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The Princess Bride Mafia

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I briefly interrupt this drinking session to bring you this not-really-that important message:

Loot Crate is having another Second Chance Sale for recent crates. The crates on offer run from December of last year to April (the Fantasy crate with items that relate to a game or two we've played). Supplies may be limited. Orders may be placed here.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled inebriation.

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Night 4

Trouble In Paradise?

The days seemed to drag by, each stretching impossibly beyond the normal 24hrs, as Buttercup waited for Westley to return to her. Every night she sat a lonely vigil by her window, longing for him to come for her, the stars mocked her pain, shining so brightly in the infinite darkness of the night sky, until finally sleep would overcome her. She waited still.

In an attempt to take her mind off him, even for a little while, she decided to go for a walk. Finding herself in the marketplace she wandered around as she browsed the stalls, looking at, but not truly seeing, the various wares for sale. A necklace caught her eye and she stopped for the first time to admire it, the sparkling jewels were beautiful, glinting as they caught the sun, but Buttercup was unable to find any joy in it. She was bereft and nothing but Westley’s return would ever change that.

Across the square 2 men watched her; they could see her pain and despair. One looked at the other and said “I know why she’s so sad, follow me.” as he began to walk in Buttercup’s direction.

“What is it, where we going?” the larger man asked.

“I need to tell her what happened to the man in black, I think he is her true love” Inigo replied.

“Ohh he is, how do you know this?” Fezzik sounded surprised.

“Remember he was trying to save her, he & I fought and he bested me” Inigo reasoned. “Only true love makes a man do that” he concluded as they made their way through the heaving market.

“Inigo, you think good” Fezzik smiled.

“He was a good man, I think the least we can do is make sure his true love is ok and not in any danger” Inigo replied.

Suddenly the 2 friends heard a commotion taking place not far away and both stopped to turn towards the racket.
The time for honouring yourself will soon be at an end…

Count Rugen was feeling self satisfied and smug. His machine worked, his enemies were dropping like flies and he was the most trusted confidant of the soon-to-be King, his future was looking very rosy indeed.

Today he was going to give a speech in the City Square honouring Prince Humperdinck as part of the preparation for his coronation celebrations. He needed to look as regal as possible; he dressed and groomed himself taking particular care for this important occasion. Finally dressed in his best finery, speech in hand, he left to go perform to the assembled crowd. Standing on a podium, he began; “Citizens of Florin, today I want to talk to you about our most noble and beloved Prince…”

As the speech continued there appeared to be unrest in one area of the audience. Rugen ignored it and continued on, slightly annoyed that he hadn’t thought to post more guards to control the rabble. “Our gracious Prince who only wishes the best for our great country and its citizens…” he spoke in unctuous tones as an over-ripe tomato sailed past his ear. Shocked, he stopped mid sentence and glared into the crowd, furious. “What the-“ he began. “Liar!!” a disembodied voice shouted. “Scoundrel!” shouted yet another. Abruptly the Square erupted into shouting and shoving, Rugen turned white, he knew there were not enough guards present to deal with an angry mob. He tried to make himself heard over the crowd, wanting to calm the situation down but it was to no avail. He decided the best course of action was to slip away quietly, which, he almost managed to do but found himself in the path of 3 very angry looking men. They grabbed him roughly, “What do you think you are doing?! Unhand me at once!! Don’t you know who I am?!? The Prince will hear of this!” he bellowed at them.

“Dead men do no talking” one replied unmoved. More joined the 3 men as they frog marched the Count across the Square. Shouts of “Hang him!” and “Kill the bastard” punctuated the air. Rugen found himself stood in front of a makeshift gallows, someone having strung a rope over a balcony above his head. He was wild eyed and frantic, hoping something would happen to stop this.

Something did.

A booming voice rang out “MOVE!!” The crowd parted like the Red Sea and 2 men who Rugen didn’t recognize walked toward him. “W-who are you?” he asked, hoping for good news.

