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SEAL Team - General Discussion


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Gotsta give DB credit for coming up with a North Korea arc.  No way TPTB will be able to maintain the level of peril our intrepid lads have come to.  Maybe individual jet packs they stowed while we couldn't see them will save the day?

The Kwan character is pretty great.  Any chance she had been co-opted?  If so, to what end?  Her activities leading up to the fateful night were worthy of James Bond, which is to say, unrealistic.  If she is as we have seen, my goodness the torture she now faces.  How long before she gives up the details of Bravo's insertion?  

On the absurd side of things, we had Sonny raising trust issues with Ray as they were in the air with no chance of bringing in another operator.  His fears are well-founded and I have no doubt such a conversation would have taken place - in Va Beach.  

Naima shows again why she rocks.  One thing this show gets very right, most of the time, is the marriage dynamic with Ray.  How many are like her IRL?  God bless them all.

A Mikey sighting?!  That was a nice bit of Hayes family life, with a bark from Dita (Cerberus) to put a bow on it.

Blackburn is back and sure enough, he is worthless.  Davis keeps sending mixed signals to poor ol' Sonny.  The baby is ridic cute.  Stella is proving to be a strong partner, but she is making a huge mistake if she thinks Clay needs her to debrief him and then advise him as to his job.  Maybe Naima will clue her in about all that going forward.

Three more "free" eps. 

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
4 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:
6 hours ago, preeya said:


After this 4-ep story arc ends, the show is being moved from CBS to Paramount Plus, which requires a paid subscription.

I've been checking CBS On Demand (we have Spectrum) and none of these free eps have been uploaded.  But now that I know this, there's no sense in watching if I can't complete the season.  Another show I have to drop because of this stupid streaming crap.

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In the earlier episodes in season 1, we saw how training and preparations for missions were crucial in sustaining the team's success downrange. There was even an episode that they scrubbed a mission because they could not get it executed right during mission preparation. And now their brass decided to send them off to Korea, to go on a mission to North Korea, not only without any preparation, but also without telling them first hand the nature of their mission?

According to Sony, Jason should "...stand [Ray] down." In what universe can an enlisted stand down an officer? This is one of those things that tick me with the show. Perry and Davis are now officers. However, it seems that their tasking and the team dynamics remain the same. Davis especially. Enlisted to enlisted fraternization is already bad, but officer to enlisted fraternization could become criminal offense.

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On 10/12/2021 at 7:25 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

On the absurd side of things, we had Sonny raising trust issues with Ray as they were in the air with no chance of bringing in another operator.

Now that Sonny's a father he's suddenly the font of wisdom and judgement.  Individuals like that irk me - as if they're the only ones in the world to reproduce and grow a high ground of responsibility overnight

  • Love 4

I watched the season premiere and found the change in cinematography from the preceding seasons so jarring that every single daytime scene took me completely out of the episode. I would say it resembled a Lifetime series, but Army Wives was positively gritty compared to that strange, warm, angelic wash at Ray's house and during the briefing. After an entire season of Mopey Jason, maybe I've just lost my will to watch this.

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3 hours ago, Avabelle said:

I haven’t watched yet but I didn’t think the move to streaming would have impacted the production of show? Bar giving them freedom for maybe some curse words I thought the show would have stayed the same more or less.

The first 4 are on CBS so they are the same production as previous seasons. David did a lot of press yesterday (there's spoilers in his interviews for anyone interested).  He talked about the shift to Paramount+ in most of them.

I may be extra cranky about Paramount+ because they insist on showing me promos for shows I'm not interested in despite me paying for a no-commercials subscription. It's supposed to be only once a day, but even that isn't always true.

BTW, I didn't mean to slight Lifetime shows. It's just that CBS has a particular look to their more serious dramas (see the FBI shows and even Blue Bloods) and I really missed it with the SEAL Team premiere. Plus, the dialog at the house sounded like a pilot.

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The backtalk and sass is outrageous.  Sonny was told to stow it and he keeps coming.  

Super unrealistic that Kwan had not yet broken.  If she took herself out, it works.  But, the very fact that she was caught there and that she would have killed herself would have the NoKos on a razor's edge.  Now the explosion?  That whole area would be crawling with them.

My recording gave out when Jin passed out.  What is the big deal about him not being able to run?  Aren't they all trained to carry a slight man like that foe miles?  Rotate him and everything is fine.  The swim was always gonna be problematic.  They must have some assisting device(s) ready to go.

The timid commander is a nice touch.  Not sure where he found the guts to green light the 2nd attempt to grab Jin.  There is no way the sub will be allowed in territorial waters beyond the deadline.  That call would have to come from the CiC hisself (president).



