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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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45 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Weirdly enough I mostly don't have a problem with William in fics. I do have a problem with Samantha though. The amount of times I've read her painted as a saint...Ugh.

Ditto. I'm usually fine with William in fic, but give me a sainted Samantha and I rage. 

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I can't bring myself to write William.  When plotting Love Thieves, I was faced with the fact that the Michael (Oliver) character in both "Nikita" and "La Femme Nikita" is revealed to have a secret young son.  The parallels are RIGHT THERE!  And I actually think the secret son plots were decently done.  But I can't do it.  No William or Samantha in my fics, thanks.

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1 hour ago, Hiveminder said:

Ditto. I'm usually fine with William in fic, but give me a sainted Samantha and I rage. 

OMG, the amount of rage I feel when Samantha is presented like what she did was in anyway reasonable makes me want to toss my phone across the room. ?What she did to Oliver in both never telling him about William and asking him to lie and keep lying to Felicity was outright cruel and not even fair to the little crayon eater. 

Edited by leopardprint
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4 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

I can't bring myself to write William.  When plotting Love Thieves, I was faced with the fact that the Michael (Oliver) character in both "Nikita" and "La Femme Nikita" is revealed to have a secret young son.  The parallels are RIGHT THERE!  And I actually think the secret son plots were decently done.  But I can't do it.  No William or Samantha in my fics, thanks.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least one fic is safe from that little turd and his cow of a mother!

I REALLY do not like them!  

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28 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

OMG, the amount of rage I feel when Samantha is presented like what she did was in anyway reasonable makes me want to toss my phone across the room. ?What she did to Oliver in both never telling him about William and asking him to lie and keep lying to Felicity was outright cruel and not even fair to the little crayon eater. 

I just can't wrap my head around it. Are writers saying she's just being a good mom because they're trying to follow the show's lead?  You don't have to do that. Your fic is not the show. Do they actually think Samantha was in the right? Why? How? WTF?

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William in fics turns me off basically every time because he reminds me of that crappy plot and the crappy excuses for that plot that were if possible even worse..I'm fine with Oliver having a kid in fics, I read a few AUs where he is a single dad, just don't call him William and the mom Samantha, lol

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7 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

I just can't wrap my head around it. Are writers saying she's just being a good mom because they're trying to follow the show's lead?  You don't have to do that. Your fic is not the show. Do they actually think Samantha was in the right? Why? How? WTF?

Not really sure, some seem to just follow the show's take, others seems to want to include Dad Oliver so they just ignore the whole Samantha demand. Then there are the group that seem want to show that it wasn't his fault, he was a victim of circumstance and, Felicity was mean to dump poor wooby Oliver.

If someone puts Samantha in a fic and she's a manilulative/vindictive bitch I'm cool. If they put her in and try to justify/explain her actions as good/right I tend to get angry.

Same thing with Susan, if they put Susan in the fic and she's shady, manipulative, etc I'm cool (because that's what was on the show). If they try to make Susan a good/honest/moral Reporter i get annoyed.

I don't care what the EPs say, I know what I watched.

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4 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

There was a note on Twitter lecturing fic writers to include William in their fics and that we all needed to embrace him.

I was baffled! 

I don't get that? Is that normal? People lecturing fic writers and telling them what content should be included?

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11 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't get that? Is that normal? People lecturing fic writers and telling them what content should be included?

It was a general tweet, tagged Olicity so not sent to anyone directly but it was so weird because it was like a public announcement telling all fic writers to embrace William. 

First time I've ever seen anything like that! 

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15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

It was a general tweet, tagged Olicity so not sent to anyone directly but it was so weird because it was like a public announcement telling all fic writers to embrace William. 

First time I've ever seen anything like that! 

That is weird.

3 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I hope someone replied with "naaaaaah" just because I don't like ppl that tell others what to do, lol


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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

It was a general tweet, tagged Olicity so not sent to anyone directly but it was so weird because it was like a public announcement telling all fic writers to embrace William. 

First time I've ever seen anything like that! 

Do you still have the link? Because I want to respond "naaaahhhh." :)

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4 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

There was a note on Twitter lecturing fic writers to include William in their fics and that we all needed to embrace him.

I was baffled! 

I've seen that a few times. Quite a few people like to police this fandom. It's so annoying.

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5 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

There was a note on Twitter lecturing fic writers to include William in their fics and that we all needed to embrace him.

I was baffled! 

I guess I get the sentiment as it would apply to the show since unless they write him out, we're basically stuck with him so if one can find a way to not hate him, it probably will improve show enjoyment, but why would anyone dictate to fan fic writers what they should or shouldn't do?  

I tend to write stuff that branches off of canon (if I write stuff, lol) so it would bug me to read a canon based fic set in season 5 or beyond where William doesn't exist and come season six, if he's around, I'd at least want an explanation for why he wasn't around in those kinds of fics but yeah, the rules for an AU are totally different.  No one has to embrace him.  

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7 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Not really sure, some seem to just follow the show's take, others seems to want to include Dad Oliver so they just ignore the whole Samantha demand. Then there are the group that seem want to show that it wasn't his fault, he was a victim of circumstance and, Felicity was mean to dump poor wooby Oliver.

