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Former Hosts: PROFESSIONAL Life After The View

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So what is the bullshit Elisabeth says about the Girl Scouts making "a far left move"?  I didn't know the Girl Scouts had a political tilt.  Sounds like EH thinks they should be some conservative group. Probably thinks they should teach young women to grow up and be good little Republican women who will stand by while the men make all the decisions about their lives.  Instead of you know, grow up to be women who can actually think for themselves.  Something Elisabeth obviously knows nothing about.



And as far as her being showing such antagonism to the transgender community, I agree it's just her fear of everything that is something different from her normal.  I absolutely shudder to think of what her reaction would be if one of her children grows up to be anything but a mirror image of her and Tim.

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The Girl Scouts have a "GIRL POWER" tilt which fucking frightens right-wing men who then brainwash their little ladies that it's dangerous for girls to have any power.


The truth leans "left", which is unfortunate for FukSnooze.


Tee hee, no all women's colleges for her daughter, because you know, that would be DANGEROUS.

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Sherri either used editing tools on that photo or figured out what one of those waist trainer things are. She hasn't looked that thin in any picture she's posted before that I can remember. The View seems really desperate now so I guess their trying anything to see if it increases ratings. I don't think there's been any news about renewal as of yet.

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Take a look:




Sherri cohosted  a taped episode of The View

Scheduled to be shown on May 28th.

What are they thinking?


Really now...Can we be blamed for not watching when 3 of the 4 co-hosts don't bother to show up?  Four guest hosts??? C'mon!

Edited by Tunia
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Sherrie is a simpleton, an idiot and a fool....What were they thinking in hiring her in the first place...To think that she and Bitsy outlasted Rosie on the show..Love her or hate her, Rosie always had something  thought-provoking and earnest to say...

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@SherriEShepherd wants to know if Harriet Tubman will be glammed up on the twenty dollar bill.




Just when you think Sherri can't possibly get any stupider she proves us wrong.  I used to think maybe her idiocy was just her schtick.  But now I'm convinced she is now and will forever be dumb as rock.

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Just what the show needs....a comedian. They think their job is to entertain us with their brilliant humor. Ugh.


I watch The Chew....none of them are comedians but they are all so fun and funny. No need to have the title to be amusing and fun.


This show is now under the News division, not the Entertainment division. And they promote guests for various talents. Rosie O was funny as well as serious and informed (whether viewers agreed or not with her view) and she brought a lot to the show like different topics and causes, people, crafts etc. 


Now we get WG's stealth stealing, Nicole's incessant chit chat during presentations, Raven trying to steal the limelight from the presenter with her antics, and RP's overly personal joy at each and every celebrity and stamp of approval - let alone lectures complete with "facts."


And now bringing SS back at least for a visit.

Edited by maggiemae
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Good grief......all Sherri did on The View was talk about DWTS especially when she got on it. Then cried and cried and cried when she was voted off. 


Yet now she hasn't publicly congratulated her great friend Val for his win? The friend that always gave her such support during and long after DWTS?

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at a school in Wisconsin, some students petitioned to ban offensive Native American Logos, like "Washington Redskins".  the school district went along with the students, raised awareness of why these names and images are offensive, and banned them on apparel worn at school.  Seems to be pretty reasonable, especially since it was initiated by students who were offended .  


Guess who is all upset about this ?


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at a school in Wisconsin, some students petitioned to ban offensive Native American Logos, like "Washington Redskins".  the school district went along with the students, raised awareness of why these names and images are offensive, and banned them on apparel worn at school.  Seems to be pretty reasonable, especially since it was initiated by students who were offended .  


Guess who is all upset about this ?


Hahahahaha!  I think she's actually getting more ridiculous if that's even possible.  Good grief. 

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I'm sure Elisabeth was offended by the shirts recently sold at Pac Sun  (depicting the American flag upside down).


Unfortunately, she is unable to relate the two situations and see anything beyond her limited view! 

Edited by springtime
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Virtually every single sports team (football, baseball, basketball) are named for animals or nouns.  Indians and Redskins stand out as racial.  Think about it, Elisabeth.  She makes my flesh crawl at the best of times.  

