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S01.E08: Bug A Boo

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A STICKY SITUATION —  While on the hunt for Jada (guest star Aleyse Shannon), Mel (Melonie Diaz) scours The Book of Shadows as Harry (Rupert Evans) and Charity (guest star Virginia Williams) cross reference them to find any clues that might lead them to this new demon.   As if that isn’t enough, they discover that there is a Changeling Demon on the loose that puts one of the sisters in danger.   Elsewhere, Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) signs up for a job helping to market a new dating app which could land her a summer internship.  Macy (Madeleine Mantock) decides to go outside her comfort zone after a little encouragement from Maggie.  Meanwhile, Mel is given a task by The Elders that she was not expecting.  Ser’Darius Blain and Nick Hargrove also star. Vanessa Parise directed the episode written by Zoe Marshall (#108).  Original airdate 12/2/2018. 

So....that wasn't a bad episode...but I found it a tad boring for most of it.

Ok, so Parker's storyline was marginally interesting. The issue is that the actor is super bland so I can't say I care much about him. If the actor could just emote better, maybe I'd care more. Also, bullshit on Maggie being willing to give blood and test herself for Parker's fake plasma transfusion. Girl, you're a freaking witch now. You don't know what your tests will say now. 

Also, what month is it?!?! I guess it's May or June and Maggie just finished first year since there's already discussions about the summer?

And, on the same vein of love interests, Galvin is still so...blah. I appreciate him apologizing (a bit) about his shitty attitude, but I still don't really like him, which is a shame. It also sucks that Macy's date ended up a demon because him and Macy were kind of cute together. So Macy still chooses Galvin at the end, which is bad news for me.

As for Mel/Jada, I see them setting them as possible love interests, maybe? I guess Mel and Niko really ARE done. I'm not so sure anymore that they're going to work Mel/Niko back in as endgame. She'll still likely come back later in the season, but if she didn't, I would not care. As for Jada I see she's the new hardcore Paige-like character, being half witch and half whitelighter. That could be interesting. Jada actually interests me.

So, Charity and Harry used to date and Fiona was Charity's sister. That's quite a reveal. Also what was interesting was the tidbit about Harry's teleportation power draining him if he uses it too much. I guess that eliminates plot contrivances and gives a reason as to why Harry can't help all three girls from opposites ends of the city in a split second when they need him. I actually really love this. 

I love the Mel/Harry scenes now. I like how he's able to open up to her. I also like Mel meeting more of the Elders and learning about the Sarcona. And the twist that the Elders want Mel to inflitrate the Sarcona? Cool. And Fiona is still alive....ok then.

Galvin gets hit by a car? I guess we're supposed to be worried but I was kind of cheering. That's not the reaction that I should have, show. 

And yes show, I caught that P3 reference.

  • Love 6

It wasnt a bad episode for the most part, it had a very exciting opening though none of the sisters tried to use their actual powers to stop Jada? And Harry/Charity tell them to just go back to their regular lives for the time being while lightning girl has summoned an ancient demon from hell? Sorry I am not exactly interested in Maggie or Macys love lives right now. This is the time where being Charmed should totally be interfering with their personal lives.

Are they going to go into the grey area with demons who dont have a human half? Because we just learned that the Elders wiped out an entire demonic species...

Harry has magic energy that can be drained? Guess that is one way to get around using him as a magical taxi cab while Maggie tries to go out of state.

So lightning girl Jada is half witch and half whitelighter...AGAIN! RUSHING! And she is a rogue witch, group that dont live under the Elders thumb...and of course she worked with Marisol because who didnt? And of course she has to raise Charitys sister because...convenient drama. Never change CW. I almost freaked out when Harry/Charity were talking, thinking that they had a kid together but it was just Fiona. They are totally former lovers though. Think that pretty much kills the Macy/Harry ship though now if they do I imagine it will cause conflict with Charity.

