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Laurel Lance: Black Canary, Black Siren.

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If the EPs want Laurel to work at all, they need to stop writing her in a vacuum.  They write Laurel just for Laurel, not for the entire plot.  Everything Laurel does is about Laurel.  The only character that can really get away with that is the title character and that's because everyone else is in some way involved with the plot around him.  The only time Laurel legitimately contributed to a story outside of herself was when she was mentoring Thea.  She had all of five minutes screen time in this mentoring and Thea basically learned all she could from Laurel and went her own way.  Ironically, Thea learned that everyone's story is important now matter what they've done, but in TV the story is only important if it contributes to the wider plot.  Laurel making nice with her sister, someone presented as an immediately likeable character because she was putting thugs away and saving the title character, served only Laurel and kept her in that vacuum.  I suppose one could say she contributed when Sarah returned to town after Laurel was poisoned by Nyssa, but it basically negated the entire addiction plot because the only time she presented drunk or high was actually just poison.  


I wouldn't like Laurel if she became BC.  She hasn't earned it and she has zero chemistry with any of the Team Arrow members (unless you count Quentin and that's only a little).  If they are required to give her X amount of screen time each season, I could like Laurel if they ensure that her story contributes to the main plot.  They also need to simply let the character be what it is.  Laurel isn't warm and compassionate.  She might be passionate about lawyering (though we all know she's terrible at it) so let her be the passionate, cold, ruthless lawyer.  In this role, KC lacks the skill to be warm or vulnerable.  I have seen her snarky and whiny (though the intent of the scene contradicts the snark and whine).  Let her be snarky and whiny.  She can be a total jerk and I'd be ok with that and would possibly like her so long as the intent and the execution match.  Most of all, have her contribute to the story.  Det Lance is almost invaluable to the team because he's the person that deals with the law side of things making sure the captured thugs spend some time in cuffs and jail.  Laurel could be equally invaluable to the team without being BC or some other vigilante by ensuring these thugs are convicted and harshly punished.  


And for gods sake, EPs, make Laurel a decent lawyer.  If you show her losing every case or being completely unnecessary for cases (like when Oliver was arrested), then she's not a believable lawyer and she can't say things like "I'm really good at it" to people.  A good lawyer doesn't mean blackmailing her way to a verdict.  It means successfully arguing a case and ensuring an impartial jury.  If they want to go the blackmail route, Laurel is potentially in a great position to know who Arrow can blackmail.  Some of the arrests could get tossed out simply due to not following procedure.  If a judge is doing the dirty on the side, Laurel should be able to pass on that info so Arrow can pay a little visit and remind the judge that these people should be off the streets so maybe he can overlook something here and there or else people will find out he's doing the dirty.  Plus, in the process of trying and reviewing cases, she can potentially be the one to see the link to whatever big bad they are going to have.  


I wish there was a way for all of the fan ideas to be shared with TPTB.  It seems obvious that at least the fans on this site want to like Laurel considering we've spent 10 pages talking about her and half of those pages are full of ways that Laurel would be likeable to us.  

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I caught an episode of Supernatural the other day with Cassidy as Ruby and was somewhat staggered by the difference. Ruby could be seen as sort of a one dimensional character considering how much she was hiding and lying about, but she had intensity and chemistry with Padelecki and an amusing antagonism with Ackles. So I know Cassidy is capable of doing more. Which leads me to suspect she is doing it on purpose on Arrow. She obviously doesn't WANT the audience to dislike her, but maybe the reasons for the acting choices she is making just aren't coming out on screen.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 1

I just found this post on Reddit. It's from KC's panel at Supernova Sidney:


So Katie and Manu just did a panel together in Sydney and Katie made a point to show off how buff she's gotten. Plus pointed out the black leather shirt she was wearing.

Manu pointed out all the weight she lost last season to make her look sick.




Looks like KC's weight loss may have been for the role, after all.

Edited by strikera0
Looks like KC's weight loss may have been for the role, after all.