1 hour ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

My recording gave out when Jin passed out.  What is the big deal about him not being able to run?  Aren't they all trained to carry a slight man like that foe miles?  Rotate him and everything is fine. 

That's basically what they ended up doing. The heated discussion around Jin's lack of stamina was just to put an exclamation point on the ticking clock. And then as it turned out, it wasn't Jin who slowed them down at all. It was Jason, forgetting some obviously American piece of gear at the edge of a minefield and having to go back for it.

I agree, the exploding car that was met with nary a raised eyebrow was weird. Are we supposed to take it at face value that random cars in North Korea blow up whenever they feel like it?

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I get that PTSD is a common thing with soldiers as is injuries but there has been a lot of these stories on SEAL of late. It looks like something might be happening to Jason as well and again now too. 

Aren't some of these guys now too old for that sort of position? And would you really let Ray keep going on missions if you knew something was going on with him? It seems pretty risky to allow that given the stakes. 

I find myself putting the show on and then not paying attention and not caring that I missed things. I used to like it more, maybe it is just burned out for new story lines. 

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Artsda said:

The 9/11 episode was well down, great with the flashbacks of where they were and how they became who they are now.

It was a great episode with one caveat.  Why couldn’t Trent and Brock have gotten a backstory too?   Even if it had just been a couple of throwaway lines on the plane.  They were in the plane, I saw at least one of them.    The actor that plays Trent is a veteran.

  • Love 2

thought this was a well done episode, effective but not maudlin. They did a good job on casting the young versions of the characters, especially young ray, but with the exception of young jason. Not that it was the actor's fault, but I've been watching David Boreanaz since the late 90's (mostly on TV, mostly) and have a pretty solid picture of what he looked like 20 years ago and this guy wasn't it.

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:56 PM, mythoughtis said:

It was a great episode with one caveat.  Why couldn’t Trent and Brock have gotten a backstory too?   Even if it had just been a couple of throwaway lines on the plane.  They were in the plane, I saw at least one of them.    The actor that plays Trent is a veteran.

Same thing I was wondering.  They are fully part of the team too.

I was 27 on 9/11 and never once thought that the entire country was under attack.  The entire day as I watched the coverage I was worried about the people in the planes and the buildings.  It was interesting to me to have Sonny’s girl in Texas scared about war when that never crossed my mind in Central New York.

Also wasn’t Lisa’s sister way too old to have that fit about being hungry?

I was darn sure I would hate this ep.  

The flashback I most liked was Sonny's.  His intelligence came through and his hatred of change.  He was gonna lose his girl and he knew it.  Lisa seemed supremely motivated, yet ended up enlisting as a non-com?  I couldn't figure that out.  I liked Jason being a pain in the leader's butt.  He sure got repaid countless times in the very same way.

I vividly recall that morning.  I was at work.  At first, I felt genuine dread as reports came of multiple targets hit, with at least onw or two more to follow.  I marveled at the audacity and the brilliance of the attack.  By the end of the day when the president said those who did this would hear from us soon, I was absolutely certain, and eager, that they would.  

Ray's parents were phenomenal folks.  No surprise that Ray could not follow as well.  He's certainly not lousy.  But, he has been incredibly lost much of the time.  Understandably so.

The end of this ep was clunky and seemed slapped together.  I appreciate the sentiment, but they really should have done better.  However, I actually did like this ep.  Glad to be wrong in my anticipation of it.


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Once I realized what the episode was centered around it worked a lot better for me.

I echo those who are dismayed that Brock and Trent don't get theirs. I know, it would have made for a crowded episode and it would have been more character development than either of them have ever had but it's going to be equally awkward if they spontaneously bring it up later.

Did this episode establish that Jason was the one who took down OBL? That's a little out of left field for me since we recently had the season in Afghanistan where he took down some other evil badass terrorist mastermind and no one made any comparisons back then. One would think it would have come up by now. Maybe might have been worth mentioning at Jason's court martial?

Why does it not surprise me at all that Ray was a punk when he was a teenager too?

Where were they taking the bolt cutters at the end? I assume there is a museum near Ground Zero but for a minute there I thought they were going to throw them into the fountain.

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8 hours ago, dwmarch said:


Did this episode establish that Jason was the one who took down OBL? That's a little out of left field for me since we recently had the season in Afghanistan where he took down some other evil badass terrorist mastermind and no one made any comparisons back then. One would think it would have come up by now. Maybe might have been worth mentioning at Jason's court martial?


