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What are the odds of Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards returning in season 8 as Felicity Smoak?
BY DAVID OPIE   29/05/2019


The show then jumped forward in time to visit an older version of Felicity, who bid her children goodbye before meeting The Monitor again. This time round she stepped through a blue portal to rejoin Oliver in some unknown location but before she went, The Monitor reminded Felicity that “Where I’m taking you, there is no return.”
*  *  *
There are plenty of ways to bring Felicity back without detracting from her departure, most notably in the form of flashbacks. More than perhaps any other show, Arrow does love a good time jump – perhaps the finale could go back to where it all started when Olicity first met in the third episode of season one?

Other possibilities include time travel and even the existence of alternate versions of Felicity from other Earths but whatever happens, any potential return would likely be brief. When Arrow comes back later this year, the final season will only last for ten episodes and won’t have much room for a big Felicity arc anyway, assuming that Rickards would even want to return so soon after leaving.
*  *  *
Whether Rickards wants to appear on the show one last time or not, it’s clear that the role of Felicity means a lot to her.
*  *  *
Whatever happens, Arrow fans should also be grateful. In an often po-faced programme, Felicity balanced Oliver out with her own warmth and light. Although she might be gone for good, Rickards is still very much the heart and soul of the Arrowverse’s founding show.

Edited by tv echo
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7 hours ago, tv echo said:


Arrowverse: 10 Potential Spin-off Series From Arrow's Season Finale

1 STAR CITY 2040

Birds of Prey? No solo BC spinoff? Not that I think any of these would actually work. Not with the actors they have right now. 

I'm interested in what happens to Mia and William and Connor but I don't think they are going to get any kind of a spin off from Arrow (well, at least not ANOTHER one).

i can't actually even imagine any Arrow character ending up on Legends.  They've kind of written the newbs in a way that they can't have some secret life and while I can imagine William on the Waverider, Mia needs him too much to be allowed to go.  

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Arrow: 7.22 You Have Saved This City
Baz Greenland   May 30, 2019


Arrow season seven has generally been a return to form for the show. The prison arc rejuvenated Oliver's story, culminating in the epic The Slabside Redemption and the emergence of 'evil sister' Emiko Queen and The Ninth Circle late in the game and dramatic dystopian flashforwards gave the show some real energy in its penultimate year. The announcement that the shortened season eight will be Arrow's last has given the events that followed in its second half a sense of bittersweet finality and indeed it seemed as if the story of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak was done by the end of You Have Saved The City.

It was a shame then that in wrapping up the three key storylines of season eight - the deputising of vigilantes by Star City PD, the war with Emiko Queen and the future war against Galaxy One - all felt rather rushed and at times lacklustre.
*  *  *
But where You Have Saved This City excelled was in living up to the legacy of Oliver Queen and the people that followed him. Felicity and Oliver left Star City with a new team to watch over their home, people who had come together through him. The cheesy four pillars talk aside, it truly felt like the end of the journey begun in season one. Mia in the future taking up her father's bow and Arrow to save the city was another symbolic reflection on the legacy Oliver had left behind. Whatever season eight holds, it truly felt like this finale gave Arrow some closure, even if it wasn't perfectly executed.
*  *  *
With Oliver and Felicity retreating to the rutral home seen in Star City 2040, came the realisation that the future glimpsed was real. That certainly added a bittersweet feel to the show, knowing all the suffering Oliver's kids would experience, not to mention the likes of Dinah and Roy. But it also gave us an emotional epilogue that saw Oliver and Felicity experience a glimpse of a happy home life, complete with the birth of Mia. Taking place about six months into the future, the return of The Monitor to take Oliver, set up this year's big confirmed crossover event - Crisis on Infinite Earths. Like The Flash and Supergirl finales, the return of The Monitor raises the stakes and none more so than for Oliver Queen who was forced to leave Felicity and Mia for good in an emotional final sequence. With his death 'confirmed' in 2019 and a reunion with Felicity over two decades later, it leaves the show in a strange new territory.

Edited by tv echo
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These big changes [prison arc, flashforwards] served to re-energize the series quite a bit early on. The prison storyline especially helped to push the series in a very different, very engrossing direction. Ollie's story became fueled by an immediate need to survive in one of the most dangerous places on the planet. And fortunately, unlike Barry Allen's brief prison stint in The Flash Season 4, this was a development that was given plenty of room to breathe and play out organically. Having classic Arrow villains like Ben Turner (Michael Jai White), Derek Sampson (Cody Rhodes) and Danny Brickwell (Vinnie Jones) show up only made this storyline all the more enjoyable. Turner's redemptive character arc turned out to be one of Season 7's more satisfying elements.

This isn't to say Arrow was problem-free during this extended status quo. The series still struggled to find its footing outside of Ollie's prison ordeal. While Team Arrow's renewed war against Diaz proved enjoyable enough, especially with the added spice created by new villains like The Silencer (Miranda Edwards), it quickly became clear that Arrow was still suffering from the same problem that's plagued the series for several years. There are too many characters. With so much time being taken up by the prison conflict and the flash-forwards, there was never enough room to juggle subplots like Felicity's Diaz-induced PTSD and paranoia, Laurel's (Katie Cassidy-Rodgers) tenure as DA, Dinah's (Juliana Harkavy) conflicted loyalties and everything else involving the Team Arrow regulars. The series really has needed to trim its main cast for a while. And to be fair, Arrow did begin making some necessary changes on that front, but much later than it needed.

As for the flash-forwards, what initially seemed like a promising shake-up in the season premiere quickly lost its novelty factor in subsequent episodes. Here again, the series was juggling too many characters and struggling to give them the attention they deserved. Nor did the "Future Team Arrow vs. Totalitarian Corporation" storyline carry much weight. When the flash-forwards did succeed, it was usually because the events of the future managed to reflect back on the present in small, foreboding ways. ...
*  *  *
The latter half of Season 7 wound up hitting many of the same notes as the former. The writers cooked up an interesting new angle by exploring whether it's possible for Team Arrow to coexist with the SCPD and whether Oliver Queen can be a hero who exists entirely out in the open. Yet the show didn't always take advantage of this new status quo. More often than not, the end result played like a return to the show's Season 5 era - more an excuse to go back to the way things were than actually seek lasting change. Once again, Arrow tried to juggle too many moving parts while also doing justice to new villains like the suave, deadly Dante (Adrian Paul). And through it all, the flash-forwards proved more distracting than truly beneficial.

Still, there was enough that worked during this period that the good outweighed the bad. Amell had many standout moments as he grappled with the discovery of even more dirty laundry in his family's past. That was especially true in the final two episodes of the season, where Amell performed a great deal of the emotional heavy lifting. Diggle (David Ramsey) was central to the very enjoyable "Spartan," which shed light on his own family background and teased that a persistent fan theory may finally come to fruition. And though the show never used him to his fullest potential, Paul's Dante was a fun addition to the Team Arrow rogues gallery.

It's probably fitting that Season 7 culminated on such a mixed note. "You Have Saved This City" wrapped up the Ninth Circle storyline (for now) without much excitement. However, the finale was far more interested in exploring the legacy of the Green Arrow and giving several key characters the closure they needed. That episode could easily have served as a proper series finale. It's hard to know how to feel about the prospect of a truncated eighth season in light of that fact, but hopefully this shorter format will wind up being exactly what Arrow needs to become its best self.

Edited by tv echo

I only quoted his Arrow comments...

Paul Blackthorne on ‘The InBetween’ and His Character’s Fate on ‘Arrow’


Collider:  How did you get involved with this, and how soon after leaving Arrow did this opportunity come about?
PAUL BLACKTHORNE:  It was actually during Arrow, when I discovered that Quentin Lance was going to meeting his grizzly end. The producers were absolutely wonderful. Knowing that pilot season was coming up, during the filming of Arrow, they said, “Look, we’ll do what we can to accommodate you, if any projects pop up on the pilot front.” And of course, this one did. Fortunately both projects were shooting in Vancouver because, for a month there, I was flicking between Arrow and shooting the pilot for The InBetween. It was a busy little month. Fortunately, they were wonderful and managed to work out the logistics, so that I was able to do the two shows. And then, Arrow came to an end for me, and this show got picked up for series. This winter, we went off for almost six months and shot our episodes, and now we’re at launch time.

