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S05.E13: Leave What You Don't

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The refinery was a perfectly lovely hellishly apocalyptic set piece, even if the CGI flames at times were bordering on hilariously bad.  I do also love that they sorted their labor issues by literally harnessing zombies and getting the tedious children of the corn to supervise them.  There aren't any zombie or child labor laws in the ZA, everybody.

Beyond that, the show feels like a mishmash of ideas that the showrunners seemingly can't fully commit to or flesh out to do justice.  So our gang are basically itinerant superheroes begetting more superheroes to save strays who have made it this far into the ZA but still haven't figured out basic survival.  It's not a terrible premise, and it's a nice contrast to the mother show where you pretty much have to always assume the worst because everything and everyone there will try to kill you just because it's a random Thursday, whether they have any real reason to or not.  But we just ended nearly a full season of conflict with another group claiming to also want to help people in a way that's "bigger than this" who never managed to tell us how exactly they would do that, got into standoffs where no one was willing to do more than posture and impotently wave guns around because they were all "good guys," and then died at the hands of an even bigger group also claiming they're doing good without offering anything in the way of specifics.  Again, I have to ask:  What?  We can probably safely assume that a group that's willing to shoot former allies through their heads probably really isn't a charitable band of good guys, but so then what?  Are they a band of Savior wannabes trying to consolidate power in the region and are we really supposed to believe this brand of Annie Oakley cosplay could create a cult of personality strong enough to pull that off?

The show hasn't seemed to know what to do with Luciana as a character at all since the cast reboot, so it's hard to feel much loss if that's it for her.  Did love her watching her old gang drive away like WTF, those assholes actually took me at my word and left me here.  I'll admit I prefer this show's FPP counterpart in that there's something about a gun toting rabbi methodically and efficiently picking zombies off without dithering or moralizing about it.  I probably like Sarah more than most do, but there was an awful lot of twisty zig zagging sort of logic at work in getting her all teary eyed over having stolen Polar Bear's truck in the first place and thus making her responsible for his later death and everything terrible since then.  Unintended consequences, Sarah.  Look it up.  I know our gang have collectively decided they're going to feel bad about everything bad that ever happened in the world that they're in any way connected to, but no, you didn't actually kill him and Bitchy Max Headroom was giving off an unpleasant look what you made me do vibe, even if the fakeout with the truckstop girl was nicely done.

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I agree with everything nodorothyparker wrote right above, and I was coming on to the forum to make a few of the same points she did.

I did think this episode was a lot more interesting than many of the ones that came before it from this season, because stuff happened, and the characters seemed to be driving towards something.

The show has not been using the Luciana character, so I can't say I'm totally surprised they effectively wrote her out in last night's episode.

The cowgirl, Ginny, seems Negan-esque.

I did wonder if Ginny and her Hopalong Cowboy friends are going to be a rehash of Neagan and his "Saviors" or not. I hope not. I feel like Fear is sometimes just recycling ideas from TWD.

To be fair to this show, or any show set in the Zombie Apocalypse, I'm not sure what all else they can do.

I think the first show (and common sense) has made it clear that one of your biggest dangers in the ZA are not actually the zombies but ruthless humans who will step on you to get what they need and want.

I don't think there are many ways to spin that, other than having, every season, our main group face off a Big Bad (or a group of Big Bads).

I do like the change up with Fear, that we have a group of people on this show trying to do good - great concept, but the execution has been very boring.

On the original program, I got tired of the "group meets bad guy(s), group fights bad guy(s) for survival, group wins" type of story line. That went on for several seasons on TWD and does get to be "old hat" after so long.

So it is nice to see a group who is altruistic, who isn't trying to control or kill everyone around them, but I wish they had a more interesting way of presenting the concept.

One thing they could have done, and can still do, is have one character join the Group of Do Gooders who doesn't see eye to eye with Morgan on how to be the good guys.

To make a drama interesting, after all, conflict is usually required, which may mean seeing people verbally or physically fight each other or to see disagreements among people on how to accomplish a goal.

Anyway, at least stuff happened in this episode, which is more than I can say for the previous several episodes.

I do think this show has gotten very boring this season, the storytelling has gotten nonsensical, lazy, and sloppy, and AMC - or whomever is responsible for it - needs to do something to improve it. 

And what about the rats? I hope the rats that had been suspended in cages were rescued from that blazing refinery.

'Fear The Walking Dead' Season 5, Episode 13 Review: Well That Was Bizarre

‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Finally Makes Something Interesting Happen With A New Villain Group

Edited by DrNowsWeightScale
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6 hours ago, SamBeckett said:

I wonder how many bullets John Dorie used killing all those Walkers?

I wonder where John Dorie got all those bullets?

You’re either running low on bullets or not.

In a previous episode this season, Dorie and June stopped by a Humbug Gulch amusement park, similar to one Dorie used to work at, and there was a storage cabinet filled with ammo. 

I did wonder, though, how much ammo he was using shooting off the zombies one by one before they fell over the cliff. It seemed to me to be a waste of ammo. 


