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Outlander In The Media


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A nice little nod in this article:





Finally, I’m glad the Globes got behind the sexy and rough period drama Outlander in a major way, giving Caitriona Balfe, so nuanced and raw, and Tobias Menzies, in a mesmerizing, unsettling performance of human evil, the recognition that their bold, exposing work deserves.


This week's Entertainment Weekly is the annual Best & Worst of the Year edition (the year-end double issue).  Jamie & Claire are on on the cover (top right, one of many images in a composite photo).  As far as I can tell the show does not get a  specific mention in any of the stories but I repeat:  Outlander is on the cover of Entertainment Weekly!  That's a big deal.


 A photo of Frank and Claire also appears on page 82 but without a mention of the show, which is probably a good thing since it is used to illustrate a trend in the "Trend-o-meter" that they feel ambivalent about -- specifically, full frontal male nudity (hello little Jack -- twice).

Okay, am I the only one who thinks the decision to put a pair of Christmas baubles in Sam's lap was a teeny bit of trolling?  He is, I know, a spokesman for testicular cancer awareness and is currently appearing in a public service announcement encouraging men to "Check yer bawballs" for @CahonesScottland.  That's very good of him and he does it with humor so that's great. Cahones Scotland responded with this tweet:




Which is even funnier.


But most of the comments on Facebook regarding the video are about the placement of the baubles, and the camera angle (which was rather low) seem to be deliberately teasing the audience with the possibility of an inadvertent (?) up-kilt shot.  I hate that.  I hate all the questions about what Sam wears under his kilt and I wish people would stop asking.  But when they shoot a goodie for us in a way that is basically ASKING for people to comment on Sam's <ahem> baubles, that tells me that TPTB actually like the fans being mesmerized  by Sam's kilt.  Boo.  I don't like it.  I love the show, I am a huge fan of the actors and the production team but I'm a bit annoyed by this.

Edited by WatchrTina
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Apparently Sam is going to be on the January/February cover with two different photos -- so they're producing two covers -- of a fitness magazine called "Box." I don't usually link to beefcake photos and wasn't going to, but then someone on another board *also* linked to a third photo associated with the shoot, and it is "hubba hubba" breathtaking! So, that means, I have to link to it!


Here are the covers:




And here is that photo I couldn't ignore:


Edited by Nidratime
  • Love 3

Apparently Sam is going to be on the January/February cover with two different photos -- so they're producing two covers -- of a fitness magazine called "Box." I don't usually link to beefcake photos and wasn't going to, but then someone on another board *also* linked to a third photo associated with the shoot, and it is "hubba hubba" breathtaking! So, that means, I have to link to it!


Here are the covers:




And here is that photo I couldn't ignore:




Oh hummana hummana, and HUBBA HUBBA!


April canna come soon enou' fer me!

Starz now offers a streaming service through Amazon Prime without a cable subscription. It's $8.99 per month if you have a Prime membership, and episodes are available as soon as they air.  Yippee!!! I am doing a happy dance right now... I though I would have to wait months to see season 2!


Here is an article and link to sign up.

I'm seeing a bunch of tweets about how Outlander fans need to remember to be kind to one another and to rise above the temptation to response negatively when someone is negative to them. One of them was from Cait and she isn't very active on Twitter so that REALLY got my attention.

What the heck happened yesterday in the Twitterverse? Or do I not want to know?

Yeah, it was this interview.

Whoa!  I watched the video early and there were no comments so reading now is quite the revelation.  I didn't see anything wrong or ungracious in their comments.  And I've never seen anything in any interview to make me feel they were being deceitful or disingenuous about anything.  Of course, I've never shipped them.  BUT if I had, I would hope I would never react in the way some of those posting comments have. Rude, petulant, childish are a few words that come to mind.  Of course that is not keeping in mind what Cait would like to see.  Sorry Cait!


Sam and Cait are wonderful actors and lovely, genuine people.  And I can see, ones who have little desire to get caught up in fandom nonsense.  I just hope they are both happy in their private lives with whomever they share it with, now and in the future and that they can retain the level of privacy they obviously desire.

Edited by onthebrink03
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I just hope they are both happy in their private lives with whomever they share it with, now and in the future and that they can retain the level of privacy they obviously desire.

Amen!  I've never shipped Cait & Sam for real for the very selfish reason that I want the show to go on a good long while and co-stars dating can end up being a disaster.  For every happy ending like Snow White and Prince Charming in Once Upon A Time marrying and having a baby (that had to be written into the show) you have many more stories like when Jennifer Garner dated her co-star on Alias, which did NOT work out and caused tension on-set (or so I heard but who knows if that is true.)  At any rate, I second the sentiment above and I hope both have happy, private relationships with people we never hear about.

