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On 4/12/2022 at 9:55 PM, Aulty said:

<<<< Netflix viewers beware, spoilers ahead >>>>


Did I catch that right that they all ended up with the same GCSE results?

We'll probably get a lot of shots of Sister George Michael sitting down or standing behind furniture because Siobhan injured her leg sometime during filming.

Orla and Erin got the same.  1 x A, 2 x Bs and a few Cs.  Claire got straight As.  Michelle passed but just about and I don't they mentioned how James had done.


Siobhan broke her leg while she was filming 'Holding' down in Cork (adapted from a Graham Norton book).  She mentioned in a recent interview that it happened while she was messing about on her bike after work and also that while they were able to film her sitting down (during Holding) in some scenes they have her standing up but out of camera shot there's a few crew members holding her upright. 

Old Pudsey was a creepy fella.

Would you believe that I had to sit through some of my school mates doing a Spice Girl number  in about 97/98 too? They were terrible, but the Derry Girls did alright. Loved James as Posh, and all the other girl fit their characters well.
And Father Peter in his show master's outfit as class.

I think I would've preferred Mary having a girl's night out rather than meeting up with the plumber/Damien Molony, but the reveal with the university lecture and Gerry getting all supportive was quite sweet.
Tommy Tiernan did well in this episode, but I hope Gerry gets a break soon. Its the Portrush episode next week.

Edited by Aulty
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I loved the focus on both Michelle and Mary this week. Michelle just being Michelle (so many cracking lines), but Mary's strive for uni really touched me. Know manys a people from a similar background who went to uni, and graduated, with their children. It was abit too late for my mum to have those opportunities, but unlike Erin I **was** the first member of my family to go to uni, ahead of all my older siblings. (I went to Uni of Ulster at Colraine, and lived in Portrush which is where next weeks episode is set!)

Best line went to Aunt Sarah (paraphrasing): if you're going to be that good-looking, you should at least have the decency to be abit thick!


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That was a bit underwhelming, wasn't it? A few good lines (musical fish 😂, display KitKats), but overall not much in it.
Another guest slot for a London Irish vet, but I wasn't that keen on Bronagh then either.

I assume Claire was side-lined here due to her Bridgerton schedule. Sister Michael recommending the church's sound proofing guy to the chatty blonde was funny.

Unpopular opinion: Salt & Vinegar Taytos over Cheese & Onion Taytos

Edited by Aulty
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I've rewatched this show so many times that I now recognize guest cast in other roles.  I watching Halo the other night and saw the actor who played Jonjo, the main Traveller selling produce in the concert episode.  

The new episodes have been easy to find.  Just as good as the first two seasons.  Never fails to make me laugh. I am going to miss this show a lot when it is finished.

This ep didn't have as many laugh out loud moments for me. One was definitely Clare trying desperately not to talk, then finally snapping with a big exhale and Sister Michael's "Oh here we go"...

I love how Gerry is the voice of reason and just gets no credit whatsoever. He was shitting himself on the rollercoaster though!

Clare and James are really over the top so it was nice to get less Clare when there was more James.

Aww loved this episode. Being trapped on a train in the backarse of nowhere because 1. The train has broke down or 2. Security alert on the line (bomb scare - even post ceasefire). And the wee trolley guy; he kept us fed on those long journeys up to Portrush from Belfast on the way to uni on Sunday nights! Which brings me to the cameos....

How in God's earth did I leave Michael Fry off my cameo list! Loved his work - nailed the accent and north coast grimness. Check his work out lads, his comedy is ace. Also good to see Amy Huberman (married to BOD) Johnny Dogs from Peaky Blinders and Sinead Keenan from everything. It's so good to see the love for Derry Girls from the Irish acting community.

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13 hours ago, Wee S said:

How in God's earth did I leave Michael Fry off my cameo list! Loved his work - nailed the accent and north coast grimness.

Going by his SM he was dead chuffed to be on the show.

Do you have any clue what the toothbrush vs. banana was all about? Is that some Father Ted thing?

Edited by Aulty
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On 4/29/2022 at 7:14 AM, Aulty said:

Do you have any clue what the toothbrush vs. banana was all about? Is that some Father Ted thing?

