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Unpopular Opinions: Happily Ever After? Yeah, Right!

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Seeing how I mentioned this in the all seasons thread, I'll mention it here too.

I didn't care for the episode Manhattan. A lot of people here seem to agree that it was one of the better/stronger eps of 2b, and I'm just sitting here, twiddling my thumbs.

I don't hate it, it's just...I guess it wasn't my cup of tea. *shrugs*

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 3

So, I kind of stopped watching the majority of season 4, particularly the second half because of how annoyed I got with the writers for a lot of season 3, particularly the second half. But I've been reading up on things that have happened and watched a lot of clips from the second half of the fourth season


I guess, first and far most, I like August quite a bit. I'm glad to see him back, but yeah, he was brought in just to answer questions and that's it. I did ship August/Emma back in the day and I guess I still do. I'm neutral on Captain Swan, but have never liked them as much as other people. I prefer Hook as a shady, morally grey, learning toward villain kind of character. I wish I could get on board with them, but I just can't. I'm glad Emma's happy and all, but I saw the Emma/August reuniting scene and I was smiling like a fangirl the whole time. 


Zelena, on the other hand, I could do without her being a regular next season. She's one of the reasons I disliked 3B. Rebecca Mader seems like a great person, but Zelena is dull as dishwater for me. I also can do without Robin Hood.


Will Scarlet? I hope he doesn't return next season. He literally was brought on for no reason. He served no purpose and ended up eating screentime. I never watched the spinoff, so I am annoyed that they brought him on this show to do next to nothing with him; I had a feeling it would happen to, just because I couldn't see what role he would play.


And I guess I should go back and watch season 4. I watched a good chunk of 4A but stopped near the end. I've watched maybe three episodes total of 4B and skimmed the rest of the episodes by random scenes on Youtube. I hear it's good, but...I guess I'm not feeling the show anymore.


Also, last thing, as of right now, I am not sure I am going to like Emma being The Dark One. It would typically be my kind of thing, but I find it...I don't know, lazy writing? A lazy direction? It's like, for me, this show is running out of good 'twists' and good arcs for characters so they want to bring on evil Emma so her family and Hook can bring her back from the dark side, and that'll probably take all of the first half of the season. Maybe I'll end up liking it...if I decide to watch season five. 

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Unpopular opinion about the Unpopular Opinions thread: Why do we need this thread? Can't we discuss our viewpoints and opinions in the thread they're meant for? Just because an opinion isn't being repeated ad nauseam in the main threads doesn't mean it can't be posted in there. Everyone's viewpoint is valid. There are probably a lot of lurkers who might share the same opinion, but people are just too scared to voice it. For example, the above opinion about Hook being uninteresting can still be posted in the Hook thread. When it's posted in here, the opinion doesn't generate discussion, but if it's posted in the mother thread, others would be more inclined to respond to it and create an interesting conversation.

  • Love 2

I find Charming, Snow, Hook, Robin and sometimes even Emma to be bland pancakes. The writing they're given is usually boring and pointless, and they have little reaction to anything. I've hated Snow with a burning passion since S2, and I dislike Charming being made into her lap dog. Hook is often nothing more than a sex symbol and love interest. I don't find his brooding and standing around very entertaining. Emma is probably my second favorite character, but her writing is always hit or miss. The show struggles to deliver her complexity and original concept. And as for Robin, his problems need no further explanation. 


I don't always blame the characters, as a lot of it is just bad writing, but there comes a point where it's less of a fluke and more of a change of design.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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As someone who has long flown their anti-Hook flag high in the main threads, I totally get why WritingWrongs would put this here in UO: it's not a particularly comfortable experience to speak against Hook or Emma in a board where the conversation is predominately about Hook and/or Emma or how the other characters fail Hook and/or Emma. I think it's great the people are passionate about their fandom or ships, but it does get a bit overwhelming.


It's easy enough to put in perspective - we're debating fictional characters on a Sunday night network fantasy TV show, not a two-state solution in Israel - but it's never fun feeling like the bastard at the family reunion. Many is the post I've assumed is my very last, because at a certain point, I figure almost everyone is going to just tune me out. Maybe you do, I don't know.


