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Hoarders - General Discussion


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Hmm interesting. I wonder if A&E will pick it up for the US. Though I'll probably have to see if my package gets that channel. 

I'm surprised they are going for a specific Canadian format; then again I don't think we've had any A&E Hoarders from up here. 


The TLC show had a few Canadian hoarders, including the traumatized principal in the Toronto area, the lead singer of a band from the 80's, and someone else from out in Alberta. 

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29 minutes ago, Taeolas said:

a few Canadian hoarders,

Didn't Dr.Zaz deal with a young-ish woman who had a smothering accumulation, there was a lot of snow on the ground, a cute dog (spaniel type), and one of my favorite talks of all time:

Dr. Z: Do you use this (two piece velveteen) jogging suit?

Hoarder: Oh, yes, I wear it when I go jogging. (smile)

Dr.Z: (nod, nod, wink, wink, saynomoresaynomore grin): Yeah, lots of jogging.

And they both laughed..



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I think that was Beverly, who had the little dog living with her, and there was a really cute inspector in the episode.   She was on Hoarding Buried Alive, and died at 43 (I think 43, it was before age 50 at least)

 I remember the principal who quit after the threats, but I don't know which show he was on.  

I definitely remember the rock star, who really was famous, and I think died after the show aired.   His daughter had been kidnapped and presumed killed in Japan.  

Hoarding Buried Alive had three Canada episodes, but not Hoarders, unless I missed the location, which is entirely possible. 

I wonder if A&E will pick up the Canada episodes?  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

Yeah I'm pretty sure all 3 of those cases were Hoarding: Buried Alive cases. I suspect the production company had a team in Canada for one season and did them in a batch since they usually show up together in the repeats. 

I can't remember the details but I think there's a 4th Toronto ep as well, because it's usually paired with a story from Ohio I think. Rather forgettable otherwise.


But yeah, the A&E Hoarders I don't think has ever gone to Canada. Hawaii and Alaska, but never Canada. (Nor Puerto Rico now that I think of it; I'm surprised they haven't tried to recruit a story from there)

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They're rerunning the season finale of Martha from San Antonio.  

Not specifically this hoarder, but all hoarders lie about when they started hoarding.   They always claim they haven't been hoarding for long, but the relatives tell how long they've actually been hoarding.     They always have some item that everyone has to find, but they buried it under garbage.  The hoarders all say they want people around, but they don't.    Trying to guess when the hoarder will start rebelling is the only mystery. 

This is about this specific episode. I don't like Dr. Tolin, and the new organizer.    They both will do anything to keep the filming going.    The organizer virtually dragged the hoarder to the dumpster truck, and wanted her to see the trash her daughter was tossing, and trying to start a fight.   So, the organizer is blaming the daughter when the mother rehoards?    The organizer said, "we don't want her rehoard", Martha will anyway.   Martha's been a hoarder for many years, and drove her own parents out of their home, so Martha will never stop rehoarding.   Martha's been a hoarder forever.   She drove her own parents out of this house and trashed it.   Then she had her father climbing over the hoard in his late 90s, apparently without air conditioning, in San Antonio.     

 Then, how the hell did this woman get a kidney transplant living in that pile of trash?   I'm wondering if she went out of the country for the transplant?   

Martha's just lucky her daughter let her move into her house.   I'm betting the hoarder would have trashed her daughter's house, but daughter won't let her.  She's lived in the daughter's house since the transplant.   Martha just wants to play the victim, and I bet her daughter will hear from Martha, and anyone Martha can get to take her side, about how the daughter threw out all of Martha's good stuff.    I bet Martha would love to get back in her own house, so she can hoard it again. 

The daughter is right, Matha tortured her parents.   She drove her parents out of their own house, and then moved her 90+ year old father into her hoard.     By the way, I noticed the huge amount of HSN and other online or TV shopping unopened boxes, they were everywhere.   And the father's clothes?   Some still had the tags on them.   

