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S01.E13: Route 666

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Okay, this one has lots of problems and I'll leave it at that.


I did like that we get a bit more exploration into Dean's character.  That when he tries to go against his father, he'll always get burned.  So he thinks he met the love of his life, and he spills the beans about the family business and she calls him crazy.  No wonder the poor guy is only interested in one night stands.


It was nice that we got a rare shirtless scene with Dean.  Seems they are always showing off Jared's body but Jensen's gets covered up. 


Not a show I rewatch that much, but I do watch a few moments of it but then again, I usually find a few moments in any show.

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Ahh, the first of the horrible writing duo's episodes.  Sigh. What to say, what to say. Well, I usually pretend this one doesn't exist. I mean, the idea of a killer truck is kinda fun and silly--which I can get behind--but the dialogue and adding the racist element just doesn't do much for me. In fact, it's probably the adding the racist factor to such a silly idea that weighs it down for me. I also, do not like the actress that plays Cassie--didn't like her on The 4400 either. I spend most of the episode wishing the actress that played Lori's roommate back in Hookman had been cast or something. And I don't find that sex scene to be particularly hot or sexy. I'm rarely moved by the two-folks-yell-at-each-other-until-they-rip-off-their-clothes troupe.


All that being said, I do find things that I like--as it is for most S1-S3 episodes. I like how Sam seems to actually get under Dean's collar with his needling. And I also like them pulling that truck out and Dean driving wild and recklessly. Was this the first use of the "pretty sure" stuff?


I think I may be more amused by the fact that the weather in Vancouver caused them more problems than anything. In the commentary for The Pilot, Kripke talks about how they were shooting an episode that they had to move the scripted location from Louisiana to Missouri because it was snowing so much during the production of it. Now when I watch the episode I can't help but giggle a little about the shrimping docks and such.



ETA: Or again, what @7kstar said, but in fewer words.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I know I'm selfish, I just want more shirtless scenes with Jensen, especially now that he is older. 


I just think this one nails another hammer into the coffin of Dean never going against Dad's orders cause he always gets burned when he does. 


Not a big Cassie & Dean fan, because I didn't like her that much, but first season shows always have huge problems that need to be addressed that I just overlook them.  I am always more lenient on the first season as I know they are trying to figure out so much and usually the first season has a lot of hits and misses.

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See, I could actually care less about how many layers of clothing they wear--unless it serves story. Yes, they are both good looking men, but that's not why I watch this show.


I don't think that he got burned by Cassie because he went against his father's orders. I thought the point was that they weren't really all that right for each other to begin with and that it appeared that Dean was more into the idea of Cassie than Cassie was in the idea of Dean. Maybe I misunderstood that post-coital talk and Cassie's good-bye speech though.


I too, probably give the first season more slack because it's the first season and all. That's generally why I can watch the earlier stuff more with amusement whereas now I find it really frustrating simply because they have had nine years to work this stuff out. Plus, there are other things they used to do well that have also went down the drain in later seasons, so it all sucks and it's harder and harder to find something redeeming in an episode now like it is for the earlier ones.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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So this is certainly not among my favorite S1 episodes for the reasons you guys have already pointed out, but I can't bring myself to outright dislike it. It still has a certain energy and sense of adventure that made those first few seasons infectiously engaging for me even as I rolled my eyes through various scenes. There are just enough flashes of humor to make me think the writers realize on some level just how ridiculous the premise is, which helps to redeem it for me...however slightly. :) I like Sam and Dean collaborating to help Dean avoid Death by Racist Vehicle. As you guys mentioned, I like the slight deepening of Dean's character here---the "he was hurt by his one real love!" thing is cliche, but I enjoy how in this case it's used to illustrate Dean's issues with trust, isolation and why he's reluctant to get involved with people past a superficially fun level. And I like...well, no, that's it for the things I like, though, sadly, I'd still rather rewatch this than about 85-90% of S4-S9! 

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I don't think that he got burned by Cassie because he went against his father's orders. I thought the point was that they weren't really all that right for each other to begin with and that it appeared that Dean was more into the idea of Cassie than Cassie was in the idea of Dean. Maybe I misunderstood that post-coital talk and Cassie's good-bye speech though.


I too, probably give the first season more slack because it's the first season and all. That's generally why I can watch the earlier stuff more with amusement whereas now I find it really frustrating simply because they have had nine years to work this stuff out. Plus, there are other things they used to do well that have also went down the drain in later seasons, so it all sucks and it's harder and harder to find something redeeming in an episode now like it is for the earlier ones.


