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LMAO!: Hilarious Movie Moments

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For anyone who is familiar with Michael Bay's work, you know he's more well-known for the crash-crash-explode type of movies, but I literally just burst out laughing when Dwayne Johnson's character knocked Tony Shalhoub's unconscious in Pain & Gain, then had a mini-tantrum about it.


"Why'd you make me do that to you, Victor? I have responsibilities! Jesus Christ himself has blessed me with many gifts! One of them is knocking someone the fuck out!"


I'm still laughing.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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It's very twee, but anything written by Neil Gaiman has a firm foundation upon which to build.

I was going to say that.  As is usually the case, the book is better than the movie.  It's a wonderful, silly, funny, romantic fairy tale.

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The Addams Family movies had so many funny moments. Addams Family Values especially had so many quotes that were so nasty yet so funny. One exchange that always cracks me up:

"When two people love each other, they make the ultimate sacrifice..."

"A goat?"

Christopher Lloyd was perfect as Uncle Fester.

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This is sort of a combination between a hilarious moment and a 'hell yeah' moment - I was watching 42, as I mentioned in another thread, and there's this scene early on where Jackie is playing for Montreal in a practice game facing the Dodgers for the first time.


Jackie gets on first base through a walk, rattling Higbe, the racist-dick pitcher, before stealing two more bases. Finally he's on third, doing his thing, attempting to steal home and generally getting under Higbe's skin. The music swells, the tension rises, Higbe goes for the pitch and - the music abruptly stops as he fumbles and drops the ball at his feet. That moment never fails to crack me up.


Made even better by how the Dodgers fans boo Higbe while Jackie is allowed to jog home and score, and Jackie's teammate cracking up at the plate.

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I know this was posted months ago, but:


Two moments from The Lion King that I still find hilarious to this day:

Timon's "What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?!" and the dance that follows


20 years later and I have still never heard the song after that because I am laughing too hard.  

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If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat,

Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat!

Come on and dine

On this tasty swine

All you have to do is get in liiiiiiiiiiiine!

Aaaaaaare you achin'? (Yup, yup, yup)

Foooooooooor some bacon? (Yup, yup, yup)

Heeeeeeeee's a big pig! (Yup yup)

You could be a big pig too! Oy!

Edited by Spartan Girl
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There are so many scenes that make me laugh over and over that I could take days listing them.  I'm limiting myself to four--for now, anyway.


The Deltas' disciplinary hearing in Animal House.  Hoover turns to Boone and Otter while the other Deltas are coughing "eat me" and hisses, "Will you tell those assholes to shut up?"  Boone shoots straight out of his chair and shouts, "Hey shut up, you assholes!" only to have Hoover drag him back into his seat...I'm sorry, Otter gave a speech after that?  I missed it because I was laughing so hard.


The end of Victor/Victoria, when Robert Preston is singing "The Shady Dame of Seville," especially when the backup dancers who were supposed to catch him when he "swooned" let him fall to the ground instead.  He looks up at them and goes, "You bitches," and then finishes the number.


In Aladdin, during the final face-off between Jafar and Aladdin, the Genie does this little cheerleading routine to root on Aladdin.  Jafar hears him and says, "You stay out of this."  So the Genie, still wearing his Aladdin cheerleader uniform, waves this little pennant with a "J" on it and deadpans, "Jafar, Jafar, he's our man, if he can't do it--GREAT!"


And finally, in Armageddon, the scene with Rockhound on the nuclear warhead.  Just...everything about it, from "Get off.  The nuclear.  Warhead." to, finally, Harry turning to Sharp and asking, "You got any more bullets in that gun?"

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In Aladdin, during the final face-off between Jafar and Aladdin, the Genie does this little cheerleading routine to root on Aladdin.  Jafar hears him and says, "You stay out of this."  So the Genie, still wearing his Aladdin cheerleader uniform, waves this little pennant with a "J" on it and deadpans, "Jafar, Jafar, he's our man, if he can't do it--GREAT!"