Commercial break on daylight at the refinery.   Back from break and it's full dark there.   WTF? 

I took that editing to mean, we're supposed to think it was a long day, that the zombies started falling over the cliff during day hours, and it continued into the night, but at first, it was kind of jarring. 

I think it also would indicate that John Dorie was shooting zombies from afternoon into the night.

I'd think he would've run out of ammo by then(?), and his arm or hand would've been too sore to keep firing for that many hours.

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After the random Rabbi I thought finally they've reached the bottom , this lift 'elevator' from the Tower Of Terror is at last in the basement of quality, it can go no lower, only upwards, but no, little did we know there was a sub basement, uuugghhhhh.

They did manage an improvement over the mothership though, they've finally managed to find a villain more teeth gratingly irritating than Negan, and all within ten seconds of opening her mouth, I did find myself staring at her nose for most of it though, maybe the charm passed me by. 🤮

Edited by OoohMaggie
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Last moan,

Why have we now had two females portrayed as being so helpless/ incompetent/ stupid, that they can't avoid being trapped by a few Walkers? the second was totally prepared to shoot herself in the head, rather than looking at the window right behind her and possibly, just possibly thinking of opening or smashing it. Would they do that with a man? Although they did show that numbnuts trapped in the woodyard, stapling messages to Walkers for Alicia to find

Edited by OoohMaggie
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5 hours ago, Haleth said:

At least we found out why Logan couldn't find an oil field in TX.  He was looking for this specific facility.

You would have thought the smoke and raging fires reflecting off the quarry walls and clouds would have led his roving merry band there sooner.

Edited by OoohMaggie
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6 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Last moan,

Why have we now had two females portrayed as being so helpless/ incompetent/ stupid, that they can't avoid being trapped by a few Walkers? the second was totally prepared to shoot herself in the head, rather than looking at the window right behind her and possibly, just possibly thinking of opening or smashing it. Would they do that with a man? Although they did show that numbnuts trapped in the woodyard stapling messages to Walkers for Alicia to find

And why don't people just stfu and hide when they're trapped?   They yell into CBs/walkies, they have loud conversations, they turn on all the lights and have a rave.   Well, not the last, but damn.  Be quiet and hope another distraction comes along.  

Also, shooting into a crowd of walkers who are in front of their prey.  Bullets go through things and as soft as the walkers are on this show,  it's amazing Wes didn't take out the second woman & someone 2 streets over when he shot the walkers. 

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9 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

I did find myself staring at her nose for most of it though, maybe the charm passed me by. 🤮

Glad Im not the only one who noticed her amazing, exquisite nostrils! (I'm being serious, they were just perfect. What can I say? I notice interesting noses, everyone has to have some sort of hobby!)

  • LOL 1
On 9/9/2019 at 6:11 PM, DrNowsWeightScale said:

And what about the rats? I hope the rats that had been suspended in cages were rescued from that blazing refinery.

Not wishing to upset too many people, and theoretically speaking, creatures that multiply to 'Rat' degree, would surely be a ready source of protein for the stew pot. Our group have shown no interest in, and since the baseball field, have never been in a position to start growing food, so quick grow protein must supplement whatever tinned or packet food they are still able to find. 

Edited by OoohMaggie
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On 9/10/2019 at 5:44 AM, DrNowsWeightScale said:

I did wonder, though, how much ammo he was using shooting off the zombies one by one before they fell over the cliff. It seemed to me to be a waste of ammo. 

If any one of us fell of a cliff as the Walkers were doing, and we managed to survive, we would certainly have many broken bones, to suggest that the people in the quarry, or what ever it was, couldn't have all lined up at the bottom of the cliff and just despatched those still moving was just one of those Walking Dead moments, love it or hate it!

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1 hour ago, OoohMaggie said:

Come on Fear, give us a tanker chase like this, I had a serious crush on the girl with the scar on her cheek, the one walking along the top of the tanker,

Virginia Hey.  She was in Farscape too as Zhann the blue alien!  (I should rewatch that once I'm done with Downton Abbey.) 

One of the best chase scenes ever.   I'm not sure how many times I watched Road Warrior on VHS back in the day. 

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On 9/12/2019 at 2:02 PM, SharonMist said:

Did anyone else notice when they showed an aerial view of our groups' vehicles parked in a circle, they formed the shape of a gun?

Did you mean this? 

Capture (2).PNG

You've got a Bullpup look going on there, magazine at the rear, trigger guard in the middle with a handgrip at the front, well spotted.

Edited by OoohMaggie
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On 9/14/2019 at 2:13 PM, OoohMaggie said:

It was my joke referring to the new irritating 'IMO' villain Virginia, the emphasis was on 'calamity', which I believe her and her band will end up being.

Yeah, that's what I was calling her too, but where did she come from? Who is she??? I am so freaking confused by this season.  Made worse by the fact that closed captioning does not work.

Edited by Red Bridey
sticky keys cause typos

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