Or... they've been reading online comments about last season and are trying to boost KC's likeability.


KC is not doing herself or her Laurel character any favors with her public appearance comments.  A little graciousness and a little humility would go a  long way.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

She missed 3 or 4 episodes in  season 2, didnt she. I wonder what that was about, it just seems strange to me a supposed leading female misses so many episodes. maybe they have that kind of deal you are talking about.


She missed 3 episodes. The first one she missed, filming coincided with New York Fashion Week. The second one was filmed the same time KC took over as guest editor to The Zoe Report blog. So to me, it really looks like she negotiated her contract so she could skip a couple of episodes to honor her fashion blog business contracts. Just like the extreme weight loss coincided with the launching of her fashion blog. I would also assume she negotiated it that she wouldn't do press for Arrow for the first 2/3rds of the season because she needed that time to do press for her blog [which she did].

  • Love 1

I think KC needs to court the fans, but she doesn't seem to get that.  There's an attitude of entitlement about her role on the show which is somewhat understandable since she was hired for it but still is off putting because she's not gelling in the part.  She's not acknowledging that there's a problem but instead getting defensive when asked about it.  She has to be gracious in public even if she's  privately pissed at how things are turning out.


Saying she's the Black Canary isn't enough.  She has to earn it in the fans eyes, and I don't think she and the writers understand that.  I do think the writers need to either commit to making Laurel Black Canary or totally back off.  Playing coy about it isn't going to help the situation.  Giving false hope that Sara can be the Black Canary and then handing it to Laurel only breeds more resentment towards Laurel.  


They need to show Laurel actively training.  There tons of scenes of Oliver, Diggle, and Sara training, and Laurel should have had scenes like that too.  They could have thrown in a father/daughter scene of them talking while Laurel works out.  Maybe we could have had a scene of Sara and Laurel working out together, and Laurel being surprised by Sara's skill since Laurel was the one taking karate classes while they were growing up.  That could have been the beginning of Laurel figuring out that Sara is the woman whose been working with the Arrow.  There should be childhood trophies in Laurel's apartment showing the character has a history with martial arts.  They could have developed a pattern where Laurel copes with stress with training instead of the poorly done drug story line. Maybe they could have had her get involved in more and more risk taking activities that got her into trouble as part of her struggling with Tommy's death.  They should have done more with Laurel trying to help others through her work as a lawyer.  Instead of going to the Glades to get documents, Laurel should have been there trying to help clients who were too destitute to evacuate on their own.  If she'd been trying to save people instead of files, Tommy's death wouldn't make Laurel come off so poorly to me.   This way viewers are shown and not just told Laurel can develop into the Black Canary.  

Edited by Luckylyn
  • Love 6

I'm bitter that it's looking less and less like Laurel was being setup to be Manhunter. She would make a decent Manhunter, I believe. Going outside the law to nail bad guys the DA office couldn't [she's actually GOOD at blackmail, come on!], sometimes with the help of Team Arrow, sometimes actually hindering Team Arrow's plans to achieve her own interests. She could be an antagonist without having to be a full-fledged villain to do so, and stop being relegated to DiD or romantic interest for the sake of the plot.

  • Love 3

Wow, those quotes put a serious bad taste in my mouth.  It makes me want to learn how to use social media in order to express my distaste with the character and now the actress.  Her comments seem so incredibly out of place especially since every other actor has has come across humble and anticipatory.  She's such an entitled person that it makes me feel ill to support her by watching the show.  

Oh...wow, those quotes were actually said by Katie? I had a lot of sympathy to her, as her character is just poorly written and the producers have done little to have her character look better than she is, but if KC is going to be bitter about Felicity and Oliver, and act like she's definitely going to be the Black Canary (which even SA doesn't seem to want), then I might have to start retracting my sympathy for her. Whatever the producers have told her, or what they have led her to believe is far from what the viewers see, and even what the other cast and crew see. Nobody is talking about Laurel unless they are directly asked. I'm pretty sure SA avoids the Laurel/KC topics entirely unless he is asked (I see more about Caity than Katie on his Facebook page). I don't see her hanging out off set with any of the other actors unless it's a forced picture, either to promote an episode with her or if it's a spoiler'ish pic. I say let KC do her fashion thing and quietly release her from the show, because it seems that she's happier when she's doing her fashion stuff and she's not being lied to or deceived (presumably by the producers because I highly doubt KC is this delusional if they haven't led her that way).


