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Queen Of The South - General Discussion

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Not surprised, tbh, since only about ten people ever posted about the show. It doesn't have a large audience in general.

I expect I'll watch the new season but I'm not that into the show anymore. I've found too many new shows over the hiatus that I enjoy much more. But I love Alice Braga so I'll give it another shot.

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I saw the preview for season 4. I think it premieres on June 6th. I am looking forward to it. I just hope that we get a break from Camila. I noticed that Teresa was kissing some guy, but couldn't tell who it is. 

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I’m sad to see that it looks like Peter Gadiot (James) won’t be back this year. The IMDB lists him as being on from 2016-2018. Most of the others are shown as being on 2016-2019. I liked his character, the bad but good guy who protected Teresa and was a potential love interest. 

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I like this show, but I don't know how Teresa manages to stay alive and why she is in a new city every season.

I really like Alfonso Herrera so I hope that Javier stays loyal to Teresa and doesn't let his cousin take him down with him.

I wonder who is after Brenda's son.

I hope there continues to be not much Camila this season.

So Teresa was having sex with Bailey Chase in the trailer. Not bad.

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Good first episode.

Teresa must have smiled more times in this episode than any time in the previous seasons.

She has a lot on her plate and still have time for piano lessons.

The actress playing Castel, her acting is stiff and her face doesn't seem to move.

A lot of enemies popped up tonight. Castel, Marcel, El Gordo, Lafayette.

No way the guy Boaz shot was the one who stole the 5 kilos. I think it maybe Javier.

Don't get used/attached to the house Pote, I don't see you and Teresa staying in New Orleans long. She may damage it more than Katrina.

The asshole agent (Mr. Bardot) that insulted Teresa and Javier is a dead man.

A dress code for a cock fight!!!!!!!!!!!!

To show: Don't kill the bartender!

Was the open a dream or a scene from the end of this season with German (?) Polizei arresting her and/or Pote? How did a drop of blood only hit her cheek and nothing got on her white outfit? The woman is magical!

Edited by mxc90
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7 hours ago, mxc90 said:

To show: Don't kill the bartender!

I had the same thought. The bartender had such a prominent role that I am afraid that she is dead woman walking.

7 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Was the open a dream or a scene from the end of this season with German (?) Polizei arresting her and/or Pote? How did a drop of blood only hit her cheek and nothing got on her white outfit? The woman is magical!

Again, same thought. And in a white suit. 

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The Bride called, Teresa.  She wants her motorcycle back.  And repaint it yellow, please.

It looks like it's going to be Teresa/Pote' vs. the world again, this year, with some help from George, if he can stay healthy.  A lot of new characters, some of which will be sorted out in due time.  I was watching the previously's and there were several scenes in there that I really don't remember.  That's what happens when the network drops the series for too long.

It just seems like so much work to make an illegal buck on this show.  They would do better by going straight, sometimes.

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IMO it's just not realistic (yeah, sure) that Teresa can continue to do business in North or South America. Or Europe for that matter. I fully expected her and her crew to head to another continent. In New Orleans she might as well have a flashing neon sign over her head at all times.

Still getting used to her henchmen calling Teresa "jefa". Sounds too much like "heffa" or "heifer" neither of which would generally be considered an honorific in the slang sense.

Is there really much of a Latinx presence in NO? Even a criminal one?

This drug dealer guy Teresa is dealing with in NO has an odd accent to me. What is it supposed to be? (ETA: did a little research on IMDb. He's Portuguese and speaks several languages.)

What's with the imitation Billy Bob Thornton playing the judge?

Glad this silly show is back.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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New Orleans seems to be good for Teresa, she actually looked pretty happy and smiling sometimes, and she looks amazing! I really hope she gets to spend a little time happy before everything inevitably starts going to shit. 

I hope that bartender doesent get caught in the crossfire. I have a bad feeling about her. 

So I guess those guys that came to visit her are into some kind of crime, or do people in New Orleans take their bar scene super seriously. I guess not Billy Bob Thorton sure does. 

