3. Aquarian1
  4. Drogo
  5. Deadpool
  6. CuriousParker
  7. Lady Calypso
  8. meet trouble
  9. saoirse
  10. BizBuzz
  11. garnetarden

Dead players: Eaten By, Then Pooped Out Of, An Intergalactic Alien’s Black Hole

  • Lisin – Korath the Pursuer – Framer - Villain
    • You are Korath, a cybernetically enhanced warrior and a loyal enforcer for Ronan the Accuser. You’re a ruthless and unexpressive individual who will stop at nothing in obtaining your objective. You’re loyal to Ronan the Accuser and Thanos, who you refer to as "the most powerful being in the universe." Your have strength that rivals that of Drax the Destroyer thanks to your Kree physiology and cybernetic augmentations. You can jump from great heights and land in a crouched manner unfazed, with the ground beneath you being left with a crater marking where you landed. Your blows can hurl a grown humanoid several feet across the air at great speed. Having trained throughout your life in combat with fighters such as Gamora and Nebula, you’re a highly trained armed and unarmed combatant.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you may choose to frame a player, causing that target to appear as guilty to any investigation.
  • Machiabelly – Gamora – Doctor - Hero
    • You are Gamora; throughout most of your life, you have been moulded into a living weapon and the only family that you know and who raised you are the people you consider enemies. Because of your assassin background, you can be stoic, distant and merciless to your foes or targets. Your reputation as the most deadly woman in the galaxy precedes you. During combat, you can be aggressive and ruthless due to your tendency for war cries and your willingness to kill without restraint. However, you will often use strategy to avoid murder when possible. You hate Thanos for ruining your childhood and massacring half of your people. Unlike the other Guardians, you lack the comical quirks and deep-seated personality issues giving you a more serious and deadly personality.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight you may choose 1 person to heal from attack, you may not choose the same person 2 nights in a row and you may choose yourself only once.
  • festivus - Ego – Investigator - Villain
    • You are Ego, a Celestial; a primordial race of entities with vast cosmic power, capable of manipulating matter and energy and the biological father of Peter Quill. Lacking a true body, instead you’re a glowing blue brain, which houses your consciousness. Over millions of years, you’ve been able to gradually build up a planet around yourself to protect your core and mould it anyway you desire. You also desired a body to understand what it meant to be a mortal, so created an avatar of your own design. Being a Celestial, you live for longer than most other civilizations. This has given you a god complex; having witnessed countless species adapt and evolve, you don't consider anyone to have reached your standard of species perfection except for your own race, which you describe as godlike. This has made you an emotionally cold, ruthless and manipulative being.
    • Night Ability
      • As an investigator you may PM the game mods each Night to learn the name & alignment of your chosen player. You will receive one of the following responses: Character & Alignment or No Result. Additionally, there is a recruitable player in the game. Should you find them by selecting to investigate them, they will join your team.
  • Hanged Man – Nova Prime Irani Rael – Investigator - Hero
    • You are Nova Prime Irani Rael, the commander of the Nova Corps. You joined the Nova Corps and rose through its ranks, becoming the Nova Prime, the highest ranked member, as well as the leader of the Corps. As Nova Prime, you dedicate much of your time to ending generations of bloodshed between the Kree and the Xandarians. Eventually, a peace treaty was signed ending the thousand-year war between you. You’re a strong and stern leader. Having achieved a top position within the Xandarian hierarchy, you’ve proved able to lead men to battle and do not fear confronting other political leaders.
    • Night Ability
      • As an investigator you may PM the game mod each Night to learn the name & alignment of your chosen player. You will receive one of the following responses: Character & Alignment or No Result.
  • JTMacc99 - Thanos – Protector - Villain
    • You are Thanos, a genocidal warlord from Titan, whose own main objective is to bring stability to the universe, as you believe its massive population will inevitably use up the universe's entire supply of resources and condemn it. To complete this goal, you are determined to track down the Infinity Stones, as their combined might could wipe out half the universe. You’re usually seen by everyone else as the ultimate personification of sadism, cruelty, megalomania, infinite destruction, death, power, and madness, with your search for the Infinity Stones seen by others as a plot to gain dominion over all the civilizations in the universe. In reality, you’re a more complex and tortured soul given that your traumatic past and obsession with completing what you perceive as your destiny has led you to commit horrible actions all in the name of saving the universe even if it means at great personal sacrifice to yourself. You’re extremely intimidating and often unforgiving of failures, as well as being extremely confident to the point of borderline arrogance and you’re almost impossible to intimidate. Along with this you have proven yourself to be manipulative and mistrustful, yet surprisingly patient, keeping a low profile, lurking in the shadows and making others do your work for you even after centuries of failure.
    • Twilight Ability
      • Each Twilight, you may select one of your team to protect, including yourself. You may protect the same player consecutively.
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, garnetarden said:

I am sorry to have doubted you @saoirse.

Bygones, @garnetarden - at least for the moment! 😉 

And what had me side eyeing him yesterDay has me feeling pretty positive about you. Not 100%, but definitely in the 75-80% range at least.

So the Villains are down by three - a Protector, an Investigator, and a Framer. What may they have up their sleeve yet? And is there a second faction in play?

On 11/8/2019 at 3:21 PM, deaja said:

8 to DL festivus (Deaja, Drogo, HM, trouble, CP, a1, saoirse, Deadpool)

People who didn't vote to DL Villain Festivus:  Spruce, Lady Calypso, BizBuzz, garnetarden*Of course this doesn't mean everyone on the DL is a Hero, nor does it mean anyone who didn't vote on it is a Villain.  

Also, some wisdom from our recently-discovered Villain JTMacc... so rewarding when an active player turns out to be a Villain and you can read their posts with context... 

So, one of my replies to him:


 ON 11/4/2019 AT 2:22 PM, JTMACC99 SAID:

Three players listed their favorite color as Purple: Spruce, SVNBob, and garnetarden. Seems pretty far-fetched, but not as bad as some of my current theories. Heh.

Sadly, nobody seems to have listed a quarter pounder with cheese as a favorite food.

Odd that you say that... I mean we can count out SVNBob because he's not playing, but @GARNETARDEN has favorite color purple and favorite food burgers and @THE CRAZED SPRUCE has favorite color purple and favorite food hamburger gravy poutine.   So both of our playing purple-fans have burgers in their profile but you said nobody has burgers in their profile...  we may have to come back to that.  

to which he replied that if it were a clue, it were less likely to point to @The Crazed Spruce than to @garnetarden (which makes me trust GA more and TCS less):


More the straightforward "Purple and Burger" lover than the "Purple and Hamburger Gravy Poutine" lover if I was being forced to choose right now.  I wonder if Canadian Grimace was a Poutine fan? Probably. 

And then a fun post where he talks about his teammate Ego possibly being a SK to cast suspicion on a voting Hero and I believe he uses to put feelers out (pun intended) for recruitable player (?) Mantis:


Based on the Pirates game, I will assume both movies are in play which makes Mantis an obvious hero. Ego is a bad guy, but also was kind of all about Ego. Not really a team player. I looked at older games and do see roles for characters like Ego, looks like villain but really only cares if he wins.

^No one liked the above post, and no one appeared to acknowledge it - so the Villain Investigator would've been shooting in the dark and there's probably a 90% chance the recruitable Villain was not found Night 1.


Additionally, there is a recruitable player in the game. Should you find them by selecting to investigate them, they will join your team.

Since the Villain Investigator Festivus died Night 2--> Recruitable Player, if you're listening and you weren't recruited on Night 1, you're a Hero for this game and staying that way.  

OK.  That was a lot. 
TL;DR / we should probably DL Spruce.

p.s. All the drinks to @SilverStormm for these fantastic stories and award-worthy GIFfage.  

  • Love 1

Sorry, been one of those days where I didn't get much chance to check in.

I assure you guys, I am a hero. I've even managed to squeeze in a couple of hints, even though he's a pretty minor character. It's just been my rotten luck that I haven't gotten in on a DL yet, is all. 

I get that the "purple" and "burger" references do seem to be pointing to me, but they're not. No idea why JT was trying to shift blame away from me. Maybe they thought I was the recruitable character, and were trying to flush me out and see how I reacted.

Either way, I'm a good guy. A very minor good guy, but a good guy nonetheless.

