egavasc April 29, 2016 Author Share April 29, 2016 Just now, Lisin said: *floats in* The forums are SO GREAT! *floats out* I knew I could count on you @Lisin! 1 Link to comment
Lisin April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 @egavasc I'm legit super excited about the upgrade. Especially the @ mentions! They make me so happy!! Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 @Lisin @Lisin @Lisin! (Just seeing if it notifies you three times!) 2 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Beer me. Please. Link to comment
Lisin April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 2 minutes ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: @Lisin @Lisin @Lisin! (Just seeing if it notifies you three times!) Nope @MuuMuuChainsmoker only once. But still! FUN! 1 Link to comment
Hanged Man April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 So in a completely theoretical test environment that has no bearing on anything that may or may not be happening, I have a question about what happens at the end of a Mafia game. Let's just pretend there are four peeps left: A Primary Villain (PM), a Serial Killer (SK), 2 Heroes (H1, H2) Second to last day: H1, H2 and SK DL the PM Last Night: SK kills H1 Last day: only H2 and SK are left. If it takes 50% to pass a DL, do H1 and SK hit refresh, refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh,refresh, "HA! I post first, I DL the other guy and WIN!!!"? That seems a bit Chaotic... 2 Link to comment
egavasc April 29, 2016 Author Share April 29, 2016 Night 14 Mom was sitting alone in her office at MomCorp planning her next strategic move for world domination. Currently she only controlled 98% of the Earth’s market share, she was determined to crush the remaining 2%. Sure, she had just lost her lead scientist but scientists were a dime a dozen in the 31st century. Another would come along to take the place of Dr. Wernstorm. Shame he had destroyed all of his and Professor Farnsworth’s research when he set off that doomsday device. Oh well, could have been worse. A new plan for mind control was needed. Those greeting cards were too simplistic. Maybe a killer app would do the trick. Suddenly the door to her office swung open and a shadowy figure appeared in the entrance. Mom was taken aback for a moment that anyone could make it up to her office unannounced. Her security must need a serious overhaul. Then she recognized the figure. She’d know that ponytail anywhere. “It’s you! How did you get here? And why are you here?” Mom asked, trying to keep a matronly like tone. Almost if she was asking if someone might want some cookies and milk before bedtime. “Don’t you know,” Leela said menacingly. “I’m here to kill you. I’ve already taken out most of the others. Officers URL and Smitty were blown up by a well placed doomsday device in the squadroom. That Professor was good for something at least. It’s your time now.” “Kill me? But why on earth would such a nice girl like you want to kill a weak old woman like me?” “Oh drop the act Mom, I know you’re a power-hungry, evil, conniving, old crone. Now get out from behind that desk and put on a good fight. I want to know that I’m the best there ever was. ” “Ah, well then honey. If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’re going to get.” Mom, still in incredible shape despite her age landed an excellent kick to Leela’s face, knocking the intruder briefly to the floor. But primed for a fight, Leela bounced right back up again. “Hi-ya!” She yelled and she jump kicked the CEO. The fight went on and on, the pair were well matched (Please imagine a well crafted fight scene. Your narrator is tired and knows oh so little about fighting. There’s a lot of kicking and punching involved). Some time later, both were beaten and bloody, but Leela had finally managed to get the upper hand (with an uppercut to Mom’s face knocking her to the floor). “Any final requests before I take you out?” Mom knew that her time was finally up. She saw no point in trying to call her sons. Even if they managed to make it in time, they were utterly useless. She had fought her hardest, but for once in her life her hardest simply wasn’t enough. Finally she had been bested by a worthy opponent. “I just want to know why? The Leela I’ve known all these years would never kill any of her friends. Me, perhaps, but your people? What happened?” “The Professor’s rebirth machine. It brought me back just a little more impulsive.” Leela said, snapping Mom’s neck. She was the last standing. She was the best. The End! Still Alive and Well in New New York aquarian1 - Leela - investigator turned Serial Killer You are Turanga Leela! Former cryogenic counselor turned space pilot, you were abandoned as a baby and believed that you were the last of your alien species. Although you’re actually a mutant whose parents are still alive and living in the sewers below New New York, your upbringing in the Orphanarium made you tough. Strong willed and confident, you are a fierce protector of all living things. Your only weakness is your insecurity about your single eye, something that shouldn’t be that unusual in a world populated by creatures like Zoidberg! You kept the chip scanner from your last job as a career counselor which allows you to see the true nature of each character. Each night you may discover the role of one player in the game. Your rebirth has brought you back wrong. You are now a serial killer and may take out a player each night. Upon investigations, you will still appear as a hero. Now in Robot Hell HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused. Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night. Lisin - Hermes - Tracker You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player. Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-Trades You are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful! MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - Vanilla You are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game. Spiro Agnew - NPC BizBuzz - President Nixon - 2 kill You are President Nixon, President of Earth. The head of the 37th US President kept alive in a jar, you are carried around by the headless body of Vice President Spiro Agnew. You won the election for President of Earth by one vote and proceeded to enlist the people of Earth into pointless wars. Typically you can be found playing poker with the Robot Devil. Any attack against you will first kill the headless body of Agnew. Athena - Zoidberg - Doctor (weak) You are Doctor John Zoidberg, alien from the planet Decapod 10. The only member of the original crew of Planet Express, you are the staff doctor. Your medical knowledge is suspect; for some reason they allow you to treat humans with absolutely no understanding of their anatomy. As such, you are incredibly poor and despised generally by the rest of the crew. Your skills may allow you to heal one person per night, provided the odds be in their favor. Heads, they’re safe. Tails, well, you snipped them in the wrong kerjigger. The Onion Knight - Professor Farnsworth - 2 kill You are Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth! A misdirected genius, your inventions always take a odd bent. Like the Smell-O-Scope, because smelling space is clearly more useful than seeing it. Owner and CEO of Planet Express, you often send your crew on suicide missions due to your lack of a gooey moral center. That may also explain your collection of doomsday devices. Although you are practically decrepit, ancient, and falling apart, you are protected by the gargoyle Pazuzu who owes you a great debt. As such, it will take two attempts on your life for death to give you that sweet relief. Firearcher - Calculon - vanilla You are Antonio Calculon, famous star of long running robot soap opera All My Circuits. You are known for your magnificent elocution and melodramatic nature on and off screen. While it’s rumored that you received your talents from the Robot Devil himself, you always seek to prove yourself. One day the Academy will recognize you for the talent you are. ONE DAY! MarkHB - Emperor Lrrr - villain protector You are Emperor Lrrr, RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8. Lover of Earth sitcoms, violence, conquering planets, and eating just about everything, you have a minor protective streak for things you’ve deemed worthy. While obsessed with Earth pop culture, the nature of humans perplexes you as you do not understand why they often do not resort to violence. For example, why Ross, the largest Friend, does not simply eat the other five. Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps. Each night you may protect one member of your team, but you may not protect the same person twice. That person will be safe through to the next night. caprice - Fry - Vanilla You are Philip J. Fry! Cryogenically frozen in the year 1999, your life is significantly better in the 30th century. While still a delivery boy, you now travel via spaceship and deliver strange and alien packages instead of pizza. Your lack of intelligence may be due to genetic inbreeding as you are your own grandfather. As such, you have no additional powers in this game. Lady Calypso - Amy Wong - Lover You are Amy Wong, daughter to wealthy industrialists Leo and Inez Wong. Intern with the Planet Express crew and assistant to the Professor, you earned your doctorate in Applied Physics. Despite your advanced degree, academics are rarely on your mind. Too busy partying and having fun, your party board never gets dusty. Although you would hate to get tied down, you’re currently dating Kif Kroker (and was his Fonfon Ru). You and Kif may communicate outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one is killed. saoirse - Kif - Lover You are Kif Kroker, long suffering assistant to Captain Zapp Brannigan and boyfriend to Amy Wong. You are invaluable to Zapp, who believes you to be his best friend and greatest admirer which frustrates you to no end. You are an Amphibiosan, very self conscious, and very dedicated to the love of your life, your Fonfon Ru Amy Wong. You may communicate with Amy outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one of you is killed. Silverstormm - Flexo - goon You are Flexo, a bending unit nearly identical to Bender B. Rodriguez except for a stylish metal goatee. Not only are you visually identical to Bender, your voice is the same and you