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Outlander In The Media


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Not to step on a hornets nest (again), but this article is talking about the use of rape in on screen media.  It's mostly about Mad Max Fury Road and how it handles rape, but it references Outlander several times.  The author admits she hasn't see the Wentworth episodes, but is a book reader so she knows what happens to Jamie.  She mostly talks about the earlier episodes and the excess of sexual assault threats against Claire.  I like this article because it's not entirely negative about any of the media mentioned, and she doesn't try to make a case for never ever depicting rape under any circumstances, so it doesn't feel as...confrontation as some articles I've read.  She's more dissecting the usual arguments for why depicting rape graphically is necessary, and whether those arguments actually hold up in every circumstance.  

Not to step on a hornets nest (again), but this article is talking about the use of rape in on screen media.  It's mostly about Mad Max Fury Road and how it handles rape, but it references Outlander several times.  The author admits she hasn't see the Wentworth episodes, but is a book reader so she knows what happens to Jamie.  She mostly talks about the earlier episodes and the excess of sexual assault threats against Claire.  I like this article because it's not entirely negative about any of the media mentioned, and she doesn't try to make a case for never ever depicting rape under any circumstances, so it doesn't feel as...confrontation as some articles I've read.  She's more dissecting the usual arguments for why depicting rape graphically is necessary, and whether those arguments actually hold up in every circumstance.  

A thoughtful and measured article. I need to see Mad Max. I've become somewhat inured to violence on TV and in movies, which is not exceptional. Writers and directors feel the pressure to up the ante without realizing that it is sometimes more effective when a director/writer finds a way to convey the horror without actually showing it. It's somewhat analogous to the way sex can be more erotic when something is left to the imagination or how the overuse of special effects takes one out of the story. As the author of the article suggests, people can disagree on what falls under the category of excessive, but I like the way she shifts the question a bit from "Was the portrayal of violence excessive?" to "Were there other, perhaps even more effective, creative choices?" It puts the responsibility for thinking imaginatively on the viewer, which I think is an ethical response.

Except, i'm beginning to think they have cast

Brianna and Roger,

but they are not saying so and are equivocating in order to throw us off track so they can announce it at ComicCon. In other words, even if they had cast them and filmed actual scenes, they won't tell us.

I've been thinking that ever since this year's ComicCon panel was announced. I'm sure Sam, Caite, Diana, and Ron can keep us entertained for the hour or so, but I'm expecting more to come out for that panel. And what would the panel be without Bear and his music?

An article about what's to come in Season 2. Click at your own risk. There are major spoilers for the unsullied and maybe a couple for book readers as well.



Some good news and some bad news. I was starting to worry that

they weren't going to do the modern day stuff at all

, so that's good news.


Bad news...more Frank...yippie skippie...

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I'm surprised that they gave away as much as they did since a lot of that was major spoilers for the non-book folks.  Makes me wonder what they ARE holding back...


This tidbit was surprising:

They refer to the "as yet uncast Duke of Sandringham."

 Could that be a mistake or do you suppose they are recasting?

Edited by chocolatetruffle

This tidbit was surprising:

They refer to the "as yet uncast Duke of Sandringham."

Could that be a mistake or do you suppose they are recasting?

D'OH! Thanks for reminding me. I hope that's a mistake because I really love the

Callow and how will they do flashbacks without having to reshoot those scenes, which no, if only because of Jamie's short hair and yes, I know that's shallow. But I really want Callow back.

There are some general spoilers that you'd have to be under a rock not to have heard, and then there is also one very huge spoiler just dropped in there that might be for even later than S2, so beware. Regarding that large spoiler:

The interviewer asks Sam about being aged up 20 years...which I still don't understand, because that's in Voyager where Jamie would be aged up. Claire next season, yes, but not Jamie. I wonder what they're doing.

An interview with Gabaldon back when she was at "the Grove" in L.A. for a book signing. She says many things we've heard before but there are a few "newer" twists to how she says them. The interview is with The Nerdist.


OUTLANDER Author Diana Gabaldon on the Finale, its Controversy, and Season 2


Well Outlander absolutely cleaned up in the E! online Best Ever TV Awards 2015.  They are fan polls so YAY US!!  TeamOutlander came in first in more categories than any other show including best drama, best dramatic actor, best dramatic actress, best breakout actor and actress and on and on.  Those we didn't win we generally came in as runner-up.


The only thing I can't figure out is how Hannibal's fans beat us for best fandom, but I can be gracious about it because their beloved show has been cancelled.