LOVE that moment.  If you think that was funny, you should see the alternate versions from the recently released outtakes Robin Williams did of that part.

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I Love You To Death is allegedly a true story, but I can only imagine that the events in the movie are greatly exaggerated for comic effect. Kevin Kline and Tracey Ullman as the adulterous husband and wronged wife respectively, Joan Plowright as the mother-in-law, and the late River Phoenix as the New Ager who may (or may not) be in love with Tracey's character, all turn in hilarious performances even if none of it ever actually happened, but its Keanu Reeves as a stoned-out-of-his-mind hitman, to use the word very loosely, who has the best line of the movie, if only because its so absurd:


"If we keep shooting Joey, don't you think he might get suspicious?"

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The scene in Moulin Rouge where Christian and Satine are in the Elephant, and Christian thinks he's there for a poetry reading and Satine thinks he's there for sex.  Misunderstandings and unintentional double entendres ensue.  Nicole Kidman's facial reactions alone are hysterical.

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I have read the entire thread now!  Very enjoyable.


Wayne's World 2 came on television the other night and my brother and I were hysterical.  The movie is from 1993 yet it still holds up and it still makes us laugh, and it is still one of our top 10 favourite, if not top 5 favourite movies of all time.


First is Kevin Pollack as the Partial Ocular Albino.

The entire sequence is so funny, especially Mike's expressions as Wayne - "Huh?"

And Kevin's character stubbornly insisting, "I'm fine with it" and, "I have 20/20 vision in BOTH eyes."



Second is Wayne attempting to break up with Cassandra.  Wayne's speech... "BECAUUUUUUUUUSE.... because... there comes a time, when people must go their separate ways.  I mean, I have Waynestock, and you have your career.... and your producer (meaningful look)" and Cassandra saying "You DID spy on me" and Wayne smugly saying, "Yes, I did." 


Also, thank you to the poster who mentioned Office Space.  It's my all time favourite movie, but for me, the funniest scene is when Peter (BELIEVES) he finds out that his girlfriend Joanna had slept with his boss in the past.   Both of the car scenes, with Joanna not understanding Peter's money scheme, and then later after the party when Peter finds out, and he goes insane, are great.  


Peter (referencing her restaurant job):  You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair, that they made the Jews wear.

Joanna:  WHAT?!


JOANNA:  Oh, what if you get caught? Oh, I just don't know if this is such a good idea.

PETER:  Yeah?  Well maybe it wasn't such a good idea for you to sleep with Lumbergh.


JOANNA Listen to you! Who do you think you are? How dare you judge me! Do you think you're an angel or something? No! You're this petty, stealing, wannabe criminal...man!

PETER Well, that may be. But at least I never slept with Lumbergh.

JOANNA Ok. That's it. I'm done. I want to get out of the car. Stop. I wanna get -  (she gets out of the car)

PETER  Say hello to Lumbergh for me!!!


And the fight upsets Joanna so much that when she goes into work, she takes out her anger on her OWN hated boss and quits flipping everyone in the restaurant off.  LOL


Also the Jump to Conclusions mat.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I watched The Emperor's New Groove on Disney the other night, which is one of the most laugh-out-loud slapstick Disney cartoons ever.  It's impossible to narrow it down to one funny moment, but I'd have to go with the chase scene where Pacha and Kuzco are trying to find the potion to change him back into a human, and Pacha keeps picking the wrong ones until Kuzo screams that he's picking the next one...and the one he picks turns him into a big whale.  "Don't you say a word."  LMAO!

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I watched The Emperor's New Groove on Disney the other night, which is one of the most laugh-out-loud slapstick Disney cartoons ever.  It's impossible to narrow it down to one funny moment, but I'd have to go with the chase scene where Pacha and Kuzco are trying to find the potion to change him back into a human, and Pacha keeps picking the wrong ones until Kuzo screams that he's picking the next one...and the one he picks turns him into a big whale.  "Don't you say a word."  LMAO!


"Um...I've been turned into a cow. Can I go home now?"


*disgusted voice* "You're excused. Anyone else?!"

"Nah, we're good."

