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5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I feel like the dog training place was always basically running just so that Murphy's parents wanted make sure her lazy self had a job, so I guess that's why we never saw much guide dog training. Or because the show just doesn't know how guide dogs work, between this and Josh getting instantly fired without a fight for losing his sight, its bizarre how a show about a blind person seems to know so little about being blind. 

I doubt if they know much about running a criminal organization that sells drugs in a big market like Chicago, either.  But that is such a standard occupation on TV that the writers don't NEED to know anything about it that they haven't seen on TV or the movies.


5 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I’ll preface this by saying I recognize this show is ridiculous, but I know a couple of people that train the dogs for organizations, so maybe others are training them and then dropping them off when they’re ready?  Idk, that center never made sense to me. 


1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I think that is how it works. You don't send a dog to a kennel to learn in a group. You partner them with a trainer, who trains them at home and then with the person they will be living with. At least, that's how I've known it to happen. Maybe there are places that do it another way, but it's entirely credible and even normal not to. Though they'd have more volunteers and foot traffic and such, if they are going to have a whole facility.

Early on, we did see Murphy and Felix going to large audiences and doing public education.

Yes, I don't disagree with any of this, this is my understanding as well. And yes of course they'd have a lot of foot traffic: the volunteers who fostered the puppies to socialize them, the trainers, the blind people who were getting the dogs.  They also would need to do a lot of serious fundraising since the more reputable organizations provide the dogs to the people who need them free of cost.  They  dealt with that in the second (?) episode where Murphy banged the husband of the heiress who was giving the big donation and messed up that deal.  I remember the public speaking happening in only one episode.

I'm just pissed that this show started out with an interesting premise, that clearly wasn't that interesting to the writers, who preferred the standard CW YA melodrama.

I actually like that the show is not ABOUT blindness. Murphy is blind, but she's not a token, and it's not about "how the blind stuff works". It's integrated into her character, but it's not the sum total of her character.

I hate that almost all disability representation makes the character's disability the sole focus of their personality, and this show subverts that by making it about the same stuff other shows are about-- the banging, the murders, the drugs. It's not that I think we need more shows about that same old stuff. But having a blind character whose life does not revolve around "blind stuff" is refreshing.

I feel the same about how Josh's story is not about his medical situation, but about his job. And Chloe (who I'm very sad seems to have been cut from the show) was mostly a teen with dad drama, not blind drama.

I'd also watch a show about a place that trains guide dogs, though, to be sure. 

  • Love 7

Well, color me surprised. I liked this.

I think anyone would be terrified to be stranded, no phone, can't call anyone even if you had a phone because you're a fugitive from the law, and you don't have much money, whether blind or not. So good job raising the stakes for Murphy, without infantilizing her or making it all about the disability.

I knew Jess appearing was going to be a dream but I still liked it. It was a combination of wish fulfillment, conscience waking up, and hitting bottom.

The actress playing Jess did a good job with screaming and terror. I get tired of seeing women in this motif, but she sounded more like a real person than a model posing for "Fay Wray Impersonator" so I liked it. 

I did not appreciate the gratuitous "gay kid as coward" part of the story. They could just as easily have had him be a kid who didn't have the nerve to face parental wrath, without making it be fear of coming out. It's like 90% of LGBTQ stories are about coming out or being bashed or disowned or otherwise suffering. Having Jess be a lesbian does not give the show a pass for reverting to insulting tropes for the next token they insert into the narrative.

Seeing Murphy pull back from taking advantage of the kid, deciding to put him first even at her own expense, was sadly surprising but I'll take it. I don't need them to keep her stuck and eternally villainous. It was a little late for a total slate clearing, but it was a step in the right direction.

I'm hoping they have Murphy rescue Jess somehow. That's a role reversal that I'd appreciate.

I hope we also get to see what the others are up to. 

And get Pretzel some food! Seriously, though, the dog looked really happy and relaxed, which took me out of his scenes a little, but I'd rather a happy dog than a dog that is made miserable for purposes of filming, and it's actually hard to watch scenes with animals that make me wonder if the animal is stressed, so I'm kind of glad the dog is not acting miserable and is just a happy-looking dog.

  • Love 7

Just because this is a single-thread show:


"Somewhere Over the Border" (7/07/2021,  Season 3 / Episode 3)
Murphy comes to the realization of how helpless she feels without her friends as she experiences what being truly alone in an unfamiliar place is like for the first time.