After spending so much time on Arrow playing that character, what was your reaction when you find out what your fate on that show was going to be? Is it one of those things where you’re an actor and you know that all things come to an end, at some point, or is it hard to say goodbye to a character you’ve played for that long?
BLACKTHORNE:  He was obviously a bit of a hardcore character, with a lot going on in his troubled soul, so I thought it would be quite nice to wave goodbye to that. But when I came back, in the middle of Season 7, to do the documentary episode that they did, it was actually quite nice to say hello to Quentin again. It was nice to see him. He was always just doing his best. Obviously, the character that I’m playing now on The InBetween is very, very different. He’s a detective in the American judicial system, but he’s a very, very different kind of character. It’s nice to change these things up, and explore different worlds and characters.

At the same time, now that it’s officially been announced that this next season of Arrow is its last, are you curious about how everything will end up?
BLACKTHORNE:  Yeah, of course! That world was one that I inhabited for a long time, so I will be curious to see how it ends, but most of all, congratulations to them on getting eight seasons out of a TV show. That’s no mean feat these days. It’s incredible. So, hats off to the producers, actors, editors, craft service, lighting, and everybody on that show. They did an amazing job.

Edited by tv echo
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To give both Dinah and Siren something, although it didn't really work out like that. I guess Dinah had a lot of exposition type scenes that might have gone to Quentin but nothing particularly her own apart from looking the cry.

And Siren didn't have an awful lot to do in general, her biggest plot was with Felicity, nothing to do with Quentin's death, her "redemption" was half added anyway and felt like a " meh guess we have to do this" even with Sara back for Lost Canary. I'm still really salty he had to die in the way he for her. They'd already lost Thea and knew that they were losing Curtis.

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Yeah, good luck with Season 8...

By TREVOR HOGG   May 30, 2019


Significant contributions also come from Zoic Studios, with Co-Founder and Executive Creative Director Chris Jones overseeing Arrow and Visual Effects Supervisor Andrew Bardusk looking after Legends of Tomorrow.

The first DC TV show created by Berlanti remains a distinct entity.Arrow has the vigilante undertone to it and always has strong story arcs over the course of the season,” notes Jones. “Rather than having superpowers, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow [Stephen Amell] is a traditional bad-ass with the ability to shoot people.” The key to the visual effects in Arrow is to always be grounded and organic. “You’ll have story arcs that require big visual effects and others that require them to be in a supporting role.” Stunts are an integral part of storytelling. “Arrow has a crazy, skilled stunt crew and we’re always in awe of what they are able to pull off practically. There is a lot of digital-double work only because some stunts become extreme and are time-prohibitive to pull off.”
*  *  *
... Star City in Arrow is approached differently by Zoic Studios. “Being the original series, Arrow has laid claim to Vancouver as Star City, so there is not a whole lot of digital enhancement necessary,” notes Jones.

“A couple of seasons ago we collapsed a large portion of the city and added the Glades,” adds Jones. “We put in a lot of iconic buildings that are true to the series.”
*  *  *
For Arrow, R&D focuses on the tools utilized by Oliver Queen. “How do some of the arrows work, whether they’re grappling or bola arrows?” states Jones. “We run physics tests to make sure that the arrows can fly and still be mechanically functional. Then there are large effects that happen, like the explosions towards the end of last season, or water dynamics that occur towards the beginning of this season. There is a lot of R&D in that pipeline to make sure those effects work correctly.”

... Zoic Studios has digital artists working exclusively for a show. “The Legend and Arrow teams are separate although the supervisors sit right next to each other,” reveals Jones. “There’s a lot of synergy between them, with Andrew Bardusk previously being the digital effects supervisor on Arrow.”

Edited by tv echo

Edge magazine recently tweeted a link to this old 2016 issue - KL's interview starts on page 33 (it's lengthy, and, among other things, she talked about how she got into acting and her past roles)...


EDGE: How did the role on Arrow come about?
KL: I originally auditioned for a role on The Tomorrow People. It's cast by David Rapaport, who also casts Arrow. I was completely wrong for the part - it was a British girl - but he said, "I want you to come back for this other role on Arrow tomorrow - and bring the accent." I was like. Alright. So I auditioned and I ended up getting a call-back for it. This time they wanted me to do a chemistry read. My sides were originally with Stephen Amell, but they had me do them with Caity Lotz. I said, "These sides are very flirty and very much about our relationship. Is she my sister? Is she my friend? Am I a lesbian?" They said, "We can't tell you." So I basically walk into the audition for the chemistry read and there's Caity Lotz. Apparently, we had chemistry, and that's how I got my part.

Edited by tv echo

DC TV Watch: Burning 'Arrow' Questions the Final Season Should Answer
JUNE 01, 2019 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


When exactly will Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) die? | ... Seeing as how Oliver's gravestone, glimpsed at the end of the finale, showed the year of his death is 2019, that means he'll die at some point during the first three episodes of the crossover airing in 2019. But will he die in the Arrow episode of the crossover, or on another show's hour?

How will Oliver's disappearance with The Monitor shape the final season? | ... Will the show follow Oliver as he travels across the multiverse with The Monitor as they attempt to stop the Crisis? Or will the show stick with all of Oliver's loved ones that he left behind as they grapple with his absence?

Will the final season just focus on the upcoming Crisis crossover? | This question goes hand-in-hand with the one above but deserves its own spotlight.  ... The Monitor has popped up throughout the Arrow-verse a few times since then, but with Oliver leaving with him at the end of the finale, it seems as if Arrow is now just going to be focused on building up to the massive comic book event. That sounds like it's going to be epic in its own right, but will diehard Arrow fans be disappointed if the final season is solely crossover-centric?

Will Felicity return at any point in the final season? | After The CW announced that Arrow's eighth season would be its last, Rickards sent shockwaves through the fandom by announcing on Instagram that she would not be returning for the final run, despite it only being 10 episodes. ... Will the actor choose to return for the most iconic moment in the series? It's hard to imagine not seeing Felicity grieve Oliver's death in any way, shape or form on the series. And in the future storyline, after saving Star City with both her grown children Mia (Katherine McNamara) and Will (Ben Lewis), Felicity visited Oliver's gravestone and then called on The Monitor to take her ... somewhere. “I have waited a very long time to see him. I’m ready,” she said before walking with him into a blue portal, from which The Monitor warned she'd never be able to return. Did he take her to another universe where Oliver was still alive? If the Crisis crossover eliminates the multiverse as it did in the comics, that can't be possible. Is he taking her to heaven? Is that even possible? So many questions will remain open-ended forever, unless Rickards does choose to return at some point in the final season to help answer them.

Who else can/will return for the final season? | In the season seven finale, Oliver left with The Monitor to help stop the Crisis and Felicity chose to remain behind (and off the show) with their newborn daughter. And then every other character seemed to get their own happy ending. And because of that, regardless of Oliver's upcoming crossover fate, the finale felt pretty much like a series finale. The title of the hour was even "You Have Saved This City," concretely confirming that Oliver's quest and Team Arrow's mission had been accomplished. So what more is there left to say or show with the other characters on the show? Which characters will return for the final season, and what will they do? Will they just join up in the fight against the Crisis? And if so, will they be playing their Earth-1 versions or another universe's doppelganger?

Will there be any more flash forwards? | As with most of these burning questions, this one ties right back into what the final season will be about. If Arrow only focuses on the upcoming Crisis crossover, the series won't have any use for its flashback/flash forward structure that has defined the show since the very beginning. But if Arrow does continue its own story separate from the crossover, will there be more flash forwards to the future? Or will the series move entirely into the future and tell the stories of the new Team Arrow, aka Will and Mia and their allies as they continue to save and protect the new Star City as they learned how to from their parents? 