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I think that either the locals did some research on her and found her name all over the DEA lists, or they automatically suspect her because she's Latina.  Either way, rather than bust her, they figure to make bank on her earnings without having too much trouble.

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That was such a weird situation/time to have Kelly Anne return. I don't remember she and Tony having a bond where she would drive miles to help him. Their connection would have been more believeable if she was a "teacher" at Tony's school and took a special liking to him.

Those hitmen aren't aware Cortez is dead? They got the money in advance, move on from chasing the kid! Maybe they are afraid of Cortez' ghost?

What happened to the second driver with Gordo's nephew? 

In that town, shouldn't Dumas be aware of Gordo?

Good for King George. Too bad it took almost getting killed in order to hook up with the bartender.

Not one cop noticed another cop lying on the ground or Pote choking him out!?

The Brenda/Teresa flashback didn't seem necessary. It was well established Teresa cared for her god son.

Dumbass Dumas! You don't know who you are messing with!

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Oh, hi Kelly Anne! Fancy seeing you show up here! Poor Tony, he continues to have a rough time even after escaping the assassins. The flashbacks were a bit pointless, as we already know how much Theresa cares about her god son, but it was nice to see Brenda, and the life that she and Theresa used to lead together and how much things have changed. 

Oh shit, that guy was chugging straight coke! people sure do take bourbon really freaking seriously in New Orleans dont they?

Get it bartender and George! I really hope this doesent end badly, I like her so far, she is basically a civilian but has a tough past and sure is tough. 

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I don't mind Kelly Anne's return. It is believable that James let her live, but her bond with Tony isn't. They created this bond with Tony to reintroduce Kelly Anne and make it difficult for Teresa and Pote to kill her. I always thought that Pote had a thing for Kelly Anne although he kept his distance from her. Maybe something will happen between them now. I always thought the young guy in Teresa's flash forward might be a grown up Tony, now I am even more convinced after how he watched Pote slit the guy's throat.

I liked the flashbacks of Teresa and Brenda. If only because I like the actress, Justina Machado. IMO, Brenda's death was the saddest moment on the show. Back then she and Teresa were just desperately trying to keep themselves and Tony alive.  

I liked George and the bartender hooking up. For a drug and gun smuggler, George is a pretty good guy and goodness knows he went through the ringer being captured and losing Bilal last season. He deserves a bit of happiness although it likely won't last long.

I don't know how Teresa makes it alive out of each episode. It is difficult to believe that none of these people have killed her yet. She is so convinced that money is all. I am glad Javier is still alive. He seems loyal to Teresa. I hope that they take down his cousin before he gets Javier killed.

Greed. That Black business owner has made such a terrible mistake. He is going to get himself and his crew slaughtered because of his greed. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I'm sure Birdie wasn't nearly shot and killed while working for her male bosses.

What was the point of Boucher burning the truck (I guess he used New Orleans' logic and thinks he only burned Salerno's 70%)?

How many enemies is Teresa going to have this season?

Smart move by hillbilly #2, play the music real loud so you couldn't hear Pote breaking the chain.

Boucher got step 1 applied to him ( you walk up behind the gator). Too bad he died this way. I was hoping he was fed to the gators. 

Teresa should have requested they hold Boucher's body while she retrieved the cash he spit on so she can wipe it on him.

Out of all this Kelly Anne mess, Teresa is still respectful of Pote's home and let him decide what to do with his guest.

I was almost certain it would have been Boaz to crack first and kill Rene ( I had a feeling he wasn't going to last long). 

Maybe Davis knew those two fools were going to die tonight, decided not to text/join them, and kept his hands on the steering wheel for hours. Kid might not be a dope after all.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tony is killed or joins Teresa's business.

Edited by mxc90
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Davis is going to be the Judge's weak spot that Teresa is looking for.  With the proper planning, she could have him working for her in the end run.  Sure sign of impending doom:  Claiming that "this is my town."

That trip out to Bourcher's farm was a bit contrived, but I guess it served the expository purpose.  I was halfway expecting to see Erikya Badhu and Dan Aykroyd out there.

