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Callie and Mariana Adams Foster venture to Los Angeles to start their adult lives and embark on their separate but intertwined journeys to change the world.

This is the Freeform spinoff to The Fosters, officially airing on January 8th but the pilot episode is up online for US viewers. 

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I watched the 1st episode as it was pre-released the other day on the Free Form App on ROKU and it was amazing in my opinion. I was a huge fan of The Fosters and the chemistry between Mariana and Callie is still there. Add the new characters that are living in the place they move in and the show should be a huge success.

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So, for a pilot of a spinoff, it was fairly decent. It was good in terms of people getting to know Mariana and Callie if they had never seen The Fosters. I'm fairly impressed with some of the choices they made for the show, such as the communal loft with several people living in it AND the grungy look it has, rather than a TV show posh-esque apartment. It was a nice change and made total sense. Plus, whatever knocks down both Callie and Mariana down a couple of pegs is A-OK with me. I wasn't a fan of either character by the time their show ended. 

I actually liked seeing Callie and Mariana at odds. It was cool to see them actively fighting for most of the episode because it felt very sister-esque. There wasn't too much contrived drama (besides the dumb cliche of Callie sleeping with Mariana's crush on their first night), and because we already know their history together, the reasons for them fighting made sense. Of course it's obvious that Callie and Mariana will be just fine living together, but I kind of wish they'd continue to be at odds as roommates. I learned in my early twenties, after moving back home with my older sister still living there, that I cannot live with her and I think Callie and Mariana are different enough where I don't see them successfully living together for years. I understand why they'll be living together now, since the show is centered around them and they're starting a new life, but hopefully they can grow past that. 

I liked the detail about why they can't afford a luscious place, as well. 

As for the other stuff, I'm surprised with how much I enjoy Callie's work stuff a bit more than Mariana's work stuff. I like different occupations being explored and being a lawyer is well past overplayed on television while engineering isn't. I don't hate Mariana's work plot because it's going to have to knock her down a bit and the person who has needed a reality check is Mariana, but I'm kind of over the hipster co-workers. I did enjoy Mariana's boss reprimanding her in front of the co-workers for doing her typical "butting into people's business" routine. It's about damn time she actively got punished. I've been waiting for someone to actually knock her down since The Fosters so that's why I felt no sympathy for her here. She got away with a lot of shit on the original show, so it's good to see her realize that it's not all about her. No, Mariana, you can't just talk to the CEO on your second or third day about an app idea. You haven't earned your place yet. 

It was eyerolling that Callie showed up at Mariana's workplace to comfort her just because she was crying. I hope it was Callie's lunch break. 

Callie's law friends were alright. The blonde female lawyer and Judge Wilson worked fairly well. It's the other guy (Ben?) that got on my nerves. I get it; lawyers are competitive and all that, and they definitely pounded that idea in. I did like Callie's scenes with Judge Wilson. I thought Callie handled the slight animosity with class and it shows that she has grown from the original series. She even told Mariana about her and Gael! 

As for the communal loft friends, I did like Alice and I liked the woman that Callie bonded with (Malika?). I thought it was sweet that they helped Callie and Mariana with their room. 

There are simply a few too many characters so they're going to need to give some names. 

Overall? A lot better than I thought it would be. 

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I was actually super annoyed by both Mariana and Callie in the first half of the episode, and I'm someone who liked them both on The Fosters. Did they think they were going to be on top of everything on their first day? First jobs tend to suck.  And really, Callie needed to leave her job to comfort Mariana in the bathroom? How long was Mariana in there crying anyway?

But I did think it got better at the end. I'm glad they had Callie admit she slept with that guy. I thought that was going to drag on all season. I was also glad Callie did not actually blab about the case to the roommate.

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I was a huge fan of The Fosters, and am happy to follow Callie and Mariana into adulthood. 

The roomates should be a nice addition- I want them to continue to develop the black woman who grew up in the system but didn’t get adopted. She should be an interesting perspective next to Callie and Mariana (who was adopted as a small child).

I will have more to say as the season progresses but Gael is hot. I don’t blame Callie for hitting that. 

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Really, I ship Callie with anyone who isnt her brother.