For that reason alone, I think an Unpopular Opinion thread gives people a sense of having a safe space to share subversive thoughts. I don't find Colin particularly attractive. I don't think Jen is a very good actress. I think the show becomes weaker the more the focus is put on Emma. I think killing off Neal was a huge mistake. I don't want Henry dead. I'm more than willing to debate all these at length on the main threads, but the journey of a thousand forum posts begins with single baby steps.

  • Love 5

I think an Unpopular Opinion thread gives people a sense of having a safe space to share subversive thoughts. I don't find Colin particularly attractive. I don't think Jen is a very good actress. I think the show becomes weaker the more the focus is put on Emma. I think killing off Neal was a huge mistake. I don't want Henry dead. I'm more than willing to debate all these at length on the main threads, but the journey of a thousand forum posts begins with single baby steps.


I definitely understand why people are intimidated to put their unpopular opinions in the main threads, but at the same time, I feel like I'm not allowed to have a civil debate/discussion in this thread about it. It's like this thread is the equivalent of someone saying something really cool, dropping the mic, and walking away. But I'd like to discuss that point you just mic-dropped! I also find that many of the opinions in these threads aren't that unpopular. For example, I agree with you that killing Neal was a huge mistake.


I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I actually like seeing new opinions in the main threads.


I find Charming, Snow, Hook, Robin and sometimes even Emma to be bland pancakes.


In the show's canon storyline at the moment—yeah, most of these characters are pretty boring because a) they don't get a lot of screen time, or b) the screen time they do get is centered around lame plot lines. I think if you're a fan of these characters, you really have to be invested in thinking about the characters, their thoughts, and their motivations outside of the show's canon at the moment, which a lot of people don't care to do.

Edited by Curio

I definitely understand why people are intimidated to put their unpopular opinions in the main threads, but at the same time, I feel like I'm not allowed to have a civil debate/discussion in this thread about it. It's like this thread is the equivalent of someone saying something really cool, dropping the mic, and walking away. But I'd like to discuss that point you just mic-dropped! I also find that many of the opinions in these threads aren't that unpopular. For example, I agree with you that killing Neal was a huge mistake.


You can always say "I'd like to discuss this further so I'm taking this to the (fill in the blank) thread..."  

  • Love 2

I don't think Hook is all that interesting and don't get all the massive love for him. Apart from being easy on the eyes.  


*ducks out*


I tend to separate Hook from that schmoopy dude sharing his body.  Love the Captain and find Killian Jones just okay.  I’m not really down with this hero thing.  I miss the droll, broody, salty pirate.  If he’d retained some anti-hero, his longcoat, and a plot outside of Ems, maybe he’d have remained as interesting as I previously found him.  The way he keeps getting bested and fooled makes me stabby.  I’ve taken to calling him Penelope cause his ass is always in peril.  Not hot at all. 


He does have nice little moments with his love though, which is why I continue to look for Captain Swan stuff on tumblr and here.

Edited by FierceAfroChick

For the record (and after more years than I care to admit to being on the Internet and involved in different fandoms), I've experienced that Unpopular Opinions put in mainstream threads rarely morph into thoughtful discussions. I've seen entire boards turn into immature dumping grounds for vitriol, learning centers for thuggish bullying or totally implode because one faction refuses to accept things as already addressed in aired TV shows ( I.E. a character's demise or sexual orientation) and they do nothing but bitch about it in the ultimate denial and mean-spirited, middle school blah blah B.S. imaginable. It is often more *supportive* of the total board to have a thread like this to keep a certain crazy sanity in a totally insane fan world. The posters here seem much more sane than most!