Yeah this Macy side line and Maggie story are nowhere near as interesting as the main plot with Mel. Show...JUST stop trying to get them to date someone, i know the OGs dated plenty in the first 3 seasons but I feel like it just wasnt brought up as much? Just flowed easier? 

So demon/human halfbreeds cant really exist? Only 1 half can prevail? Is the plasma of a Charmed One going to fix that? And if so...why does daddy darkest want his son to regain his half breed status instead of him succumbing to the dark side full time? If Macy had to go on a date that drew her away from both the main plot AND demon subplot, I am glad it at least lead back to Macy getting it on with a demon and thus back into the demon subplot. Though if they can be this discrete about it, why did they have to go all spider mouth on us the first time? Either go full spider queen or nah, only half spider queen kind of ruined the moment. But this show is totally as corny as the original.

Mels freezing power is really strong if Maggie can just be touching the people and not break them out of the freeze.

Well good for Maggie wanting to spend the summer with her sisters. Boo on Macy still being stuck on Galvin,, even when he is struck by a car all I could with "oh well". 

Ugh hate that we already got into half breed territory so quickly. Both with demons and Whitelighters but especially Whitelighters. And being a halfbreed isnt even as fun since the new whitelighters are basic to look at power wise even if it does look 10x better with lightning involved.

Elders have their own little reality bubble they can co-exist in...interesting and they want Mel to join the vigilante witches, this isnt going to well.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, what month is it?!?! I guess it's May or June and Maggie just finished first year since there's already discussions about the summer?


The recruiters mentioned the person to get the most signups before Winter Break get the Summer internship and next week is a Christmas themed episode, so I'm assuming they are in December.

I really liked this episode mainly because there was a demon that required all three sisters coming together to defeat. I also liked that we got to see all the sisters use their powers this episode to defeat or learn information about the demon. This actually felt like a Charmed episode to me. The writers are obviously still making adjustments to the show, so I hope they add Macy using her hands to activate her powers. As the writers learned with Mel, having a hand motion is not only an indicator to the audience, but it also makes the activation a tad more dramatic to witness.

I still think this show is giving us entirely too much mythology entirely; too fast. I'm still now sure I understand whitelighters in this universe, and they are already introducing me to whitelighter/witch hybrids. While I like Jada's teleportation effect, I still could have waited until the second or third season to meet her. That being said, I really, really like Jada. I actually wish she was one of the sisters. She has a spunk and energy to her that makes watching the show fun and exciting. I find myself paying attention to her scenes and I like her effect on Mel. I didn't think this would happen, but I'm liking Mel a lot these past two episodes. 

I don't understand why whitelighters can't be with witches in this universe. In original Charmed, the whitelighters felt more like angels. They died, remembered their past life, presumably they lived "up there," and they only assumed identities to help their charges. For all extents and purposes, their true lives seemed behind them. In this universe, Harry has no memory of his past life, is a college professor, rents an apartment, presumably pays bills and experiences the same day to day affairs as other human beings until a charge calls him. He essentially is living a second life, so I'm not sure why it would be forbidden for whitelighters to have relationships with witches. The Elders didn't really think this through.

I zoned out whenever Maggie's boyfriend was on screen. I don't remember his name.

I assume Galvin was hit by the car because his symbol was protecting him from Macy. That seems like a chopping off your nose to spite your face response. Couldn't the symbol just have Galvin lose his cell phone, discover a flat tire, or anything that doesn't involve him nearly losing his life in a hit and run. I mean this symbol is failing at its only job.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, 4evaQuez said:

The recruiters mentioned the person to get the most signups before Winter Break get the Summer internship and next week is a Christmas themed episode, so I'm assuming they are in December.

I totally missed that line. I was too distracted by hearing the line about summer internships.

8 minutes ago, 4evaQuez said:

I assume Galvin was hit by the car because his symbol was protecting him from Macy. That seems like a chopping off your nose to spite your face response. Couldn't the symbol just have Galvin lose his cell phone, discover a flat tire, or anything that doesn't involve him nearly losing his life in a hit and run. I mean this symbol is failing at its only job.