That's the main problem with Laurel: nobody actually cares about her enough to keep talking about her. Her storylines could be interesting, but they steer to boring or cliched. She doesn't fit into the show at all. The only time I've seen serious debate about Laurel is with the last three episodes of the season, where it's made obvious that it's only to test the waters of Laurel becoming Black Canary. KC seems to have only started doing more interviews on Laurel; most of the season, I haven't heard a peep out of her, while people like SA and even CL give interviews constantly about their characters and the show. I hope they stop this Laurel pandering in regards to the Black Canary because I preferred it when she was staying silent. She should be reduced to a recurring character, at best, and they should leave the Black Canary status to the one they originally started with, Sara. If they wanted us to root for Laurel as the Black Canary, they should have left her sister dead. Instead, they tease us all season with Sara and if they take that away for season 3, I'm going to guess that ratings are going to drop. 

  • Love 1
I mean come on I’m wearing leather pants”(o.O) “You saw I got the leather jacket at the end of season 2, right”



Well, yes, we did. But the leather jacket happened in the same episode where Laurel was first drugged, then kidnapped, then hit the guy who had been holding her AFTER her sister shot the guy.  


This happened after a season where Laurel's heroic moments can literally be counted on one hand: she tried to fight against the goons in the first episode, she urged Sara to help the hostages and kept Sara from killing Helena in Birds of Prey, she bugged Blood's office, and she hit someone on the head with a pipe to save Oliver who immediately had to turn around to save her. If I split the Birds of Prey episode into two heroic moments, and I add in the shooting an explosive arrow to knock down a wall to save herself, I can MAYBE get this up to six moments for the entire season.


This also happened after a season where Laurel was kidnapped four times (including the finale), got knocked down by goons in the season opener, got pulled over for a DUI, became an alcoholic, stole her father's medication, shot someone in the back, initially let the bad guy get away, blackmailed her boss, and called out "Ollie" in a loud voice in front of goons when Oliver was in costume and wearing a mask (though, in her defense, I don't know why Oliver's even bothering with a secret identity at this point, so let's let this last one go.) And after an episode where an obviously depressed Sara ran into a burning building to save an adorable little child, and where Felicity ran over Isabel with a van. And in an episode where Lyla saved Team Arrow with a bazooka, Roy gave up running off with Thea to a better life to help save the city - despite losing his superpowers - Sara and Nyssa defeated multiple superpowered goons in that tunnel, Felicity stabbed Slade in the neck, and Diggle overcame his hatred for his brother's murderer to help save the city, and even Deadshot helped save the city.


Look, I agree - against the opinions of many viewers in this forum - that the jacket handoff did mean that Laurel is now the Black Canary, or at least will be next season. But when Deadshot and Nyssa, two villains, are more heroic than Laurel, then yes, I think viewers are justified in feeling skeptical that Laurel is, in fact, becoming the Black Canary, so no, there's no need to add the "come on," and "right."


...er, this possibly belonged in the Bitterness thread. Sorry.

  • Love 6


She missed 3 episodes. The first one she missed, filming coincided with New York Fashion Week. The second one was filmed the same time KC took over as guest editor to The Zoe Report blog.

I can't get my mind around that.  


1.  If  you're going to be the leading lady of a TV show, you give your all to it. Stephen Amell does.  You don't negotiate for time off to do things  you're really rather be doing.  As Oliver says, the mission comes first.


