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Outlander In The Media


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So I began to wonder . . . why am I bothering to vote for Sam in a poll on a website I've never heard of?  Then I read this article.



In it, Sam is quoted as follows:

“We’re not on terrestrial television in the UK so it would be terrific to win.

“I’d have to challenge the Radio Times to put us on the front cover if we do. They would have to, wouldn’t they?

“Maybe it proves to the rest of the industry that this show is worth watching.”


So that gave me the idea that maybe this poll does matter a bit.  What IS this website and why is it called RADIO times if it covers television?  So off I went to Wikipedia.




Low and behold, Radio Times began as a program listing magazine in Great Britain and it's called Radio Times because when it was launched television hadn't been invented yet.  The article says that 


By the 1950s Radio Times had grown to be the magazine with the largest circulation in Europe, with an average sales of 8.8 million in 1955

Right.  So now I know that Radio Times is basically the UK predecessor toTV Guide.  Like TV Guide it's influence has probably fallen as entertainment has become more and more fragmented, but it's still an important brand when it comes to television news.  


The irony, of course, is that Radio Times doesn't include Outlander in its listings because UK fans can only watch the show via a streaming service.  It's not broadcast in the the UK.  So, as Sam points out, wouldn't it be . . . interesting for the winner of their big fan poll to be starring in a show that they don't cover because none of the networks are carrying it?  Yes, I do think that would be interesting.  Lets DO this!


Sam is currently ahead but Ricky's UK fans were active while the USA slept last night and they narrowed the gap quite a bit.


Vote vote vote!


And here's the link to the poll that Cait is in over on E! Online.  She was winning when I went to bed but is trailing now.


Edited by WatchrTina
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Here's a link to a new story about Sam.  In it he expresses his gratitude for his victory in the SciFi portion of the Radio Times poll.  But proceed with caution if you haven't read Dragonfly in Amber because the article talks about current shooting and includes a bit of a spoiler.



Someone posted this new interview with Sam on another board. It's with ELLE Canada, and it says in the first paragraph that there's no spoilers.


EXCLUSIVE: Outlander's Sam Heughan talks swashbuckling, red hair, and being unlucky in love


Sam and Caitronia made the cover of Radio Times ... thanks to all you voters:




Here's a link to the entire article. You can click on the pages and make them bigger:



Edited by Nidratime

Don't know what it's going to take for Outlander to get some recognition for their achievments.  The Scottish BFTA Awards have snubbed them.  They brought in £40m (that's about $61 million US) to the Scottish film industry and produced a show that has been a critical and audience favourite worldwide but no nominations for the show or the fantastic actors.  So upsetting...



Edited by onthebrink03
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I feel that beyond the crappy PR job Starz/Sony have done they have also mis-marketed and failed to represent OL as something that would appeal to audiences other than older female readers. They relied on their over zealous built in fan base to do their job for them. All those polls that won through constant voting? Sorry but it may give the show publicity but it also gives OL an image that is not flattering. It reinforces the perception that this is like Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey. I'm not knocking those that vote, it's their choice and how they express their love for it but some corporate PR needs to step up their game and re-brand this show if they want to be considered a top drama. The show is good, they won't lose their core fan base but they need to stop with the GoT for women or the kilt marketing.

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The Scottish BFTA Awards have snubbed them.



Maybe they see it as an American show, which actually it is. It's true though, leaving aside the awards, the show is a huge plus for Scotland and if the show remains on the air,

they're gonna be very sorry to see the production leave -- unless Scotland is also going to do double-duty as North Carolina.


They relied on their over zealous built in fan base to do their job for them. All those polls that won through constant voting? Sorry but it may give the show publicity but it also gives OL an image that is not flattering. It reinforces the perception that this is like Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey.



The polls that show up on websites, all the gossipy articles, and the entertainment reporters' interest in Outlander is all indicative of an engaged fandom and a popular show, which doesn't always lead to awards. To say that this particular Scottish awards group looks at that interest and automatically decides that Outlander equals Twilight or 50 Shades is ridiculous. They're supposed to base nominations on actually watching a program or at least a number of episodes. Dismissing a show without watching it just makes the awards seem worthless. If they watched it *and then* decided the show was just like those other two you mention, just means they don't know what they're talking about.

Edited by Nidratime
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Maybe they see it as an American show, which actually it is. It's true though, leaving aside the awards, the show is a huge plus for Scotland and if the show remains on the air,

they're gonna be very sorry to see the production leave -- unless Scotland is also going to do double-duty as North Carolina.