News for our UK fans, especially (mild spoilers about casting decisions we already know):


Amazon Prime Instant Video UK Extends Sony Deal, Picks Up Future Seasons Of ‘Outlander’



This is a nice paragraph, even if there are no details:


Amazon claims that Outlander was a huge success with their subscribers, though like their closest competitor Netflix UK they refuse to release specific ratings data. Per the streaming service, Outlander broke records to “become the most streamed show in its opening week” and also set a new record for “the highest number of customers streaming a single season in a day”.


Edited by Nidratime
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News for our UK fans, especially (mild spoilers about casting decisions we already know):

Amazon Prime Instant Video UK Extends Sony Deal, Picks Up Future Seasons Of ‘Outlander’


This is a nice paragraph, even if there are no details:

Amazon claims that Outlander was a huge success with their subscribers, though like their closest competitor Netflix UK they refuse to release specific ratings data. Per the streaming service, Outlander broke records to “become the most streamed show in its opening week” and also set a new record for “the highest number of customers streaming a single season in a day”.

As Sam or Jamie would say: "Guid."

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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News for our UK fans, especially (mild spoilers about casting decisions we already know):


Amazon Prime Instant Video UK Extends Sony Deal, Picks Up Future Seasons Of ‘Outlander’



This is a nice paragraph, even if there are no details:

Holy COW! That's awesome. I have no idea how OnDemand works - maybe someone else has info about this. But if it benefits the show I'll start doing my re-watches OnDemand instead of on my DVR.

ETA: and here's a link to a video of Sam speaking French. Tres magnifique!


Edited by chocolatetruffle
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Holy COW! That's awesome. I have no idea how OnDemand works - maybe someone else has info about this. But if it benefits the show I'll start doing my re-watches OnDemand instead of on my DVR.



It's my understanding that the "official" ratings (the ones that count for advertising money and show renewals) come from a small group of Nielsen households. Most of these have a special box that monitors everything watched in the house, plus Nielsen sends out TV viewing logs to randomly selected houses during sweeps months. I've received them a few times over the years, and you have to write down every show you watch over the course of a week in a journal and mail it in. I'm pretty sure DVR and On Demand are counted in the Nielsen households (Live+3 and Live+7 ratings), but unfortunately, if you don't have a black box all your repeated viewing probably don't count. Bummer!


Here is an article about it. It says about 5000 households are monitored at any give time.


I think streaming sites like Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix are probably a much more accurate reflection of viewing statistics, but unfortunately they rarely share their numbers with the public.


Oooh, an article and photos from next season's Outlander will be in Entertainment Weekly next week and Outlander News posted it in advance. (Don't know if it's the entire article.) Jamie looks very handsome ... naturally! There are some spoilers about season 2, but nothing that hasn't been discussed already, here and elsewhere:


First Look at Season Two of ‘Outlander’


Edited by Nidratime
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The photo of Sam is freaking me out a bit.  Mind you, he looks FABULOUS.  Tres tres handsome!  He just doesn't look like Jamie.  I know part of it is the lighting, which is making his hair look blonde, and I know part of it is that he's clean-shaven,which Season 1 Jamie almost never was, and part of it is the new hairstyle -- swept to the side and pulled back in a queue. But I'm getting a very strong Vampire Lestat vibe from that photo and not a JAMMF vibe.


Cait/Claire is drop-dead gorgeous in that dress.  Terry complained on Twitter about it being shown in silhouette against a green background that makes it looks like she was photographed against a green screen and she's right, it is unfortunate.  What a shame to reveal a lovely costume like that in that manner.  But what a costume!

Edited by WatchrTina

Ils sont tres beaux!! That dress is amazing, especially in the close-up shot of the hand-painted silk - breath-taking. Sam still looks like JAMMF to me, but I think it's the expression on his face that's doing it for me. He's got that "thinking/scrutinizing" look similar to when he was deciding whether or not he was going to tell McQuarrie about killing Horrocks.

Those pictures make me very excited for next season!

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EW interview with Moore about season 2


It includes these two quotes...


Where do we pick up with Claire and Jamie in season 2? Are they fresh off the boat from Scotland?
Well, how the opening episode literally opens I won’t get into, obviously, because that’s just how we tell the story, but the story of Jamie and Claire in the 18th century pretty much starts with their arrival in France. The big story point picks up from where we left season 1, which is Claire and Jamie deciding to attempt to change history by stopping the Jacobite rebellion and changing history so as to prevent the slaughter on Culloden Moor and the destruction of the Highland culture after it. That’s the major plot going into the season.