This season has been a big improvement over the first 2. Normally a show doesn't get an opportunity to do that. 

23 hours ago, possibilities said:

Well, color me surprised. I liked this.

I think anyone would be terrified to be stranded, no phone, can't call anyone even if you had a phone because you're a fugitive from the law, and you don't have much money, whether blind or not. So good job raising the stakes for Murphy, without infantilizing her or making it all about the disability.

I knew Jess appearing was going to be a dream but I still liked it. It was a combination of wish fulfillment, conscience waking up, and hitting bottom.

The actress playing Jess did a good job with screaming and terror. I get tired of seeing women in this motif, but she sounded more like a real person than a model posing for "Fay Wray Impersonator" so I liked it. 

I did not appreciate the gratuitous "gay kid as coward" part of the story. They could just as easily have had him be a kid who didn't have the nerve to face parental wrath, without making it be fear of coming out. It's like 90% of LGBTQ stories are about coming out or being bashed or disowned or otherwise suffering. Having Jess be a lesbian does not give the show a pass for reverting to insulting tropes for the next token they insert into the narrative.

Seeing Murphy pull back from taking advantage of the kid, deciding to put him first even at her own expense, was sadly surprising but I'll take it. I don't need them to keep her stuck and eternally villainous. It was a little late for a total slate clearing, but it was a step in the right direction.

I'm hoping they have Murphy rescue Jess somehow. That's a role reversal that I'd appreciate.

I hope we also get to see what the others are up to. 

And get Pretzel some food! Seriously, though, the dog looked really happy and relaxed, which took me out of his scenes a little, but I'd rather a happy dog than a dog that is made miserable for purposes of filming, and it's actually hard to watch scenes with animals that make me wonder if the animal is stressed, so I'm kind of glad the dog is not acting miserable and is just a happy-looking dog.

I agree with your positive comments about the episode, @possibilities, but I also didn't mind the way the LGBTQ youth was presented.
I do share your ambivalence about how Pretzel was too happy for the situation --they would have needed an entirely different show/episode focusing on Pretzel, and this show isn't that show. As someone who had some similarly unfortunate experiences when hitchhiking alone across Canada and the US in the 1970s, I'm going to fanwank that at one point Murphy had Pretzel hide from view in order to get a ride more easily, but then the would-be rapist thought twice when he saw the dog and drove away. 

And it's really not too much of a fanwank, since they had Pretzel hidden behind Murphy when the mom was accusing her of being a hussy, which I doubt she would have done if she realized Murphy was blind. Also, Murphy's realistic concern about the older guy on the app being a serial killer is not unlike at least one person I met in my travels, and whom Murphy might encounter while hitchhiking (although Pretzel's presence is a bit of a deterrent). 



Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 3

That was actually pretty good, even if almost an entire episode with just Murphy seems like it would be a whole LOT, because Murphy herself is a LOT. I could really feel her panic, being stuck alone in another country with no phone and not a lot of money where you don't know the area is scary under the best of circumstances, let alone being on the run from both cops and criminals and being blind. I also liked how they kept people and things in the background a bit blurry, it created this slightly confusing world where we cant really see what is going on, which does a good job at putting us in Murphy's shoes. She probably should have stayed at the bus depo though. Its not a perfect plan but its at least not a creepy playground in the middle of nowhere. 

I am glad that Murphy pulled back on taking advantage of the kid she pushed into being her Uber driver, I was worried she would accidently get him killed, as Murphy has an unfortunate tendency to drag anyone in her orbit down with her, but it was some nice growth that she decided to try and get him away. I don't love that they went with the "cowardly gay person who throws other people under the bus to stay in the closet" trope to keep Murphy from making it to the airport though. They could have easily ended the episode the same way without those unfortunate implications. 

I knew right away that Jess was a hallucination, but it was still a good scene, and hopefully a wake up call for Murphy, even if it was just her subconscious literally hitting her in the face instead of Jess. I actually half thought it would end with Murphy waking up still at the bus stop, never having even left. Murphy really does take Jess (and most people) for granted and her bad life choices have really ended up screwing a ton of people over, even if they were just collateral, and she is only now realizing that a lot of this is on her. Not all of it of course, but some of it sure is, and she and Jess's friendship is very much all about Murphy and what Jess does for her. 