I thought this was pretty good, even if I feel like I didnt really get to know any of the new characters very well. They did do a good job at showing Callie and Marianas personalities and their relationship, and it does seem like they've matured even a little bit. I mean, teen Callie would never have been able to work in a conservative office and handle it rather diplomatically. Fosters Callie was mostly known for having zero chill and being willing to literally die for for any social justice cause she happened to come across. She seems more focused now. Mariana is still up to her old tricks in some ways (telling the CEO all about her new app idea) but she seems to be heading into a good arc. I hope that eventually she can dress like she wants to, and doesent have to hide behind glasses to prove that she deserves to be there. 

Didn't get much of a read on the other roommates yet, but they seem nice enough. Gael is hot, and him being bisexual or pansexual is not something I saw coming, and he seems like a nice enough guy. At least Mariana and Callie have experience living with a lot of people, having lived in a small house with several teens for years! I hope they explore the other former foster kids backstory more, it would be an interesting contrast with Mariana, who was adopted as a little kid, and Callie, who was adopted as a teenager. 

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I thought it was interesting. I'm not huge Callie/Mariana fans. I appreciated how the writing kept giving them challenge after challenge... moving to the big city. Has Mariana always been that pale? She was looking like a ghost with that red lipstick. At first I thought Gael just enjoys hooking up but maybe that's his boyfriend. Callie sure seemed to have a lot of energy after work for all that drama. Maybe I'm just old though. The last time I started a new job I was exhausted for a month. So much stress. Well... I'll be tuning in for more.

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7 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

I thought it was interesting. I'm not huge Callie/Mariana fans. I appreciated how the writing kept giving them challenge after challenge... moving to the big city. Has Mariana always been that pale? She was looking like a ghost with that red lipstick. At first I thought Gael just enjoys hooking up but maybe that's his boyfriend. Callie sure seemed to have a lot of energy after work for all that drama. Maybe I'm just old though. The last time I started a new job I was exhausted for a month. So much stress. Well... I'll be tuning in for more.

Something tells me Gael isn’t cheating. Either that’s his main squeeze and they have a open relationship or he’s just dating around. We will know more next episode. @shouldbedancing I didn’t notice Mariana looking especially pale, but I will pay more attention next episode. 

You made me crack up- the girls are 22/23 years old (Callie did a combined undergrad/law school in 5yrs situation 🙄), their energy level seems normal to me; All they did was talk, eat dinner and have sex after office hours. 

I think you are just old🤣🤣🤣.  (Just kidding) It’s only been a few days, I’m sure in a couple of months they will get in their groove. 

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I watched the first couple seasons of The Fosters in a binge watch a few years ago. Didn't love it, didn't hate it, didn't stick with it when a different show to binge caught my eye. So I really don't have any prior opinion on Callie or Mariana. Tuned in last night and again, didn't love it, didn't hate it, but it held my attention for the whole hour so that was good. I think they've set themselves up well with the community apartment - it's a perfect social setting that can easily change characters in and out as needed/wanted. Will definitely continue to keep watching!

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I was most interested in the CEO of Mariana's tech company--it really WAS puzzling why he'd have asked the HR person to scream at her. There's more going on there, I think. I'm also predicting that Mariana will eventually be having some sort of affair with him, and (if so), I hope the show has an interesting spin on it.

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1 hour ago, crashdown said:

I was most interested in the CEO of Mariana's tech company--it really WAS puzzling why he'd have asked the HR person to scream at her. There's more going on there, I think. I'm also predicting that Mariana will eventually be having some sort of affair with him, and (if so), I hope the show has an interesting spin on it.

I was wondering if he really did ask the HR person to scream at her or if she took it upon herself to scream when he mentioned it. He seemed to have some kind of social/personality issue, and I wonder if the HR person thinks of herself as a protector or something. I would think a normal response to a new hire going trying to pitch an idea would be for the CEO to say, "nice to meet you, but this isn't how I hear pitches" or "I'm busy, go away."

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7 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I was wondering if he really did ask the HR person to scream at her or if she took it upon herself to scream when he mentioned it. He seemed to have some kind of social/personality issue, and I wonder if the HR person thinks of herself as a protector or something. I would think a normal response to a new hire going trying to pitch an idea would be for the CEO to say, "nice to meet you, but this isn't how I hear pitches" or "I'm busy, go away."

