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Yes welcome, borealis!  You said what I would have said if I hadn't been spluttering with rage.

You know a Hoarder's nasty when my husband turns away from his solitaire game and talks to the TV.    He paraphrased "Men in Black:"   "Leave him! Tim never appreciated you anyway. In fact,  you kick HIM out! And once he's gone you're gonna go into town, get your eyelids fixed. And hire a decorator to come in here quick, 'cause... DAMN."

I knew Tim was going to be trouble when he had interrupted Robin twice before she had walked through his front door.  He was so disrespectful to her throughout, I don't know how she maintained her professionalism.

His little brother and sister were afraid of him and his wife was catatonic with fear. I noticed we only saw the little Yorkie at the beginning.  It probably barked or something and was in the unforgiven crate for two years.

The biggest mistake of Wilhelmina's life?  That plaid bikini that first  attracted Tim's attention.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 9
10 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Didn’t Betsy say the other brother had told her to shut up, too? I do distinctly remember her saying they don’t like women. Zazz should have told her, “It’s okay, honey. You do what you have to do to keep yourself sane.”

Over watching this show for a long time, the early years, and now, the cast will do anything to keep the hoarder filming.   That includes guilting the relatives, and other helpers under the bus, and claiming that their help is crucial.    Adult Protective Services will do nothing to help Willie, because she's a voluntary captive, and will never leave on her own.   I'm just glad that they didn't have children,, because the children's lives would have been a living hell of junk, being told they're worthless by Tim, and watching Willie sit there and enable him.    I'm especially glad they never had daughters, or they would have PTSD like sister Betsy did.   I'm so glad Betsy left, and hope she never returns.   Willie chose to live like that, and I doubt she will ever leave.  

I feel sorry for the neighbors who have to live next to a mosquito breeding abandoned pool, and two houses and yards full of garbage.    It seems bizarre that Tim and Dennis (the other hoarder in Citrus Heights, CA from last season) live in the same town.    Even after the 'clean up' the house Willie and Tim live in is full of stuff, notice we didn't see the clean up crew that gets rid of dirt and dust from many years?    The house was still full of stuff, even though you could walk.  Notice they didn't show the other rooms on the house, or the nephews house either?    That's the yard they moved Tim's 'treasures' to, and I bet the house was as bad as always.   I can't believe code enforcement allows anyone to live in the house the nephew occupies.    The fire department should red tag that house, and not allow anyone to live in that death trap.    

I am so sick of codes enforcement, and other government entities that are responsible for supervising these hoards, and do nothing for years on end.   The neighbor Tim talked about that finally had his place condemned and bulldozed?   That took 18 years for the city to get rid of that place.  

(That plaid bikini was the height of fashion for a while, what were we all thinking?)   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Didn’t Betsy say the other brother had told her to shut up, too? I do distinctly remember her saying they don’t like women. Zazz should have told her, “It’s okay, honey. You do what you have to do to keep yourself sane.”

Yes, she did.  Betsy's conversation with Dr. Zazz triggered me back to my birth family, big time. 

I come from a family of people who chose to be negative, overbearing and miserable, but I escaped from the zoo when I got married.  After the Female Birth Vessel died, the Oldest Brother felt it was his place to pick up where she left off in trying to demean me and tear me down.  I never felt one iota of grief when either of them died.  

My goal every day is to be the best I can be, to be kind to others, and to fill my life with as much joy as I can cram in.  Over the past 15 years, I've done 23 cruises, about the same number of ziplines, and am now back to planning awesome things to fill the rest of my days.  Today - we're driving 100 miles (one way) just to have lunch at a favorite place.  FBV and OB would sit in their lonely apartments (OB was a hoarder) and criticize me for "wasting" time and money.  I shall raise a glass at the wine flight I'll be enjoying with lunch - to hubby and myself - for choosing joy.

I bet they'd love Tim.  I felt a lot of compassion for Wilhemina.  

  • Useful 2
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This was the most frustrating and maddening episode I've seen in a long time.  Adult Protective Services should have been contacted for Wilhemina, poor thing appears to have been so emotionally abused BY HER HUSBAND for so long!  I've never heard of someone becoming catatonic from abuse.  Now, that's BAD!  Free Wilhemina! Or, just give her a gun . . . cuz that b@stard deserves to be silenced!