I didn't fully consider this but....it must be bad that I'm laughing at this. Need him to get away from Macy? Throw a car right at him! If he comes back? Drop a plane on him, maybe?

  • Love 10

Mel freezes a ball of lightning and when she unfreezes it, we didn't see what happened to it. In that scene she is wearing the exact same outfit she was wearing the day before, but when she reaches Harry's office she is wearing a different outfit.

Should we assume that the cicada guy shoved his proboscis down Macy's throat, should we still consider her a virgin? I wonder what that tube they pulled out of Macy was attached to?

  • Love 1

Well, episode gave a lot of interesting information, but wasn`t good. Too much empty conversations. And too much Galvin. I don`t like him deeply. Yes, I am a shipper of Macy/Harry, but I would be happy for Macy with another guy too, but not Galvin. I prefer Macy and Galvin just as friends. And I hope his mark won`t let them be together. 

Jada is hot. I like her and her abilitties. Damn, she one is stronger then whole Charmed sisters. She is a really badass! 

Harry...poor Harry....bugs...again))) And he really had a thing with Charity...and that is why I guess she will be killed in future - for more dramma(( And also to put Harry in difficult situation, all depends on who will be the killer. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Well, episode gave a lot of interesting information, but wasn`t good. Too much empty conversations. And too much Galvin. I don`t like him deeply. Yes, I am a shipper of Macy/Harry, but I would be happy for Macy with another guy too, but not Galvin. I prefer Macy and Galvin just as friends. And I hope his mark won`t let them be together. 

This show, all over the place.  The bug thing was gross. I am getting a little ticked at how horribly the writers seem to treat Macy. First Galvin, then she is a virgin, then...

5 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Should we assume that the cicada guy shoved his proboscis down Macy's throat, should we still consider her a virgin? I wonder what that tube they pulled out of Macy was attached to?

Yeh had to turn this off.  That is all a bit much people.

I don't like the super dramatic backstory with Charity, Harry and Fiona. And I am not at all happy with the labored rules of the elders or even having them around at this point.  The girls feel like they fight for screen time on their own show and when they do... they are making out with a bug. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Well, episode gave a lot of interesting information, but wasn`t good. Too much empty conversations. And too much Galvin. I don`t like him deeply. Yes, I am a shipper of Macy/Harry, but I would be happy for Macy with another guy too, but not Galvin. I prefer Macy and Galvin just as friends. And I hope his mark won`t let them be together. 

Jada is hot. I like her and her abilitties. Damn, she one is stronger then whole Charmed sisters. She is a really badass! 

Harry...poor Harry....bugs...again))) And he really had a thing with Charity...and that is why I guess she will be killed in future - for more dramma(( And also to put Harry in difficult situation, all depends on who will be the killer. 

I really want less Galvin! A lot less..... 

  • Love 3

Overall this episode was pretty engrossing, but it borrowed liberally from the original show - the whitelighter/witch character, the spider demon cocooning its victims, using the charmed ones' blood to get their powers - all of these were plot points in the original.

Also, reading through the synopsis at the top of this page makes me realize there was just way too much going on in one episode of a series that just launched seven episodes ago. They are still biting off way more than they can chew. Slow the eff down, show. The spider demon would have been enough for an entire episode.

  • Love 3

Not a bad episode, pretty well paced with a pretty interesting villain, and added some cool new additions to the series to distinguish it from the original, but I really just need this show to slow the frick down! When it comes to explaining the magic of this world and how it works, they seem to just assume we know all of it from the original show already. Like, why is a whitelighter/witch hybrid a big deal? I know, because I watched the first show, but does everyone else? Slow down, show!

