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Game of Thrones Mafia

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I think we pretty much follow the basic "behave as if you're at someone else's party" rules in here. There's been lying and a little mudslinging in games, but nothing too aggro that makes the game lose its charm imo. Not sure gender plays into it, considering a lot of us haven't known each other's genders until this week.

But I'm a relative newbie too so maybe I'll go all grimdark and start chugging online gamer rageohol once I'm more experienced.

  • Love 4

I think we pretty much follow the basic "behave as if you're at someone else's party" rules in here. There's been lying and a little mudslinging in games, but nothing too aggro that makes the game lose its charm imo. 

But I'm a relative newbie too so maybe I'll go all grimdark and start chugging online gamer rageohol once I'm more experienced.

>>>>> polishing my veneer until it is time to HANG SOMEONE IN THE TOWN SQUARE or MURDER THEM IN THEIR SLEEP.


(You can't say that ever loses its charm.)

  • Love 2

I would think there is a rule that you can not edit posts. I found you all last game to be very straight up and super nice during your last game. I have been in more aggressive games for example fighting very hard if a vote is going against you and more obfuscation and wile. I was thinking maybe you had rules about fibbing or mudslinging. Is it because there are more girls? ( ducks)


There is sometimes editing of posts, but largely to add something along the lines of, "Oh, hey, I just saw (this), too." Any editing is on an honor system.


I think we pretty much follow the basic "behave as if you're at someone else's party" rules in here. There's been lying and a little mudslinging in games, but nothing too aggro that makes the game lose its charm imo. Not sure gender plays into it, considering a lot of us haven't known each other's genders until this week.

But I'm a relative newbie too so maybe I'll go all grimdark and start chugging online gamer rageohol once I'm more experienced.

Well, there was that one time.... Seriously, we see it as fun and a nice way to meet some new people. I travel a lot and if I know I'll be away for an extended time, I won't sign on. When I stop having fun, I'll stop playing.


Oh, I'm fully aware of that.  I'm just dangerous around homonyms.

You're just dangerous in general. ;) Oh, and you forgot moose....

  • Love 3

I think we pretty much follow the basic "behave as if you're at someone else's party" rules in here. There's been lying and a little mudslinging in games, but nothing too aggro that makes the game lose its charm imo. Not sure gender plays into it, considering a lot of us haven't known each other's genders until this week.

But I'm a relative newbie too so maybe I'll go all grimdark and start chugging online gamer rageohol once I'm more experienced.


Hee. I can vouch for the lying and the mudslinging. As I said to the last group of Villains - you must be capable of ANYTHING to be a Villain. And I suspect that applies to the Heroes occasionally as well...


ETA: As far as the editing thing, we do have a lot of mods in the game, and while we have the MEANS to edit without attribution, I believe we all follow the honor code here. There was this ONE TIME, when I was a Villain, and a fellow Villain accidentally posted in topic instead of in the PM to the other Villains, and I sat on my hands. It was hard, and they went numb after awhile, but I survived.

Edited by stacey
Because WITH and WITHOUT mean two different things!
  • Love 4

Another reason, (not to toot my own forum trumpet but totally tooting my own forum trumpet), the Game Of Thrones forum is awesome; the posters are polite to each other 99% of the time, as well as being very insightful and extremely canny, I can tell that you'd fit right in! :)

I've heard rumors that the GoT mods are really awesome, too. ;-)

You're still not sucking me in, though. lol Haven't read the books, either, but I know more about it than I did Mad Men, so there's that.

I'd love to mod a Sherlock round, but I'd need a really great experienced co-mod, because I rarely know what's happening, so I think there's still a lot I don't know.

  • Love 3

Question. Does this game start with a night or a day? Day seems most fair.

I know nothing about GOT, it is not on Netflix and I don't have HBO.

It starts with Day in all the games I've read/played here at PTV, which I assume, is the norm?

I have read the first few pages and I believe it starts with a huge night time slaughter.

On my eReader GOT is twice as long as War & Peace so I may go back to that.

A huge night time slaughter - are you referring to the prologue?

  • Love 1

We're all doing the time warp again. "Day" and "Night" are relative terms. It can be day during "Night," or vice versa. One game took place during a single day, and some of us still look back fondly at it.