Edited by tv echo

Captain Comics: Season finales and spoilers
By Andrew A. Smith   June 2, 2019


Back in March, series star Stephen Amell, who plays Oliver “Green Arrow” Queen, announced that “Arrow” would end in the fall with a truncated 10-episode eighth season. Then less than a month later, Emily Bett Rickards, who plays Felicity Smoak, Oliver’s wife and the show’s MVP, said she wouldn’t return after the Season 7 finale.
*  *  *
We didn’t know what Oliver’s deal was, and as it turns out, neither did Queen. When The Monitor shows up at the home were Oliver and Felicity have essentially retired to raise their daughter Mia, Oliver asks (mirroring The Monitor’s own words) “what does the multiverse require?” Turns out, Green Arrow shouldn’t be buying any green bananas.

“I’ve seen your future, Oliver, inexorable and unavoidable,” The Monitor intones. “I have watched you die.” Not only that, but Oliver has to go with The Monitor right that very minute, and begin preparing for the Crisis, leaving a tearful Felicity behind. Later, she visits a tombstone that shows the year of Queen’s death as 2019 — which means the remaining 10 episodes of “Arrow” are likely to air before the new year.

So no more Team Arrow, or at least not one with its two core members. Four vigilantes do remain, and the season’s flash-forwards assembled four children of the O.G. Team Arrow 20 years in the future — but will we even see them in Season 8? Or will it be just Oliver and The Monitor on the weirdest road trip ever, bopping around the multiverse to prep for the apocalypse?

Or is this goodbye to all of them?

Which is what it looked like. “It does feel like the end of an era,” said John “Spartan” Diggle (Michael Ramsey), as everyone teared up. (Some of those tears, according to the trades, were real — many of these people have been co-workers for eight years.) “Let’s just try to think of it as the beginning of a new one,” Felicity says.

But with Amell’s character facing imminent death, Rickards leaving and “Arrow” being canceled, who really believes that? This episode felt like a series finale, and it may well be.

Edited by tv echo

I disagree - other than both being smart and kind, I don't think that Felicity and Rory are similar at all, nor do I think that they went on similar character journeys on their respective shows...

Five TV Characters That Remind us of Rory Gilmore 
Jennifer Borama   June 1, 2019


1. Felicity Smoak
She’s quirky, and she’s incredibly smart. She also happens to be Mrs. Oliver Queen in the hit CW series, Arrow. US Magazine recently reported that actress Emily Bett Rickards is leaving the show after 7 years. Her character, Felicity Smoak, initially exhibited a lot of Rory’s qualities. She was shy at first the way Rory always had been and incredibly soft spoken. Over the years, Felicity became bolder and tougher, and she eventually found her purpose and sense of self in later episodes. Although the two characters were in different age groups in their specific shows, the genius was a bit similar. Felicity may have been smart in all techy things and Rory may have just been a bookworm, but they were both geniuses in their own right. In addition, while the genres were complete opposites, Felicity and Rory still undergo through similar character development throughout the seasons of their shows. If we could recast Rory all over again, Emily Bett Rickards might be a decent option.

Edited by tv echo
10 hours ago, tv echo said:

I disagree - other than both being smart and kind, I don't think that Felicity and Rory are similar at all, nor do I think that they went on similar character journeys on their respective shows.

Agree.  Felicity become a voice of maturity and a strength of the Team while Rory (IMO) became more self-centred and immature,

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Oooh hell no. 

Felicity is sensible, pragmatic and constantly trying to dig her way out of being cursed with whatever villain is plaguing Oliver and the city. 

Rory was a self centred, priviledged twit who created many of her own problems. Quite the opposite of Felicity really. 

Lol.  I don't think as badly of Rory as you but yeah I agree that she and Felicity are not much alike at all.  Felicity I'd compare a bit more to Lorelai in her tenacity and determination to shape the life she wanted no matter what those around her wanted to do.  Rory is just far too introverted and heavily influenced by others for me too see them as alike.

  Felicity, like Lorelai, found she had steel in her spine when she most needed it.  Rory crumbled too often but she was very young still in the first run of the show so I was willing to let her grow up more before i judged her too badly.   


 Which is what it looked like. “It does feel like the end of an era,” said John “Spartan” Diggle (Michael Ramsey), as everyone teared up. (Some of those tears, according to the trades, were real — many of these people have been co-workers for eight years.) “Let’s just try to think of it as the beginning of a new one,” Felicity says.

Love the typos.  Who is Michael Ramsey?  And I'm pretty sure it was EBR they were quoting not Felicity.  

@BkWurm1 I almost feel like Rory waffled even more as she got older! It was infuriating!!! Lol as you can see I am NOT a fan!

That's why I love Felicity so much. Cute, fluffy and usually full of sunshine and rainbows in her demeanour but practical, sensible and like you said, has a spine of steel! 

  • Love 3

‘Arrow’ season 7: End of season report
Lynsey Neill   June 4, 2019


The biggest triumph for Oliver Queen this season has been not succumbing into his darker impulses, and actually understanding why he shouldn’t.
*  *  *
This was the season of Felicity Smoak. While Oliver was in prison, she was the main character. Sorry Oliver, but it’s true. And that’s honestly the way it should have been.
*  *  *
Her fight and conviction in getting Oliver out of prison was the emotional thrust of 7A, more so than Oliver wanting to get back to his family. You could feel her desperation and heartbreak in every scene and in every moment. It’s almost like she didn’t know how to turn that off when Oliver got home, and I’m glad they didn’t just sweep under the rug what Felicity went through during that time.

She got to face her demons (or dragons… see what I did there?) by finally confronting Diaz with a chance to kill him, and deciding not too. Therefore making Dark!Felicity a well handled and a true highlight of the season.

Smoak Tech. Finally. Why couldn’t they have done this SEASONS ago? I don’t know. Why was she fired from Palmer Tech in the first place? I don’t know.
*  *  *
Felicity’s exit from the show was clearly taken very seriously. They gave us a bittersweet, but ultimately satisfying ending for her character. After she made all the tech she wanted to make, after she vigilanted her heart out, and most importantly, after she knew William and Mia were safe and had each other: she went to be with Oliver. Wherever he is.

Felicity’s importance was never squandered or questioned in that moment, but rather celebrated. She is the heart of the show, and in the end she followed hers.
*  *  *
Diggle, Diggle, Diggle. We got some Dyla action this season, which was good. I’m always pro-Dyla. However, Diggle’s weird thing about not wanting to help Felicity get Oliver out of prison was just that… WEIRD. And never really explained (to my satisfaction).
*  *  *
You know what would have worked better? Is if Felicity and Diggle disagreed on how to get Oliver out of prison not if they should do it. We still would of had some great Delicity time and Dark!Felicity going on her own. Everybody wins.
*  *  *
But once Mia was revealed as Oliver and Felicity’s daughter it was full speed ahead! Honestly, the only thing I care about going into season 8 are these flash-forward kids, and eventually getting them reunited with Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle (and Lyla).
*  *  *
See, they built this whole world separate from OTA, but also inherently connected it, making it ripe for a spinoff.
*  *  *
All in all, Diaz was categorically the WORST villain in Arrow history, while the Emiko Queen reveal would have been more interesting seasons ago.
*  *  *
Ah, Olicity. The lifeblood ship of this Arrowverse.
*  *  *
It’s beautiful seeing a marriage of a superhero couple through episodic television, and no matter the trials, tribulations, and time that occurs between these two, their love, commitment, and friendship prevail. Always.

I love that Oliver and Felicity are allowed to have the fight. Because when they do fight, it’s never a question of love.

We also got to see them come to terms with parenthood, and what that both means for them. In a perfect world, they would have gotten joint custody of William and Mia would have grown up with both her parents and her big brother. But alas, this is Arrow.

Olicity is epic, reaching decades, the multiverse, and all of our lives.

It’s bigger than the freaking universe.