2.  How does she get that much power?


KC's firm statements that Laurel will become the Black Canary next season depress me.  Laurel hasn't worked as leading lady/proto-BC for two seasons, and another season of the same is not something I want to see. At this point, KC should be doing all that she can so that she doesn't get dropped from the show at the end of s3, not puffing up something that much of the fanbase doesn't want to see happen.

1.  If  you're going to be the leading lady of a TV show, you give your all to it. Stephen Amell does.  You don't negotiate for time off to do things  you're really rather be doing.  As Oliver says, the mission comes first.


It clearly shows where her priorities lied during last hiatus and early S2, but I figure the showrunners and the studio could have enforced her contract to be in every episode. They didn't, so I'm fine with it. What made me cranky was seeing KC and Laurel fans pestering MG and AK on Twitter about the show having sidelined Laurel, when it was so clear that KC wasn't in those episodes because she was conducting fashion blog business while they were being filmed, and not the other way around.


And in hindsight, the 2 early episodes she missed -- Keep Your Enemies Closer and The Scientist -- worked so perfectly without her, that the audience and media/critical reaction to them probably made it worth it to the studio to give her paid time off.

  • Love 1

Huh. I don't pay any attention to fashion, so I had no idea Cassidy's filming hiatuses corresponded with fashion events.


2.  How does she get that much power?



Pure speculation, but it may be less "power" and more "recompense" after someone else was handed the Black Canary role.  But even if that's not true, shows do this sort of thing all the time, including Arrow - the show reworked its shooting schedule this season to accommodate David Ramsey's and Manu Bennett's other commitments. Isabel seems to have vanished mid season in part because of Summer Glau's other commitments. It's not unusual, and it's not restricted to supporting cast members, either - Castle has worked its schedule around Nathan Fillion's appearances at award shows and so on, Scandal worked around Kerry Washington's commitments and kept her in every episode.


So that's fine and doesn't suggest any special powers or treatment. In fact, arguably the opposite.  After all, assuming that she missed these episodes by her own request, and didn't just do this stuff after finding out she wouldn't be needed, then how did the show respond to this request? By giving Felicity the "I can't be with someone I really care about" speech in episode 6 - the first episode Laurel missed - and by having Oliver get all GRR over Barry in episode 8 - the second episode - and by having the publicity people push Oliver/Felicity like mad, with the result that by episode 9, the media was largely treating Felicity and Oliver as the major couple on Arrow.  And the third episode she missed, of course, turned out to have a subplot that was basically just a setup for the final Felicity/Oliver fakeout and Slade confrontation - where Laurel was distinctly marginalized. 

  • Love 1

I'm a little lost. What did KC say? I'm sorry - I can't find the source of what's being discussed (I checked both threads - here and Public Appearances). Help?

ETA: Never mind - found the quotes in the Spoilers thread. Thx.

Katie Cassidy Quotes: “I mean come on I’m wearing leather pants”(o.O) “You saw I got the leather jacket at the end of season 2, right” “A fight between ‘Felicity’ and Laurel *rolls eyes* Laurel’s got this”

KC @Sydney comic con

As for what she said about Felicity and Laurel, she needs to get some new material. "Laurel has got this" is what she said at the end of season one, when asked about Felicity. The eye rolling isn't going to win her any fans though.

ETA2: Actually I'm still a little confused. People are talking about KC saying there's nothing between Oliver and Felicity and I can't find where she said that. So....help again? (sorry)

Edited by Starfish35

Why would that info just come out now? And from Manu of all people? Usually, producers and actors love talking about weight loss/gain for characters. It's that whole suffering for your craft thing.


Yeah, never ever buying it that she lost weight for the role. She was already scary skinny in late August 2013. From her Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/dZ3URtFS6S/


The episodes dealing with Laurel's addiction were filmed in November. Why would she be THAT skinny a whole two months early? That's not how these things are done for television. But oh -- NY Fashion Week happened the first week of September, and that's when her fashion blog was launched.

  • Love 1

The more KC pushes how she's going to be Black Canary - and the manner in which she's going about it in the past month or so - is an absolute turn off for me.