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"Well, is it 'and' or 'or'?  That's a pretty crucial conjunction".


When Kronk wakes up Yzma and she's got her face cream on with cucumber slices on her eyes and he screams? lol! 


"Scary leaf!  I'm afraid!"

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I freaking love The Emperor's New Groove. I seem to remember it was deemed pretty subpar when it came out? Sure, maybe it's not the most emotionally resonant Disney flick, but I honestly think it's one of the funniest.




"Why do we even HAVE that lever?"

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I freaking love The Emperor's New Groove. I seem to remember it was deemed pretty subpar when it came out? Sure, maybe it's not the most emotionally resonant Disney flick, but I honestly think it's one of the funniest.




"Why do we even HAVE that lever?"


And then Yzma smacks the crocodile off of her hem.  *dies laughing*


And then there's the callback to that later, when Kuzco and Pacha arrive to get the potion to turn Kuzco back--"Why does she have that lever?"

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The diner scene is priceless:


Pacha (with Kuzco in disguise): "We're on our honeymoon."


Waitress: "Bless you for coming out in public."

And the revolving door scene where Yzma and Kuzco keep changing their orders to Kronk.

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How about after that crazy chase scene when Kuzco and Pacha find out Yzma and Kronk somehow beat them to the lab:


"How *did* we get here, Kronk?"


And Kronk yanks out the map, saying, "Well, you've got me. By all accounts it makes no sense."


And Pacha and Kuzko's horror when Yzma starts pulling up her skirt will NEVER be not funny.

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And Pacha and Kuzko's horror when Yzma starts pulling up her skirt will NEVER be not funny.


Not to mention Kronk's earlier when Yzma sits up with the cucumber slices over her eyes and such. I'm still pretty sure he tried to get his leg up high enough so he could put it over his eyes. XD

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And now for something completely different:


Kill Bill, like most of Quentin Tarantino's movies, isn't a comedy in the traditional sense, but the scene where O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu) explains the new status quo to her Yakuza underlings makes me laugh even though maybe it shouldn't.


"As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you're unconvinced that a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so, but allow me to convince you and I promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is...I collect your fuckin' head. Just like this fucker here. Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now's the fucking time!"

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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LOL yeah, that was funny in a gruesome way.


The Elle/Beatrix fight scene in Kill Bill Vol 2 had some funny moments as well.  Particularly when Beatrix throws the spittoon can in Elle's face, and she wipes it off, muttering, "Gross."  And of course, the way she runs around screaming after her other eye is plucked out.  Like you said, it probably shouldn't have made me laugh, but it did.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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So much word to The Emperor's New Groove.  Too bad Disney didn't know how to market it, because it's one of their unsung classics.


Friday: Practically every scene, but the opening scene when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the house and Ice Cube slams the door on them.  That woman went from sweet and neighborly to surly and evil in seconds.  


Clerks: When Veronica leaves the Quick Stop in an angry huff, and Dante yells after her "Try not to suck any d*ck on the way to the car!"  And worse, a customer overhears and starts to follow her!  Gets me every time.


Sorority Boys: When Adam/Adina walks down the sidewalk, looking painfully awkward, and some guy turns around and stares at her ass.  In response, Adam grabs his crotch and says threateningly "Suck my d*ck" and the guy scuttles away. 


The Big Lebowski: After Jeffrey goes to see Maude and meets her weirdo friend Knox, some phone call comes in and Knox and Maude start speaking in Japanese and giggling hysterically.  And Jeffrey is just standing there, holding his sad White Russian and a crappy techno album.  You can practically see the thought bubble above his head reading "What the f*ck is going on here?"  Cracks me up every time.

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Dude, nothing is fucked.  Come on.  You're being very unDude.


DUDE  No, man, nothing is fucked here--

LEBOWSKI:  "Nothing is fucked"?  The goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain!

LEBOWSKI  You don't go out and make a living dressed like that in the middle of a weekday, do you?

DUDE  Is this a--what day is this?


DUDE  Ah fuck it.  