have a remarkably similar sense of humor. However you are noticably nicer than Bender, complimenting others shortly after you insult them. You are fed up with being considered to be Bender’s evil twin when clearly the opposite is true. Your resemblance to Bender will give any investigation into you an unknown response. SVNBob - Bender - bookie Bite your shiny metal ass! You are Bender B. Rodriguez (the B stands for Bending!). Best described as an alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler, you are a Bending Unit employed at Planet Express with your best friend Fry. You know that you are great at everything (despite evidence to the contrary. You may have actually killed people with your cooking). Your degenerate ways afford you some strange powers. During Twilight you may place a bet on who will be killed that night and who will be lynched the next day. If you wager correctly, you have the power to bring back a person from the brinks of death OR to investigate someone still alive. Be warned! Flexo is out there and you could easily be mistaken for him! CuriousParker - Zapp Branigan - bodyguard (weak) You are Zapp Brannigan, Earth’s Greatest Hero. While you are incredibly vain and boastful of your military success and sexual prowess, in actuality you are a coward, incompetent, and have slept with impossibly few women. Your military strategy is typically to send in many troops as kamikazes hoping to tire out the enemy. Each night you may attempt to protect a person of your choosing. However, if the danger is great you may opt to run away. Heads, they will be safe. Tails, Zapp Brannigan lives to command another day. Dougal - Robot Devil - villain investigator You are the Robot Devil, maker of deals and ruler of Robot Hell. You torment robots who have committed sins under the practice of Robotology, dishing out ironic punishment. You have the ability to make nearly anything happen when someone makes a deal with you, and typically ensure that these deals work out to your benefit. Having made the ultimate deal with the moderator, each night you may select one person to investigate. TJTrack99 - Nibbler - double vote You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day. Machiabelly - Dr Ogden Wernstrom - Vanilla You are Dr. Ogden Wernstrom, rival to Dr. Farnsworth. You have resented your former professor ever since he once dared to give you an A- for sloppy penmanship. You work to show up the Professor in every competition, particularly the Annual inventors Symposium. You have no additional powers in this game. OinkyBoinky - Officer URL - investigator pair You are Officer URL, the robot half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL (pronounced Earl). Programmed to be a cop, you have many features to employ in the capturing of bad guys such as a siren, a megaphone, and a violations printer. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticably duller. You may communicate with Officer Smitty outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate. Jesse - Officer Smitty - investigator pair You are Officer Smitty, the human half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL. You became a cop after watching the many many dine-and-dashers at your father’s restaurant go unpunished. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticeably duller. You may communicate with Officer URL outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate. The Crazed Spruce - Mom - Godfather You are Mom, the World’s most huggable industrialist. You are the owner of 99.7% of MomCorp (a large multibillion dollar industrial complex that has a complete monopoly on robot production and nearly everything else); your sons own the other .3%. You put on a public front, masquerading as a traditional Deep South grandmother, complete with cookies. Little does the world know that you are actually a skinny, foul mouthed, evil old woman. You have a romantic history with Dr. Farnsworth, but despise him for leaving your company. Your public persona allows you to appear good when investigated. 1 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Congrats A! 2 Link to comment
Hanged Man April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 OK so the SK is winning the game since it requires more than 50% and there won't be 2 Heroes to get it. Hallalujah, I feel like I haven't played since the beginning of February 2 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 I just finished re-reading everything and realized the SKs started after the first night you were reborn. Sort of glad you won and not the villains - good game 2 Link to comment
Hanged Man April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Yes Congrats to A1 Also good game to @egavasc you must be exhausted. 2 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Investigation of A1 (post convesion and Mom) both came up hero - is that fair? Fair is not the right word. But neither really was working for the heroes. Such a great game Egavasc. Thank you. 2 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Well played, everyone. Congrats A1 and thank you, thank you, thank you @egavasc for all your hard work. Soooooo....when does the next game start? :P 2 Link to comment
