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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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I don't understand where's the issue..? people can avoid to read spoilers. But. it's not like these journalists will spoil the death, so..?

I feel like the journalists will write articles that will basically spoil the death. Every episode they have pre-screened they have somehow basically revealed the entire episode's happenings via social media or very loosely written articles.


I just think its a dumb idea. You build up this big death, you milk and tease it for an entire season and then you just let a whole group of people who's sole purpose is to write & report back to various audiences/fans about what they saw view the show earlier so they can spill all the secrets & directly/indirectly ruin the whole big reveal. It's like wrapping presents in clear wrap. It defeats the whole purpose of why you wrapped them in the first place. They would have been better off just inviting them for another Q&A with writers or cast. Build the excitement, as opposed to showing your entire deck a few days early.


I mean I don't personally care if they ruin it, I just think its a dumb strategy on the Writer's room & CW PR. I think there are better ways to engage the media & increase interest for the show.

Edited by kismet
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Here are the portions of the above-linked EW interview with MG, published today, that caught my eye - (1) where MG seems to say that superhero deaths in TV shows are different from superhero deaths in comic books because of actors' contracts, and (2) where MG compares comic books to soap operas (I think that now makes all three of the original Arrow EPs who've made the soap opera comparison - GB, AK, MG):

Is there an argument to be made that comic heroes should be immortal? That they’re not regular characters in the classic sense, that since they go on and on in the comics that that’s just they way they should be — changing actors, different stories, but they’re just never-ending?
No. Here’s the thing, I’m going to give you a more inside baseball or deeper answer than you’re looking for, but I’m a longtime comic book fan. Any longtime comic book fan knows that death in comic books nowadays is pretty meaningless. Everyone knows that when a character dies, it’s a good story, particularly if it’s well done, but that character is coming back. Eventually, by hook or by crook, that character is coming back.
*  *  *
Now make the switch over to comic book shows and I feel like, right now in comic book shows, death operates in a different place, in large part because you’re dealing with actors who get let out of their contracts when their characters are killed off. You know it’s not such an easy thing for them to return. I think death has much more currency in these TV shows than it does in comics. That said, one of the things we own now in Legends, Arrow, and Flash is that death has a different meaning now that we’re in a world of parallel universes on Flash and time travel on Legends.

All that being said, I don’t believe that superheroes shouldn’t die. They are living myths, but I like the fact that they’re mortal myths. I think it gives stakes to the stories and I think it humanizes them in a necessary way to make you care about these characters. I’m a big believer in it when the death actually matters. It’s harder in actual comic books where you can always bring characters back. That said, killing off a character in comics, that can make for a great story....
*  *  *

Do you feel like the possibility of being killed off keeps actors in line? Or does that just not work anymore given that people don’t feel death is permanent?
No, it’s not that actually. Because, again, death is permanent from a contractual basis. If you kill off a character, that actor is not working on the show on a regular basis. That said, I can tell you it actually doesn’t change the cast’s behavior.
*   *  *
What do you think about the trend of “faking” character deaths on tv — like Jon Snow on Game of Thrones or Glenn on The Walking Dead? Are TV shows taking a more superhero comic book approach to non-comic book shows?
First of all, you’ve cited two shows, one of which is based on a comic book, the other that’s very heavily genre.

But there are many other non-genre shows, those were just at the top of my head.
I know! I would say, in all honesty, in many ways, there’s always been an element of soap opera that runs through all comic books. In many ways, I think comic books have been borrowing from the narrative conventions of TV shows, more than TV shows borrowing from the narrative conventions of comic books. Maybe I’m saying that just to be contrarian, I don’t know, but I feel like death and, even fake deaths, have really been sort of a tried and true plot device in television for a very long time. In many respects, I think comic books have almost taken their cue from soap operas and television dramas.

Edited by tv echo
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I feel like the journalists will write articles that will basically spoil the death. Every episode they have pre-screened they have somehow basically revealed the entire episode's happenings via social media or very loosely written articles.


But... people who don't wanna get spoiled can choose not to read articles? I don't get it. I watch some 80 TV shows year round. I'm spoiled for exactly one of them. Arrow. I don't get spoiled for anything else because I know not to go looking. It's not anyone's job but mine to curate my online experience to fit my spoilerphobe needs.

Edited by dtissagirl
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I don't know a lot about this, but isn't that how post-mortems work?

