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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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For a show like The Flash, what percentage of the shows total viewers would you say mostly watch the show when it airs vs. some other way?

About 77 percent of our viewership is time-delayed, which is VOD, DVR and digital. The CW is the most time-delayed network of any broadcast network. That’s based on some TV research that came out last week.


That number is crazy. It's no wonder a lot of industry folk wonder HOW is the CW still operating.

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Until they get rid of Nielsen Boxes, I don't see the CW doing any better in the ratings. It's just a system that does not work for the CW. I'm not sure how they stay afloat but they seem to make it work. Companies can still advertise in the digital & delay forms, in fact you can't even FFwd through them most of the time, thus making you watch more of the ads. Maybe its more appealing to companies to know where their ads are being placed. Who knows

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That number is crazy. It's no wonder a lot of industry folk wonder HOW is the CW still operating.


Reportedly DVD/Blu-Ray sales and international licensing, but still, for the CW's sake, hopefully Amazon/iTunes passes form at least some part of that time-delayed viewing.


Meanwhile, I am braced for another season of inadequate sets. 

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If they're banking on DVD/Blu-Ray sales, then why the heck are their sets so lame? Arrow is finally getting commentary tracks this year, but it's not even the actors. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy showrunner interviews on DVDs because they provide extra insight into the shows but I hear from Marc Guggenheim way too much already. Their bloopers are too short, they don't have a lot of interesting featurettes, etc. I'm gonna wait until the DVDs are in the bargain bin before I grab the Season 3 ones.

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I think with the advent of on-demand streaming services, people are just used to watching shows when they want, not on a schedule dictated by the network.


The question is how long will the ratings system take to catch up.  Probably about as long for regional deals (instead of world-wide platform deals) take to die, I guess. 

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That promo is a tragedy. I thought it was an ad for Saturday morning cartoons. It's a joke right? Some kind of contest for school children? Oh dear I bet they paid someone for that.

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I'm not even sure what their intentions with the DJ promo. Perhaps they were trying to capitalize on MTV Video awards. Or maybe that new Zac Efron movie that crashed & burned. Who knows.... I will never understand the CW promo/PR dept, except to know that they are probably too under-budgeted to get things together.



Part of the pre SA hype at the wrestling thing was a video with DJ mix with a rather similar feel to that one.  Maybe that inspired them. 

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I don't know if this was ever mentioned before, I just came accross it in another article.




A bunch of shows in the list but this is the Arrow Ad-Lib

According to actress Susanna Thompson, Moira Queen’s dramatic final moments in Arrow included an addition she made to the script. As relayed in this interview with Give Me My Remote, Moira’s line to Thea after she stands up to sacrifice herself to Deathstroke, “Close your eyes, baby”, was unscripted and made it through the edit:


“I knew he could shoot Moira at any time. And the last thing I wanted was for Thea to see that. And she’s right there. And I was just going over it and over it in my head, prior to getting to the set several days in advance, and I thought, “This is what she would say. And I’m not going to tell anybody, I’m just going to do it.” And the first rehearsal I said it, Marc Guggenheim [Arrow creator] told our script supervisor, “Keep it, keep it, I love it. Keep it.”


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Two new Laura Hurley articles that are worth reading...


Arrow Season 3 Roundup: What worked and what didn't with John Diggle
September 2, 2015  7:11 AM MST


anonymous asks:
Stephen Amell is not disliked for Oliver's stupidity. No one send Stephen hate mails if Oliver acts as a drama Queen. Grant is not called hurting names if Barry cries every episode. But EBR is cut and slaughtered if Felicity cries a little. She is hated if the character she plays does some thing stupid. Do you think this misogynistic world will ever change?

Sep 1, 2015 3:11 pm

Edited by tv echo
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Can someone explain to me why the argument that Laura and everyone else seems to make is that if Felicity didn't cry in response to her challenges in S3 she'd be portrayed as "cold and unfeeling." What happened to the 1000 other emotional reactions to stress? Why are those the only two options?

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I think it's probably got to do with the television medium. What's the easiest way to convey emotional distress in the shortest amount of time possible? Crying. 


Any female character with that much emotional stress heaped on them that requires a reaction is in a no-win situation. Cry too much? You're a whiner. Don't cry at all? You're a cold bitch. Shut people out? You're still a cold bitch. Snap? Weak. Seek comfort in someone? A slut. 