Martha is so full of it, and Dr. Tolin feeding her lines to say to her daughter is ridiculous.    What Martha did to her parents, and now living with her daughter is not going to be forgiven.   I really like her daughter, she tells the truth.   Martha did torture her parents, especially her father.   Dr. Tolin trying to get the mother and daughter back together is going to fail.    Dr. Tolin and Martha talking about getting rid of the father's clothes is so pathetic, some of those clothes weren't even worn.     

I'm so proud of Yleana for not letting her mother hoard Yleana's home, or upset her children's lives.

So, I bet Martha's offer for the cars won't be good enough for her, and then Dr. Tolin butts in again.    I'm sure Martha will feel victimized, because she's a perpetual victim.  (Yes, Martha sells two cars, but keeps the other car because she claims she can make more selling it herself. )

They should have ripped those curtains down, they look like they're ready to fall down.      I agree with the daughter, and think Tolin, and the organizer should shut up.    I hope that Martha will move back home, and let her daughter and family have peace and quiet.   The daughter is the one that had Martha the gloomy living in her home for years.   

Good for Yleana for putting her mother in the game room, and not disrupting the children's lives by taking one of their rooms, and giving it to Martha, or even worse moving her into the daughter's room.   I'm so proud of Yleana for not allowing her mother to hoard in the daughter's house.  You know that's why Martha was whining about how much she had to get rid of, because the daughter wouldn't let her bring her garbage into the daughter's house.    I'm sure Martha only started cleaning so much out of her own house because the daughter wouldn't let her bring the father's unworn clothes, and everything else,  into the daughter's house. 

For years Martha accused the relatives of stealing her father's rifles, but they were in a case under a bed upstairs.   

Dr. Tolin claiming this is hard for Martha is despicable.  

I'm betting one rule of getting the kidney transplant was Martha moving into the daughter's house, because no caretaker means no transplant.  

Dr. Tolin's pushing Martha to do that ridiculous passive agressive non-apology to her daughter was such a fake scene.   Carolina the organizer is causing trouble, not helping.  Martha does the usual garbage apology "I'm sorry you feel that way".   Dr. Tolin tells Martha doesn't have to get rid of anything even if it's moldy, rotten, and ruined. 

BSOJ-Martha is attending aftercare, and still is healthy, and moved home.      (My guess is the aftercare therapist is a captive audience for Martha, and gets to hear how everyone else ruined her life.)  I hope Yleana (the daughter) gets rid of everything Martha left behind, and waved "Bye Felicia!" to her. 

(My guess, the junked car will always be in the car port, and I bet Martha will be back on the phone, or online ordering stuff immediately). 

I copied this for the rerun tonight.   I should have read it before I started watching Martha and her despicable actions.   This show should have been cancelled the second the production company looked at this despicable show where Martha abused her parents, her daughter, and everyone else she has been able to bully over the years.     There is no question that Martha will trash the place again, and I'm glad since Martha moved back to the house she trashed, and can live on one floor, and I hope that Martha will move out of her daughter's place permanently.  

I think a lot of the hoarders are just mean.   They refuse to clean up, because no one can tell them what to do, and no one can make them clean up. 

My Great Aunt and Uncle lived next to a hoarder house.  No one ever did anything about it until the woman died.   Her son was part of county government, so no one ever bothered her at all.  The front and back yard, porches, and the entire house was packed with junk.    She even filled the old well up with junk she just dumped in it.    It was a massive cleanup, took many people and trucks to clear enough room for a construction dumpster to be used.   The neighbors were glad it was getting cleaned up, until the vermin (mostly rats) started running away from the house and yard during the clean up.   I heard it was like a scene out of a horror movie.       

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

 Then, how the hell did this woman get a kidney transplant living in that pile of trash?   I'm wondering if she went out of the country for the transplant?   

They do a ton of screening for prospective transplant recipients, including an extensive wallet biopsy but they don’t do home visits. It’s likely they never knew about her hoard.

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On 8/8/2022 at 7:52 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

There is no question that Martha will trash the place again, and I'm glad since Martha moved back to the house she trashed, and can live on one floor, and I hope that Martha will move out of her daughter's place permanently.      