And again, people can choose not to read. ETA: or what dtissagirl said right above me :)

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Do you know that people complain about spoilers after the episode has actually AIRED? Or the movie has OPENED internationally?


NO! Once it's aired publicly it ain't a spoiler any more!


Anyway, on topic, the bloodbath begins.


Oh, and I HATE complimenting Guggie, but I really like that "they're mortal myths" line.


Now I feel dirty.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I think the general worry will be that the entertainment writers will know about the spoilers, and therefore people will think that "surprise/twist" comments mean that people really will be surprised because it is not the person we think it is and make things messy until the ep airs.

Lol yeah someone is going to say something like "it's not the person everyone thinks it is" and then everyone's going to freak out.

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But... people who don't wanna get spoiled can choose not to read articles? I don't get it. I watch some 80 TV shows year round. I'm spoiled for exactly one of them. Arrow. I don't get spoiled for anything else because I know not to go looking. It's not anyone's job but mine to curate my online experience to fit my spoilerphobe needs.

I don't think I'm explaining myself properly. It's not about the spoilers being revealed. Or audiences being spoiled. I could care less about spoilers, because you are right people can avoid them or savor them. It's about cultivating a season long big reveal/secret and then letting everyone in on it a few days early.


To me its storytelling equivalent premature ejaculation as opposed to some quality foreplay. They've done a pretty good job all season getting people worked up for this big death and now in the last minute they are throwing that away on a screening. I just think interviews without a screening would have created more buzz & excitement.

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Mark Pedowitz Re-Ups As CW President

Nellie Andreeva •  April 4, 2016 12:00pm

Mark Pedowitz is staying put at the CW, signing a new multi-year contract to continue to serve as president of the network. The move assures long-term stability at the CW, which remains in negotiations for a new affiliate agreement with the network’s top station group, Tribune, and figuring out its future SVOD strategy as the deals with Netflix and Hulu are coming to an end.
*  *  *
... Since then, he has focused on broadening the network’s audience, bringing in more older and male viewers. He has boosted the CW viewership with a string of male-skewing DC series in Arrow, The Flash and Legends Of Tomorrow.  They are the network’s three most-watched and highest-rated series in Live+7: The Flash (5.67 million viewers, 2.3 in 18-49), Legends of Tomorrow (4.00 million, 1.6) and Arrow (3.98 million, 1.6). The Flash ranks as the No. 1 show (broadcast or cable) in the Tuesday 8 PM hour this season among adults 18-34. The CW’s balance this season is 52% female-48% male, compared to 70% female-30% male in 2011.
Edited by tv echo
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USA Today's romance authors review 417...


Allison Brennan and Lavinia Kent react to ‘Arrow’ Beacon of Hope: This one's really about Felicity
By Allison Brennan and Lavinia Kent    April 1, 2016 6:00 pm

... And that’s not even mentioning Felicity’s mom, Donna Smoak, who was as wonderfully hilarious as ever. (And this week she also provided our visual burst of color, as well as fabulous shoes not suitable for running, because Felicity was once again all in black, highlighting both her unhappiness and her professionalism as CEO of Palmer Tech.)
*   *   *
This episode, while it did deal a bit with Oliver and Laurel (more later), was really about Felicity. Her strength, her presence and her ability to think and act even WITHOUT Oliver and Team Arrow. Notice how even though Thea was trapped with Felicity in Palmer Tech that Felicity (not Thea) was the one making decisions?
*  *  *
AB: Curtis was the comic relief in this episode, and I’d forgotten that he didn’t know that Oliver was the Green Arrow (I guess I assumed he knew after the shrinking Ray Palmer episode when Curtis helped save the Atom … but he didn’t). So that was fun, and definitely the “light” of the episode. It grated on me a little bit, though, because it was a little too much … but, he stayed in character, so it worked.
*  *  *
LK: One of the things I really liked about this episode was how they had both Oliver and Felicity want to be a “beacon of hope” by the end, but in very different ways. Oliver finds it within himself to go on fighting to be a light for the city even without Felicity by his side. Felicity is determined to make Palmer Tech be a leader in innovative technology that truly helps to improve lives. I have real hope that having Oliver and Felicity strengthen who they are as individuals will eventually help them come together as a couple.
*  *  *
Anyway, relating to Laurel … I really, really, really hope the writers don’t try to force Laurel and Oliver together after this bonding episode, because THERE IS NO CHEMISTRY. Not just because I feel the chemistry between Oliver and Felicity, but because there is a lack of chemistry between Laurel and Oliver. To me, they feel more like Oliver and Thea — a close, sibling bond. I would really like to see Oliver and Laurel develop more together … but not romantically. People — guys and girls CAN be friends and not want to have sex!!! (OK, there, I got that off my chest.)
*  *  *
Laurel and Oliver. I do hope not. I think my brain has just refused to process that as a possibility, which is why I didn’t remark on it. One of the things I’ve really admired about Arrow (and Flash) is the flexibility of the writers. On both shows the original love interest Oliver/Laurel and Barry/Iris just didn’t work — and the writers quickly moved on. They didn’t try to force a couple that just didn’t have that oomph of chemistry. I can only hope they continue with that trend. I think Oliver/Laurel would be a disaster for more than an episode. (I always allow for the one-off — they drank a love potion or fell under a spell.)
*  *  *
LK: And it does give us one more possibility for who is in the grave. I am definitely leaning toward it being one of the Lances, but there are other intriguing possibilities as we’ve discussed before. I think Oliver and Felicity are the only two I think are 100% safe.

