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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Analyse:  "Why do you feel like you made the wrong decision?"

Jack:  "Because I think Christie is fucking around."  Jack says that must stay between the 2 of them.  Then he said a bunch of stuff about how Christie doesn't care about anything except for covering her tracks.

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Christie:  "I'm not taking credit by manifesting your win but I swear I prayed.  I prayed in the booth and that it was spoken about in another place, like what I was praying for.  I was praying that I do my personal best but that I do not win and that someone from the other side wins because I feel that there needs to be a shift.  I feel that something needs to happen.  I just know that your win was meant to be because I do feel like you're so diplomatic and I feel like the house is in good hands with you."

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And the above is another example of why we need a puke emoji.

Is there anyone available to translate jessspeak? I can return the favor when we get snackson’s inevitable melange of mixed metaphors.

Edited by CringeWatcher
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8 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie:  "I'm not taking credit by manifesting your win but I swear I prayed.  I prayed in the booth and that it was spoken about in another place, like what I was praying for.  I was praying that I do my personal best but that I do not win and that someone from the other side wins because I feel that there needs to be a shift.  I feel that something needs to happen.  I just know that your win was meant to be because I do feel like you're so diplomatic and I feel like the house is in good hands with you."

So basically, she IS taking the credit. I had a horrible, narcissistic boss like this. If anything went wrong she blamed us. If things went great (due to our hard work) she said it was because she prayed for it and God listened to her. I'm not making this up. 

Worst job I ever had. 

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Christie says jack has her back but she doesn’t necessarily have his. If he asked her would she use her power on him, she would have to tell him no.

i, for one, would loooooove to see that conversation. Like, this afternoon. 

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Christie is dumb for saying that if she gets picked to play veto, she doesn't want it, so she would throw it.  At least Jess was paying enough attention to tell Christie that she doesn't want people throwing the veto and that she wants to keep the veto out of the nominees' hands because she wants the noms to stay the same.  Christie:  "Oooooh. Yeah.  I hadn't thought about that."

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48 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kat says she told Holly to drop all the Christie stuff.  She says she doesn't want Christie's name getting dragged around.

Kat:  "Tommy, I would never vote to evict you."

OK, Kat can go anytime. 

Jessica suddenly understands things but she truly is impossible to listen to. I tried to watch her and Nick talking earlier and they're both just so atrocious at communicating that I was suffering too much second-hand embarrassment watching them.

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Ok, so I’m trying to figure out what jack did that soooooo violates christie’s ethical code, because we know she’s full of shit. I think all it is is her blaming jack for not telling Jessica the vote might flip last night, which is the major gripe Jessica has been leading with in these convos. 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Is there anyone Jack could be up against and get evicted? Probably just Christie and Tommy and Jessica would never put them up. Ugh I just want Jack gone the most! Well, I want Tommy gone the most, but that ain't happening so.

Yeah, I’ve still got a raging hate boner for Christie and tommy, but no chance. 


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5 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Dammit!  I planned on listening on the way home!

I think the original link (non-Youtube) is still accessible.  They took down the YouTube link.

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5 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Dammit!  I planned on listening on the way home!

One thing you would have missed from listening alone was seeing nick giggling like a schoolgirl and jumping up and down with his ear to the door. 

honestly if nothing else comes of last night, nick, Jess, and Nicole should realize just how irrelevant they have been to the shit 6 just from how willing the 6 were to scream and fight and air their own dirty laundry with absolutely no fear whatsoever of the rest of the house hearing. Cliff is irrelevant, too, but I think he at least already knew it. 

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3 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

One thing you would have missed from listening alone was seeing nick giggling like a schoolgirl and jumping up and down with his ear to the door. 

honestly if nothing else comes of last night, nick, Jess, and Nicole should realize just how irrelevant they have been to the shit 6 just from how willing the 6 were to scream and fight and air their own dirty laundry with absolutely no fear whatsoever of the rest of the house hearing. Cliff is irrelevant, too, but I think he at least already knew it. 

That, the angry brushing (though some of it was audible), and the outsiders facial expressions when Nicole would nervously talk and they wanted her to shut up.  It was feeds gold.  Something we have missed these last few weeks.  Thank goodness it is happening now!

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18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sure, and then he's at least vulnerable to be eligible for the Field Trip. 