Wouldn't making Samantha the bad guy be the most natural way to make Oliver the victim. I think in those cases it's more about making Felicity the villain and Samantha's just a tool. If Laurel was still Oliver LI many of the people saying Samantha was just being a good mom would be ripping her to shreds. 

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3 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I wonder if following this train of thought they also thought fandom needed to embrace Laurel during the first four seasons, LOL

It's probably not the same group of people but there were fans who messages authors during the early seasons insisting that Laurel be included in fics. I know because a friend of mine got the messages. 

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1 hour ago, Hiveminder said:

Wouldn't making Samantha the bad guy be the most natural way to make Oliver the victim. I think in those cases it's more about making Felicity the villain and Samantha's just a tool. If Laurel was still Oliver LI many of the people saying Samantha was just being a good mom would be ripping her to shreds. 

Nah, making Samantha the bad guy makes Oliver look weak and foolish for agreeing to demands.

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12 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Do you still have the link? Because I want to respond "naaaahhhh." :)

haha I wish I could find the link! Would you to see you say "naaaaahhh" but it was 1 to 2 weeks ago and I am hopeless with Twitter! I see what I see and never see it again!

Morrigan2575 how is your addictive story? Did you get vexed or are things working out well? Hehe I saw it got updated! 

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6 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Morrigan2575 how is your addictive story? Did you get vexed or are things working out well? Hehe I saw it got updated! 

I've really enjoyed the last 2 chapters. The world she built up is still totally insane and I have no idea what the end game is. I keep hoping OTA will team up to take down Society/The Scope but, I don't know if that's the direction she's going in.


She introduced Susan Williams as a manipulate/evil Reporter and Slade Wilson as Susan's soulmate/husband and the head of a prison or reprogramming camp.

Oliver also finally told Felicity  (and the audience) his story - the secret LL was holding over him. LL also hasn't been in the story for the last 2 chapters which is nice.

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I loved Nyssa suggesting she just be knocked out


and then Dinah doing it.

And Felicity's internal monologue of Slade's "evil push-ups".  One-handed push-ups.  It's really fun, and of course canon-compliant since it's you.  I'm off to read chapter 3 now!

Edited by statsgirl
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5 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm trying to take your suggestion and branch off into AU's.  I think the closest I can do is more of a "what if" than a total departure but I'm pondering on something right now.

How's your angst? Ghost of Felicity haunting Oliver? 

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm trying to take your suggestion and branch off into AU's.  I think the closest I can do is more of a "what if" than a total departure but I'm pondering on something right now.

You're very canon compliant so that's your big strength right there! I would love a what if from you!


Hehe if we can rally everyone to write we can do a forum story kris kringle!!!!!! Think of the fun we'll have!!!!

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5 hours ago, leopardprint said:

How's your angst? Ghost of Felicity haunting Oliver? 


4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  None of Oliver, Felicity, Diggle or Thea are allowed to die!

What if William made friends with some kids from The Glades and Felicity convinced Mayor Queen to throw them a Christmas Carol party?

Lol, I don't do tragedy.    And what I was thinking of wouldn't be holiday related so much, sorry.


3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

You're very canon compliant so that's your big strength right there! I would love a what if from you!


Hehe if we can rally everyone to write we can do a forum story kris kringle!!!!!! Think of the fun we'll have!!!!


I do like the idea of having a bunch of stories or vids or pictures created by different people on the board ready to be shared during the winter hiatus/holiday time.  We always could use some stuff to tide us over during that time.  And if it's an extra long hiatus because of the Winter Olympics, we'll need it even more.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:


I do like the idea of having a bunch of stories or vids or pictures created by different people on the board ready to be shared during the winter hiatus/holiday time.  We always could use some stuff to tide us over during that time.  And if it's an extra long hiatus because of the Winter Olympics, we'll need it even more.  

Yes!!!!! Hehe now we need to recruit people!!!!

Come on guys we know you're creative!!!!!!!! Get in here and humour us!!!!!!!

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Lol... One of my students used fanfiction as a text type for analysis for her weekly reading log.  What did she learn?  "Fanfiction can make dreams come true, meaning to say if there are two people in this world that you think should be together, then you can just read a fanfic about them." 

My life is so strange, you guys.

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Her reflection included the idea that she might write fanfic about our reading for a written task, which would actual fit the course assignments, too (okay, technically a short vignette as some kind of pastiche, but basically fan fic with a deliberate style), so she may write me something, too.

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Funny you should ask: when I had these kids as freshmen, one of their cohort used end of season 1 Barry for his hero's journey analysis and waxed poetic about how he saved the city from the vortex.  I slapped down his analysis, given that Barry caused the vortex.  He was chagrined and surprised I watched.  He didn't watch Arrow then, but gave it a try.  Told me a few months later that he was enjoying it.  He's not in this current section though.

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Ha!  I feel kind of bad for the kid since while you are absolutely right, the show was trying to sell it as a heroes' journey.  I find it interesting (read maddening) how many people ignore the actual narrative and eat up what the company line is instead.  

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