 I was watching the Martha show last night, too.  Over years of watching Hoarders and Buried Alive my sympathy is almost entirely for the family members.  I absolutely could not stand to have a hoarder in my house.  The mess and clutter my normal relatives bring with them when they visit is hard enough,

I'm getting tired of Dr. Tolin, too and he used to be a favorite of mine.  He can be as soft and tender as a bunny with the hoarders if he wants to,  but not when it comes to siding with them against the relatives who are just trying to help.

Why are we all supposed to be saddened at the tiny little square of sofa the hoarder is sleeping on? All any of them ever had to do was grab a trash bag, load it with whatever's on the other end of the sofa and toss it on top of the hoard. If they would rather have a pile of old clothes and burger wrappers at the end of their bed than be able to stretch their legs out, why should we care?

I can understand that they can't stop acquiring crap and bringing it home and it's their home and their right to turn it into a rat infested fire trap if they want, but their rights end where someone else's begins and that's where any children or parents still living there should have equal say.

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Why are we all supposed to be saddened at the tiny little square of sofa the hoarder is sleeping on?

I think it's sad to see anyone sleeping in that setting, even if improving it is within their ability.


All any of them ever had to do was grab a trash bag, load it with whatever's on the other end of the sofa and toss it on top of the hoard. 

That's kind of the point of the show, though, isn't it? If it was as easy as "clean up your crap" these people would do it. It's a sign of how sick they are that they can't just do that and instead spend night after night sleeping in a filthy place, covered in bugs, inhaling toxic mold, etc. etc.

OK, we're coming to a point where our tolerances are stressed.  Should one sickness be  judged more important that other sicknesses.  Should someone sick rule the family and get all the attention and have allowances made for them that others in the same family can only dream about?

This recently rebroadcast episode was beyond my breaking point.  Maybe because I'm old and I watched several families dealing with one child who bullied the rest (the one bully had some genetic problems but was cognizant enough to know not to beat on her brothers and sisters.)   I see some of these hoarders as master manipulators who have gotten away with iit and like to have the controls.  At least in the medieval ages, the kings who were bullies often attracted karma in strange but satisfying ways.  

Darned few of the Hoarders we've watched have any concept of the Golden Rule.  The sisters who had just finished destroying their third house and were about to be given a fourth by the city they lived in.  The woman in CA who bought stuff and shipped it to family in the Philippines , but didn't own the tramp steamer it would take to empty her accumulation.

The only success I remember is an older woman who was being evicted and was having to move her stuff to her next lodging without a car.  Her mind caught on and she started  getting rid of nine out of ten things, because anything she kept, she'd have to lift and carry to the next place.

I remember too many tragoc families who were worthless in the balance: the hoarder was THE important person and ruled the situation of their own warped creation.

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On 8/10/2022 at 1:34 PM, Elizzikra said:

That's kind of the point of the show, though, isn't it? If it was as easy as "clean up your crap" these people would do it.

I'm not suggesting they part with anything, just push it off the end of the couch onto the floor.  They could kick it off with their feet.  "Churning" (moving stuff from one place to another) is actually part of the hoarding disorder, something most of them love to do, and that's all I'm asking.  That doesn't have anything to do with cleaning.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm not suggesting they part with anything, just push it off the end of the couch onto the floor.  They could kick it off with their feet.  "Churning" (moving stuff from one place to another) is actually part of the hoarding disorder, something most of them love to do, and that's all I'm asking.  That doesn't have anything to do with cleaning.

I agree with you . . . but (having known a hoarder) . .  .  I wonder if they sleep on the whole couch until they know someone is coming over (like the psychologist from "Hoarders") and then fill up most of the space on the couch so the visitor will feel sorry for them.

Hoarders tend to be manipulators. 

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Ancient history had Porn Master Ron Jeremy as one of the friends of a Hoarder in Los Angeles.  The Hoarder had spent herself into an accumulation and she could no longer afford all of her storage units.  

