yeswedo June 9, 2014 Share June 9, 2014 Mike and Harvey adjust to their new paradigm. As they butt heads over strategy in Mike’s first foray into investment banking, their new attorney-client relationship may be short-lived. Meanwhile, Pearson Specter discovers that a disgraced former District Attorney may be pursuing a vendetta against Harvey and the firm. Link to comment
Curious5 June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 Someone is always after the firm! I'm hoping this year there is less Jessica involved as she seems always to backstab the other partners because of her bad choices. A great wardrobe does not mean a great brain! Link to comment
TVAddict June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 I'm thinking that it's going to be really tough to keep up with the action now that Mike's brought the investment banking into the picture. I still love these characters, but sure hope it gets easier to follow than this first episode. 1 Link to comment
hieronymous0no June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 I'm glad the show is back, but I need a re-watch. There were a lot of threads to follow in this episode and I think I was too tired to follow them all. I liked: Jessica getting some "morning meetings" finally. Every moment between Katrina and Louis. The blue of Donna's dress. The color was gorgeous. I didn't like the actual dress. I'm not sure how I feel about Mike the investment banker, yet. Jonathan, I liked your hair better before. Also, Louis, stop listening to Harvey, please. He's not as cool as he thinks he is. Link to comment
mwcdeb8r June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 I liked Mike working for the investment banking firm and being Harvey's client, for once. It's an interesting dynamic- Mike goes from the underling to the boss, to some degree. And it seems like Harvey is having a hard time adjusting. When Mike presented the plan for the takeover, he was exactly right. If it was any other client, Harvey would have helped the client achieve that goal instead of telling them to come back with another idea. Harvey was still acting like Mike's boss. Mike was right to put the firm in review. Harvey really needs to be handling clients better. The way he handled that other guy with the $1 billion worth of business? He could also take his business elsewhere. I like seeing Mike working legit. I also want to see Mike come out ahead in his battle with Harvey. Have been very anti-Harvey these days. Things are too easy for him. He doesn't seem to have to work for it anymore. What I didn't like? I didn't like Louis taking Harvey's crappy advice. I hate how Louis is the punching bag. He should be the dominant one taking on the SEC. After all, he saved Mike's hide in the spring season finale. Also don't like Rachel's role on Harvey's team. She and Mike think it will be OK, but it will destroy their relationship. Her dad is one thing, her lover, something else entirely. And isn't it a huge conflict of interest, considering they live together? 4 Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 I wrote about Jessica's hot new love interest! 2 Link to comment
dubbel zout June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 And isn't it a huge conflict of interest, considering they live together? GIgantic, especially because neither of them seems able to keep work details to themselves. But then there'd be no drama. I like the new dynamic, but it some ways it's the same old same old, with Harvey being a dick to Mike instead of to opposing counsel. And I'm so over the firm being in peril. I'm not sure if D.B. Woodside's hotness can keep me watching. Link to comment
Curious5 June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 We watch the show because of the interactions of the lead people. Love Donna and don't really care about how she knows "everything." In a sharp office there sometimes is an assistant who is keyed into everything to be able to protect the boss. I was disappointed in all the sex/affairs to start off the season. Think it shows a weakness in the writers' ability to hold an audience. To take Harvey from the profile of the super aggressive lawyer waiting to kill other lawyers like a shark to a profile of a guy who doesn't get to the office 'til mid morning because he want to roll around some more just doesn't fit. Then we have Jessica and Harvey referring to their sex lives? Is the show turning into an episode of "Friends?" Perhaps I need some legal courses but I did get lost about the conflict with Harvey, Mike and the new billionaire client. Guess I'm not thrilled with the opening shot for the season. Link to comment
XtremeOne1 June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 (edited) Not really liking the new people...Mike's assistant is so so annnoying. Donna is not, no matter how hard they try. D.B. Woodside is still a TERRIBLE actor. He was on Buffy, he was on 24, and he is here. I kind of wish we could have some fun, case of the week stuff. I miss when this show had some joy, now it's all masucline bravo and betrayal. Was it me or did Gina Torres look gorgeous this episode? She does every episode but this even more so. Edited June 12, 2014 by XtremeOne1 1 Link to comment