Yeah, I wondered that too. I also wondered if the HR person is his girlfriend, because she seemed so PERSONALLY intent on humiliating Mariana. The fact is, what Mariana did wasn't terrible, and some would consider it gutsy: she believes in herself enough to pitch an idea, and she took the initiative to do so. That's not something generally shot down in a tech startup. Frankly, this is the plotline that I'm most interested in, because it's the one in which I have the least predication about where it might be heading.

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It was up against a lot of competition  last night, and they rebroadcast it multiple times, so hopefully people are just watching it on repeat whenever it's more convenient.

It far exceeded my expectations. I really liked how it wasn't all feel good. That fight between Callie and Mariana in their room was brutal.

It's not perfect, and neither of the characters are perfect, but it's realistic that they wouldn't be.

I like the woman who runs the place.

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Gorgeous Gael.

And the looks on the girls faces when they saw him hooking up with the guy actually made me laugh out loud. 

I didn't watch the last few episodes of The Fosters (I was just so OVER most of the characters by then), so I missed the "time-jump". I just tried to find the episodes OnDemand just now, but oddly enough, Fios has deleted the entire series. It's going to take a little time for me to get used to Callie and Mariana as 20-somethings, but other than that, I really enjoyed this first episode, and I'm in so far. 

Their communal living situation reminds me of the first season of The Real World ( I'm dating myself now-some of you might have to look this up to know what I mean).

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16 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I was wondering if he really did ask the HR person to scream at her or if she took it upon herself to scream when he mentioned it. He seemed to have some kind of social/personality issue, and I wonder if the HR person thinks of herself as a protector or something. I would think a normal response to a new hire going trying to pitch an idea would be for the CEO to say, "nice to meet you, but this isn't how I hear pitches" or "I'm busy, go away."

I would bet the CEO was a high functioning Autistic person, maybe with savant syndrome (like Sean from The Good Doctor). Maybe HR knows this and is overly protective of him. Will be interesting to see were they go with him.

Having only watched a few episodes of the Fosters, I found this pretty good. It seems surprising realistic as a depiction of fresh college graduates entering the work force. Though the fact both girls, especially Callie, look so young took me a bit out of the story. Callie just looks like such a baby compared to the two other young people she works with, makes me wonder if she raced through college and law school lol. And Mariana needs to learn to keep her nose down while quietly developing her ideas. 

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2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I would bet the CEO was a high functioning Autistic person, maybe with savant syndrome (like Sean from The Good Doctor). Maybe HR knows this and is overly protective of him. Will be interesting to see were they go with him.

Having only watched a few episodes of the Fosters, I found this pretty good. It seems surprising realistic as a depiction of fresh college graduates entering the work force. Though the fact both girls, especially Callie, look so young took me a bit out of the story. Callie just looks like such a baby compared to the two other young people she works with, makes me wonder if she raced through college and law school lol. And Mariana needs to learn to keep her nose down while quietly developing her ideas. 

Maia is 24 and Cierra is 23. The show had Callie do law school/undergrad in 5 yrs , so both women are playing their actual ages. 

I am still cursed with the baby face, and when I was interviewing for summer jobs and clerk shops during law school I was constantly told how young I looked (sore point). But if you go straight through you are very young when you’re done. I was 24 when I graduated from law school (fall birthday) and it didn’t do any sort of excellerated program in undergrad. 

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51 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Maia is 24 and Cierra is 23. The show had Callie do law school/undergrad in 5 yrs , so both women are playing their actual ages. 

I am still cursed with the baby face, and when I was interviewing for summer jobs and clerk shops during law school I was constantly told how young I looked (sore point). But if you go straight through you are very young when you’re done. I was 24 when I graduated from law school (fall birthday) and it didn’t do any sort of excellerated program in undergrad. 

I look young to, so I do get it lol. Maybe it is more of a sign of my just about hitting my mid-30s and everyone under 25 is starting to look super young to me lol. Getting old, I guess.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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6 hours ago, possibilities said:

It's funny, because to me, it's Mariana who looks baby-faced and like a teenager.

Also, we just saw them pretend to be teenagers a few months ago. I think that influences how they are perceived now.

That's why I was trying to find the final episodes of The Fosters, so I could see the time jump. It was jarring to me watching this episode because the last time I saw them (less than a year ago), they were still teenagers. I'll get used to it soon enough, though. 

