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S11.E03: Auditions #3

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STOP DEVOTING AIR TIME TO PEOPLE THAT AREN'T EVEN ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE.  It's not like there isn't enough footage of JUST AUDITIONING DANCERS to fill several two-hour shows.  The B-reel backstory of just dancers who won't get out of the callbacks is also plenty sufficient.



I'd rather watch a cute kid who can dance and makes me smile with his dancing then hear another "you won't believe how horrible it is" story about someone's dead/ill/injured/ parent/sibling/best friend/pet.

I think Jenna would be a great all star. She's fresh off the show and is extremely versatile and isn't as much of a spotlight hog as Lindsey and Witney. There's not many other ballroom girls left since I think Anya's probably been used as much as she can be at this point.



In this regard, Jenna reminds of Kathryn McCormick; a very talented, lovely, charismatic dancer who excels at several styles yet never overshadows her partners (in some case actually making the partner better).

  • Love 1

I did not need to see wedgie guy and CA's response by wedgie dancing (and of course Nigel had to get in on the fun). I did want to see "you're the best dancer we've seen here!" much more than cute kid or anyone's sob story. 


I feel badly for dead dad/brothers girl because that is an awful thing to go through at any age. But the story doesn't need to be exploited, or even told, frankly. I hate this time-wasting manipulation. It's the same at the Olympics. Let's not watch any athlete from countries not called the United States so we can talk about somebody's long line at the airport. At least in the Olympics, the results have nothing to do with how sad a story the person has. With this, it seems that there is a great deal of manipulation in order to gain momentum for certain favorites.

  • Love 2

Not much to add here -- for some reason I found this episode a tad dull. I was bummed that next week is more auditions and not Not!Vegas week. The auditions just seem to be dragging.


I would be interested -- from someone who knows ballroom technique (which I realize encompasses a ton of different techniques), which of these guys do you find the strongest? Landon? Armen? Serge? I remember really liking Armen's dancing last year, but of course there was the DEADLY-NOT DROP (not to downplay it -- seriously must have hurt and could have been so much worse), and worse there was such a vibe of arrogance coming off of him. I would think he would have trouble connecting with Ameriker. Personally, I really enjoyed Landon, though god yes the bangs need to go. He just seemed sharp and...precise? if that makes sense. Alla and Malena were both lovely to watch -- to this untrained eye, they seemed like better ballroom dancers than Lindsay or Witney and SO much better than the short-haired blonde chick (names, names, names you confuzzle me) with the eleventy billion siblings. She might be more cross-trained, but she was not nearly as compelling as Alla and Malena.


I agree with those of you who say that TPTB are pushing for a ballroom winner this year.


And awesome awesome that we got to see Misty judge! She is such a lovely dancer, unique and powerful and so so graceful - I mean, duh she's a ballerina, but to me she just has that something extra that makes her movement extraordinary. And having dancers judging lends so much credibility to the show (don't think about Bieber, don't think about Bieber). It's weird -- even Nigel has indicated that he thinks this could well be the last season, but the show seems fresher somehow. More connected to its roots? I like that we're seeing a greater variety of dancers and not just contemporary ones. I like the quality on the guest judging panel. Even amid the sob stories, it seems like the show is connecting more to the joy of dance vibe I got from earlier seasons.



I almost wish it was all auditions this year.  I'm nervous about what'll happen when it's back to Tyce and Sonya and bad Broadway and weird judging.


So well said, phoenix. Yeah, there is a sense of renewal going on here (at least to me), and I think that needs to continue into the real season. Perhaps we will see a greater variety in the choreographers and a greater variety of the dances given, as opposed to season 8 when Melanie got some version of watered-down contemporary week after week. She is a lovely dancer, but the machinations of the show made me kind of despise her. Oh please, show, less machinations and more organic moments, where dancers sometimes succeed with a new style or don't, where partners help each other when the style is outside the wheelhouse of one, where the judges don't have an agenda but just let the show happen. Who am I kidding though? Some of my wishes are pipe dreams!:)


And lastly, is Jenna really dating Val? Oh MY, she is a lucky, LUCKY girl!!! And like many of you, I find that Jenna has grown on me a great deal, and I am looking forward to her being an all-star. Did I mention she is a lucky girl?!:))

  • Love 1


I'd rather watch a cute kid who can dance and makes me smile with his dancing then hear another "you won't believe how horrible it is" story about someone's dead/ill/injured/ parent/sibling/best friend/pet.