egavasc April 29, 2016 Author Share April 29, 2016 It's over! Huzzah! But in all seriousness, thanks y'all for playing and your patience. I know it got a little rough there, but I still had fun and I hope y'all did too. I'm sorry for those of you who died early and never got brought back (talking to you @Hanged Man). I do want to applaud the Villains. You played a very good game and it came very close. Now for an incredibly long recap. I'll post awards sometime. I'm a little behind on those but they will go up. For the clues, I tried to relate things to television or pop culture as best I could. You'll definitely see some very very tricky clues in the recap. Recap Day 1 clue - Damien Lewis (played Machiavelli in BBC Radio Play The Prince, Machiabelly) No DL Twilight 1 No DL so no DL prevention SVNBob bets OinkyBoinky will be killed at night, Jesse the next day. Night 1 MarkHB protects Deadpool OinkyBoinky and Jesse investigate The Onion Knight aquarian1 investigates Jesse Lisin tracks Drogo Dougal investigates Hanged Man Athena protects OinkyBoinky Deadpool blocks OinkyBoinky Villians target Hanged Man CuriousParker protected herself Day 2 Clue - Turn Washington Spies - Silver Storm (rakes and rebels book 1) Silverstormm No DL Twilight SVNBob bets Drogo dies at night Deadpool dies during day Night 2 Villains target TJTrack99 MarkHB protects self Jesse and OinkyBoinky investigate Deadpool Dougal investigates OinkyBoinky Lisin tracks OinkyBoinky Drogo investigates MarkHB Athena protects CuriousParker Deadpool blocks OinkyBoinky CuriousParker protects Lisin aquarian1 investigates Silverstormm Day 3 Clue - MST3K - tv show shot in Minneapolis MarkHB Minneapolis Lawyer Mark H B Williamson DL - Deadpool Twilight 3 SVNBob investigates The Crazed Spruce SVNBob bets that Drogo dies at night and caprice in the Day Night 3 Athena protects saoirse CuriousParker protects OinkyBoinky aquarian1 investigates MuuMuuChainsmoker OB + Jesse investigate BizBuzz Dougal investigates Lisin Villains target Lisin MarkHB protects BizBuzz Lisin tracks caprice Day 4 Clue - Are the lights on and no one home? Did you think Darth Vader was your father? Did you learn science from Magnum PI - references to Father Dougal of Father Ted (Dougal). DL - BizBuzz (protected) Twilight 4 SVNBob bets OinkyBoinky dies at night and MuuMuuChainsmoker dies during the day Night 4 Athena protects The Crazed Spruce Aquarian1 investigate Firearcher CuriousParker protects self Jesse and OinkyBoinky investigate caprice Drogo uses a vigilante strike on MarkHB MarkHB protects self Dougal investigates Athena Villains target Jesse Day 5 Clue - Selfie, #selfie was a single produced by DJs The Chainsmokers - MuuMuuChainsmoker DL - MarkHB (protected) Twilight 5 SVNBob bets Drogo dies at night and BizBuzz dies during the day Night 5 Dougal investigates aquarian1 MarkHB protects BizBuzz Villains target Drogo Athena protects OinkyBoinky CuriousParker protects OinkyBoinky OinkyBoinky investigates muumuuchainsmoker aquarian1 investigates The Onion Knight Day 6 Clue His picnic basket had been stolen by a bear who had flown off in a strange flying boat. - Yogi Bear and the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose - The Crazed Spruce DL - MuuMuuChainsmoker Twilight 6 SVNBob brings back Jesse SVNBob bets OB dies at night and Mark dies during the day Night 6 MarkHB protects himself Villains target OinkyBoinky CuriousParker protects OinkyBoinky (tails, failure to protect) Athena protects No one OinkyBoinky investigates Athena aquarian1 investigates Athena Dougal investigates CuriousParker Day 7 No Clue DL - Biz (1 Kill) Twilight 7 SVNBob has opted to reincarnate TJTrack99 SVNBob bets that Firearcher will be killed at night and Mark will be DLed Night 7 Clue - Directly across from Nixon was Highlander Hero DAVE, chief moderator for the PTVers. On DAVE’s left side was TimeTravelling Doctor TARA; on the left Suspected Witch SARAH. - Ootlander - Character named Dougal CuriousParker protects Jesse Athena protects Jesse MarkHB protects BizBuzz Villains target aquarian1 Dougal investigates Firearcher Jesse investigates Firearcher aquarian1 investigates caprice Day 8 Clue - I, who devoured the very big bird, Job! - Leverage episode about the Spruce Goose - The Crazed Spruce DL - BizBuzz - Protected Twilight 8 SVNBob bets that he will die and that BizBuzz will be DLed Night 8 Dougal investigates Lady Calypso CuriousParker protects Jesse Jesse investigates TheCrazedSpruce Athena protects Jesse Villains target The Onion Knight (1 life lost) MarkHB protects TheCrazedSpruce Day 9 Clue - DaVinci’s Demons has a character named Machiavelli - Machiabelly DL - BizBuzz (2 Kill) Twilight 9 SVNBob brings back aquarian1 (aquarian1 is brought back wrong and turned into a Serial Killer) SVNBob bets that Dougal will be killed at night and Mark will be DLed Night 9 Dougal investigates SVNBob Jesse investigates TJTrack99 MarkHB protects self Villains target Athena Athena protects Jesse CuriousParker protects no one Day 10 No Clue DL - Mark (protected) Twilight 10 SVNBob brings back OinkyBoinky SVNBob bets that MarkHB will be DLed and Jesse will be night killed Night 10 Clue - Pewter Fury; She had always been fond of