catrice2 June 12, 2014 Share June 12, 2014 Gina Torres always looks great on this show. If they would have a wardrobe giveaway I would do anything to have an outfit. The dresses that Donna had on were gorgeous, but I would have liked a different color on her. I hate that Jessica's new love interest has to have "drama" and conflict attached to him. They have waited long enough to give her a life outside her dying husband, I just wish it could have ben with someone that does not have a hidden agenda. I am in the minority, but I really don't want Mike to go back to the firm or being a lawyer. If they write this right, this could be a really good resolution to the angst of "will they catch him this week," saga that the show turned into. I think. this allows Mike to still show his brilliance, mingle with the core group and gain his identity. I was not invested in the whole client drama at all. I am not surprised that there are "rocky" times ahead for Mike and one on the show seems to have happiness for long. I really wanted to go back to the client of the week format, not a series long arc of a story...especially not "someone is out to get us." That has been done to death for a while. Hoping for good things for Louis. They have really made his character into almost a cartoon. Am I the only one that wants a Harvey Jessica pairing? This whole mother mentor role does not work. They have the BEST relationship on the show, and I think the two actors have more romantic and otherwise chemistry than anyone on the show.. They just have an easiness with each other, and understand each other. I think it would nice to find that Harvey has always wanted to Jessica, but felt that his advances would not be returned so settled for the relationship they have. 3 Link to comment
MortysCleaningLady June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 In all honesty, I don't know why I'm still watching (other than for the fashion). I'm glad Mike went to the hedge fund. The Is-He-Going-To-Get-Caught plot ran too long. His secretary is not Donna and should be given her own personality. I think a Mumsy figure to steer him properly would have been a good call. Why is Rachel working for Harvey in the role Mike used to have? Wouldn't a more senior law student/ recent grad get to be his associate? I can't imagine any employer thinking that putting the girlfriend of your former employee into his role would be a good idea, regardless of the competency of the girlfriend. Especially when the boss loves mind games and thinks he owns the former employee. Why does anyone want to work at Pearson Spector? The firm is always in danger of being taken over/ bought out/ investigated by the SEC. Louis is the last character that I actually like. I want him to get on a plane or train to Boston tomorrow and chase down his Harvard cutie. There are great firms in Boston. He can try cases in both Mass and NY and go up against Harvey (and beat him) occasionally. Some one needs to tell Louis that Jessica and Harvey will never make him a partner no matter how hard he works. #FreeLouis! 3 Link to comment
catrice2 June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 At one time Louis was "must see tv" for me. Then they just made him a sad little man trying to fit in with the in crowd after all this time, with strange sexual habits..ew! Add a heart attack and losing his girlfriend...way too much to pile on one character. They have not developed Katrina, and Rachel could be a strong force instead of a sidekick to Mike. Jessica was even made to look desperate and not in control in the whole Darby mess. She has been the only character I have consistently cheered for, and it looks like they are about t mess that up. I don't know if they changed writers, or what happened, but the show has lost its way in some respects. There is still time to save it, but they have to manage this new venture for Mike right. Please, please don't let him come back to the firm and be successful in his own right. I just can't imagine that a Jessica would forgive Harvey so easily for the position he placed her firm in by hiring Mike, no matter how much they like him. That whole thing just remains a sticking point.. as if someone like Trevor would just fade away and not keep coming back. Yes...I think the fashion is my main attraction at this point! 1 Link to comment
twoods June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 Great, drama for Mike and Rachel. Can't they just be happy? I hope Mike stays as an IB. I like the no drama with him getting caught. This new thing with him and Harvey against each other is great. I like Mike not being Harvey's whipping boy. Mike's new secretary is annoying. She's not Donna. 1 Link to comment
needschocolate June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 I think Mike's secretary is Donna 2.0 (the next generation is not always an improvement - Windows 8 and Vista, for example) because the people in charge want us to think Mike is the Harvey of investment banking. Except Mike still has a heart of fluff instead of stone, of course (then again, Harvey has been shown to have a fluffy heart at times, especially in the early seasons). The show painted itself into a corner with having Mike not be a real lawyer, and now the are painting themselves into a different corner by having Mike be a client. They can't have investment banking legal stuff every week - well, technically, they can, but it sure wouldn't be interesting. How long has it been since they handled a real case, one that was over in one episode, and wasn't a just a method to creating trouble at the firm? Link to comment