AB: I still think it’s Quentin Lance, though like I said above, Curtis might be the victim. After watching the preview for next week? I have the niggle of doubt … that really, it might be John Diggle. If episode 4.18 is truly the “end of an era,” then it has to be someone who has been around since the beginning. That means Quentin Lance or John Diggle.

Edited by tv echo
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 I just think interviews without a screening would have created more buzz & excitement.

That's true, except I wouldn't call what's going on right now buzz and excitement. More like everyone fortifying their trenches for a flame war. If screening the episode gives time for reviewers to think about what they write, and not provide more fuel to the inevitable backlash, I'm all for it.

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I'm really finding this SO INTERESTING. The idea that

it so obviously couldn't be Laurel that it's not even worth discussing. I think her death is going to be WAY more shocking than us spoilerphiles think.

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TV Fanatic round table discussion of 4x17...


Arrow Round Table: Andy, the Disappointing Diggle
Carissa Pavlica at April 4, 2016 1:00 pm.

How has Oliver been handling the breakup? Will he be able to move forward now?
: Ollie has been handling the break-up pretty horribly. Luckily, Laurel was able to speak the truth to him that he can't blame him being the Arrow as the reason of the break-up. Oliver caused the break-up by his own decisions. I hope Oliver will be able to move on because I'm done seeing him mope around and the relationship being the main focus of the show. I do assume that Felicity and him will reunite before the end of season, though.
Jim: He's not done well at all. I'm not sure there is much more I can add to what Kelly said above, other than I, too, hope that they get back together soon.
Meg: I am surprised he isn't worse actually. I think this episode dealt with the post breakup aftermath a little better. Having Felicity off in her own was better for everyone.

Carissa: I was surprised he admitted he was happiest not being a part of Team Arrow. Maybe this isn't the job for him? Maybe he can only be the man she loves without being Green Arrow. He's pretty miserable.
*  *  *
Thoughts on Felicity's decision to remain off of the team to focus on Palmer Tech?
: I love that decision. She can change the world with the developments at Palmer Tech and not just save one city. If Curtis continues to work with the team (which I loved, so I hope he does) then she doesn't have to feel bad about leaving the team without a tech person. Felicity has really grown into her over the last couple of seasons so I look forward to her getting an interesting storyline outside of being with Oliver.
Jim: I think it is great. It also ties in nicely to what we saw in DC Legends of Tomorrow where it become Smoke Technologies in the future. Though I'm hoping the rest of that doesn't come to pass :)
Meg: I really like her as the CEO and away from the team. Partly because she holds her own there but the biggest reason is Curtis. I love the dynamic with him as the new Felicity role.
Carissa: It felt right. Much like Oliver admitted he was happiest off of Team Arrow and with Felicity elsewhere, Felicity just wants to help people. At Palmer Tech she has the best opportunity to help the most people.
*  *  *
One more week until we find out who is in the grave. Are you ready for that and how do you think it might impact the show?
: I am ready. I've been ready since the season premiere. This death has been like a large cloud looming over the show so finally figuring out who is dead will feel like a weight lifted. The death will impact the show, but until we figure out who it is, there is no way to know how big that impact will be. If it's Lance then the impact will be big enough (and maybe cause Sara to make an appearance) but if it's Laurel or Thea then that impact will change the show forever.
Jim: Wow, Kelly really summed that up very well. I agree that I won't know how to react until we know who is in the grave. It could be anyone, Diggle, Thea, Laurel.. The downside to having Barry Allen be the one standing with Oliver is that the only person we can be sure it isn't, is Oliver. I'm certainly ready to find out!
Meg: I can't wait to find out! FINALLY! It has been way too long. I think that it's going to be super impactful mostly because Barry thought it was important enough to go to the funeral.
Carissa: I'm ready and I'm not. As much as I wanted it not be be a fakeout, this has been too much for too long. It's pitted fans against fans and hasn't been good for the series, in my opinion. If it's a big death, I'm not looking forward to the fallout.

