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Sara Lance: The Canary Rises In White

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Sara also had the original Supergirl as her hippie therapist. 


THAT'S who that was! For some reason I was totally drawing a blank on Helen Slater last night.

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You know what I want Sara do once she's back? 


Tell Sin about her father. Honestly, she deserves to know how her father died, and I'm sure Oliver could bring the body back to Starling City for a proper burial.

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I hope they can get Bex back for an ep or two on LoT. Sin does deserve to know what happened to her father and what happened to Sara. One of the things I loved was she knew right away that the bumbling Canary wasn't Sara. 


That's the sisterly relationship I want to see. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Well there's also the fact that Sara and Laurel have different heights, weights, body builds, and even their costumes are quite different.  Frankly, they had to write Quentin as being a completely idiot not to pick up on that at all before he talked to Sin.


Oh and please for the sake of all thing's sacred, just have Laurel, Nyssa, Quentin, etc find out and be done with.  No more dragging that stuff out to insufferable degrees.

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I thought it odd that the EP's apparently forgot about Sin, then all of a sudden had her show up randomly in a episode for the sole purpose of seeing Laurel and pointing out to Quentin that it wasn't Sara, before disappearing again. So unless the actress happens to be available at the right time, and maybe not even then, we probably won't her again. 


If you had to choose, who would you rather have join Sara on LoT? Nyssa or Sin?

Edited by KirkB
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Bex has a show, so KL is the one available. However I'd prefer to see both on LoT, talking with Sara and meeting each other. And would much rather see Sara and Sin over Sara and Laurel. 


I really have to prepare myself to see Laurel next season with Sara, I've avoided seeing her at all costs since the premiere of season 3. I didn't even watch her Flash episode. 

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Laurel on The Flash didn't even feel like Laurel, just a random character played by KC.

I'd definitely prefer Sin over Nyssa, but yeah, Bex is in MTV's Scream and she never really was a fan favorite that much, they probably won't bother to bring her back.

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It's interesting that her new costume as her chest covered. A decision by the writers so they stop appearing sexist when Oliver is covered head to toe but Sara had her cleavage on display? 


Also someone made this Sara as White Canary, adding her to the Fight Club Promo posters.



Edited by Sakura12
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It's interesting that her new costume as her chest covered. A decision by the writers so they stop appearing sexist when Oliver is covered head to toe but Sara had her cleavage on display? 

Isn't the White Canary costume in the comics cut that way (up to the neck)? I know Sara isn't that White Canary, but maybe that's why.

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Well I also feel like its more practical if your doing hand to hand combat that you would want your chest covered for protection. It might not be a sexy, but it certainly makes more sense. One your breasts wont fall out & two its less skin to get injured with cuts/scrapes or intentional woundings.


Do we know if the veil covering her face is part of the official costume? I'm not a huge fan of how it looks in the poster. And I would hate to have them hide CL face behind a veil, if she is doing most of her stuntwork. Although the rest of the poster is nicely done.

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I like the costume. I think it works for the character and to be honest, I'm actually looking forward to how Sara and Kendra/Hawkgirl get along as well. She had great scenes/moments with Felicity, Thea, Laurel and Nyssa (of course) during her time on Arrow, so that should be fun.


Oh and for those who want a father/daughter dynamic with Professor Stein - count me in. Their shared scepticism when Ray was talking about shrinking himself was just brilliant. Plenty of little scenes like that during the first season of Legends Of Tomorrow would be great.

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Sara's got a father, so I'd rather her and Stein be mentor/mentee. Sara needs to have a mentor that's not crazy (Ivo) or an assassin (Nyssa) and one that she doesn't have a sexual relationship with (don't know if that's how it was with Ivo, but I think they kind of hinted at that). I also don't know if they'll be keeping Sara's chemistry/forensic background for this show, but that could help her and Stein get along.


I think it would've been even better if Ray said to Sara "You came back from being dead and don't believe I can make myself small?" 