Yes there are bolt cutters at the museum which were on that specific raid. Master Chief Hayes while not the actual team member who delivered the fatal shot or maybe not a leader but just a troop on the mission but saying he was there. Once again TV inflates the resume of their characters. Even if it cuts the impact of a previous story line of killing the son of the previous high value target killed a generation before.

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I'm sure individual mileage will vary but I think the swearing works well on this show. It feels more natural for the team to swear when things are going badly and thus far they aren't overdoing it.

The train sequence was wonderfully tense, right from the helicopter insertion to the shootout. Sonny should have asked the helicopter to drop him off a little closer though!

I don't trust Agent Sitwell but that could be because he's Agent Sitwell.

  • Love 4

Another good episode tonight. Did they get new writers when they switched networks?

Ray is a great example of what I mean. I don't like the way Ray has been written over the past few seasons. He's been a shit disturber and he comes across as someone who kind of thrives on it. But in this episode he's not stirring the pot for the sake of doing so, he's got legitimate concerns. And his talk with Sonny was great.

I'm not sure if she was being this specific or not but when Mandy said of someone that "he's as good at taking no for an answer as you are" and directed that at Jason it reminded me of the time Jason barged into Mandy's quarters. I don't think they'll come back to it to say that Mandy wasn't okay with what happened there but in a way, she kind of did just say that and it looks like Jason heard her - he's the only one who didn't give her a hug.

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I guess I am the only one watching since the switch to Paramount+? Bravo Team goes in and gets each episode for me and then my contact at the CIA drops it off at my door so that I don't have to venture into the walled garden myself.

So last week, Jason and Mandy got it on, putting the steaming into streaming. Even though they showed up at a Bravo function separately everyone immediately was like "oh, those two are getting it on now? Nice!" and Jason stopped trying to deny it by the end of the episode. They also took a brief trip back to Afghanistan to rescue a hostage from a base they used to own, killing a few (as Clay dubbed them) "Cheeto dicks" along the way. Ray and family also adopted a homeless vet.

This week, we open in the hospital with Jason checking on Trent who seems to be in bad shape. Jason is limping around without the crutches that the medical staff remind him he should be using. He takes a tour of the hospital and we see that everyone is banged up. Clay's pretty face is all scraped and bloody, Sonny has a nasty looking gash on his arm, Ray has an arm in a sling and so on. The team had been holed up in a building and the building came down on them. Jason was the only one outside and he dragged everyone to safety. The team does not like being in the hospital and since they're starting to get squirrelly, Ray suggests "hospital Olympics" which apparently involves doing everything possible to piss the staff off. But in the meantime, Jason is brooding up a storm so Ray decides to have Clay go around gathering everyone's story of the raid so they can nominate Jason for a medal.

As Clay hears everyone's story he ends up drawing a map of the building and realizes that something isn't adding up. When he asks Jason for his version of events he specifically asks about EOD hazards (boxes of boom the bad guys had laying around) and Jason says there weren't any. However, Clay remembers specifically tagging a room as being full of such and radioing this information to Jason who acknowledged it. But when Jason ordered the partner forces to breach so they could reinforce the team, he had them use a blast charge on the external door of the room with all the explosives in it. Jason brought the building down on his own team. A doctor also confronts Jason about his medical history, telling him TBI (traumatic brain injury) is best detected and dealt with early. Jason is not in the mood to hear it but you can tell it resonated at least somewhat. At the end of the episode it looks like Clay might be about to confront Jason but instead he just pockets his map and keeps quiet about the whole thing for now. Trent is awake by the end of the episode and seems to be okay although it will be interesting to see what everyone thinks once they know what really happened.

There were also a couple of brief scenes with Davis. First, she's at a bar with her new boyfriend (the handsome guy from the think tank) and he's praising a report she has written but not yet submitted. Davis likes this dude but she's skeptical about her report being flawless so they end up agreeing she should seek a second opinion. She has Blackburn (who still looks weird clean-shaven!) read it and he shits a brick. Davis' report, while well-intentioned, also comes across as critical of the command structure. He tells her it would be a career killer to submit it as is, reminding her that the Navy does not do nuance and is not going to have any appreciation for the finer points she is trying to make. So I am sure she will end up throwing the report out and writing something totally different, right? Right?

In other news: Stella is heavily pregnant now. Sonny used makeup to hide his war wounds from his baby mama, who now lives with him. Jason and Mandy have continued their fling but he's hesitant on whether or not he will get serious with her and he briefly blames her for distracting him. Good episode, nice setups for later conflicts.

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Of COURSE Saint Clay figured out Jason’s memory fucked it all up.  Here’s what Clay is missing - Jason had nothing to do with what happened to Trent.