Having noticed his right hand Inigo moved closer to him and with a deathly calm told him, “My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!”

Rugen’s eyes went wide with horror, his mouth gaped like a goldfish as Inigo’s sword pierced his heart, just as an enormous cheer exploded from the baying crowd.

There Will Be Consequences

Prince Humperdinck arrived back at the castle from his latest hunting trip. He tracked and felled a stag and 2 wild boar, and was feeling pleased with his skills. He climbed down from his horse and strode inside, wishing to hear how the speech had gone. He stopped a servant who was scurrying past, “Where is Count Rugen?” he asked him. The servant who had been headed for the kitchens carrying provisions, dropped them all. He stuttered as he stooped to pick them up again, “Err, umm, the Count..err, hmmm, errr…not sure My Lord, sorry My Lord” he flustered as he picked up the last potato and hurried away. What a strange little man thought Humperdinck as he shrugged and walked to his office.

He found a parchment awaiting him on his desk. Breaking the wax seal he unfurled it and read; “Your Highness, it is with great regret that I must inform you of the death of your close friend, Tyrone Rugen.” Humperdinck read the missive a few more times before the news finally sank in. Many thoughts occurred to him all at once; HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! WHEN? WHERE? HOW? WHO? WHY? He rose from his seat and stalked to find out exactly how this had happened. Grabbing the first servant he saw by his collar, he boomed “HOW DID RUGEN DIE?” The servant quailed and quickly answered, “Sire, I believe it was a mob”. “WHAT MOB? WHERE?” he demanded. Rigid with fear the shaking servant replied, “I don’t know m’lord” Humperdinck released him in disgust, ordering him “FETCH THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD TO ME NOW!!!” The servant bowed and ran off.

A short while later, the captain arrived. “Your Highness” he said as he bowed. Thrusting the parchment into his face, Humperdinck hissed, “Tell me about this, I want to know EVERYTHING” The captain, a self possessed older man with 20 plus years service, was undaunted in the face of the Prince’s wrath, he calmly explained what had happened then awaited the inevitable question. “Why weren’t there more guards present?” Humperdinck asked through gritted teeth. “The Count arranged the guard himself Sire, nobody anticipated any trouble” the captain explained.

“NO TROUBLE? YOU CALL THIS NO TROUBLE???!” Humperdinck rounded on him. The captain didn’t answer; he simply weathered the storm taking place in front of him. Humperdinck ranted and raved for a while before finally, dropping back into his seat, grief stricken and furious.

“Round up the guards who failed to protect the Count, they will be punished. Also find those responsible for this atrocity, do not fail me” he snarled.

“It will be done Sire” the captain replied as bowed and left.

They will pay; they will all pay for this. And I will use them to continue your life’s work Tyrone, this I swear Humperdinck vowed silently.

Still Living Happily Ever After:

1. Oinky Boinky
2. Athena
5. The Crazed Spruce
6. stacey
8. Drogo
9. Lady Calypso
10. TJtrack99
11. MarkHB
12. caprice
14. SVNBob
15. Dougal
16. aquarian1
17. egavasc
18. CuriousParker replaced by Jesse
The Mostly ALL Dead:

Jesse – Yellin, Neutral, Recruitable.
You are the leader of The Brute Squad, neither a Hero or Villain unless recruited, until then you may choose to assist the heroes or villains as you see fit. You deal with outlaws and ruffians without mercy as instructed by your superiors. If recruited you will endeavour for your side to win.

Hanged Man – The King, A Hero, Mason with The Queen.
You are an old but kind man, slowly becoming senile, deaf, and difficult to understand… however, you are still King of Florin. Due to your ailing health, you’ve relinquished all but a few of the ruling duties to your son Prince Humperdinck, who has let the power go to his head and now looks to your neighbouring countries with greedy eyes. You have a soft spot in your heart for Buttercup because she once kissed you. Together with The Queen, you form a mason pair and may communicate outside the game thread.