The polls that show up on websites, all the gossipy articles, and the entertainment reporters' interest in Outlander is all indicative of an engaged fandom and a popular show, which doesn't always lead to awards. To say that this particular Scottish awards group looks at that interest and automatically decides that Outlander equals Twilight or 50 Shades is ridiculous. They're supposed to base nominations on actually watching a program or at least a number of episodes. Dismissing a show without watching it just makes the awards seem worthless. If they watched it *and then* decided the show was just like those other two you mention, just means they don't know what they're talking about.

I read an article on Tumblr(from a Scottish newspaper) regarding this and they interviewed the "jurors" that chose the nominees and they admitted that they had not watched the show. They said it was eligible but the jurors admitted to not have seen the show. There was only a 3 member jurors that chose the nominees. They probably did what the Emmy's do and nominate the same people every year


Shows that are in production and not on air rarely do any publicity. They tend to start up pr tours with chat shows and entertainment reporters a couple of months before the premiere. The fact that Outlander has stayed on the social media radar is due to the fans and actors and those annoying polls. For fans to want 24/7 promotion is nuts. They did do the pr tour with entertainment reporters in Scotland and the San Diego Comic Con that would be enough for any show.   

Edited by mtsmvfn

Maybe they see it as an American show, which actually it is. It's true though, leaving aside the awards, the show is a huge plus for Scotland and if the show remains on the air,

they're gonna be very sorry to see the production leave -- unless Scotland is also going to do double-duty as North Carolina.

The polls that show up on websites, all the gossipy articles, and the entertainment reporters' interest in Outlander is all indicative of an engaged fandom and a popular show, which doesn't always lead to awards. To say that this particular Scottish awards group looks at that interest and automatically decides that Outlander equals Twilight or 50 Shades is ridiculous. They're supposed to base nominations on actually watching a program or at least a number of episodes. Dismissing a show without watching it just makes the awards seem worthless. If they watched it *and then* decided the show was just like those other two you mention, just means they don't know what they're talking about.

I was not saying BAFTA(among others)didn't nominate OL because of the polls, it's the way Starz and Sony brands and markets this show,such as trying to tie it in to 50 Shades and "The Kilt Drops" campaign. If the biggest off season buzz for their show is a coloring book and Jamie and Claire on a cookie box they might be content to not become a premium buzz worthy drama.*shrugs*

The polls bring attention, but it's not all positive. Sure it's an engaged fandom, a bit to much from what I've seen(fans jumping on media outlets for not reading the books for example). Winning those polls does not translate to millions of people voting/watching, just means several thousand power voting endlessly.

As for BAFTA itself I need to find an article where they confirm that OL was eligible but it just didn't make the cut.


Edited by peacefrog

Well, apparently, as mtsmvfn reported, the nominating committee didn't even watch the show. I don't know if it was up to Sony or Starz to make sure it got in their faces and/or somehow make them watch it. (However, it couldn't have helped that no channel is showing the program and the only way you can see it in the UK is via streaming it on Amazon! So, thanks again David Cameron!)

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Shows that are in production and not on air rarely do any publicity. They tend to start up pr tours with chat shows and entertainment reporters a couple of months before the premiere. The fact that Outlander has stayed on the social media radar is due to the fans and actors and those annoying polls. For fans to want 24/7 promotion is nuts. They did do the pr tour with entertainment reporters in Scotland and the San Diego Comic Con that would be enough for any show.

Absolutely correct. Again, no one wants or needs promotion constantly. It's the type and quality of promotion they need to change.

A good example of a show filming currently while doing promotion is Poldark.

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A good example of a show filming currently while doing promotion is Poldark.



I think Poldark allows too much access. There seems to be constant photos from their shoots that leaves almost nothing to be anticipated, but that may be a difference between how an American production works as opposed to a UK production. American shows tend to be much more secretive and hold things closer to the chest, discouraging spoilers, than in the U.K. Look how much Terry flips out when photos of the cast's wardrobes are revealed in toto?! And that's just the outfits! They want these details to be saved for the time when *they* want to do promotion and saved for the actual show itself. Plus, there is also a difference in media. American media isn't shy about revealing spoilers, but they are much more into following the rules and agreeing to black-outs of coverage in order to maintain relationships with the shows they cover than the UK media. The UK media covering their shows reminds me a bit more of TMZ rather than Entertainment Weekly. More brash, more paparazzi-like, more hiding in the bushes, than the spoon-fed, insider entertainment media we have here in the U.S.