Edited by Sakura12
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I too am on board for a fatherly mentor/mentee relationship between Sara & Stein. I realize that Sara has a father, but unless Quentin is switching shows or is the floater, I feel like Stein could be a perfectly good surrogate fatherly influence for Sara. That scene between Sara, Palmer & Stein is perhaps one of my favorite moments from the trailer. If they can keep that group/family chemistry going then I'll be happy.


Side Note - I absolutely love Victor Garber and he was amazing as Spy Daddy in Alias. So I am very excited for him to be on this show. He just has this unwitting fatherly charm but not in a sitcom way in so many of his roles. I see him being a good addition to the team dynamic esp if they are all youngish whippersnappers.

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I wonder if they are going to make Sara a little crazy now. Like it comes and goes and Team Legends has to be prepared to deal with her. Caity said the EP's have talked to her about it, so I really wonder how Sara is going to be different then the Sara we knew? She joked about Sara being a happy cheerleader type, which would be funny to see Sara acting like that.  


I wish she could've said all that when I met her. But then I probably would've held up the line talking to her about it. :D I like that she is saying that the fan reaction to her death is a main reason they brought her back. I told her that I stopped watching Arrow when they killed Sara. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I stopped watching Arrow after they killed Sara but got sucked back in for the crossovers, and since then have been recording. Sometimes I watch close to same day, other times I batch them so I can FF a bunch at a time. (**cough**LL - BC arc**cough**) I think the finale I watched kind of live.  I did let the dvr catch the first 20 minutes or so, then I read the reaction here before I finished it.


TL;DR - After Sara was killed, watching Arrow live became very bad for my blood pressure.

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I only watched when the Arrow characters were on the Flash. I could not watch anything of Laurel, I couldn't even watch the episode when she was on the Flash. 

Edited by Sakura12
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How is Hawkgirl connected to Dark Angel? Do you mean the Jessica Alba TV show?


Not connected at all, sorry.  I forgot where I was when I made the comment that CR reminded me of Jessica Alba in the way she looked on the Flash.  It was just the way she was posed, and the long hair (and vague ethnic look, tbh).   After looking her up, I can see it was just one of those blink and you missed it things.


I really, really hope she and Sara are friends on the show though. 

Edited by tessaray
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I'm hoping to see a friendship between Kendra and Sara. Female friendships shown for more than a scene are one thing that is sorely missing from this universe. Since they are together on this team, I hope we can see them become friends and deal with all those men in their group 

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Can't load the pic now... always have trouble with that. Anyway Sakura12 posted an awesome BTS pic of CL in the WC suit in the Hopes/Speculation section of Arrow. Its a pretty good looking suit. I love that is a dirty white/grey color. I also love that it looks a lot like her Canary costume, but still has a futuristic/out of time feel to it. And I absolutely love & want those boots!! Maybe not in grey white. But they are some nice looking boots.

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Here's a comparison pic from Sara's old costume to her new one. 




Her new outfit kind of looks like a futuristic space suit to me. Maybe we can fanwank that Sara spent some time in the future after she was resurrected and that's where she got her costume idea. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I really like it. It has nice lines and looks functional. Maybe the person who resurrects her throws her BC outfit in the Lazarus Pit and this is what came out. (Hey, if the grand leader of the LOA is most concerned with matchmaking perhaps the LP gives fashion advice.) 

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Eh..... You know, honestly I don't like the dirty white look so much (sorry!). I said in the other thread that I thought it looked like it had been spray-painted white. I liked it better when I thought it was white-white.

Edited by Starfish35
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I don't like the top, above the corset it looks like body paint. The jacket looks very tight and uncomfortable, plus I've never been a fan of crop jackets, I think that they are weird looking. The pants are pretty good but I preferred the fishnet style pattern and while I don't mind the boots I don't think they match the rest of the costume to be honest.

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Caity said she wanted the White Canary's longer jacket, I don't know why they are stuck on that crop jacket.