that tempestuous one from the X-Men. - Silverstormm MarkHB protects Silverstormm Dougal investigates caprice CuriousParker protects aquarian1 Villains target The Onion Knight aquarian1 investigates The Crazed Spruce aquarian1 targets FireArcher Jesse investigates SilverStormm Day 11 Clue - Father Ted - Dougal DL - MarkHB Twilight 11 SVNBob investigates Lady Calypso SVNBob bets that OinkyBoinky will die at night and SilverStormm will be DLed Night 11 Dougal investigates aquarian1 CuriousParker protects SVNBob Villains target caprice Jesse and OinkyBoinky investigate Dougal aquarian1 investigates CuriousParker aquarian1 targets Lady Calypso Day 12 No clue SilverStormm DL Twilight 12 SVNBob investigates Machiabelly SVNBob bets that Jesse is the night kill and Dougal will be DLed Night 12 Dougal investigates CuriousParker Villains target SVNBob CuriousParker protects TJTrack99 Jesse and OinkyBoinky investigate Machiabelly aquarian1 investigates SVNBob aquarian1 targets CuriousParker Day 13 No clue DL - Dougal Twilight 13 Nothing Night 13 Villains target TJTrack99 Jesse and OinkyBoinky investigate aquarian1 aquarian1 investigates no one aquarian1 targets Machiabelly Day 14 DL - The Crazed Spruce aquarian1 wins! 3 Link to comment
Hanged Man April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 6 minutes ago, egavasc said: Twilight 8 SVNBob bets that he will die and that BizBuzz will be DLed LOL how was that going to work? 1 Link to comment
egavasc April 29, 2016 Author Share April 29, 2016 (edited) 9 minutes ago, Hanged Man said: LOL how was that going to work? I told Bob that he couldn't bring anyone back after he was dead. That that would just completely exploit an already ridiculous power. So even if he was right and the Villains killed him that night it wouldn't matter. Quote Investigation of A1 (post convesion and Mom) both came up hero - is that fair? Fair is not the right word. But neither really was working for the heroes. @Oinky Boinky (sorry, I can't figure out how to move a quote into an edit). In the case of a1, I really assumed everyone would figure out that she was the SK right away and since it's very hard to be an SK in the game the added protection of being investigated as a hero would give a tiny help. For Spruce, that was just a matter of balancing the Villain team against the reincarnation power. Have to give the villains a chance. Thought someone might bring up the fact that Mom is definitely a villain in the show but it never really came up. Edited April 29, 2016 by egavasc Added OB's query 3 Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Great game @egavasc! And I'm not just saying that because I won. I had a lot of fun. I was paranoid throughout most the game, guess it worked out for me. 31 minutes ago, Oinky Boinky said: I just finished re-reading everything and realized the SKs started after the first night you were reborn. I was so worried people would figure that out. So glad the focus was on SS at that time. :-D 2 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 We did figure out that hero was just Mom's exterior and she was rotten to the core. Was there a chance that A1 would have come back not SK? 1 Link to comment
egavasc April 29, 2016 Author Share April 29, 2016 1 minute ago, Oinky Boinky said: We did figure out that hero was just Mom's exterior and she was rotten to the core. Was there a chance that A1 would have come back not SK? Every third person brought back was going to be a SK. If Bob kept bringing people back there would have been more SKs. It just happened that a1 was the third person brought back. I was hoping for Hanged Man (writing Scruffy the serial killer would have been so much fun!). 4 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 I had the best partner ever and Jesse and I worked really well together. I will say at the very end it occurred to me that there were only two people left that she and I had not investigated and I was trying to figure out a way of investigating Jesse (just to be sure). sorry Jesse, it was the other option I was referring to. Either you or I could have been the SK and it would have explained getting hero for A1. 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 43 minutes ago, egavasc said: Your rebirth has brought you back wrong. I do believe I may have brought up the rebirthed folks not being right? Great job, @aquarian1! And fantastic game, @egavasc! Well done, now take a break and have a cocktail of your choice... Although my preferred drink, as always is Guinness. 3 Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Me being resurrected as a SK did make me wonder if there were any others, but I figured it out quickly that there were no others based on the kills, or lack of kills, at night. 2 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 @aquarian1, I wouldn't know anything about paranoia in this game. Nope. No idea. FWIW (and no hard feelings that you went for the win), the villains weren't planning to shiv you. 3 Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 The paranoia led me to trust no one. Hence the somewhat back and forth on the kills, at least after the first couple and I counted up sides. 3 Link to comment