No clue why the show is so into Galvin/Macy, because I certainly am not. The actor is doing fine, but he comes off as a passive aggressive jerk so often in his interactions with Macy, and the actors dont have much romantic chemistry. It was nice that he apologized, and his little happy dance was cute, but I just dont see it. I am still really feeling Macy/Harry right now, not gonna lie. They have way better chemistry, seem to have a lot more in common, like hanging out together, and it could be a decent remix of the whitelighter/witch forbidden love stuff from the first show. Although, even the bug boy had better chemistry with Macy then Galvin, I thought they were cute. Too bad about the big thing. 

The most interesting thing about Parker and his demon seduction is that his full demon brother actually seems to care about him, unlike their father. Thats actually got some potential, especially if they realize that, despite saying its untrue, that demons really can feel love, especially love for their family. It would be a more unique take on it then Parker falling in love with Maggie and embracing his human side for romance. God I just wish Parker was played by a better actor. 

Mel and Harry got some nice scenes, and its sweet seeing how much they can confide in each other. Although, I am unsure about the rouge witches, and which way they'll go. They could really be dark witches who use magic for their own advantages, or they could be heroic freedom fighters against the asshole Elders. Or some combination. I mean, if these Elders are anything like the OG Elders, they could use a few smacks upside the heads, they were so far up their own asses. Jada seems cool, and she is a super badass! Also, Jada/Mel? Color me intrigued. 

Of course Marisol was an ally of the rouge witches, Marisol was connected to every freaking person in the world! She was the Kevin Bacon of the supernatural community! How did she even manage to hold down a department head job, and be mom of the year to two of her daughters with all this other stuff?! Does she have a Potter style time turner around the house? Did she actually ditch Macy just because she didnt have time to raise a third daughter?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Of course Marisol was an ally of the rouge witches, Marisol was connected to every freaking person in the world! She was the Kevin Bacon of the supernatural community! How did she even manage to hold down a department head job, and be mom of the year to two of her daughters with all this other stuff?! Does she have a Potter style time turner around the house? Did she actually ditch Macy just because she didnt have time to raise a third daughter?

It is so true!!!) Poor Marisol, I guess she didn`t resist the killer, and it was like "I don`t mind, I am too tired from all this shit".

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

No clue why the show is so into Galvin/Macy, because I certainly am not. The actor is doing fine, but he comes off as a passive aggressive jerk so often in his interactions with Macy, and the actors dont have much romantic chemistry. It was nice that he apologized, and his little happy dance was cute, but I just dont see it. I am still really feeling Macy/Harry right now, not gonna lie. They have way better chemistry, seem to have a lot more in common, like hanging out together, and it could be a decent remix of the whitelighter/witch forbidden love stuff from the first show. Although, even the bug boy had better chemistry with Macy then Galvin, I thought they were cute. Too bad about the big thing. 

I don`t understand, are showrunners blind? Why they don`t see zero chemistry between Macy and Galvin?! And why they don`t see that Galvin is a bit crap?

  • Love 7

They really are just making the Elders seem weak ..... making them living "senior" witches in theory was a good Idea but really why should anyone listen to them? What makes them the end all be all of Magic? Why are they the ones making the rules? they are shown to be just has weak and unacknowledged as the "new" witches and in some cases even more green the the charmed ones themselves.... When Page 2.0 seems 5times more powerful and in control of her powers then the most senior of all elders that we have met so far the writing or plotting just seems off

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 2

I like Parker and his family issues. I don't like Galvin, and I wish this show would stop trying to make him happen. Clearly his grandmother didn't want demon witches in her bloodline. I want Macy to get a clue and explore her background so we can know why Marisol did what she did. Who and where is Macy's father? Why did Marisol have her hands in damn near everything? I want to  see why and how she engineered the existence of her own set of Charmed ones.  Have a daughter with a demon? Check. Have a daughter with a Whitelighter? Check. Have another daughter be a pure witch? Bam, you now have three! 

Seems to me that the Elders should have eased the restriction on witch/whitelighter relations, since most of them can't help but develop feelings for each other.

