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2 hours ago, bijoux said:

To Sacrifice the Sun has been updated. It's not a perfect fic, mostly due to an overuse of frak in all its variations IMO and that Felicity doesn't match Felicity how I see her in certain aspects. However, I can rationalize it because of the pretty big thing that hit her when she and Oliver were first together, while she was still very young. I like that the author seems to be taking a non-maudlin approach to a fairly difficult subject. This last chapter is all Oliver and Felicity. Best of all, it will be on a regular weekly update schedule for a while.

I'm actually really enjoying the fic. There isn't a lot of unnecessary drama and I appreciate that. 

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I thought "Wait WHAT, The Black Punisher and Karen Page how cool is that!" and then went, "oh". (This comment needs to be in one of those imaginary "When you're watching to much Daredevil and ship Kastle" threads).

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That's really good. so good I wish it were done for a character I care for.

If somebody is feeling up for an emotional wallop, The City of Fallen Heroes has just been updated. It's brutal. I mean that in the most complimentary way. But it's really not for the faint of heart. Or if you're just up for some smut that is also emotionally satisfying, stick to the 2026 part of the chapter.

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I get the feeling that To Sacrifice the Sun is heading in the direction of


The Mummy II, with Felicity, at least, being reincarnated.

I am enjoying The Mummy feel of it, Felicity doing the translations and Oliver being the brawn.

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Well the fic I started reading today -Trust Me by SmoaknArrow

Then FicCon obviously.

CSM fic whose title I've forgotten 

And then there's at least one other that was a like a multi one shot and Drabble fic where one of the kids is called Ellie but I can't remember the title. 

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Here's another thing I meant to bring up. How do you feel about authors putting in links to the characters' outfits into the story? I was recently reading a story that I really like and there, right in the middle of the chapter were links to some outfits. It just took me out of everything. Personally, I am perfectly fine with visualizing what the author writes, but if they feel there is a need for the visuals, wouldn't they be more appropriately (and less distractingly) placed in the author's note?

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I like it when it's at the beginning of the chapter, or it's ok if someone has embedded the link into the text describing the outfit on AO3. 

But as a general rule I loath A/N style breaks in the text. I have seen (lol I actually have those curtains in my living room!!!) and (JK no ones dead). But I also hate overly descriptive makeup, clothing and shoe descriptions, I don't need to know the brand of each item.

I do like the visual of what they are wearing, but I like the links at the beginning, so I can look, then read with it in my mind.

What I don't like are song fics, where the writer cuts and pastes all the lyrics including all the ooohhs and ahhhhhhs, and repeat choruses.

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50 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:

I like it when it's at the beginning of the chapter, or it's ok if someone has embedded the link into the text describing the outfit on AO3. 

But as a general rule I loath A/N style breaks in the text. I have seen (lol I actually have those curtains in my living room!!!) and (JK no ones dead). But I also hate overly descriptive makeup, clothing and shoe descriptions, I don't need to know the brand of each item.

I do like the visual of what they are wearing, but I like the links at the beginning, so I can look, then read with it in my mind.

What I don't like are song fics, where the writer cuts and pastes all the lyrics including all the ooohhs and ahhhhhhs, and repeat choruses.

Without beating around the bush, those sound like horrible writing choices.

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I remember reading one HP fic, and it was amazing, strong characterization, mind blowing twist on canon. Then 50,000 words in the characters decide to spend a whole chapter talking about their love for one direction........in a Harry Potter fanfic, set entirely in the magical world, until they all randomly start to gush about how hot a one direction concert was.

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I loathe song fics!!!!!! 

Also dialogue only fics. 

Another pet hate- I've been burned a few times when reading fics that are tagged and start out as Olicity fics and then they bring in a OC like Batman or Captain America or something as a love interest. In fact I'm not a big fan of crossover fics in general.

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Does anyone remember a one shot set in Ivy Town where Oliver finds Felicity playing with a baby, after their neighbor dumps it on her when she has to take an older kid to the ER? I'm in the mood for sweet and I remember liking that one. 

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I saw an ask on tumblr and now it's bugging me because I can't remember: does anyone know the name of the fic where Oliver and Felicity drunkenly get married in Vegas and get pregnant during their one night together, but then she miscarries and somehow the rest of the story takes place at a Queen family cabin property in the woods? There's this whole subplot where Oliver is trying to sell the place, but Felicity decides that he shouldn't and teams up with Thea to sabotage a potential deal. It was a collaboration by two authors.

Edited by lemotomato
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20 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I saw an ask on tumblr and now it's bugging me because I can't remember: does anyone know the name of the fic where Oliver and Felicity drunkenly get married in Vegas and get pregnant during their one night together, but then she miscarries and somehow the rest of the story takes place at a Queen family cabin property in the woods? There's this whole subplot where Oliver is trying to sell the place, but Felicity decides that he shouldn't and teams up with Thea to sabotage a potential deal. It was a collaboration by two authors.

I remember that fic. You can probably find it somewhere in the tags on The Olicity Library. 