If Mr. Kaplan was lucky enough to be swept downstream from that bridge, perhaps she made it all the way to New Orleans.  There's an awful lot of clean up to do there.

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I am really disappointed that it was Javier who gave into his anger and bloodlust. Now he will have to go along with his cousin's schemes so that he doesn't tell Teresa that he killed those two guys.

I say this every week, but it is so unbelievable that Teresa survives these perilous situations. At least, she got some by the end of the night. Got to say the corruption in New Orleans is totally realistic though.

I missed it. How did the club owner break their deal?

Poor Tony. He was always doomed with his drug dealing father getting his family in that life.

I don't get the point of Kelly Anne's return other than her dying to make up for her betrayal. I suppose she and Pote could hook up  before she dies. 

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12 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I missed it. How did the club owner break their deal?

Teresa believes Dumas told the judge about her drug  business. It's probably someone else.

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Could that Boucher guy have been more stereotypical? Cher, cher, cher, cher, cher.

I'm enjoying the variety of pronunciations of "New Orleans."

Geez, Teresa trying to do business in NOLA is like Alice trying to find her way out of Wonderland. As soon as she's out of one crazy situation she finds herself in another. But there's always time for a booty call!

His. Name. Is. Javier. And he and Boaz just started a gang war in NOLA. Yikes.

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Well its not a trip to New Orleans without a sketchy alligator farmer/criminal with a bunch of goons who look they just wandered out of one of those swamp people reality shows who says Cher every other word. I kind of figured that the judge might kill Bourcher over Theresa from the second he showed up though, he would probably prefer to do business with someone who can at least put on a veneer of respectability like Theresa than this Ragin Cagun reject. 

It really is insane how often Theresa gets out of these situations alive and in a better place. Yeah she has some solid people behind her and can think on her feet, but she almost got fed to an alligator or something this week! 

Poor Tony, he has apparently been doomed to get dragged into the drug business no matter what. 

I hate that Javier gave in and bashed that assholes head in and now he is stuck with his cousin holding it over his head, but it was sure satisfying for a second to see him kick that guys ass.

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What a mess!  So Teresa's order of "no unnecessary violence and keep a low profile" was carried out to perfection and going smoothly!

Boaz believes shooting a large man in water will "deflate" him. Too bad Javier didn't toss him in the water.

Boaz and Javier couldn't properly dispose of the bloody shirts (it was found easily) and left the bathroom with a strong smell. And now the car with the body is going to the police impound yard. I thought these two were professionals?

Wasn't Bobby with Dumas when King George and the bartender was held hostage? If so, he didn't recognize him in the parking lot?

Instead of giving Bobby a beating. Pote should have fed him Kelly Anne's huevos rancheros with no ketchup. He would have been talking about anything immediately.

At least Bobby died not knowing his girl was cheating on him.

Poor Tony. He should ask Teresa for some money and move far away from her.

The bodyguard was certainly on his game and couldn't tell Tony to not walk in on the Judge and Kelly Anne.

Geez Pote! A little superstitious with the burial and having Kelly Anne spread the smoke around the house.??!!

Next episode we will be introduced to yet another buyer or potential enemy. It doesn't get dull in Teresa's world.

Edited by mxc90
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I wonder if Javier and Boaz are going to fess up to what they did. The crew is going to have to cover a lot of tracks.

It seems to me that if the property owner showed up and found the car there, he would have waited until the tow truck arrived.  Didn't he hear any gunfire?

That birdwatcher was the dumbest human ever.  Make tracks through that swamp and don't stop running.  Don't try to hide.  Maybe he was the property owner.

And the distillery?  No one heard the 5-10 minutes of automatic weapons fire?

Kellyanne showed some lawyer steel there at the door.  "No, you can't come in.  No, I'm not answering questions.  Goodbye."

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4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

That birdwatcher was the dumbest human ever.  Make tracks through that swamp and don't stop running.  Don't try to hide.  

Gotta agree. When dusk fell and they were still hunting him, I had been thinking they were on a fool's errand, since someone who knew the swamps, like a birdwatcher, would have made tracks immediately and been miles away. Then he stepped out right in front of them. Geez!

