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On Arrow, Everyone is So Disappointed With Everyone Else
Esther Inglis-Arkell   10/29/15 3:20pm

“Beyond Redemption” was an episode of Arrow that aired on television. That’s all anyone will ever have to say about it. Its primary feature was disappointment, but each of these storylines did have at least one highlight.
*  *  *
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Laurel is keeping her feral resurrected sister chained to the radiator in her basement! That is so screwed up I can’t even stand it! And Quentin really can’t stand it. He’s horrified, and goes to Damien Darhk for advice. The advice is “put her down,” because as we learned from his puppy speech a few episodes ago, that’s Darhk’s advice for everything. (Seriously, this guy is an embittered veterinarian.) Quentin tries to do this. Laurel stops him. Sara escapes.

The One Highlight: I just realized Laurel has become the Britta of this series. Used to be a sharp, together, if sometimes overly judgmental, woman and the primary love interest of the lead. Now she’s a total screeching mess of a screw-up who is Britta-ing everything. And that’s great. Because I love Britta.
*  *  *
While Quentin Lance was getting advice from the guy who has been murdering his officers and wreaking havoc on his city about how to kill his feral daughter, he’s observed by Ollie. And with that, Ollie is done with Lance’s annoying self-righteous ranting forever—but he will use Lance to infiltrate Darhk’s organization.

The One Highlight: No more moralizing speeches from Quentin Lance!

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From Forbes reviewer, Erik Kain (will wonders never cease?)...


In Season 4 'Arrow' Finally Starts To Shine Again
Erik Kain    OCT 30, 2015 @ 01:06 PM

On top of that, the Oliver/Felicity romance is actually a lot more tolerable than I thought it would be—at least so far.

Recall last season: All that Felicity did pretty much the entire year was cry. Lots of crying, lots of stupid drama, a love-triangle. Basically Felicity took over Laurel’s job as most annoying character (or second most annoying after Lance.) Now?

Now Felicity is back in her usual role as funny nerd, but it’s coupled with a bit of lovey-dovey stuff with Oliver that’s actually not very obtrusive at all. I’m heaving deep sighs of relief here as this really worried me by the end of Season 3.

And while I don’t retract what I said in my “For Arrow To Survive, Olicity Must Die” piece—that article focuses mostly on how silly the romance drama was in season 3—I do think Arrow can survive with this iteration of an Oliver/Felicity romance.

And that’s why I’m super worried about the burial scene in the Season 4 premiere. Because killing off this Felicity truly would be tragic.

Edited by tv echo
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I thought he was a professional journalist?  I would get it if I'd said something vulgar or personally attacked him, but I really did not.  That seems so cowardly and cheesy to me.


Mitovich spent years perving on Erica Durance [Lois on Smallville] to legit disturbing levels of GROSS, so there you go with the "professional" part.

Ha, Matt Mitovich blocked me on twitter because I disagreed with him about the Laurel Lance Redemption Tour!  I didn't even swear or call him any names.  I feel so important.



Mitovich spent years perving on Erica Durance [Lois on Smallville] to legit disturbing levels of GROSS, so there you go with the "professional" part.

I was just going to bring up his Smallville bias.  I find I usually disagree on whatever he says so getting blocked is probably a sign of your good judgment. 

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He's a LL fan and IMO doesn't really like Felicity or Olicity so it's no surprise.

He should be thankful to them, considering the shameless click-baiting  (imo) for which TVLine uses Oliver/Felicity and Felicity.


Is it truly what he thinks, though? 

I very often have the feeling that on those big sites, the journalists don't express their personal preferences anymore (with exceptions like the relentless campaigning in order to bring back K.Heigl on Grey's Anatomy) but PR for the producers to a quite large extent. And if there's a Laurel Redemption Tour, well, we can guess in what direction the producers would like the wind to blow.

So I find his reaction of blocking quite interesting. Especially with LL hater's googles. Maybe, if this umpteenth attempt fails...finally, you see?

In my personal perception of TVLine, MM was strongly defending the Anti-LL comments towards the end of S2, (Laurel first enters the Arrow cave and then uses Oliver's trick Arrrow to get past the wall of rubble) which gave me the impression he was strong LL/KC supporter. The sites comments, from memory, were strongly against Laurel and Matt actually went into the comments sections to defend, at least that was my memory of it.


After that I think MM/TVline reigned back on the pro-laurel and a bit more click bait-y. I've feel like the bias has shown through time to time recently, off-hand comments about Felicity mainly, but he is no where near as bad as other sites, I never read Natalie Abraham's articles, or click on a certain other site, but TVLine I still like enough and sometime Glenda does the reporting on Arrow not Matt.