So, I think this was just a comedic take on holding him up for the money. Like, a ridiculous standoff. I know they had access to the gun, but by using it Derry Girls would have stepped over the line into a dark, real life situation*. It was funny enough with Orla and the balaclava, the gun would have been too much especially since the characters are teenagers. Best to just keep it on the side of ubsurd. But by god am I craving salt and vinegar tayto right now.

*a wee van shop used to come around the estates when we were young. Once, my sister was in it when it got held up by someone with a gun so they could steal the takings. Just remembered that. Sadly, another van on an estate nearby was not so lucky.

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The season 3 / series final of Derry girls will be an extended 45 minute episode:


S03E06 The Agreement: It’s the week of the referendum on the Good Friday Agreement and its timing couldn’t be any worse as the highlight of the year, Erin and Orla’s joint 18th birthday party, threatens to be overshadowed. While the family try to get their heads around the possible outcomes of the vote, the gang realise that they may not be ready for what the future holds.


Edited by Aulty
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1 hour ago, Aulty said:

The season 3 / series final of Derry girls will be an extended 45 minute episode:

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S03E06 The Agreement: It’s the week of the referendum on the Good Friday Agreement and its timing couldn’t be any worse as the highlight of the year, Erin and Orla’s joint 18th birthday party, threatens to be overshadowed. While the family try to get their heads around the possible outcomes of the vote, the gang realise that they may not be ready for what the future holds.


Aww man! This has me all emotional and we haven't even finished the series yet!

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Awwwww. Vol. 1: I knew this was coming and I had a hunch it would be this episode. It was so awkward and cringey, it was perfect for this show. Shame Michelle put a stop to it right away. Although it was touching that James being family counts as much as her friendship with Erin.

Awwwww. Vol. 2: Grandda Joe at the end with the box.

I am a Gerry when it comes to psychics.

The visual of Sister Michael in the (Belfast built?) Delorean!

Next episode sounds cracker:


The Reunion: Ma Mary and Aunt Sarah go all out to prepare for the school reunion. Will the truth come out about what really happened on leavers' night 20 years ago? (S3 Ep5)


Edited by Aulty
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They bloody loooooove psychics back home! I am also loving the Conleth Hill acting train - hes everywhere these days. Holding, this....great to see him being the complete opposite of Varys and showing his range.

Such a sweet, great episode.  So many great lines but I think Michelle takes it with the banshee comment because, well - she's not exactly wrong!

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I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this episode. I wasn't looking forward to a flashback that didn't include the main young cast, but the actors they got to play young versions of the adults were good, especially Mary and Deirdre.

The actual secret was an anti-climax. I mean, the idea of it was nice in terms of it being something a group of friends did, but it wasn't really something that anyone would make a fuss over.

A couple of laugh out loud lines - Cousin Rob saying he went back to Canada because "things got a bit too bomb-y" and Claire's dad saying "ah, I wish I'd thought of that" when the surgeon said this is why he doesn't talk.

Edited by Danny Franks
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So much to love in this episode.

Finally a musical cameo: Foy Vance was the singer. Loved when he announced our national anthem and played Teenage Kicks. Such a great tune. And when he gave the lads a shout out about the Dunns suits.

Of course Deidre was the punk - the strictest mothers were rebels in their youth. Finally we saw her out of her nursing uniform and it was worth it.
Great that they brought Claire's Da back and the conversation between cousin Rob and Claire's parents about their gay child was rather sweet. Geraldine saying 'she isn't fully qualified' was hilarious. Also that Rob kissing the surgeon was a surprise but not a scandal.

The younger versions of the Mas were spot on. I didn't even question Sarah being at the disco until Mary mentioned that she had to bring her younger sister.
Hard to believe they managed to hide the tatoos for so long. Especially Jeanette, who has hers on her shoulder. The 'if our girls knew they'd want one too' attitude was spot on.

Edited by Aulty
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The line about "too bomb-y" did make me laugh out loud but I thought the tattoos were anticlimactic. And how tf did Rob not see Jeanette's? Or any of the women's!? 

Sarah's nervous quoting Russian history was great.

The younger versions were well cast, although poor Brad/Rob's "Canadian" accent came and went a bit.

I loved how Granda Joe's question about what happens to tonsils when they're removed tied into the beginning of the episode when Orla was upset she wasn't able to have hers after they were removed.