So many hoarders argue that their stuff is "worth something".  Why doesn't the therapist or cleaner mention the fact that the world is full of things that are worth something, but that doesn't mean you need it in your possession???  Just seems like simple logic to me. 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

So many hoarders argue that their stuff is "worth something".  Why doesn't the therapist or cleaner mention the fact that the world is full of things that are worth something, but that doesn't mean you need it in your possession???  Just seems like simple logic to me. 

I'd love it if Corey looked at Tim and said, "Have you ever seen a trailer hitch on a hearse?  You can't take any of this with you when you die.  You are 75 years old.  What is in this pile that will make your life better RIGHT NOW and for the few years you have left?  And what do you want to be sure that your wife won't have to dispose of after you're dead?  If you really love HER more than YOURSELF, that should be your focus."

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

 I can't believe code enforcement allows anyone to live in the house the nephew occupies.   

I've about decided they are all a waste of tax payer money. Judging from  the ones we've seen on Hoarders, they never actually enforce anything.  Didn't Tim say he'd had a relationship with them for 30 years?  Later he said he knew they weren't going to put him in jail.  On other episodes I've heard the hoarder had hundreds of thousands worth of back due fines and I suppose the hoarder also knows they never actually collect.  Maybe if the neighbors sued the city for  hardship and hazard they would do something.


18 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

My goal every day is to be the best I can be, to be kind to others, and to fill my life with as much joy as I can cram in. 

I love that, AZ.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Yes welcome, borealis!  You said what I would have said if I hadn't been spluttering with rage.


Thank you! 😊


Quoting Tim:

"You gonna want me to spend the next 2 years forgivin' ya?"

That's very specific. I wonder if he has a list somewhere of how long each item = forgiveness. (Should a 2x4 be 2 years 4 months?? Just spitballin' here.)

Betsy: Never go back. Nathan: Move out soon, then keep your distance.

And someone, somewhere Free Wilhi!! (I'm totally making up the way to spell her nickname!)

  • LOL 3
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15 minutes ago, lzim61 said:

Because of weather, the nephew’s intro got cut out when I was watching.  Did they say how and why he ended up living in the second house?  He seemed very on top of things and I wouldn’t normally expect someone like him to live in that nasty environment. 

All I remember hearing is that the nephew was living there while looking for a place of his own. I don't think they specified how long he's been there, but maybe I missed it.

He did seem rather with-it and intelligent, so it's baffling that he'd subject himself to such conditions. Maybe he's financially strapped and figured he can rough it for awhile to save a few bucks. (?)

1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

So many hoarders argue that their stuff is "worth something".  Why doesn't the therapist or cleaner mention the fact that the world is full of things that are worth something, but that doesn't mean you need it in your possession???  Just seems like simple logic to me. 

Not to mention "how much is your wife's happiness worth"! @s $hole! From the start of the show Tim gave me the creeps. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I noticed we only saw the little Yorkie at the beginning.  It probably barked or something and was in the unforgiven crate for two years.

Eh, I assume they show the pets in the beginning just to make us feel sorry for them (which I always do, because the poor things have no choice), then get them out of the house while they're working (hopefully the show pays for boarding if the person has no one to take them for a few days). The last thing they need is to have a small animal running around while they're trying to clear stuff out.

  • Love 3

I see Dr. Zaz is still wearing 3 inch heels to stumble around in these dumps.

I wonder if Tim had a fair amount of money; there was no mention of 'and his out of control buying has left him hundreds of thousands in debt' like we usually hear. That might be the reason the nephew is sticking around🙄

It seemed like Tim was stingy, too. Who lets their teeth rot out (aside from the missing ones, you could see the remainder were rotten/black) like that, and who lets their supposedly beloved wife go around with her eye folds drooping to the point where one eye is essentially blind? 

I don't really care what happens to these 2, but all those string lights, electrical cords and paper garlands hanging all over the ceilings didn't seem like a great idea. 

  • Love 6
24 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

I see Dr. Zaz is still wearing 3 inch heels to stumble around in these dumps.