Listen to the goddamn doctor and get the tests, Jason.

I am unclear how Brock Frankenstein-walking around the hospital dressed as a doctor won him the competition, but I am all for anything good for Brock.

Clay has been noticing  Jason is forgetting things for a while, but those were things well in the past and those won't hurt ops. Forgetting the mine probing tool in NK and that there was a room full of explosives next to where he told soldiers to breach a wall are current things hat get people killed (or buildings dropped on their head).

I don't understand where they are going with this story line because those kind of brain injuries won't go away, and they will get you pushed into a desk job or more likely medical retirement.

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10 hours ago, UnknownK said:

I don't understand where they are going with this story line because those kind of brain injuries won't go away, and they will get you pushed into a desk job or more likely medical retirement.

They have been hinting at  Jasons retirement for about three seasons now.  It’s getting old.  

  • Applause 1

How is Clay not going to report this? Jason is endangering the team and is responsible for their injuries.

Don't care about Clay's Dad's cancer, thought when it first showed up I thought the writers were going to go the route of him needing a bone marrow transplant or similar (ala SWAT/Street) and that the accidental coffee shop pass by was intentional, or Stella's pregnancy.

Sonny is off to a poor start in the relationship with baby mama, that's not going to end well.

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On 11/30/2021 at 5:10 PM, mojoween said:

Is the show ending after this season?  Seems like an awful lot of stories are going in opposite directions.

Pretty sure those were the most words Trent has said in the entire series.

I agree with all of this.  I also wonder if Trent was gaining a following with the audience and if  that was a problem for the stars of the show.  

I'm pretty sure I didn't register a single cuss this episode until over halfway through when Clay gave Sonny a well deserved "fuck off". As much as I hate it when the team fights among themselves sometimes it is fun to watch. Strange to see Ray as the voice of reason in the middle of all of this but then again he did just discover that he has no reason to beef with anyone on the team.

So Davis went ahead with her critical report anyhow and the only person who isn't giving her the stinkeye is Blackburn. Any other terrible decisions you'd like to make, Davis? Hey, did you hear the news about Sonny? Wanna snuggle? Too soon?

Based on the impact, I don't see any compelling reason why the bad guy's car burst into flames like that. Which parts of a car around the windshield explode on impact? Must be something particular to Venezuelan cars I guess.

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11 hours ago, dwmarch said:

I'm pretty sure I didn't register a single cuss this episode until over halfway through when Clay gave Sonny a well deserved "fuck off". As much as I hate it when the team fights among themselves sometimes it is fun to watch. Strange to see Ray as the voice of reason in the middle of all of this but then again he did just discover that he has no reason to beef with anyone on the team.

So Davis went ahead with her critical report anyhow and the only person who isn't giving her the stinkeye is Blackburn. Any other terrible decisions you'd like to make, Davis? Hey, did you hear the news about Sonny? Wanna snuggle? Too soon?

Based on the impact, I don't see any compelling reason why the bad guy's car burst into flames like that. Which parts of a car around the windshield explode on impact? Must be something particular to Venezuelan cars I guess.

They had to show a fire because the target was in the back seat and most likely would have survived that crash. I do wonder if that car doing 90+ MPH would have just passed under the semi after losing its roof.

  • Love 1

I just... don't get this anymore... 

Jason KNOWS he is compromised. He KNOWS he is putting his life and his "brothers" in harms way because he KNOWS every op he undertakes requires precision and strategic thinking, yet he STILL continues to operate?

Don't even get me started on this ridiculous Clay story - he has info that would remove Jason from command, that he KNOWS he should reveal and even when Jason confronts him, all he can muster is, "I'm protecting the team from you!" - seriously? YOU LEAVE YOUR PREMATURE CHILD and wife in the hospital to "protect" the team and sit on information for weeks that you should've immediately taken to command... because you're "brothers" with Jason? 

WTH. Enough with this macho brooding bullshit. Blech. 

  • Love 3


I had such hopes that with the move to Paramount combined with Covid restrictions being eased, that the storylines of home life and personal drama would be reduced to the last 5 minutes of the episode, and we would get more episodes like where they searched for a cell phone and where Sonny was stuck in the tube on the sub or the ones in Mexico.....

Sadly.....that has not happened.

Edited by Beanie
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On 11/25/2021 at 4:25 PM, Kelda Feegle said:

How is Clay not going to report this? Jason is endangering the team and is responsible for their injuries.

Don't care about Clay's Dad's cancer, thought when it first showed up I thought the writers were going to go the route of him needing a bone marrow transplant or similar (ala SWAT/Street) and that the accidental coffee shop pass by was intentional, or Stella's pregnancy.