MarkHB April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 23 minutes ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: @aquarian1, I wouldn't know anything about paranoia in this game. Nope. No idea. FWIW (and no hard feelings that you went for the win), the villains weren't planning to shiv you. Yup! No paranoia here! (MMCS, should we spill the beans about that other thing?) I did think the whole "there have to be two factions of villains" discussion was quite amusing! 2 Link to comment
TJtrack99 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 1 hour ago, egavasc said: Clue - I, who devoured the very big bird, Job! - Leverage episode about the Spruce Goose - The Crazed Spruce YAAAAAAAAAAAAY Also, I guess this means @Lady Calypso and I should start setting up our game too? Heh.... 4 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 4 minutes ago, MarkHB said: I did think the whole "there have to be two factions of villains" discussion was quite amusing! Don't think I've forgotten that... 1 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 For a Day or so, I became paranoid that one of the villain team might be a double agent. But a wiser player talked me down and WE WILL NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. :P 4 Link to comment
SVNBob April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 1 hour ago, egavasc said: For Spruce, that was just a matter of balancing the Villain team against the reincarnation power. Have to give the villains a chance. Thought someone might bring up the fact that Mom is definitely a villain in the show but it never really came up. As I noted before my death, I was suspicious of the result when I first got it. And that I had said Mom was an antagonist prior to that. The biggest reason I didn't bring it up at the time is I was trying to hide my powers. But there were other fish to fry at the time anyway. And I was unaware of the possibility that I'd be bringing SKs into the game. Otherwise I might have stopped at 2. 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 I really enjoyed this game, even if it did seem a bit too heated at times. But that just means people were getting into it, so yay! I didn't know who to trust, besides saoirse of course, so good job on the confusion and a great game! But yes, @TJtrack99 and I definitely need to get to work on our game! 2 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Congratulations, a1! Well played. :) I know I should be bitter that I was taken out like that, but hey, I'm just surprised I lasted this far into the game. :) 2 Link to comment
Guest April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Congratulations @aquarian1! Nice game @egavasc! Link to comment
TJtrack99 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 6 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said: but hey, I'm just surprised I lasted this far into the game. :) Just replace bunny with Spruce ;) Maybe I should just save this image for future use... 2 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 (edited) Think about how balanced this game was... We had so many investigators but the villains had double lives + protection. With the had rebirths we thought the game would last forever but with every 3rd rebirth being a serial killer it would have exploded at the end. Very, very fun and very unique game. To play the serial killer after you have earned all that trust would have been cool. Edited April 29, 2016 by Oinky Boinky 4 Link to comment
MarkHB April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 @SVNBob, did you know about the "every 3rd will be an SK" rule, or was that @egavasc's secret? egavasc, great game! Thanks! 2 Link to comment
SVNBob April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 I definitely didn't know. Until the final reveal, I was convinced that you Villains had misread @aquarian1. I thought you could have seen her having as a Killing ability, and jumped to the conclusion of SK, while she was actually a Vigilante. 2 Link to comment
Jesse April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 10 hours ago, egavasc said: For Spruce, that was just a matter of balancing the Villain team against the reincarnation power. Have to give the villains a chance. Thought someone might bring up the fact that Mom is definitely a villain in the show but it never really came up. If you could see the conversation between @Oinky Boinky and me, you would see that like every day, I was saying, "But Mom is definitely a bad guy!!!!" Heh. 10 hours ago, egavasc said: Every third person brought back was going to be a SK. If Bob kept bringing people back there would have been more SKs. It just happened that a1 was the third person brought back. I was hoping for Hanged Man (writing Scruffy the serial killer would have been so much fun!). Wow, that's so clever. 10 hours ago, Oinky Boinky said: I had the best partner ever and Jesse and I worked really well together. I will say at the very end it occurred to me that there were only two people left that she and I had not investigated and I was trying to figure out a way of investigating Jesse (just to be sure). sorry Jesse, it was the other option I was referring to. Either you or I could have been the SK and it would have explained getting hero for A1. I totally could have been an SK (which literally never occurred to me during the game)! That would have been fun. Congrats to @aquarian1, and thanks to @egavasc for a great game! So many twists and turns! 2 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Really @Jesse, with A1 coming up hero and you and I never investigating each other, I so was thinking you could be SK and surprised you didn't think I was. And your character description said you like to hit people. Someone said a pair does not have to be on the same team. Link to comment