On Arrow, Everyone is So Disappointed With Everyone Else

Esther Inglis-Arkell   10/29/15 3:20pm


Love the line about DD Being an embittered veterinarian. Reminds me of a patient whom we had to get a psych consult on the other week because she wanted us to get her a veterinarian consult to help put her down and the doctors perceived that as suicidal. Turns out she just wanted to spend another night in the hospital with our IV pain meds, once we upped her pain pills and paid for her transportation home, it turns out she was perfectly content with life. Sometimes the system works and sometimes it doesn't.

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Never noticed any bias from Matt Mitovitch, but never looked either. I do remember in s2 he got into it with BATB fans over something and then came on one of the forum sites to discuss his opinions. But I honestly can't even remember what it was about.


I just thought it was interesting in light of all that is being revealed about his potential biases. Perhaps he just gets in moods where he loses his professional chill.


After getting blocked from Tiffany Vogt, I decided its not even worth it to engage with "journalists" on social media even if you have valid points. They are either pushing their site's, the show's or their own agenda. They will never really change their opinion at least not publicly. They probably just see anything negative or critical as harassment and hence the blocking.

Never noticed any bias from Matt Mitovitch, but never looked either. I do remember in s2 he got into it with BATB fans over something and then came on one of the forum sites to discuss his opinions. But I honestly can't even remember what it was about.


I just thought it was interesting in light of all that is being revealed about his potential biases. Perhaps he just gets in moods where he loses his professional chill.


After getting blocked from Tiffany Vogt, I decided its not even worth it to engage with "journalists" on social media even if you have valid points. They are either pushing their site's, the show's or their own agenda. They will never really change their opinion at least not publicly. They probably just see anything negative or critical as harassment and hence the blocking.

Ha, I got blocked by her for saying I found forcing a canon lesbian character into a straight marriage offensive. Apparently I was being "negative". Whoops :)
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Ha, I got blocked by her for saying I found forcing a canon lesbian character into a straight marriage offensive. Apparently I was being "negative". Whoops :)

I called Guggie actual names for that one.  Surprisingly, he didn't block me.  He's either thicker-skinned or it just faded in with all the other rage about RAG's sudden and inexplicable [plotty plot-driven] homophobia and misogyny.

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Laura Hurley split her review of 404 into two parts...


Arrow S04E04: What worked and what didn't with "Beyond Redemption"
Laura Hurley   October 31, 2015 11:34 AM MST


Arrow S04E04: What needs to happen next after "Beyond Redemption"
Laura Hurley   October 31, 2015 11:55 AM MST


Also, here's a "deleted scene" from Hurley's 404 review (that discusses Felicity's delayed reaction to Ray's death):

Edited by tv echo
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Laura Hurley's "I have kidnapped you!" joke tweets...

Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy: "I have kidnapped you!"
FS: "I am very scared right  now!"
BG: "I feel like you weren't 100% sincere with that."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy: "I have kidnapped you!"
FS: "Do you turn people into dolls?"
BG: "No?"
FS: "Full steam ahead, sir."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy:"I have kidnapped you!"
FS:"It's been a while."
FS:"I was getting nervous."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy: "I have kidnapped you!"
FS: "Oh, you poor boy."
BG: "What?"
FS: "You'll find out."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy:"I've kidnapped you!"
FS:"Can you back away?"
FS:"I'm in the spatter zone."
FS:"For your blood."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy: "I have kidnapped you?"
FS: "Do you have health insurance?"
BG: "No?"
FS: "Maybe just let me go, then."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy: "I have kidnapped you!"
FS:"Oh, that was your whole speech?"
FS:"I'm super scared."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy:"I have kidnapped you!"
FS:"Dude, I can see your face."
BG:"But I took your glasses!"
FS:"This isn't Scooby-Doo."
Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  10h10 hours ago
Bad Guy:"I have kidnapped you!"
FS: "Can we play Monopoly while we wait for me to get rescued?"
Edited by tv echo
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Nice mention of the Green Arrow...


Which superheroes could the Yankees be for Halloween?
31 Oct, 2015  in Editorial by Delia Enriquez

Alex Rodriguez
Costume: The Green Arrow

The Green Arrow follows Oliver Queen, a billionaire who returns to Starling City after he was shipwrecked on a mysterious island. But to everyone in Starling City, he’s known to cause darkness and chaos wherever he goes. Under his alias, the masked vigilante The Green Arrow, he gave people hope and vowed to do whatever it took to help protect his city. Alex Rodriguez was somewhat in the same boat; he was the guy everyone wanted to hate and prior to 2015 brought headaches to the organization on a daily basis. But he gave the fans hope when he had a great 2015 season for the New York Yankees and rekindled his relationship with the Yankees front office. In his own right, Rodriguez has now pretty much become a hero.