And these contrived set-pieces are also miles better than the "let's exploit the deluded for larfs" segments which occupied a third of the audition episodes in many earlier seasons. There has been some progress over the years. At least the cute kid COULD dance. Though it did make me sad that no one said, "We'll see you in nine years." which they might well have when SYTYCD was in its prime ratings-wise.


And I will give a rare kudo to Nigel for finally not insisting that all three judges need to comment on every single dance. Nigel does some perfectly acceptable hosting and traffic control, and I occasionally even enjoy his comments, but it's nice that he can now let people through with two, one or zero comments from the judges.


My reaction to Stanley's audition was, "We haven't had a male contemporary winner for a while, have we?" (Checks wikipedia: no male contempo winners? Nick was Jazz? Josh was Hip Hop? There's obviously some classification issues here.) But Mark did not win his season, and so I shouldn't get my hopes up.


You brought a marching band to the audition, and then did not dance to their music? To be fair that was probably a production issue of not having the enough or the right mics rented, or, perhaps, a music clearance issue. But still.


Jenna is mostly a non-entity for me.  I managed to watch almost an entire season of DWTS without ever learning her name and just referring to her as the brunette in the troupe.  There is something just very generic IMO about her look, and yes that is entirely shallow, but it's that she just never pulls my focus in anything.  She kind of looks like a million other people?  I don't find her ballroom dancing very memorable either.  But I guess not pulling focus is probably a good trait for a SYTYCD all-star (and DWTS troupe member) to have.  She barely spoke on DWTS so I don't have a clue about her personality.  But if she didn't connect with viewers on SYTYCD, I'm not sure why they expected her to fare better on DWTS.  If she ever becomes pro, it's the same thing.  You have to inspire people to vote for you.


But yes, she's rumored to be dating Val.  Though I don't know if they are really dating or more like just casually fooling around.  Neither one has said a word publicly, so most people are relying on rumors and gossip at this point.  Can't really see it lasting long whatever it may be.  They seem a really odd match.

Edited by spanana


but the show seems fresher somehow.

I said that I thought it was working on a new aesthetic in the first audition show thread -- I would agree that the show seems very different this season.  A little more grown up --- I'm not holding my breath that it will last though.

I don't think that Jenna is cool enough for Val.  Whereas I definitely am.

  • Love 2
And awesome awesome that we got to see Misty judge! She is such a lovely dancer, unique and powerful and so so graceful - I mean, duh she's a ballerina, but to me she just has that something extra that makes her movement extraordinary.


I've never seen her dance, but I loved watching her reactions while judging (and normally I'm not a fan of the cutaway to reaction shots).  She seemed to respond physically, and I couldn't pinpoint whether she liked or didn't like what she was watching.  It was just cool to see that kind of unconscious, deep engagement.  

I think Jenna would be a great all star. She's fresh off the show and is extremely versatile and isn't as much of a spotlight hog as Lindsey and Witney. There's not many other ballroom girls left since I think Anya's probably been used as much as she can be at this point.

I still haven't forgiven Witney for ruining Paul's only ballroom, so yes, I'm very happy with Jenna being an all-star. Plus, she seems to be much better than Witney and Lindsey anyway. I've never gotten why the show liked them so much - maybe it was just a lack of other ballroom talent? I miss Anya though. 


On AfterBuzz, Spencer said that he loved working with Jenna and MacKenzie.  OTOH, I read rumors that the belly dance girl from Season 9 was a complainer and the choreographers didn't like working with her.  So as soon as she hit bottom 3, she was eliminated.

I remember Spencer saying that as well. The bellydancer also didn't seem to be coping that much well compared to the other dancers, which was a shame. 


No mention of Landon? He was my favourite all night! Something about the way he comes across as boyish and gawky in interviews, but when he dances he comes across as very masculine and more mature. Plus he's tall and has a cute butt.