And I don't buy that her weight loss was for the role, either. If she was that into playing an addict, then she would have acted the part better in the few scenes we saw.


I asked a Laurel fan on Tumblr just what it was about the character that made her destined to become Black Canary, even after all that we've seen in season 2 with Sara (past and present).  Her answer?  Her name is Dinah Laurel Lance. 


It's the quandry of Selective Comic Canon, again.  The more the show, the actress and the fans she has try to explain how right she is for the role and how it's meant to be because of the comics, the more I just want to scream "READ ALL OF THE COMICS - NOT just the parts you like!"


It's infuriating, it really is.  And I frankly don't think it's going to work well for the show either.  I do not understand why the show and network continue to look at Laurel as a viable Black Canary when (1) Sara already is and (2) Manhunter - or other DC characters - would be a better fit for her.



Edited by writersblock51
  • Love 5

I'm still hoping there's a chance that KC is conning everyone.  It's just so hard to believe that she thinks it's a good thing that Laurel got handed a leather jacket by an actual hero who gave herself over to the LOA, a group Sara would have rather died than return to.  KC's so defensive about this that it just feels like a deliberate mislead. 


I'm still hoping there's a chance that KC is conning everyone.  It's just so hard to believe that she thinks it's a good thing that Laurel got handed a leather jacket by an actual hero who gave herself over to the LOA, a group Sara would have rather died than return to.  KC's so defensive about this that it just feels like a deliberate mislead.


I wish that, too.  A lot.  Because my watching next season is coming down to what happens to the character of Laurel.  if she's truly going to become BC, then the show is off the DVR.  Maybe I'll watch it, fast forwarding through parts, after I've read about it here.  But I suspect i'd be fast forwarding through so much that I won't be worth watching at all.


If she becomes another DC character, then fine.  I'd be willing to see how that works, especially if she steers clear of Team Arrow's new lair AND Oliver's pants.

  • Love 3

I still firmly believe that it has to do with KCs contract being up after season 3 and she wants to promote herself. She is posting all these post: "Hey look at me. I exercise! I eat salad for breakfast." The thing she isn't getting is that with her behavior she is only alienating people even more. She gets paid to do these cons so she should at least try to act professionally. Be engaging and not shit over other actors characters.

  • Love 2

I still firmly believe that it has to do with KCs contract being up after season 3 and she wants to promote herself. She is posting all these post: "Hey look at me. I exercise! I eat salad for breakfast." The thing she isn't getting is that with her behavior she is only alienating people even more. She gets paid to do these cons so she should at least try to act professionally. Be engaging and not shit over other actors characters.


It feels like she's campaigning for Black Canary rather than knowing anything about what's coming.

  • Love 1


It feels like she's campaigning for Black Canary rather than knowing anything about what's coming.


I feel like she's forcing the producers' hand more than anything. If these things don't happen, she's going to look like an idiot. She says things so definitively. It's weird. EBR just said that the producers tell them nothing (which obviously isn't completely true) mainly so they don't spoil anything. Then there's KC. "I'm going to be BC next season. There's no Olicity." I've never heard an actor just give away huge storylines, so I don't think the producers have actually talked to her about what's going to happen next season.


Pure speculation, but it may be less "power" and more "recompense" after someone else was handed the Black Canary role.  But even if that's not true, shows do this sort of thing all the time, including Arrow - the show reworked its shooting schedule this season to accommodate David Ramsey's and Manu Bennett's other commitments. Isabel seems to have vanished mid season in part because of Summer Glau's other commitments. It's not unusual, and it's not restricted to supporting cast members, either - Castle has worked its schedule around Nathan Fillion's appearances at award shows and so on, Scandal worked around Kerry Washington's commitments and kept her in every episode.