Jada is awesome. She can stay. 

Can't wait to see Harry's reaction once he learns that Fiona is still alive.  


Not a bad episode, pretty well paced with a pretty interesting villain, and added some cool new additions to the series to distinguish it from the original, but I really just need this show to slow the frick down! When it comes to explaining the magic of this world and how it works, they seem to just assume we know all of it from the original show already.

It's not even consistent with the original show. At the beginning of this episode, the Charmed Ones are chasing Jada . . . somewhere. And Mel throws this magical whammy at her. When did she learn how to do that? It was accompanied by some magical command but it was almost like she got a new power. Or if it's some spell she got out of the Book of Shadows why aren't all three sisters using this magical ammunition all the time? Why didn't they use it against the Cicada demons at the end of the episode? WTF.

Then there's this weird portal Charity keeps opening and walking through. Is that something only an Elder can summon or can all witches learn to open portals? 

This electrical sound effect they are using for Jada's teleportation and the same electrical sound effect that opens Charity's portal is like nails on a chalkboard too.

  • Love 1

I forgive the show's fast paced nature due to it only having 13 episodes at first, before it was raised to 22. They had to get enough plot threads out there to garner interest and make people want another season. If the show gets renewed, then I think the writers will slow things down a notch.

Galvin and Macy have a good platonic chemistry. The show is forcing them together, but they work better as friends. It's sad that Galvin had chemistry with Summer and Macy has had more chemistry with Harry and the bug guy, but it is what it is. I don't actually mind Galvin as much when he's a friend and not being a passive aggressive Nice Guy. If he ends up learning witch craft and learning about his heritage, while remaining a non romantic interest to the girls, then I think it would be pretty interesting. His family knows magic, so there's something there.

I didn't like Parker before, but his story is starting to have potential and he does have chemistry with Hunter and Maggie. Hunter is showing emotion. which might show that demons are not all bad. I'm really interested in seeing how this show progresses with this. It would be even better if Parker could emote more, but he did better this episode than the last.

Charity and Harry don't have chemistry though, so seeing that almost kiss was awkward to watch. Charity casually mentioning genocide is kind of off putting though. I wonder if Harry will learn that the Elders purposely placed Fiona in the asylum/purgatory place due to her affiliation with the witch group. Charity definitely seems to know more about them than she is letting on.

The witch group makes perfect sense since the Elders have always been shady. There's obviously going to be witches who will try to rebel against them, while still being on the good side. Perhaps the Charmed Ones will go down this route as well? I mean, their Mom did it.

  • Love 3

I dont think the whole "they only had 13 episodes" is that good of an excuse for them. It is very common for shows to start out with 13 episodes before getting picked up for more. That is no excuse to throw everything on the screen. Develop the sisters, develop their bond, explore their past, who they are, they are walking into this brand new world let us see them navigate it. They caught on very well and they've had everything handed to them on a silver platter. Have them save some innocents! And stop putting Marisol at the center of everything.  Everything about their world right now is very small and condensed. They are going to be out of stories by the time S2 comes around.

We dont even get that much Charmed action, the sisters spend more time apart or in pairs of two then they do together.  

  • Love 1

This episode was alright.  I'm still suffering from the "am I supposed to care?" feeling when they throw in stuff like the Rogue Witch organization or the backstory with Charity's sister.  Because I really couldn't care less.  I thought Jada was abrasive, and I'm not enjoying her scenes with Mel. 

I too was a little put off at the beginning when Harry and Charity just told the sisters to carry on with their day plans.  I want to see them figuring stuff out a bit more.  Everything is just fed to them.  I guess this explains how Maggie can seriously think she can go away for the summer... being a Charmed One is just a minor inconvenience, right?

I was thinking of this message board when the episode started pushing Galvin and Macy as if they're such a great couple to root for.  He was being a total jerk to Macy just because he was having a bad day.  Well, boohoo.  I guess the message is don't date Asian guys.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I dont think the whole "they only had 13 episodes" is that good of an excuse for them. It is very common for shows to start out with 13 episodes before getting picked up for more. That is no excuse to throw everything on the screen.