Why was Clare's mum wearing pyjamas at the disco?

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The tattoos being their darkest secret but anticlimactic to everyone else is very relatable and on-brand for those type of Irish mammies. Do as I say, not as I do. And can totally seeing the husbands being oblivious - anything for a quiet life.

Love Dunnes getting a shout-out. Everytime I'm home I stock up on mens hoodies from there. That place is a treasure-trove of basic essentials.

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Well, that was a bit of a downer to end on. I'm glad they've got the special to finish it off, because the previous two season finales managed to combine positive and negative emotions well, but this one... it was all sad.

Tommy Tiernan got a moment to shine and the scene with the girls waiting at the hospital was really well done.

I felt like Gerry should have just let Joe break the news to Ciaran, because the old guy is all bark and no bite.

I could have done without a couple of scenes that made the episode feel a little overstuffed and rushed. 

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What a heart breaking twist. Didn't see that coming at all. The Praise you cover really got me. And when Jenny reached out to Claire when they left the church.
Shout out to Tommy Tiernan for translating that to screen. I just saw him in Conversations with Friends where he has the small part of Frances' dad, and he was spot on in that too. When he got the phone call I wasn't really sure what was going on, because the whole Quinn household plus the girls were accounted for.

The one complaint that I had with regards to Claire until this episode, was that they never explored her being gay much further. Glad they finally went there and it was pretty cute.
Oh Sarah, she goes through life swerving every obstacle; and poor Ciaran (that he left the house through the back door will forever bug me).

Sure, the business with the guy at the ticket show and Michelle on UTV was a bit cringe.
Somehow, this season, I've always been a bit underwhelmed during the first half, but the episodes then really came into their own after the commercials.

Edited by Aulty
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How do you make a show about the Troubles without upsetting either side? Like this. The trepidation over the Good Friday Agreement was palpable, and I remember watching the news at the time, when there was this fragile but very real hope that it might all end.

The big stumbling block was always on whether people could forget the past and agree to cooperate, and I loved the scene with Erin and Joe, where he said that this decision shouldn't be about his generation and their entrenched enmity, but about the youngsters who should get to grow up in a better world. That's the most pointed critique of our current world events possible.

Late in the day to introduce the idea of Michelle having a Provo brother, but it makes sense. Of all the girls, it makes sense. I guess it also lends context to them deciding to take James in, and why Deirdre is so severe all the time.

I enjoyed Claire talking about the different food and culture of her exotic new home... in Strabane.

Liam Neeson reprising his role to represent the collective sins of the RUC was poignant, overlaid with news clips of Bloody Sunday and the Maze prison. I liked that he took his hat off to vote, presumably voting yes.

I don't know, there was a lot and I was surprisingly emotional over the 90s nostalgia and that sense of real hope, which was coming just a year after we ushered in a new era of optimistic politics in the UK. Now here we are, almost twenty five years later, and even the GFA is under threat, thanks to the UK government.


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I did and didn't love it. There was some great stuff, poignant scenes, funny lines -  but as an episode it wasn't as good as the sum of its parts.
The most annoying thing was that Claire was sidelined again. This should've been a final episode with all 5 of them and I'll never forgive Bridgerton for running over their shooting schedule multiple times.
Michelle did mention a brother in season 1, but I'd rather not do the maths on that. Deidre would be ~39 in May 1998.

Music-wise there ws a lot. We even got 4 bars of Ash, and Bronagh Gallagher starring as herself!

The scene with Joe and Erin, and that whole montage at the polling station were great though, and emotional. It is so poignant to see all this with whats going on in NI and UK politics at the moment.
The way things are going, they're going to f*ck this up big time.


9 hours ago, mledawn said:

I haven't watched the Tuesday episode yet, so this Digital Spy article did spoil a plot point, however; if you're up to speed it is fine.

Why Derry Girls is ending – and the chances of a season 4 or spin-off

I don't think there will be a spin-off, and I'd rather they left it as it is. But it'll be interesting what Lisa McGee does next and for whom.

Edited by Aulty
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6 hours ago, Aulty said:

The scene with Joe and Erin, and that whole montage at the polling station were great though, and emotional. It is so poignant to see all this with whats going on in NI and UK politics at the moment.
The way things are going, they're going to f*ck this up big time.

