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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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I remember past seasons where HGs would lay towels on the floor for the gunk covered HGs to kinda scoot under them on the way to the bathroom. I remember people shouting when someone who was still covered in ick would almost sit on a chair without a towel under them. I remember people collecting all the comp clothing to put in a bag in the storage room until they got access to the laundry again. 

And then there's Tart in the Lady Parts Analyse, rolling around on the bathroom seating while covered in dried Pepto pink "calamine lotion". Thanks, Analyse. Stellar contribution to the Big Brother house.

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18 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

What season was it where an alliance gave away where everyone stood through the use of the key reveal and then that was used to do one of the very rare "turning the tables" deal? 

Maybe this could be like that, with Analyse realizing what Jackson really thinks about her.

Sounds like what happened to John Carroll (sp? One l or two?) on Survivor.  With the crossover audience being what it is for those two shows, you would think people would not make such a dumb error like that having watched it happen on Survivor.

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Also it's oddly hypnotizing. I can't stop watching it.

P.S. Is a millennial (barely, I think I'm actually a Xennial, or my personal favourite: Generation Oregon Trail) and I can confirm that I've never seen that before. But I have died of dysentery SO MANY TIMES. 

Edited by Callaphera
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5 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Via Jokers'...

On behalf of all Millenials, we'd like to pass Michie off as an Elder Generation Z as his birthday better aligns with their start date and less our end date. 

Deo between the thighs is mildly acceptable for chaffing; it's effective if you're working out and don't have an astro glide type product to use. With that said, nothing explains the length of time it took Michie to deodorize his balls unless BB is sneaking in his anti-crab creams in a deo bottle so it remains on the DL.

If not, I feel bad for Holly's vag because deodorant inside is going to burn, burn, burn. No wonder she's itchy. 

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To quote Phoebe Buffay, "My eyes! My eyes!" 

Seriously though, what is he holding? Deodorant? I can't tell. 

Oops, nm. Answered. That can't be healthy. 

Edited by Melina22
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5 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

If not, I feel bad for Holly's vag because deodorant inside is going to burn, burn, burn. No wonder she's itchy. 

Is that Old Spice deodorant? It burns my nose when the husband buys it so I imagine it really would burn downstairs. 

Ugh. That's a way to ensure you never get oral ever again. 

Edited by Callaphera
thank you, autocorrect
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Is that Old Spice deodorant? It burns my nose when the husband buys it so I imagine it really would burn downstairs. 

Ugh. That's a way to insure you never get oral ever again. 

It looks like it.  If it is then you are right, I am not sure what chemicals they put in Old Spice but that shit does burn.  

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Is that Old Spice deodorant? It burns my nose when the husband buys it so I imagine it really would burn downstairs. 

Ugh. That's a way to ensure you never get oral ever again. 

My husband buys OS Deo and the bottles look the same so I would say yes. 

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Also Old Spice reminds me of that crazy uncle who believed he was abducted by aliens (twice!), lived on a boat because something something government, and called once at 2 am to tell us all about the walla walla onion he ate. 

My parents used to let him babysit me. I'm amazed I turned out as well as I did. 

That has nothing to do with the feeds but it was either tell the crazy uncle story or talk about how Jackson is inhaling his fourth watermelon.

Edited by Callaphera
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38 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Sounds like what happened to John Carroll (sp? One l or two?) on Survivor.  With the crossover audience being what it is for those two shows, you would think people would not make such a dumb error like that having watched it happen on Survivor.

Perhaps I am misremembering? Because I can usually pull a past event like this from BB history, but I could have sworn there was a season where an alliance was blown up when someone realized that they were clearly at the back end of the alliance based on the order of how their keys were revealed. Did I just, like, DREAM that happened? 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

*sniff* As a (the only?) Hawkeye fan, ouch. 

It's the arms, okay? And the shoulders. I'm an arms and shoulders girl.

Throw a hissy fit, get watermelon. I hope the rest of the HGs are taking notes so they can try the same when they're HNs. I guess this means he gets a regular shower and a real bed, too.

I like Hawkeye!! Not in the way it appears you like Hawkeye, but I have a soft spot for the guy.

What I'm saying is leave poor Hawkeye alone. He helps save the universe and you compare Jackson to him? For shame, @Maverick. For. Shame.

