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Sherlock Mafia

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The DL on the first day isn't really to DL someone, it is to promote discussion and get the players involved. If the DL goes through you can check voting records and arguments and who said what and when and why and where. The villains do not want discussion, they do not really want DLs, they want the heroes to do nothing during the day and then kill a hero every night until they win. Starting a DL forces someone to defend themselves and discussion to ensue, people to take sides, a stand to be made. For instance, with this one we already know that we are going to target Bob and suspect Drogo if egavasc is a hero, unless they have a really compelling argument.

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Technically, 48 hours ends at around 2:45pm Central today ... we both wont be around at that time, and technically we are over the 50% required to extend the Day another 24 hours, so consider this the announcement for the extension.


Please keep this in mind ... if the DL finishes before either of us get back, we trust you will HONOR the last vote as the END OF DAY ... as in no fair changing your mind.



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Ok, Lisin, you do make a good point. I guess my logic is that we don't have night actions, so how could someone know something so early? But if Bob has a power that we don't know about, maybe his speaking up is warranted. I don't know if the villains speaking up so early would be a good move, but the heroes speaking up would.

So I guess I'll switch my vote, so I'm putting my trust in Bob. I guess, either way, we'll know whether or not to trust Bob through this vote. I'm on mobile, so if someone can post the votes with my vote switched, that would be great.

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So I guess I'll switch my vote, so I'm putting my trust in Bob. I guess, either way, we'll know whether or not to trust Bob through this vote. I'm on mobile, so if someone can post the votes with my vote switched, that would be great.

2 No DL (egavasc, MarkHB), 7 to make another pot of tea

8 egavasc (SVNBob, Drogo, Spruce, CuriousParker, HM, caprice, Lisin, Lady Calypso) 1 to cross my fingers and hope this thing's the right thing.

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Before the last vote is cast I want to Rescind my vote. Because I like talking and a DL will stop the talking.


2 No DL (egavasc, MarkHB), 7 to make another pot of tea
7 to DL egavasc (SVNBob, Drogo, Spruce, CuriousParker, caprice, Lisin, Lady Calypso) and 2 to see what is happening.




edited for grammar and spelling, not for content

Edited by Hanged Man
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The original name of the client is Jabez Wilson; he may well be a character even though he has not appeared on the show.


I am not sure that the vote was for a reason we understand. I would rather target inactive players - they are flying low.

2 No DL (egavasc, MarkHB), 7 to make another pot of tea

7 egavasc (SVNBob, Drogo, Spruce, CuriousParker, caprice, Lisin, Lady Calypso) 2 to put the thing to the thing, and do the thing.

1 to DL tjtrack, (OINKY BOINKY) 8 to take out low flyers

Someone please fix my post. Smartphone again. Have to bike home now and may miss end of vote.

Edited by MarkHB
Edited by request to fix formatting and correct vote counts.
  • Love 1

All right, I'm in!


2 No DL (egavasc, MarkHB), 7 to make another pot of tea

9 egavasc (SVNBob, Drogo, Spruce, CuriousParker, caprice, Lisin, Lady Calypso, Jesse, Mach) May God have mercy on our souls

1 to DL tjtrack, (OINKY BOINKY) 8 to take out low flyers

The die is cast

Edited by BizBuzz
formatting issues corrected
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Wow, not a great day yesterday. Good, healthy thoughts for your friend and his family, Drogo. More good, healthy thoughts for your extended family, stacey.


Not too much going on here. The job gets me out of the house and if I ever figure out the pay system my temp agency uses I'll actually have some money of my own. I have been wondering though.... I know we have a few "women of a certain age" here. If I may, have any of you done HRT?

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Hugs and sympathy to you and yours, Drogo and stacey.

I finally got my LootCrate from last month in the mail today. (Thank you, Canada Post....) I'm gonna hold off on doing an unboxing video, though. I've already been epically spoiled on the contents (and except for the Golden Homer Buddha and the Metallicar, I'm not all that excited about it), and I'm in the process of reorganizing my place right now, so I don't exactly have a presentable location to film it right now. Besides, I should be getting at least a couple of other boxes next week, so I'll hold off and do a double (or maybe even triple) unboxing later on.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Guys feel free to put your fingers in your ears and hum. Nah it's not that bad.