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On 1/10/2019 at 11:49 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

I would bet the CEO was a high functioning Autistic person

Functioning labels are not a real thing, really. It is used to silence Autistic people. Refer to Actually Autistics.


I got curious - after saying I would not watch this show - and decided to check it out. I didn't like it. I found the editing very confusing at times. The idea of jumping back and forth on the time of some events was good, but it wasn't done well. I still think that Maia overact, that acting doesn't come naturally to her. Good American accent though. I like Cierra and the only thing I kind of liked was her storyline. 

I am also confused as to how could Callie graduate at the same time as Marianna. I don't think she had college credits by the end of high school, she had to go to law school for another 3 years (or is it 2?) after undergrad. That's 7 or 8 years. I know people who have taken college classes during the summer, and were able to shave off about 1 1/2 years from college but they didn't have to work - I assume Callie would have to have some sort of job - and they had done several advanced placements that were consistent with the major they chose. Is it really possible for someone to become a lawyer (she also had to take the CA Bar, which I think would take a little while after graduation to happen) in 5 years? And get a clerkship with a judge shortly after? 

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1 hour ago, alexvillage said:

Functioning labels are not a real thing, really. It is used to silence Autistic people. Refer to Actually Autistics.

Having a child on the spectrum and having worked with children on the spectrum, I know that autistic children have different levels of functioning. I'm not sure how else to describe something that I have observed to be true. Some autistic people are much better able to communicate and socialize then others. I certainly am not trying to silence autistic people and or minimalize them. The CEO seemed highly functioning to me because he can talk and respond in conversations, but his social skills seemed like that of an autistic person to me. Just my observation.

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35 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Having a child on the spectrum and having worked with children on the spectrum, I know that autistic children have different levels of functioning. I'm not sure how else to describe something that I have observed to be true. Some autistic people are much better able to communicate and socialize then others. I certainly am not trying to silence autistic people and or minimalize them. The CEO seemed highly functioning to me because he can talk and respond in conversations, but his social skills seemed like that of an autistic person to me. Just my observation.

I don't want to go off topic here. As I said, Autistic people themselves, including those said to be HF, know how damaging assigning value to people is. I refer you to them. I know many of the activists trying to change the conversation. You are a parent and know you kid but Autistics know the neurology of autism better than you can ever understand (not attacking you it is just impossible for neurotypical people to even try to see through the eyes of a neurodivergent person). You can message me if you want to discuss it further.

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14 hours ago, alexvillage said:

I am also confused as to how could Callie graduate at the same time as Marianna. I don't think she had college credits by the end of high school, she had to go to law school for another 3 years (or is it 2?) after undergrad. That's 7 or 8 years. I know people who have taken college classes during the summer, and were able to shave off about 1 1/2 years from college but they didn't have to work - I assume Callie would have to have some sort of job - and they had done several advanced placements that were consistent with the major they chose. Is it really possible for someone to become a lawyer (she also had to take the CA Bar, which I think would take a little while after graduation to happen) in 5 years? And get a clerkship with a judge shortly after? 

The program Callie went to was a combined undergraduate and law program, where she got both in 5 years. Wikipedia suggests this is a real option, although Callie would have had to work really hard and we never really saw her as super into school. But she is determined. They didn't really mention the bar exam, but if this show starts up a few months after her graduation, she could have taken it. The episodes of the Fosters with Brandon's wedding were after Callie graduated and then there was some time between then and the start of Good Trouble, so it isn't like this is meant to be a week after graduation.

What I am surprised about is that Callie would want to clerk for a judge, as opposed to working for some kind of legal defense/legal aid program. But I guess they thought the clerkship would be better stories.

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Reading through everything, I agree that the CEO is likely somewhere on the autism spectrum and that the HR representative makes sure to protect him from just hearing every idea from every employee who ever approaches him. He almost certainly did not direct the HR rep to talk to her. Mariana deserved the dressing down but it was completely inappropriate to do it in front of her colleagues. She should have been pulled into the HR rep's office or a conference room with a door.

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1 hour ago, NoNeinNyet said:

Reading through everything, I agree that the CEO is likely somewhere on the autism spectrum and that the HR representative makes sure to protect him from just hearing every idea from every employee who ever approaches him. He almost certainly did not direct the HR rep to talk to her. Mariana deserved the dressing down but it was completely inappropriate to do it in front of her colleagues. She should have been pulled into the HR rep's office or a conference room with a door.


