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This is speculative and based on Felicity's former IT job...


The Real-Life Salaries Of Your Favorite TV Characters
APR 14, 2016 2:40 PM ANNE T. DONAHUE

That’s why we reached out to Aubrey Bach of PayScale.com, who gave us realistic salary ranges for jobs held by some of our most beloved fictional working women, from Samantha Jones to Annalise Keating. Unfortunately, fiction pays way better than reality.
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Felicity Smoak, Arrow

Job: I.T. Support Specialist

Fantasy: Felicity pretty much stops being an average IT worker starting in episode 1, but when we first meet her, she's already a skilled hacker who manages to be both socially awkward and incredibly well-dressed. We do get a glimpse of the interior of her amazing apartment later in season 3 — but hopefully by then, her new responsibilities working for Arrow have earned her a well-deserved raise.

Reality: While there is no Star City in real life, the closest equivalent U.S. city by population (and some briefly visible GPS coordinates in episode one) is Seattle. The cost of living is considerably lower there than in other major U.S. cities, but it's still not cheap compared to the rest of the country. Bach's projected salary for an I.T. specialist, $51,000 is doable but not queenly. Our guess is that, in real life, Felicity would be scoring her cute duds from the sales racks at T.J. Maxx.

Edited by tv echo
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that's a really odd article because she was an IT Specialist in S1 and her clothing in S1 pretty much matched that job type as far as looks/cost.  It seems like they're comparing her S1 salary with her current clothing style.

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Missed posting this earlier...


The 5 Best and Worst Laurel Moments From Arrow

By Jenny Raftery   April 7, 2016  12:20 p.m.http://www.vulture.com/2016/04/arrow-laurel-best-worst-moments.html

I agree on the first and third points on the best list, and strongly disagree with the one praising her for reading Lance the riot act for lying to her about the Hood. When she was simultaneously lying to Tommy about the Hood. It's an instance the show played smart though, since Tommy pointed it out straight away too. I would add Laurel's scene with Lance in Taken when she found out about Oliver having a kid from an affair with her friend. That was good.
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I agree on the first and third points on the best list, and strongly disagree with the one praising her for reading Lance the riot act for lying to her about the Hood. When she was simultaneously lying to Tommy about the Hood. It's an instance the show played smart though, since Tommy pointed it out straight away too. I would add Laurel's scene with Lance in Taken when she found out about Oliver having a kid from an affair with her friend. That was good.

I think calling what Oliver and Samantha had "an affair" is giving it wayy too much credit. One night stand sounds more like it- at least that's what I think it was.

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2 of her 5 worst moments are really weak... I actually liked the shark moment... My top 5 worst moments for Laurel are:


  • Resurrecting Sara
  • Making everything about herself when she was talking to Oliver in the hospital hallway while Thea was hurt
  • Lying to Quentin
  • Impersonating Sara
  • Blackmailing to get back her job
  • Going back to CNRI to get folders. ugh.
  • Going after the Arrow for Tommy's death
  • Her throwing glass at Sara (excuse me Laurel, but that's your sister. You don't intend to harm your sister like that you asshole)
  • Going to Oliver right after discovering SARA was the one who went through hell
  • Chewing Oliver out right in front of her client in S1
  • When Laurel asked Oliver why Digg/Felicity can help him but she can't in S2 which oozed petulance
  • Laurel being demanding and bossy in the Arrow cave after Oliver 'died'. No Laurel. You've been in the Arrow cave for 2 seconds.
  • Laurel telling Oliver he's the love of her life... Which was so pathetic...


Whoops... That's way more than five lol

Edited by wonderwall
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Top Laurel Moment


--Defending Thea to Oliver. Explaining that Thea needed help not judgment.


That is literally the only thing Laurel ever did that I truly believed sincere self-less act where she was not going to get anything in return or came out of her own hatred or need for vengeance. It was an unsolicited defense of Thea and she was right.




Worst Laurel Moments:

--Demanding Oliver show her his scars was so cringeworthy. Like what was that actual going to change? Did she just not believe Oliver that whole time. So ridiculous. 


--Dragging Sara's dead body through the city (Like she couldn't have called them to come get her???)