I think we definitely need this thread and I'll try to post more often. Here and in the mainstream. I can be annoying and opinionated in both places (grin)


So, in that spirit: Also for the record, I think Neal was a total self-serving narcissist putz, good riddance. There is no comparison between him and Hook.  None, nada. My sultry pirate, for his now-wishy washy part, has been whitewashed and dumbed down by brooding ten second love scenes when he should be openly expounding his ball busting snark and swashbuckling arrogance. They filed down his edge, poured maple syrup on his steam. Poof, gone. Emma makes the dumbest-assed decisions when the truth is plastered in her face, repeatedly. Does this woman ever RETAIN any experiences? And she is as dense as cement about romantic love. I don't even know why Hook still hangs on. He gets squat from this DIsneyfied love affair. David has had his testosterone sucked out of him by a nagging bitch of a wife, Snow can't find a persona she can embrace honestly in either realm. They cloyingly humanized (to the point of counselor seeking weakness) the best villainess in Disney history and vaporized her Maleficent evilness.  I do not hate Henry at all. He's in an awkward age, trying to fit in and can't help lousy scripted scenes. Sometimes the cutest, ballsy little kids go through those sickeningly weird puberty years and don't know how to act in their changing bodies.. Belle has been watered down to pabulum waste and token goofy lines spoken in an accent so thick she might as well be speaking in tongues. Rumple has had moments of very uncharacteristic STUPID. And Regina is a bipolar freak, but I like her. And no, I don't see one iota of any sensual spark between her and Emma. Zelena was a scenery chomping, over acting goofball disaster.  Robin Hood? No. Just no.NO.....no.


Infants ruined the adult situations.


(Repetition alert!) It DOES all come down to the writers' incessant drive to tell too many freaking stories with too many forced into blandness characters in too short a time span. While they have moments of very creative fun, they aren't focused enough on...well anything, really. Total ADHD. Oh, and I am done with their precious media speak a if a "third person-someone else is directing this plotline and they are going to cutely speak as if they are somehow at the mercy of this weird out-there being who controls the plot and dialogue" Adam is particularly *not so cute* in his attempt to placate every one.


Hmm...Why the hell do I even want to watch this show anymore?

Indeed. Good question.

I dunno. Maybe the train wreck is still too full of fun potential for me to just turn away. Such, dare I say it without gagging...HOPE? And my shallow quest for eye candy never ends. Old habits die hard.

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Tell us how you really feel, BoPeeps. ;-)


I certainly agree that the writers have dumbed down most characters to the point of being caricatures of themselves. This is particularly true in the case of Snow. I can't think of Snow as a real person anymore. The writers have destroyed her beyond the point of redemption (as a believable character) for me. 


PS: I think "Rant Thread" is a more suitable name for this thread. hehe

Edited by Rumsy4
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I think I am confused about how the thread should be used.  Is this a place for someone to drop their unpopular opinion and then peace out or is it a place for unpopular opinions to be discussed?  As a 'safe harbor' it seems more like the former, but then I don't get the point of just having to say your piece just to say it and not wanting to discuss or engage.  


I also am not a Henry hater and don't really get the vitriol against him, though like many characters, I would prefer if he was a little more like Season 1 Henry than season 4 defender of awesomeness of Regina Henry.

I also am not a Henry hater


I'm a Henry hater. But I think there are 3 people who like and enjoy Henry for every person like me who can't stand him.


Henry is a walking, talking plot point who has his nose in grown up business. It's always been the little things for me when it comes to Henry. I didn't mind him in season 1. Season 1, his role was clearly defined. Now, they just shove him wherever they think he might fit. Memory loss Henry, I didn't mind, he was in the background playing video games.


It's stuff they have him say like in 3x11 when he tells Regina he should never have gone and found Emma.  Hmm, what the hell? Or how he has his 3 parents begging him not to give his heart to Pan, but he chooses to believe the person that kidnapped him over his parents who went all the way to Neverland, risked everything to save him.


One of my favorites though is the whole "heroes don't kill". There's also the break-up basket for Regina. So much no to that.


And the adults around him are such a bunch of enablers. 

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I think I am confused about how the thread should be used.  Is this a place for someone to drop their unpopular opinion and then peace out or is it a place for unpopular opinions to be discussed?  As a 'safe harbor' it seems more like the former, but then I don't get the point of just having to say your piece just to say it and not wanting to discuss or engage.  

I "peaced out" because I sometimes feel that this board has become a CS ship board. I don't hate Hook or anything, but thus far what we've been shown of his backstory hasn't really interested me. If his soul purpose is to be Emma's man, then I don't care about him all that much. Again, that's just my opinion about a fictional character. No worries.