22 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

I want to know why Mariana (Mariana?  I never watched the Fosters) didn't go to HR the second she was given that "assignment" to look at the code.  Because it was harassment, pure and simple.

I liked the pilot enough that I'll continue to watch for now.

She’s young and in her first professional job. As ballsy as she can be, she’s still getting her sea legs under her. Lots to navigate.

1 hour ago, NoNeinNyet said:

Reading through everything, I agree that the CEO is likely somewhere on the autism spectrum and that the HR representative makes sure to protect him from just hearing every idea from every employee who ever approaches him. He almost certainly did not direct the HR rep to talk to her. Mariana deserved the dressing down but it was completely inappropriate to do it in front of her colleagues. She should have been pulled into the HR rep's office or a conference room with a door.

That rep was completely out of line. There’s a way to correct a subordinate who has done something wrong without being so public about it. Frankly, I didn’t have a problem with what Mariana did, except that she had already been specifically told not to beforehand. Better to keep your head down and learn the lay of the land before you start making moves.

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So I went ahead and watched even though after that horrid Fosters finale I had no interest in the spinoff. I might keep watching. I might not. It's unfortunate they had to choose the two hetero-so-far characters to spin off. Jude would have been way more interesting. But at least he's going to guest star sometimes. And I guess there's Gael, so they could maybe do something interesting with him. And Alice, if they wanted to. Don't know if they will though. Poor Malika. Hopefully, she learns to not trust Callie, sooner than later. If they broaden the show to give story arcs to Malika, Gael, and Alice then the show could be good. If they focus on Callie and Mariana only then I will be unable to sustain interest. They should give Callie's judge a good buddy called Squee and make him an alcoholic. Maybe if Callie presents him with a calendar as a gift and a six-pack he'll accidentally agree to rule favorably in Jamal's case. :p 

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There’s no way Callie would’ve began her clerkship before she took the bar!! Studying for the bar is absolutely a full time job- two months you live, breathe and eat whatever study aid company you’re using to pass the bar. You even have multiple choice questions on your phone via an app. 


Callie- Gael is smoking hot. Hit that (safely). And keep hitting that. Over. And over. And over again. 👍🏽

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Are people actually still listening to Party Rockers? That song was the bane of my existence in college, I refuse to let it come back!

Yeah, how does Callie not have to take the bar before her clerkship!? The bar is a horrible nightmare test that it takes pretty much 24 hours a day for ages to take! My cousin took the bar a few years ago, and she basically disappeared for two months! So not only does Callie let it out who she is clerking for, and what high profile, politically charged case she is on, she also doesent get back to the judge and lets someone else do the work? Not a great first week at the job! But at least she got to make out with Gael, so silver linings. He is super hot!

Hi Jude! Nice to see you! Always good to see some Callie and Jude cuteness!  Awww Judeicorn. Glad that he and Marianna got a little scene too, even if it was short. 

Bisexual men is something that people even in the LGBTQ community seem to struggle with, theres this idea that bisexual men are gay men just kidding themselves, so its good at Callie seems to be alright with Gael and his sexuality a bit more. 

Oh Mariana, those tech dude bros are going to need a lot more than Instagram stories to get them to change their dickhead ways. It was pretty one the nose, but I admit to loving the imagine of Mariana getting annoyed by the jerk tech guys while that "AHHHHHHH" picture was in the background like it was an actual thought bubble coming out of her.

Edited by tennisgurl
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@tennisgurl No, Callie said that Jude was her favorite brother (not only brother). 

Yes while studying for the bar I basically disappeared- I had a study schedule, made meals, ate, slept. Allowed one hour of tv a night, and 3hrs of social time on the weekend for two months straight. Callie would’ve taken the bar already, had time off for a vacation and started her clerkship in the fall after graduation. 

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On 1/15/2019 at 10:24 PM, Scarlett45 said:

There’s no way Callie would’ve began her clerkship before she took the bar!!

As a spin off from The Fosters, of course Callie can do that!

I would not be surprised if the judge she is clerking for gets to be picked as a potential SCOTUS, than they find something on him, Callie saves the day and he is not only nominated, but confirmed. Then Callie has the option to go on to DC with him but choses to stay in L.A. because she needs to help all those other poor judges REALLY make it. I am not being half sarcastic. I would bet the writers have thought something very close to this. 