Edited by MatchaLove
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Virtually every single sports team (football, baseball, basketball) are named for animals or nouns.  Indians and Redskins stand out as racial.  Think about it, Elisabeth.  She makes my flesh crawl at the best of times.  

Right.  And this wasn't even about getting teams to change their "mascots".  It was just acknowledging that t-shirts with cartoon "Indians" can offend students who are Native American. (the term "redskins" is especially offensive)   Just like sexist, racist, homophobic images or words on t-shirts can offend, and are banned at many schools. kids  deserve to feel safe from hate messages at school. Bitsy supports "Free Speech" to let kids wear what they want, because of years of tradition.  Even though the ban was student-driven.


I bet if a school wanted to ban anti-military slogans, or anti-Christian slogans, Bitsy would be on the opposite side of the debate.  Because "free speech" has its limits.

Edited by backformore
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Of course she would.  She really is an absurd, dimwit.   Don't get me started.

I have to wonder if she and the other talking heads are told what to say and what position to take.  She was never this off-the-wall when she was on The View.

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EH was off the wall enough on this show to curl up like a 3 year old in BW's lap, lol  

Wasn't that over the Plan B pill being released? She equated it with giving birth on the street and leaving the baby there or something,   Ha!  Good times. 

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Remember when they were talking about Palin approving the shooting of wolves from helicopters........ all the hosts were criticizing Palin.... and instead of defending her.... Elisabeth shouted out.... WHAT ABOUT ABORTION!!!  and something along the lines of... how can we talk about wolves when abortion is such a problem


and the discussion kinda just ended there.... yeah Lizzy was pretty off the wall

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Hasselbeck's "reasoning" and "logic" is just so INSANE, I start hating my own guts for sitting there and watching it.  I do like it when smart people put her in her place or verbally cut her into two.  Sweet.


Remember Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal in Vietnam, talking about how all torture was wrong, Bush /Cheney were war criminals etc., and this ridiculous woman gets angry and challenges him on war operations, tactics, and wording?   Ventura had the same discussion on Fox and Brian Kilmeade was so at a loss, and red from fury, that he walked off the set.  They're all borderline lunatics.

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Regardless of any other shortcomings, Ventura, on the subject matter they were focused on, was 100% right and Hasselbeck and the Fox people were lunatics and unable to expand their minds with logic and facts.  

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Wasn't that over the Plan B pill being released? She equated it with giving birth on the street and leaving the baby there or something, Ha! Good times.

As I recall, she also burst into tears over the subject of African-Americans using the N word. Ironic.

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If we are going to put  up evidence of Elisabeth's off the wall ridiculousness may I offer up her response to when San Francisco first legalized gay marriage.  She equated it to someone marrying a toaster.  That to me belongs in the stupid remarks hall of fame.  Which Elisabeth would have her own wing of course.

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If we are going to put  up evidence of Elisabeth's off the wall ridiculousness may I offer up her response to when San Francisco first legalized gay marriage.  She equated it to someone marrying a toaster.  That to me belongs in the stupid remarks hall of fame.  Which Elisabeth would have her own wing of course.

Agree.  This state of mind makes me so sad.  If you really think about it, and If you want to really boil it down to it's essence, nothing that is wrong, sick or broken in the world is because of the gay community.  In fact, it's the angry, aggressive, allegedly "god fearing" that push and shove, judge and punish.  Watch Fox News Channel and all they do is judge and ask "who should pay," "who should be punished," "I should be able to shoot you with a gun" "we pray away the child-touchers" etc.  I guess all the Caitlyn Jenner talk in the last  24 hrs. was a big reminder.  She looks amazing, btw :)  And I am seriously envious that she has the legendary Oribe (or-bay) doing her hair and, for sure,  a vanity full of his luxurious products, LOL.  That is my greatest splurge these days is anything Oribe.  F*****g obsessed.  I digress…...

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LOL, I guess Dr Ablow blew off Elisabeth and the other idiots on Fox and Friends this morning.....they were trying to defend the Duggars. Hope I can find a clip.....