So that's fine and doesn't suggest any special powers or treatment. In fact, arguably the opposite.  After all, assuming that she missed these episodes by her own request, and didn't just do this stuff after finding out she wouldn't be needed, then how did the show respond to this request? By giving Felicity the "I can't be with someone I really care about" speech in episode 6 - the first episode Laurel missed - and by having Oliver get all GRR over Barry in episode 8 - the second episode - and by having the publicity people push Oliver/Felicity like mad, with the result that by episode 9, the media was largely treating Felicity and Oliver as the major couple on Arrow.  And the third episode she missed, of course, turned out to have a subplot that was basically just a setup for the final Felicity/Oliver fakeout and Slade confrontation - where Laurel was distinctly marginalized. 

They do it for people they value enough about to accommodate.  House was the first show I was internet savvy enough to learn about what went on behind the scenes. At the end of season 3, they moved two of the original fellows to the backburner and barely used them after they brought on three newbies, including Olivia Wilde, but the two original actors had to remain on call for the show.  They accommodated Olivia Wilde's film career, writing her off for two long arcs but Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer were prevented from doing other projects even though at that time they were barely on the show.  (At one point Morrison did not appear for five episodes in a row.) Spencer had to turn down a film shooting in Hawaii because the House EPs wouldn't let him do it, and Morrison got to do Star Trek because shooting was on  hiatus during the writers' strike..


So it may be that the show didn't need her, or it could be that they wanted to accommodate her because they don't want to lose her (like David Ramsey, Manu Bennett s2 and Summer Glau).  Nathan Fillion doing awards shows and cons is good publicity for Castle.  


I do agree, however, that that it wasn't a good thing for Laurel to have Katie Cassidy missing those episodes, and show how little Laurel is needed on the show.

Edited by statsgirl

She wasn't in Keep Your Enemies Closer (2.06), The Scientist (2.08), and The Promise (2.15). But she really didn't have a whole lot of screen time between Broken Dolls (2.03) and Blind Spot (2.11), even when she was in the episode. That was quite a bit of time for the audience to get used to her not being around (and judging from what I saw most people didn't mind that much).

Edited by Starfish35
And in hindsight, the 2 early episodes she missed -- Keep Your Enemies Closer and The Scientist -- worked so perfectly without her, that the audience and media/critical reaction to them probably made it worth it to the studio to give her paid time off.


 I agree that for those two episodes, to have Laurel there would only have detracted from telling the story.  And that those are two of the better episodes of s2.


I didn't care much for The Promise but that's because I was on Slade/Sara/island overload by then.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 1

It's possible that KC accepted/timed those side projects those weeks because Laurel wasn't in those episodes, and not the other way around, right? Just throwing it out there.


Honestly, I'm not her biggest fan, but I'm still waiting for video/audio or further confirmation on her quotes from the convention, because they seem so ridiculous that I want to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  • Love 1

That's a good point, Carrie Ann. For all we know, KC may have looked at the script and said "Hey, I'm not in the next one. Ooh, that means I can go to fashion week" or "Hey, since I'm not working right now I can focus on my blog". I'm fine with hate toward fictional Laurel (I don't hate her I just don't like her much) but I draw a line at negative comments about a real life woman I've never met, based on quotes that could be taken out of context.

Edited by KirkB

Not to worry, if she makes any questionable comments at Comic Con next month, it will end up on YouTube and there isn't anything she can do. TV and movie panels almost always end up there and Arrow is no exception. Plus, I intend to be at that panel again and I'll be paying attention to vocal inflections and face/body language to report back on. Now watch her not be there this year.

  • Love 1
It's possible that KC accepted/timed those side projects those weeks because Laurel wasn't in those episodes, and not the other way around, right? Just throwing it out there.



Oh, sure. I  noted that in my earlier comment - but that point got buried because I was more focused on the idea that Cassidy is somehow getting special treatment from this show, when from what I'm seeing, it's the direct opposite. 


I do get frustrated with some of her interviews, but that's also true for some of the showrunners' interviews. 

  • Love 1

New York fashion week is the biggest of the North America ones, isn't it?  That would be a lucky coincidence. 

(I try not to be nasty about her but she put down Vancouver fashions in one of her interviews and I can't forget that.)