  • Love 3

The start was always Felix and Jess taking that money. It's pissed me off that no one likes to remember that part and the show's turned into Everything's Murphy's Fuck-Up. All she tried to do is find out who murdered Tyler and she did, she even managed to catch his killer (for all the good it did). She happened to brush up against Nia's operation but ultimately? The getting involved in drug trafficking was entirely Felix and Jess thinking "free money!", stealing from Nia and screwing Max over in the process. Murphy has made a ton of bad calls, but she didn't really start all this.

I knew Jess was a dream but I thought Dream!Jess had a lot of nerve getting angry at Murphy for falling asleep. Murphy sensing something was wrong and trying to find her way through a foreign country, ultimately collapsing from exhaustion in the middle of nowhere is not being selfish. She's being too hard on herself through Dream!Jess.

Not to mention she couldn't stay at the depot too long, a point of international transit is not the best place for a wanted fugitive to hang around.

  • Love 10

I liked what that showed about Murphy's conscience though. She feels guilty and afraid that she failed Jess. It was a way to show that she does care, and she is afraid, and it's still in character for her (compared to the usual ways they show women  being scared and feeling guilty-- Murphy would experience it as blame and anger and violence, not groveling and submissiveness).

It's not Jess's fault Murphy dreamed her that way. It showed Murphy does appreciate and feel insecure in their friendship-- she sees Jess as someone who on the one hand always takes care of her, and on the other hand, might leave her because she's not good enough, even when she isn't actually at fault.

Thanks for the reminder of how the whole mess started, with Jess and Felix taking the money. It makes things more even in the group. 

Does Max know that Murphy didn't steal the money? 

Edited by possibilities
  • Useful 2
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Of course, the person who actually started this whole clusterfuck was Dean, who murdered poor Tyson to cover up his crimes. Everyone else just kept digging themselves in deeper as they first made questionable choices for good reasons, then made even worse decisions for selfish reasons, and now everyone is just running around trying to cover themselves or pursue various vendettas. 

This is one of many reasons why Pretzel is the best character. Has Pretzel ever stolen money from a drug lord for like a dumbass? I think not. 

  • LOL 2
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Aside from some too-obvious plot points (the trucker, especially), this was the best episode of the season so far, IMO. It was nice to see Murphy truly vulnerable.

I had to laugh when she yelled at the kid for stopping for gas. Murphy, you're not going to get to Thunder Bay at all, let alone on time, if you run out of gas on the way. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

It took me a little out of the scene that Murphy was suddenly not comfortable having stranger sex, but, whatever.

I bought it, especially under the circumstances. I think the fact that it was entirely transactional—distract the guy so Trey can steal the money—is what bothered her. Stranger sex for Murphy is usually about her needs and wanting to forget something. This wasn't that. I'm not explaining it that well, but I do see the difference here.

I kind of laughed when the cop took all the money. Trey should have grabbed some of the cash and showed him that, not the entire bag!

The writers lean too heavily on deus ex machina for their stories to work, but I'm liking these episodes a lot more than I have previous ones.

  • Love 6

I thought it was interesting that on the one hand they made the mark somewhat sympathetic in that he was was definitely careful about consent and noticed she was uncomfortable and wasn't into just pushing past that, but then he was actually cheating on his wife-- it's like they wanted us to feel bad for him, but not too bad. 

I also laughed about the cop taking all the money. They really needed to not have the heist work, though, because it was too easy of a resolution.

As the episode ended, I thought: they're probably going to talk without a lawyer, which would never happen if they were smart. Unless Murphy's parents show up with one, though, I don't see them even thinking of asking for representation. But they really do have a lot of info they could give to prosecutors. Cooperating might actually work for them, especially since it's TV.

The show sprinkled just the right amount of humor, such as Murphy asking if Felix was really wearing tights. 

The men on this show are really emo. It kind of makes me laugh because the women aren't. It's another little thing they do to flip tropes.


  • Love 3

The coveted "Biggest Dumbass of the Episode" award goes to Felix, for causing a huge scene and getting the cops called on them while they are hiding from the aforementioned cops and trying to stay under the radar, leading to them losing the money they need to save Jess while also almost getting caught. And also for his rather revisionist history about how all this crap started. Its been a minute since I saw season one, but I feel like there were plenty of times when they could have stopped this, but didn't. 