😆 Hillarious. You reminded me of the therapist on another episode (possibly on "Buried Alive") who wore open toe sandals while walking through a septic-soaked floor of a hoarder couple's hallway.

Edited by deedee2
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YEs, the river of poop episode, where one of the relatives or friends they drag to see the hoard was also wearing sandals, wading through the house, and then someone mentioned it was the river of poop.     

Way too many of the workers, and therapists on both shows don't wear appropriate coverings, and masks.     One of these days one of the crew or therapist is going to get hantavirus, or plague, or something else, and they'll wish they had been more careful.    

I wonder what Tim and his wife specialized in as therapists?    I bet if they had the customer reviews online the way they do now, I can't believe their reviews would be more than 1 star.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 3

Could adult protective services help his wife?

There isn't really anything they can do. She is legally competent to make (bad) decisions for herself. She is choosing to stay there. It's not what I would want and it's not good for her but it's her choice and she has the legal right to make it for herself.

Tim was superficially charming - thanking Dr. Zasio for wearing a mask; thanking all the workers for coming to help; calling his wife his "sweetheart." But he's really a manipulative gaslighter who has convinced everyone that Wilhelmina is fragile (no fragile woman could have survived in that hoard as long as she did), including Wilhelmina herself. He's a controlling creeper who has his brother hero-worshipping him and everyone else unwilling to confront him. He's a mess.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, deedee2 said:

😆 Hillarious. You reminded me of the therapist on another episode (possibly on "Buried Alive") who wore open toe sandals while walking through a septic-soaked floor of a hoarder couple's hallway.

I can't imagine going into any of these houses without long pants, long sleeves, and a sturdy pair of boots. You never know what kind of filth they're going to find and I can just imaging climbing on an unstable pile of junk and breaking an ankle or something.

1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

Tim was superficially charming - thanking Dr. Zasio for wearing a mask; thanking all the workers for coming to help; calling his wife his "sweetheart." But he's really a manipulative gaslighter who has convinced everyone that Wilhelmina is fragile (no fragile woman could have survived in that hoard as long as she did), including Wilhelmina herself. He's a controlling creeper who has his brother hero-worshipping him and everyone else unwilling to confront him. He's a mess.

Right from the start when he thanked her for wearing a mask I thought he sounded phony. For one thing, he interrupted her to do it. "Look at me, being so polite, even though I'm being totally rude at the same time." But what can you say? You just met this person and he's thanking you (for doing something that is probably required by the producers/network during the pandemic, which I'll bet they were also told before production started).

(Never mind that I don't believe for a second they don't know who's showing up before they get there, so him acting like he didn't know who she was also came across as either scripted because Show, or disingenuous because Jerk.)

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

She is choosing to stay there. It's not what I would want and it's not good for her but it's her choice and she has the legal right to make it for herself.

When she 'came down with' catatonia and was hospitalized, surely the hospital's social workers would step in and ask questions. 

(We only discovered such a job existed when my inlaws got themselves locked up in a geriatric psch evaluation ward (really good insurance) and earned a stay by their behaviour.)

The right questions and a home visit, because you and I know that the hoarding was going full force by then.  Those computers and cars were well more than two decades old. My husband looked up VW beetles and they were last made in the late 70s.  

Given death actuarial tables, he'd have to remove how many tons per day before he dies? 



  • Love 2
4 hours ago, enoughcats said:

The right questions and a home visit, because you and I know that the hoarding was going full force by then.

I could not believe that he actually thought he could blame his wife for his hoard because she didn't stop him.   Does he think we should let all the murderers out of prison and put their wives in for not stopping them?  I really wanted Robin to call him on that mess.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, enoughcats said:

When she 'came down with' catatonia and was hospitalized, surely the hospital's social workers would step in and ask questions. 

(We only discovered such a job existed when my inlaws got themselves locked up in a geriatric psch evaluation ward (really good insurance) and earned a stay by their behaviour.)

The right questions and a home visit, because you and I know that the hoarding was going full force by then.  Those computers and cars were well more than two decades old. My husband looked up VW beetles and they were last made in the late 70s.  

Given death actuarial tables, he'd have to remove how many tons per day before he dies? 