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As a Baby Boomer, first I have to tell you kids to get off my lawn and then I have to ask: what is WITH all the hamsters on medication? Are more young people on daily prescriptions these days, or is it a BB contestant thing? I think it was the terrible BB15 where it felt like everyone was getting their daily meds in the DR, but it seems like a lot of people on recent seasons are on medication. 

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9 minutes ago, Mystery said:

As a Baby Boomer, first I have to tell you kids to get off my lawn and then I have to ask: what is WITH all the hamsters on medication? Are more young people on daily prescriptions these days, or is it a BB contestant thing? I think it was the terrible BB15 where it felt like everyone was getting their daily meds in the DR, but it seems like a lot of people on recent seasons are on medication. 

As a Gen-Xer I was thinking the exact same thing.  I was wondering if it is a generational thing.  I mean I have read articles talking about how younger people are seemingly becoming more and more (over) medicated. 

Edited by BK1978
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4 minutes ago, Mystery said:

As a Baby Boomer, first I have to tell you kids to get off my lawn and then I have to ask: what is WITH all the hamsters on medication? Are more young people on daily prescriptions these days, or is it a BB contestant thing? I think it was the terrible BB15 where it felt like everyone was getting their daily meds in the DR, but it seems like a lot of people on recent seasons are on medication. 

Amanda was on a bunch of different meds for her "split personalities", as Gina Marie helpfully reminded everyone about 47 times during a particularly exciting Jenga match.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Perhaps I am misremembering? Because I can usually pull a past event like this from BB history, but I could have sworn there was a season where an alliance was blown up when someone realized that they were clearly at the back end of the alliance based on the order of how their keys were revealed. Did I just, like, DREAM that happened? 

I keep thinking it was either BB11 or BB14 but nothing specific comes to mind. It does make me miss the Giant Key Wheel of "[Insert HGs name], you are safe", though. 

1 minute ago, Mystery said:

As a Baby Boomer, first I have to tell you kids to get off my lawn and then I have to ask: what is WITH all the hamsters on medication? Are more young people on daily prescriptions these days, or is it a BB contestant thing? I think it was the terrible BB15 where it felt like everyone was getting their daily meds in the DR, but it seems like a lot of people on recent seasons are on medication. 

I think it's that younger people are more open to admitting they have anxiety/ADHD/insert issue here and being proactive about medicating themselves. Oh, for sure, some of it is abuse or being over-prescribed but again, I fall into that little crack that's like the space between the couch cushions: not Gen-X yet not Millennial but there's lots of crumbs and a little bit of pocket change if you're lucky (or guitar picks and stitch markers, if it's my couch). So I'm probably wrong and we're just getting high as fuck for funsies. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think it's that younger people are more open to admitting they have anxiety/ADHD/insert issue here and being proactive about medicating themselves. 

Oh well, now I feel bad, so THANKS Callaphera

Actually, that makes me feel better than the thought that BB is somehow exploiting people who should be working on things other than the tiny chance to be somewhat famous. 

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5 minutes ago, Mystery said:

Oh well, now I feel bad, so THANKS Callaphera

Actually, that makes me feel better than the thought that BB is somehow exploiting people who should be working on things other than the tiny chance to be somewhat famous. 

I honestly think that in the category of "famewhores and people willing to embarrass themselves on the internet", you'd have more trouble finding someone who isn't medicated and/or isn't mentally sound than people who are okay. Like, normal people? What are those?

Edited by Callaphera
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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think it's that younger people are more open to admitting they have anxiety/ADHD/insert issue here and being proactive about medicating themselves. Oh, for sure, some of it is abuse or being over-prescribed but again, I fall into that little crack that's like the space between the couch cushions: not Gen-X yet not Millennial but there's lots of crumbs and a little bit of pocket change if you're lucky (or guitar picks and stitch markers, if it's my couch). So I'm probably wrong and we're just getting high as fuck for funsies. 

I read a study about a month ago that was making some interesting correlations between people having more social anxiety & depression due to people being isolated and in their screens all the time. There is a noticble lack of actual face to face interactions.  Then when a person has some sort of interaction upcoming (like a job interview for example), they are so nervous and anxious about it b/c they don’t do it a lot. 

I sometimes have to force my teens into interacting w/the public (like asking a sales person or wait staff).  They try to avoid it as much as possible. 

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Oh, look, Jessica cam is back.


