TJtrack99 March 21, 2015 Share March 21, 2015 (edited) While I liked the Hanged Man clue, I'd like to wait until we have a better sense of what may be a clue or not. Thus: 4 Hanged Man (photo fox, SVNBob, Drogo, Oinky Boinky), 7 to be proactive and intense11 No DL (BizBuzz, Spruce, Dougal, jessied112, TMunz, MarkHB, caprice, Lisin, stacey, Machiabelly, TJtrack99), 0 to fold my laundry1 jessied112 (CuriousParker), 10 to shoot for no real reason1 photo fox (Hanged Man) 10 to bring light to the dark room ETA: cross-post with Machiabelly Edited March 21, 2015 by TJtrack99 1 Link to comment
JayKay March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 That's great, I just spent a over a minute highlighting and bolding things, only to realize that the vote for No DL already went through when I saw the "0." That's fine, I was going to vote No DL anyway. 1 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 (edited) Posting on egavasc's behalf as she is out for the evening. Day is over. Bar is open! Edited March 22, 2015 by SilverStormm Ho,hum....Because I got over-enthusiastic about Night (hehe) which is coming shortly! 2 Link to comment
writingdreamer March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Though I missed the voting(silly Saturday retail), I too agree that I'd rather find out more information than vote to DL someone. I have tomorrow off, so looking forward to seeing what Night brings. 2 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Beer me, bartender! 2 Link to comment
Lisin March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Honey Jack and Ginger please! 2 Link to comment
Guest March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 I'll have a shot of something strong with a beer chaser. Link to comment
Drogo March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 A proper Northern drink.. 2 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Rum and Coke on the rocks. 2 Link to comment
JayKay March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Mead. Mead? Is that appropriate for this game? Mead. 3 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Night 1 DragonstoneIt was a dreary night at Dragonstone, the winds whipped around the castle as the storm brewed on. King Stannis and his Hand, Lord Davos the Onion Knight, were strategizing their next attempt on King’s Landing after the disastrous attack on Blackwater Bay.“Your Grace, we need time to repair the ships. We cannot attack perennially. Restoration is certainly essential for another sea based battle as our fleet was devastated by wildfire.” Davos lamented, anxious to temper Stannis’s desire for urgent retribution.Stannis returned tumultuously, “Lady Melisandre has promised that the Lord of Light will bring us victory if we are true and devoted. You must swear to me that your faith in the One True God is strong and that you have rejected The Seven. We shall vanquish the bastard usurper. I truly believe it.”“That red woman! Your Grace, I support you, I believe in you, but the red woman is not to be trusted. I will follow you gladly, but I cannot give up my beliefs.”“King Stannis will reclaim the Iron Throne, I have seen it in the fire, the Lord of Light will make it so.” Lady Melisandre stated coolly, arriving from seemingly nowhere. “Your doubt in Him will be shown false and you too will soon see the light and worship the One True God.”“My Lady,” Davos muttered.“Leave us Lord Davos,” Stannis replied. “Lady Melisandre and I will determine our strategy. You will await my orders.”Outside The Red KeepIn the castle gardens, the Lady Olenna Tyrell and her gaggle of handmaidens sat working on their needlepoint, enjoying one of the last few days of summer sun.“Girls, you must work faster. Do you wish for Lady Margaery to be without a suitable gown for her wedding to the king? I imagine not. Enough of your idle chatter, I find it thoroughly tiresome and an unnecessary distraction.”Through the floral archway floated Lord Varys, “My Lady, what a pleasure to find you here. A beautiful place for a beautiful woman.”“Ah, a spider. Come to speak of things heard from little birds? I've no time today for petty intrigues, haven’t you heard? There is to be a wedding.”“Truly, a most important joining of houses. I do understand you have much to prepare for. However, I believe I have something that concerns us and indeed others who take an interest in matters of the realm. Some news regarding a mutual acquaintance whom true tragedy has befallen, yet which makes her a much more crucial figure in the greater scheme.”“Us? Are we friends now my Lord Varys?”“Perhaps better friends than most, my Lady.”“Hmm, well if you are speaking of Sansa Stark, it is true that recent events have made a rather mundane girl far more intriguing.”“Clearly, the Stark girl has become the key to the North; the remaining heir to Winterfell. My birds tell me that Littlefinger intends to take her to the Eyrie when he leaves King’s Landing. It is my belief that we must not allow that to happen.”“If we are friends, surely you and Lord Baelish are as well. Am I to believe that you would work against one of your allies?”“My lady, I have the utmost respect for Littlefinger. He is one of the most dangerous men in Westeros, but I have a greater interest in the realm. Littlefinger would see this country burn if he could but be king of the ashes.”