Despite that, this season is actually a bit better than last season, everyone being on the road is giving them some much needed forward momentum. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

The coveted "Biggest Dumbass of the Episode" award goes to Felix, for causing a huge scene and getting the cops called on them while they are hiding from the aforementioned cops and trying to stay under the radar, leading to them losing the money they need to save Jess while also almost getting caught

Aw, but poor Felix - sex with him wasn't memorable at all!  Even though (according to Jess):  It's big!  That had to be pretty, er, deflating.


OK, they had, and lost, the money - $427,000 & change, if I recall correctly - but aren't they still in Canada??  427,000 CAD = 339,144.75 USD at today's exchange rate.  So bribing the cop with  50,000 would have left them about $600 short to ransom Jess.  Let alone pay Felix back his $2000!

  • Useful 2

Honestly, though, Murphy has been in traumatic hell since they parted ways. The sex with Felix was always pure utilitarianism from her point of view, but even if it hadn't been, it's not like she's had any time not in a total panic since it happened.

1 hour ago, The Wild Sow said:

OK, they had, and lost, the money - $427,000 & change, if I recall correctly - but aren't they still in Canada??  427,000 CAD = 339,144.75 USD at today's exchange rate.  So bribing the cop with  50,000 would have left them about $600 short to ransom Jess.  Let alone pay Felix back his $2000!


The woman from the 3some seemed pretty happy about having had sex with "some criminals".

Edited by possibilities
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On 7/15/2021 at 8:09 AM, dubbel zout said:

I kind of laughed when the cop took all the money. Trey should have grabbed some of the cash and showed him that, not the entire bag!

That was the DUMBEST thing EVER on a dramatic show. This guy Trey is supposed to have"street smarts" and he does that dumb shit to lose the entire bag of money.

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, preeya said:

That was the DUMBEST thing EVER on a dramatic show. This guy Trey is supposed to have"street smarts" and he does that dumb shit to lose the entire bag of money.

Meh, he's a POC trying to get a white cop to not arrest him and his friends. Go big or go home.
At least, I'll excuse him for doing that. 

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

That was the DUMBEST thing EVER on a dramatic show. This guy Trey is supposed to have"street smarts" and he does that dumb shit to lose the entire bag of money.


13 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Meh, he's a POC trying to get a white cop to not arrest him and his friends. Go big or go home.
At least, I'll excuse him for doing that. 

Not an excuse, still a dumb shit move. He offered the cop $100k, then shows him the entire $400k and gets bilked for all the cash. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

I enjoyed the more Pretzel presence in this last episode.  He appeared to be chewing on something in the beginning scenes; maybe he was finishing someone's sandwich!

I was actually worried about Pretzel being dehydrated in the last episode (probably owing to the summer versions of those ASPCA commercials) but I have not lived with a pet in a verrrry long time, so it didn't occur to me that, of course, when our sweet Pretzel was not in the camera range, he was giving literal puppy dog eyes to someone in the convenience store who responded by filling an empty container with water for him, and probably slipped him a nice biscuit too! Heck, maybe even a bit of steak!


Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 3

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Episode aired Jul 21, 2021

Muphy reaches out to an unlikely source for help in getting to Jess but when Trey makes other plans, the whole thing blows up in their faces.

Cheeky summary, IMDb writers.

I hated this episode and almost turned it off half way in.
Show, you have one more chance not to make me hate you, or I’m out.

Perry Matfield and the director weren’t even trying to make her seem blind in the close-up conversations. I thought they had gotten better at this. No?


5 hours ago, possibilities said:

They should have said they don't know where Max is. 

Seriously. Or say he was dead?

So I assume Alex got Jess out?

And there will be a legal reason Murphy and Felix have to be let go, but Max will be sacrificed —again. Right?


  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Paloma said:

I find it hard to believe that the ruthless drug lord has all these nice or at least nonviolent people working for him: Alex, Trey, and even the young guy at the club that Trey was calling and that Alex found stealing (he just seemed like a scared kid, not a scary criminal). 

Plus Josiah/aka Ruthless Drug Lord attends the school concert of his adorable kid with his affectionate wife beside him.
I guess the Beatles were wrong, and money can buy you love?

  • LOL 1
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12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

So I assume Alex got Jess out?

So I didn't miss a scene between when Jess was leaning against the door in despair and then was sitting on the train with Murphy. Nice to know I don't have to rewind again looking for her great escape.


ETA: Nevermind, I see they were just screwing around with a flash forward with that scene of Murphy and Jess on the train.