1 minute ago, Tdoc72 said:

I read a study about a month ago that was making some interesting correlations between people having more social anxiety & depression due to people being isolated and in their screens all the time. There is a noticble lack of actual face to face interactions.  Then when a person has some sort of interaction upcoming (like a job interview for example), they are so nervous and anxious about it b/c they don’t do it a lot. 

I sometimes have to force my teens into interacting w/the public (like asking a sales person or wait staff).  They try to avoid it as much as possible. 

I can see that. I know I make a fuss now if I actually have to call in a delivery food order (like what the hell, Chinese restaurant? But your deep fried shrimp is worth it) versus being able to just click a few times online and twenty minutes later, have the KFC dude at my door. If it was socially acceptable to yell "Just leave it at the door and back away slowly!" while shoving money through the mail slot, I would totally do it. 

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16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I fall into that little crack that's like the space between the couch cushions: not Gen-X yet not Millennial but there's lots of crumbs and a little bit of pocket change if you're lucky (or guitar picks and stitch markers, if it's my couch.)

Me too! I once saw it described as Generation Catalano, and I've used it ever since.

But yeah, it's kind of hard to say, because I do think younger people are more open about depression, mental illness, etc., but the reality show mactor fame monsters aren't the most accurate representation of that generation as a whole.

Jackson shouldn't be there if he's in that much need of meds and struggling that badly.

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Hm. Do I watch Jackson whine because he might not get HoH shower sex every ten minutes or Jessica and Christie in the same room?

What a choice, BB. 


Edited by Callaphera
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Jackson to Holly, ten minutes ago, not verbatim: "I don't like to lose but if I had to lose to someone, I guess it isn't the end of the world if I lost to you."

Jackson to Cliff, just now, not verbatim: "I'm a 'good' loser, y'know? I'm all right with it. And I definitely don't pout or sulk or anything."

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11 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I read a study about a month ago that was making some interesting correlations between people having more social anxiety & depression due to people being isolated and in their screens all the time. There is a noticble lack of actual face to face interactions.  Then when a person has some sort of interaction upcoming (like a job interview for example), they are so nervous and anxious about it b/c they don’t do it a lot. 

I sometimes have to force my teens into interacting w/the public (like asking a sales person or wait staff).  They try to avoid it as much as possible. 

Edited by Jess2149
I went waaaaay off topic. Sorry guys
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50 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Perhaps I am misremembering? Because I can usually pull a past event like this from BB history, but I could have sworn there was a season where an alliance was blown up when someone realized that they were clearly at the back end of the alliance based on the order of how their keys were revealed. Did I just, like, DREAM that happened? 

No - but the whole ‘pay attention because you’re about to see this season’s pecking order’ thingie was SOOO common back in the days when the Giant Cheese Wheel O’ Keys was still in play, you’re likely to have problems pinning it down to any one season.  Revelation (and manipulation) of such was pretty much common practice by around BB4 / BB5.

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Jessica, who I don't even think lasted through an entire commercial break in the HoH comp, is sore. 

I cannot. (So don't.)

HoH room reveal is finally happening so I predict the shower sexin' to start in about half an hour, forty minutes?

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2 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

We haven't gotten soft.  We've just made it clear that people can't go around bullying everyone and expect to do so without any negative feedback.

The whole post was really well put, but I'll just highlight the particularly strong ending. Well done. 

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Nick: "Wait, what is an artichoke?"

I - okay. 

ETA: The artichokes and the beets as part of her HoH package reminds me of when someone got a fridge full of kale. Was it Trainwrecky Becky?

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nick: "Wait, what is an artichoke?"

I - okay. 

ETA: The artichokes and the beets as part of her HoH package reminds me of when someone got a fridge full of kale. Was it Trainwrecky Becky?

It was Becky who loved kale, right?

Also, Callaphera, your "I - okay" made me picture you reaching for the rye. (Not with coke. Sorry. One or the other.) 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I think it's that younger people are more open to admitting they have anxiety/ADHD/insert issue here and being proactive about medicating themselves. Oh, for sure, some of it is abuse or being over-prescribed but again, I fall into that little crack that's like the space between the couch cushions: not Gen-X yet not Millennial but there's lots of crumbs and a little bit of pocket change if you're lucky (or guitar picks and stitch markers, if it's my couch). So I'm probably wrong and we're just getting high as fuck for funsies. 

I'm pretty sure that's all the generations. Ever.