I think it actually shows two things, Dean's goes against his Dad's order to never talk about the family business with outsiders.  Plus it shows his need to find someone to be close to.  His search if you will and yes I agree that Cassie wasn't into Dean as much as he was but I chalk that up to his need to find someone to share his love of hunting with and share what he's experienced.  Of course he'll get burned because it takes time to even find someone that can deal with it.  Even Sam didn't share his history with Jessica and supposedly they had a much deeper relationship.  So this begins Dean's spiral of don't trust people, because they will always let you down.  JMV


I always enjoy looking for shirtless moments in any show I watch if the guy is good looking.  It won't keep me watching a show, if they can't act or make me laugh or cry I'll be gone.  But they have found some organic ways to do it with Sam, so I want the equal treatment with Dean and this one sort of does that.  I know it's shallow but if the show can do both, why not!  :)

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I just read this funny little factoid over at SupernaturalWiki.com and just had to share it:


The demand of the network to have more romance on the show produced a strange kind of moral to be adhered to. Anthony Pinker, one of the editors, explains: "The violence we don't get a lot of notes on." For the episode "Route 666" though, "... The note I got from the network was 'The girl can't be on top.'"


Ha, Ha, Ha. This kinds stuff always amuses me. The stuff networks get caught up on can sometimes amuse me more than the show itself.


By the way, that quote was cited as being from an September 24, 2007 Interview by winchesterbros.com with Nicholas Knight. Want to make sure and give credit where credit is due.

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Thanks for the amusing tidbits.  I didn't watch season 1-3 live, so I don't know a lot about the behind the scene stuff.  Other than to get the gory parts they want, they send in something much worse knowing that they'll then approve the part they wanted.  They are sneaky sometimes too.


I do think the networks get stuck in this is what will draw in people and not realize that really its good characterization and storytelling that draws people in.  I do have to work on this ep to find it though.  :)

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*giggle* Killer racist ghost truck. Come on.

The nepotism duo with race, though. After MBFWB I side eye this one more.


Dean gets burned a lot in general, telling Cassie about the family business is just an early example of it, the trust issues just keep getting reaffirmed. Speaking of Cassie, I thought she was interesting in theory and having Dean be the only significant character to date a POC is interesting

even if never touched on again. Unless I forgot someone and he at least was at that time.

I don't even want to think about what the writers might have been attempting to say with that, actually. The actress was weak, though. Really weak and vaguely annoying in a bland, cliche way.

This show has had some good roles for people of colour and ones that were good until they botched it, Cassie was a a main character's love interest and educated, that's actually good of them... they just messed it up after the foundation. Sometimes I forget how good this show has been about that and female characters at times, they eventually fuck it up but they've been good about it. Definitely not all the time, but they've had a lot of moments of it.


What can you say about the episode? This writer pairing, a racist truck, a love interest and attempting to talk about racism. It's just a bad episode. 666 as the 13th episode, teehee.


If I have to watch a crappy episode at least show me some skin, I don't care how shallow that is. Be good writers and I don't care.


++ Impala action scenes! There needs to be more of that.

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*giggle* Killer racist ghost truck. Come on.

The nepotism duo with race, though. After MBFWB I side eye this one more.


What can you say about the episode? This writer pairing, a racist truck, a love interest and attempting to talk about racism. It's just a bad episode. 666 as the 13th episode, teehee.


If I have to watch a crappy episode at least show me some skin, I don't care how shallow that is. Be good writers and I don't care.


++ Impala action scenes! There needs to be more of that.

For some reason now, I really hate the number 13.  So that's as a good as any reason to not love this ep.


Thanks for the laugh, I was feeling a bit down and I really needed that laugh.  Is it sad that I can agree with you on this.  :)

Edited by 7kstar
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My takeaway from this episode is how much differently I looked at Dean. Layers are not just for clothing when it comes to Dean Winchester. I loved finding out that he was the one that got dumped, not because he was a jerk but because of misunderstanding. I LOVE that we have an Alpha male being vulnerable enough to admit that she did hurt him.


I loved that whole scene for how it completely flips the gender roles that we would normally see. And it didn't make Dean look weak, or pathetic. But we learned this guy was open-minded and trusting and could be in a committed relationship.  Sigh. Never to be mentioned again. /forever bitter.

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I do love how this episode shows that Dean knows of which he speaks when Dean has called Sam out for not telling anyone about his hunting past.