Looking at her apartment, she had a lot of nice things, just too many of them,

Well, here's a followup on Mr. Jeremy who may now have dementia and lives in a messy house in a show done for a British TV channel (not BBC)

Not the typical family member, but his time on Hoarders had him coming across as a friend, not a user.

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On 4/3/2019 at 9:19 AM, knuckles491 said:

It was a hoot to hear those Massachusetts accents (like mine).  The real Boston accent is slowly dying out, sadly.  I loved the episode, and didn't even mind the 2 hour length.  Dr. Green cuts right through to the problem without a lot psychobabble, and with a perfectly serene face.  Too bad about Sandra.

My wife and I just watched the show. It's great that Raymond and Peter seem well on the path to recovery; but I hope that Sandra's passing doesn't set Peter back. I also hope that Donald can yet see the light, before he loses everything.

I, too, feel the passing of local assets. I was born and raised in Newton; but I have the accent and vocabulary of my mother's Worcester family. Those things, like so many others in different parts of the country, are being homogenized out of existence by radio, TV and movies. Some day, we'll have a dozen or so regional accents and vocabularies, and that will be it.

On 11/29/2022 at 1:34 AM, auntjess said:

Dr. Melva Green has posted on Facebook that she has become a cancer survivor in the past year.

Glad she could make it, and glad to have news of her at all ! Rewatching old Hoarders episodes she has become my favourite therapist. You can tell she cares but she's neither coddling nor fakly bubbly. She's not afraid to call hoarders' BS out. In short, she's the real deal. Some of her faces when discovering the mess are priceless !

Edited by Ligeia
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Watching Hoarders: Canada.  Episode is titled David and Odette.

My thoughts were that David is the type that thinks his junk is worth thousands and that he can pick up and finish his projects. Dude you are ill and cannot work properly.  Odette seems like a shrew.  She is a compulsive shopper and a hoarder herself.  Yet, she felt that the blame was squarely on David.

I have seen Effy (the organizer) before.  Work brought her for a seminar as she is a Maria Kondo organizer. 

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21 hours ago, greekmom said:

Watching Hoarders: Canada.  Episode is titled David and Odette.

Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one watching Hoarders: Canada. These episodes have been wild! As an aside, David was his 22 year old brother's actual kid, right? That's how it read to me. That's such a big age difference and back in the day such familial lies weren't uncommon.

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On 3/26/2023 at 1:46 PM, AZChristian said:

I would think that the problem with being a Maria Kondo organizer in the house of a hoarder is that they would proclaim that EVERYTHING "sparks joy" for them.

LOL Plus I've always thought the Kondo style encourages excess.  I wonder how many women went out and bought fifty colorful pairs of panties so they could fold them so they would stand up.  Who really needs a pantry full of spices in matching jars?

  • LOL 2
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

LOL Plus I've always thought the Kondo style encourages excess.  I wonder how many women went out and bought fifty colorful pairs of panties so they could fold them so they would stand up.  Who really needs a pantry full of spices in matching jars?

We didn't buy anything new after watching Marie Kondo's shows, but we did start using her process for folding t-shirts, etc.  It's amazing how much more variety of things we wear now that we're not just wearing what's on top in a drawer!  LOL.

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Watched today the second installment of Canada Hoarders. It was titled Rosella.

This woman I can see going back to hoarding after the cameras are done.

Has any of the psychologists calculate how much in debt these people are in? I would assume it's great due to the amount of stuff that they have. I mean owning 5 drills or multiple of whatevers can't be cheap.

I wonder why they only allow a limited time and why it's not 2 weeks to get it sorted out. I don't think it's possible in 4 days.

Anyone know if there are updates???

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On 4/2/2023 at 7:07 PM, greekmom said:

Watched today the second installment of Canada Hoarders. It was titled Rosella.

This woman I can see going back to hoarding after the cameras are done.

Has any of the psychologists calculate how much in debt these people are in? I would assume it's great due to the amount of stuff that they have. I mean owning 5 drills or multiple of whatevers can't be cheap.

I wonder why they only allow a limited time and why it's not 2 weeks to get it sorted out. I don't think it's possible in 4 days.