Edited by tv echo
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Colton Haynes Isn't in Kansas Anymore


The Hollywood darling has come a long way from being one of MTV’s most promising talents, launching to superstardom on the network’s highly rated and meme-able Teen Wolf, which averaged nearly 2.5 million viewers each week. Ever since he played Jackson Whittemore, Haynes’s star quality has endured. He eventually landed the role of Roy Harper, i.e. Arsenal, in the CW’s superhero series Arrow, playing Green Arrow’s sexy sidekick, which solidified his place in TV history as one of very few out queer stars to play a superhero in a mainstream project.
*  *  *
Haynes couldn’t have burst on the scene at a better time. Having blossomed alongside out gay producers Davis, Greg Berlanti (Arrow), and most recently Ryan Murphy in American Horror Story: Cult, the star is becoming one of the most trailblazing queer actors of his generation — whether he realizes it or not.
*  *  *
“I lived so many years of my life in this industry, trying or going along with that package,” he says of the typical Hollywood formula. “And unfortunately, I wasn’t able to keep it up, so I needed to be myself. Even though sometimes I share a lot, my struggles can help other people. I’m still hearing from certain people that have gone through what I’ve gone through. Even though a lot of it isn’t as in-depth as the way that I’ve shared, it helps me to be able to share a lot more because I’m like, Oh, I’m not alone. I’m not crazy. My struggles aren’t just my own. A lot of people go through this.
*  *  *
“A hero, I think, is someone who can just be true and authentic, and someone who can really stand for something they believe in,” he says. “I do think it’s in all of us. I didn’t know that I was going to grow up in a town of 600 people and eventually be able to do what I do now. It’s totally in all of us, and it’s really special. Everyone just needs to tap into it.”


Edited by tv echo

TVLine was way, way off...

Our Fall TV Predictions, From Arrow Time 'Travel' to Last Man's Ratings and Freshman Fates: Which Came True?
By Team TVLine / June 4 2019,


Way back in mid-September, when the shrink wrap had barely come off of the 2018-19 TV season, the TVLine staff did the annual thing that we do — proffer predictions for dozens of shows. What was our latest success rate?



PREDICTION: Season 7 will open with Roy Harper, seven months into the future, being interrogated about the murder of Oliver Queen — and the rest of the story unfolds in flashbacks to the present.

OUTCOME: For one that we pulled out of our, er, quiver — informed only by the tease of a new narrative device plus Colton Haynes’ peculiar Comic-Con comments — this one was oddly close-ish (Roy in a future timeline!). Indulge us one-quarter of a point. (Score So Far: 2.25-for-3)

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Meet the Man Turning Queer and Trans People Into Superheroes


Forty-year-old David Rapaport grew up far from Hollywood. On the opposite coast, the Boston-bred grandson of Holocaust survivors, thrived. Now the only out gay casting director at a major studio, Rapaport has earned a solid reputation casting for a number of Warner Bros’ series, including Riverdale and Gossip Girl. Rapaport has also teamed up with gay producer Greg Berlanti, casting nearly all of The CW’s Arrowverse projects, including Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. He also cast Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, which was renewed for a second season last fall. 
*  *  *
Though Rapaport was a huge Superman and Batman fan (Michael Keaton’s version of the latter), he admits he’s not as well-versed in the comic world as most of the writers and directors of these shows. But, he says, that’s actually his greatest strength. 

“I come to the table with a clean slate when it comes to expectations of who is most right for the role,” he explains. “This allows me to approach a project without any expectations based on a previous notion of how a character should look or what their sexuality or ethnicity is. I’m therefore less tied to a specific idea and then open to really finding an actor to match the essence of the character written on the page. But I look to the director to guide me and together we shape the world of a pilot episode.” 
*  *  *
There’s no formula for putting together the perfect combination of actors. Casting directors filter out hundreds (sometimes thousands) of applicants, whittling down the worthy candidates down to only a short few, actors who are then presented to a film or show’s director to begin a grueling process of workshops and character development. Then, the casting director navigates a system that includes other writers, producers, studios, networks. Together as a group they decide on who ultimately gets the role. 

Edited by tv echo

CH did a couple of Australian interviews in advance of this weekend's Oz Comic Con Melbourne...

Colton Haynes Says He Got Stung By The Dropbear Myth Before Coming To Aus
By Matt Galea  June 3, 2019


What do you love about doing appearances at conventions?
It’s really nice to be somewhere where you know people have followed your career and they’re super personable and just excited that you’re there.

And it’s nice because a lot of the same fans that I’ve met in the past travel around the world to see us and it’s really nice to catch up with them and be around other people who I have worked with like Willa [Holland].

She’s going to be at Oz Comic-Con and I haven’t seen her in a while so it’ll be nice to catch up.
*  *  *
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever been asked to do at a convention?
Everytime someone asks me to sing, I’m like, “I’m not going to sing!”

Then, of course, the crowd cheers and I’m not that person. If someone is cheering me on, I’m still not going to do it.

You’ve starred in several shows that cater to the teen demo, what do you love most about the younger fan base?
Well that’s when I could play younger, now I’m keeping the clothes on [laughs]. I’m older now and I’m not a teenager so I don’t think I’m in that age range now. I’d like to think that I am but I’m not sure if that’s realistic.

But I’ve just been super lucky to stay in that throughout my 20s and now I’m in my 30s and it’s been such a fun ride and it’s been really great to do these teen demographic shows because it reaches that audience and I didn’t realise that I was going to play a teenager in my 30s but it’s been so great to be able to reach out, especially on social media, to these people who are going through what the character’s going through and shine a light on what’s going on.
*  *  *
Of all the characters you’ve played, which one have you felt the most attached to?
I would probably say Jackson in Teen Wolf. I know I’m on Arrow right now, but that was just such a special time for me. I think I was like 20 years old, it was my first big job and that family that I got to be a part of was really special to me.

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In this open letter by KM about the end of Shadowhunters, she also wrote about becoming a part of Arrow (quoted below)...

Shadowhunters' Kat McNamara Pens a Sweet Sendoff to the TV Class of 2019


This year, in particular, has been quite the rollercoaster for another reason as well. It has brought the next chapter, the next puzzle, and the next family into my life: The CW's Arrow. It has been a process full of surprises from the start. My audition for this show came about a week after the Shadowhunters cancellation news, so needless to say, I was still getting my bearings. Despite all that, when this fell in my lap, I was immediately intrigued. The sides, the pages an actor uses to audition, were for the role of a rookie cop with a dark past and a propensity for sass — even toward the formidable vigilantes she encountered.

When I was cast, I immediately started research on the type of training and education police officers receive when I got a call from Beth Schwartz, our showrunner and resident superhero, who told me that this character was merely a front for auditions and that I was instead (SPOILER) Mia Smoak, the daughter of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. I was speechless. I had been witness to the power of Olicity due to the popularity of Malec and knew how beloved they are to the Arrow viewers. As daunted as I was by the responsibility of this endeavor, I was determined to take it on as creatively as I could, taking elements of both characters and blending them into a person who honored the relationship that Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, and the writers of the show have spent so many years developing.
*  *  *
I am so thankful to have been welcomed into the Arrowverse family. From the cast to the crew to everyone else involved, it has been quite a joy. Being the new kid on the block is never easy; going into the show halfway into their seventh season, I was a bit trepidatious and feeling a bit like it was the first day of school. Coming off of a show where I was a part of building the world from day one, where I knew every member of the cast and crew so well, this was unfamiliar territory and something I had not done in years. However, I was instantly put at ease by none other than the Green Arrow himself. He was in the middle of shooting one of the most difficult episodes of the season, and as soon as we crossed paths when I arrived on set for initial fittings, he jumped out of his chair, gave me a huge hug and actually took a moment to greet me and make me feel welcome.