Jesse April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 9 minutes ago, Oinky Boinky said: Really @Jesse, with A1 coming up hero and you and I never investigating each other, I so was thinking you could be SK and surprised you didn't think I was. I have a hard time thinking badly of anyone! Which is obviously ridiculous in a game like this. 3 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 1 minute ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: I'm in if you'll have me. 1. MMCS 2. Oinky Boinky Link to comment
Drogo April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 egavasc for President! 2 Link to comment
Athena April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 @egavasc- Great game! Thanks for another fun and creative game. :) I'm out for this next one. I have too many offline responsibilities to handle in addition to my TV stuff. I will join in another game. Have fun, my friends! 2 Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 12 hours ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: For a Day or so, I became paranoid that one of the villain team might be a double agent. But a wiser player talked me down and WE WILL NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. :P Who was that @MuuMuuChainsmoker? Biz had suspicions I was for a time lol. 3 hours ago, SVNBob said: I definitely didn't know. Until the final reveal, I was convinced that you Villains had misread @aquarian1. I thought you could have seen her having as a Killing ability, and jumped to the conclusion of SK, while she was actually a Vigilante. I caught the fact that in her return story she had 'changed' but the heroes were so focused on that being the clue for me, they overlooked it ;) I knew she couldn't be a vig because a vig would have Nightkilled me that Night but a hero was killed instead. That's when I figured out that @aquarian1 had come back as a SK. I'm out for the next game because need to prep for our DW round, but good luck to all. As for fairness; I think Bob's power was amazing and is really what screwed our plans in the end. 2 Link to comment
MarkHB April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 28 minutes ago, SilverStormm said: 13 hours ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: For a Day or so, I became paranoid that one of the villain team might be a double agent. But a wiser player talked me down and WE WILL NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. :P Who was that @MuuMuuChainsmoker? Biz had suspicions I was for a time lol. Well, yeah, it was you :). We even had a "do we need to frag Silver" thread going for a while, until someone pointed out that one of the key pieces of "evidence" (your starting the DL on me when I was unprotected) was actually @MuuMuuChainsmoker's idea. Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 1 minute ago, MarkHB said: Well, yeah, it was you :). We even had a "do we need to frag Silver" thread going for a while, until someone pointed out that one of the key pieces of "evidence" (your starting the DL on me when I was unprotected) was actually @MuuMuuChainsmoker's idea. Well, that's just charming. I have no idea why you guys thought that? I was a good villain! :p Link to comment
Drogo April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Clearing the air - I thought I was cheeky as Glory, but some Villains were vicious this time out. Hoping that doesn't come up again in future games. 1 Link to comment
Deadpool April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 11 minutes ago, Drogo said: Clearing the air - I thought I was cheeky as Glory, but some Villains were vicious this time out. Hoping that doesn't come up again in future games. I think there was some from both sides. 1 Link to comment
egavasc April 29, 2016 Author Share April 29, 2016 There were definitely attacks on both sides. But I think we all can leave it behind in this game and move forward into a new game with everyone having a clean slate. 4 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 25 minutes ago, Drogo said: Clearing the air - I thought I was cheeky as Glory, but some Villains were vicious this time out. Hoping that doesn't come up again in future games. Well for the record Drogo, I thought you were quite the smart butt as Glory ... so it's all about perspective eh? 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 15 hours ago, Oinky Boinky said: Sort of glad you won and not the villains - good game @aquarian1 ... sort of glad you won and not the heroes. 2 Link to comment
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