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Look at 3.10. That's when I remember the crying and whiny comments started. Oliver literally just died and she was being trashed for her reaction as weak. On one side that is. I was surprised at the number of comments I read about her being too cold and not reacting enough.

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Moira's "Close your eyes, baby" gets me every time. And it made that whole scene heartbreaking in ways it wouldn't have been without it.

I KNOW!! Sniffle Sniffle Sniffle

Look at 3.10. That's when I remember the crying and whiny comments started. Oliver literally just died and she was being trashed for her reaction as weak. On one side that is. I was surprised at the number of comments I read about her being too cold and not reacting enough.

Yeah it pissed me off cause I was wondering what these people who called her weak for crying and Mourning the man she loves would do if a loved one was killed.

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What did I just watch? Is the alcohol from that single glass of wine from lunch still in my system? (it's been 7 hours)

That promo was even worse during a live viewing on the CW!! And to top it off it followed a Reign season sizzler trailer.... I mean seriously Reign can get it together & this is the best Arrow can do?? It's just disappointing. I know they want to keep things close to the chest this season. But this is just absurd.

Edited by kismet
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Moira's "Close your eyes, baby" gets me every time. And it made that whole scene heartbreaking in ways it wouldn't have been without it.

Exactly.  That's the line that made me weep.  I can cry just at the mention of it.  She really should be very proud of it. 

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It's not the slogan, it's the punctuation that I find offputting.


But I think I'm just gonna stick to fanbase tumblr & youtube if I want Arrow promo stuff... The CW marketing dept seems a little overwhelmed at the moment & likely under-budgeted.

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I especially like # 3 (when they have such natural chemistry from the start), #14 (when  you can cut the sexual tension with a butter knife), #15 (when his eyes say, "I will destroy all your enemies, Felicity"), and #32 (this moment).

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I think it's more of we need to see the characters first meeting. Whether it was in the past or in the present. Not seeing that first spark is what I think hurts an on screen pairing. 


Sometimes when there is a enough chemistry it doesn't matter, but generally this is true. 


It's all about the 1st interaction (meet cute/hostile whatever) and setting up the couple as characters themselves. Unfortunately the RD/LL character type doesn't work well, I love "difficult/bitchy" female characters they are usually always my fave because when done well they have more complexity. I did like Rachel more when MG took over the role in the 2nd movie.

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Arrow: 5 Reasons Why Oliver Queen Is The Most Compelling Superhero On Television


Laura Hurley Article, so I agree with everything.

She really does nail it every time. It's almost unnerving at this point. Definitely 1 & 2 are my favorite points. TPTB should thank their lucky stars they signed Stephen Amell! The writers should read over #2 carefully and let that influence their writing on all 3 shows, because that is the truth.

Edited by kismet
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With his discipline, dedication to enhancing his abilities, and willingness to sacrifice, Oliver is the masked CW vigilante equivalent of the adult trying to eat his own meal while still keeping an eye on the hyperactive tykes at the kiddie table.


Between the athleticism that has allowed Amell to visibly perform many of his own stunts and his talent as an actor, he’s been the lynchpin holding the series together through some of its more dubious moments. He pulls chemistry out of most of his costars, and investing in Oliver’s story is almost unavoidable.

She is so good at throwing just the subtlest of shade.

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I've only quoted the portions with major Arrow mentions, but you may want to read the entire article to get the context...


Fall TV Roundtable: The Best Returning Shows, Most Exciting New Series & More
By Araceli Aviles on Sep 4, 2015

Blaise H: I think that Arrow is going to have its best season to date, while The Flash will continue to build off of its excellent first season. I also have high expectations for Brooklyn Nine-Nine to keep going strong. I think that You’re The Worst will come back extremely strong and deliver a great follow-up season this year as well.


Tiffany C: I think that both Arrow and The Flash will be the most successful returning series. I want to know how Oliver will return to Team Arrow after leaving with Felicity at the end of Season 3. As for The Flash, I want to find out if Barry was able to stop the giant vortex of doom that was sucking up Central City like a vacuum and

why there is an image of Barry wearing a prison jumpsuit. Did he do something that landed him in hot water, or is he being framed for something that he didn’t do like what happened with his dad?