The boots do look way too loose, that's why for me it gives her the appearance of a space suit.  

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Ha! I see what you were talking about now. They actually look like rain boots to me, other than the extra straps of course.

Yeah don't know what's with the cropped jacket. A longer jacket would have looked good.

Edited by Starfish35
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Not a fan of crop tops either. But they are all the rage now. A longer jacket would have worked or even no jacket. But then again maybe they thought the longer jacket might get in the way? Who knows? Overall best major cast new costume they put out since the Oliver's upgrade.

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She is just about the only reason I'm watching a GB/MG/AK show again (I don't watch The Flash and I bailed out of Arrow the minute they killed Sara). Welcome back Sara Lance! *does a happy dance*

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Caity seems pretty sure they are going to deal with Sara coming back from the dead and repercussions from that. I hope from that we get some scenes between Sara and Thea. Where Sara tells her she didn't kill her, Malcolm did and used her as the weapon. Then they can have a talk about being brought back from the Lazarus Pit. 


It's interesting that Sara now shares a deep bond with both the Queen siblings that no one else has. 

Edited by Sakura12
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This is a really good vid, showing the life and death of The Canary and why Sara was such a tragic and heroic character (before we see her reborn as the White Canary)



I like the characters that know their faults and don't hide from them. Being unable to recognize her faults is one of the many reasons I don't buy Laurel as Black Canary. Sara never thought of her self as good person or a hero. She just saved people and helped Oliver because it was the right thing to do. She expected nothing in return nor did she want accolades for doing the right thing. That made me root for her to succeed and want her to see the hero others see in her. 

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I'd appreciate this video so much more if it wasn't trailer-style, I just can't stand this type of fanvid. I vastly prefer just music synched to video, maybe one or two spoken lines, but not more.


As for what made me like Sara:

1) Being a hero who explicitly fought for women. It was such a powerful message and something i haven't yet seen in superhero-based shows. Even more, if I were a superhero vigilante (haha), or even had better social skills (I have almost none, sadly), helping women in peril is something I'd definitely prefer to do.

2) Having a  really dark past and finding strength to overcome it. This is just something that should be deserving of respect automatically.

3) Not having any sense of entitlement or, really, any belief she's earned her redemption/atonement. This is something that many shows struggle with during redemption arcs for their former villains, they are never really sorry and they often feel like they were the ones who were wronged. In contrast, Sara was put in a situation where she was (probably) forced to kill others just to survive, yet she still feels bad for that so much she doesn't consider herself worthy of happiness.

4) Being an awesome fighter in the genre that often highlights action characters. I don't want to say that non-fighter characters are in any way worse - of course they are not - but there are way too few female action heroes in comic-based shows (with the notable exceptions of Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter).

Edited by FurryFury
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I didn't mind the talking in that vid because it's Sara telling the story of her life. Just music wouldn't be able to do that, especially for someone that didn't watch Arrow. 


I agree about the fighting for women being Sara's main goal. Having her say "No woman should ever suffer at the hands of men" was a powerful message for her say and have. I think that's what made me fall for her character. Sara's introduction was her running around beating up rapists and misogynist criminals. Why would they think most of us would just accept the other one as the true Black Canary after that? Which is why I hated that she died at the hands of a man that brainwashed his own daughter into carrying out the deed. 


I really want her and Thea to find a way to kill Malcolm. I don't care how popular John Barrowman is, Malcolm needs to die at the hands of Sara and Thea. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Nah, the right song takes care of that. It's considerably harder to create such a video, though, synching and the correct choice of music and bits of corresponding video are kinda tricky to get right. But the end result is so much more satisfying, imho.

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If you never watched Arrow, how would you know what Sara's been through and done with just a song? There are just music ones, but you'd have to know her story to understand the meaning of the music. Clips are just clips without the meaning behind them. That vid with only music would just look like a blonde girl that's sad and can fight to someone that's never heard of her. 

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