Edited by NeenerNeener
3 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

So I didn't miss a scene between when Jess was leaning against the door in despair and then was sitting on the train with Murphy. Nice to know I don't have to rewind again looking for her great escape.

Just in case you aren't just being sarcastic (or in case anyone else doesn't recognize the sarcasm):
Train Jess (with the lipstick) only exists in Murphy's imagination.

  • Love 2

So, without the heroin, and considering the pretty circumstantial evidence of the button at Nia's burial site, is there really a case against the gang left? Felix comes from an extremely wealthy family; I bet they could get a lawyer who would probably collapse the case. Just hope these idiots keep their mouths shut when under interrogation.

  • Love 7
On 7/22/2021 at 5:47 PM, preeya said:

The "going blind, IRS guy" is a real pain in the ass. Can he see or can't he see. (WTF?)

As @shapeshifter said, and I noticed it while watching too, Murphy has really good gaze at other people for a blind person.  If we didn't know Murphy is supposed to be blind, just watching the close-up convos between she and others, it would look completely normal and we'd wonder why she takes Pretzel with her.

As long as Pretzel is on the show, I'm gonna keep watching though.

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

He's losing his eyesight.

Yes, but in this episode they had him (Josh) reading some columns of data without any visual aids. I would have liked the director to have him whip out a magnifying glass and have him peer through it closely. Not only would this convey his condition (a magnifying glass is a stop-gap measure rather than prescribed lenses) but it would be a nice (IMO) narrative call back to OG Sherlock Holmes.

--Unless Josh was faking understanding the data? I don't think so...


And now I'm guessing OG Sherlock Holmes had either become farsighted due to age or had developed cataracts.

  • Love 2

This season has been less annoying than previous seasons, but a lot of it has been pretty tedious. I was intrigued by everyone fleeing to Canada to start new lives hiding from the thousands of people gunning for them, but now it seems like we are just going back to more of the same. What evidence do they even have against Murphy and company? What do they expect to happen? 

I don't think your bosses hostage cares that much about your sob story lady. I think she's a bit too busy freaking the fuck out to make you feel better about your terrible job. 

  • Love 1

I used to like Josh, but he's not thinking clearly and it's really his fault what happened this week. Also, he ought to care about the corrupt chief, and at least hear Gene out. But apparently he's more motivated by his anger at Murphy than by actual justice. 

Also, no one has even suggested self-defense as a motive for killing Nia, nor flipping and telling everything they know to bring down all the various drug rings? Not even Felix's defense lawyer sister? Or Felix "everything but the Bar" who apparently went to law school??

But, all that said, I am really enjoying this season. I love how much agency Murphy and Jess both have, and I like seeing the way the drama weaves in and out. 

Felix is clearly smitten, though. I don't know how I feel about that.

I like that Gene has the recording. 

The guy who got Murphy the cab, hearing the announcement about the escaped blind woman, realizing what happened, and deciding not to report it? I loved that moment. For a show so high on melodrama, it does a good job of seasoning it with moments like that, where someone just gets a second to convey a lot without much fanfare. It's a good balance of crazy and subtle.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 4

Adding to ridiculousness: Murphy's blood near Nia's body is circumstantial evidence that she was involved in hiding said body. It does absolutely nothing to put her away "for the rest of her life" because it says nothing about actively killing Nia. (And uh, Jess was the one who pulled the trigger in a clear Defense of Others scenario. Murphy literally didn't kill Nia. Nia beat the shit out of her, which come to think of it explains her blood being near Nia. GET A COMPETENT LAWYER WTF.)

Also? Hospital beds have alarms that go off if patients get out. A LOT of people in a compromised mental state (dementia, severe head trauma, etc) would be walking around hospitals very confused if nurses didn't have that particular device to warn them.

Darnell talked to Jess, meaning she should have known Murphy and Felix were coming for her. Right? She has ditched them before. I mean her shooting Nia was her heroic return from dumping this whole mess onto Murphy &co and then leaving with her girlfriend to start a new life.

  • Love 3

As is typical for my Over The Air CW station, the signal crapped out 5 minutes into last night’s episode. I could stream it now, but is it worth it?  
I think I may be done with this show.  
I was attracted by the initial premise of a perspective from a blind person’s point of view.  
I hadn’t realized I was signing up for a show primarily about non-druggies getting caught up in drug dealing. 

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