Hunter B: The Flash should do well. It was miles better than Arrows first season, and with Greg Berlanti helming things, it should come back even stronger. Outlander will be better, or at least as good as that first half season; it lost the thread the second part. A lot of people love The Knick (I, uh, do not), so maybe that’ll be the next fake-prestige show to pretend to be Mad Men (I really don’t like this show).

*  *  *

Jasef W: I don’t think that it’s in any danger at all of cancellation, but I do hope that Arrow steps up its game this season. I really enjoyed a lot of last season, but it definitely felt like a step back from what the show became during its sophomore run. That said, everything I’ve seen so far from the upcoming season has me incredibly excited about the show’s future. New Girl on FOX is one of the few comedies currently airing that I really enjoy, but I also think that it needs to see some improvement this year so that it stays in a safe position.
*  *  *
Jasef W: I really think that the DC Universe shows, Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, iZombie, Gotham, and Lucifer (WOW, that’s even more than I realized) will have an incredibly strong year with the fandom. We saw the beginnings of this in the past few months with the casting of Matt Ryan on Arrow because of the pleas of the Hellblazers, and I think that these fandoms will really give everyone else a run for their money.
*  *  *
Nick H: I’ve been a big fan of the ones I’ve seen so far. However, they really have to work with the show. Creatively. Barry Allen and Oliver Queen assisting each other out of sticky situations is something that feels true to the realm of both shows. Will the Sleepy Hollow/Bones be able to pull that off? Who knows. I will watch any and all of them with eager anticipation until one of them crashes and burns, which seems inevitable at this point. But if it helps the ratings of my favorite shows, I can live with it.
*  *  *
Tiffany C: I agree that there’s no debating the success of crossovers, but there is a point where they could become either overused or misused. Take the Flash/Arrow crossover for example. Both main characters only appeared briefly in each show’s final episodes. Oliver appeared toward the end of the Flash episode and Barry appeared for a couple of minutes before speeding off from the dungeon in Arrow. The creators of these two shows could’ve made the crossover a bit more interesting, like having Oliver help Barry fight a meta-human (aside from Reverse Flash), and Barry help Oliver fight the bad guys in Starling City instead of coming to Team Arrow’s rescue and then leave without so much as a goodbye.
*  *  *
6) Finally, what is the number one show you will be watching live, come hell or highwater?


Araceli: Arrow, hands down. Must learn to bring my enthusiasm from a squeal-induced 10 to a modestly rational 7 lest someone think my reactions are indicative of an emergency.


Chris K: Arrow. It might not be the best show on TV, but it’s my favorite show that will be returning this fall. Plus, everything we’ve been told so far about Season 4 really makes me think that, as Blaise mentioned above, this could be Arrow‘s best season yet.
*  *  *
Jasef W: The Flash. That series became one of my favorite shows on television after the very first episode, and I am unbelievably excited to see where it goes from here.
*  *  *
Blaise H: Arrow and The Flash are two I will always be watching live, because my girlfriend is into those shows and we always watch together each week. As for me individually…. honestly, I think You’re The Worst is something I will be keeping up with consistently. I feel that it’s one of the most underrated shows out there and is a raunchier version of New Girl that executes similar themes just as well. I don’t really have a specific reason as to why I’d be more willing to keep up with that over everything else, but I guess it’s because I’m expecting another high quality season that I can rely on from week to week.


Tiffany C: Legends of Tomorrow. I will be glued to the television when it finally airs.

Edited by tv echo
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The Green Arrow has officially arrived.

Stephen Amell shared the first trailer for season four on his official Facebook page, and it's filled with explosive action, loving "Olicity" moments, and glimpses of new characters heading to the newly renamed Star City.

When Arrow season four premieres, gone is the vigilante Arrow. After driving off into the sunset at the end of season three, Oliver and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are far away in Star City, playing house and generally living "happily ever after." But when Damien Dahrk (Neal McDonough) and his HIVE army prove to be too much for Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Thea (Willa Holland), they're forced to bring Oliver back to level the playing field.

"We're really exploring the notion of family and what that means," executive producer Wendy Mericle tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Oliver being in a relationship with Felicity is obviously a huge component of season four. Also, what does family mean to the team and to individual members of the team? And now that Oliver's faith in humanity has been restored via his relationship with Felicity, that will be challenged by our new villain Damien Dahrk, so how will he maintain his faith in people over the course of the season?"