I like Landen too, but I worry about his personality coming across to voters. 


Johnny Waacks:  Grow up jidges.  At least he laughs as they are so rude about it, and has some awesome confidence.  I'm glad he made it through

I found the laughing at the wack-ing strange too - I think it's pretty old. Was it because he's a guy? I was glad he made it through. 


I also am shocked that the slow krumper wasn't put through.  I liked him so much.  I don't even understand why he wasn't put all the way through to the next round.

Yeah, that was completely puzzling, especially since his partner wasn't that great. I liked what he did. Maybe there was something off that we weren't shown?


I would be interested -- from someone who knows ballroom technique (which I realize encompasses a ton of different techniques), which of these guys do you find the strongest? Landon? Armen? Serge? Personally, I really enjoyed Landon, though god yes the bangs need to go. He just seemed sharp and...precise? if that makes sense.  

I found Paul the same way, last year, really sharp. But I don't think that comes across very well on television. A little lumbering is good sometimes, it seems. 


IN all, i have to say creature guy Stanley was my favourite (and current favourite). And his is the only sob story that made me feel - because he played it down. And because it's such a beautiful one where the contribution of his mother's friend was acknowledged. She's raised a good boy. 

I'm enjoying most of the auditions but I'm ready for the competition.  I loved Stanley's performance.  He was so into it and took me with him. 


It does look like they are trying for a ballroom winner or at least a strong ballroom season.  I've really enjoyed the ballroom auditions but how will they do without their partners in other styles?  Will they be able to connect with the audience?  That's been the problem with ballroom dancers.


And, romantic, it's funny how people see dance.  I didn't see it as Witney ruining Paul's ballroom routine.  I saw it as Paul missing a connection, letting Witney hit the floor hard, etc.  I thought she made the most out of the situation and tried to let him shine.

Soooooo much promise in the quick montages we saw of folks who apparently had normal upbringings!  Could be a great season, IF, TPTB choose correctly.


Amir seems to be a heavy dancer.  Not very lyrical.  She did not get much elevation on any jump I saw.  She definitely has talent and is super strong/athletic.  I don't see her getting very far.


I loved watching the improv by Fik-Shun and Cyrus as the kid's "back-ups."  I loved his adorkable joy when he met Twitch - not nearly enough organic moments in this series.  Having said this, it has to be thoroughly galling to the serious auditioners to watch as TV needs trump the competition's needs.  


Nobody does dish better than Cat.  How she was not tapped to be on one of the chat shows as a panelist I'll never know.  


Anyone else remember the Princess Lockeroo audition (season 8)?

There was absolutely no reason for Nigel and Mary to pretend they'd never heard the term "waack". Johnny Waacks auditioned the first time in season 9...

While I don't remember her, I'll bet that we could find a lot of other examples to refute comments like that made by the judges to auditioners. Just this season - I think it was even in the same episode - Nigel told one dancer that he had never seen anyone do a "reverse battment (?) en l'air with a drop to the ground" (sorry, not a real quote, just from my memory).

I thought I had seen it before - that Caleb (bow tie/father died/auditioned twice) did the same move in his second audition (I think it was Caleb). And that was before they claimed they'd Never Seen That Move Before!

ETA: Thanks for bringing both the point and the proof via clip, Mason

Edited by Anothermi

While not thinking a whole heck of a lot of her technique en pointe at the end of the PTP at Harlem Dance Theatre, I did enjoy Amir's (Funky Ballerina) audition from a music and feminist stand point.  I am glad she went through because I'm sure she's a better dancer out of her pointe shoes than in them.


Oh, and Nigel you ass?  It's BOX not blocks.  

Edited by NextIteration
Landon is an amazing dancer but I just can't get past his little-boy face.

Oh, I can, but that's not for broadcast...  >:-)


If Landon is in the Top 20, I look forward to a change in his look. I'm sure the hair stylists will get rid of the bangs. They are soooo bad.

I think what we have in Landon is a more-inhibited Benji.  The Utah in him, not the gay in Benji (though I wouldn't rule that out, either).