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Gotta love the judge allowing himself to be seen coming out a hooker's house in broad daylight. Discretion is for suckers!

Ketchup on huevos rancheros. Bleh. 😝

Lol, Teresa's wannabe musician boyfriend Eddie was playing the piano off beat. Or at least he was pretending to play.

Love how this show has a low-rent Billy Bob Thorton playing the judge and a low-rent Chris Meloni playing his henchman. Guess they couldn't afford the actual actors.

Poor Javier. At the rate Boaz was going half of the delta would've been dead just to cover up their original two killings at the bar.

So now Teresa's definitely looking at a gang war because she assumed Javier and Biaz had been kidnapped. If only those two pendejos had made a phone call or sent a text. 😑


Kellyanne showed some lawyer steel there at the door.  "No, you can't come in.  No, I'm not answering questions.  Goodbye."

But she shouldn't have even opened the door. They could've shot her right where she was standing.

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Oh Javier, so much bloodshed could have been avoided if you had sent Teresa a two second "gone to get burgers with cuz brb" text. Now yet another gang war is soon to begin. Never a dull moment when Teresa is around! 

At least Bobby will never know his girlfriend had a side piece. I loved George playing up the "dumb drunk white guy" thing to get Bobby outside, that was hilarious. "I dont speak much Spanish, but that dont sound good."

Kellyanne really told low rent Billy Bob Thorton what for when she told him to scram. Poor Tony, he has already gone through so much through no fault of his own. 

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Dumas you POS! Pretty weak to send 3 men to kill an innocent bartender. And the fool can't count. The judge told him to take one hit. He missed with Teresa. At least he lost 2 additional men.

I'm sure the judge wasn't too happy his first decision was to attempt to kill Teresa (his money maker).

Teresa was sure lucky again. How "balls didn't drop" Tic Toc didn't shoot her in the back was remarkable.

I thought King George wasn't going to survive tonight the way he was talking. Now I hope he returns with a vengence on Dumas' people.

Javier! Just tell the truth. It's going to come back and bite you. He is a dead man if he is going to listen to Boaz and try to undermine Teresa.

Tony was annoying tonight. What was he expecting to do tonight by taking the gun?

Teresa gave Oksana that "are you f*cking serious" look, when she decided to take a hit of coke in the middle of a deal.

Pote and Kelly Anne. That's an odd couple!

Edited by mxc90
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The way the filming was going I thought George was going to be the target.  Either him, or Teresa was going to have to give Boaz up to keep the peace.  I think George is still going to take a bullet.

It was also pretty poor tactics to be holding that meeting in the open at the club, as that waitress/mole waltzed right in there.  Is every employee there in on the coke deals?

I thought Pote told his security detail to put someone at every door, yet Tony waltzed right out of his room.  And that's another thing.  Where did Teresa find all these day players? They're not just hanging around Home Depot waiting for work, and it would be noticed if a whole bunch of out of town tough guys suddenly show up.

I would think that, having found one body in the club, and then another in the warehouse a day later, the police department, even as corrupt as they seem to be, would be conducting some sort of investigation.

Edited by Dowel Jones
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Pote falling for Kelly Ann? Ay, no. She'll get him killed, if he doesn't end up having to kill her first.

I like this Oksana person. I guess she's the replacement for Camila.

Why did Teresa leave herself so open in that club? Did the coke impair her judgment?

Yeesh, that kid who worked for Dumas really wanted to be a badass and just ended up getting killed right off the bat. Idiot.

Sweet moment between Pote and Tony but good lord, that gun is almost bigger than Tony.

Bye, King George. Maybe we'll see you on the flip side.

Something did seem fishy about Javier there at the end. Has he turned on Teresa?

Aw, I hate that they killed the bartender. She didn't even last a season. Wonder if King George will come back now to avenge her death?


Teresa was sure lucky again. How "balls didn't drop" Tic Toc didn't shoot her in the back was remarkable.

Yeah, that was some obvious plot armor unless he was supposed to be such a newbie he couldn't hit a moving target.