Anyone know if there are updates???

The US version often talked about what people owed or how much they had spent. 

I think they have a limited time to put pressure (however artificial) on the people to make quick decisions and get rid of stuff quickly. Plus it is a tv show and I think they can only afford to have the crew and teams there for a certain period of time.

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I found Martha totally despicable.  She kept her ill father in that hoard without air conditioning, or even being able to move around in the house, just to keep possession of the house.    I'm sure if the father had gone to an assisted living, that the house would have to be sold to finance that, but Martha didn't take care of him.   

The only reason she didn't ruin her daughter and grandchildren's house is because the daughter wouldn't let her.   The daughter also refused to ruin her children's lives by making them give up their rooms and share, so Martha could have one of the bedrooms.   

I hope Martha left her daughter's house and went back to the hovel she created. I'm guessing she rehoarded it as soon as she could. 

 I bet the story about the daughter's father leaving was closer to he dumped her, not because Martha developed a conscience.   I've met people like Martha before, they only do things for selfish reasons. 

After hearing so many relatives of hoarders say the hoarders lie about how long they've been hoarding, and why they hoard, I believe none of them.    I hate how the shrinks and organizers keep interfering with the clean out.  I agree with the daughter, stop delaying the clean out, and letting Martha keep absolute garbage.   

In the daughter's case with Martha, I would have dumped her and her stuff off at that hoard the next day after the clean out.   After Martha kept a buried old car, and everything else she refused to get rid of, I was sick of her.   Yes, I'm mean, but I'm sick of hoarders being coddled over ruining houses, and lives.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Not a problem.   The hoarders can be very convencing too, and until you hear the real story, or find an article that tells the real story, they seem sympathetic, and people who are damaged. 

However, I find most of them to be selfish, and uncaring about anyone but themselves.    The stories about the aftermath of the people on the show, are often very interesting to me.   

I couldn't stand the organizer on this episode.  She slowed things down so much.  When Martha was actually letting go of items, and letting the daughter make decisions, the organizer demanded that Martha look through the dumpster items again. 

I find it interesting when the 'overwhelmed' hoarder (they all say they're overwhelmed) seems helpless, and wanting help at the begining of the episode, then they turn mean and show their real personality.  

I find the reddit threads about individual hoarders to be very interesting. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I'm watching the rerun of Peggy in Washington state.  She moved into the lower level of a lady's home, as a home aide, moved in tons of her stuff and  hoarded it full, moved upstairs, and in 1999 when the lady died, she inherited the home.    She's now hoarded the entire place.   

This is the episode where Dorothy keeps doing kindergarten level awarding Peggy with little awards, to put on her sash, like Peggy is two.    I find this so condescending.  Also, Zasio is being a roadblock to cleanout, by delaying.  I guess it's more dramatic to have disagreements, and stopping someone from allowing a total cleanout.   

I find Peggy's idea to give the food bank her long expired food to be equally ridiculous.  Peggy claims she volunteers at the food bank, I hope someone else is checking donations for expiration dates, if that's her real opinion on expiration dates. 

The questions Zasio keeps asking Peggy about something that traumatized her a long time ago is so unprofessional.   Anything for drama and ratings. 

Tonight's new episode "Lia", Season 14, Episode 1.  In Hayward, CA.  I don't feel sorry about her husband, he voluntarily lives with her.     I just feel sorry for her three sons who had to grow up in a hoard.   I'm feeling mean, Lia flouncing away with her walker doesn't look very impressive. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I'm here.   

Grossed out by the 'collections' but here.   What kind of cruel person allows their spouse to hoard a house like that, when they have three kids?   The answer is Ken, her husband. 

So, she collects red, white & blue stuff, and dachshund or dog stuff.    The outside of the house looks neglected, but repairable.   Youngest son is right, one spark and the parents will die in the hoard, I just hope that no one dies trying to rescue them.    The husband is just as bad as the wife is.  

There is no way in hell those parents would set foot in my home.   I'm just glad the son and wife kept their own bedroom.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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