Is there anything you can hint about the 1960s-set scenes from the book?
There’s nothing to say about that so far. It is a key part of the book, and I think you can assume it will be part of our season.


Love these answers,

because it reassures me that they're going to start the TV season the same way the book starts. I'm sure that will be controversial, but it makes me happy. I was pretty sure they'd go that way because I've gotten the sense that Moore likes spectacle, and what bigger spectacle is there in book 2 than that opening, that makes people throw the book across the room, but still...I was worried, especially with the lack of casting for Bree and Roger.

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Love that picture of Sam as Jamie. So much better than his hair post episode 4 of last season. To me this is how I picture Jamie, that look he is giving! The dress is very pretty but I'm not a big fan of huge hip looks from the 18th century. The color and detail is gorgeous.  I don't like her hair in this picture.

Sam looks both older and younger at the same time. How does he do that?

Edited by peacefrog
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Sam looks both older and younger at the same time. How does he do that?



I think it's him being clean shaven that makes him look younger, but the look on his face, the furrowed brow and his eyes...that make him look older and gives me, at least, the impression that he's not just a pretty face. That there's something there with Jamie.


ETA: it's verra important tae read yer post afore sumitting it!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Thanks for that Nidratime.  It's nice that this time Sam is on a special panel where the other panelists might have a clue who he is.  Last year I could not help but imagine Sam backstage right before the "Fan Favorites" panel, meeting the other panelists and having to explain that his show wasn't on the air yet and that no one had actually seen him play the role for which he was being recognized.  I kept wondering what they thought of this completely unknown actor being up there as a "Fan Favorite."  It must have been so weird for Sam.  Well, this year I'm quite sure most people will know who he is or will have at least have heard of Outlander.


ETA:  It's here!  Let the 2015 San Diego Comic Con insanity begin.  I'm not there (I don't like crowds) but I look forward to experiencing the Outlander-related bits virtually.  Hooray of the internet!

Edited by WatchrTina

Little interview from San Diego with Ron, Diana, Cait, and Sam. No big spoilers here:


The cast of Outlander previews season 2 in one word




Didn't click on it yet, but I'm going to guess and then see if I'm right. The word? Culloden.


This is a narrative description of EW's "Brave New Warriors" panel that included Sam. I'm trying to track down a video of it.




Comic-Con attendees seem like the 1%, with all the access they get. At least more and more studios are releasing the same footage online for the rest of us 99% (see Star Wars BTS reel. Seriously, see it. It's cool).


Hoping Starz will throw a bone our way too, if Outlander panel attendees get to see new footage tomorrow. 

Edited by Dust Bunny

Here's a new interview from SDCC 2015 -- Sam & Cait with IGN.  Nothing much new there but if, like me, you are craving a fix as we await WHATEVER is going to be revealed at today's Outlander Panel at SDCC 2015, it's something to look at.




Also, for what it is worth, I rather love this tweet from Colin O'Donoghue (Captain Hook on "Once Upon A Time") reminding Sam that he vowed to dress up as Captain Hook if he won the Anglophenia's Alpha Male Madness contest.  On the one hand, Cos-Play is a big part of SDCC so having Sam appears somewhere dressed as Captain Hook would be really funny but I think it might be off-message for this PR juggernaut.  We'll see.  




For the record, Sam would look AWESOME in Hook's black leather.


ETA:  OMG, Sam already replied on Instagram. 



Edited by WatchrTina

I just watched the whole Brave New Warriors panel and it was excellent.  I laughed a LOT but it also gets really serious in the middle when they talked about sexism and sexual harrassment (yes it does happen to guys.)  There are some very strong personalities on the stage and Sam (who is clearly the designated heart-throb on the panel) actually does not get as many laughs as the others because they all play the self-depreciating humor card so effectively.  It's hard for Sam to go there, particularly when one of the panelist starts things off by hugging Sam "for his wife's sake" then asks Sam to just keep talking so he can listen to his accent.  Still, I think Sam had a good time and it must have been a thrill to be in that hall because, unless I'm mistaken, this panel was the "warm-up act" for the Star Wars panel in the big, giant hall (Hall H?)


I watched the Game of Thrones panel earlier today and had to cringe my way through most of the questions from the audience.  This panel had almost no cringe-worthy moments and lots and lots of genuine laughter.  I want to get to know each of these actors better.  And I was SO proud of the guy from Orphan Black -- the youngest and smallest guy on stage but he was a fantastic participant.

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