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I think that remaining unspoiled is impossible nowadays.  Except for Arrow, I don't seek out spoilers, but I always manage to stumble upon them.  I mean, c'mon.  The spoilers don't even manage to stay secret in this forum!  People just start discussing them in the social media thread without a second thought.

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I'm really finding this SO INTERESTING. The idea that

it so obviously couldn't be Laurel that it's not even worth discussing. I think her death is going to be WAY more shocking than us spoilerphiles think.


I've seen people in denial even

having seen the proof. I was until the grave stone reveal. I've seen people think it's fake that Arrow wasted their limited budget to make a fake gravestone and film a fake funeral for Laurel to throw fans off.

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TV Fanatic round table discussion of 4x17...


Arrow Round Table: Andy, the Disappointing Diggle

Carissa Pavlica at April 4, 2016 1:00 pm.


Carissa's answer to the last question is kind of interesting. She declared on twitter that

if Laurel dies

, she's going to quit watching Arrow. I wonder if she'll follow through.

Edited by lemotomato
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I think that remaining unspoiled is impossible nowadays.  Except for Arrow, I don't seek out spoilers, but I always manage to stumble upon them.  I mean, c'mon.  The spoilers don't even manage to stay secret in this forum!  People just start discussing them in the social media thread without a second thought.

Yeah, that really bugs me and I'm spoiled as hell but, people really need to be more careful.

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Here are the portions of the above-linked EW interview with MG, published today, that caught my eye - (1) where MG seems to say that superhero deaths in TV shows are different from superhero deaths in comic books because of actors' contracts, and (2) where MG compares comic books to soap operas (I think that now makes all three of the original Arrow EPs who've made the soap opera comparison - GB, AK, MG):

Marc's been calling the show a Soap Opera since Comic con 2012....


*“In terms of secrets, for us, the secret is Oliver,” Guggenheim explains when asked to reveal secrets to the journalists at the table. “One of the things we’re doing is, we don’t really consider the show a superhero show. We consider it more like a hero show; more like a crime thriller, and as with any with crime thriller, you’re going to have a mystery. Except unlike CSI where it’s a body drop at the beginning of every episode, the mystery is Oliver. Oliver is the case of the week, basically. Each week we’re peeling back the layers of his character, both in the present and in the past. We’re going to be continuing the flashbacks into the series, so you’ll get to see what happened to him on the island, and it won’t always be the things that you expect.

* it’s that complexity. one of the things that is part of the DNA of the show is the emotional complexity, the emotional resonance of the relationships between the characters. It’ll start off with Oliver relating to Thea, and Oliver relating to Moira, etc., but as the show evolves and grows in the series, we’ll start putting other characters together. Like in episode 3, Moira and Thea have their own story. So watching the characters combine and interact with each other in ways that independent of Oliver, I think, is just as interesting as when Oliver is involved. Part of the show is a soap opera. Part of the show is a character drama. And that’s, I think, one of the very importants of the show. It’s not just Oliver beating up bad guys every week.”




(I got that link and the quotes from a post on Facebook group The Arrow cave)

Edited by tarotx
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Oh, and I HATE complimenting Guggie, but I really like that "they're mortal myths" line.


I'll do you one better. I thought it was a good interview all around.
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Yuck to the roundtable already viewing Curtis as Felicity's replacement. I'm all for Felicity having a storyline and purpose on the show but can they please not isolate her from Team Arrow while she conquers the world at PT? That already happened in S3 and it SUCKED.

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This show loves its superhero origin stories. I don't think he'll be taking Felicity's spot.