We start with "Day" in order to get people talking. We don't always vote to eliminate anyone immediately, but I think it has happened.

  • Love 2

Day 1


King’s Landing, Small Council Chambers

In the dark room, the King’s advisors gathered around the table to discuss the current status of the Kingdom after the latest events in the War of the Five Kings.
“Ah, my final moments spent with you all in this room. How I’ll treasure the memories.” Petyr Baelish purred. To himself he thought, “For now.”
“This is no time for pleasantries” said Lord Tywin Lannister impatiently. He had no time for Littlefinger’s nauseating charm, wanting to finish the meeting of the Small Council as quickly as possible so he could return to actual governance and war strategy.
“Father, our soon to depart Master of Coin has been practically a magician for the realm these last few years, making money appear as if out of nowhere whenever required. Surely Lord Baelish deserves some sentimentality for his service to the Crown” said the smallest man in the room. Lord Tyrion never missed an opportunity to aggravate his father. It amused him so.
Seeking to mediate between the various tempers, the eunuch spoke. “Now now,” said Varys numbly. “There is important business to discuss. With the rebel King of the North deceased, there is one fewer threat to the security of the realm. But one best secure those lands quickly whilst there is confusion and unease.”
“We have Sansa Stark. She is the remaining heir to Winterfell, all we need to do is marry her off to the right loyal nobleman and the North is ours,” snipped the Queen Regent.
“Oh Cersei, Cersei,” her brother sighed. “If only it were that simple.” Tyrion never thought much of his sister’s ideas. She never was one for strategy.
“Perhaps it could be,” mused Tywin. “Perhaps.”


Pacing the hall of the Great Pyramid, the Mother of Dragons was deep in thought. With Slaver’s Bay under control, should she stay and practice governance? Or was it finally the right set of circumstances, the perfect moment, to achieve her true goal?
“It’s time” Daenerys said softly.
“Are you sure?” asked Ser Jorah, her right hand man and confidante. “News from Westeros suggests that the Lannister grip on the Iron Throne is still strong and more and more lords are returning to support Joffrey. We should wait until the Lannisters and Stannis Baratheon’s troops have worn each other down. With all their forces weak, we can easily reclaim Westeros.”
“No. It is time.” Dany replied more confidently. “My armies are strong. My dragons are stronger. We have proven that we can be true conquerors and bring true justice. It is time to return to Westeros. It is time to return home.”
Ser Jorah looked at her uncertainly. “Khaleesi” he uttered pleadingly, as if to attempt to soften her judgement. “It is too much of a risk. We must be practical.”
“Prepare the ships. Advise Grey Worm to ready the Unsullied. We leave as soon as possible.” Dany retorted, her mind set on reclaiming her birthright.


Meanwhile at The Wall...
Constructed of solid ice and almost seven hundred feet high; three times the height of the tallest tower in Castle Black, which it shelters, the top of The Wall is wide enough for a dozen armored knights to ride abreast. It’s said to get so cold there that a man’s laughter could freeze in his throat and choke him to death. The gaunt outlines of huge catapults and monstrous wooden cranes stood sentry up there, like the skeletons of great birds, and among them walked two men of the Night’s Watch as small as ants, who could be overheard arguing.
“But you can’t leave Jon! You’ll be betraying your oath!”
“It’s not that simple Sam, I don’t have much choice. My father is gone, Lady Catelyn is gone. Robb is dead. Bran and Rickon were murdered. I’m the only family Sansa and Arya have left. I have to go to them.”
“But we need you here” Sam bemoaned. “There are so few of us left and you’re one of our strongest fighters. Would you leave your brothers undefended?”
Jon replied, “I owe it to my family. I have to protect my sisters. I have to go to King’s Landing. But I can go with the intent of serving my brothers too. I’ll seek out an audience with King Joffrey and his small council. I have no claim to the North, to Winterfell. A bastard cannot inherit a kingdom. I am no threat to the King. I can ask for more men to defend the Wall. But I must go.”
Looking at the huge albino direwolf by Jon’s side, Sam nervously pleaded, “Can’t you at least leave Ghost with us?”


