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S10.E10: Fisherman's Daughter

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I don't know how to judge Nick of the Cape Caution.    Is he just an asshole, or is it necessary to the functioning of the ship to have a "bad cop" as deck boss?   There doesn't seem to be anything good-natured about him to offset the prickishness.   Lucky for Miles that Zack is there as a buffer. 


Was there a single scene featuring Josh Harris in which "the old man" wasn't featured as a silent partner?


Maybe it's just my disdain for nepotism, but Mandy seems to exude a certain brattiness.  It seems like she's inserting herself into the life of the Northwestern to make a point, regardless of whether it may impede, inconvenience or even endanger other members of the crew.  


Finally, how do you clean up a mess like gallons of that hydraulic fluid flying everywhere?

Edited by millennium
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Nothing gets me more fired up about Disco than their insistence on repurposing footage of Phil Harris.  It's bad enough that they show the CM and Josh as it is.  Screw Disco for what they did inserting Phil as "inspiration."  Fine by me if Josh chooses to look to his dad.  But, watching the vultures who run this production continue to bring Phil back boils my butt.


Overwrought edit for the TB, until the leak.  They had heavy seas, yes.  However, they had zero ice.  They were also on decent crab.  


Ridiculous, made for TV, NW edit.  No harm, no foul.  But, ridiculous all the same.  Disco stinks yet again.  The water shortage IS a very big deal.  Why the need to create something more?


Loved seeing Miles, the Cape Caution horn, making the great effort.  Vomiting after that head injury es no bueno.  Nick was dead wrong to try to shame Miles into working.  To me, Nick is just a jerk and he has not earned it.  


I wish no ill for Mandy, but, just no.

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Maybe if Mandy hadn't heard all her life "you can't fish, you're a girl" she wouldn't be so hell bent on proving she is a true Hansen who fishes.    She's trying to prove her dad still loves her even if she is a girl.   I am sure Sig does love her, but he has made it clear that a boy would inherit the boat.    


I've said it before and I will say it again, would Sig be telling her "you're smart and you can do other things" if she were a boy?   Of course not.   He would have had a son out on the boat at the first possible opportunity.   Even if the boy didn't want to fish.

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She's been on the boat for other fisheries, just not crab.  (I believe Andy's daughters also have spent a lot of time in calmer seasons on the Time Bandit.)  I think Edgar and NIck both said in early seasons that no way did they want their sons becoming fishermen (Edgar seems to have softened on that)  I was struck in the early seasons by how many interviews included men from all the boats talking about how they weren't fit for anything else, and wished broader horizons for their own children than that brutal industry.  So I don't think Sig necessarily would have pushed a reluctant son into fishing, though I agree he might would have taken him crabbing before he was Mandy's age.  What a school vacation week!


I kind of laughed at the dirty crab, because I had thought "grrrrreat, Phil's ghost led him to the crab!" (as the maudlin tweets were proclaiming.)  And my first reaction when it came up was "Wow - that's FULL... oh, they're bad."  But then they let us see Josh celebrate before they revealed the truth.  Well played, show.


I appreciate that the captain of the Cornelia Marie is actually listed as its captain.   

Edited by kassa
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Ahh, Josh.. Daddy's ghostly logs may have led you to the crab, but karma made sure you couldn't use them. I heart karma.


Something tells me Sig's wife has watched this season and flipped her lid about sending her baby on the boat. We've never seen so much go wrong on the NW before. I was cracking up when Matt came out and jumped into the holding tank in his boots and undies to bathe. He must have smelled pretty ripe for them to rag on him.


Nick's a douche and his goading and guilting the greenhorn into returning to work with a head injury was dangerous and irresponsible to everyone on the boat, not just Miles. And Bill's not much better for failing to recognize that his crewman had a serious concussion and shouldn't have been cleared to return to deck. There's no way that Miles should have been cleared, you could clearly see he was  in a daze and totally out of it.

Edited by cotterpin
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I was most disappointed in Wild Bill and Zack for not taking the concussion more seriously.  That greenhorn could have a life threatening brain bleed. 


I'm not interested in watching Josh, but am especially offended by them trotting out the tribute to Phil's ghost every damned time.  Just stop, Disco.

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Bill tends to assume an "I'm not getting involved" stance whenever Nick abuses the help, which says to me Bill's either shirking part of his responsibility as captain of the ship or he tacitly approves of the cruel treatment.


I don't completely understand why the ship needs a greenhorn.  I get that by using a greenhorn, the captain fills the fourth man slot without having to pay out a full share.   But if greenhorns are such a liability -- as they appear to be this season -- wouldn't it be more cost-effective to just pay an experienced hand if the job gets done faster and more efficiently?