It's the same at the Olympics. Let's not watch any athlete from countries not called the United States so we can talk about somebody's long line at the airport. At least in the Olympics, the results have nothing to do with how sad a story the person has. With this, it seems that there is a great deal of manipulation in order to gain momentum for certain favorites.

A couple of things:

  1. With the Olympics (at least this past cycle), there's been NBC Sports Channel.  I know that's not a lot of help for people who have to work during the day, but with things like figure skating, it was ALL of the competitors with virtually no filler, often with a different broadcast team (both teams were there at the same time, of course), so the commentary had a radically changed tone.
  2. And back to the original brief: Sabra Johnson bit them in the ass in season 3, didn't she?  Not so much as a frame of her during the whole audition process, and then she turns around and wins the whole thing.  It's not as though there weren't cameras there while she was auditioning; I guess that once they finished editing the episodes, they threw all the other footage out, so the producers actually had to BUILD A NARRATIVE FROM SCRATCH.


I agree with those of you who say that TPTB are pushing for a ballroom winner this year.

It has been a few seasons, hasn't it? Like eight.


And I will give a rare kudo to Nigel for finally not insisting that all three judges need to comment on every single dance.


You brought a marching band to the audition, and then did not dance to their music? To be fair that was probably a production issue of not having the enough or the right mics rented, or, perhaps, a music clearance issue. But still.

  1. I don't think that that's Nigel's hand.  I think it's the way the episodes have been edited thus far this season.
  2. The Mummers were probably a pre-set stunt.  I imagine that they'd have at least one thing to play that was public domain.  Or it could have been cut just for time.  (Yeah, I know, that doesn't make any kind of sense, because they could have cut most of the episode for time.)
Edited by Absurdist1968

I can tell I'm getting audition fatigue when I pick up a book a third of the way through the episode. Some moments did draw my attention back to the screen, though.


I loved Misty Copeland. I actually watched all of her segments because I enjoyed her critiques. They were technical and specific, while also being kind. I like hearing that information more than the general, "OMG you're the most amazing thing evah!!!!!" that we often get.


Even I, with super minimal dance experience, noticed that FunkyBallerina wasn't the strongest en pointe. But I saw moments (not en pointe) where I really liked her. Plus I adored her music and personality, so I'm hoping she's well cross-trained, and sticks around for a while.


Slow krumper pulled my attention too. I was not expecting them to cut him after his choreography, which I thought was fine. But if they do choreography first, like others have said happens, then does that mean they cut him before he did his solo? Are the judges allowed to change their mind if they cut someone decent in choreography, but then are amazed by their solo? Gah, I hate having to guess around the editing.

I can tell I'm getting audition fatigue when I pick up a book a third of the way through the episode.


Even I, with super minimal dance experience, noticed that FunkyBallerina wasn't the strongest en pointe. But I saw moments (not en pointe) where I really liked her. Plus I adored her music and personality, so I'm hoping she's well cross-trained, and sticks around for a while

  1. Oh, honey, I actually watch the audtions in much the same way I watch The Voice: with my back to the TV.
  2. Amir is so young.  I don't mean this in a bad way, but I was thinking "put her back in, she's not done yet."  If she's not perfect yet and she's still that good, imagine what she'll be when DTH PTP is done with her for real.

I'm looking for Amir to get cut on the Green Mile or close to the end of NotVegas week, with encouragement to return. This happens so often, I'm almost to the point of picking out who's going to be told to work at home for another year. It would serve Amir well to get some experience, learn what TPTB want, and go home with some notes to work on. I like her and want to see her progress.

  • Love 1
  1. Amir is so young.  I don't mean this in a bad way, but I was thinking "put her back in, she's not done yet."  If she's not perfect yet and she's still that good, imagine what she'll be when DTH PTP is done with her for real.


She's 21, which doesn't count as "so young" in dance. And she is almost done with the DTH program. I really want to see her dance in bare feet, because her point work was weak, but I think she's probably a lovely dancer.

I'm enjoying most of the auditions but I'm ready for the competition.  I loved Stanley's performance.  He was so into it and took me with him. 