“Well then, perhaps it would be prudent if other arrangements were made.”On the road somewhere outside The TwinsArya stared blankly ahead as she rode, surrounded by numerous small woodlands, which dotted the landscape. These lands had seen blight numerous times through the centuries from battles and wars fought; once again they had suffered greatly since the War of The Five Kings had began. Yet she saw nothing, she was lost in another time, another place. A tinker passed by, his mule braying which jolted Arya out of her reverie."So what happens now?” she spat at The Hound, trying to push down her grief with anger."Well we won't bloody be returning to King’s Landing that’s for sure. Neither of us is safe there and I certainly ain’t just letting you go," barked the Hound. "Don't you have an aunt? Lady Arryn of The Eyrie? I suppose she'll pay a decent enough bounty to take your whiny backside off my hands. Although I reckon I’m getting the better deal"."There is no one worse than you. Someday I will stab my sword through your eye and into your skull," she muttered; loathe to be stuck in the company of an enemy when she needed comfort. Not that she would ever admit to him she had that weakness."Aye, perhaps ye will. But for now you are swordless and we’re going to The Eyrie" Still praying to the Old Gods & The New:Oinky BoinkyMarkHBAthenastaceyMachiabellyHanged ManCapriceCuriousParkerTJtrack99The Crazed SpruceJayKaySVNBobBizBuzzDrogojessied112TMunzwriting dreamerLisinDougalPhoto Fox There is one clue in this story. Night officially begins now. You have 24 hours to get your night actions in. 2 Link to comment
caprice March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Caprice and I posted same time so my numbers are way off. Caprice one word - caffeine- I usually chug it or chew it at first sign of migraine but it really works. Caffeine is a vasodilator Normally I'd be all over the caffeine thing as it has helped me survive some dreadful sinus headaches in the past. Of course, it turns out that most of those were migraines... Anyway, by the time I posted earlier, it was past the time of day I allow myself to ingest caffeine. I kinda like sleeping at night. ;-)Honey Jack and Ginger please!Oh, that sounds good. When I go to visit in a few weeks, I'll have to make sure my mother has ginger ale.A proper Northern drink..Would that be anything like Blood Wine? 3 Link to comment
Lisin March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Oh, that sounds good. When I go to visit in a few weeks, I'll have to make sure my mother has ginger ale. It's my favorite drink, though sometimes they go down a bit too easily ;). 2 Link to comment
Athena March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 A goblet of Arbor gold please. 4 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 A goblet of Arbor gold please. I'll join you with one of those Athena :) 3 Link to comment
MarkHB March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 What's Arbor gold? 2 Link to comment
Athena March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 What's Arbor gold? The best damn wine in Westeros! They make a red variety too. Sweeter than Dornish wine (which I like when eating with my meals) usually. 4 Link to comment
MarkHB March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 OK, thanks for the info! I think I'll stick with the bottle of Woodfords Reserve I have in the store room. 3 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 The bartender can't give me this but I just gifted my brother a single malt Auchentoshan 3 Wood. I will have a wee dram of that, neat. 2 Link to comment
Drogo March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 (edited) Game of Thrones drinking wars compilation You can catch "a proper Northern drink" at around 6:49. Edited March 22, 2015 by Drogo 3 Link to comment
Hanged Man March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Do we have a bartender? Bourbon and coke please. My friend, the only other game that HM played, I was co-mod for writingdreamer's Haunted House Heroes round, and he was taken out by the villains in the first night! As I recall, you were on that team.... Wait, was Mark responsible for killing me, lo those many many years ago and made me not interested in playing mafia? 3 Link to comment
SVNBob March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Mead. Mead? Is that appropriate for this game? Mead. Mead is always appropriate. I'll have one myself. 3 Link to comment
egavasc March 22, 2015 Author Share March 22, 2015 I'm having a bottle of strawberry sparkletini. Which is the most ridiculous liquor I think I have ever purchased and I've bought beer that had marshmallows in it! 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 I'll join you with one of those Athena :) I would like to join ... 2 Link to comment
Lisin March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 I'm having a bottle of strawberry sparkletini. Which is the most ridiculous liquor I think I have ever purchased and I've bought beer that had marshmallows in it! That sounds interesting. I do like strawberries! How was it? 3 Link to comment
egavasc March 22, 2015 Author Share March 22, 2015 Given that it was a very inexpensive bottle of sparkling strawberry wine it was not too bad. Tasted a bit like strawberry syrup. But would have been good with a cheese plate and some fresh fruit. 3 Link to comment
Lisin March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Given that it was a very inexpensive bottle of sparkling strawberry wine it was not too bad. Tasted a bit like strawberry syrup. But would have been good with a cheese plate and some fresh fruit. That's kind of exactly what I imagined, which sounds like something fun for a "girls night" type thing. I generally don't drink wine because I'm all about the whiskey, but I have a soft spot for sweet sparkling wines, even if they're cheap ;) 3 Link to comment
MarkHB March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Who knew the way to your heart was through Cold Duck? ;) 2 Link to comment