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Pote has always had a thing for Kelly Anne. It was definitely there last season. I thought he would make a move then, but she betrayed Teresa and was "killed." 

Poor bartender. I knew she was dead woman walking. That a Black man would murder a Black woman like that is despicable. I hope Dumas dies a painful death. I wonder if George is gone for good or if he will be back when he hears that she was murdered. George doesn't seem to be doing well emotionally. Teresa was kind letting him leave and find some type of peace.

I accept it is plot armor that Teresa survives all these murder attempts. At least, she is smart enough to doubt Javier's loyalty and keep her hand on that gun. Oh Javier, I love you and don't want you to die. Tell Teresa the truth. She will forgive you.  I adore the actor from his days as Father Tomas on The Exorcist and want him to stick around.

I feel for Tony. He is suffering from PSTD and needs therapy and medication, not pep talks.

Edited by SimoneS
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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I like this Oksana person. I guess she's the replacement for Camila.

If she turns out to be another adversary, Teresa better leave town. It's getting to be too much. 

Also, I would't be surprised if Boaz never left town and is waiting somewhere to make a move (maybe with Javier) on Teresa.

8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wonder if King George will come back now to avenge her death?

I hope he comes back. It can't be Teresa, Pote, Kelly Anne, the redshirt body guard and maybe out of desperation recruit/arm the piano player/boyfriend to handle the judge, crooked cops, Dumas, Raul, and the sicario chasing Tony. Also possibly, Boaz (?), Javier(?), and Castel (haven't seen her since the first episode this season).

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Damn, I forgot that Pote killed Tony's father. That was so long ago. Now Tony knows. Oh well.

I liked Pote turning to Santeria to protect Teresa. It is in character for him.

What about justice for Birdie, Teresa? I don't feel inclined to make peace with Dumas. He needs a bullet put in him. That judge is annoying. They need to kill him and make it look like a heart attack.

Javier still hasn't told Teresa everything, but now he has something to lose so he will have to be loyal to her for he and Emilia to stay alive.

Edited by SimoneS
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Right Javier! Emilia sure look "sick" in that outfit. Why was Teresa  and Pote giving Javier grief? He was driving Teresa when Birdie was killed.

 The judge told Dumas he has one shot and so far he has made four attempts to hit back. He was 1 for 4 (if you're keeping count). But the judge decides to give Teresa two "talking to" instead of Dumas.

I don't think Pote got his money's worth fortifying Teresa's defense! The jazz player got through just fine.

Could the the "spirits" tell Pote not to talk out loud about killing Tony's father while the kid is in the next room.

Cedric gets caught as the mole, not one mention of Birdie from Teresa to Dumas, and all is forgotten ( we have PEACE). Teresa is one lucky woman!

Special Guest Stars tonight: the N.O. Police (made a rare appearance). And they made arrests. Funny it was only the ATL boys that got taken in. I guess they'll brag to the news they are on top of the crime in the city.

Start the count down clock to when Boaz finds out about Emilia and Javier!

Edited by mxc90
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1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

Could the the "spirits" tell Pote not to talk out loud about killing Tony's father while the kid is in the next room.

I didn’t realize POTE KILLED TONY’S DAD 😵😬

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When that dirty cop first spoke to Cedric in the alley, from the sound of his voice I thought it was King George.  You sold out Teresa, George?  Oh, never mind.

I don't think either Teresa nor Dumbass has any intention of holding onto a truce once the Judge has been disposed of.  They both still hate each other.

So, is the bar still open?  Can I get a Teresita to go, please?

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2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Can I get a Teresita to go, please?

I believe Birdie forgot to wtite down the recipe. No one knows!

18 hours ago, SimoneS said:

What about justice for Birdie, Teresa?

I thought from the opening scene where Teresa was staring intently at her corpse, there was going to be a payoff of this in some way. Nothing!

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Have to say I think that the show was clever reaching back to its first episode to create real drama between Pote and Tony. I don't think most of the audience probably remembered that Pote killed Tony's father, only that Teresa, Brenda, and Tony were lucky to escape alive, especially after Guero betrayed them all.