(Hey, fellow Gen-Xers—you know how we're so old that some of our teachers were still giving us mimeographed handouts? Did the kids in your class openly huff the ink fumes from those or was it just the degenerates at my elementary school?)

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1 minute ago, PhoneCop said:

(Hey, fellow Gen-Xers—you know how we're so old that some of our teachers were still giving us mimeographed handouts? Did the kids in your class openly huff the ink fumes from those or was it just the degenerates at my elementary school?)

Ah, that purple ink. We were definitely doing it in school in the 60s. 

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Jackson is hard at work eating all of Holly's nuts and cereal while they re-live the HoH comp for a record 16th time tonight. 

1 minute ago, Mystery said:

Also, Callaphera, your "I - okay" made me picture you reaching for the rye. (Not with coke. Sorry. One or the other.) 

I'm fairly certain that my dad shakes his head disapprovingly at me from the Great Beyond whenever he sees me mix it with Coke. "Crown Royal is for sippin', not mixin'." But he also raised me to be thrifty and this stretches it out so maybe not? Sorry, Dad!

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As an '80s kid, I Just Said No to correction fluid.

Who's got the bigger target on his back this week? Sam for being more of a comp threat or Nick for being on the outs with the majority alliance?

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Jackson is going to be cutting into the third watermelon of the night. I would love to see the grocery bill for the house this week. 

Nick is very confused about what a Greatest Hits album is and whether it is its own album or if they pull songs from different albums. So he doesn't know what artichokes are and he doesn't understand what a Greatest Hits album is. Did I miss how dumb he was before or is it just that Bella's extreme bitchiness stood out more? 

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I don't think I've ever seen Jackson smile so much in the house before but he's positively glowing over his never-ending watermelon supply. He's telling Nick how he'll buy the big pre-cut tubs of watermelon for $10 "even though a watermelon is, like, $6" because he gets so excited about eating watermelon that he can't wait to get home and cut into the whole watermelon. For his birthday, his mom stuck three birthday candles into a watermelon. One summer, from the second week of May to the first week of August, Jackson's mom bought him 126 watermelons (he knows because she kept a log).

I mean, I knew he liked watermelon but he sounds like me with double bacon cheeseburgers. Only I don't eat 126 double bacon cheeseburgers over three months. 

Jackson/watermelon - still a better love story than Twilight.

Edited by Callaphera
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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson is going to be cutting into the third watermelon of the night. I would love to see the grocery bill for the house this week. 

Nick is very confused about what a Greatest Hits album is and whether it is its own album or if they pull songs from different albums. So he doesn't know what artichokes are and he doesn't understand what a Greatest Hits album is. Did I miss how dumb he was before or is it just that Bella's extreme bitchiness stood out more? 

There's dumb and then there's "I don't know what a Greatest Hits album is" dumb. 

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Jessica: "I personally don't think that I'm the biggest threat in the game?"

No shit. 

ETA: Ten minutes and counting, Jessica has still said absolutely NOTHING of substance and still won't shut up. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Jackson came to save us all from Jessica "campaigning". 

Jackson: "I am so full, Jess."
Jessica: "Oh. Yay! I'm so happy! I'm so happy for you!"

Jackson: "Come feel my food baby!"
Jessica: *fondles the lack of abs*

Now Kat has come to the HoH room and Jessica. Still. Won't. Leave. 

1 minute ago, Mystery said:

So watermelon's definitely not a Have Not item, right? 

Have Nots ended early because Jackson is a whiny little baby! Yay! 

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2 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I read a study about a month ago that was making some interesting correlations between people having more social anxiety & depression due to people being isolated and in their screens all the time. There is a noticble lack of actual face to face interactions.  Then when a person has some sort of interaction upcoming (like a job interview for example), they are so nervous and anxious about it b/c they don’t do it a lot. 

I sometimes have to force my teens into interacting w/the public (like asking a sales person or wait staff).  They try to avoid it as much as possible. 

I read once that the average person under the age of twenty has more anxiety than the average mental patient in the 1950's.  I am not sure how they could study such a thing, but it was in an article on Yahoo a couple of months ago.

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For those keeping track at home, Nick casually asked Analyse whether she'd started her period yet. So put another tick in the "weird creeper obsessed with periods" column. 

She types, after spending days begging for Christie to get hers so that her PMS could be evicted from the house. 

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