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This is not the media so much, but a group from Outlander went to RingCon, which I think was in Germany? Diana attended as well as Sam and the actors who play Dougal, Murtagh, and Colum. The following has some clips from that event.




Edited by Nidratime
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Sam made it into People's annual "Sexiest Men" issue as one of the the Top 10 -- at least on the website.  That's a big step up from last year when he got a nod (along with many others) on the page devoted to hot Brits.  I hope this means there will be a story on him in the issue.



Edited by WatchrTina

So I rushed right out to buy People Magazine's "Sexiest Men" issue and . . . . what a let down. Sam is on page 109. It's a 1.5" x 1.5" photo (same photo as the link above cropped down to just a head shot) with this caption: SAM HEUGHAN, 35, "The best thing about wearing a kilt," says the Scottish star of Outlander, "is that it keeps you warm, it's easy to remove, and it requires confidence."

Hmmmmm. After his being named one of the "Top 10" sexiest men on People's website I was expecting a bit more in the magazine. But this may go to show the different audiences that People caters to vs. People.com. I think we Outlander fans have earned a reputation as being very active online but that strong online fan presence doesn't necessarily translate to a fan base of similar influence among the general public (which is the audience that the magazine caters to). Just my theory.

Oh well. Off to cast a few more votes for Team Outlander on the People's Choice awards website.

Edited by WatchrTina
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Oh FFS, Radio Times is doing another damned contest. There are 32 competitors in the SciFi/Fantasy bracket alone (and the website is running tediously slow as a result). I went through them all out of curiosity and didn't know about half of the shows listed -- so maybe they are only be shown in Europe. Anyway, I got a kick out of the fact that many of the match-ups had fewer than 1000 votes and most of the match-ups were an actual contest, with the two competitors relatively close in vote %s. Then there was the Outlander match-up against something called the Frankenstein Chronicles (is that Sean Bean in the photo?) Over 40,000 votes have been cast, and 99% have been cast for Outlander.

I love us.

Here's the link if you want to vote ( http://www.radiotimes.com/scifishowchampion ) but my recommendation is skip it and give your time to the voting in the People's Choice Awards if you are so inclined. Scroll up to my Oct 14 post for the links to that voting site.


ETA:  I've changed my mind.  Outlander won its match-up the round of 32 and the round of 16 handily but now it's up against an actual competitor in the round of 8.  Sigh.  Hold my purse.  I'm going in.

Edited by WatchrTina
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Gabaldon said on twitter that she never said that the show was too intense, but that no UK channel would agree to air the show uncut, whether for time or any other reason they'd want to cut it.


Outlander show ‘too intense’ for British TV


Outlander won in the latest RadioTimes.com contest.  Of course it did.




Not quite sure what they meant by "we're sure Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe's voting efforts certainly helped."  This contest took place during the voting for The People's Choice award so there was very little promotion of it on Twitter from what I could see.  Everyone seemed focused on The People's Choice awards.  I think Sam re-tweeted RadioTimes' own promotions of the contest once or twice but I don't recall Caitriona tweeting about at all.  Weird comment.  Still, more good PR for the show.  LOVE the photo of Sam and Cait (Cait's dress and hat are FABULOUS.)



From ‘Game of Thrones’ to ‘Jessica Jones’, Here Are The 13 Best TV Show Opening Sequences

Am I right that our own Bear McCreary earned a hat-trick in that list?  Three shows, right?  Outlander, Black Sails and The Walking Dead.  Did I miss any?


I have to say as much as I love the Outlander opening (because I'm a loyalist) and the Black Sails opening (because Hurdy Gurdy!), Game of Thrones will always be the standard (for me) against which all opening sequences should be measured.  I love that it changes based on the content of the episode.  Along those lines, the article above neglected to mention that aspect of the Outlander opening -- the fact that the title card changes each week with a new image that is related to the episode and a different arrangement of the music by Bear.  Love that.

Edited by WatchrTina
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[...] the article above neglected to mention that aspect of the Outlander opening -- the fact that the title card changes each week with a new image that is related to the episode and a different arrangement of the music by Bear.  Love that.


That's something they used to do on Battlestar Galactica also. When I first noticed it here it made me smile.


And, you are correct, sir, Bear did do the three-show hat trick. That's pretty cool for him! 

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