This experience is not only indicative of Stephen Amell but also the rest of the Arrow cast and crew, who instantly treated me as one of the family — something for which I will be eternally grateful. Arrow is such a hallmark of superhero television — a classic in its own right — and I have loved jumping in with the folks who have been on the show from the beginning and seeing them get excited and inspired by this new chapter and exploring what creative possibilities that could entail. Also, having the opportunity to continue my physical training — expanding my fighting skills as well as adding a certain iconic weapon to my proverbial tool belt (thwick) — has been incredible as it was one of the elements I was so sad to lose with Shadowhunters coming to a close. Beth and the writers at Arrow HQ have gone above and beyond in crafting Mia's story. They have created a woman who is complex, dark, troubled, and badass, yet who still manages to have a sense of humor and a heart of gold, albeit one a bit tarnished by the events of her life. This has made it an absolute dream to explore and create this woman, and I'm beyond excited to see where her journey may lead.

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Olicity’s top 10 moments from ‘Arrow’ season 7
Lynsey Neill   June 8, 2019


#10 The Parallel Fight (7×01) 
Even though this scene takes place with Oliver and Felicity physically apart, the fact that their hearts and minds are interconnected during every second, is evident.
*  *  *
The shots are back to back comparing what Oliver’s experiencing, to what Felicity’s experiencing. Oliver is expertly breaking faces, arms, and cement walls. Felicity is throwing coffee pots, kicking, screaming, and using everything she can — the best she can.
*  *  *
#9 The Foot Rub (7×18) 
*  *  *
And although exhausted, still being thoughtful, sweet, and courteous to your spouse. Waiting up for your wife, and being excited to tell your husband about your day. Meanwhile, sharing in the solidarity of your tired minds and bones but keeping awake because of that jolt of electricity you feel knowing that you’ll fall asleep side by side. Together.

#8 Naming Mia (7×15) 
*  *  *
#7 Felicity Tells Oliver (7×14)
*  *  *
We got countertop ice cream eating, a supportive husband, then finally, a subtle reveal in hopes of Oliver taking the hint.
*  *  *
And the rest is meticulously recorded in Olicity history.

#6 The Delivery (7×16)
*  *  *
Everything they’ve ever wanted wrapped up in a little bundle.

#5 Wedding Anniversary (7×08) 
We were first broken hearted with the tease of shower sex. We were so close, fandom! However, we did get the zipping of a dress (up and down, I’m sure), repeated wedding vows, and a little make-out leading to a fashionably late Olicity.
*  *  *
#4 Prison Talk (7×01) 
If the parallel fight scene was about a dwindling hope then this prison talk is about the slow recharge of it.
*  *  *
#3 Reunion (7×07)
*  *  *
#2 Crossover Love Declarations (7×09) 
A soul in what appears to be Barry Allen’s body is proven to be Felicity’s husband.

However disguised this love may seem to Felicity, Oliver wears his own heart on his sleeve.
*  *  *
Therefore, the disguise deteriorated before her eyes, and she saw her husband. The Green Arrow.
*  *  *
#1 Goodbye (7×22)
*  *  *
This is so hard, so difficult, so unthinkable, because they are the best parts of each other. And the purity, rarity, and beauty, that comes with that fact is what makes it so much bigger than the freaking universe.

This started with a man who thought he was undeserving. Of forgiveness. Of redemption. Or even of love. But the unconditional love of this woman, and his in return, opened up his heart in ways he didn’t even know were possible. And that’s exactly what Felicity said to him the first time she said she loved him. And he regrets not saying he loved her sooner. They could of had more time.
*  *  *
But this isn’t the end of their story. Felicity’s conviction in promising to find Oliver again is absolute. And she does. After she kept her promises, after she feels ready, she meets Oliver on the other side of the multiverse.
*  *  *
Shipping started with epic tales and stories surrounding these superhero couples, and we are so lucky to watch the realities, complexities, and beauties, of a boundless superheroic love like Olicity.

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  • Love 2

Arrow Has Already Set Up The Perfect Spin-Off Series: Star City 2040


A new Arrowverse TV series set in Star City 2040 would be the best of all possible spin-offs from Arrow. The first of The CW's DC series will come to an end with season 8 later this year, but the world can live on by continuing the story that started in Arrow season 7's flashforwards.
*  *  *
... The Arrow season 7 finale offered the perfect set-up for a spin-off series, as the mentors agreed to fade into the shadows and leave the protection of their city up to the next generation of heroes.

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Arrow star's a straight-shooter as Supanova hype builds
Finn Coleman   June 10, 2019


The annual Supanova Pop Culture Expo is looming large on Australia's horizon. It starts at Sydney's Olympic Park on June 21 to 23 before heading to in Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane this year. Finn Coleman has caught up with a couple of the visiting celebs. Let's start with Arrow star Stephen Amell.
*  *  *
Though Amell did appear in some recurring television roles it wasn't until he was cast as Oliver Queen in Arrow that he had his breakthrough.

"Like any other profession, you get a role, then you get something that's a bit bigger and then something that's a bit bigger. And you have a little bit more responsibility ... when I got Arrow it felt like the right time."
*  *  *
Looking back on being cast in the pilot Amell said: "I don't think there was a big hope for a show based on the Green Arrow.

"Comic book fans knew him and Smallville fans knew him but at best Green Arrow is a niche character.

"It wasn't until between season one and season two where they sat me down and said 'we've had a lot of success here and we're going to bring Barry Allen in for season two, and the hope is to create a Flash series and basically the hope is to make the Justice League on TV'.

"And I went, 'Oh I think we might be around for a little bit' and even though I've felt like there haven't really been any misses in the TV universe we've still had people in our way, unfortunately and ultimately stupidly, but what are you going to do, you just press on."
*  *  *
"I know that there are people who think about the comic book canon of Green Arrow and think maybe Oliver should crack a smile every once and a while but I need to be true to what we did in the pilot, which is a guy that has been through a traumatic experience that is just trying to find his way.

"I would like to think that I have created a version of the character."

Amell found playing the role to be "really cool" and can't wait to see what happens to the character.

"I've loved other versions of the character and further to that, I'm really excited to see what will happen to the character next. I would love to see someone else play Oliver Queen ... I would love to see what they do with it."

Along with the Arrow's version of Oliver, Amell has been proud to see the creation of new characters and the changing of some comic book characters.

"Felicity Smoak, she was a DC Comics character, I don't believe she was in Green Arrow," said Amell.

"I'm actually most proud that we created a character like John Diggle who now becomes a part of the canon and you see in the comic books. That to me is the accomplishment of the show.

"When people ask me what my favourite villain is, the fans will overwhelmingly say Deathstroke, at least the comic book fans will, but for me it's Prometheus because that's something that we conceived off of how we created the show. The fact that we have been able to do stuff like that, I think that's really cool."
*  *  *
"I only read DC Comics growing up, ironically," he said.

"I swear to god this is not on purpose. It's not like I thought they were superior to Marvel, because I definitely read Spawn, like I have a bunch of first editions of Spawn. I just remembered that those were Todd McFarlene and it was Image Comics ... apart from that I only had DC Comics. So, being a part of the DC Universe felt pretty organic."
*  *  *
Amell said: "it is sad, but it's good. I talked to Greg Berlanti in early 2018, when we were finishing up season six ... and I said 'hey Greg, it's time'. And he said 'time for what?' and I said 'It's time man, it's time to wrap it up'.

"As we're getting closer to it, it feels strange, it'll be the better part of a decade of my life where almost everything that I've done, whether it be work or vacation, has been dictated by my schedule on the show.

"But it wrapping up feels good, it's time doesn't mean it's not sad, but it's time."
*  *  *
"I love playing villains, I really do. I think playing one would be heaps of fun. DC, Marvel, a new creation I don't care."

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Arrow season 7 episode 22 (finale) review: Felicity's exit, a shock ending, season 8 theories (7x22)
Published on May 13, 2019, by CarterMatt

-- Matt Carter: "There has to be some sort of way to bring back Emily for the series finale, right? I refuse to believe that this episode tonight [7x22] is the very last time that we're going to see her, just because - you know, it is one episode, it's probably coming up later this year they're gonna film it, maybe they'll actually air it later this year. I think the airing structure for Season 9 is going to be interesting at the same time. But getting her back for just one episode in order to properly tie things together and sort of get us into whatever is going on in that future timeline with her and Oliver, I think it is pretty much essential at this point. But obviously Emily deserves the right to move on and do whatever else she wants to with her career. She's brought a lot to this show over the years... But yeah, this was a weird, crazy, intense, but really, really well-done finale, like, those final 10 minutes - phew! - like, that was a kick to the gut, the stomach, like, all of your internal organs... I'm still reeling from it."

