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Jenningspalooza: Jack, Jackie, Greg, Jeanette, Ari and the twins

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1 hour ago, swimmom said:

I remember reading he is estranged from his family. No details that I can think of.

When Jazz was getting her first surgery a man who resembled Greg was sitting with them in the waiting room. Did we ever find out who he is?

There was spec that it was Greg's brother but I dont think it was confirmed. Not sure why it was so interesting to folks, its either a close friend or family member. I do wonder that, if it's true Greg is estranged from his family, if it's over Jazz being trans and how they handled the situation from the get go.

I would LOVE to hear what the kids really think about Jazz and all the money and attention and no rules enforced that she's reaped over their lifetime. I know they love her and protect her as their sister, but we've seen cracks in the wall when they've said things (boys about her losing weight and getting off her ass to do actual workouts; sister starting to challenge her about boys/relationships, living on her own, etc.). I always appreciated that her grandparents were very direct and honest on camera about how spoiled she is.

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10 hours ago, Grammysherry said:

Where are Greg's parents? Never a mention on the show. Were they ever discussed?

I was getting ready to post something similar like if there is extended family - other grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, close family friends, etc. We have seen Jeanette's sister-in-law but don't know whose side of the family she is on.

I love Grandma Jack & Grandma Jackye. **  I think they add to the show & at times they seem like the only voices of reason. I really like that Grandma J admitted on one of the earlier episodes that she went to therapy at the beginning of Jazz's transition to understand what was going on.  Good for her for knowing she would benefit from outside help & good for her she went through with it. Another big step was letting us, the audience, know she went to therapy & it helped her.  I'm sure she was confused at the beginning as many families are &  it probably has helped them decide if they need therapy by knowing she went. 

** I also love Jackye's hair & that she owns the style.  Good for her that she doesn't care what others think & laughs it off.  Sometimes I think she dresses too young for her age (like when she wears the off the shoulder tops) but at the same time she still looks nice & is in great shape. She has better fashion sense than Jeanette & Jazz (I know that's not much) & could definitely teach them a few things.

Edited by Barb23
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I definitely agree with this!  

2 hours ago, SuseQ said:

Greg seems like such a good man.  It's sad he is estranged from his family.  

I felt so sad for Greg, when Jeanette was absolutely at the end of her rope, and *begging* him to come help her take care of Jazz when (if) a 3rd surgery was done. He just kept saying, "I have to work..."  

Greg's income is the only thing between their family and bankruptcy, I'm convinced of it. Medical procedures for Jazz have been incredibly expensive, and someone has to pay for them... Plus, Greg and Jeanette do have two (it was three) other kids in college, which is something I think some people may forget because Jazz is the focus of the show and of her own universe.

These parents want what is best for all their kids, but frankly, Jazz seems to have monopolized most of their time, attention, and money. Obviously, they know it would be much better for Jazz to go to college once she's healed, and get a degree that will lead to a reliable long-term income rather than (hopefully!) getting a GED and then moving into that beachfront place where she'd have plenty of privacy to "dilate" with her ZeroProspects boyfriend, relying on her U-tube hits and her show to pay for everything. 

...But Jazz will do what Jazz will do. Meanwhile, I applaud her mom and dad for finally standing up to her, and cutting off all the money they've been spending so Jazz could lie around eating nachos in bed!  

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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I really can't stand all the clutter & mess in the Jennings' home.  I have clutter too but I'm not on national TV & would get rid of it if I was.  Jeanette could use the help of a professional decorator. 

I've never seen a home that has that many photos in picture frames in it.  I think Jeanette cannot let go of the past.  It seems she keeps adding new photos instead of replacing an old picture with a new one. It's one thing to have a table of framed pictures but it seems there are many in the Jennings home.  Not to mention the huge amount of photos & various clippings on the fridge or the photo gallery going up their stairs.   I like the idea of a few photos on the wall going up stairs but they must have a 100 & seems claustrophobic to me. Jeanette must think every photo they take is special & needs to be framed & displayed.

I also don't t like all the various cheap plaques & what nots on the walls & tables.  It's not so much they are cheap looking, it's that it seems they are haphazardly placed wherever there is an open space.

I can't figure out what is going on in their upstairs hall area when they have shown Jazz going into her room.  It looks like there is a large dresser/armoire on one wall as well as a chair with a cloth covered table next to it on the same wall as Jazz's room. I've seen furniture placed in hallways before but it has been tastefully done & there is room for the furniture. It looks like another room was set up in their hall.  (Maybe there is a hidden bed somewhere & this is where one of the twins is living since Ari came home & one of them had to give up her room.)  

Don't even get me started about all the junk & clutter on the kitchen counters. How do they even have space to cook & prepare things or place a box of Jazz's donuts?

The only part of their house I like is outside esp the backyard with the  hammock area off by itself.  The lawn & bushes look like they have been professionally landscaped so I guess this is why it looks nice. 

I'm embarrassed for Greg that his coworkers have to see what a cluttered  mess he lives in. 

