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While we're waiting for the eighteenth season (slated for September 24), I figure we could talk about the first seventeen here.


Here's a starting point: What is your favorite musical number in the show's history? Right now, "Butterballs" is airing on Comedy Central, so I have to throw out "Jackin' It In San Diego." Funny, smart, and takes the pain away from Butters getting "Gummi Beared" half to death by his grandmother.

While we're waiting for the eighteenth season (slated for September 24), I figure we could talk about the first seventeen here.


Here's a starting point: What is your favorite musical number in the show's history? Right now, "Butterballs" is airing on Comedy Central, so I have to throw out "Jackin' It In San Diego." Funny, smart, and takes the pain away from Butters getting "Gummi Beared" half to death by his grandmother.


To me, it will always, always be the "Water Helen, WAAAAAA-TER!" song from Helen Keller: The Musical!  I'm laughing just thinking about it.

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I figured that we need a general speculation thread, what with the new season kicking off this Wednesday. I know that I'll be checking the show's site for information on episodes every week.


Obvious question: how will Matt & Trey start the season? With ISIS? Scottish independence movement? Roger Goodell and the NFL? I don't think the last one would be in play; the NFL was spoofed in "Sarcastaball."


ETA: The NFL it is in "Go Fund Yourself." Looks like I was wrong in thinking the NFL wasn't the gift that keeps on giving.

I think Game of Thrones is officially played out, as far as promoting The Stick Of Truth is concerned. I do wonder what Cartman would play if they decided to go the GOTG route. Star-Lord? Rocket Raccoon? He's got the costume already. 


Preview of the season premiere, from the AV Club. It's the shit-eating grin from Cartman that makes it work.

"Furry Balls Plopped Menacingly on The Table, Inc." not quite as catchy as "CompuGlobal Hyper MegaNet." I like that the boys have finally adopted the Underpants Gnomes Business Model. Except "Collect Underpants > ? > Profit" has been replaced these days by "Start Up > Cash In > Sell Out > Bro Down."


I got a big kick out of how ISIS ended up embracing the Washington Redskins.


Using actual audio of Roger Goodell AND revealing he was a robot? I love you, South Park.


I loved this one, and I hope this sets a trend of greatness this season.


ETA: I loved how the boys were completely earnest & honest that their company was a complete scam. Can't get any more audacious than Cartman answering the phone with "Washington Redskins, Go Fuck Yourself" with that shit eating grin of his.

Edited by Galileo908
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Using actual audio of Roger Goodell AND revealing he was a robot? I love you, South Park.



Far and away the best and most cleber part of this episode. The rest was very uneven, disappointing, really. Once we saw the boys use the same excuses Snyder used to keep the name Washington Redskins, the episode didn't go anywhere. It needed more of a point, given the topic they chose to take on.

Man, I loved how the episode had everyone calling the boys out on last week's episode. Apparently Butters set fire to the gym?!


Heh, you get an actual pocket rocket from eating too much gluten. As weird and silly as that was, I laughed every time that happened.


This was a pretty okay episode. If the title didn't give it away, I never would've realized that the whole panic over gluten mirrored what's happening with Ebola in Africa.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for continuity. I can believe that the boys alienated others in going into business for themselves. Now, Butters burning down the gym? That had to have been Cartman. Butters isn't really that evil, even in Professor Chaos mode.


Anybody else in the mood for Papa John's? I guess I'm good with gluten, side effects and all. I haven't used Aunt Jemina in a while, though. Nice touch to riff off The Stand.


ETA: Anybody else laugh when the dick that flew off the USDA guy's body smacked a random guy in the face before flying off? Also funny: Cartman is listed as "Fatass" on Kyle's phone.

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The continuity from last week was a pleasant surprise, and I think that's what made this episode.  Had to laugh at Wendy recounting how Stan said he'd be "dripping in bitches" and Butters burning down the school -- did he really?  That's the sort of thing I'd expect from Cartman, although it's understandable that even Butters would have a breaking point because of how much crap he takes.  Hate to think what his parents are doing to him.


Cartman freaking out to Kyle over the phone was gold


So I take it Trey and Matt had a bad experience at Papa Johns as well as PF Changs?

Who eats at Papa Johns anyway?


I liked the serial nature of these 2 episodes and how the whole gang was called out for being assholes. Wendy wasn't taking any shit either. "Fatass" with a pic of Cartman flipping the bird was a great sight gag.


I didn't know the title of the episode but I was catching on soon enough and thought it was pretty funny. It seems like everyone is allergic to gluten now.

