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S04.E21: Forever Hold Your Peace

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Caroline shares news that forces Dr. Charles to make a serious decision about their relationship. Maggie meets her sister’s new boyfriend but danger may lie ahead. Dr. Rhodes experiences a huge loss. Dr. Choi and April face an unexpected challenge.

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Things I don't care about:

- Maggie and her sister

-April/Choi and his sister.  The baby was adorable though. 

I did feel bad for Rhodes when he realized the truth about his mother, and how he didn't get a chance to square things with his father before he died.

I was also happy for Dr. Charles and Caroline and I hope they enjoy what time they have left together.  Of course, since this is a tv show, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they somehow come up with a cure for her.

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4 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Best thing about this episode minimal Natalie; and none of her new man hanging around the hospital!

But there was Choi & April kissin' and bonin' and his sister once again being a selfish bitch. I can do without the three of them. And I'm glad the Connor/Bekker/Dad shit is coming to an end.

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I know I'm a terrible person but I was so hoping Choi & April would drop that darling baby off at a fire station. Can you still do that? Someone would love & care for Vincent more/better than flakey Emily.

Ugh, poor Denise. That was brutal.

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5 hours ago, rhys said:

I know I'm a terrible person but I was so hoping Choi & April would drop that darling baby off at a fire station. Can you still do that? Someone would love & care for Vincent more/better than flakey Emily.

Ugh, poor Denise. That was brutal.

Here in Los Angeles you can still drop a baby off, no questions asked. (See safe-haven law. I think most states have this on some form. Hopefully minimizes parents leaving a baby by a dumpster. 😢)

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The writers do it on purpose right? The hypocrisy of Dr. Charles and Natalie talking about “the rights of the patient” in a serious way, as if they didn’t walk all over another patient’s rights. 

All those people are so self righteous, they think they are supreme, above all other humans. Ugh! 

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What is April's problem? She's a nurse; she should know what addicts are like. Flakey irresponsible annoying Emily needs a good swift kick in her stupid ass.  That kid should be adopted out to responsible parents, stat.

I swear, if the writers go the route of "Emily abandons the baby, Choi adopts it and then Emily comes back wanting custody" I will not be responsible for my actions. Someone end this aggravating story now. Please.

Why are these doctors all so damn dumb?

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1 hour ago, Pippin said:

What is April's problem? She's a nurse; she should know what addicts are like. Flakey irresponsible annoying Emily needs a good swift kick in her stupid ass.  That kid should be adopted out to responsible parents, stat.

I swear, if the writers go the route of "Emily abandons the baby, Choi adopts it and then Emily comes back wanting custody" I will not be responsible for my actions. Someone end this aggravating story now. Please.

Why are these doctors all so damn dumb?

Emily is messy and irresponsible but this alone is not a reason for anyone to lose parental rights. It already happens a lot in real life, and it is - more often than not - unfair. Emily needs supports she is not getting, the writers are writing her in a very biased way. The paternalistic way Ethan reacted bothers me more than the very human reaction of someone being overwhelmed by life and not able to cope. Who is he to tell her she will not take her child? Even if he is "right", concerned about the child's safety, he is a doctor, not child service protection, and he showed no compassion at all.

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I am fine with April & Ethan getting back together, though their communication issues still haven't been dealt with properly. Also, Ethan needs to be less self-righteous about Emily. Yea, she's a mess as is Bernie but constantly judging them doesn't actually help.

I'm glad Maggie popped that loser for hitting her sister and that Will was there as backup (even though I find it a stretch that Will is any type of fighter)

Love Connor opening up to Robin at the end about his father as well as the teasing from Natalie & Maggie about whether or not he and Robin were planning to reconcile. I'm down for it cause, again, Connor ain't never shown remotely the same interest in Ava despite all the heavy handed writing for them, not to mention the hard sell on social media to root for DOA Ava/Connor. 

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I won't go into the grisly details but I can certainly empathize with Choi when it comes to dealing with a difficult relative.  Also, we don't know what he's gone through with her in the past, probably bailing her out of tough situations.  I completely understand that he's probably tired of her shit.  There comes a time when you just have cut ties and save yourself.  So yeah, I understand him.

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Emily/Ethan look like a redo of Season 1 ER with Cloe. Please do not have Ethan/April almost adopt that baby. . . 

Ethan always comes on way too strong but in fairness, if this was a real situation--what a mess. What are the odds of Emily straightening out? seem very slim but you don't want the child to suffer so you can expect years of getting dragged into Emily drama. 