Hospital social workers wouldn’t make a home visit. When Wilhemina was hospitalized, she might not have been competent to make medical decisions but she had a spouse who was. I don’t think hospital social workers would have had any reason not to discharge her home based on the information they would have had.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that Tim was a great husband or that Wilhelmina’s home environment was a good or healthy one. But our country’s laws are all about protecting people’s rights to self-determination. Social workers and other mental health professionals don’t have unlimited power to enter people’s homes or force them to make good decisions. Their hands are often tied and I think this might be one of those cases...


  • Love 7

Hoo boy what a mess. Both Tim and his brother need a dentist right away-and I thought the wife was blind with those teeny eyes. Tim was such a phony "o I appreciate all your help" and "God Bless You"  but flipped pretty fast when he couldn't manipulate the crew into moving his crap from point A to point B. There wasn't anything wrong with his wife-she was cowed by years of putting up with Tim's shit. I too was surprised that Doc Zaz and Cory took his disrespect without leaving. At least they did make a small dent in the mess, but Tool man Tim probably just junked it all up again. So sad. I would like to see one success story every now and again. (Off to clean-everyone have a good day!)

  • Love 3
On 5/4/2021 at 1:55 PM, ams1001 said:

Right from the start when he thanked her for wearing a mask I thought he sounded phony. For one thing, he interrupted her to do it. "Look at me, being so polite, even though I'm being totally rude at the same time."

So passive aggressive, on top of the narcissism. And dude, please stop buying random junk so you can buy a front tooth. Both he and his wife were therapists, so they had some money at some point in time. 

Welcome Borealis and AZ Christian, you rock! I also come from a family of origin with such negativity and it's a big SCREW YOU to be able to not only live, but live in such a satisfying manner.

Back to Wilhy - anybody figure out why she went Catatonic? She just went stiff and started staring at the wall unresponsively for no reason?  Doesn't that happen with some kind of trauma response? 

And imagine getting blamed because you didn't stop your husband from turning your house into a gigantic dump hole while you're struggling with your own mental illness. Tim is no better than any other sick puppy we've seen on this show. 

  • Love 7

Back to Wilhy - anybody figure out why she went Catatonic? She just went stiff and started staring at the wall unresponsively for no reason?  Doesn't that happen with some kind of trauma response? 

It can happen from severe depression, but it's not usually zero to 60 overnight; they tend to decline over time until they are basically catatonic. It's severe and requires hospitalization.

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On 3/29/2021 at 10:03 PM, ams1001 said:

"I like to think of myself as not a hoarder but a collector."

Nope, you're a hoarder. Looks like it might be a relatively "clean" hoard again? (Except the bed looks kinda gross.)

A bunch of space heaters in that mess?! 😨

Forrest reminds me a bit of an older John Legend.

Oh, good, I was hoping for Matt and not another Dorothy episode.

I wonder what the neighbors in this nice neighborhood are thinking watching all this stuff coming out of the house, on top of all the stuff that was already outside.

"These are my good shoes"...that are piled in storage boxes under a tarp in the driveway...

OK, the snake skin was kinda neat.

Aftercare, therapy, going well, all hopeful...and he lost his vision. 😞 

Clearly, Forrest had mental health issues...when will hoarding be classified as a mental health disorder? He seemed very depressed to me and may even be experiencing some sort of cognitive issues. Frankly, I was very concerned about elderly abuse with him as his son was clearly out of control...especially when he was asked to leave and yelled "I'll beat your ass like I did the last time!" SAY WHAT?? I understand the frustration his son has but he was clearly way out of line with a comment like that...it worries me that he might get physical with his father. Throwing the chair at his son was wrong...I get the impression that there is quite a bit of this back and forth going on here between these two. They both need counseling.

  • Love 4

When they came out with the new DSM (the initials might be wrong, but it's the criteria for all types of mental illness), hoarding was classified under OCD.   So it's officially a diagnosis.   

Unfortunately, I bet that it's an official mental health issue may work in the hoarder's favor, resisting clean ups.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 4/6/2021 at 5:20 PM, Claire85 said:

She reminds me of Livia Soprano. Just a miserable person. 

YES!!! She's a miserable person. Definitely an alpha female with a bully personality. Her kids and husband seemed like they were afraid of her...her husband made idle threats to leave but never did...she wouldn't have cared anyway...her junk was more important to her. 