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I like Henry as character and I find his portrayal to be pretty accurate, well, as far as TV kids can accurately reflect a particular age group. A lot of boys really are like him at that age, at least my boys and all their friends were at that age. 12 is an interesting age. Kids are becoming aware that their parents have feelings, wants, and needs other than working and taking care of the kids and household. Boys growing up with a single mother begin to see themselves as the man of the house and start becoming protective of their mothers, Of course that all goes to hell once they become teenagers and doesn't come back until they are about 25.


I thought the breakup basket was sweet. It reminded me of a similar thing I experienced years ago. One of the friends who were constantly hanging out a our house asked me for advice on what he could do for his mother. Her boyfriend had broken up with her and he wanted to do something to cheer her up. We went shopping together and put together a little care basket of chocolate, bath things and fuzzy slippers. His mother loved it.


Children make up a significant percentage of viewership and Henry has always been the there to represent their perspective. As Jared gets older Henry will represent the teen perspective, also an important viewer segment. I guess they are planning on Roland to grow into the little kid role that Henry used to fill.

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I haven't really followed this thread until recently. Not everybody likes Hook/CS, and that's their business, but I really do love them. I sometimes feel like I've been primed to love them. I used to watch Remington Steele back in the day (in internet terms, I'm ancient), and Pierce Brosnan had that same Black Irish coloring as Colin. His character was introduced as a con artist and trickster, and that lead to conflict between him and the other characters. Laura Holt (Stephanie Zimbalist's character) had founded her own detective agency. She was a well-rounded female character. I also loved all the old movie references they made. For me, it reaches back even further to Star Wars with Han and Leia.

I've shipped Mulder and Scully on The X-Files, John and Aeryn on Farscape, and Spuffy on BtVS. None of these ships were necessarily hearts and flowers. On Farscape and Buffy, the two were openly antagonistic at the start. Hook and CS just hit a lot of sweet spots for me.

  • Love 6

I think I am confused about how the thread should be used.  Is this a place for someone to drop their unpopular opinion and then peace out or is it a place for unpopular opinions to be discussed?  As a 'safe harbor' it seems more like the former, but then I don't get the point of just having to say your piece just to say it and not wanting to discuss or engage.


This is a spot to share what may be your unpopular opinion; and sometimes, you may find you're not alone in your Unpopular Opinion, and that's fine.


It is NOT not a spot to have extended discussion ON "Unpopular Opinions', or to try and change anyone's mind on their opinion.



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Well, I'm in the minority because for Regina is the least interesting character and Lana is not the best actress of the show. In fact I found she is overplayed in a lots of her scene like a theather play.

I find Rumple more interesting as her too and it is probably because the writer kept him in the darker zone. So, not really wants Rumpelle to have a happy ending neither ( I will always preferred the tragedy road for them) Sorry Rumbeller!!

For, Colin looks it really depends something I found him the hottest ( ex the pic of him horseback riding) and others time I thought it really his charisma who elevate him at hot level.

  • Love 4

Delurking to share my unpopular opinion(s) and to say that I am happy this thread exists! My favourite character is Regina. I also think most acting in the show is seriously mediocre, barring Robert, Lana and Collin, although it seems that both Robert and Lana have now checked out acting-wise. I blame the absurdity of the writing for that! Thinking about it, I do struggle to see anything redeemable about OUAT as a show due to the writers’ inability to produce consistent, well-developed and believable plots for any of the characters. I am only watching OUAT because of the sizzling chemistry between Regina and Emma; I am hooked, no pun intended ;-) I have rarely shipped anyone in all the years I’ve been watching telly, but from the moment I saw those two interacting I was and still am riveted whenever Emma and Regina share time onscreen. What for me makes the progression of Captain Swan somehow tolerable, is when I compare it to the Robin and Regina trainwreck, always taking under consideration the overall lacklustre writing; however I fail to see any chemistry between Emma and Hook. I just watch for the pretty and for the great subtext between Regina and Emma.