That might be because many shows get cancelled after showing 1 to 3 episodes. You have to find your audience early and keep them interested. Put everything you have out there and hope you can maintain your viewers.


I forgive the show's fast paced nature due to it only having 13 episodes at first, before it was raised to 22.

Yes, but that's every show on TV. Literally. Successful shows know how to pace themselves. This show is all over the place. There's really no excuse for it, the writing is just in disarray. Only eight episodes in, and we've got:

  • The mystery of who killed their mother;
  • The mystery of why their mother gave Macy up;
  • The mystery of who Macy's father is and whether she's half demon;
  • The prophecy that the Charmed Ones need to prevent the rise of The Source
  • This new rogue witch group and whether they're the bad guys or whether the Elders are the bad guys
  • Harry's mysterious past
  • The demon father of Parker and whatever he's trying to get out of the Charmed Ones
  • Parker's struggle between good and evil
  • An altered timeline where Mel never met her girlfriend
  • Macy's non-love life with Galvin
  • A new demon to deal with every week

There are just way too many balls up in the air. I guess the show expects us to understand the premise because it assumes we watched the original show but that's a bad calculation on their part because so far this pales in comparison. They're not giving themselves a chance to really develop these characters in a meaningful way.

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Yes, but that's every show on TV. Literally. Successful shows know how to pace themselves. This show is all over the place. There's really no excuse for it, the writing is just in disarray. Only eight episodes in, and we've got:

  • The mystery of who killed their mother;
  • The mystery of why their mother gave Macy up;
  • The mystery of who Macy's father is and whether she's half demon;
  • The prophecy that the Charmed Ones need to prevent the rise of The Source
  • This new rogue witch group and whether they're the bad guys or whether the Elders are the bad guys
  • Harry's mysterious past
  • The demon father of Parker and whatever he's trying to get out of the Charmed Ones
  • Parker's struggle between good and evil
  • An altered timeline where Mel never met her girlfriend
  • Macy's non-love life with Galvin
  • A new demon to deal with every week

There are just way too many balls up in the air. I guess the show expects us to understand the premise because it assumes we watched the original show but that's a bad calculation on their part because so far this pales in comparison. They're not giving themselves a chance to really develop these characters in a meaningful way.

I definitely agree with you there. There's too much too soon, but I think once we get past episode 13 things should start to settle itself in terms of pacing.

There are times when low ratings will knock you out, but sometimes the CW will get rid of a show that does okay in ratings just because it wants to change things up (Secret Circle).

On 12/4/2018 at 10:12 AM, iMonrey said:

 Only eight episodes in, and we've got:

And the problem is I couldn't care less about more than half of what's on the list.  The show's not horrible, but I'm also not attached to any of the characters or the multi-episode arcs or the worldbuilding.  It could be cancelled tomorrow and I would have only vague memories of the show in a year.  Whereas I would have been severely disappointed if the original show had been cancelled after only eight episodes.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Camera One said:

And the problem is I couldn't care less about more than half of what's on the list.  The show's not horrible, but I'm also not attached to any of the characters or the multi-episode arcs or the worldbuilding.  It could be cancelled tomorrow and I would have only vague memories of the show in a year.  Whereas I would have been severely disappointed if the original show had been cancelled after only eight episodes.