It does look like they are trying for a ballroom winner or at least a strong ballroom season.  I've really enjoyed the ballroom auditions but how will they do without their partners in other styles?  Will they be able to connect with the audience?  That's been the problem with ballroom dancers.


And, romantic, it's funny how people see dance.  I didn't see it as Witney ruining Paul's ballroom routine.  I saw it as Paul missing a connection, letting Witney hit the floor hard, etc.  I thought she made the most out of the situation and tried to let him shine.

I thought I saw Witney say sorry to Paul when she missed, which is why I've always blamed her. And she was strangely heavy throughout. In general (and maybe because i've always disliked her) she left me cold and I was very annoyed  at the end. 


I'll also say that I wasn't too impressed with Amir / Funky Ballerina. No one is really forcing her to dance ballet if she'd rather dance with her nose jewellery in. Isn't it all about portraying a role? 

I thought I saw Witney say sorry to Paul when she missed, which is why I've always blamed her. And she was strangely heavy throughout. In general (and maybe because i've always disliked her) she left me cold and I was very annoyed  at the end.

I think you and movement are talking about two different things.  Witney and Paul missed a hand connection which I think is what you saw.  Both of them went for the connection but their timing was a little off so they didn't connect.  Paul also didn't catch Witney just right and she did hit the floor hard.  That's what movement was talking about.  Even with these mistakes, I thought they did a decent job and their dance was a lot better than a lot of other ballroom dances on this show.  However, I'm biased since I was rooting for Paul and Jasmine to win last season. 

Edited by realdancemom

She's 21, which doesn't count as "so young" in dance. And she is almost done with the DTH program. I really want to see her dance in bare feet, because her point work was weak, but I think she's probably a lovely dancer.

In truth, I was thinking more relative to my age rather than to her age relative to the profession, so your point is well made.  Certainly someone her age would have been much more competent en pointe.  I'm not sure how late she came to ballet that she hasn't been strong in toe shoes for at least nine years.

Edited by Absurdist1968

Pointe work generally starts between 11 and 13.  But then we have superstar Misty Copeland that didn't start ballet until she was 13 and was already getting professional offers by 15.


More often, it's like that with males than females, advancing quickly at a later age.  (I still chuckle about one mother speaking of penis points for boys, that often beat girls in competition w/o necessarily being better). 


Innate ability is just that... 

  • Love 1

Typical SYTYCD screening...


Producer - Anyone in your family die lately?

Contestant - Nope.

Producer - Anyone survive cancer/addiction/other tragedy?

Contestant - Yep.  My cat was bad into catnip, but has finally kicked the habit.

Producer - Okay, we can work with that.  You got anything else that can make Mary cry or Nigel make a weird face?

Contestant - Well, I know a lot of fart jokes.

Producer - Okay, cool.  You're in.  Oh, almost forgot - you can dance, right?


I auditioned for this show many moons ago and that was pretty much exactly how it went. Halfway through the auditioning process they would ask people they knew would "make it through" for "their story". I had none (sure sad shit happens, but I didn't want to share it with the world) but plenty of people would be dead keen to tell theirs thinking (correctly) that it gave them an edge. They would rather be "dead dad girl" than 2 seconds and a corridor-scream- run with a ticket in a montage of good dancers (which by the way, they ask you to do. You are not allowed to just leave the theatre smiling calmly, you are asked to "show enthusiasm" and run and leap). My then girlfriend and also auditionee was a lot less judgemental than me and at my eye roll told me "her dad/brother/second cousin won't come back from the dead, she might as well use it to get places if she wants to". 

The first contact with the show is really important, if you don't make an impression right at the start, you will get less camera time throughout the whole thing, less exposure and since for most this will be very limited exposure anyway, you kind of want to make the most out of it. Plus the jidges forget about you in .1 of a second so if you make them cry you have a better chance of getting watched more closely. I was a quiet girl, who danced and got on with life and it was even hard to find a lad who'd want to partner up with you if you were happy to just dance in the back rows at the "vegas" stage. Most wanted the sob story girl, or supersexy girl, or the one Nigel fancied. Because then you get watched and you get seen and you get a chance.


