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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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12 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Isn't it hilarious that him moronically getting caught set this all up? If he hadn't been caught, Nicole would be evicted, Ovi would be back in the house and Cliff and Ovi would be helping out a nine person alliance to eliminate Jessica. 

When you put it that way it's just like fucking wow, this game man lol.

Nick came off so unbelievably desperate in that talk he just had with Cliff. I was surprised he didn't offer Cliff his first born child.

I am very impressed and pleasantly surprised by Cliff. I expected him to just continue being an ass kissing follower. I really wanted to like him so I'm glad. Now, as @Brian Cronin has said, undoubtedly this will end with him being fucked and us having to deal with the full Shitty 6 for yet another week at least, but he actually tried and that's more than we get from most players.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

So does it seem like he's doing Jack/Sis then? I do wish he'd do Jack/Jackson because that would really get them feeling dejected, but whatever Jack/Sis is just fine lol.

I'm not entirely sure.  Jack is definitely going up.  I'm leaning more towards him going with Jack/Jackson but it could be Jack/Analyse.

And now Tommy is in there trying to convince Cliff to not put up people from the 6.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

So does it seem like he's doing Jack/Sis then? I do wish he'd do Jack/Jackson because that would really get them feeling dejected, but whatever Jack/Sis is just fine lol.

I'm 12. I laughed. 

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Tommy says that Cliff is not going to be the target any time soon.  He's pushing for Cliff to put up one from the six and one from Nick/Bella.

Tommy says that it would be good for Cliff's game and he wouldn't be on the radar. Yes, because Tommy is totally looking out for Cliff's best interest here.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

And now Tommy is in there trying to convince Cliff to not put up people from the 6.

Good thing Cliff has already made up his mind and Tommy isn't likely to change his mind.

FFS, Tommy, your alliance is getting targeted this week. Maybe you'll be in tact by the end of the week, but you....EVICTED CLIFF. Of course he's putting you guys up!

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Good thing Cliff has already made up his mind and Tommy isn't likely to change his mind.

FFS, Tommy, your alliance is getting targeted this week. Maybe you'll be in tact by the end of the week, but you....EVICTED CLIFF. Of course he's putting you guys up!

But it was a last minute decision! Tommy still loves him!

I think those words are seared into my brain from yesterday. 

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Beyond the thing I mentioned before about how this wouldn't have happened had Cliff not fucked up, it also wouldn't have happened had Christie not made such a dumb move. Who betrays their alliance to blindside and evict a guy when he has a 25% chance of coming right back into the house? And why, because she was paranoid that Cliff was going to be a possible number for the guy who just nominated him? And blindsiding him just to be a jerk? It's all so stupid and so, so glorious that it will temporarily fuck her over until Grodner makes sure that it doesn't. 

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Jackson's talking about rushes and excitement and how this is why he loves Vegas and gambling.  Will he add gambling addict to his resumé down the line?  He's talked about his addictive personality before.

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So I just realized something (unrelated to the current "Who is Cliff gonna nom?" discussion):

Jackson, as a Have Not, will not be able to have sex with Holly in the HoH shower. 10 WHOLE DAYS WITHOUT SMASHING. OR 7 DAYS WITHOUT CHICKEN. Which is gonna break his heart more?

I can't wait for someone to be in the storage room with him all, "Wow! Look at all this extra food we have this week! Chicken for days!" Heh. 

It's the small petty things that make me happy.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I can't wait for someone to be in the storage room with him all, "Wow! Look at all this extra food we have this week! Chicken for days!" Heh. 

It's the small petty things that make me happy.

Jack was showing him fish that they got and Jackson was begging him to put some in the freezer for him.

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I am IN for the aftermath of this nomination ceremony. The bitterness and delusional hypocrisy will be off the charts!! How long until Christie is convinced she’s the backdoor? And Jackson won’t last two days on slop.

Man, what’s difference one day makes. Thank you, Cliff!

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Jackson says he was bullied out of 2 middle schools.  He says that was his motivation for getting in shape because he was severely overweight.

Must have been all those cookies and chocolate milk his mommy was serving him.

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Just now, me5671 said:

Cliff, you magnificent bastard!  You may have single-handed saved the season.  If Christie wastes her power saving one of those Jack(asses), then she deserves to lose.

I hope the Veto winner, whoever wins it, does that thing that happens on Survivor at the tribal councils where when someone knows there's an immunity idol in the group and they start staring down that person, all "Play it, play it for me, motherfucker," and that person just stares at the fire with a little smile and never says a word. 

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2 minutes ago, me5671 said:

Cliff, you magnificent bastard!  You may have single-handed saved the season.  If Christie wastes her power saving one of those Jack(asses), then she deserves to lose.

You stole the text right off my fingertips! Christie may do that if they promise to keep her safe for the next weeks (if they know about her power). Please tell me she is not that idiotic. 

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According to Nick, Jackson walked into the DR without being called and *gasp* left his food just sitting there. Wow, he must be super butthurt. Or celebrating his epic master plan of getting put on the block?

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Bella is telling Kat that she wants Christie gone.

Yes, Bella, keep digging yourself into that hole to be the replacement nominee. Yessss.

Seriously, if Christie hears about this, she'll make sure Bella is up on the block if she has to use DPOV this week.

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I'm not saying this isn't awesome, as clearly, it is and apologies for doubting you, Cliff (although, again, he needed to be literally blindsided and evicted before he turned on them), but I dunno, Jack/Analyse noms are less likely to see Grodner intercede. Both sides of the bromance, though? That's tough. 

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