--Blackmail to get her job back

--Waffling on hating Oliver, hating the Vigilante/crushing on the Hood/defending the Vigilante/sleeping with Oliver/waffling on Tommy,

--Getting Tommy killed because she wouldn't listen to anyone.


etc, etc, etc

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Good list. I'd add telling Oliver she hoped he'd be in hell for a lot longer than five years. She didn't know what really happened, but she did know/believe that he'd spent five years alone on a deserted island. For the crime of banging her sister. Gross, yes; deserving of hell, no.

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Laurel going to comfort Oliver after seeing Sara's scarred up body is what cemented in my mind that Laurel cared more about Oliver than her sister. That's why I'll never believe the sisterly bond they tried to tell me they had after Sara died and came back. 

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  • ​Leaving Nysa to rot in Nada Parbat jail


  • Keeping Sara locked in her  building's basement, in leathers that she had been murdered in, buried in, her corpse rotted away in, and was dunked in weird mystical waters. Give the girl some sweats, she was knocked out, you could change her without her attacking you.


  • Not telling anyone that feral Sara had escaped and was murdering thugs and traumatising women that looked like Thea for ONE WHOLE WEEK, because she didn't want Oliver's their "judgement". I JUDGE YOU LAUREL
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I agree with the first, second and fifth of her points. I'm still speechless when I remember the hallway scene with Oliver where she was all "what about me? Me! Me! Me!" when Oliver's sister was in the hospital because she didn't want to tell the team she resurrected Sara because they would have judged her.

I'd add that awful last scene in the hospital with Oliver before she died; telling Oliver she wished he rot in hell longer than 5 years; her behavior towards Tommy during the double date in S1; refusing police protection for that kid in S1 because she knew the vigilante was going to drop everything and protect her (her words, not mine) even if she called him a killer the previous episode; blaming the Arrow for Tommy's death and treating Dig and Felicity like dirt under her shoe until she needed them because Oliver disappeared.

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  • Not telling anyone that feral Sara had escaped and was murdering thugs and traumatising women that looked like Thea for ONE WHOLE WEEK, because she didn't want Oliver's their "judgement". I JUDGE YOU LAUREL


That's a big one as well. She let her sister, a highly trained assassin run wild in the city because SHE didn't want to be judged. What about the people she was terrorizing? What about the people she was killing? What about Sara, who has been through enough trauma to last 3 lifetimes?  That was some serious selfishness right there. Which led to the "What about ME!!!" speech while Thea was lying in a hospital bed after almost being killed by Sara. 


This is their truest hero of them all? 

Edited by Sakura12
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I honestly don't think they retrofitted their story. The signs pointing to Laurel didn't just appear in her final episodes. They knew who they wanted it to be and wrote her story accordingly. They had their short list, but it seems clear to me.

I agree, I do not think they retrofitted their story. I think they had their short list. And I think LL was top on the list. Where I think the writers went wrong was their insistence that they had no idea who was in the grave and they were making it up as they went along. That is where I fault the writers it just made they look like they were crappy writers. It was just setting themselves up for criticism. Then again they tend to shot themselves in the foot a lot, so I expect it from them honestly. Sometimes I wonder if the writers are part of that group of people that needed the "Caution - Hot"  warning on Coffee Cups when it comes to how they interact with press & fans.

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While I tend to agree that it was going to be Lauel all along, I have to wonder, what advantage did it serve them to insist that they didn't know? Internal politics maybe?


I think they decided to kill Laurel at the beginning of the year based on their front-loading of her big story--which usually hits in 10 - 15--following by nothing, as well as her saying good-bye to Sara on both shows, etc.  As much as they say that DC gives them carte blanche, I do think both sides had to play this one carefully.  DC probably doesn't want to kill the show any more than Berlanti and co, but also doesn't want to alienate their base.  Also, I was wondering if they were afraid the internet rage machine would run for six months rather than six weeks (and counting) its run so far.

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I think the show killing off LL is clearly indicative of the poor numbers supporting her, otherwise I doubt DC/CW would've signed off... What makes me believe it even moreso is MG outright stating that the LL fandom is the minority in an interview. 


And when I say poor numbers I mean the analytics derived from Netflix, social media, merchandise sales, con stuff, focus groups, ratings (somewhat), iTunes sales, etc. 