caseylane June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 You know, I think this show would have done itself a favor it the hook wasn't a fake lawyer. Instead, why didn't they make Mike an attorney from some podunk college that impressed Harvey enough to lie to Jessica about his credentials. I would have to roll my eyes less. I hate the romance/drama. I loved when they were a law firm doing legal things. Not this mess. It doesn't help that I dislike Rachel and love almost obsessively Jessica. I haven't really liked this show since season 1. 2 Link to comment
CleoCaesar June 14, 2014 Share June 14, 2014 Oh look, the firm appears to be in trouble. This is fresh new material! Manufactured Mike/Rachel dramaz, Harvey being a dick, Louis being ineffectual, Rachel being annoying, Jessica's livelihood under constant attack, macho male posturing...this show is dying fast. It needed to go back to its season 1 format and bring back Mike's eidetic memory and how he navigated the law/his new firm. Instead, it looks like we're getting another long-ass arc that viewers get tired of midway. I paid relatively close attention to this episode and I came away not understanding everything or caring about any of it. Link to comment
Jediknight June 15, 2014 Share June 15, 2014 Am I the only one that wants a Harvey Jessica pairing? This whole mother mentor role does not work. They have the BEST relationship on the show, and I think the two actors have more romantic and otherwise chemistry than anyone on the show.. They just have an easiness with each other, and understand each other. If it allows for Louis and Donna, I'm all for it. I love the relationship Katrina and Louis have. Katrina actually loves Louis' leadership, and knows that he deserves more than he has. And this season should end with the firm being named Pearson, Specter, & Litt. 1 Link to comment
Happytobehere June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 I don't know how the new Mike/Harvey relationship is going to work out. I was bored beyond belief and it was just one episode. I like Jessica getting a romantic life, just wish they had selected a better actor. GT is really good and she will only highlight DBW's weaknesses as an actor. Louis and Jessica are my favorite characters. The only character I actively dislike is Rachel, so it sucks that it looks like we will be getting more of her. I love the possibility of a Louis and Donna pairing, I think they are believable as friends who fall in love. Harvey and Donna don't work on that level to me. Harvey and Jessica might work as a couple, but I would like to see that pairing as a build-up to the end of the series. 1 Link to comment
WasntMe June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 I love Louis. I hope he solves this whole SEC mess and gets some sort of recognition for it. I also enjoyed Katrina in this episode, but only because I like Louis now, she used to bug. I couldn't care less about Rachel and her previous relationship with this Logan guy except that it sets Mike up to do something brilliant in order to best him, and I hope he does. I miss the genius Mike that we used to see all the time. I like the lack of drama of Mike getting found out, but I did like Mike and Harvey teamed up (as opposed to Harvey being a dick and Mike getting all wounded by it). AGREE a thousand times that I'm tired of the firm being in danger from one side or another. Seriously. Link to comment
catrice2 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Maybe I missed it in the episode, but is Rachel working 1/2 days, or only a few days a week? Why does Mike have a car to drive him, and if she is only part time, why is Rachel assigned to Harvey? Does anyone think Jessica will really stop seeing the new guy? Link to comment
DrSparkles June 25, 2014 Share June 25, 2014 "Why does anyone want to work at Pearson Spector?" Money. Link to comment
dubbel zout June 25, 2014 Share June 25, 2014 (edited) if she is only part time, why is Rachel assigned to Harvey? So that Harvey can use her in his fight against Mike. And remember, Rachel is the bestest paralegal evah!, so it stands to reason she's the bestest law student evah! Harvey works with only the bestest evah! Since he's also the bestest evah! Edited June 25, 2014 by dubbel zout 1 Link to comment
romantic idiot July 5, 2014 Share July 5, 2014 "Why does anyone want to work at Pearson Spector?" Money. I don't think that's canonically stated. Maybe it's Harvard solidarity for a firm that only hires Harvard grads? Link to comment
FozzyBear February 17, 2015 Share February 17, 2015 You know, I think this show would have done itself a favor it the hook wasn't a fake lawyer. Instead, why didn't they make Mike an attorney from some podunk college that impressed Harvey enough to lie to Jessica about his credentials. I would have to roll my eyes less. I hate the romance/drama. I loved when they were a law firm doing legal things. Not this mess. It doesn't help that I dislike Rachel and love almost obsessively Jessica. I haven't really liked this show since season 1. I'm watching S1 right now and I totally agree. They just don't need the fake lawyer thing to make the show work and it's actually restricting to what they can do. He could have been from night school law school, or been hired as an investigator instead of lawyer, or Harvey could have pushed him to be admited to the bar since he passed the bar exam. I'm pretty sure NY only technically requires that you pass the bar, not go to school too. Anyway, I like the investment banker thing because it gets them away from the unnecessary "will Mike get caught and the fraud exposed" plot line. Link to comment
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