Ok ... now that I am awake ...

Just for the record ... I didn't get to vote on the DL of Festivus only because of the DMV, I would have been happy to join in that one.  Just because I didn't vote means absolutely NOTHING.  

WOWZERS ... 3 villians (yippee!) and only 2 fellow heros (wahhhh) have fallen ... JTMacc99 was on my radar at the very start and then something caused me to think differently ... my "follower" trait led me astray.  Going to have to hone that a bit, me thinks.

I have moved garnetgarden to the leaning hero side ... which means the following are heros in my eyes:  ME! and Deaja, Drogo, Deadpool, CuriousParker, meet trouble and garnetgarden

Still on the fence:  Lady Calypso and saoirse

I believe these ARE villains:  Spruce, Aquarian1

I am game for a DL on Spruce, however, I won't start one, because I am a follower, not a leader.

13 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

If no one else is going to do it I guess it's up to me then.

1 to DL saoirse (CP) 5 to see what happens

1 to DL spruce (Deadpool) 5 to see if all that glitters is gold

Not ready for the saoirse DL but will hop on the spruce one:

2 to DL spruce (Deadpool, BizBuzz) 4 to see if I followed my o captain my captain

1 hour ago, BizBuzz said:

Just for the record ... I didn't get to vote on the DL of Festivus only because of the DMV, I would have been happy to join in that one.  Just because I didn't vote means absolutely NOTHING.  

I'm in the same boat. Except for the DMV part, I was at work. 

Anyway, because I don't want to miss another DL because of work, and because Spruce's post didn't convince me, unless there's some actual solid proof other than "feelings" for saoirse, I'm also jumping on the Spruce one:

1 to DL saoirse (CP) 5 to see what happens

3 to DL spruce (Deadpool, BizBuzz, Lady Calypso) 3 to catch those nasty villains

That's Day folks because Twilight popped its head up and said:


The Twilight action window is open for 12 hours to submit those Twilight actions.  Game discussion may continue until the Night story is posted.

**Reminder - if you didn’t post during Day you have lost the use of any ability you may have for this Twilight/Night phase.

  • Love 1

Well, son of a.... I was busy getting caught up with all the action and am now going to miss out on causing trouble (heh, I see what I did there) tonight. Thanks a lot, losers.

I'm thinking I trust @saoirse if the story follows what she was up to last Night. Or at least what I was able to see last Night.

Other than that, I am more than a bit curious why our musically-named friend might have been visiting with a weird dresser with two swords and Lisin on the first Night.

9 minutes ago, meet trouble said:

musically-named friend might have been visiting with a weird dresser with two swords

I'm not getting this at all. Musically named character or avatar? Weird dresser with two swords? I'm so lost.  

Also, just in case anybody is still doubting me, I'd like to point out that I said multiple times that I thought JT was a villain.

10 minutes ago, meet trouble said:

I'm thinking I trust @saoirse if the story follows what she was up to last Night. Or at least what I was able to see last Night.

Other than that, I am more than a bit curious why our musically-named friend might have been visiting with a weird dresser with two swords and Lisin on the first Night.

Really curious about what you mean by all this, @meet trouble.  

  • Useful 1

Ah, got it - @meet trouble is saying LCalypso (musical name) visited Lisin and Deadpool (two swords) on the first Night.  

2 hours ago, BizBuzz said:

2 to DL spruce (Deadpool, BizBuzz) 4 to see if I followed my o captain my captain

Kind of, but not really.  

1 hour ago, aquarian1 said:

Question - who else do we think are villains or potential SKs?  My gut has been 50/50 at this point.

If we had a SK, we would've seen them by now. 

If our recruit hadn't been recruited on N1, I'm thinking we would've heard something by now. So assuming TCS is bad, either 1-2 Villains remaining.  As for who they are, I'm still up in the air re: the alignments for you, garnetLC and saoirse.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 1

I suck at hinting who I am, especially when I haven't seen the movie (and I never did get around to it), but I did drop a few hints in a couple of posts.  (Not all posts though).  I totally missed the symbolism of the swords, so I'm glad someone outlined that for me.  Believe me, I am a hero, point me to the next battle and I will take it on.  The villains deserve my wrath!

  • Useful 1
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