I liked your post but this made me sad. I don’t disagree at all but you’re right - so timely in the most disappointing way.

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Both episodes had me in tears but also some laugh out loud moments of course. 

"You're English, James. About five of you managed to colonise half the planet so I thought you might have something up your sleeve"

"Squirrels are such arseholes"

"Is that your uncle Colm?"
"It's Samuel Beckett"
"One boring bastard looks much like another, I suppose"

"How many pieces of communion do you think you'd need to swallow to eat a whole Jesus?"

"Can we take that wee tiny horse?-- No"

Siobhan McSweeney has a fantastic interview on BBC Radio 4 - the full interview is linked in the tweet but what they've highlighted here is very good


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I love this show. I love that they are teenagers and aren't solving murders or being stalked or getting married or anything "deep" like any teen show Eg Dawson's Creek or PLL. I love the drama is getting a job or their favourite teacher leaving or trying to land a massive ride, even in the troubles. I don't even care that Clare coming out barely batted an eyelid (no way would a teen come out in 1990's Northern Ireland, let alone wearing gay rainbow pins) because I love it so much. I love their parents are in their 30s but they got 50 year olds to play them because that's what your parents look like when you are dumb and young.  I am sad it is done but it went out well

I also felt that the actress playing Jenny Joyce needs a shout out. Jenny was perfection - the out of tune performances particularly are amazing.

Edited by SparedTurkey
Jenny needs acolades
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We binged season three yesterday...wowza.  While not every episode hit for me, the last two really did.  The high and low of Clare's big day left me sobbing (our neighbor popped in just at the conclusion and greeted me with a big "WHAT HAPPENED?" when she saw me...just Derry Girls, my friend 😁).

The final episode was heartfelt and hopeful, which was just how I wanted to see this end.  And that last cameo...perfection.  I loved hearing the girls' letter to her. ☺️

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My wee mummy's review is in.

She's like "well, I finally got round to watching the last two episodes."

Me: didn't you cry? See what I mean??!!!

Her: it was fine, was alright.

She laughed when I told her I cried watching Erin go to vote with her da, as I used to do that with mine. Two massive sad memories triggered by the dads (Claire's dad dying was the second one) and she couldn't care less...and laughed at my emotional reaction. Yep, that's my West Belfast mummy to a T.

We both did laugh at Strabane getting a slagging because...Strabane. And she liked the bit about the Ulsterbus timetable because growing up in our very Catholic household, that book got treated with more deference than the bible.

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Have only watched the first 3 episodes so far and didn't want to be spoiled so I'm holding off on reading the entire thread.  But I have to say that the Weeping Madonna of Dog's Piss almost had me peeing my own pants.  😄  Sister MIchael's reactions to the young priest's ridiculous utterances were priceless.

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I'm trying to savor the last season so I have watched only the first episode so far.  I quite enjoyed it.  Fun story lines, in typically over the top fashion.  Having Liam Neeson show up as the interrogator was a hoot.  I enjoy little jokes like Gerry berating Erin for renting American Gigolo, only to learn indirectly that Mary was responsible for that one. 

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Season 3 wasn't as good as 1 &2. I didn't realize this was the last season :/

It was nice call back to the letter they sent to Chelsea Clinton but I would have liked to know what happened to the girls and to James.  I was hoping that James and Erin ended up together.  I truly hated how they treated him half the time. 

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12 hours ago, greekmom said:

Season 3 wasn't as good as 1 &2. I didn't realize this was the last season :/

It was nice call back to the letter they sent to Chelsea Clinton but I would have liked to know what happened to the girls and to James.  I was hoping that James and Erin ended up together.  I truly hated how they treated him half the time. 

I also would have liked some sort of resolution on James and Erin and I agree, I hate how they treated him as well. When they showed the Present Day slide I thought for a second we were going to see the girls as adults.

My favorite part of this whole season was Colm talking/boring Liam Neeson to death. I also loved Sister Michael turning up in a Delorean and telling the girls they were in the wrong house. 

How many rooms are there in Erin's house? With Eamon moving in they must have been sleeping on top of each other. 

I love Gerry's straight man to everyone's crazy. 

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