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Also, I was wondering if they were afraid the internet rage machine would run for six months rather than six weeks (and counting) its run so far.

I don't think so, because until the leak no one even thought it could be her..so there wouldn't have been a rage machine - and I think there wasn't anyway? I mean, we all knew they were going to kill someone. The outrage started just after it was known who it was. IDK that that would factor in in their claims of whether they knew it or not.

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MG and WM.

The network could veto who the shrowrunners wanted in the grave.

The network could but, I don't think that means it ultimately wasn't up to MG/WM/Berlanti.  To me that sounds like basically MG/WM/Berlanti had no choice or say in the matter and I don't think that's true.


Not that big of a deal, just a different interpretation of wording.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think the death list only had 2 main characters on it and which one it was, depended on if tptb got permission to kill Laurel. Stephen says he was told who wasn't on the list. And then the first half of the season had Lance working for Damian Darhk and having Laurel threatened if he doesn't keep their deal. At the same time Laurel was messing with Karma bringing Sara back from death using forces she knew little about and angering Nyssa enough for the latter to destroy the only known Lazarus pit. Episode 1 ended on the FF grave, episode 2 ended on Sara's grave&dead for a year body. Then Episode 3 had Sara resurrected but the LP killed off, Episode 4 had Crazy Sara and Lance almost shooting her like a rapid dog and Episode 5 was about Laurel dealing with resurrecting Sara and them getting Sara's soul back.


The first 5 episodes were pretty heavy handed with Lance family and death  I know the other characters had death hints but there was this sort of Karma playing out in the Lance family storyline. And then they began to connect Lance to Felicity's mom which now I know was so he would still have a role on the show once killing laurel. And Oliver and Laurel had some closure moments. It's clear now (always but I didn't think they would be allowed to kill Dinah Laurel Lance) that Laurel was who tptb wanted in the grave.

Edited by tarotx
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I think them saying they didn't know who it was, was for the actors benefit since KC wasn't told until the middle of the season. They had to keep the actors guessing (minus SA of course). 

Edited by Sakura12
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Well if you take Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Thea out of the running, and assume Oliver isn't going to be crying over Malcolm's grave, then who does that leave out of the regulars? Just Lance and Laurel. So...same list.

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Well if you take Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Thea out of the running, and assume Oliver isn't going to be crying over Malcolm's grave, then who does that leave out of the regulars? Just Lance and Laurel. So...same list.



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She and I both imagine that OTA and Thea were the people on Stephens list. They were the only people safe from being killed. Hence we have the same list.

Edited by Delphi
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I think the show killing off LL is clearly indicative of the poor numbers supporting her, otherwise I doubt DC/CW would've signed off... What makes me believe it even moreso is MG outright stating that the LL fandom is the minority in an interview.

And when I say poor numbers I mean the analytics derived from Netflix, social media, merchandise sales, con stuff, focus groups, ratings (somewhat), iTunes sales, etc.

yup the numbers on social media aren't be all and end all but when fans can get a funko pop made (Felicity) you know who's the popular one. Especially when funko said they weren't making another BC figure because they said Sara's can pass off for both. Lol
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In the current issue of TV Guide Magazine, in the "Cheers & Jeers" section, Damian Holbrook gave Jeers to Arrow for killing off Laurel.  (Really? No Jeers to Sleepy Hollow for killing off Abbie, but Jeers to Arrow for killing off Laurel?!)


Also, the listing for Arrow's April 27 episode (when 419 airs) is not tagged "NEW" by TV Guide, which might lead readers to believe it's a rerun.  (It's time slot competition that night - The Middle, Survivor, Rosewood, Heartbeat - are all tagged "NEW".)


Hmm... conspiracy theorists, anyone?

Edited by tv echo
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Laurel is better liked in death than she ever was in life.

LOL this is so true... No one really gave a damn about promoting Laurel, not even TV-Guide, and now that she's dead people are upset? :p Come on... Seriously, Damian Holbrook rarely talked about Laurel.

Edited by wonderwall
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It's Because Comics. That rules everything apparently. 


Laurel's death is being talked about because she played a comic character (where everyone ignores how unlike the comic character she actually is). She had the right name, although I don't ever remember Dinah going by Laurel in the comics. 