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I am a newer watcher to all things Jazz  & have been catching up on the back episodes. These are just a few of my observations:

** Has anyone else noticed that Jeanette (& Jazz) have to hug each doctor they meet or see?  It drives me nuts. Jeanette jumps up first (usually followed by Jazz) when they greet the doctor. I can  possibly see hugging Drs. Ting & Bowers since they were the main surgeons & the family got to know them, but I'm mainly talking about the misc doctors Jazz saw before the surgery.

Jeanette & Jazz hugged the doctor in California that was part of the team that took out Jazz's testosterone implant.  As far as I know, they had never met in person  but Jeanette hugged her like she was her long lost best friend.  The doctor first seemed like "what the hell?" when Jeanette jumped up out of her chair & threw her arms around her. Then it was like she realized she was being filmed so she hugged her back but you could tell she was surprised & uncomfortable. 

Maybe Jeanette is just a hugger but I don't think it's professional for the most part especially for a doctor you've never met.  I can see a patient's family hugging a doctor after surgery but I don't think it's a proper as a greeting at an office visit.  I've seen many doctors over my years & there is only one or two times I remember ever hugging one.  One was my thoracic surgeon at my last follow up visit after having lung surgery.  I told him it was a Thank you hug for the excellent care he gave me. It was given at the end of my visit & not as a greeting like he was my relative.  I've seen one specialist for almost 30 years. He is & will always be my favorite doctor but I can't remember ever hugging him & he has done a lot for me over the years. Handshakes-yes, Christmas gifts-yes, hugs-no.

** I can't reiterate enough that Jeanette needs a makeover. I was laughing over her choice of attire when she was golfing with Greg & her parents. (This was at a real golf course, not mini-golf.)  She had on one of her flowy gauze like blouses open over a tank top. It did have a collar on it so I guess it passed the collared shirt rule. She did wear capris as well as all her usual longer necklaces . Jacky, on the other hand, looked so nice in a proper well fitted polo type patterned golf shirt with solid colored long shorts or slacks. Jeanette said her parents love to golf so I guess Jacky has many nice golf outfits.

** I noticed that Noelle had shorter darker hair in the earlier episodes.   It looked like it was a reddish brown & it was cut in a longer bob.  I thought it made her hair look fuller & she looked more feminine than how she looks now with just long & stringy mousey colored hair.  (But I realize she might like it this way better.)

** It seems like the Jennings are like the Duggars in always using paper plates. Maybe it's just for takeout which seems to be a large part of their diet but I saw a large pile of  paper plates on the kitchen table in several different scenes/episodes.

Edited by Barb23
On 3/11/2019 at 5:20 AM, Barb23 said:

I am a newer watcher to all things Jazz  & have been catching up on the back episodes. These are just a few of my observations:

** Has anyone else noticed that Jeanette (& Jazz) have to hug each doctor they meet or see?  It drives me nuts. Jeanette jumps up first (usually followed by Jazz) when they greet the doctor. I can  possibly see hugging Drs. Ting & Bowers since they were the main surgeons & the family got to know them, but I'm mainly talking about the misc doctors Jazz saw before the surgery.

Jeanette & Jazz hugged the doctor in California that was part of the team that took out Jazz's testosterone implant.  As far as I know, they had never met in person  but Jeanette hugged her like she was her long lost best friend.  The doctor first seemed like "what the hell?" when Jeanette jumped up out of her chair & threw her arms around her. Then it was like she realized she was being filmed so she hugged her back but you could tell she was surprised & uncomfortable. Maybe Jeanette is just a hugger but I don't think it's professional for the most part especially for a doctor you've never met.  I can see a patient's family hugging a doctor after surgery but I don't think it's a proper as a greeting at an office visit.  I've seen many doctors over my years & there is only one or two times I remember ever hugging one.  One was my thoracic surgeon at my last follow up visit after having lung surgery.  I told him it was a Thank you hug for the excellent care he gave me. It was given at the end of my visit & not as a greeting like he was my relative.  I've seen one specialist for almost 30 years. He is & will always be my favorite doctor but I can't remember ever hugging him & he has done a lot for me over the years. Handshakes-yes, Christmas gifts-yes, hugs-no.*

I was shocked after my mother died to get a condolence note from my mother's doctors. I had never met them (1500 miles away) but I do think they liked my mother, and she thought they were gods. Is that something most medical practices do? Or was this highly unusual?

17 minutes ago, CousinAmy said:

I was shocked after my mother died to get a condolence note from my mother's doctors. I had never met them (1500 miles away) but I do think they liked my mother, and she thought they were gods. Is that something most medical practices do? Or was this highly unusual?

Highly unusual, but really nice gesture IMO. 

I do think Jeanette's hugging all the docs is a bit much though.

2 hours ago, CousinAmy said:

I was shocked after my mother died to get a condolence note from my mother's doctors. I had never met them (1500 miles away) but I do think they liked my mother, and she thought they were gods. Is that something most medical practices do? Or was this highly unusual?

I don't think this is necessarily out of place, particularly if your mom was a long time patient. I work in a diagnostic center and we get notes from long time patients all the time (lots of older folks who have been followed for cancer, for instance). And when I worked for a children's clinic, we sent notes to patients (and received pics and notes back when the kids were grown up). 