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To each their own Dianthus!! I am very aware that SQ can be very divisive...I personally enjoy the chemistry between those two ladies and the way both Lana and JMo portray the characters and the interactions between them. I feel there is a substantial amount of subtext between Regina and Emma and I do not care one iota whether a potential relationship is explored in actual canon; consequently I find ship wars both sad and hilarious at the same time... I like my subtext to remain subtext, thank you very much and I am extremely happy there is plenty of that going on between Regina and Emma.

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I like the relationship actually portrayed between Emma and Regina. I don't see it as sexual at all, but a very potent, if cautious, female bond. Complex. Multi-layered. Involving motherhood, power, personal strength. deep emotions.  Snow and Regina once had that edgy relationship that went beyond *oh my* who did what to whom. and every once in a while addressed a deeper, and much darker connection and belief in the potential of a female's soul. It's been lost. VERY few TV shows will even attempt to go there.


Indulge/forgive me if I step towards my soap box. I am getting feistier in my advancing age (snork)


To ME: This is a show about women and their strength, diversity and courage, their ability to face (and be) evil or go against the norm of what a woman has been portrayed as being for centuries in fairy tale and literature. (And expected to accept in life without much of a fight.) The men (some whom I adore) of the show have repeatedly been whitewashed down to cardboard support figures with capes and leather and swords. (Riding horses in full blown hero style never hurts either) They have, in effect, become what women have been to strong male characters for years. Often it is very hard to wrap one's head around the concept.


The potential of the show addressing that kind of switcheroo complexity has a few times been delightfully successful. I applaud those moments of courage. It is what I became addicted to in the earliest shows,. But it is tough, especially when the creators and the writers fall short so many times after giving us the hope OF being strong enough to address that kind of narrative. I am quite frankly and somewhat sadly convinced that they don't have what it takes. A hoped for sophistication is missing. Now, it may be the influences of Disney and family hour, ratings trepidation, weakness, etc. etc., but hey can't quite grasp it. They introduce the character/plot of interesting substance and then their follow through is pathetic. The balance of quality/quantity is wayyyy off.  

  • Love 6

Wow, people have different opinions? Who cares if you've "avoided" this thread or not? I avoid a majority of the threads in this forum because of the literal circle jerk that goes on to Colin/Hook 24/7 in every single one, but I don't whine about it. (Well, until now).


My brand new UO is that even though I still hate SQ,  I'm actually starting to appreciate its presence on the show more because of its haters on here.

Edited by Geeni
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It's really nice to be able to discuss SQ in a mature and considerate manner, I must say.

I actually think Emma and Regina had the best chemistry together in S1 when they were mortal enemies. I also liked them in 3A and the first part of 3B where they worked together to investigate Zelena. I didn't mind their road trip to find Lily either. As you may be able to tell, the quality of writing concerning their relationship is spotty.

When it's not forced down my throat (cough 4x05 cough), I actually like them together.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 8

Wow, people have different opinions? Who cares if you've "avoided" this thread or not? I avoid a majority of the threads in this forum because of the literal circle jerk that goes on to Colin/Hook 24/7 in every single one, but I don't whine about it. (Well, until now).


My brand new UO is that even though I still hate SQ,  I'm actually starting to appreciate its presence on the show more because of its haters on here.

And this is why it's good to have an unpopular opinions thread. Sometimes you need a place to say what you want say and peace out without having a debate about it.


I admit, I don't understand anyone who bullies Adam, the cast or other shippers, but I'm cool with shipping who you want as long as you're cool about it. I know this place can lean towards CS a lot, so I consciously try not to gush too much because I know there are others who couldn't care less.


So, my unpopular opinion: I love Hook, but I don't really care if we never see his parents. I don't know...we've already seen PuppyCaptain(sorry, Leiutenant) Jones and his brother, so I don't see why learning about his mother and father is so important to his characterization Also the whole "Davy Jones is his father" doesn't sit right with me. Well, first, I think of the Monkee's Davy Jones, and second I don't believe Davy Jones's Locker was ever a full-fledged myth or legend before the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. And frankly, I hated that character, and it turned me off the whole PotC movie franchise.