Collider is doing an Arrow After-Show now (I haven't watched them yet, so I have no idea if they're any good)..


Arrow Recap & Review - Season 4 Episode 4 "Beyond Redemption"


Arrow Recap and Review - Season 4 Episode 3 "Restoration"


Arrow Recap and Review Season 4 Episode 2 "The Candidate"


Arrow Recap Show Season 4 Episode 1 "Green Arrow"


ETA: Okay, I've now watched two of these videos, and I won't be posting their after show videos again.  These reviewers are like children.

Edited by tv echo

More from Laura Hurley...


anonymous asks:
I'm curious about the specific line said by Oliver about our friends (pan to Diggle) and our family(Thea and Felicity) and then Stephen mentioned everyone's roles in his interview, Thea his sister, Diggle and Laurel friends, Felicity his girlfriend and love of his life. So doe this mean that the writers and Eps just see Oliver and Diggle as just friends and not family? I mean we know they're not blood but I always thought Oliver considered Digg family and not just a friend.

Nov 1, 2015 3:48 pm

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This is about the leak of the 5th episode...


Pirates leak new Arrow episode online even before its broadcast date 

The source of the leak is unknown but a warning screen at the starts shows that it originates from a preview copy, which was sent out for review by Warner Bros. Television.
Edited by tv echo

This MTV article refers to the DC shows setting up characters for LoT to their detriment...


Are ‘Flash’ And ‘Arrow’ Pulling An ‘Iron Man 2′ Right Now?

by shaunna murphy 2h ago


How in all that is holy in character development did this person write this line in her article "Laurel Lance is one of the most important characters on “Arrow,” since when? Other than resurrecting Sara she has no story line in the show, so in what capacity does this writer arrive at the conclusion that Laurel is "the most important"? Truly baffled by that characterization of Laurel of ALL people on Arrow.

Edited by Ann Mack
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I think I should start using Not the Comics instead of because comics. Laurel Lance in not at all important to the tv show Arrow. She's always an afterthought, her main storylines in 4 seasons were about her sister Sara. And Sara is not even an important part to Arrow. 


I'm waiting for the LoT set up to be over too, so I can watch LoT and not have to see Laurel every week. 

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10 Horrible Television Characters Everyone Absolutely Hates





The first Meg was easy enough to watch, but Meg 2.0 is ruining Supernatural. We’re patiently awaiting Meg 3.0.


Meg has been gone from SPN since s8 -

she was killed off for realsies in s8

. So he's either way behind on SPN or he isn't doing proper research on this opinion piece. 


And whilst I think Laurel is the worst, the fact that the author is getting basic facts wrong makes me question every other opinion and how he supports it. Maybe I'm being pedantic but if you can't get simple facts correct, I won't even bother reading the other opinions. I don't know what I'm trying to say but basically, it's a bad article and it doesn't help to support Laurel is the worst because the rest is so poorly written.  LOL

Personally, I'm going to continue to refer to LL as Beyond Consequences, because she will never get what she truly deserves.



I think I should start using Not the Comics instead of because comics. Laurel Lance in not at all important to the tv show Arrow. She's always an afterthought, her main storylines in 4 seasons were about her sister Sara. And Sara is not even an important part to Arrow. 


I'm waiting for the LoT set up to be over too, so I can watch LoT and not have to see Laurel every week. 

What about BC = Because Contract?

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More from Laura Hurley...


anonymous asks:

I'm curious about the specific line said by Oliver about our friends (pan to Diggle) and our family(Thea and Felicity) and then Stephen mentioned everyone's roles in his interview, Thea his sister, Diggle and Laurel friends, Felicity his girlfriend and love of his life. So doe this mean that the writers and Eps just see Oliver and Diggle as just friends and not family? I mean we know they're not blood but I always thought Oliver considered Digg family and not just a friend.

Nov 1, 2015 3:48 pm


SA also tried to sell that OQ was really dead and might remain dead. Yeah, that's believable.


SA is a company man, he sells the company line like good little PR soldier. The BroTP is repairing, but the company line is still that it is a fractured relationship being mended. Dig has stopped calling OQ  his brother. SO the company line is that they are not family in s4. So SA is on point with the current agenda. DIg & OQ are friends, I guess we should be grateful for that.


I do agree with her "buddy system" for Operation-LL Integration.

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'Arrow’ Episode With Constantine Pirated Ahead of TV Air

NOVEMBER 2, 2015 | 09:08AM PT Todd Spangler

Since leaking to piracy sites, the episode was downloaded 11,677 times through 11:15 a.m. ET Monday, according to piracy-tracking firm Excipio. Sci-fi and fantasy fare like “Arrow” is popular among digital pirates, appealing to the subculture’s typical young-male profile.