Sonny is off to a poor start in the relationship with baby mama, that's not going to end well.

This show has repeated storylines so many times it has become boring now. We have seen members of the team compromised before and they keep pushing through and other members notice and enable them. 

It's like these guys don't have anyone above them taking charge. I am pretty sure in reality the whole team would have been benched a while ago. 

Sonny is playing life by numbers. I saw it when he was at Ray's house and he watching all the happy couples and he thought "Hey, I have a baby now. I need to be like that!" No more thought than that really. Not even considering that his baby was due to a bit of fun rather than being part of an existing relationship.

On 12/11/2021 at 7:16 AM, Lunula said:

I just... don't get this anymore... 

Jason KNOWS he is compromised. He KNOWS he is putting his life and his "brothers" in harms way because he KNOWS every op he undertakes requires precision and strategic thinking, yet he STILL continues to operate?

Don't even get me started on this ridiculous Clay story - he has info that would remove Jason from command, that he KNOWS he should reveal and even when Jason confronts him, all he can muster is, "I'm protecting the team from you!" - seriously? YOU LEAVE YOUR PREMATURE CHILD and wife in the hospital to "protect" the team and sit on information for weeks that you should've immediately taken to command... because you're "brothers" with Jason? 

WTH. Enough with this macho brooding bullshit. Blech. 

Yep. Doesn't this team have anyone looking over them? Would you really allow the guy with the prem baby to go on a super secret long term mission? And unless I am getting the order of eps mixed up, weren't they just recently in hospital due to getting badly hurt? Wouldn't they get some kind of leave?

And Jason has been compromised with injuries so often now. When does someone in charge just say enough is enough?

I always thought this show was limited story wise and they just keep repeating themselves.

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Kudos to Davis for reminding Sonny that he is the architect of his own fucking problems (like, literally).

Why is Plan Ray always to do something shady behind someone else's back? And why after so many years of doing this does he almost immediately get caught, every time?

Am I supposed to be rooting for Jason here? Because I'm really not.

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It seems to me that the military doctor that wanted Jason to have more tests would have declared him unfit for duty.  Even under HIPPA rules, I’m sure he’s required to sign off on him going back to work.  

I love AJ Buckley and Sonny, but his maturity level goes backwards at every turn.  Surely actual SEALs are more disciplined than him? 


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So I guess this episode could have been titled "It's a Wonderful Three-Foot World"?

It was great to see Metal again, even if only for a few moments while Jason tripped balls. Between that and Sonny snorting Colombian puro they are really swinging for the fences on this no oversight business. Oh yeah, Sonny and Clay also murdered a bunch of people too but those folks were trying to steal their cocaine back so I guess they deserved it.

  • LOL 1

I’m not sure but this episode kind of jumped the shark for me.  Jason tripping, Sonny snorting Coke. Sonny and Clay shooting it out with  a cartel. 
Ray and Jason picking up Sonny and Clay

The only members of the team following orders to stay low key being Brock and Davis.  If this is what we get for going to Paramount Plus, the show should have stayed at CBS. 
yes, this really puts our real life  SEALs in a good light. 


Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 2

What the actual fuck was that?

My takeaways:

  • Jason is the biggest, most horrible, hypocritical dickbag on the planet. I don't often hate lead characters in a show, but I absolute hate the guy.
  • Sonny is a gigantic, hypocritical man-child. What the hell happened to his pea-brain? Seriously? He's always been impulsive, but you seriously thought you could steal a SUITCASE FULL OF COCAINE and cash and no one would care? Then you still wanna piss all over Clay? Even after he helped you, by you know, MURDERING A BUNCH OF PEOPLE?
  • The writers on this show suck. You go, in about a hour, from Jason steadfastly denying anything is wrong, to blowing up and calling everyone an asshole when confronted, to sitting on a building threatening suicide, to then saying he will commit suicide "in battle" to then meeting some random hippie who tells him psychedelics can "fix him," to then having him take said psychedelics and tripping his balls off? Literally in the span of about an hour within the show. So I guess he's cured now? Um...okay.
  • Lest we forget, the writers also had Sonny lose what few brain cells he had left because you know, he's SO DEPRESSED about his life, that he stole cocaine & cash, invited a bunch of random people to hotel to party with him, and then murder the gang bangers who hunt him down (with the help of a fellow SEAL) - thereby putting his life, Clay's life, both their careers and the reputation of the US Navy and the entire United States, at risk - and I'm sure face no consequences for any of it. 

So back to my original question - WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is going on with this show?

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