Not to worry, if she makes any questionable comments at Comic Con next month, it will end up on YouTube and there isn't anything she can do. TV and movie panels almost always end up there and Arrow is no exception. Plus, I intend to be at that panel again and I'll be paying attention to vocal inflections and face/body language to report back on. Now watch her not be there this year.

SDCC is the big one, the one all shows bring out their heavy guns for.  She should be there because there will be a lot of show promotion going on, and a lot of media.

Edited by statsgirl

As much as it pains me, I still think KC was told by the producers that Laurel will become the Black Canary in the relatively near future and that's why she's been making  all these definitive statements. I think she also alluded to that in one of her pre-finale interviews. Anyways, I wonder what Laurel's BC outfit is going to look like. For some reason, I wouldn't be surprised if they go down the sexpot route with her and give her the fishnets + hooker boots. It would look absolutely ridiculous, but it would be a nice reflection of the IMO ridiculous hero's journey of this character...

  • Love 1

The problem is though only KC has been talking about it. And most of her statements make it seemed she is not watching the same show as the audience and other Arrow actors. Her almost dismissing statements are also hurting the way Laurel/KC are being perceived by the fans. Makes KC seem worse than Laurel. It may just be that its a test to see how people are reacting to KC promoting herself. But she is overdoing it so much. With her working out! Cant wait for Arrow to begin shooting! It seems so fake if you see how she had zero interest promoting Arrow. And now its just a case of everyday mentioning of exercise, showing her breakfast ... It seems she is campaigning that she is useful to Arrow. But from what i can gather people just love Caity more. 

Anyways, I wonder what Laurel's BC outfit is going to look like. For some reason, I wouldn't be surprised if they go down the sexpot route with her and give her the fishnets + hooker boots. It would look absolutely ridiculous, but it would be a nice reflection of the IMO ridiculous hero's journey of this character...


It's funny you should say that because I just found this:


I won't get to my pc for another 30 hours but I doubt anyone got to actually record it. I saw her again yesterday and this time she was in black leather pants. But she did say fishnets were more Black Carney's thing. She pointed out her personal trainer again and was seen doing 20 pushups back stage as she described "like whatever, no big deal". She fielded a lot of BC questions and started most of them with "well if I WAS doing BC this season" almost with a wink. But a few times she forgot to preface it and one person who asked the question once reminder her after her answer and she said "oh yeah, if!" But she had most of the answers ready for most of those of them so clearly BC is on the brian.





But, here's the thing even if Laurel is going to become Black Canary, it's going to take at least one Season for her to go through that origin story and then become the Black Canary at the end of Season 3 or the beginning of Season 4. The way Katie Cassidy is talking, it's as if she's going to be the Black Canary from the very first episode. Another big question is who is going to train her. We see Oliver being trained by Yao Fei, Slade and the martial arts couple in HK and Sara by LOA for at least 3 years, so what about Laurel? Oliver certainly is not going to train her.


And there is so much dissonance between what Amell is saying and Cassidy is saying in respect to the Laurel/Oliver relationship. (Cassidy saying that they are OPT etc and Amell saying that it is now more difficult for them to have a relationship). And I am going to believe Amell over Cassidy any day. So, I don't know how much the EPs have informed Cassidy and how much is she marketing herself.

Edited by abhi

I get the feeling she's doing more campaigning than promoting.  Perhaps, as credited female lead, she's been told more about what's happening in S3 than Caity Lotz or Emily Bett Rickards.  However, they're working with trainers, too, and not making a big deal out of it.  I also suspect she'll be fighting-fit come October as opposed to anything resembling an over-time-process.  Because Laurel is consistently written badly and rushed.  I don't expect this to be any different.


Fishnets, really?  Because that would fit in with the show's overall look /sarcasm. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Every single female who has donned fighting gear leather so far has stayed pretty covered up in the leg area - because it makes sense to do so.  I always thought the fishnets in the comics were ridiculous, bordering on a slutty look.  At the very least, they were impractical - such as long flowing hair.  Hair gets caught in things and can be easily grabbed - fishnets can snag on just about anything or be grabbed, too.