  • Love 2

They said the nephew moved in, he had lost his job, but didn't mention much else.  I wonder if he's still there?    My guess is the nephew will move out when the house collapses on him.   I don't understand how the authorities let him live in that place.    

Tonight new show, is about Margie and Bethel.    I missed the first few minutes, but they live in North Collinsville, OK. 

The grandson said that his baby would never be in that house, and stuck to it.   Good for him, protecting his child.   

 The wife seems to be the main hoarder, but the husband gathers a lot too, and calls himself a hoarder.   There are a daughter and son-in-law commenting.   Estimates are 500 tons of hoard.    Dr. Zasio is on the case.   My standards are getting lower, because Margie has some paths through the stacks of junk.  Margie's house has fruit flies/gnats, if dragging a cat around, and Zasio smells animal waste, and lots of ammonia.    The bath tub is stacked full in the guest bath.  Margie has a lot of fish tanks in the house, and anything that goes out, will go to the husband's shop area.   

They built a giant warehouse section onto the house, and it's full too.   Margie finished the new addition up so fast, so they couldn't put the sheet rock up.   The best part of the new addition is the "safe room" (where you go in tornadoes), which is full of junk, and you can't get to it.     Matt Paxton is here too.  Matt says 90% needs to go, and then says Oklahoma hoarders are the worst.    The cleanup crew are a son, and other various relatives and friends.   Carolina the organizer is trying the cheering for the hoarder method, Margie is still going to turn nasty.   Margie is arguing over junk that has mouse poop on it.  So, this woman wants to clean mouse poop off of kid's clothes, and give to her grandkids.   I'm so glad the daughter told Margie that her kids will never be near that stuff, or have it in her house. 

Margie says virtually nothing needs to leave the house, but just get shifted around.  Margie seems nice enough, but I'm sure she'll turn rotten soon.    Stop blaming growing up an Army brat for hoarding.    Margie says 25% can go, which will translate to 5%.  

The granddaughter, and grandson say that their children will never be in that home.    One great granddaughter had beetles from setting her backpack down in the home, she's never allowed by her parents to come there again.     Margie actually says she doesn't care about the grandkids, and great grandkids not being in her home, because she seems them sometimes at other places.  

Margie now turns nasty as hell, and doesn't want the grandkids around.   Another hoarder who chooses vermin pooped on junk over family and friends. 

Even with the mask on her face, the daughter-in-law is horrified to see where the parents stored garden veggies they gave her.   Now, at the one hour mark, Margie shows what her priorities are, and the husband in too much of a door mat to fight her.  

Matt says Margie isn't mean, she just ignores him.  I think she's absolutely mean, and self-centered.   This house is beyond clean out.  Get a gas can, make sure the animals are out, put gas all around it, and light a match.    I don't know why the granddaughter or in-law Shannon keeps talking about the grand and great grand kids, Margie doesn't care about them.   The husband Bethel is going to catch hell or cleaning out when Margie finds out.   Bethel thinks it's funny that his wife won't get rid of anything inside the house.  

The adult granddaughter is trying logic with a hoarder.  Don't the granddaughter, and daughter-in-law realize that Margie doesn't want the rest of the relatives in her home?   She doesn't care about anyone else.  

This house is obviously way out of town, and I bet no one in county government will do anything about Margie.     

Margie doesn't care about anyone or anything.   I think she would be very happy if everyone left her alone, never bothered her, or called or anything else.  Now on Day 3, Margie turns on her husband.   The daughter or granddaughter need to stop trying to reason with Margie.  

I wonder how many rats and mice are running to the neighbor's homes?   If nothing else, get rid of that nasty above ground pool that obviously hasn't been used in many years. 

The husband, Bethel, has now turned on Margie.   She's going to make his life hell for this. 

Zasio keeps trying to convince Margie to get rid of stuff, has Zasio watched this show? 

One hour, 38 minutes in, and Margie walks.   Margie just wants everyone kissing her fanny, and it's all control by her.  I really admire the family members who refuse to be manipulated into participating in this show.   And the relatives who quit being used for two hours of television.     The adult son and the other relatives need to leave, and not look back. Margie will never clean up, or care.  