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  • Love 4

9 'Arrow' Episodes to Watch Before the Final Season (PHOTOS)
Meredith Jacobs June 14, 2019


"Pilot" (Season 1, Episode 1)
Though the series has changed quite a bit from its first episode, it's important to see where it all started. Oliver returned home after five years (not just on Lian Yu), and his quest to save his city began as the Hood.
*  *  *
"Sacrifice" (Season 1, Episode 23)
The Season 1 finale featured the first devastating attack in May, in this case Malcolm Merlyn's (John Barrowman) Undertaking. Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey), and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) tried to stop him only to learn of another part of the plan too late, and Oliver lost someone very close to him.
*  *  *
"City of Heroes" (Season 2, Episode 1)
After fleeing to Lian Yu following the events of the Undertaking, Oliver returned home and took over as CEO of Queen Consolidated. He donned the hood again when his sister, Thea (Willa Holland), was kidnapped, but he refused to go back to his old ways. Instead, he became the Arrow.
*  *  *
"Unthinkable" (Season 2, Episode 23)
The city once again came under attack in May, this time from Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) and his army of Mirakuru soldiers. Oliver continued on the path he'd taken for most of the season — finding a way other than murder to stop his enemies — and it set the wheels in motion for later episodes involving Slade and the prison on Lian Yu.
*  *  *
"Green Arrow" (Season 4, Episode 1)
Everyone knew that eventually Oliver would have to become the Green Arrow, and it was in the Season 4 premiere that he introduced himself to Star City as such. We also got a taste of domestic life for Oliver and Felicity, Diggle, Laurel (Katie Cassidy), and Thea working together, and that devastating flashforward that warned of an upcoming death.
*  *  *
"Kapiushon" (Season 5, Episode 17)
One of the greatest villains of Arrow was Adrian Chase's Prometheus (Josh Segarra). This episode featured some of Amell's best work of the series opposite Segarra as the villain held him captive and tortured him for a week. We also saw Oliver at his darkest point in flashbacks to his time in Russia.
*  *  *
The "Elseworlds" Crossover
These three episodes of The Flash (Season 5, Episode 9), Arrow (Season 7, Episode 9), and Supergirl (Season 4, Episode 9) are necessary to understand the next Arrowverse crossover, "Crisis on Infinite Earths," as well as the deal Oliver made that came into play at the end of Season 7.
*  *  *
"Star City 2040" (Season 7, Episode 16)
Season 7 featured flashforwards beginning with adult William's (Ben Lewis) journey to Lian Yu. During the season, William met his sister, Mia (Katherine McNamara), and Diggle's adopted son, Connor Hawke (Joseph David-Jones).
*  *  *
"You Have Saved This City" (Season 7, Episode 22)
Before a new season, it's always good to familiarize yourself with the most recent finale. The Season 7 finale saw the teams in the present and future successfully stop attacks on their city. Oliver's time with Felicity and baby Mia was cut short when the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) showed up to collect Oliver because of the deal he made in "Elseworlds," setting up the fall crossover.

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  • Love 3

You have saved this City - Arrow Music Notes 7x22
Austencello (Ruth)   June 17, 2019


The episode ends with Ruelle’s song “The other side” giving the season a bookend of Ruelle songs as the season opened with one of her songs, as Felicity and Oliver were separated by a long prison sentence, following Oliver’s lonely and repetitive journey in prison.  Now, the lyrics match the goodbye Oliver has to say to Felicity and Mia, heartbroken and unsure that he will ever come back.  Felicity promises to come find him and 20 years later, the Monitor takes her to find him.
*  *  *
- I cried a lot with this episode.  And then again in writing this review.  It was beautiful and heart-breaking. While I realize there are 10 more episodes, this felt like a series finale.  The rest almost feels like an epilogue to a grand tale of a man who became a hero, who deeply loves his family and his city, who fell in love and grew to accept that he was worthy of happiness.
*  *  *
- My deep dive into Arrow’s music was through Felicity after Season 3.  I wrote a brief thing on Oliver and a little more on Diggle but then I recorded every bit of her music through the first 3 seasons which inspired me to keep writing and analyzing the individual episodes, 4x01 until now.  I loved discovering the use of harp and that her last scene in the official score used that.  I love the Olicity theme with it]s numerous iterations and have even recorded cello and piano versions of it. While I hope that it will appear in the last 10 episodes, I also love that it was played twice as Oliver, Felicity and Mia had a bit of happiness together.  I am going to miss Felicity greatly.


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  • Love 2

I guess this writer didn't know that Arrow is being cancelled because its star, SA, called it quits...

Superhero Fatigue?
By Joe Donnelly  |  June 19th, 2019


Has the superhero genre of television, streaming, and movies finally run its course? No matter what media form you consume, there are superheros everywhere. The amount of media networks that have some sort of comic book character based show is off the charts and has to be the most on screen time these characters ever had since comic books have been around. With shows like CW’s The Flash and Arrow, Netflix’s DareDevil and Jessica Jones, Freeform’s Cloak and Dagger, Hulu’s Runaways, The entire DC Universe Streaming service with Titans, Doom Patrol, and Swamp Thing is superhero fatigue finally setting in? Are there just too many shows that it’s too overwhelming?
*  *  *
CW is even cancelling its flagship “Arrowverse” show, Arrow. The show has been on air for 7 seasons and will call it a quits after 10 more episodes. Could this be the start of the Arrowverse coming to an end? Possibly. CW, though, is bringing a show to “replace” Arrow… maybe? Ruby Rose will be taking up the cowl and play Batwoman in the new CW series, but is it too little too late? People already have expressed that they fear the show is going to be terrible and believe the trailers confirm it. If it tanks in its inaugural season, are the rest of the CW shows not far behind? Only time will tell.

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'Lucifer,' 'Shadowhunters' Top TV Soundtracks; Ruelle Ranks 3 Songs on May's Top TV Songs List
6/19/2019 by Annie Howard


Season three of Freeform's Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments includes two of three Ruelle tracks, "I Get to Love You Ruelle and "Where We Come Alive." Her song "The Other Side" ranked on season seven of Arrow (The CW).
*  *  *
Listen to the month's top songs below.

1  "Way Down We Go," Kaleo  (NCIS, S16, Ep. 22-...and Executioner)
2  "My Love Will Never Die (feat. Claire Syndham)," AG  (Lucifer, S4, Ep. 10-Who's da New King of Hell?)
3  "I Get to Love You," Ruelle  (Shadowhunters, S3, Ep. 22-All Good Things)
4  "A Song of Ice and Fire," Ramin Djawadi  (Game of Thrones, S8, Ep. 6-The Iron Throne)
5  "The Other Side," Ruelle  (Arrow, S7, Ep. 22-You Have Saved This City)
6  "Heaven (All Around You)," Apollo LTD  (Station 19, S2, Ep. 15-Always Ready)
7  "That's It (I'm Crazy)," Sofi Tucker  (The Blacklist, S6, Ep. 22-Robert Diaz)
8  "The Beast," Old Caltone  (Lucifer, S4, Ep. 1-Everything's Okay)
9  "Silvia (Roboberget Remix)," Miike Snow  (Lucifer, S4, Ep. 4-All About Eve)
10  "Where We Come Alive," Ruelle  (Shadowhunters, S3, Ep. 22-All Good Things)

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  • Love 1

Um - Arrow will only have been on air for 8 seasons when it ends (not 10)...