Edited by ABitOFluff
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I love Hook, but I don't really care if we never see his parents. I don't know...we've already seen PuppyCaptain(sorry, Leiutenant) Jones and his brother, so I don't see why learning about his mother and father is so important to his characterization

Yes! I'd like to see him get his own storyline, but I think it's totally fine if his dad was just some jerk who abandoned him and his brother. People complain that Hook hasn't had a backstory, but that's not really true -- his backstory was the thing with his brother, and it was a good one (IMO), too!

  • Love 3

Following in that tradition (grin)...

Hook is why I've hung around so long. I relished his nasty vendetta with snarling Rumple. They played the hate off of each other so well. He played off Cora with a casual "go ahead and kill me I've already screwed death a dozen times already" bravado.

I sucked up and adored his sultry soul, his gorgeous face, his flaws, his snark (oh, mama, I miss the snark!); the smoldering and the potential that he could flip them all off and go disappear on his ship was irresistible. They would uncover jussst enough mystery about him to keep things 'wanting'.

He was effortlessly sexy and sassy and broodingly interesting. Pairing him with tortured, gusty and bold Emma was a stroke of brash genious. The dialogue and unresolved sexual tension was a giant magnet for this old romantic soul.

Yeefuckinghaw, a dynamic, steamy couple. Lost until they finally found each other.

Then came the huge stall. It pissed me off royally when it became all about Disney saturated "twu wuv"and the potential for he and Emma to be a kick butt couple of passionate head-butting crusaders was watered down to his puppy dog-itis following hard-assed Emma around while she acted like a bitch. (I really like Emma but what an idiot. Just look at the man, you fool! )

And then they took away his SHIP! Grrrrr. Yeah it was uber romantic and the whole season finale was yummy, but grrrrr.

Now that he and Emma finally got their sensual acts together it appears they will never mature into the full bodied couple of such sassy promise. The writers will never have the balls or the time to give them enough plotline. They still suck me in with those moments of sexy repartee and sincere, sweet affection. But I want a meal, not a snack!

It ain't gonna happen with the population of ONCE multiplying like rabbits and the obsession the writers have with creating new drama that they will never fulfill. I have to make due with short sips of room temperature water instead of a healthy gulp of Long Island Iced Tea.

So, unpopular opinion of the moment....there are times when the scrumptious Captain Swan really gets disappointing.

  • Love 8

I avoid a majority of the threads in this forum because of the literal circle jerk that goes on to Colin/Hook 24/7 in every single one, but I don't whine about it. (Well, until now).


I don't avoid a lot of threads, but I admit that I don't always post in every thread I read for the same reason and more often also because of the constant negativity that's always directed at the same characters and stories. I'm not even a huge fan of some the characters that are constantly being put down on this board, but I find the repetitiveness of it and the complete lack of normal discussion about spoilers as soon as they mention certain characters/actors (because it turns into a contest of who can mock/bash them in the most creative way instead) tiring to the point of not even wanting to engage.


I get that the atmosphere on a discussion board won't change when you don't try to help to change it yourself, but so far I just haven't really found the energy and I stick to posting in certain threads while discussing spoilers and the like in other places.

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I like Lily better than Regina.

I don't miss Jefferson at all. He served his purpose.

Jennifer and Lana have good chemistry (I just don't see it as romantic at all) and would be fine with Emma and Regina forming a friendship if Regina would knock it off with the attitude problem.

While it's great that Once is a female-driven show, I wish it wouldn't treat the men as cardboard cutouts. Both deserve to be fleshed out properly. You can have good writing/stories for both while not losing the female-driven quality.

At this point I don't want Will's storyline to be resolved. I don't want Ana being dragged into the mess because her character will just end up being destroyed.

Wonderland was better than Once's season 4, 3b, and almost all of season 2. I liked the Wonderland characters better than most of the Once characters.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 1

I actually think Emma and Regina had the best chemistry together in S1 when they were mortal enemies. I also liked them in 3A and the first part of 3B where they worked together to investigate Zelena.