I am not watching this, after the boring first episode but will keep coming here to see if if anything sparks my interest.

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I was a little confused on when it kept switching between the party and earlier in the day (and earlier in the week?) for the first part of the episode. But I am actually really enjoying these characters! The communal living situation is a great way to get a variety of people together away from the constrains of college/a dorm. Alice and Davia were interesting characters and I liked seeing a friendship with Mariana building. I would like to see Callie's two coworkers get integrated a little more, but I'm even enjoying them.

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I like that they are integrating issues and personality types that are prevalent in the LGBTQ community, even though Callie and Mariana are so far considered straight. They do a good job of representing that stuff without making it come across as tokenization. The sensibility is there.

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Hiya everyone! I'm really enjoying this so far. Love the way it's shot, and that it doesn't look cheap, or like a spin-off. It's clearly its own thing, with a very distinct tone from the Fosters, and I am into it! Of course, it doesn't hurt that I (almost) always loved Callie and Mariana...

The only thing that bothered me was the looming reapparance of Terrible Brandon. But, are we sure he's actually gonna be coming back? The show isn't listed on David Lambert's IMDB, and the show's IMDB only lists Jude (1 ep), Stef and Lena (1 ep) and Jesus (2 eps). Beau Mirchoff, Callie's love interest in the Fosters finale, isn't listed either... Are they just trying to keep stuff under wraps?

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I'm not a fan of the back-and-forth timeline stuff. It's super confusing and not necessary.

I like Malika, but she really doesn't have any business in saying what Callie should and should not do with her job. She shouldn't even know, to begin with. 

This bisexuality storyline with Gael is fun to watch because we're getting to see the stigma around bisexuality. Mariana's off-handed comment about not feeling comfortable with dating a bisexual man was really telling. I'm glad we got to see Callie figure out her feelings on it and coming more to terms with it.

Jude's definitely grown up. Even his relationship with Callie has changed since the original show.

I rolled my eyes at some of Mariana's stuff. Her comment about how she doesn't talk to her ex because he cheated was hypocrisy at its finest. I assume she's talking about Mat, the guy she cheated on first. 

I am getting to like some of the roommates more. 

There's a lot of contrived TV drama which I'm not fond of. But overall, not bad so far. I am liking Rebecca, Callie's co-worker, and also Ben and Judge Wilson. 

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Oh I wanted to say I recognized the actress playing Gael’s sister from her work on Pose. Yay for having trans actresses play trans women! Also I wonder if there will be tension between Gael & Jazmin because Gael passes in the straight world, being cis, and masculine presenting and bisexual. 

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So... the CEO actually does want to talk with Mariana about her apps, and he wasn't the one who was angry about her approaching him. And it's not just the harsh HR woman who's lying to him, it's also that other guy, who told him that he tried to set it up and Mariana didn't get back to him about it.

I hope it's true that Brandon's bro in law is just going to be a friendly legal consultant/sounding board, and not a love interest for Callie, but I guess we'll see. She sure wasn't dressed for a business meeting when she met him for the 2nd time.

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Who was the lawyer friend of Callie's? I was so confused. Was I supposed to know him. 


Also glad to see Callie has grown up, haha. She blew Gael off who wanted to set something up for the next night. Then when he goes out with someone else she dresses up real sexy to go out with another guy and try to make him jealous? Ugh. (Also, how in the hell did she know exactly what bar they were in in a massive city like L.A.?)

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15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


This bisexuality storyline with Gael is fun to watch because we're getting to see the stigma around bisexuality. Mariana's off-handed comment about not feeling comfortable with dating a bisexual man was really telling. I'm glad we got to see Callie figure out her feelings on it and coming more to terms with it.


Her comment was telling of what ? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting to be with someone who’s bisexual . It Doesn’t say anything bad about the person .. I have nothing against people who are bisexual but doesn’t mean I’d want to date that person . 

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2 hours ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Who was the lawyer friend of Callie's? I was so confused. Was I supposed to know him. 


Also glad to see Callie has grown up, haha. She blew Gael off who wanted to set something up for the next night. Then when he goes out with someone else she dresses up real sexy to go out with another guy and try to make him jealous? Ugh. (Also, how in the hell did she know exactly what bar they were in in a massive city like L.A.?)