Captain Comics: Why so many TV show cancellations? Ratings might not be the culprit
By Andrew A. Smith, Tribune News Service Jun 20, 2019


THE CW: Many were surprised to hear "Arrow" would finish its run with a shortened 10th season, beginning in October. I think the surprise was that it wasn't "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," which is also in the Arrowverse, but has shakier ratings.

That alone indicates that the end of "Arrow" was driven by something other than numbers. Actors, like Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak), wanting to move on? Creative fatigue? Regardless, "Arrow" has been on TV a decade, which is pretty impressive.

And it doesn't even leave much of a hole. CW still airs "Black Lightning," "The Flash," the aforementioned "Legends" and "Supergirl." Adding to DC-centric programming this fall is "Batwoman." No, the Arrowverse isn't going anywhere.

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  • LOL 1

And yet this writer uses a pic of JH...

10 Iconic Female Superheroes We Need To See More Of


3. Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance
This hero is yet to have her own show or movie, but she’s another example of a great female hero. Black Canary, created by ‎Robert Kanigher‎ and ‎Carmine Infantino, made her first appearance in comics in 1947, and this DC warrior means business.

With her ultrasonic scream and martial arts skills, Dinah Lance is someone who is quick to act when there is danger. She was raised in a family of heroes, and followed their example by becoming Black Canary. Simply put, she’s a fighter who doesn’t back down easily, even in the face of adversity, and is definitely someone worth looking up to.

Black Canary might not have her own show (yet), but she’s a featured character on the CW show “Arrow.” (Image via Netflix)

  • LOL 3

This quiz is kinda easy to predict the result based on the questions (you may need to use your browser's "Translate to English" feature)...

Who would you be in Arrow?
Candida Coast  6/21/2019


You are Felicity Smoak
You are very intelligent, you like to help everyone, you are beautiful, you are an expert in computer science and a super hacker! Can hack into any server, no matter how hard it is! You speak fragmented, two-way phrases, and that's just one of the things that makes you so special!

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  • Love 1

Arrow Returns To Comic-Con For The Final Season


Arrow is headed back to Comic-Con in San Diego for a final season panel on Saturday, July 20.

The Arrow panel will be happening at 3:30PM in Ballroom 20 on July 20, and we can expect some big news about this last run of episodes.

A list of attending cast has not been revealed and is expected at a later time ...


  • Love 1

Smallville's Tom Welling Says He Would Love to Do an Episode of ARROW... As Batman
by Jessica Fisher   June 26, 2019


Tom Welling, best known for playing Clark Kent in the popular TV series Smallville, was recently reunited with his co-star, Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor on the series, on Rosenbaum’s podcast Inside of You. The friends chatted about what it was like working together, co-stars, dating, and all sorts of stuff. They also talk about growing out of their parts, and what they’d like to do next. 

After many fans have spoken out in the past saying they’d love to see Welling back on TV and possibly join the Arrowverse, Welling said, “oh yeah, I signed on for six episodes for Arrow next season…” to which they both cracked up. Then Rosenbaum asked if someone seriously came to him and asked if he’d like to sign on to play Batman, and Welling said, "Yeah, I do like Batman and I think there is some room to grow there. And, yeah, it would be different." And while that probably wouldn’t happen, it’s not altogether impossible, and it would be pretty fun for him to play with. Welling said he’s just really not ready to play someone’s dad yet. So while there isn’t an immediate plan to see Welling enter the Arrowverse, it’s good to know he isn’t totally closed off to the idea. The whole podcast episode is really fun. You can check it out here, and let us know if you’d be down to see Tom Welling as Batman in the Arrowverse. 

Smallville Star Tom Welling Likes the Idea of Playing Batman in The CW's ArrowVerse
JEREMY DICK— June 24th, 2019


Speaking with Smallville co-star Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) on his Inside of You podcast, Tom Welling was directly asked if he would play Batman "in a second" in the Arrowverse if the opportunity arose. "Yeah, I do like Batman, and I think there is some room to grow there," Welling says about the prospect, adding that it would be "different" from the roles he usually takes on. While Superman and Batman do have something in common as members of the Justice League, the characters are drastically different in most other ways. Certainly, Batman is a much darker character, but still seems like something Welling can pull off given his run as the murderer Cain on Lucifer.
*  *  *
As for the status of Batman in the Arrowverse, his whereabouts are currently unknown. ... While he's currently missing in action, it seems likely we'll eventually see Bruce Wayne show up in the Arrowverse, and it's just a matter of time. Welling's words come from Michael Rosenbaum's Inside of You podcast.

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Arrow reviewer Chris King was a guest on this podcast by Nick Hogan (also a Tell-Tale TV writer), and they talked about Arrow (among other things)...

Episode 10 - iZombie, The 100, Arrow, Favorite Movies of 2019, Field of Dreams, Sports Talk (Guest Chris King)
An episode of Nick's Infinite Playlist
By Nick Hogan   June 24, 2019

-- Chris King thought that S7 of Arrow was a "mixed bag" but was "more positive for me than negative, for sure." He liked the prison story arc with Oliver because it "explored similar story beats but in a new way," and he liked the reintroduction of Bronze Tiger. He "loved" the flashforward story and thought it was "terrific," with Blackstar turning out to be Mia Smoak, with Connor Hawke's being Diggle's adopted son, and with William as well.

-- CK would be "cool" with S8 "mostly taking place" in flashforwards and whatever Oliver's doing with the Monitor: "That, to me, would ideally be what Season 8's about, because, no offense to the other characters, but I - I - this show to me has always been Oliver, Diggle and Felicity... I've enjoyed Rene, what he's brought. I've enjoyed what Dinah's brought. Um, sometimes in - especially in Season 6, which, the less said about Season 6 of Arrow, the better, there was, um, very plot over character writing, that I think really threw the new team under the bus. Um, too, I think some of the fandom hasn't gotten over it. Um, I have, for the most part. I still think Dinah can be a little indignant sometimes. I still think, uh, you know, Rene can be a little, um - what's the word I'm looking for here? He basically, like - I don't know, he doesn't necessarily take the fall all the time when he should. Um, but overall, I really enjoy them as characters. And I'd like to see them continue to be a presence, but in the future storyline. To me, Star City, now that Oliver's gone and Felicity's gone from the present storyline, I don't really need more of that. I don't need to see how Team Arrow continues to defend Star City, um, in their - uh, in their absence, because really - I mean, the Season 7 finale, which I personally thought was the best episode of the season. Um, I thought that worked in some ways as a series finale. Um, and obviously it felt that way because Emily Bett Rickards is leaving, which I think is - personally, I think it's a huge loss to the show, but I also understand her needing to - wanting to pursue other things. She's been on the show for seven years. I also know that the Season 8 renewal was kind of late, and I think some actors made other plans. Um, and I think the way they capped Felicity's storyline was really beautiful and earned and just really, like, wonderful what they did with her and Oliver and Mia, and then with her going with the Monitor at the end. Um, I just think that really honored their relationship, which has been such a huge part of the show. You know, it's been those two, and it's been, uh, Diggle and Oliver, and, um, Felicity and Diggle, and then for a while there too, Oliver and Thea. Like, I think those are really some of the core relationships."

-- CK: "My hopes for Season 8 are that we - we kinda - I don't know, is that Oliver, despite being on his own mission - you know, that he doesn't - that he doesn't get completely cut off from everyone else. Like, I still want to see Oliver and Diggle interacting. Um, I need Oliver at some point to interact with Mia, with 2040 Mia. Um, 'cause like he's dead but he's not. I can't see the show killing him off in Crisis On Infinite Earths like that... I feel like he's earned, um - he's earned at least a happier ending. It doesn't need to be, like, you know, happily ever after. But everything he's gone through, he doesn't deserve to die. And I frankly think that's the boring story choice for him, you know. As I mentioned earlier when we were talking about Liv, about how Oliver's also going to one who does the sacrifice play, um, it gets, you know, it gets old watching him suffer after awhile. And I think, what is this seven, eight year journey worth if he doesn't somehow end up in a better place than when he started, especially with everything he's gone through with Felicity and Diggle? Um, yeah, my thoughts are that we'll hopefully get - if I'm predicting for what I'm hoping to see, or at least giving you my wish list - is that we get a lot of Star City 2040 and that we get Oliver, you know, working with the Monitor."