Charles and his ex-wife are very sweet together. 

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So they are trying to pin it all on Connor, that is his imagination that Ava is a bit of a psycho? 

What about her sleeping with his dad while in a relationship with Connor? Because no matter what, I think she's lying about it, why would his fathet lie about it? 

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It better not be that Connor is imaging things and needs psychiatric help.  That's not the story they've been telling the past four seasons.

It suddenly struck me while I was watching this episode that this show never uses numbers to calculate odds. Pregnant cancer lady didn't want surgery because there is a chance that it could affect the baby. What chance? A 50% chance or a 5% chance? That makes a huge difference. When I was trying to make decisions with a medical power of attorney or even about my own health, I always needed to see the number to make an informed decision.

I was disappointed in Maggie.  Yes, she was right to keep the guy away from her sister (he sounds like a complete manipulator) but she didn't seem to understand that maybe her sister was with him because he was a guy willing to date a trans woman. It's hard enough to find a guy for a straight woman, I imagine it's a lot harder if you're trans.

On 5/17/2019 at 6:40 AM, alexvillage said:

Emily is messy and irresponsible but this alone is not a reason for anyone to lose parental rights. It already happens a lot in real life, and it is - more often than not - unfair. Emily needs supports she is not getting, the writers are writing her in a very biased way. The paternalistic way Ethan reacted bothers me more than the very human reaction of someone being overwhelmed by life and not able to cope. Who is he to tell her she will not take her child? Even if he is "right", concerned about the child's safety, he is a doctor, not child service protection, and he showed no compassion at all.

He told her that she couldn't take the baby to the ICU in the middle of the night to see Bernie.  Right that the ICU is no place for a baby (I've spent enough time visiting one) and right that she shouldn't take the baby out in the middle of the night and disturb his schedule.

Neither Bernie nor Emily can take care of themselves much less a baby.  April is propping up Emily because she's Saint April of the Downtrodden and it stroked her ego, giving Emily a place to live and help taking care of her baby but it's not working -- Emily has just come back from having walked out on her child without a word to April or her brother. What if April hadn't been there to take over?

If their parents are out of the picture in terms of helping, then Ethan has to put on his big boy pants and do what is best for the baby, whether it's taking him himself (which is not easy for a single doctor with no family supports as Natalie has) or putting him in foster care until Emily or Bernie can pull themselves together enough to be able to take care of their baby.

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18 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I was disappointed in Maggie.  Yes, she was right to keep the guy away from her sister (he sounds like a complete manipulator) but she didn't seem to understand that maybe her sister was with him because he was a guy willing to date a trans woman. It's hard enough to find a guy for a straight woman, I imagine it's a lot harder if you're trans.

I'm sure that's part of the sister's reasons for staying with him (or at least that she believes she can't get someone else, whether that is true or not) but she is a hell of a lot better off with no man (or woman) than one who hits her and abuses her.  He hit her hard enough to split her lip, knock her to the ground, and cause her to pass out.  If someone did that to my sister, I'd have done a LOT more than what Maggie did.

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1 minute ago, Ailianna said:

I'm sure that's part of the sister's reasons for staying with him (or at least that she believes she can't get someone else, whether that is true or not) but she is a hell of a lot better off with no man (or woman) than one who hits her and abuses her. 

Of course. But the sister kept telling Maggie "You don't understand" and I'm disappointed in Maggie that she didn't try to look at it from Denise's point of view. Maybe then their relationship wouldn't have been tanked.

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If I had to choose between my sister's physical safety and life or having as close an emotional relationship as I want, I'd pick her life over my relationship with her every time.  She could hate me even, as long as she was safe and healthy.

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I prefer the Halstead/Maggie dynamic compared to the Manstead trainwreck. She brings out the best in him and they seem to like each other equally.

I liked the scene with Charles and the pregnant ovarian cancer patients husband. Also that Charles understood he was terrified and not trying to manipulate the wifes condition as Natalie was implying (has she ever gotten it right).

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Had to roll my eyes at April and Choi reuniting.

”Anyone would have bailed on his mess a long time ago”.

Em... what? April isn’t some saint. If anything she enabled your sister and feeds of the chaos and drama surrounding her. 

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not sure where to post this, but i have an ota antenna and catch up on roku or the nbc app on my pad. for some reason this episode (aired 5/16) has not been unlocked (although the next one is).  the same is true for the final 2 superstore episodes that aired on the same day.

is anyone else having this problem?

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