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Ubiquitous, I thought they absolutely were mocking Snyder's position (which he stated to ESPN in August) that the Washington team name honors and respects Native Americans. (When that very group states that the name does not honor them, then it's a flimsy position for Snyder to take, and Parker and Stone were calling that out.) Then they mocked Kickstarter for skimming off the top of other people's business ideas and mocked the scammers who use Kickstarter without providing anything of value. Then, they mocked Apple for overselling minor improvements to their products as though they were revolutions ("We moved the couch from the right side of the room to the left.") And then, they mocked organizations that take a moral stand but yield to complacency and inertia and allow terrible things to happen (the Catholic Church and the NFL). If there were an overarching point to all of this, I would say that it was that laziness/ complacency is directly correlated to moral corruption. I thought it was a really sharp satire.
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I'm really enjoying this season a ton. I really got a kick out of Stan just trying to ask Randy who at work know Lorde, and Randy turning it into an over-dramatic separation scene right out of the movies. It reminded me of "Ladder to Heaven" when the boys just wanted their candy ticket, and the adults turned it into an elaborate meditation on death.

Perfect Cartman logic: Claim he's a CIS to use "the girl's shitter." And the only way he becomes "transginger" is only putting a bow in his hair. Man, it really seems like Cartman's dream come true with his own bathroom (with a silhouette of himself as "Other." Loved that), and why am I not surprised that he treats his own private toilet like a BDSM sub?


We have a callback to last week: "Lorde's" appearance at the party prompts some hard-hitting journalism from Spin magazine. Randy IS Lorde, I thought that was a great reveal. For some reason I love that "Lorde" still works as a geologist, and that Randy's co-workers don't see through the disguise. I thought that the plots dovetailing like they did was really clever. Also, I want that Lorde poster.


Also, callback to gluten-free PBR, and that the gym is still messed up.


Oh, and Butters is back in school, still awkwardly using the urinal.


ETA: I bet this isn't the last we'll see of Randy's hoard of money, with all this continuity going around.

Edited by Galileo908

I liked Garrison saying at the beginning, "Trust me, you don't want this hot potato."


I'll be awfully curious about what kind of response this episode gets. It seemed like they were trying to be somewhat delicate in how they were addressing all the transgender stuff, but I suspect there will still be a lot of blowback.

Edited by alynch

Parts of the episode felt week. Nice to see Wendy try to outwit Cartman again, but I wasn't too impressed. I did like Sheila's pep talk to "Lorde" . . . but I don't get why Lorde had to be spoofed. It wasn't as cruel as what the show did to Britney Spears . . . but what was the point? That a 17-year-old can't be that talented a songwriter? Maybe it's the absurdity that's I'm supposed to dig, but I'm not.


I will say the continuity is growing on me. Now I'm wondering what loose ends from this week will spill into the next episode.

I almost thought Cartman was going to pull a gun out at the beginning.  And then it turned out to be a bow.  Hee.


I love how resigned the teachers were having to deal with Cartman and Garrison they're just going to have to give in this time.



Looks like they've taken a page from Craig's book.


Stan's reaction to Randy being Lorde was great.  And I did love Sharon's Spider-man 2-esque speech to Randy at the end.  I'm just glad Butters is back in school, though I'm sure his parents are going to torture him for some reason this season.


So I wonder if and how they are going to link this to next week's episode.

That was a really good episode. So "Randy" at the party was really Lourdes? And everyone thought so? That was great. I thought they were going for 


This was a pretty solid message though. There's so much with the labels nowadays; whatever you're comfortable as is what you are and if people have a problem with it, it's on them.


The posters of "Lourdes" were just Randy with an airbrushed mustache! lol.  


That a 17-year-old can't be that talented a songwriter?


Not to be a dick, but not really. I mean, how many have there been in the last 20 years? I thought that was the point of Sharon's monologue. Most pop music is just waving tits and ass around and kids are actually smart enough to be sick of it. Most teen pop stars don't actually write their own stuff and are just packaged and marketed. 

Ooh, making fun of Uber tonight.


Loved seeing the Nathan and Mimsy from "Crippled Summer" again. Until, yeah, Nathan thought the experience with the shark was bad. Didn't need to see that one. Heh, Mimsy has somewhat of a brain in him.


LOVE that the race between Timmy and Nathan turned into a classic Wacky Race (with a little bit of Crazy Taxi tossed in), complete with a parody of the title sequence and Dick Dastardly & Muttley. That took me back.


I liked that Timmy had a teddy bear in a wheelchair.


Seems that the running thread this season is Randy as Lorde. (EDIT: I hope we find out where that wormhole took Matthew McConaughey)

Edited by Galileo908

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