Still praying to the Old Gods & The New


Oinky Boinky 
Hanged Man 
The Crazed Spruce
writing dreamer 
Photo Fox 


It is now Day! Huzzah! You have 48 hours for discussion and there is one clue. Best of luck to you in the Game of Thrones! 

  • Love 3

Characters mentioned so far, plus ones in italics that I'd expect but haven't been mentioned, with very brief descriptions for the uninitiated; check out the show wiki or, if you're willing to brave book spoilers, a wiki of ice and fire for much more than you'll ever want. The timeline is seems like it's taking off from somewhere a little fluid through season 4 (second half of book 3) but mostly near the start.



  1. King Joffrey, horrid little shit. Technically his last name is Baratheon, but ain't no blood there. Villain.
  2. Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King and King Joffrey's grandfather. Villain.
  3. Cersei Lannister, Queen Regent and mother of the king. Probably a villain.
  4. Tyrion Lannister (the Imp), former Hand of the King, Joffrey's uncle. Probably a hero.
  5. Jaime Lannister (the Kingslayer), Cersei's twin and lover, Joffrey's father (semi-secretly). Could possibly be a hero.


Joffrey has two younger siblings, Tommen and Myrcella. Neither is really important in the show until later in the timeline, but they could pop up. There's also Lancel, Cersei's cousin who she slept with for a while.


Others in King's Landing:

  • Littlefinger (Petyr Baelish), Master of Coin and schemer. Probably a villain.
  • Varys (the Spider), spymaster. Could be either side.
  • Sansa Stark, formerly engaged to Joffrey and now a pseudo-prisoner of the Lannisters. Hero.


People in Meereen:

  1. Daenerys (Dany) Targaryen, Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, believes herself rightful heir to the throne. She's got dragons 'n shit. Hero.
  2. Ser Jorah Mormont, Dany's advisor. She doesn't know yet that he originally was selling info about her to Varys. Hero.
  3. Grey Worm, one of the leaders of the Unsullied, former warrior slaves who Dany freed with her dragons. Hero; most likely of the ones mentioned to not be a player.

There are some others who might pop up, especially Daario Naharis (a mercenary following Dany) and Hizdahr zo Loraq (a former noble in Meereen who's all up in Dany's business).


Baratheons and allies:

  1. Stannis Baratheon, believes himself rightful heir to the throne. Stern but fair is his whole deal. A hero.
  2. Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight. Smuggler, gets shit done. Stannis chopped his fingers off but he still helps him out. A hero.
  3. Melisandre, the Red Witch, creepy-ass magic lady who tells Stannis he's the chosen of the Lord of Light. Maybe a hero, dunno.


People on the Wall:

  1. Jon Snow, bastard half-sibling of the other Stark kids, respected member of the Night's Watch. A hero.
  2. Samwell Tarly, "Sam the Slayer", fat but smart. A hero.

Ghost is Jon's direwolf.


Others I expect to show up:

  1. Arya Stark, badass girl who stabs people. A hero.
  2. The Hound (Sandor Clegane), traveling with Arya trying to get a reward for returning her to her family. Could be either, leaning hero.
  3. Bran(don) Stark, paraplegic boy presumed dead, magic powers to control animals / sometimes Hodor. A hero.


Bran is traveling at this point (I think?) with Hodor (a gentle giant who only ever says "Hodor"), his direwolf Summer, and Meera and Jojen Reed (teenage siblings from the swamp; Meera spears stuff, Jojen has visions). Rickon, the youngest Stark who never does anything, is off with Osha and direwolf Shaggydog hiding.


Out of the 13 mentioned, there are probably 3-5 villains and the rest heroes. Of the other six I'd expect, all could be heroes. The other characters who seem most likely are Ramsey Snow (villain or serial killer), Theon/Reek (possibly hero/recruitable), Margaery Tyrell (hero), Oleanna Tyrell the Queen of Thorns (...hero??), Oberyn Martell the Red Viper (hero), Gregor Clegane the Mountain (villain), maybe Ygritte if she's still alive in this timeline [unclear] (hero), and oh my god there are so many more possibilities we could have done this game with 30-40 players without going into obscure characters easy.




I know nothing about GoT, but the word "purred" struck me.