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26 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I saw an ask on tumblr and now it's bugging me because I can't remember: does anyone know the name of the fic where Oliver and Felicity drunkenly get married in Vegas and get pregnant during their one night together, but then she miscarries and somehow the rest of the story takes place at a Queen family cabin property in the woods? There's this whole subplot where Oliver is trying to sell the place, but Felicity decides that he shouldn't and teams up with Thea to sabotage a potential deal. It was a collaboration by two authors.

I think it's this one:


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Is it good? It's clearly a take on Susan Elizabeth Phillips' This Heart of Mine, which the writers acknowledge in tags. But if it's good, it's only 11 chapters long and I have time until To Sacrifice the Sun updates.

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44 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Is it good? It's clearly a take on Susan Elizabeth Phillips' This Heart of Mine, which the writers acknowledge in tags. But if it's good, it's only 11 chapters long and I have time until To Sacrifice the Sun updates.

I liked it.

They've stopped writing Arrow fic as far as I can tell but I enjoyed their stories when they were writing them.  In My Veins which unfortunately was never finished, is the kind of fun, optimistic Olicity fic that people were writing after the season 2 finale when we were all young and naive about the ship.  (Oliver and Felicity get hit by a willpower drug and end up in bed... and then it turns out only one of had a placebo.)

Edited by statsgirl
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41 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Is it good? It's clearly a take on Susan Elizabeth Phillips' This Heart of Mine, which the writers acknowledge in tags. But if it's good, it's only 11 chapters long and I have time until To Sacrifice the Sun updates.

I have mixed feelings - it's well-written and ultimately I liked it, but there are parts of it where Felicity is just...outright cruel. I read it when it was updating - maybe it'd be better reading in one go where the resolution is immediate.

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I read about a half of the first chapter and it's a strange reading experience for me. It's season 3, but with Oliver still involved with QC in some way while Ray is there and dating Felicity? And I can't connect either characters' dialogues or Oliver's internal monologues with where they were in actual season 3. I imagine that's also when the fic was written so I can why it was an appealing counterpoint at that stage.

Also, there's an implication of Donna being mean towards Felicity and I can't read even the best fic if it includes that. Not the most rational reasoning, but there you go.

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On 2/14/2017 at 7:25 AM, bijoux said:

Is that the one with 

  Reveal hidden contents

homeless Oliver? The first chapter kind of bummed me out, to be honest, so I dropped it. 

Yes, that's the one. It's actually really good and she updates regularly.  

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I read about a half of the first chapter and it's a strange reading experience for me. It's season 3, but with Oliver still involved with QC in some way while Ray is there and dating Felicity? And I can't connect either characters' dialogues or Oliver's internal monologues with where they were in actual season 3. I imagine that's also when the fic was written so I can why it was an appealing counterpoint at that stage.

Also, there's an implication of Donna being mean towards Felicity and I can't read even the best fic if it includes that. Not the most rational reasoning, but there you go.

The part that kept me from enjoying it was that Felicity was an idiot throughout the entire thing, except for a few brief chapters in the middle, and a really mean one. I didn't understand why Oliver wanted to be with her so much. 

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I read about a half of the first chapter and it's a strange reading experience for me. It's season 3, but with Oliver still involved with QC in some way while Ray is there and dating Felicity? And I can't connect either characters' dialogues or Oliver's internal monologues with where they were in actual season 3. I imagine that's also when the fic was written so I can why it was an appealing counterpoint at that stage.

Also, there's an implication of Donna being mean towards Felicity and I can't read even the best fic if it includes that. Not the most rational reasoning, but there you go.

I think the author had added some note (or maybe it was another fic) that they started it before Donna had appeared on the show, so they apologised for her being OOC. Yeah, still don't like it.

I went down a strange AO3 rabbit hole the other day - I was on Macha's tumblr and she was chastising someone for giving an author a hard time for having written Dinah / Oliver (AND SO IT BEGINS). Even though I post on tumblr, I still just can't with the confusing structure, so I went to look for it on AO3, more in the sense of slowing down to look at the trainwreck sort of way.

I didn't find it, but I did find a strange Slade Wilson never loses his mind and gets together with Lillian Worth (a character from the comics) fic, in which Oliver is more of a minor character. It was pretty good, I guess? Except the later chapters clearly did not get as much proofreading as the earlier ones, and while Lillian Worth is pretty much the main character of the fic, her main character development is kickstarted by being gang-raped by Fyers' mercenaries (I'm not spoiling anything - that happens before the fic starts, and is mentioned in the tags. I'm only spoiling for SPaG errors in the later chapters).

See what you're making me do, show? See? I can barely read Olicity anymore, because if it's bad, it's awful, and if it's good, I compare it to the show and get pissed off! And writing? I'm writing Criminal Minds fanfic now! Criminal Minds.

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I dont know if anyone suggested it before  but i love an olicity fanfic called Body Check .

"A former child model turned global pop sensation Felicity Smoak has done well in keeping her humble beginnings - and herself, a mystery to the public. However, a melancholy look at the past's inescapability and its weight on the present brings the almost hopeless artist to find an unlikely ally in her exceptionally stoical bodyguard, Oliver Queen."


Its totally an AU though,so not sure if its the right thing to suggest in this thread.

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