I've even gotten condolence cards from my dogs' vets after they have passed away. 

Someone said something about the exterior house door opening out.     That is a hurricane-area way to prevent doors from blowing in, and the house getting soaked.      I have an exterior door like that, and it's from a Florida based builder, who has several subdivisions here.    So the side that will get the worst of the storm, opens out.     

I hope Jazz, and the rest of her family can step away from the spotlight a little, and maybe do occasional update shows.    That way they can have a little privacy, but still educate viewers without so much attention to their every move.  

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On 3/11/2019 at 3:20 AM, Barb23 said:

** I can't reiterate enough that Jeanette needs a makeover. I was laughing over her choice of attire when she was golfing with Greg & her parents. (This was at a real golf course, not mini-golf.)  She had on one of her flowy gauze like blouses open over a tank top. It did have a collar on it so I guess it passed the collared shirt rule. She did wear capris as well as all her usual longer necklaces . Jacky, on the other hand, looked so nice in a proper well fitted polo type patterned golf shirt with solid colored long shorts or slacks. 

The first time I saw the show I thought Jeanette was transgender too.  But I doubt she will be able to afford a makeover until Jazz starts supporting herself, which could be never.

Edited by deirdra
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On 3/12/2019 at 1:16 PM, gingerella said:

Highly unusual, but really nice gesture IMO. 

I do think Jeanette's hugging all the docs is a bit much though.

I notice on all these reality shows that the "stars" generally hug their doctors. This is NOT typical real life behavior I know occasionally that there is a really strong bond which develops but come one folks. My doctors, if they do anything at all other than say hello verbally, might  shake my hand.  Even when we have had drs who were family friends, we did NOT hug.

Over the top. Looks good on TV I guess?

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I mean, I've hugged my doctors a few times, but it should be said when I've done so there are good parallels to Jazz's life over the past few seasons. It's so much running around that getting absolute answers for once can be a relief. Those hugs are out of graditude and fixing concerns that so few can.

And yeah, it looks good for cameras too, pretty sure I was encouraged to do so when filmed.

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15 hours ago, J. Matazz said:

I mean, I've hugged my doctors a few times, but it should be said when I've done so there are good parallels to Jazz's life over the past few seasons. It's so much running around that getting absolute answers for once can be a relief. Those hugs are out of graditude and fixing concerns that so few can.

And yeah, it looks good for cameras too, pretty sure I was encouraged to do so when filmed.

It's one thing to hug a doctor after you know them or they have done something wonderful for you but Jeanette seems to hug the doctors on their first meeting (& every meeting after that.)

Like I posted before,  when they met the doctor who would take out Jazz's hormone implant, the doctor looked shocked when Jeanette jumped up out of her chair to give her a hug like she was a long lost friend.

16 hours ago, Barb23 said:

It's one thing to hug a doctor after you know them or they have done something wonderful for you but Jeanette seems to hug the doctors on their first meeting (& every meeting after that.)

Like I posted before,  when they met the doctor who would take out Jazz's hormone implant, the doctor looked shocked when Jeanette jumped up out of her chair to give her a hug like she was a long lost friend.

Eh the inappropriate hugging is the least of my issues with Jeanette! I’m more bothered by her poor parenting skills and always giving in to Jazz (which has led to a bratty self absorbed teen who should know better by now), her dismissive attitude towards Greg’s concerns, her atrocious eye wear, the tan situation (is it from a bottle, a tanning bed, or too much carrot juice?!?), and the shoulderless tops. 

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On 3/2/2019 at 9:35 PM, Barb23 said:

I was getting ready to post something similar like if there is extended family - other grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, close family friends, etc. We have seen Jeanette's sister-in-law but don't know whose side of the family she is on.

I love Grandma Jack & Grandma Jackye. **  I think they add to the show & at times they seem like the only voices of reason. I really like that Grandma J admitted on one of the earlier episodes that she went to therapy at the beginning of Jazz's transition to understand what was going on.  Good for her for knowing she would benefit from outside help & good for her she went through with it. Another big step was letting us, the audience, know she went to therapy & it helped her.  I'm sure she was confused at the beginning as many families are &  it probably has helped them decide if they need therapy by knowing she went. 

** I also love Jackye's hair & that she owns the style.  Good for her that she doesn't care what others think & laughs it off.  Sometimes I think she dresses too young for her age (like when she wears the off the shoulder tops) but at the same time she still looks nice & is in great shape. She has better fashion sense than Jeanette & Jazz (I know that's not much) & could definitely teach them a few things.

It's an obvious wig, she can afford a better one.

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1 hour ago, MsTree said:

What are your vibes saying? And how will it be helpful to Jazz?

Control freak, over protective, and in the long run isn't helping Jazz develop coping skills for the real world.

Sometimes in order to reach one's full potential, you have to stand on your own two feet..and even stumble at times.  Maybe if her mom takes a step back, Jazz could start to live her life..or at least start on the path to doing so.

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