LEBOWSKI  Sure!  Fuck it!  That's your answer!   Tattoo it on your forehead!  Your  answer to everything!  Your "revolution" is over, Mr.  Lebowski!  Condolences! The bums lost!

- The Big Lebowski


One of my favourite one-liners is Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers saying, "I don't give a baker's fuck."


Also, in Old School, when Luke Wilson tells Vince Vaughn, "I have a 50 strangers in my living room, and all I want to do is get some fuckin' sleep." 

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Also, in Old School, when Luke Wilson tells Vince Vaughn, "I have a 50 strangers in my living room, and all I want to do is get some fuckin' sleep." 

My absolute favorite moment in Old School is this really small moment when they're all taking the test to help save the fraternity, and Vince Vaughn looks at Jeremy Piven, nods and whispers "Good test."  I have no idea why it makes me laugh so hard, but it gets me every time.  A runner up is Jeremy Piven's "Yeah, I got out!" after Vince Vaughn asks if they locked him in a dumpster once. 


Though, I have used "THATS HOW YOU DO IT! THATS HOW YOU DEBATE!" in real life situations that have nothing to do with debating, more times than I care to admit.


Also, while it's an iffy movie on the whole, the first time I saw Starsky and Hutch, I laughed so hard I cried at the knife throwing scene.  I saw it on a plane, and that scene instantly bonded me and the person sitting next to me, because we were the only two laughing on the plane.

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When the guys meet Jeremy Piven's character:


Mitch: Beanie, you remember Cheese, Rodney's kid brother?
Dean Pritchard: Actually, my name's not Cheese anymore. It's Gordon Pritchard.
Beanie: Oh yeah. Cheeeeeese.




Funny you should mention Starsky and Hutch. I bought it once at a drug store, and I had made friends with the cashier.  He made it clear that he really disapproved of that purchase.  LOL.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Clerks: When Veronica leaves the Quick Stop in an angry huff, and Dante yells after her "Try not to suck any d*ck on the way to the car!"  And worse, a customer overhears and starts to follow her!  Gets me every time.

Best part of the movie!  I also liked the milk maidens and the lady asking about the videos---that were right behind her! It was funny because I encountered them when I was working in a mini-mart and I've been done both things myself over the years  :)

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Apologies if this has been already mentioned, but one of the funniest moments for me in Bend It Like Beckham is toward the end.  When Jules's mother accuses Jesse of being a Lesbian at her (Jesse) sister's wedding.  Jules is horrified and humiliated.  But the hilarious part is Jesse's great aunt's reaction:


"Lesbian? I though her birthday is in March!"


"I thought she was a Pisces." says another aunt.


I never fail to laugh whenever I watch that scene. ALL of Jesse's family is watching and later, when Jules tells her mother that she's not a lesbian, the 180 her mom does is absolutely hilarious.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Apologies if this has been already mentioned, but one of the funniest moments for me in Bend It Like Beckham is toward the end.  When Jules's mother accuses Jesse of being a Lesbian at her (Jesse) sister's wedding.  Jules is horrified and humiliated.  But the hilarious part is Jesse's great aunt's reaction:


"Lesbian? I though her birthday is in March!"


"I thought she was a Pisces." says another aunt.


I never fail to laugh whenever I watch that scene. ALL of Jesse's family is watching and later, when Jules tells her mother that she's not a lesbian, the 180 her mom does is absolutely hilarious.

I love that movie so much, and that part always makes me laugh, as does Jules's mom: "I mean I've got nothing against it. I was cheering for Martina Navratilova as much as the next person."


I also love the part at the end where Jess goes to see Joe and is about to kiss him, and Jonathon Rhys-Meyers whips around and says "Your dad's not here, is he?"  It's the really worried way he says it that cracks me up.

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Clerks: When Veronica leaves the Quick Stop in an angry huff, and Dante yells after her "Try not to suck any d*ck on the way to the car!"  And worse, a customer overhears and starts to follow her!  Gets me every time.


I'll never be able to hear the number 37 without immediately thinking "in a row?"

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