This episode definitely shows that Dean's trust issues don't come from nowhere, that he isn't and hasn't been John's blindly loyal helper and that Sam just doesn't understand Dean. Nor has he much bothered since.

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I just rewatched this one, don't judge me! I'm on a nostalgia trip for season 1 and I miss Sam's season 1 hair.


Also, even a bad episode of season 1 is a far cry from the lazy and insulting retconning mess that a lot of episodes have become in the last 2 years.


And I Iike how Sam keeps poking Dean throughout and I adore the end with the car chase.


So far, Sam drives quite a lot of the time, I did not remember that.


Anyway, they played Can't find my way home at the end here too.

Edited by supposebly
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As with the earlier posts here, what's there to say, really?  Its got a killer truck and awkward conversations about racism.

The scene with the mom, explaining what happened 40 years ago... she's a sobbing mess and everyone else (Dean, Sam, and Cassie) are sitting there like they're watching paint dry.  Its weird.  

Dean, who could have chemistry with a brick wall, had nothing with Cassie.  There was zero chemistry.  I don't like the actress, either... just not a good fit.

The good:

Sam poking fun at Dean the whole episode and all the 'little brother' smirks he throws his way

Sam and Dean talking on the hood of the car outside "I miss conversations that don't start with 'this killer truck'" ha ha

The whole conversation surrounding Dean luring the truck away and the phone calls back and forth with Sam while outrunning it.  Funny, brotherly, tit for tat and snippy comments in the middle of a pretty serious situation= good laughs from me!

I am awed that Dean just believed in Sam's plan... sit there and let the truck run into you, was the message he was getting... and he did.  LOL "That thought hadn't crossed my mind"

Anyway, I can watch for the good moments... but its not one I go back to

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For all the far fetched things Supernatural has shown us, Cassie dumping Dean "twice" has got to be some of the most unbelievable.  Seriously Cassie, Dean was too good for you.  *pets Dean who actually was hurt by Cassie*

I have to say that while this episode gets a lot of shit, I agree with GirlyGeek that it had some good moments.  I think it does suffer from trying to many things at once - trying for Dean romance, trying for a racism statement, going for the flying Dutchman Truck - it's a jumble.  And Behind the Scenes (BTS), I understand the network wanted more romance for the boys... and that was just NOT Kripke's forte.  Jess was believable but that wasn't romance, that was love.  And apparently the network never gave notes regarding violence (per SuperWiki) on the show but did say the girl couldn't be on top**.


**Off-topic rant: WTF kind of a note is THAT?!  When I heard about that note, and another comment about not letting a movie have the male lead shown "pleasuring" the woman...I just couldn't believe it.  Now, after 'Oscar So White' and the media shedding a light on the white male bias in Hollywood (which has always been there but now I SEE IT like I've never seen it before)... little BTS notes like this just sort of piss me off.  

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1 hour ago, SueB said:

*Off-topic rant: WTF kind of a note is THAT?!  When I heard about that note, and another comment about not letting a movie have the male lead shown "pleasuring" the woman...I just couldn't believe it.  Now, after 'Oscar So White' and the media shedding a light on the white male bias in Hollywood (which has always been there but now I SEE IT like I've never seen it before)... little BTS notes like this just sort of piss me off.  



guess that note went out the window by the time Dean hooked up with Anna...lol.  Thank goodness

Edited by catrox14
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1 hour ago, SueB said:

I have to say that while this episode gets a lot of shit, I agree with GirlyGeek that it had some good moments.  I think it does suffer from trying to many things at once - trying for Dean romance, trying for a racism statement, going for the flying Dutchman Truck - it's a jumble.  

You know, I never put this together before, but DUH! Horrible Duo's standard operating procedure. 

1 hour ago, SueB said:

 And apparently the network never gave notes regarding violence (per SuperWiki) on the show but did say the girl couldn't be on top**.

**Off-topic rant: WTF kind of a note is THAT?!  When I heard about that note, and another comment about not letting a movie have the male lead shown "pleasuring" the woman...I just couldn't believe it.  Now, after 'Oscar So White' and the media shedding a light on the white male bias in Hollywood (which has always been there but now I SEE IT like I've never seen it before)... little BTS notes like this just sort of piss me off.  