Ok, I feel like I need to make this clear because Taran Armstrong makes a good point: casuals are going to misread the Field Trip rules, vote wrong and they're going to vote in Cliff and Nicole because they don't understand that the Field Trip is supposed to be a punishment, not a reward.

17 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I feel my skin crawl whenever he's in the DR. I LITERALLY find him repulsive.

I really do hope people are smart enough to realize that they should just vote for three people they can't stand for the field trip.

I watched a live done by Tommy’s cousin and everyone was commenting about how they are voting for Tommy to go on the field trip and the cousin was going crazy... “NOOOOOO, whatever you do do NOT vote for Tommy or Christie!!” I thought it was hilarious! 

16 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Tommy making a big deal about Holly and Kat potentially knowing each other...okay then...

Tommy and Christie have the same if not an even bigger advantage from their outside relationship...such hypocrisy! 

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate Christie, but in the way I hated Vanessa. Like a 'fun to hate' way. She has been at the center of the little entertainment we've gotten this season.

And, Christie is playing a helluva game. She’s messy, but she’s so convincing it doesn’t seem to matter. She’s just so insanely narcissistic! But I will watch her. Tommy i FF or switch feeds because I.just.cant. (I might make a liar out of myself though and try to listen to some of this HOH convo, although I’m afraid much more listening to Jess and I’ll start losing brain cells at an exponential rate).

jackson is terrible at this game but he’s my LOLOL this year.

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8 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:


Cliff about Anal: "All she did was sleep with the guy...she slept with one of the powerful men. What has she done to deserve anything..." 


"I mean, I TRIED to suck up to the powerful people, too, but it's unfair that they want to have sex with her! Boo!"

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25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I tried to watch her and Nick talking earlier and they're both just so atrocious at communicating 

I’m in awe of how quickly nick’s jaw must move in order to talk that fast. No wonder bella loves him 😈

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

"I mean, I TRIED to suck up to the powerful people, too, but it's unfair that they want to have sex with her! Boo!"

Come on...Cliff's too old to get on his knees, surely, he could have used the hammock to swing back and forth onto Jack d***

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It won’t be Christie this week, y’all, because she doesn’t *like* the number 9, so she wouldn’t be juror #9. 

Then she realizes she would be juror #1 and pretends to be scared for about 10 seconds. 

She’s lounging with nick and jack, gets called to the diary room. Nick asked her if she and Jess talked about her power. Lightly, it was touched on, she says. Then, “gotta go; I’m so relevant.” 

Does not mention that she said she would not use it on jack. SHOCKER. 

Edited by CringeWatcher
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Kat is talking to Holly about yesterday and said that Tommy cried to her.  She said, "I don't hold it against him.  I think he's a really bad liar."  Kat needs to wake up regarding Tommy.

Brief Jackson sighting in the RV room.

Jackson sighting.png

Kat says that with Jack gone, the rest of them will scramble.

Holly:  "Kat, you're literally the only person I trust right now."  Kat says that Holly and Jess are the only ones she trusts.  Now Holly is saying that the more she gets to know Jess the more she trusts her or some crap.

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Jackson:  "I've never thrown anything away or wasted anything."  That's a lie.  I watched him admit to Jack that he threw away cookie dough.  This was after Jess brought up the rogue vote and other stuff she said he was doing that she didn't even notice.   He said the rogue vote was him trying to protect the people he cares about.

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18 minutes ago, CringeWatcher said:

Analice has aged 10 years just trying to understand Jessica with her itty bitty brain.

Every time she thinks her forehead gets smaller. 

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1 hour ago, CringeWatcher said:

And, Christie is playing a helluva game. She’s messy, but she’s so convincing it doesn’t seem to matter.

See, I think Jackson is way more convincing that Christie. Christie is so fake, as are Jack, Tommy, Analyse, and Holly, but Jackson can make his bullshit sound genuine imo.

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

"I mean, I TRIED to suck up to the powerful people, too, but it's unfair that they want to have sex with her! Boo!"

LOL! Yea, Cliff can miss me with that tbh. It was pretty funny though.

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5 minutes ago, luluesq1 said:

A la The Godfather- I would put a bunch of Brussels sprouts on the pillow next to where Christie sleeps so it’s 1st thing she sees when she wakes up in the morning.

Let her come undone. 

Don’t ever take sides against the sprouts. Ever.

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