egavasc March 22, 2015 Author Share March 22, 2015 That's kind of exactly what I imagined, which sounds like something fun for a "girls night" type thing. I generally don't drink wine because I'm all about the whiskey, but I have a soft spot for sweet sparkling wines, even if they're cheap ;) We would be great drinking buds. 2 Link to comment
caprice March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Given that it was a very inexpensive bottle of sparkling strawberry wine it was not too bad. Tasted a bit like strawberry syrup. But would have been good with a cheese plate and some fresh fruit. That's kind of exactly what I imagined, which sounds like something fun for a "girls night" type thing. I generally don't drink wine because I'm all about the whiskey, but I have a soft spot for sweet sparkling wines, even if they're cheap ;) Can I interest either of you in some Fruli? It's a lovely Belgian white wheat beer that is infused with (natural) strawberry juice. Who knew the way to your heart was through Cold Duck? ;) You know the way to my heart. ;) Even better, we have House Elves! Do we have a bartender? 4 Link to comment
egavasc March 22, 2015 Author Share March 22, 2015 (edited) Can I interest either of you in some Fruli? It's a lovely Belgian white wheat beer that is infused with (natural) strawberry juice. That sounds delightful. Will look for it at my local wall of beer! Edited March 22, 2015 by Lisin Fixed quote 2 Link to comment
Lisin March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Can I interest either of you in some Fruli? It's a lovely Belgian white wheat beer that is infused with (natural) strawberry juice. That sounds quite delicious! I'm a fan of Lambics and that sounds similar. Yum. 3 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 Can I interest either of you in some Fruli? It's a lovely Belgian white wheat beer that is infused with (natural) strawberry juice. Oooh I like the sound of that one, may I join in? I'll also take a glass of egavasc's wine. #sozzled :p 4 Link to comment
writingdreamer March 22, 2015 Share March 22, 2015 I think I'll try the mead, get in the spirit of the game. 2 Link to comment
Athena March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I've had Fruli. It's not bad. Most fruit beers are a bit too sweet for me. I prefer dry ciders. 2 Link to comment
caprice March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 There are sweet fruit beers and there are dry ones. It's a matter of finding them. I do love a good, dry cider and can't wait to find one here. 4 Link to comment
egavasc March 23, 2015 Author Share March 23, 2015 Alright. All night actions received! Story will go up sometime tomorrow. Until then we drink! 2 Link to comment
photo fox March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 This seems like kind of an untrustworthy crowd, so I think I'll stick to bottled water. *looks about nervously* 4 Link to comment
SVNBob March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Until then we drink! More. You left out the "More". We drink more. More drink! 3 Link to comment
caprice March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Coffee. Fucking snow. Fucking migraine. And m. caprice is on the road. Again.... 2 Link to comment
Guest March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Coffee. Fucking snow. Fucking migraine. And m. caprice is on the road. Again.... And what I mean by like is sorry. Link to comment
Oinky Boinky March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Where are you that it is snowing? I am in Victoria BC visiting my brother. 1 Link to comment
caprice March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 And what I mean by like is sorry. And by "like" I mean, Thank you. Where are you that it is snowing? I am in Victoria BC visiting my brother. Lucky you! Victoria's beautiful. At least, what I've seen from pictures is beautiful. I've always wanted to go, but have been too busy/lazy to check ferry schedules every time I've ever been in That Vancouver. I'm in Winterpeg-South. Oh, one of my neighbors came over with his snow blower and cleared the sidewalk and my driveway. I owe him cupcakes. 5 Link to comment
Athena March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Sorry to hear that caprice. I know Manitobans have it very bad. I'm in Ontario so it was -27C with windchill for me this morning. Lovely! Winter needs to end. Why isn't there a GoT House with a motto that is "Summer is Coming"? That's how I console myself every day now. 4 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Wow Athena. I'm from Ottawa. I hope it wasn't that cold there. Have a real fear of my pipes freezing. Where are you in Ontario? 2 Link to comment
caprice March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Sorry to hear that caprice. I know Manitobans have it very bad. I'm in Ontario so it was -27C with windchill for me this morning. Lovely! Winter needs to end. Why isn't there a GoT House with a motto that is "Summer is Coming"? That's how I console myself every day now. And yet, I'm not in Manitoba. I'm a USian who spent 11 years living in the GTA and am now back in the US. -27C with the wind is insane. We're just below freezing right now, but hopefully it will rain tomorrow and wash all this crap away. 3 Link to comment
writingdreamer March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 *hugs caprice* It's finally starting to get here, we've had mainly 40s through 60s in temperatures. 2 Link to comment
Hanged Man March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 It is 73 here and gorgeous 3 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Comment I don't think I am allowed to make. Sigh 3 Link to comment
BizBuzz March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Does anyone else have to deal with pine pollen? Gross and nasty and yellow and thick? Ugh... 1 Link to comment
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