I completely forgot that this show was on, so used an upset tummy today to binge watch all the auditions and cannot for the life of me remember who was in this last episode, except for the boy with the blowy uppy hair I quite enjoyed (he could pirouette beautifully) and the funky ballerina with the somewhat weak ankles.


Someone mentioned the cut away to the audience, those cuts I believe are completely unrelated to the actual dance. They just film the people sitting there and then cut and paste it together so that it looks better. This is a big pet peeve of mine, as I would rather watch the person dance their whole number without cuts to the jidges (oh wow, look, they look impressed, or bored, or both, or neither) and the audience. Just show us the dancing!

  • Love 5

I think you and movement are talking about two different things.  Witney and Paul missed a hand connection which I think is what you saw.  Both of them went for the connection but their timing was a little off so they didn't connect.  Paul also didn't catch Witney just right and she did hit the floor hard.  That's what movement was talking about.  Even with these mistakes, I thought they did a decent job and their dance was a lot better than a lot of other ballroom dances on this show.  However, I'm biased since I was rooting for Paul and Jasmine to win last season. 


Ahh, that clears it up. Thanks a lot. Doesn't help my dislike of Witney though, because if a lift goes wrong I think it's usually the girl's fault. Either way, I hope more Jenna means less Witney, so that makes me happy. 


I auditioned for this show many moons ago and that was pretty much exactly how it went. Halfway through the auditioning process they would ask people they knew would "make it through" for "their story". I had none (sure sad shit happens, but I didn't want to share it with the world) but plenty of people would be dead keen to tell theirs thinking (correctly) that it gave them an edge. They would rather be "dead dad girl" than 2 seconds and a corridor-scream- run with a ticket in a montage of good dancers (which by the way, they ask you to do. You are not allowed to just leave the theatre smiling calmly, you are asked to "show enthusiasm" and run and leap). My then girlfriend and also auditionee was a lot less judgemental than me and at my eye roll told me "her dad/brother/second cousin won't come back from the dead, she might as well use it to get places if she wants to". 

The first contact with the show is really important, if you don't make an impression right at the start, you will get less camera time throughout the whole thing, less exposure and since for most this will be very limited exposure anyway, you kind of want to make the most out of it. Plus the jidges forget about you in .1 of a second so if you make them cry you have a better chance of getting watched more closely. I was a quiet girl, who danced and got on with life and it was even hard to find a lad who'd want to partner up with you if you were happy to just dance in the back rows at the "vegas" stage. Most wanted the sob story girl, or supersexy girl, or the one Nigel fancied. Because then you get watched and you get seen and you get a chance.


This is really interesting - thanks for sharing your experience. I have to say, if your friend played up their dead dad/cousin etc. for more screen time, I am all in favour of that. At the same time, I'm still going to prefer people like Stanley who have the sense to also play it down and make light of it on camera, if only because it's unusual. At this point, I couldn't tell you who had the dead dad and brothers, and there was a mum, and there was a recovering addict, and someone had (or rather strongly implied) that the partner was abusive (though I don't know how much of that was culture and personality). 


This is really interesting - thanks for sharing your experience. I have to say, if your friend played up their dead dad/cousin etc. for more screen time, I am all in favour of that. At the same time, I'm still going to prefer people like Stanley who have the sense to also play it down and make light of it on camera, if only because it's unusual. At this point, I couldn't tell you who had the dead dad and brothers, and there was a mum, and there was a recovering addict, and someone had (or rather strongly implied) that the partner was abusive (though I don't know how much of that was culture and personality). 

My girlfriend wasn't the one with the dead relative, she was just the way more accepting one while I was just annoyed (and a little horrified) that someone would use someone's death to get a foot in the door. But to be honest dance is a pretty cruel business where people do far worse.


And I can't remember whose family member is dead at this stage, but I am sure the production files are filled with this information, they know what to use and how to use it. I don't know about this show, but I know that Idol and shows like that even look through the internets to find interesting stories and invite them to the castings (where a judging panel is "astounded" that the obese teenager has the voice of an angel or the 89 year old can dance the chacha, even though they were cherry picked and sometimes I believe paid to come and audition). Human interest value is heavier than we think.