CuriousParker – removed from the game upon request replaced by Jesse.

TMunz - A Florin peasant, a Hero.
One of Florin’s underclass, you’re nothing special (except in that trite “but everyone’s special” kinda way) and you’re none too clean, but you love your country and royal weddings. And food. Of any kind. You’re really not fussy.  You have no powers in this game.
Machiabelly - Westley, a Hero Investigator of sorts.
You are a brave man who left Buttercup to seek your fortune. Later reportedly murdered by the Dread Pirate Roberts, you in fact spent the time away learning everything the world could teach you, with the sole focus of returning to your beloved. Upon your return, you are disguised as the Man in Black, and intent on rescuing Buttercup from the clutches of Prince Humperdinck and any other threat. Because you are only searching for your true love Princess Buttercup, you may enquire of 1 player each night; "Is this my beloved Buttercup?" You will receive one of the following responses: Yes, No or No Result. If/when you do find her you will become a mason pair. Beware! Prince Humperdinck’s henchman searches for you, should he find you Humperdinck would have you tortured, at which time he will ask you(via the game mods) 3 questions, which you must answer truthfully. Find Buttercup fast, there is strength in numbers...
Lisin - Count Rugen, a Villain Protector.
Prince Humperdinck's right-hand man, you are a sadist and wannabe author, torture and pain being your special area of study. In fact, you have designed a diabolical machine to help you in your quest to learn everything there is to know about the maximum amount of pain a person can bear, as you believe these findings will be your legacy. Your biggest mistake in life was to murder Inigo Montoya's father... it has lead to his life long crusade to seek you out and make you more than a little bit dead. It’s not easy for you to hide your identity, as you are a unique man who has 6 fingers on his right hand.
As a Protector, you must choose a different player to protect each night. If Westley is handed over to you, you will torture him; you will be able to ask him 3 questions (via the game mods), which he must answer truthfully, he then automatically becomes your team's nightkill that night.
Night is official ... you have 24 hours to turn in your night actions.


The story contains ONE clue.

  • Love 1

This is what Oinky Overkill looks like :

BBQ invitation up to 8 guests bring cocktails.

Off to liquor and grocery store.

French 75. One person says she hates gin. Lets have a pina colada option. What if someone doesn't like coconut? Thus is born the margharita option.

I arrive for dinner with a cooler of ice, two bottles of champagne,icy gin,Malibu rum,tequila, pineapple juice and cream.

Next is a jumbo bag of jarred cherries,lemons,limes etc.

Finish with a jumbo bag of glassware cuz you can't have a proper drink in the wrong glass. So champagne flutes, crystal tumblers and Margharita glasses packed.

It was a great dinner. Some people got tipsy.

  • Love 2

stacey, Lisin, there's plenty of room on the DMS....

This is what Oinky Overkill looks like :

BBQ invitation up to 8 guests bring cocktails.

Off to liquor and grocery store.

French 75. One person says she hates gin. Lets have a pina colada option. What if someone doesn't like coconut? Thus is born the margharita option.

I arrive for dinner with a cooler of ice, two bottles of champagne,icy gin,Malibu rum,tequila, pineapple juice and cream.

Next is a jumbo bag of jarred cherries,lemons,limes etc.

Finish with a jumbo bag of glassware cuz you can't have a proper drink in the wrong glass. So champagne flutes, crystal tumblers and Margharita glasses packed.

It was a great dinner. Some people got tipsy.

I'm in on that contact buzz. Me? I'd keep it simple, but m. caprice would be right there with you on having a variety. Good grief. Cocktail hour in the caprice house can easily become overwhelming. "What would you like? We have Martini, pastis, beer, wine, rum, Jack, vodka and any mixer you might like... Oh, here's some tequila, or I can make you a kir...."

Oh, Drogo, if Oinky's post gave you a buzz, there are areas of downtown Seattle you should avoid....

Edited by caprice
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