I didn’t take it that she was trying to make him jealous. She didn’t know where he was. I saw it as mature- he blew her off, so she made plans with another guy she was into that OBVIOUSLY was into her. She didn’t even look Gael’s way- I don’t think she saw him there, but I would have to watch the scene again. 

@Bobcatkitten that guy is her brother in law (brother to Brandon’s new wife)- they had a thing during the destation wedding which was the last 3 episodes of The Fosters. 

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2 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Her comment was telling of what ? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting to be with someone who’s bisexual . It Doesn’t say anything bad about the person .. I have nothing against people who are bisexual but doesn’t mean I’d want to date that person . 

Not to speak for @Lady Calypso, but the comment was very telling regarding the cultural stigma around bisexual men.

No one is suggesting anyone have sex with or date someone they don’t want to, but attitudes about a woman being bisexual are very different than attitudes about men being bisexual (I’m speaking of cultural trends, of course individual human beings have their individual feelings). With a woman a straight guy would go “hell yeah that’s sexy” with a man a straight woman would likely respond as Mariana did “I’m concerned I couldn’t give him what another guy could” (or more ignorantly- “that’s gross”) This is also built into our attitudes about male fidelity and sexuality vs female fidelity and sexuality.

Marianna being Marianna, and coming from the family she comes from didn’t have the “oh gross” reaction or “he must be a closeted gay man”(which Jude lost points with me for) but she doesn’t escape the larger social milieu’s attitude about bisexual men. 


@Lady Calypso I’m glad we are seeing Callie and her “thing” (not calling it a relationship) with Gael in an authentic way. This gives the writers a way to talk about bi-phobia AND transphobia (with his sister Jazmin) in a nuanced way. I just KNOW Jazmin and Gael are going to have a blow up regarding his “passing” in the straight world. I also wouldn’t be super shocked if their parents didn’t know he was bisexual. Ummmhmmmm. 

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There's also a segment of the L and G community that won't date Bs.

Gael is hot, and seems sincere, and actually I like him. But having the bi character be the only person on the show dating two different people at the same time is kind of playing into the stereotype.

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10 minutes ago, possibilities said:

There's also a segment of the L and G community that won't date Bs.

Gael is hot, and seems sincere, and actually I like him. But having the bi character be the only person on the show dating two different people at the same time is kind of playing into the stereotype.

Very true. 

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7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Not to speak for @Lady Calypso, but the comment was very telling regarding the cultural stigma around bisexual men.

No one is suggesting anyone have sex with or date someone they don’t want to, but attitudes about a woman being bisexual are very different than attitudes about men being bisexual (I’m speaking of cultural trends, of course individual human beings have their individual feelings). With a woman a straight guy would go “hell yeah that’s sexy” with a man a straight woman would likely respond as Mariana did “I’m concerned I couldn’t give him what another guy could” (or more ignorantly- “that’s gross”) This is also built into our attitudes about male fidelity and sexuality vs female fidelity and sexuality.

Marianna being Marianna, and coming from the family she comes from didn’t have the “oh gross” reaction or “he must be a closeted gay man”(which Jude lost points with me for) but she doesn’t escape the larger social milieu’s attitude about bisexual men. 


@Lady Calypso I’m glad we are seeing Callie and her “thing” (not calling it a relationship) with Gael in an authentic way. This gives the writers a way to talk about bi-phobia AND transphobia (with his sister Jazmin) in a nuanced way. I just KNOW Jazmin and Gael are going to have a blow up regarding his “passing” in the straight world. I also wouldn’t be super shocked if their parents didn’t know he was bisexual. Ummmhmmmm. 

Well I’ll agree that a lot of guys say they like bisexual girls while most girls don’t want a bisexual guy and it’s probably due to the stigma that bisexual girls are really just straight Girls who want attention and bisexual guys are gay guys that are stuck in the closet ( Not me personally who feels that way, it’s just the stigma ) . But in all honesty , I wouldn’t call having reservations about being with a bisexual person “ Biphobia.” It’s not that Callie or MArianna are hateful or afraid of Gael being bisexual . It just comes down to preference . There’s nothing wrong with wanting a man who is strictly attracted to women or a woman who is only attracted to men . 

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