Too bad it's not more proficient at it. I mean, Laurel's short road to vigilantism is enough of a headscratcher, but then we have Thea, who's been crime fighting for coming up on a year now and I'm still not really sure why.
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Too bad it's not more proficient at it. I mean, Laurel's short road to vigilantism is enough of a headscratcher, but then we have Thea, who's been crime fighting for coming up on a year now and I'm still not really sure why.

I get the impression she does it for the thrill, based on her conversation with Felicity in 417.
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Too bad it's not more proficient at it. I mean, Laurel's short road to vigilantism is enough of a headscratcher, but then we have Thea, who's been crime fighting for coming up on a year now and I'm still not really sure why.


This is what happens when no one dies for inspiration!

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That's an interesting thought on Felicity as a role model. Not only was she a role model to girl that you can be an IT expert and female, and that you can be a hero without going out and punching people, but now she has the chance to be a business role model too,


It's funny how on a superhero show of masks and costumes, the best role model looks like all the rest of us.

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I absolutely support letting Felicity be a kick-ass CEO. What I'm concerned about is that they won't be able to do it in a way that keeps her tied into the A-story. Additionally, having the show give Curtis the ability to do everything that Felicity did in the lair pretty much gives tells the audience that she's not needed there anymore. I realize that I need to take a wait-and-see attitude, but with this show, I've been burned too many times to trust that they'll be able to pull it off. Hopefully I'm just concerned over nothing but...

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I absolutely support letting Felicity be a kick-ass CEO. What I'm concerned about is that they won't be able to do it in a way that keeps her tied into the A-story. Additionally, having the show give Curtis the ability to do everything that Felicity did in the lair pretty much gives tells the audience that she's not needed there anymore. I realize that I need to take a wait-and-see attitude, but with this show, I've been burned too many times to trust that they'll be able to pull it off. Hopefully I'm just concerned over nothing but...


That's my concern too. I like that she has something that's separate from Team Arrow and Oliver. It's important that she has that. But at the same time I don't want to see her isolated from the team. They did that in s3 with Palmer Island and she hadn't even left the team at this point and there wasn't a character who could do all the computer stuff like she could. Now they have Curtis. So it's not an unfounded concern.


Definitely gonna wait and see how the rest of the season plays out before I get too worried though.

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Well if they handle it the way they did in episode 17 then I'm encouraged they will be able to integrate Felicity. It made me ridiculously happy that Felicity took the wheel at Palmer Tech to try and save everyone. I've thought for a long time she'd make a good leader and I feel vindicated.

Although I'm not particularly happy Curtis is a regular now. I want more story time for Felicity and Diggle and I hoped cutting someone from the cast would grant that but making Curtis a regular has confirmed my fears.

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At least then I wouldn't have to eat my hat.


Do we get pictures?  I'm really hoping for pictures of at least the hat. 

I think that remaining unspoiled is impossible nowadays.  Except for Arrow, I don't seek out spoilers, but I always manage to stumble upon them.  I mean, c'mon.  The spoilers don't even manage to stay secret in this forum!  People just start discussing them in the social media thread without a second thought.

I don't know.  I think remaining unspoiled for the Flarrowverse is close to impossible but I manage just fine on all other shows.  Even British shows that have been out for months and months. 

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I get the impression she does it for the thrill, based on her conversation with Felicity in 417.

I don't doubt that's a part of it, but it's very superficial and someone needs to scratch that surface badly. It's not that I need there to be a death requirement fulfilled, quite the contrary. For instance, while both Dig and Felicity lost people, I never thought that was what motivated them to join the team and I never questioned why they did so. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think Roy was the last character whose vigilante motivation was explained satisfactorily. Thea's may be similar to his, but we haven't been showed that, not really. So here's hoping that's something they delve into next year, since I doubt thay'll get into it as they wrap up the season.

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One reviewer, I unfortunately can't remember who now, pointed out that Thea is an adrenaline junkie, the classic kind that gets into drugs and fast cars and dangerous adventures.  It made sense to me.

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Plus she now had all this skill and knowledge she could put to use.  I would say to balance the scales toward who gave it to her but she still seemed pretty chummy with Daddy when she took up the hood. 

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I have no problems with either of these explanations. My problem lies in the fact that it wasn't something shown on the show. It was Thea gets hood, Thea puts on hood. Which is why I would like the show to actually get into it at some point.

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Thanks for the link to that 2012 interview with MG.  I didn't follow the show that closely in the beginning.  I find MG's comments back then really interesting - considering how often I read complaints that Arrow has "turned into a soap opera" and needs to get back to "what made the show good" in S1.