ETA - it's on Salon.....

Edited by maggiemae
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Watch Elizabeth during the interview.... she has that confused dog look on her face.... with her head cocked and everything




She was in that really good show, Las Vegas, that starred James Caan and Josh Duhamel; her character was Caan's daughter and an igit of the first order on the show as well.


And for General Hospital fans who loved Brenda Barrett, it also starred Vanessa Marcil.

I liked Las Vegas.... I thought it was a good show..... but yes the Molly Simms role was weak

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The negativity Elisabeth and Fox News spews in order to control voters and promote their agenda is the wrong way to go, IMO.  Even compared to 2008, I feel like so many more people are conscious about the destructive nature of negativity and try to lead a more healthy lifestyle, especially millennials, so I think Elisabeth's constant outrage will turn off the more independent and reasonable people out there.  I mean when you find yourself in the position of defending an incestuous child molester... 

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Watch Elizabeth during the interview.... she has that confused dog look on her face.... with her head cocked and everything

I liked Las Vegas.... I thought it was a good show..... but yes the Molly Simms role was weak

Just watched this clip---thank you for posting.  They were seriously agitated (body language) that The Duggars were called out/challenged???  No words.

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The negativity Elisabeth and Fox News spews in order to control voters and promote their agenda is the wrong way to go, IMO.  Even compared to 2008, I feel like so many more people are conscious about the destructive nature of negativity and try to lead a more healthy lifestyle, especially millennials, so I think Elisabeth's constant outrage will turn off the more independent and reasonable people out there.  I mean when you find yourself in the position of defending an incestuous child molester... 

I hope you are right Morbs.  And I could be wrong but I'm not sure "the more independent and reasonable people" are her show's target audience but then I've honestly never seen more than a clip here and there of Fox and Friends and that was generally John Stewart making fun of it. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Watch Elizabeth during the interview.... she has that confused dog look on her face.... with her head cocked and everything




Elisabeth and her fellow right wingers are so conditioned to hate the other team that when one of their own does something so horrific they can't possibly explain it, excuse it, blame it on someone else they don't know what to do.  If this was some "liberal" family Fox News would be camped outside their door and interviewing everyone who ever had a conversation with them.  Elisabeth would be screaming "what about the children?"  "where were the parents?"  But because it is a family she considers to be "on her side" she can only pick on the fact information was released. 

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The release of the police report is all FNC has - it's a distraction.  The Duggar parents and FNC personalities will be lucky if they avoid litigation for making those accusations of bribery and illegality on national television; they are effectively slandering the retired police chief who sought and received approval from her AG.

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The Duggar parents and FNC personalities will be lucky if they avoid litigation for making those accusations of bribery and illegality on national television; they are effectively slandering the retired police chief who sought and received approval from her AG.




I'm sure the Duggar's aren't worried.  In their minds they only have to answer to God.

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The release of the police report is all FNC has - it's a distraction.  The Duggar parents and FNC personalities will be lucky if they avoid litigation for making those accusations of bribery and illegality on national television; they are effectively slandering the retired police chief who sought and received approval from her AG.

from what I have heard about the police reports is this.... there were never any charges.... there was never a juvenile court action..... there was only an investigation with no action after. So there was no need to seal the reports.  So since the reports were not sealed they had to be released on a FOIA request.

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from what I have heard about the police reports is this.... there were never any charges.... there was never a juvenile court action..... there was only an investigation with no action after. So there was no need to seal the reports. So since the reports were not sealed they had to be released on a FOIA request.

Further, Josh Duggar was 18 in 2006 and legally an adult at the time the report was filed. It was not a juvenile record and it was not sealed. Josh's victims names and the pronouns where redacted. The Duggars can try to deflect and play martyrs all they like, but it doesn't change the facts or their attempted cover up or their son's illegal and immoral activities. Of course, The only thing Fox and Facts have in common is F.

From the Springdale, Arkansas City Attorney: http://www.springdalear.gov/news_detail_T2_R284.php

Edited by TribbleTrouble
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