Margie is going to fill that place up in a week.  After she has surgery, the relatives should refuse to let her move in with them, and she'll hoard their house too.   Nursing homes usually have a few post surgical beds.

They cleared on room, and I'm sure it will be full in a week.   Just as everyone suspected, Margie brought almost everything back.  

BSOJ (end screen)-Margie is doing after care.   She claims she's not buying things.   Family thinks she's changed. 

(I don't think anything changed, and I don't believe Margie). 

(Next weeks episode, about Debbie is the Season Finale). 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 4

Margie & Bethel:

I want to rescue that little doggie (does she just carry her around the goat trails all day?). Plus they've got 10(ish?) cats, a horse, and a bunch of possums she feeds, plus a fish tank under all that junk (or possibly multiple fish tanks?). And probably countless bugs and rodents they can't see.

What is the "economic purpose" of letting something rot in your yard? Even if it was worth something when you got it, it's not worth anything now.

"I don't want to make Margie mad."

The daughter and son-in-law talk like it's a bad thing that the great-grandson has never been to their house. "It caused a big fight in the family." So what? They should be glad they raised a responsible kid.

"Oklahoarders"? 😄 The aerial shot looks like they already got hit by a tornado.

Dad's the strongest person in the family? See above: "I don't want to make Margie mad." You might want to rethink that, Daughter.

Hey, my mom has those scissors!

Despite the end screens, I don't have high hopes that that room will stay empty....never mind cleaning up the rest of the house.

So they estimated the hoard is 500 tons and they managed to toss... half a ton.

Season finale next week already? All my snarkiest shows are ending! 😭

42 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

The desire to have a family Sunday dinner in the home of lifelong hoarders completely mystifies me.  How about hosting a family Sunday dinner instead?  Fewer roaches guaranteed. 

Right? I certainly wouldn't want to eat in that house, even if (BIG "if") they managed to clean it up. Especially after seeing their response to the fact that their tablecloth is coated with mouse pee. "But it's not the part we eat on." "But we don't have those type of mice." 🤯🤢

  • Love 8

So I'm super late. I was reading all the comments and I couldn't find anything mentioning my thoughts.  But I have a strange feeling that Be...did not kill herself. If you hear Carol in the interview,  she says "When HIS wife died" If Carol and Be were so close, I would think she would call her by name. I dont know, maybe I've watched too much criminal Minda. Lol

  • Love 3

When the witch goes for back surgery is when to torch the place. 😏

I liked the DIL. I liked how she tossed that Daisy sour cream lid behind her back into the sink when Margie gave it to her to put back.

I didn’t believe the post script either. That room will be junked up soon.

I have a soft spot for possums ever since I petted one at a wildlife center. Her name was Ophelia, and she was soft, white, and beautiful.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

When the witch goes for back surgery is when to torch the place. 😏

I liked the DIL. I liked how she tossed that Daisy sour cream lid behind her back into the sink when Margie gave it to her to put back.

I didn’t believe the post script either. That room will be junked up soon.

I have a soft spot for possums ever since I petted one at a wildlife center. Her name was Ophelia, and she was soft, white, and beautiful.

As a strong advocate of off topic reality show posts ..... two summers ago,  we caught a possum in our live trap hoping to catch the rabbit that was eating my hostas.

We kept hoping the possum would play dead.  Alas, no, so we released it never to be seen again!  Though it did show some scary teeth!

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1 minute ago, fonfereksglen said:

As a strong advocate of off topic reality show posts ..... two summers ago,  we caught a possum in our live trap hoping to catch the rabbit that was eating my hostas.

We kept hoping the possum would play dead.  Alas, no, so we released it never to be seen again!  Though it did show some scary teeth!

They can be scary! Ophelia was a tame animal ambassador.

  • Love 2

She really tried to justify saving old dirt that was found inside the house to keep...so she could “give” it to the freaking worms 

Even though most of these hoarders are horrible, selfish,etc. The families need to stop using the Grand-kids as bargaining chips.  As much as I dislike margie, I Agree with her when she said, the grandkids still wouldn’t even visit often if the house was clean because they’re busy with their lives & more interested in hanging  with friends. 


Edited by Hellohappylife
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