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Stephen Amell gave eight-year-old Dragon Con attendee Amelia Marsh, dressed as a young Arrow, the honor of introducing him at the “Stephen Amell Live!” panel on Friday at 5:30 PM in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. Whispering in her ear, he told her what to say, beginning with him being really tired from filming today and continuing with an apology for having to cancel in 2012. As recompense, he treated the audience to the first showing of the trailer for season four of Arrow. Fans were ecstatic at the treat and filled the ballroom with cheers of delight at epic moments in the trailer, like the shot of Arrow kissing Felicity. The declaration “I’m Damian Dark” also drew roars of anticipation and approval.


After this rousing introduction, moderator Tony Gowell opened the panel to questions from the audience. When asked how he gets into character, Amell said that he just acts like “Steve.” He tries to be himself, and “then they tell you how they want you to be.” He does his best to oblige.


Asked about whether he knew that Felicity would be so important, and eventually become his love interest, he said he’d had no idea at the start. They filmed about nine episodes before the pilot appeared on television, and they didn’t know at the time what would resonate with the audience. “All the sudden they built her a set,” he said. “When they build you a set, you know you’ll be around for a while.” Early on, when he asked if the Arrow and Felicity would ever get together, he was told, “Absolutely not. Ever. And look what happened.” The fan response to Felicity was much stronger than expected, which influenced the direction of the show.


Amell told the audience that he loves Atlanta and noted that he’d stayed in Decatur for two months while filming The Vampire Diaries. His favorite city, however, is Los Angeles. “I love the weather,” he said. “I love the smog.”


To the audience’s surprise, Amell’s cousin, Robbie Amell, joined him onstage midway through the panel, which added a dimension of friendly banter to an already mesmerizing interview.

“Stephen is seven years older than me,” Robbie noted.

“Can’t tell,” was Stephen’s quick rejoinder.

“It’s my favorite question, who’s older?” Robbie continued. “Stephen, by a decade.”

Stephen shot back a monologue of Robbie on the phone with his agent:

“Hello. It’s a genre show? Yep, I’ll do it.”

Not to be outdone, Robbie said, “There’s a genre show I still haven’t been on … .” Hint, hint.
This season, the Arrow will meet his new nemesis Damian Dark much earlier than usual—in the very first episode. When asked if he could go up against any villain, which one would he choose, Stephen turned to Robbie. “Who can I play?” Robbie quipped. Stephen loves the idea of a dark archer, but he said his favorite villain is Jim Carey’s portrayal of the Riddler. 

His favorite scene? During the first season, “When Colin Donnell finds out I’m the Arrow

, and he asks me “Were you ever gonna tell me?’” That was a turning point of the series. Stephen is most proud of the fight on the mountaintop with Ra’s Al Ghul. “Once you get used to fighting on screen,” he pointed out, “You get better at it.”


The two cousins are obviously close, and Robbie spoke of the time when he watched the Arrow pilot episode while Stephen sat nervously at the bottom of the stairs, head in hands. When it was over, Robbie let out a joyous “Woo!” It was a treat to watch them tease each other while celebrating their success.

Asked if he would ever be too busy for his fans, Stephen gave an emphatic “No!” He said that his Facebook page has become easier to manage as it’s grown bigger because of the responsible community of people who bring things to his attention. “It makes long days more palatable when I can get in touch with my fans,” he added.

The Amell cousins will sign two bottles of wine, which will be offered at the Dragon Con Charity Auction on Sunday at 10AM in Hanover C–E (Hy). Stephen closed the panel with another viewing of the new Arrow trailer, amid huge cheers of appreciation from the audience.
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Not that it matters but SA didn't say it, that's an editorial line. SAs only comment was that they said never but changed their minds.

Thanks for pointing that out. I assumed they were paraphrasing.

I do like the idea of SA asking so early about their characters getting together. He was ahead of the curve.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Thanks for pointing that out. I assumed they were paraphrasing.

I do like the idea of SA asking so early about their characters getting together. He was ahead of the curve.

It's possible and without seeing the panel I can't say for sure but SA has never said anything like that before. He usually praises EBR and talks about fan reaction but he's always said that they knew it first.
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Huh, that's quite interesting that Stephen had asked about Oliver and Felicity. I wonder how "early on" it was and at what point during the first season the showrunners went from "Absolutely not" to picking that particular lane before Season 2 began (if that's what happened).

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