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Javier just wants to die it seems. Boaz's ex? That won't end well.

Oh look, it's low-rent Chris Meloni again.

Interesting how Teresa's people have started calling her "padrona" instead of "jefa." Maybe someone realized the Spanish pronunciation of "jefa" can sound like an insult in certain other cultural vernaculars. 🐄

That santeria ceremony juxtapositioned with Teresa's sex scene was, uh, different.

So is "say no more" now "say less"? The algebra isn't quite right though.

Aw no, Tony. (Kids overhearing things they shouldn't because the adults are being careless about when and where they discuss life-altering stuff seems like a theme on TV this season. Big Little Lies, Queen Sugar, and now Queen of the South.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So is "say no more" now "say less"? The algebra isn't quite right though.

I wonder if that was supposed to be some Cajun French, along the lines of 'C'est la vie' (that's life), pronounced 'say la vee', or close to it.  Maybe what he was meant to say was something like 'It is done', but it came out as 'say less'.  Just a thought.  CC didn't capture it.

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Due to Javier's and Boaz' losing their cool that night in the restroom, this has led to 3 more lives lost . Such a shame with the how all this has made Javier look stupid.

Virgil: You got a dead body on there? No! Just an alligator. Here is another $500 to keep quiet. OK!!!!!!!!!!!

After Javier learns the car has an APB, he decides to go on the main road with it.

How did the cop let Javier get in that position to shoot and not return fire? No back up?His face has to be on the dashcam footage. Now Emilia busts the tail light at the impound, the earring is at the torched car scene, and Javier's fingerprints has to be all over the impound yard. This fool is begging to be caught!

Emilia sure knows how to pick good men! 

Thanks for the deer cutting lesson Pote! I'm sure that went well for Tony's therapy!

Where do they find these worthless assassins? 

Pote sleeps with the tv remote in his hand instead of the guns!

Tony! Stop wasting everyone's time. Just leave!

So no one found a dead body back stage at the club? Or did the band play long enough for Teresa to get rid of the body and clean the blood? This is absurd! The woman is truly blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teresa will need to make it 25% for the judge to help with this new mess!

Eddie don't try to win back Teresa. Let her go! If you are going to fall for the "slip in the shower line", you don't deserve her! And she probably has much worse death stories than the Andre tragedy!

Edited by mxc90
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2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

So no one found a dead body back stage at the club?

Not to mention the hotel repairman in the bathtub.  Front desk knows he went up there, hasn't checked back in. Plus, the assassin left his room covered in plastic, and all the murder tools on the desk.  And his VIP pass was issued to Eddie.  That will attract some attention.

Yeah, Eddie, people always bruise their face when they slip in the shower.

That car couldn't have been registered to either Boaz or Javier.  Even they aren't that dumb.  So why go back and get it?  When the police find Reddy McRedneck in the trunk, where is that going to lead?  Anyway, just sneak out there at night and burn it in the lot. 

I think you're supposed to field dress a deer hanging up, not on the ground.  You want the blood to run out of the carcass, and it makes it easier to remove the inner organs.  I'd laugh if, after everything that Pote' has been through, he gets busted for doe hunting, and without a license.

"Teresa has her own line of ToKillYa, I mean, Tequila."

Way back in S1E1, Teresa is shown getting shot in a hotel room by a sniper somewhere.  I wonder if the education of Tony is heading that direction.

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2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Not to mention the hotel repairman in the bathtub.  Front desk knows he went up there, hasn't checked back in. Plus, the assassin left his room covered in plastic, and all the murder tools on the desk.  And his VIP pass was issued to Eddie.  That will attract some attention.

Yeah, Eddie, people always bruise their face when they slip in the shower.

That car couldn't have been registered to either Boaz or Javier.  Even they aren't that dumb.  So why go back and get it?  When the police find Reddy McRedneck in the trunk, where is that going to lead?  Anyway, just sneak out there at night and burn it in the lot. 

They did find the repair man's body. When Teresa went back to the hotel to get her VIP pass, there was an ambulance outside. Per the valet: It was quickly confirmed he slipped in the shower and died. Freak accident! Shouldn't the M.E. make the confimation?