The “Arrow” leak may or may not have an impact on CW ratings, but in any event it does not currently hold a candle to HBO’s “Game of Thrones” on the piracy front. “GoT” holds the record for the most-pirated episode in a 24-hour window, with 3.2 million for a season 5 airing this year according to Excipio. That came after “Game of Thrones” was stung by an unusually broad leak of the season’s first four episodes in April.

The round table participants discussing 404 are Liz Estey, Lindsay MacDonald, Hank Otero and Caralynn Lippo (not Carissa Pavlica)...


Arrow Round Table: What's in the Box?!
Carissa Pavlica at November 2, 2015 8:00 am

Team Arrow felt very solid for the first time. How are you feeling about the team at this point?

Liz: Thank goodness. It was starting to get really frustrating. I think Arrow has always worked better when the team feels like a little family unit. Even though Oliver and Felicity's relationship has slightly changed the dynamic, it doesn't feel like they're being shoved in our faces as much as it has previously.

Lindsay: I might be alone in this, but I'm beginning to feel like the Arrow cave is a bit crowded. Especially with Mr. Terrific potentially on the way too. I wouldn't say I want to go back to the original trio again, but it's definitely hard to keep track of everyone in a fight scene these days...

Hank: You're not alone Lindsay, I'm right there with you. I actually prefer the moments when just the original trio is working together. Wasn't it great when Felicity commented on it? That's not to say the entire group isn't kicking butt. They've got it together now, but there are just too many characters to service. Hopefully, Mr. Terrific stays put at Palmer tech.

Caralynn: I'm liking the dynamic. I was getting annoyed with the team being at odds and separate. Now the Sara secret just needs to come out so Oliver can properly yell at Laurel for being a doofus, and then the air will be totally cleared.
*  *  *
Instead, all of these Arrow scenes of Sara being a hot mess and Ray trying to communicate with Felicity feel like the show is treading water until we get to Legends of Tomorrow. I'm most intrigued by Darhk's storyline, because I have no theories for what's in the box.
*  *  *
Talk about another moment from "Beyond Redemption" that you loved or made you scratch your head.

Liz: It was a small moment, but representative of a larger trend. When Felicity is shown listening to Ray's last recording before he died, it gave a glimpse into her emotional state. Given her relationship with Oliver, and all of their Arrow activities she hasn't had a chance to grieve which is important for her character. It seems like they've given Felicity much more to do, particularly outside of Oliver and the Arrow cave, and it makes both her and the show more compelling to watch.
*  *  *
Caralynn: This is an incredibly minor point, but did anyone else notice that Laurel walked into the room where Lance was pointing a gun at Sara already crying? She already had solid tracks of tears running down her face! That was really distracting and didn't make a lick of sense to me, because I don't think she heard him as she was walking up. She walked in and seemed confused/alarmed but was already crying. What?!

Edited by tv echo

This article is like a Valentine to PB's acting (which I agree was pretty good in 404), but it also disses SA's acting (which is often underrated, imo - I think he has given multi-layered performances)...


Arrow only has one great performance, but that’s all it needs
Posted By Daniel Walters on Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 3:24 PM

What Arrow needed was a hero of an actor with a performance to elevate the surrounding show.

And it wasn’t Stephen Amell. As Oliver Queen, spoiled rich kid turned arrow-shooting superhero after a harrowing study abroad, Amell is more than just a set of rippling abs ascending a salmon ladder. But not that much more. His performance is rarely painful, but it also rarely astounds or grips. Amell can be sad and happy and angry and goofy and brooding. But a better actor can layer all those emotions into a single moment.

Instead of the guy in the Batman role, the standout is the actor in the Commissioner Gordon role: Paul Blackthorne, playing Capt. Quentin Lance. In a series where heroes and villains alike tend to be yacht-owning billionaires or nigh-immortal mystics, Lance is the maybe the only one who’s remotely relatable. Bald and stubbled, looking like a less confident version of Billy Bob Thornton, Lance has played both antagonist and ally of Oliver Queen’s superhero over the last four seasons. And this season, the script gives him something more interesting to play than a grieving dad or a self-righteous cop. It makes him a traitor.

Edited by tv echo

5 Reasons Matt Ryan As John Constantine On Stephen Amell's 'Arrow' Season 4 Ep 5 MUST-SEE TV
By Jorge Solis | Nov 02, 2015 03:00 PM EST


5) He Is John Constantine
4) What Could Have Been
3) Stephen Amell Really Wanted This to Happen
2) The Dark Side of DC Comics
1) Legends of Tomorrow?

Edited by tv echo
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