Edited by WatchrTina
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Good Lird. I read just the first comment and was disgusted. As if Sam and Cait owe the viewers any kind of explanation as to whether they're dating in real life or not. Or that because they're not, they have "lied" or "duped" them because Sam and Cait are affectionate with each other, as opposed to their other co-stars.

This is just another reason why I hate social media-these crazies who think they have any kind of right to Sam or Cait, or any celebrity.

I just want to tell them: they're ACTORS, and it just so happens they have amazing chemistry and they're ACTING, not acting out their real life onscreen!

Bunch of nimrodic maroons.

  • Love 6

I saw the twitter storm and just shook my head.  And Facebook was even worse, as Diana posted a link to the article where Sam and Cait say they aren't a couple (do people really care whether they are or not? Well, apparently they do. Very much) and she got crucified for posting it however say what you will about Diana, she gave as good as she got (ha! see what I did there?)  


The thing is, you expect that kind of behavior/freak out from teens/young adults, but, and I may be making a HUGE general statement and I apologize if its totally off base, I believe the majority of Diana's fan base is little more mature age wise (myself included!) so to see everyone get so upset was almost comical to me.  People were even posting they were "heartbroken" over the news..what the wha?? 


I've also seen people tweet pouting that Sam or Cait doesn't respond to them...again, ,what the wha??   


Ah, gotta love social media.....

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Because when things like this happen I'm curious and currently unemployed with a little too much time on my hands, I went investigating and found a couple of tumblr blogs that "ship" Sam and Caitronia together. These people are convinced that this denial is because something happened to Cait to make her feel unsafe so they decided that rather than come out with their relationship, they decided to deny said relationship. A relationship in which they are convinced that the 2 are married with a baby on the way. They are putting most of the blame on people they cause "antis" or "truthers" who they claim harrass the 2 (why, I'm not clear). Of course, I also saw where these "shippers" stopped voting for Sam for the PCA for nearly a week because of an Instagram comment he made to a woman who was not Cait so I'm not sure why the "antis" are a bigger issue than the "shippers" as it seems the problem is the "shippers" (some of them) hate tweet to anyone that Sam and Cait seem to give any kind of attention to that isn't they other.


I feel that I wasted far too much time on this but it's about 10 degrees here (Fahrenheit) so my options are clean the house or play on the internet. You can see what won out.

Wow.  Just wow.  Bearcatfan you are brave to delve into this craziness!!  I honestly didn't even know what a shipper was until about few months ago, lol!


Just remembered something I saw on Twitter just before the Ringcon event.  Someone tweeted to Sam why wasn't Caitriona also invited to the event and he tweeted back "Maybe she was"  with a wink emoji face.  Well the original tweeter did not take kindly to that, apparently they felt that he implied that Catriona was invited but chose not to come? Who knows, but any way, the person tweeted back something to the effect of "Oh, are you trying to pit the fans against Catriona??"   To which Sam tweeted directly back to original tweeter (and quickly deleted about a millisecond later but I caught it) "Seriously??  Idiot."  Ha!!! I was like, you go Sam!!  

Edited by Summer
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Wow.  Just wow.  Bearcatfan you are brave to delve into this craziness!!  I honestly didn't even know what a shipper was until about few months ago, lol!


Just remembered something I saw on Twitter just before the Ringcon event.  Someone tweeted to Sam why wasn't Caitriona also invited to the event and he tweeted back "Maybe she was"  with a wink emoji face.  Well the original tweeter did not take kindly to that, apparently they felt that he implied that Catriona was invited but chose not to come? Who knows, but any way, the person tweeted back something to the effect of "Oh, are you trying to pit the fans against Catriona??"   To which Sam tweeted directly back to original tweeter (and quickly deleted about a millisecond later but I caught it) "Seriously??  Idiot."  Ha!!! I was like, you go Sam!!  

Good for him! It's amazing how literally they take the tweets where they call each other "wifey" and "hubby". Their characters are married so there's no big reveal there. There was a snapshot of a tweet from someone on the set with a picture of the 2 saying "the Mr. & Mrs." and they believe this is some big revelation. I'm 99.9% it was reference to their on-screen characters but I suppose it's possible that they did get secretly married and are trying to keep it secret but let people who know about their marriage tweet out things that tell everyone that they are married. I doubt it but I suppose it is possible.