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THE MISSION: Black Canary's DC Comics & "Arrow" Legacy, and the Heart of a Fan

Posted: 22 hours ago  Joseph Phillip Illidge, Contributing Writer


Idk I like the ending of the article... 


Laurel's death clearly isn't the end of Black Canary. There will be other iterations. This is why I doubt people are going to be upset for too long.

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I think some are reacting like this because she wasn't as grating lately as she has been for years. (Of course that was because she was background). Maybe they had hopes for the character, more than actual investment. I think they are not really focusing on the fact that if she didn't die, some other more beloved character would have died instead.

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Arrow's Laurel Lance is one of the worst iterations of Black Canary for me. Even the New 52 Rock Band Dinah Lance is better than her. At least with her BC was a master martial artist. 

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If Damian Holbrook and the like actually gave a crap about BC, why did they wait 2 weeks after she got killed off to write about her? It's more likely they saw/heard about the complaining on social media, and threw something up for page hits. People are actually talking about BC --> the press sees that and responds. If she had gotten this kind of buzz any time in the last four seasons, maybe she wouldn't have gotten killed off. As it stands now, she finally became the buzzmaker she was supposed to be for the show when she died.

Edited by lemotomato
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If Damian Holbrook and the like actually gave a crap about BC, why did they wait 2 weeks after she got killed off to write about her? It's more likely they saw/heard about the complaining on social media, and threw something up for page hits. People are actually talking about BC --> the press sees that and responds. If she had gotten this kind of buzz any time in the last four seasons, maybe she wouldn't have gotten killed off. As it stands now, she finally became a buzzmaker for the show when she died.

I mean I believe this is the print copy, but I didn't see him say anything online... So yeah. It seems disingenuous

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FYI, here's the full blurb by Damian Holbrook (TV Guide, April 18-May 1, 2016, Double Issue):


for offing Laurel Lance, aka Black Canary. Katie Cassidy was finally kicking ass as the Star City heroine, so it kicked us in the gut to learn that Laurel was the one in the grave the show had been teasing all year. There had better be a Lazarus Pit trip or an Earth-2 twist coming soon!

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Cammien Ray's interview with Peggy Li, the jewelry designer whose work has been worn by Felicity and Thea on Arrow (go to article link to see pics)...


The Queen Family Jewels: an interview with Peggy Li

April 19, 2016

2.      Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry you’ve designed that has been on the show?
Yes, I love that they used my Aqua Triangle Earrings - they are delicate and feminine, but also eye catching. When I made them, I thought they captured Felicity Smoak’s style completely!
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3.      What character’s style is closest to yours? If you could hang out with any of the Arrow characters who would it be?
I’d like to think Thea’s casual yet feminine style is closest to my own. She can wear sneakers and a leather jacket or dress up in a beautiful feminine blouse and classic pencil skirt with heels. But, I’d love to hang out with Felicity! She’s got that mix of brains, fun and curiosity that would make for a wacky day!
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6.      One of my favorite pieces of yours is the Drusy Pendant necklace that Felicity wears in the gorgeous scene where Oliver first calls her his partner. Do you have a favorite scene or moment from the show where your jewelry is shown?
I think the first moment I realized they used my work on the show was the best, in season 2, episode 6. Arrow is a show I love and I was so glad they choose to use my work on one of my favorite characters on TV, Felicity Smoak!
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9.      Aside from designing pretty things for the show, you’re also a fan of Arrow as well! What are your thoughts on the season so far, and what would you still like to see for the characters (and Olicity!) before the season ends?
I’m actually OK if Olicity waits until season 5 to get back together, because I love how the characters have all gotten a little more battle-tested this season, and our girl Felicity is right – Oliver still has a few things to work out before he’s ready to be in a relationship. Those lessons will hopefully make him a better Team Arrow leader as well. I’ll be glad when we get to see beyond the Darhk storyline… I loved Oliver running for Mayor and would like to see more storylines grounded in “reality” for our characters.
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FYI, here's the full blurb by Damian Holbrook (TV Guide, April 18-May 1, 2016, Double Issue):

So they only cared about her 'kicking ass'? It's clear people liked BC more than Laurel lol That's kind of sad


But I'm fine with what he said. Some people were starting to like her... And if her death only merits 2 sentences then okay :p

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