Purred > cat > Curious(ity Killed the Cat)Parker?

Purred > cat > jessied112 (avatar)?

It sort of stood out to me too, but that's also kind of a reasonable description for the way he talks.



This struck me:



It’s said to get so cold there that a man’s laughter could freeze in his throat and choke him to death.

It's probably just being flowery, because I don't see who it could refer to (my gut hunch was MachiaBelly but on two second's reflection that makes no sense at all), but it seems clue-esque.


The next sentence, also:



The gaunt outlines of huge catapults and monstrous wooden cranes stood sentry up there, like the skeletons of great birds, and among them walked two men of the Night’s Watch as small as ants, who could be overheard arguing.

Cranes, like the skeletons of great birds...who live in trees? :p

  • Love 6

This struck me:

It’s said to get so cold there that a man’s laughter could freeze in his throat and choke him to death.

It's probably just being flowery, because I don't see who it could refer to (my gut hunch was MachiaBelly but on two second's reflection that makes no sense at all), but it seems clue-esque.

The next sentence, also:

The gaunt outlines of huge catapults and monstrous wooden cranes stood sentry up there, like the skeletons of great birds, and among them walked two men of the Night’s Watch as small as ants, who could be overheard arguing.

Cranes, like the skeletons of great birds...who live in trees? :p

Taking a stab at this. A man choked to death = Hanged Man?

Wooden cranes would look more than a little like an old-fashioned gallows...

  • Love 2

I need to keep reading the story and hope for a parting of the murky waters.

Are we sure we were given a clue? Do your mods always tell you there is a clue?

Still finding my way with how you all do things.

I have strong feelings on two things :

I believe the town must lynch everyday. Just by the odds a no lynch only serves scum. We may only have 5 days or so to lynch and we will make mistakes - we cannot be at the end of 4 days only to have routed 1 or two scum. They will kill one of us everynight without fail. Machiabelly - you disagree. Can you defend that?

I believe in lynching non contributors. You all gave a lot of leeway last time to non posters. Non posters at the least are not helping the town at all and at the worst are trying to stay under the radar. Comments?

That being said do we have a time for when this day will end so we can make sure we all get our votes in?

  • Love 1

They will kill one of us everynight without fail.


I was a villain in the MadMen game, and there were two nights we couldn't establish a kill, because both had two kills on them.  So, a hero doesn't always die every night.  There is no black and white to Mafia ... there is a lot of grey.  It pretty much depends on the mods, the game play, and the powers that are out there, which are limitless.

  • Love 1
Are we sure we were given a clue? Do your mods always tell you there is a clue?Still finding my way with how you all do things.

We were told we have a clue, so there is a clue. We'll also be told if there isn't a clue.


I believe the town must lynch everyday. Just by the odds a no lynch only serves scum. We may only have 5 days or so to lynch and we will make mistakes - we cannot be at the end of 4 days only to have routed 1 or two scum. They will kill one of us everynight without fail. Machiabelly - you disagree. Can you defend that?

While that would be nice, there will be times that people believe strongly enough in two perceived clues that votes will be split and no lynches go through. Also, we don't know what powers people have. We may have people that have spare lives or are protected, thereby negating a Night kill, which certainly happened in my game.


I believe in lynching non contributors. You all gave a lot of leeway last time to non posters. Non posters at the least are not helping the town at all and at the worst are trying to stay under the radar. Comments?

To be honest, this is something that also annoys me greatly.


That being said do we have a time for when this day will end so we can make sure we all get our votes in?


8:30pm, Central time, Saturday, March 21.


Dougal, that is an impressive amount of information! I'm feeling rather overwhelmed by it all and am no longer sure about any of the things I thought I was seeing. Because really, all I think of is Boston when I read this:

Constructed of solid ice and almost seven hundred feet high; three times the height of the tallest tower in Castle Black, which it shelters, the top of The Wall is wide enough for a dozen armored knights to ride abreast.
  • Love 2

I don't know how to quote using smartphone.

Caprice - not really talking about a deadlock talking about having a philosophy right of the gate of not thinking it is worthwhile to lynch on the first day so not even trying.

If we do hit upon someone who does require two hits certainly no vote against them doesn't even get us halfway.

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