I agree with this. I actually didn't mind their interactions during those storylines and I still think they work the best when they're enemies who want to destroy each other. (More graveyard slap fights, less Emma coddling Regina, please!) Conversely, I didn't really like Hook and Emma's interactions when the show was trying to present them as being enemies in Season 2. I think it just comes down to natural chemistry with the actors that I notice with their body language and how they play off each other. Maybe it's because Jen has a more natural friendship with Colin in real life, but I never really buy it when Hook and Emma are at odds with each other. For the same reason, I also don't buy Emma and Regina's friendly banter scenes because the acting seems "off" like they're forcing something that isn't there, but when they're pissed at each other, it works great. Maybe part of it is the writing, but that's just the natural chemistry I see with the actors.

  • Love 6


Yes! I'd like to see him get his own storyline, but I think it's totally fine if his dad was just some jerk who abandoned him and his brother. People complain that Hook hasn't had a backstory, but that's not really true -- his backstory was the thing with his brother, and it was a good one (IMO), too!

The idea about revealing his parents is just a face to put on the fact Hook has very little independent story. At this point, he's just a sex symbol/love interest for the protagonist and a rival for the antagonist. In S2, he was much more his own man. He wasn't tied to just one or two characters. The variety of others he interacted with was much wider and he was allowed to push his own agenda. We saw him with Cora, Mr. Smee, Milah, Rumple, Emma, Belle, Greg, Tamara, Regina, and Bae. His pool of relationships was exercised to a far greater degree than it is now.


S3 onward, Hook has gotten to play against people who never become the Dark One occasionally. There was his flashback with Liam, his alliance with Pan (if that even counts), his camp-out with Henry and his centric with Ursula. It's much like Belle's situation: he gets to share one-offs, but they're usually with characters he won't get the chance to build substantial relationships with. It's not as bad, as he has sporadic dynamics with her and Charming, but those two connections are really about Rumple and Emma, respectively.


It's both a strong point and weakness for S2 - there was a lot more variety in terms of character pairings. In some ways it kept development from growing stale, but in others it sidetracked the main plot completely off the rails.  

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

People complain that Hook hasn't had a backstory, but that's not really true -- his backstory was the thing with his brother, and it was a good one (IMO), too!

The idea about revealing his parents is just a face to put on the fact Hook has very little independent story. At this point, he's just a sex symbol/love interest for the protagonist and a rival for the antagonist.

Responding in the Hook thread.
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After some thoughts about my real unpopular opinion. l decided to just go for it!

I was not impressed with M.R.J looks and charisma for being the love interests of the leading lady.

And since, Sean arrived on board I felt this way too. I Knows the b.a SQ called him name. I'm totally against it, but I for once, I agree that he lack the basic charisma that will help me to care for his character or improve the lackluster OQ.

Not nice, but I kept it for myself, for two years now!!

  • Love 1

After some thoughts about my real unpopular opinion. l decided to just go for it!

I was not impressed with M.R.J looks and charisma for being the love interests of the leading lady.

And since, Sean arrived on board I felt this way too. I Knows the b.a SQ called him name. I'm totally against it, but I for once, I agree that he lack the basic charisma that will help me to care for his character or improve the lackluster OQ.

Not nice, but I kept it for myself, for two years now!!

Maryle, maryle, maryle. (Insert sad head shake.). You mean there are people you don't find attractive? How dare you! Really!

Oh. Wait. Never mind. I've got my mental list of people I can't figure out others obsession with, either. (Tom Hardy, anyone?). Maybe I should slink off to my corner , now.


Edited by Mari

I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I found 4A to be very boring. In fact, there's parts of 4B I'd rather rewatch instead. Some of the Frozen aspects were charming, but it becomes tedious starting in 4x05/4x06. Hook and Rumple's arc is extremely repetitive, Outlaw Queen's was gross, and Emma's magical freak-out wasn't resolve satisfyingly. Ingrid was a very good character, but her relationships with others leave a lot to be desired. The writing packed on a lot of mystery surrounding her, but it never fleshes out what it promises. The foster flashback with Emma came too late for anyone to care and it had a very small impact on the present day.


Maybe I'm complaining like some people do about 3A, that it doesn't move fast enough. But my issue isn't slowing pacing. It's boring storylines and monotonous writing that doesn't explore anything particularly productive or intriguing. As stable as it was compared to the B arcs, we didn't get much more character development or slices of life as we could have. It gets a good running start, but the middle drag just kills it. It never recovers, either.