My brief experience with HRT was when pap showed I had dysplastia, OBGyn gave me an estrogen cream to revitalize/revive the cells. Just a topical application of cream and right out of the gate I got migraine (variant,no headache) that lasted a full week after I stopped the cream. I went to a neurologist and said I think it is the estrogen and he said you are right don't use it again. 


If you have been on any of those hormones you know to watch for some things that make them not worth it at all. 

  • Love 1

Night 1

The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-time

The red-headed gentleman shuffled forward, dropping gratefully into the chair John had indicated. “Thank you both for seeing me,” he said. “I’m not sure my problem is a problem at all, as I believe I’m in no danger. It’s more strange than sinister. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here…”

“Let’s start with your name,” John interrupted. He picked up the notebook he used to jot down notes so he could remember the details later for his blog. “Start at the beginning.”

The visitor took a deep breath. “My name is Jabez Wilson.”

“Jabez!” Sherlock snickered an aside at John. “That’s what you should name the baby.”

“Sherlock, for the last time…” John cut himself off, huffed a quick breath, then bit out, “Mary is not pregnant. I’m a doctor. Don’t you think I would know? We’re perfectly happy with our life as it is.”

He turned back to their client. “Mr. Wilson, please proceed.”

Rattled, he worked to pull himself together. Across from him, the detective settled in to listen. “I run a small pawn shop near the City, and we do a decent business, though I’ll never be wealthy.” Nervous eyes twitched back and forth between Sherlock and John.

“Yes, yes,” murmured Sherlock impatiently, “you’re also a frequent cyclist, unmarried, and you’ve recently taken up beekeeping as a hobby. Try to be a little less obvious.”

Mr. Wilson gaped at him. “Sir! How can you know all that?”

“The soles of your shoes have a distinctive wear pattern from the pedals of a bicycle,” explained Sherlock. “You don’t wear a wedding ring, and when asked to describe yourself, your first words were about your business, not your family. As for the bees, you have bits of beeswax under your fingernails. Could be from candles, but it’s uncolored, so not likely. Bees, then.”

Their guest continued to sit in silence. Sherlock gave an exasperated sigh. “What must it be like in your little minds? Answer this: why are you so frightened?”

The gentleman pulled a piece of paper out of his briefcase. “My assistant showed me this newspaper advertisement,” he said, offering the paper to Sherlock. “It seemed most extraordinary, but for the money they were offering, I thought it was worth a look.”

Sherlock broke in. “That’s all very interesting. But you’ve already said that you don’t think you’re in danger. So why are you so frightened?”

“Oh,” chuckled Mr. Jabez. “That’s because of the hound. It was sitting on the walk next to your door. I don’t like large dogs, so it upset my nerves.”

Sherlock shot a quick look across at his friend, then back at their client. “A hound? Describe this animal.”

“It was huge, gigantic. Thick black fur, and I swear to you, red eyes. It growled a little, but it never moved. I know it’s ridiculous, but I was terrified.”

At the description, Sherlock bolted for the door with John on his heels. As they burst onto the street, they heard a squeal of tires and then a sickening thud. They ran to the corner, where a crowd was already gathering around the dying animal.

“No!” roared Sherlock. “Now we’ll never know where it came from, who created it.”

“Let alone how it got from Baskerville to Baker Street,” John replied.

The black cab that had been the animal’s demise started to pull away, attracting Sherlock’s attention. He darted in toward the vehicle, slapping his hands down on the open window sill. “Where did the hound come from?” demanded Sherlock.

“It’s just a gift, Mr. ‘Olmes,” the cabbie shared cheerfully. “You’ve got a fan, and he knows you’ve been wanting to catch this beast. Just a gift. See you soon, Mr. ‘Olmes.”

Still on the Battlefield (in alphabetical order):

  • aquarian1
  • caprice
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • Hanged Man
  • Jesse
  • Lady Calypso
  • Lisin
  • Machiabelly
  • MarkHB
  • Oinky Boinky
  • SilverStormm
  • stacey
  • SVNBob
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • TJtrack99


On a slab at St. Bart's:
egavasc – The Hound, Villain
Well, you're an animal. You're scary as hell, but you have no special abilities.

You have 24hrs to get your night actions in.

There is one clue in the story.

Edited by photo fox
fixed a misspelling
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