Shouldn't the police have made a trip to the impound yard first before releasing the bulletin on the news about the car? Or even a quick phone call?

An impound yard with one employee! How convenient.

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OMG, how was Pote able to sit down with those gigantic guns strapped to his hips?

Since when is Teresa dumb enough to leave, unprotected, in broad daylight with Eddie? And Nashville is not some hick town so I don't know why she assumed she'd automatically be safe there. Pote should've sent some guys with her, shadowing her without her knowing it. She got dickmatized and it almost cost her her life.

Ay, Javier's novia Emilia is not about that gangster life. I bet he's going to end up killing her to protect himself. He's a walking tragedy.

That sicario had at least 200 lbs on Teresa. I know she's wiry but it wasn't believable to me that she was able to get away from him.


Tony ! Stop wasting everyone's time. Just leave!

Seriously. I get that he's bitter at Pote but geez kid, shoot or get off the pot. 🙄 Plus, it looks like Pote may be onto him.

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Two questions.  One is how in the world does Theresa go after these dirty, grubby looking gringos? Ewwww.  At least Guero was charismatic.  Musician dude was creepy....creepier than the assassin!    And two, how and why in the world do I somehow find Pote sexy?!

Although I'm damn glad he didn't sleep through the kid making gun noises at him, that would've ruined it.  And who but Theresa complains to someone she's killing .... Dammit! You could've shot me any time.  That was eye roll funny to me.

If good looking dude (James) is going to show back up he only has an episode or two to do it in. Bummer.

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Now Teresa has to solve everyone's problems? 

How does Raul pass the killing of "his own man ready to confess on him" on her lap? Raul could have lying to Teresa that Cheo was gone to include her in the confession. It didn't seem Pote's services was needed anyway for the bombing.

At least Ishmael is gone! That's a small victory for us viewers!

Now Raul is sending two men to kill Teresa, when those two (with Ishmael) could have handle Cheo and Teresa would not have been involved in this mess at all (Who is writing this $hit?). 

A few weeks ago Dumas was trying to kill Teresa and now he's going to her to settle a dispute with Oksana. 

Now Teresa has to handle Tony's crisis! Good! He's leaving. What about the sicario who was chasing him?

A mailman gets killed in broad daylight and no one witnessed it happen?

Good Lord!! Of all people, Emilia calls Boaz!??!! Oh Great! The moron gets caught! 

Did we miss Birdie's funeral?

Wonderful! Walk the main witness in the same corridor with other criminals (Again! Who wrote this episode?)!

So there is no footage of Javier killing a cop or no reaction/mention about it from the cop with Javier or the judge? It's all about finding Rene's killer. I guess priorities are different in New Orleans!

It's a tow yard. Why would the police suspect a tail light glass is part of the Rene investigation? It could have come from anyone of the impounded cars in the lot.

So now there's a woman in this town who lost her side "chick" (Rene) and her husband! New Orleans has to be the murder capital with a low solve rate!

Edited by mxc90
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is it just me or is the body count this season seriously high, for some reason I don't remember this many deaths in the last 2 seasons, I mean I get it it's a nasty business but still seems like every week at least someone is getting offed.  Also was I the only one yelling at Javier's girlfriend to get the heck out of there sooner.....I mean come on......

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Teresa should've just let Pote feed Javier to the gators instead of handing him over to the judge's henchman.

Ugh, just send that ungrateful brat Tony back to Mexico and let him try to fend for himself.

So now there's a low-rent Giancarlo Esposito in addition to the low-rent Billy Bob Thornton and the low-rent Chris Meloni. It's hilarious to me. "We can't afford the real actors so we'll give you cheap imitations!"

Killing a postal carrier in broad daylight? Who does that? Someone who wants to die or go to federal prison. Okay, die it is, Giancarlo. Heh, the guy didn't even make it through one episode.

Aw, Pote. You don't want to get taken out by a punk kid even if you did kill his papa. You better handle that Tony situation and give Teresa a heads up before he murders both of you.

Javier. Sigh. You had one job!

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