How long before you think Elliot starts feeling jealous that his air time is going to Josh Harris?


re: Mandy.   I wouldn't care if she resented me forever, I wouldn't care if the world thought me sexist, I would not let my daughter aboard that ship. 

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Bill tends to assume an "I'm not getting involved" stance whenever Nick abuses the help, which says to me Bill's either shirking part of his responsibility as captain of the ship or he tacitly approves of the cruel treatment.

I don't completely understand why the ship needs a greenhorn. I get that by using a greenhorn, the captain fills the fourth man slot without having to pay out a full share. But if greenhorns are such a liability -- as they appear to be this season -- wouldn't it be more cost-effective to just pay an experienced hand if the job gets done faster and more efficiently?

I don't get it either. But my thoughts were that he couldn't get an experienced crewman for the slot and could only get a greenhorn since no one else wanted to work for him. That's how it looks to me.

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I think Elliot's only line this episode was something like, "I wish I was back on my couch with a bong....."  Heh.   


I, too am also wondering how you clean up all that hydro fluid.  yikes!  

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I don't completely understand why the ship needs a greenhorn.  I get that by using a greenhorn, the captain fills the fourth man slot without having to pay out a full share.   But if greenhorns are such a liability -- as they appear to be this season -- wouldn't it be more cost-effective to just pay an experienced hand if the job gets done faster and more efficiently?



That's why the Northwestern doesn't really bother with greenhorns (except for the show.  And note how the low men on their totem poles always pull their weight and then some?  Because they're not hiring idiots in a bar, or people who write them fan letters.) 

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I might be in the minority but I don't really have a problem with Sig having his daughter on the boat - it's been coming for awhile, it was mentioned during The Bait last year so I wasn't too surprised by it at all.  Time will tell how she goes, but so far I think it's pretty cool seeing a woman who actually wants to try to do that job.  I'm interested to see how she goes doing the work - I was annoyed that they ended the episode with her just joining the boat, I wanted to see her actually stepping up and working.  Next week, I guess.


And I'd rather watch the Northwestern (and literally EVERY OTHER BOAT) than the god awful Saga, so the more airtime the Northwestern gets over Elliott, the better.  Every time that idiot is on the screen I tune out.  What an absolute moron.


I might also be in the minority again but I really enjoy The Bait - last year's was a bit awkard but they seem to have it a bit more figured out now.  I preferred After the Catch but I'll take whatever I can get.

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I'm definitly rooting for the Viking princess to make it. Even though I have very mixed feelings about her being there. What I hate is all the Disco hype over it. Every week their tease is a giant let-down. I feel that by the time they actually air her time on the boat, I'll already be over it and won't give a flying fuck. And just because they closed the show with her rolling out a sleeping bag on Daddy's floor, (or whatever bedding thing she was doing), don't expect that they'll even show her next week.

I don't remember the show being full of so much trickery, (production-wise), when I first started watching years ago. As I recall there was more about the actual fishing and what was happening on deck, not who's on drugs and who's being a dick. If DC season coincided with other network first run shows I like, I'm not so sure I'd be watching anymore. Just show the guys fishing!

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I can't believe how stupid it was to push the greenhorn back up on deck.  I really hope there was a  medic on board with the camera crew.  Once the guy started to throw up, the danger lights should have been flashing for everyone.


I have always detested Wild Bill from the time he mocked his son as acting like a girl.  God only knows how he must have demeaned him  off camera.  I would be happy to find out  OSHA (though they are a pain in the neck) investigated  Wild Bill for this.


Geeezzz - I am so sick of seeing the Phil excerpts - stop tryng to treat him  like a  hero.  He drank, smoked and was  dangerous on the cycle.  He lived hard and that was his choice but he was no hero.  The only way Disco could go any lower is to show Jake shoot up with visions of Phil in his head.

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Phil Harris was spawned from the loins of Poseidon and any of his offspring lucky enough to bear a Y chromosome must fulfill their great crab fishing destiny or we will all be assumed by the Kraken.


I actually really liked Phil, but Discovery is making his legacy a joke.