That's the amazing part about it.  Classic Charmed also could've been cancelled after eight episodes.  Had that happened, we never would've met Leo, much less all of the other love interests or the Elders.  We hadn't met Grams or Patty - we didn't even know Patty's name (she was only referred to as Mom) or how she died . Instead  we saw the interaction of the sisters with each other - that they truly felt like sisters - and watched them as they slowly got used to their powers and what they could do with it, while you truly wondered if they'd all survive this episode.  That's the main thing (from what I'm reading - I've yet to waste a second watching the show and have read nothing that makes me want to watch it. If it wasn't trying to be popular by relying on Classic Charmed, I'd never be visiting this board) is that the sisters had the sisters spent a lot of time together and *they* had the majority of the scene. Every single storyline concentrated on at least one of them, often two, maybe three, and all the storylines blended together by the end of the episode. And that continued until Cole was introduced in Season THREE! Such a better way of starting a series,, giving you a chance to care about what happened to them.

I honestly feel sorry for anyone who never watched Classic Charmed and are trying to watch the reboot (I'll never call it Charmed - it hasn't earned that name - it should've been called "____ Charmed" or "Charmed ____" )) - how confused they must be!

Edited by Esmeralda
On 12/6/2018 at 6:44 AM, Esmeralda said:

That's the amazing part about it.  Classic Charmed also could've been cancelled after eight episodes.  Had that happened, we never would've met Leo, much less all of the other love interests or the Elders.  We hadn't met Grams or Patty - we didn't even know Patty's name (she was only referred to as Mom) or how she died . Instead  we saw the interaction of the sisters with each other - that they truly felt like sisters - and watched them as they slowly got used to their powers and what they could do with it, while you truly wondered if they'd all survive this episode.  That's the main thing (from what I'm reading - I've yet to waste a second watching the show and have read nothing that makes me want to watch it. If it wasn't trying to be popular by relying on Classic Charmed, I'd never be visiting this board) is that the sisters had the sisters spent a lot of time together and *they* had the majority of the scene. Every single storyline concentrated on at least one of them, often two, maybe three, and all the storylines blended together by the end of the episode. And that continued until Cole was introduced in Season THREE! Such a better way of starting a series,, giving you a chance to care about what happened to them.

I honestly feel sorry for anyone who never watched Classic Charmed and are trying to watch the reboot (I'll never call it Charmed - it hasn't earned that name - it should've been called "____ Charmed" or "Charmed ____" )) - how confused they must be!

As someone who watched the classic charmed and has been watching the reboot, this show isn't that bad. The first episode is horrid, but it kind of grows on you. As long as you don't come in expecting greatness, it's been a campy fun time. It does have it's problems, but it's not so bad that I'm hate watching it or whatever.

This version of Charmed is going through a lot of plot points, but I do think we've seen some good sister moments. Mel and Macy are slightly distant from one another, but that makes sense. Mel and Maggie have good sister chemistry and they look alike too lol, while the relationship between Maggie and Macy has made huge strides since the first episode. Hopefully we get more stuff between Mel and Macy, but their distance makes sense considering their personalities. Mel is abrasive and in charge, while Macy is quiet and diligent. Both can take lead on things, but they both have different views due to their upbringing. 

Whether you watch it or not is up to you, but it's seriously not as bad as you think it is. It needs some work, sure, but the original charmed needed work as well.

I think it's fine. It's not fantastic, but it's not bad. I tend to watch it on or close to the night it airs, so I guess I like it... but each episode doesn't make a lasting impression on me. It's fine.

I do feel like the sisters' chemistry is getting better as the actors work together more, and the dialogue has been snappier in the past couple episodes, too. I think it has potential.

I still can never remember which name goes with which sister, but I'm liking the show.

I kinda like how there are references to the first original series and that they're from all over the series. If the references were all from the same episode, it would feel too much like they were just copying the original, but with them all coming from different seasons, it feels more like fun little nods. And it makes me try to look for them during new episodes, kinda like looking for the pineapple when watching Psych.

I'm interested in NewCole. I want to know more about what's making him sick and what the cure is. Like is he actually dying or is his demon half dying and then he'll become full human which would make him "dead" to his dad and brother? If the cure is to get rid of his human side to become full demon, is there also a way to remove his demon side? Was he just pretending to inject himself with something or does he actually need injections of something magic to slow the progress/ease the pain?

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