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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Even Jackson, though, no? Because if he wins it, he certainly wouldn't mind also helping out Jack, right? He wouldn't go out of his way to do it, but if he was already safe from the POV win, why not? He knows he wouldn't be putting up Holly, since he'd control it. I mean, I guess Christie might not trust him to put up HER. 

No way would Christie give her power away to Jackson at this point.

I so hope Jackson wins veto and Jessica somehow stumbles on the right choice and names Tommy as the replacement.  Romeo and Juliet up together, hah.

Edited by green
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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

 Even Jackson, though, no? Because if he wins it, he certainly wouldn't mind also helping out Jack, right? He wouldn't go out of his way to do it, but if he was already safe from the POV win, why not? He knows he wouldn't be putting up Holly, since he'd control it. I mean, I guess Christie might not trust him to put up HER. 

Christie would NEVER use her power to give Jackson control of the veto ceremony. No way. That's why I'm confident that Jackson winning veto isn't a bad thing at all. 

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Ok, I’m proud of Jess for her noms, but she’s going to HAVE TO let it go that she wasn’t consulted about the possible flip last night.  That decision was no different than the 1,001 others about which she has not been consulted thus far, nor, unless this week is the most earth-shattering turning point ever seen of all time, the 1,001 decisions about which she will not be consulted in the future. 

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3 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

Ok, I’m proud of Jess for her noms, but she’s going to HAVE TO let it go that she wasn’t consulted about the possible flip last night.  That decision was no different than the 1,001 others about which she has not been consulted thus far, nor, unless this week is the most earth-shattering turning point ever seen of all time, the 1,001 decisions about which she will not be consulted in the future. 

I think what this shows, honestly, is that she has been privately fuming this whole time, but now that she is HoH, she can let out her irritation for the first time. 

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5 minutes ago, RockYou said:

I’d really really love a link or any interview or tweet from the HG and most recently Sams revelation when they discover in the real life that Christie and Tommy are TIGHT! I mean c’mon social media pics together . This is bull sh*t

Yes, if anyone happens on a Sam interview and remembers, please post a link. TYIA! 😊

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think what this shows, honestly, is that she has been privately fuming this whole time, but now that she is HoH, she can let out her irritation for the first time. 

If that’s true, she’s a master at masquerading anger as ignorance. She has that clueless look totally nailed!

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10 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

Dear Jessica,

i need you to do me a favor. You just said, “Christie is cool with ev-er-y-body right now.” Please, girl. Pause for a moment and carefully consider what you just said. Let it sink in. There you go. 



{Carefully thinks} "So...she's like...mi familia?"

  • LOL 9
1 hour ago, CringeWatcher said:

How long until anal is back downstairs calling Jess a bitch and saying she wants to stab her in the heart?

Whose face did Sis want to rip off? Was that Jess, too, or some other lucky lady?

1 hour ago, CringeWatcher said:

Watermelon eating contest for veto! 

I think Jackson could have a future on the eating contest circuit. Look out, Joey Chestnut!

53 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

We must never underestimate the ability of these buffoons to fuck up anything at all. 

To quote Paul Simon, “paranoia strikes deep in the heartland.” And by heartland, he clearly meant the BB house. The Amazing Race has killer fatigue, BB has paranoia. And menacing Brussels sprouts. If you haven’t seen Brussels sprouts on the stalk, brace yourselves.


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3 minutes ago, Kris117 said:

Whose face did Sis want to rip off? Was that Jess, too, or some other lucky lady?

I think Jackson could have a future on the eating contest circuit. Look out, Joey Chestnut!

To quote Paul Simon, “paranoia strikes deep in the heartland.” And by heartland, he clearly meant the BB house. The Amazing Race has killer fatigue, BB has paranoia. And menacing Brussels sprouts. If you haven’t seen Brussels sprouts on the stalk, brace yourselves.


Can we get thousands of copies of that picture dropped over the bb house? I want to see Christie go catatonic. 

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It’s weird how Kat and Holly disliking Jackson actually make this blindside more likely to happen. They genuinely dislike him. But since they dislike him they can view it more objectively and see that Jack is a bigger threat and they need to form a new group outside the Six Shitters. So Son being such a crappy fuck buddy that both his fuck buddies don’t like him helps his game. 

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14 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think Christy was just telling Analyse that if herself, Analyse, Tommy, or Nick win veto that they shouldn't use it because if they did one of them would replace Jack and Jack isn't going to go home so it's fine and Jack's OK with it. Or something. Like girl lol!

 I’m still not sold on nick, but they could evict jack even if without him, right? 

Evict Jackson: Christie, anal, tommy, nick

evict jack: holly, Kat, Nicole, cliff

jess breaks the tie

am I forgetting anyone/anything? 

I don’t want to get my hopes up (famous last words) but I want so badly to see a Christie and tommy blindside. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

How many more times are we going to have to be subjected to hearing various people's versions of what happened yesterday?  I'm pretty sure we've got 2 cameras on Christie explaining it in the HOH room and 2 on Jackson in the HN room explaining it to Nick.

And Jess will continue to complain about not being consulted about the votes every.single.time. 🙄 

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2 hours ago, CringeWatcher said:

Did anyone else hear this? I think Kat slipped up a few minutes ago in HOH. Holly was saying she lied about her age, as a sarcastic joke, but as we could all have predicted, the sarcasm was lost on Jess, Kat, and anal. They all started trying to guess how old holly is. I’m *almost* positive Kat said, “I know how old you said you were going to say.” The only thing I’m not 100% on is the very last word; she def said “I know how old you said you were going to...” 

if any of the brain trust caught it, they didn’t say anything. 

From the beginning, I thought Holly looked OLD. I am OLD, so no age shaming intended. I think Holly looks about 50. I am older than Holly. Thoughts? 

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1 minute ago, DakotaLavender said:

From the beginning, I thought Holly looked OLD. I am OLD, so no age shaming intended. I think Holly looks about 50. I am older than Holly. Thoughts? 

I'm 11 years older than her and I think she looks older than me.  I don't think her makeup is doing her any favors.  It always looks really heavy to me and I think it ages her.  I also think her years of exposure to the sun are not doing her any favors.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I'm 11 years older than her and I think she looks older than me.  I don't think her makeup is doing her any favors.  It always looks really heavy to me and I think it ages her.  I also think her years of exposure to the sun are not doing her any favors.

Plus whatever work she’s had done. Getting older ain’t fun. But the new pangs of arthritis bother me far more than a few lines around my eyes, and I am quite vain, lol...I just don’t understand these women having all this fakery done to their faces, and they are doing it now younger and younger. I don’t remember if it was here, Twitter, or on another site, but someone posted a pic purported to be holly; it looked nothing like her. And the “before” pic was really pretty. If she were more natural, she’d look at last 10 years younger. Elena from season 19 was another example of the hideous results of too much work, and it was totally unnecessary. 

Hell, at my high school last year, during the homecoming assembly, I went back to say hello to the kids in the court, and I literally did not recognize some of the girls, my own students I saw every day. Between the fake hair and the overdone makeup, they looked totally different. 

What happened to looking like yourself? When did that become so passé? 

I’ll get off my soapbox now, just a pet peeve of mine. 

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