And that little kid (who had a surprisingly low voice!) throughout his number I felt like he had prepared with the other 2 guys, as it was a little too smooth for a 9 year old (I had the same feeling with the Popping lady in what I believe was the episode before this one). Are the dancers promoting something? Or maybe they are just bored and around!


Finally I forgot to mention this in my earlier post, the Bieber segment is maddening. We don't really get to see the crews properly, just some clips that seem to have been filmed by a toddler with ADHD and between the clips we get to see Bieber who either has a mild learning problem and cannot read fluently, or is high as the sky. He only has to say like 2 sentences per episode and they still gave him a wingman to pick up the pieces. Pathetic! I got quite excited when I thought that each episode would have a crew or two showcasing their talent, but alas... it wasn't meant to be.

  • Love 1

I don't know about Marie Poppins and Fikshun.  They did not telegraph that they knew each other in that dance.  In fact, I saw more than one piece of business that looked like invite and answer.  Also, her OTT response would indicate that she was astonished by the experience.  Maybe she's a great actress?  Anyhow, I'd love to know about that one.

  • Love 1

"Mary won dance awards at Hiphop International, and was supposed to be a member of We Are Heroes (winner of ABDC Season 4) but had to drop out because of some logistical and timing issues."






JaJa vs Marie....It's obviously likely that Fikshun could have seen her before:



Human interest value is heavier than we think.


Although I'll complain about the excessive sob stories along with everyone else, there is a lot of truth in this statement. Also, when we're exposed to however many talented dancers during auditions, and they're all young and fit and flexible with fast feet, etc., the stories help us differentiate among them. "Who will move forward in a dance competition?" is much more compelling as a narrative if you are invested in the "who."


This is not to say that I agree with the editing - I don't. I'm saying they have to attach some other characteristic or subplot to the contestants in order to make us invested in their success or lack thereof. If I were in charge, I'd do fewer sob stories and maybe try for more dimension on some of them. But I'm not among TPTB, and if I were, I might have information or experience that would lead me in the same direction the editors are taking here.


Still, the sob stories can be tedious.



And that little kid (who had a surprisingly low voice!) throughout his number I felt like he had prepared with the other 2 guys, as it was a little too smooth for a 9 year old (I had the same feeling with the Popping lady in what I believe was the episode before this one).


Given the freestyle nature of hip-hop, I'm very much inclined to believe that both instances were not planned. Any hip-hop dancer worth their salt can improv with a partner... just that the better ones can make it look effortless and so good that you think it was choreographed, as Marie and Fik-shun did. The little boy, I thought he was dancing beyond his age not just in terms of quality of movement and vocabulary but also being able to read the freestyle cues and understanding the call and response cues from Cyrus and Fik-shun AND responding appropriately with his freestyle. I was actually very impressed with that kid; if he keeps up his training, he'll be damn good when he's old enough to go pro. And him freaking out over meeting Twitch? Too cute.


I echo the sentiments that Banks was really good, and I was disappointed that he didn't make it past choreography. We've yet to see any impressive hip-hop guys so hopefully there'll be some in the next audition episode. 

Edited by inmyeyes
  • Love 1

Yes, little kids taking hip-hop are taught how to battle.  Since there were clips of Mary Poppins battling, then she would know how to improv.  However, Fik-shun and her could have still met at Vegas.  I like how the little kid was polite while battling.  He was very good at presenting Fik-shun and Cyrus when it was their turn.  I know politeness is not a necessary trait for battling but since he's nine, it was just cute and I loved how excited he was to meet Twitch.  I wished this show would continue for a long time just for the fact that it has inspired a lot of children to take dance or take it more seriously.  Fik-shun, Cyrus, and Twitch are also great at knowing when to tone it down so that they don't overshadow the contestants or the little boy.


Is Banks the slow krumper?  I thought he did o.k. in the choreography round and could have moved on.  I think he didn't choose a good partner.  She was not good at all and that could have affected the judges' opinion on Banks.

Edited by realdancemom

Do they get to choose their partners at all?