One of the things I like about how the show brings the DC characters to the screen is how they adapt the various fittings/skills to the more grounded world of Arrow.  The canary cry is a good example.


I think KC has been told the basics of BC's characteristics & history BUT I don't think she's been told all of it - if she had been, she'd be talking very differently about her and Oliver's relationship, for one thing.


I'm hoping that her recent comments are being taken out of context - I, too, would prefer some video proof of what she said.


However, she has a history of these types of comments at previous panels (such as last summer) as well as in interviews, so she does not have the benefit of doubt now, from my perspective.

I remember wearing fishnets, back in the dawn of time. They were drafty and provided zero protection from either elements or cuts. Black leather pants is the way to go.

She pointed out her personal trainer again and was seen doing 20 pushups back stage as she described "like whatever, no big deal".

Doing pushups back stage seems like it's in the 'she doth protest too much' category.  It seems like she knows people are having a  hard time accepting her as the Black Canary and she's trying to prove she ready.


Unlike Oliver who will be in Hong Kong flashbacks

and trying to figure out how much of his humanity he wants to regain in the present

and Felicity

who will be getting a new superhero love interest

and both of them trying to work out what they will do now that Oliver has no money, we don't know anything about what will happen to Laurel next season.  As the leading lady, wouldn't there be hints about what is going to happen with her next season?


At the Calgary convention in May, she said she hadn't read the comics.  I wonder if she has now or if she's referring to what she's been told about the on-again, off-again relationship between GA and BC.  



I wonder if she has now or if she's referring to what she's been told about the on-again, off-again relationship between GA and BC.

If she hasn't read many of them herself and is only going by what she's been told, her comments about the Laurel and Oliver pairing seem to indicate a very particular section of their histories.  Even then, that's just one version of the Green Arrow comics, too.


I truly would love to ask her the following - my take is in italics:

1) How do you think the show's version of Laurel compares to the Dinah Lance in the original GA/BC comics of waaaay back when?

They are nothing alike in career choices, background, skill set, and attitude


2) Do you think Laurel benefits from pursuing a long term relationship with Oliver?

I think Laurel and Oliver would both be happier and healthier if they stayed friends - and hopefully fell in love with other people


3) Why do you think Laurel, who has shown a history of understanding/not understanding a vigilante's mindset, would consider becoming one herself?

I have no idea why Laurel would ever consider it - she's been more anti-vigilante than pro


4) If Laurel decides to become a vigilante, what DC character do you think would be the most realistic one to evolve into?

There are so many non-BC characters in the DC universe to choose from - Manhunter is the most obvious, IMO, because we've already met Kate Spencer on the show.  Now that she's gone, Laurel could more easily develop into that character.  But that isn't the only option


EWA: #4 is a bit of a trick question to ask the actress - I suspect that her DC-knowledge is extremely limited (by her own choice), so I don't think she'd be able to name any other characters besides BC. 


5) In other versions of the comic history of Dinah, she's always Black Canary but she's involved with other people other than Oliver Queen. Do you think Laurel could develop into one of those variations?

I don't think she's aware of any other versions so I don't think she could answer this one.  So perhaps it's also a trick question?


As far as I know, none of these questions or ones like them have been asked of Katie Cassidy.  or the EPs.  Laurel is the female lead of the show, allegedly.  Why has 2 seasons shown that none of them have a clear idea of what to do with her?

Edited by writersblock51
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Statsgirl, I've been tempted to do that - but the few times I've posted anything about Laurel/KC being a better fit for Manhunter than BC, I've gotten nasty responses.  Plus, it's my personal FB account so I don't like to repeat the hassle I've gotten.  While my comments ultimately get many 'likes,' I also never get a response from the show.  So it probably isn't worth it.


Though maybe I can send the questions, 1 at a time, to the EPs on twitter?  it's a little more private in my case.

Edited by writersblock51
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