I hope that Felicity rejoins the team and also remains head of Palmer Tech (hopefully, renamed sometime soon).  I guess she's like Pepper Potts now.  I think the company's being on the edge of cutting technology will open up new storylines in the future.

Edited by tv echo
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Another review of 417 - no comment...


Arrow season 4 episode 17 review: Beacon Of Hope
Caroline Preece 5 Apr 2016 - 13:30

Fan sentiment towards Arrow isn't at its best right now, with many feeling that last week's Olicity-heavy outing was a demonstration of how skewed the storylines have been this year. Apparently the show has taken the complaint that it's so much darker than The Flash, Legends Of Tomorrow and Supergirl as an excuse to up the romance quota and, when your only big relationship involves two of the team's core members, that's an issue.
*  *  *
So here we are with Felicity no longer part of Team Arrow, a move that pretty much nobody wanted and one that poses the question – what are the writers going to do with her now? This is a series about the Green Arrow, hence the name, so seeing one of the regular cast members working outside of that core group feels like a distraction.

But the rest of Beacon Of Hope was pretty great, and a vast improvement on what we've been seeing from Arrow lately. It's light and zippy and pun-tastic, which are three things this side of the DC TV universe rarely gets to be. It's what we all loved about Felicity in the beginning and, now, what I'm sure we'll all learn to love about Curtis Holt as he takes his place in the Arrow Cave.
*  *  *
The scenes shared between Oliver and Laurel can be taken a number of ways. While I've become very fond of their platonic interactions of late, there was a distinct whiff of set-up to their conversations this week. The number of them, coupled with the content of their conversations, point to the possibility of a rekindling of certain feelings. Then again, I might be reading too much into it.

From the show's perspective, she's been out of character rehab for a while and could theoretically be slotted back into the way the Green Arrow and Black Canary's relationship goes in the comics.

But on that controversial note, let's just enjoy the fact that we just watched a genuinely entertaining episode of Arrow, with minimal flashbacks, involvement from the entire cast and almost no focus given to who's breaking up with who. I'm sure I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is what fans want to see more of, and there needs to be less pandering to small factions of the fanbase from behind the scenes.

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I have to say, if they were trying to pander to me with the BMD and the break-up, they did it wrong. FANSERVICE BETTER, SHOW!

Edited by looptab
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I have to say, if they were trying to pander to me with the BMD and the break-up, they did it wrong. FANSERVICE BETTER, SHOW!


I will never understand the phrase "pandering to small factions of the fanbase"... That makes ZERO sense. If the show were to pander, why in the world would they pander to a small faction of the fanbase?


Either accept that the show isn't pandering and wants to do what htey want to do which coincidentally satisfies a small faction of the fanbase. OR accept that the O/F fandom is a big one and that the show is pandering to them.


But let's be honest, this journalist is claiming she knows the numbers better than the CW, which is, in fact, idiotic. 

Edited by wonderwall
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The thing is..I understand that 416 might have bored people to death, if they don't care much for Olicity. But I still mantain it was damn necessary. Let alone for the characters; for the audience. People still don't know why they broke up. Sometimes I am confused about it myself, and I spend everyday on this forum talking about the show. Would it have been better if, instead of having 2 break-ups, it all unfolded in one episode? Maybe. But that's a byproduct of the show's structure - they get so excited about how they want to end episodes, they lose themselves to get there. Maybe 415 should have ended on Felicity being about to talk to him, and then moving her legs. And then 416 would have been devoted to the break-up. But no matter how you put it, it's naive to think the show wouldn't spend time on the central relationship of the show coming to and end. (For now).

It requires forgetting their history

And forgetting their own reaction to them.. :D Edited by looptab
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I have to say, if they were trying to pander to me with the BMD and the break-up, they did it wrong. FANSERVICE BETTER, SHOW!

^^^This. If they think that Olicity fans wanted this, then they're just as delusional as they look. Nobody asked for this. Even here, literally pages and pages of posts have expressed loathing towards the BMD storyline. That right there should disprove the whole pandering to fans argument.

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Also, much though I appreciated the arm porn last episode, Diggle kept his shirt on, proving once again that Arrow is not pandering to me.




IDK Quarks... It's probably because you're not a REAL fan.

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IDK Quarks... It's probably because you're not a REAL fan.


Alas, this is all too true. 






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