-- CK: "It's 10 episodes... I don't even know what the Big Bad would be. You know, we know Crisis is coming, but like that's gotta be saved for the crossover. So, does Oliver, like, fight, like, some type of, like, you know, villain of the week, of the Big Bad of Crisis every week? ... I really don't know what's going to happen with Arrow, and that is really is what's got me so excited about this final season.... The fact that it's gonna be new and it's gonna be different, um, and I think it's kind of a cool way to - you know, the show in recent years has really been a lot about legacy and what Oliver's legacy is, and I think in a lot of ways it's his daughter, and it's his - it's this team that they've now cultivated. Um, and so I think not focusing on them would be a mistake, um, in the final season. And I think focusing on them and also, you know, giving us the conclusion to what Oliver Queen's journey is, and hopefully that conclusion is not just death. Um, that's really the only things I can predict and that I really think and hope we'll see."

-- Nick Hogan: "I've just got a lot of, uh, just genuine curiosity going into Season 8. I enjoyed Season 7 for the most part. It was definitely better than Season 6... We won't speak of Season 6 any more." CK: "The Civil War storyline between Team Arrow in Season 6, dude, Jesus God... Those reviews were pure torture." NH: "They got rid of Curtis halfway through this year, which I am not going to complain about."

-- NH: "What's got me really curious is, you know, Emily Bett Rickards is gone. So, you know, what do they do? Then, I wondered about - they've got this gravestone for Oliver in 2019, but did he really die in 2019? Or is that their way of explaining where he went? Uh, you know, 'cause he goes off with the Monitor and disappears, and they say he dies in 2019, but does he die? ... The rumor was that his original plan was to end Arrow after Season 7 and then just come back for the crossovers. And so I wondered if this was a way to do that, is to kind of be an immortal crime fighter, to maybe like replace the Monitor, or do something like that, where his life becomes eternal and not of this world. Um, and that would be an easy way to put him in 2040 for a little while." CK: "Yeah. That's a good call... And also it makes sense where Felicity goes... Because, I mean, there's a lot of, where does she go there at the end? I don't need the necessary place. Like, I'm not trying to get too spiritual on this podcast, but to me, wherever she's going is wherever Oliver's soul is, you know. And, um, that's all that matters to me, is that they'll be together, um, because, you know, sorry, if guys don't like Oliver and Felicity, I'm a big Oliver and Felicity fan... I think they deserve that - that - that happy ending in a way... I just want to make sure that, by the end of the series, that we know that Oliver Queen is somehow - whatever he's doing, that he's okay with it, even if he is this new Monitor, which, I have to say, I think is a really cool prediction. That, like, you know, in a lot of ways, crime - fighting crime is like the only thing that did make sense to him. And it was his way of kind of healing once he really found the right path to it and wasn't just killing names off a list. Um, so I could see that being a satisfying ending for me, still as long as he gets to connect with his daughter. That's - that's it. If he does not somehow get some like connection with Mia, especially with Katherine McNamara being so good... I'll be very - that'll be one thing where I'll be going, 'what the hell, Arrow, you really dropped the ball on that one.'"

-- NH added that "the Monitor thing" would also be a way for Oliver to connect with his loved ones and mentioned that Colin Donnell just left Chicago Med and is free now. So if Oliver's no longer "bound by space and time," that would be an opportunity for him to have some "cathartic moments" with old characters. NH also mentioned Jamey Sheridan and Susanna Thompson and Willa Holland as other original cast members that they should get back for the final season. He's optimistic about and looking forward to S8.

-- CK said that he trusted Beth Schwartz and thought that she has a "really good handle" on what the stories are for the main characters on the show: "I would say the main three [characters] and maybe someone like Roy as well." So he's optimistic about S8 as well.

-- NH: "You don't have to apologize for being an Oliver and Felicity fan on this podcast 'cause I think, um, the numbers are in and the one that I had Jen* on is like, so far, the most listened to." CK: "It's less of an apology, and it's just - I think it's just my twitter shield coming up... If anyone who listens to this reads my reviews, thank you, guys, so much for all the love and support you've given me on them, and all the great comments. It sincerely means the world to me. But yeah, it's like, after every one of them too, they always get someone like, 'ah, you like Nolicity? You blah blah blah.' Whatever, man. I still remember when my piece on Fandom got published about, uh, what like Felicity would do in Season 7, like, my hopes for her. And, oh my God, they just swarmed on me. And I was just like - I've never hit Mute more." NH: "It's obvious to me that they have chemistry, so I don't understand what people are so mad about." CK: "Exactly. It's not like it was a calculated F.U. to comic book fans... If you go back and rewatch the series, like - I love Katie Cassidy as an actress. I do. I loved her on Supernatural especially. But she and Stephen Amell? Nothing. Just nothing. I'm sorry. And then Emily Bett Rickards comes on and it's like, 'whoa! okay, they got this really unique, kinda cool chemistry. Oliver and Felicity have this fun, like, very odd couple kind of bond, like, they're from very different worlds. She makes him smile... Anyway, save that for another podcast. I'll let you move on to the next segment."

(* NH is referring to Jennifer Knudson (a/k/a jbuffyangel), who was a guest on his June 13, 2019 podcast, which you can listen to here.)

Edited by tv echo
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I agree with a lot of that, with s7 being a bit of a mixed bag but the prison arc being good. I don't need much more in present day Star City, unless it's mostly Diggle, Lyla and Bronze Tiger. I'd love Oliver to meet his kids in the future via the Monitor, he deserves at least that much. And a happier ending than *just* the sacrifice play.

Interesting that his most listened to show was with Jen. And the reminder that they didn't plan it, or give in to "a few whining fangirls" it happened because what they had planned wasn't working out and then the explosive chemistry.

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Every CW Drama Show Ever Made Ranked, from Worst to Best

by Lacy Baugher   

2. Arrow (2012-present)


Arrow is pretty much the reason we’re all enjoying such a fantastic array of superhero series on television today. This is the show that proved to us all that it was possible to create a live-action, serialized superhero TV series that didn’t treat the medium like a joke, and respected both its audience and its characters. Now, seven years later, with over a dozen similar programs spread across multiple networks and online streaming services it might be hard to see it, but – at one time this was an extremely big risk.

If Arrow had been a worse show, if it had treated the idea of a green leather wearing vigilante and his pack of crime fighting friends as anything other than a story that was absolutely worth telling, who knows where we – or the CW – would be at this point. (Certainly not frolicking through a shared universe that will comprise six distinct CW series when Fall 2019 rolls around.) And now, as Arrow heads into its final season and prepares to write the end of its own story, the show is honestly as good as it’s ever been.

This wasn’t always the case, to be sure, and Arrow has certainly stumbled through more than its fair share of narrative missteps, wasted character arcs and just straight up dumb stories. But Season 7 threw Oliver in jail and began openly wrestling with the idea of its own legacy by introducing a literal next generation of Team Arrow to carry on the story of Star City. And things got (a lot) better, narratively speaking. Now, it’s exciting to consider the ways in which Arrow might show us all how to end a superhero story, just as it showed us how to begin one.

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Star Ace Toys Unveils New DC TV Arrow Figure
Tuesday, 25 June 2019


This updated 2.0 Deluxe version of the Arrow is crafted in 1/8 scale, and features a wide array of articulation and loads of awesome accessories. Interchangeable heads are also included. 
*  *  *
From Star Ace’s DC TV Real Master Series of collectible action figures is Green Arrow from the CW television show. The Arrow TV series has soared in popularity all around the world and has been at the forefront of many other DC superheroes coming to television.
With the perfect balance of realism with a compact size, the 1:8 scale Master Series delivers a collectible that is ready for play or display. This 1/8 scale collectible figure comes with two heads; one with the Green Arrow’s mask on, and one of the unmasked Oliver Queen.


Edited by tv echo
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