I think I need a shower now.

Edited by bearcatfan

You would think, with all the...gushing that Kristin does, and the interviews she's had with Sam and Cait, that someone at E! at least, would have spoken with Cait, Tobias and Sam, because Sam was there to support Cait. I think that's what he said.


But what do we get? Just a PIP of Sam (looking gorgeous, naturally) on the red carpet and just smiling for the cameras. Was no' enough, dammit! And so I just fast forwarded through the entire show(s).


I'm hoping with this season, that we might get insights from Sam and Cait in the inside the episode, or if not those, then, some extra stuff on the Starz on Demand. You ken, like interviews and the like.

You would think, with all the...gushing that Kristin does, and the interviews she's had with Sam and Cait, that someone at E! at least, would have spoken with Cait, Tobias and Sam, because Sam was there to support Cait. I think that's what he said.



I'm guessing Kristin has absolutely no influence or power over what E! TV chooses to do. She's just on the blog and that's it. Outlander would have been better off kissing up to the Kardashians to get to Ryan Seacrest, and I'm being sarcastic, but seriously, most of the popular entertainment "journalism" isn't very serious.

I just figured, she seems to be E!'s top cheerleader for the show; since she's always the moderator, is alwaaaaays asking the cast questions about the show/playing drinking games at the Paley Fests, ComicCons, etc. That maybe she might have asked someone to talk to them.


But what do I know? Not that I'm a fan of hers. She gets on my nerves.


For me, it's icing on the cake if the show and cast win any awards*. I just really want to see how the show grows and how much of the good stuff we should get going forward.


*Daniel Day-Lewis is the Exception.  I'm a TOTAL FANGURL and will gobble up anything and everything he does and suffer through all the award shows whenever he's had a movie come out.

It worked and it's AWESOME!  Thank you Laurie


You know, in 10(?) years when all the Outlander books have been converted to the screen, Sam will be in his mid-40s, which is the perfect age to play James Bond.  Damn, that man can rock a tuxedo.  Tobias looked amazing as well.  And as for Cait -- well she WAS a professional fashion model -- the lady knows how to work a dress.  (Of course, she'd look good wearing a potato sack.)


Now let's see how many "best dressed" lists our terrific trio end up on.


ETA:  Cait's on US Weekly's best dressed list http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-style/pictures/golden-globes-2016-red-carpet-fashion-best-dressed-stars-w161272


Sam got noticed by E! Online http://www.eonline.com/photos/17923/best-dressed-men-at-the-2016-golden-globes/671577

and by GQ (which, let's face it, carries more weight) http://www.gq.com/gallery/golden-globes-best-dressed-men-red-carpet#8

Edited by WatchrTina



From GQ: "To be honest, the Highlander actor hasn't been our radar—until now."

Ha, Highlander.

Agreed, LOL!  


It seems like all of the Outlander press coverage is online.  The People's Choice award wasn't televised, it was announced online.  All of the press interviews from GG from the red carpet were online: Eonline, ET online, etc.  Two actors were nominated for lead awards and the entire show was nominated and very little televised coverage,  don't get it.  Ah well....moving on....:)

I'm off PTV for one day, and I miss a lot. :)

I just hope Cait and Sam are able to have a full outside-Outlander life (personal and professional) so they don't get burned out. I want them in for the long haul and enjoying it. I hope the annual hiatus (is "hiati" the plural?) can give them enough of a break from the show so they'll be excited to come back.

Also, I think the GG will help with broader publicity. I think season 2 will see an uptick in more media coverage.

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Interviewer: “Why do you think Jamie is, out of all the men in this era, is able to be with Claire? What it is Jamie does make a relationship work?”

Caitriona: “His emotional intelligence, I think.  He has a sensitivity to him that most men we’ve met in that time don’t.  I think it’s his ability in his willingness to learn and to change and to have Claire guide him and let him grow as much as he will guide her and allow her to grow.  I think that’s why it’s such a beautiful relationship to watch as well.  They really, as much as they fight, and there is a conflict there, they really give each other space to be a better people. And I think that, you know, that’s all anyone wants in a relationship, right? And great sex.”


Check out the interview:



Interview with Maril about the Bree casting process (but no specifics about Sophie):



I'm not a big Brianna fan, but she had some interesting things to say about the character.


(edited: something that was a book spoiler)

Edited by tcay

These links are already in the spoilers discussion thread but I figured they should be here for those people who avoid the spoilers thread.  Note, however, they are links to stories the include trailers for the coming season so, click at your own risk.





Edited by WatchrTina

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