When I did it (and this was many seasons ago, mind you, a lot has changed since) you were sort of able to chose a partner (at first audition and at each stage at Vegas) but they would occasionally swap things around either because they wanted to feature someone (the production team) or because it was awkward - for example I am rather short and if I had paired with a 6 foot 7 dancer that would not have suited (this was more the choreography team). So while you were free to chose someone it could change. Also choreographers told people to leave if they were unable to dance properly and were a danger to themselves or others. Throughout the audition process they (the whole team) weeded people out constantly whittling it down a lot to the people that were "film material".


The reason I thought the child might have prepared it was his very quick "throwing to Fikshun" move, but maybe that is fairly standard in hiphop, I have only done the kind of "hiphop" little overprotected ballerinas do when they try to cross train a bit, so I am not well versed at all. Whether it was prepared or not, I did enjoy that a lot, despite it taking screen time. But I'd rather see a talented child dancing than another segment of people staring sadly through windows as it rains while they remember a brother who had an addiction but is now ok. I do wish the human interest stories were more just normal interesting stories, maybe a quirky hobby or a fun talent or something. Rather than it always being so. very. sad!

I can understand the producers wanting people to stand out.  Otherwise, it could be difficult to keep track of people and then people won't vote because they don't have an interest in anybody.  But as you mentioned, they could show hobbies or other interests.  I would also like to see the studios where they trained, competitions or performances that they did, or the groups that they danced with, etc.

Finally watched L.A.2 and Philly auditions, and I really enjoyed the show.  It's the first audition show in years that I've wanted to rewatch, and I haven't been this impressed by the depth of the talent since S5.  Maybe this year will be good!

At first, I was annoyed with all the fast montages of evidently good dancers, but nearly all of the auditions they showed were worthwhile.  And I'm one of the ones who was entertained by J4 and Fik-shun and Cyrus.  It seems to me the hip hop dancers are very generous with each other in these audition performances, and I love seeing that interplay.  Plus, J4 was pretty good.  I thought it was cute.


So far, this looks like the best ballroom season ever.  I hope a lot make it through.  I didn't like the first couple too much - they were looking at the judges instead of each other.  But one of the pairs was smoking.  Loved them and it made me extremely happy that they went out and showed how non-artificial and sincerely sexy Latin can be.  I would love for them both to make it onto the show and get to dance together for an entire showcase number.  


I flat out fell in love with Jenna in this show.  I wasn't hostile to her at all last season, but I didn't particularly see her appeal, thought her ballroom was only ok, had to take it on faith that she was a good dancer otherwise, and found her stage presence to be mostly a disconnect.  However, tonight was a different story.  She seems so much more confident and relaxed, like she could stand being in her own skin - and I really enjoyed everything about her.  Plus, I thought she handled the audition perfectly - she was restrained but excellent (I think she has improved a lot at ballroom) and she let her partner have the spotlight.  Fantastic.  Based on this, I'm really looking forward to seeing her as an All-Star.  Plus, her reaction seemed so sincere and humble.  "Fetch" may never happen, but Jenna might still.


Lots of great legs on this show.  The auditions I didn't like were the ones that were more frenetic.  I loved the fluid contemporary girl, Stanley the creature, and have a lot of respect for the slow krump guy.  In the old days, they might have put krump guy through to see him evolve, but the last time they did that was Cyrus, I think, and there was a lot of negative response to that.  It's too bad, in some ways, because I used to enjoy that aspect of the show.  Not that I don't love good dancing ... it would be fun if there were parallel shows: one featuring the really good dancers, and another for dancers who aren't quite there yet.  I would watch both (although I know it would never happen.)


I had a thought along the lines of those who note that these kids have grown up watching the show.  There were a whole lot more male African American contemporary dancers shown than before.  I wonder if the show has had the effect to inspire them to go for that style (I'm assuming, perhaps in a really biased way, that there may not have been many before.  Apologies if that's wrong.)


Sure hope we see more of the good ones!  And, great judging tonight!  I like that the judges are telling the dancers what they're looking for, as fellow performers.  So far, I agree with everything we've heard them say.

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