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I agree.  I loved Phil with all my heart (and all his flaws), but the dredging up of old clips replete with misty memory music is just too much for me to bear when paired with the legacy story Disco & Josh are trying so hard to sell.  Perhaps Josh will learn not to pray for Daddy's help finding crabs, considering the dirty lot Phil helped him land on.   If the Cornelia Marie starts having catastrophic breakdowns we'll know for sure Phil is pissed.  ;-)

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I agree.  I loved Phil with all my heart (and all his flaws), but the dredging up of old clips replete with misty memory music is just too much for me to bear when paired with the legacy story Disco & Josh are trying so hard to sell.  Perhaps Josh will learn not to pray for Daddy's help finding crabs, considering the dirty lot Phil helped him land on.   If the Cornelia Marie starts having catastrophic breakdowns we'll know for sure Phil is pissed.  ;-)

I agree.  I think the issue with Discovery is that the season when Phil died, DC got its highest ratings ever.  I don't think DC has ever matched the ratings of that season and maybe that is a reason the show is trying to push Josh Harris on us.  Now, I really like Josh Harris because I liked how he stepped up to the plate when Phil was dying and when he did die.  Josh stood out to me then.  The problem is that I am not really sure if Josh wants to fish or if what we're seeing is a combination of Discovery and Josh trying to go for a story.  


I don't mind the personal stories, even Elliot's.  For me, just seeing people fish year after year gets boring.  I like seeing the stories because it's interesting to see how people change (or not) over the years.  

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I'm definitly rooting for the Viking princess to make it. Even though I have very mixed feelings about her being there. What I hate is all the Disco hype over it. Every week their tease is a giant let-down. I feel that by the time they actually air her time on the boat, I'll already be over it and won't give a flying fuck. And just because they closed the show with her rolling out a sleeping bag on Daddy's floor, (or whatever bedding thing she was doing), don't expect that they'll even show her next week.

I have to correct myself. I watched the episode again, (well I watched something called On Deck, which seemed to be the same episode only with a different title - whatever differences there were must have been subtle), and saw the Viking princess throwing down some ropes on the deck/floor. It was a pretty quick shot, or I wasn't paying close attention. I guess I only partly saw that shot the first time I watched and combined it in my head with what Sig had said about the sleeping arrangements. Unless - this was one of the subtle differences, and I did see what I thought I saw the first time. I dunno. I don't watch this show glued to the tv the way I used to.


On an actually funny note, I was watching with the closed captioning on and "rain gear" came up as "reindeer" and "Edgar" came up as "Egger". Yeah, with a capital E, like that was his name. Great production values, Disco.

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I have always detested Wild Bill from the time he mocked his son as acting like a girl.  God only knows how he must have demeaned him  off camera.



Yes, this, he really is an ass.  Its no wonder his deck boss is one too.  Hopefully Miles (is that the greenhorn's name?) will be alright.  I remember the first time I saw him on camera was as a private fishing boat captain friend of Andy and Johnathan.  His first season, I remember thinking that the man really didn't want to be there but couldn't resist the chance to be in the spot light.  He seems a little more mellow this half of the season for some reason.  Maybe Kelly drained out most of the dickishness during kings.   



I am so sick of seeing the Phil excerpts - stop trying to treat him  like a  hero.  He drank, smoked and was  dangerous on the cycle.  He lived hard and that was his choice but he was no hero.

I've always hate how people deify the deceased.  Discovery can't seem to resist this cash cow.  I really don't give a crap about Josh and his "legacy".  


I'm curious about how Mandy is going to do on the Northwestern.  I hope she can handle it for her own sake.

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I missed some of the Mandy scenes, but one small thing makes me wonder if she is ready for such a dangerous environment.


she was walking up the plank (?) and about to step onto/over the gunwale of the boat...........  with her hands in her pockets!    like, what could possibly go wrong?         About the same time I noticed it,    Sig says , "Hands out of your pockets!".      :)

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I might be in the minority but I don't really have a problem with Sig having his daughter on the boat - it's been coming for awhile, it was mentioned during The Bait last year so I wasn't too surprised by it at all.  Time will tell how she goes, but so far I think it's pretty cool seeing a woman who actually wants to try to do that job.  I'm interested to see how she goes doing the work - I was annoyed that they ended the episode with her just joining the boat, I wanted to see her actually stepping up and working.  Next week, I guess.


And I'd rather watch the Northwestern (and literally EVERY OTHER BOAT) than the god awful Saga, so the more airtime the Northwestern gets over Elliott, the better.  Every time that idiot is on the screen I tune out.  What an absolute moron.



I agree.  I like seeing Mandy.  She's tough and funny and challenges her Dad and uncles.  She also already has an idea of what she's in for, so she's miles ahead of the greenhorns who are hired cold.   She'll make it, but then has to decide if this is the life for her.   Arguably, she could get a business degree and run the Hansen empire rather than being a captain herself.


Mandy is way more interesting than Josh or Elliot.  I'm watching to see if she'll succeed, rather than waiting for either of those two halfwits (different sorts of halfwits, of course) finally fail.

Edited by terrymct
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