There's a substance of praise out there for 4A, and I will say it did a good job of regrouping. To me, though, the small gems it brings don't outweigh the major story problems in Storybrooke.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Frozen arc? I hated Anna, and I mean roll my eyes, fast forward her upon second rewatch. Got it, show, Anna is the awesomest awesome that ever awesomed! Oh look, she's teaching David how to sword fight and telling him to stand up to bullies. Oh, look, Anna befriends Belle and meets Rumple. Oh, I'm assuming Anna will encounter those two in SB. Oh, wait, no she didn't. So what you're saying is that essentially, episodes 4 and 6 flashbacks were a waste of time? Well that's an hour and half of my life I'm never getting back!

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Something I've realized during my fast-forward rewatch:

I actually kind of like Zelena. Since I'm fast forwarding through a lot of stuff, if you detach her character from the silly plotting surrounding her, she can be entertaining, and the actress really gives it her all. It also helps that everyone around her treats her like the narcissistic psychopath she is. I never get the feeling we're really supposed to sympathize with her all that much. As a nutjob, she's a fun one.

  • Love 4

Something I've realized during my fast-forward rewatch:

I actually kind of like Zelena. Since I'm fast forwarding through a lot of stuff, if you detach her character from the silly plotting surrounding her, she can be entertaining, and the actress really gives it her all. It also helps that everyone around her treats her like the narcissistic psychopath she is. I never get the feeling we're really supposed to sympathize with her all that much. As a nutjob, she's a fun one.

I agree here. Zelena is a character concept I've wanted for a while. She's a minor antagonist who doesn't just get deleted at the end of an arc. She challenges Regina and keeps everyone on their toes just enough to check their backs, but not enough to be considered an eminent threat to the whole town. She's able to do what the redeemed villains can't do - go around chewing the scenery and being treated for the psycho she is. The character is allowed to do so much more because there is no agenda attached to her. The Wicked Witch is still wicked.


That all being said, I would like to see her fleshed out a bit more. Not nearly as much as her sister (please no!), but at least enough to show another side of her briefly. Perhaps being a mustache-twirling cartoon villain 24/7 is a character trait, but I'd like to see it toned down if just a few moments to give her just a sliver of humanity. If they overdo it, however, it completely defeats her purpose. She's just a great concept that I could see accomplishing more.


I'd rather see Regina dealing directly with her than Outlaw Queen. A little sisterliness, previously touched on in the jail scene, wouldn't be bad. I'm disappointed Zelena's stuck with the stupid baby plot.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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The baby plot with Zelena has some potentially interesting elements, though I don't expect them to develop them. I fully expect Regina to be the one who ends up getting to raise the baby, but how will that affect Zelena, as someone who was given up as a baby? Will she want to raise her own child rather than be at all like Cora?


Up until the murdering Marian retcon (I still don't believe it was planned all along), Zelena was actually more deserving of sympathy than her sister. She really had gone through some stuff, like being dumped by the side of the road, having her adoptive father tell her that she was wicked and giving the impression that he'd never really loved her, learning that she had a sister who was raised in luxury and who had become a queen. She had something to be jealous of. Though she went over the top, not just wanting what Regina had but wanting Regina not to have it. But she had good reason to have a lot of insecurities. Regina had just about every advantage and still acts like the world owes her more. Maybe Archie should spend some time with Zelena. She needs professional help.

Up until the murdering Marian retcon (I still don't believe it was planned all along), Zelena was actually more deserving of sympathy than her sister.


If you compared the list of evil things Regina has done to Zelena's list of crazy stuff, Regina has technically done a lot more evil than her sister, so you could still argue that Zelena is more deserving of sympathy.

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If you compared the list of evil things Regina has done to Zelena's list of crazy stuff, Regina has technically done a lot more evil than her sister, so you could still argue that Zelena is more deserving of sympathy.

Up until Marian, Zelena hadn't even killed anyone. The writers, however, are starting to fill out the Evil Queen dance card with the rape and murder.

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