I'm sorry, as I mentioned above, this kinda stuff amuses me so very much sometimes. For a fun read, check out this twitter link: https://twitter.com/tvnetworknotes?lang=en

My favorite being: 


And to bring this back to Supernatural,


I'm pretty sure this one is for a certain jacket in S7: 


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Continuing the epic rewatch for one of my least favorite episodes that is probably the root of my like/hate relationship with Megalyn E. (made worse by her role in 4400). And I've been trying to be positive on rewatch, but no, nope I can't for this one. A racist ghost truck? A racist ghost truck? That's the best they could do? "Evil on a level that infected even his truck." Who let that line through? Who?

Okay, back to the positive list:

1. "We do what we do and we shut up about it!"

2. Shipper Sammy is kind of adorable. I love his shock at a girl breaking up with his brother.

3. On rewatch, Cassie seems completely reasonable in her breakup with Dean back in college.

4. God, the sex scene is so much better than I remembered. And shorter.

5. Is it wrong that I recognize the scene of them standing in the snow from the "Wanna build a snowman?" blooper? And still remember the promo that used that clip back in December '05 when they aired the show every night for a week.

6. "I miss conversations that didn't start with 'this killer truck.'"

7. "Don't leave the house please?" with the kiss goodbye as Sam "ahems" is adorable.

8. Nice shots of the Impala running from the racist ghost truck. 

9. "Honestly, that thought hadn't occurred to me." Although as many ghosts as they've had haunting churches in episodes since, Sam really got lucky on this one.

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honestly i don't care that dean was in love with cassie ofc and if they wanted to show more on their "romance" (if you haven't noticed already i'm using that word lightly) it should have just been a detective story with her solving something that killed her father and it turned out to be some urban legend. the plot was just very lukewarm.

i don't care about race and all that but even i noticed how very white the show is (which is fine with me, the US is mostly white, i'm NOT bashing it), so for cassie to not only be black but possibly the first and only love of dean's life was well put in. it wasn't implied that at all in the writing, she was just a friend of dean's at first and even if she wasn't just a friend you would probably think she was one of his one night stands, so when she was much deeper to dean than that your mind sort of went ("Oh really??? Okay, whatever, doesn't really matter"), at least with me. honestly i lowkey thought he was only attracted to white women haha, so that was a nice little surprise i guess.

i didn't see "the scene" because basically the whole fam was watching so we skipped it and i was too embarrassed to go back to it when i had time alone, lmao. plus i read how much jensen dreaded it so out of respect i don't look at it to this day, oh well. i'm sure it won't be the only sex scene in the show, that'd be a waste of looks. 

the car scene when dean said he would kill sam for guessing the spot was funny though, one of the best parts of the ep.

Edited by Iju
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Apparently I really am an outlier because I really enjoyed this one. It was a little clunky and the racist possessed car was a bit hard to take seriously from a monster perspective, but I actually love that they tackled a story about race and I like the contrast between the hidden manslaughter earlier in the season (where the boy was drowned) vs. the self defense here. As a viewer, you feel very differently about them (justifiably). I feel like 15ish years ago, when this was written, there was a real tendency to gloss over race, so this feels like it has actually aged pretty decently to me.

I don't know if Cassie ends up being terrible, as everyone here seems to hate her. I liked her out of the gate. She seemed smart and capable. Not super damsel-y. I reserve the right to hate her upon further viewing or rewatch of the 4400 where I have apparently blocked her from memory. 😂

Mostly, Ioved Dean and Sam's interactions. I loved Sam's gentle ribbing once he realizes how important the relationship really was to Dean. 

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20 minutes ago, The Companion said:

I don't know if Cassie ends up being terrible, as everyone here seems to hate her.

I actually liked Cassie and I like the actress as well. I've noticed that some fans don't like Cassie but they also seem to mostly dislike everyone that the brothers were involved with. I think that Jess is the only one that no one seems to have a problem with but who knows if that would've changed if she'd lasted beyond the pilot. 

As for this ep I liked the Dean/Cassie pairing and it was understandable to me why they didn't magically work out their differences and end up together in the end. The racist truck was a bit silly but the overall episode isn't nearly as bad as some of the ones that come later in the series😫

Edited by DeeDee79
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On 11/3/2019 at 1:56 PM, The Companion said:

Apparently I really am an outlier because I really enjoyed this one

I liked it except for the climax scene. I've said this so many times, everybody else is sick of it, but it didn't make sense to me that Sam expected hallowed ground to destroy the spirit.  It wasn't that long ago that he was attacked by the hook man on hallowed ground.  But, other than, it wasn't a bad episode.

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