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17 hours ago, Trisha said:

Yeah, as much as I love the way she writes the characters' inner thoughts, Felicity's motivations in IP still need more explanation.  I think it had less to do with Oliver/Sara and more to do with protecting Thea and everyone else, but that logic definitely needs more fleshing out. Seems like that will happen next chapter (if she ever updates).

My problem is I don't think there can be any way to justify or explain in a logical way her agreeing to it.   But that's just me, lol.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I just left a writer a comment complimenting her work. I was sooo tempted to write "I hope xyz does not happen" but I resisted the temptation to do so because I figure it is her vision and I should not blow in and prattle on about what I want.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you voice your preferences in comments when there is a course of action you really hope they do or don't take?

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I like receiving feedback like that because it shows engagement in the story.  There are different shades of course.  "Lol, I hope Oliver doesn't screw this up" vs " I hope you're not bringing Laurel into this."  


It it can influence plot.  For example, in Love Thieves: 


Many readers politely speculated / asked for further resolution of Felicity's feelings of betrayal after the date-mission fake out in part one, so I made sure to bring it up during their tete-a-tete on the cliff in part two.

I also do it as a reader and I HOPE no one has been offended.

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18 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I just left a writer a comment complimenting her work. I was sooo tempted to write "I hope xyz does not happen" but I resisted the temptation to do so because I figure it is her vision and I should not blow in and prattle on about what I want.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you voice your preferences in comments when there is a course of action you really hope they do or don't take?

It can be tricky because a few times I've guessed what was coming and worried later if I ruined the fun of the surprise and I've also done the "I hope this doesn't happen" and oops, then it happens and I worry I've made the author anxious about reaction.  (In those cases, I tried to undig the hole I made in my next comment, just in case)  Mostly now, I avoid saying flat out I don't want to see something but will do a "Yikes what if blah, blah happened." or a "I'm worried someone might think blah blah blah if such and such happens".    And I still speculate on what could be fun to see.  Sometimes authors will write you a whole story just on a slight suggestion (Thanks MellowYellow!)   As an author, I've really benefited by people tossing out thoughts.  Sometimes when they worry about something they don't want to see I can make it better or prefix the specific concern if there is overlap and I've definitely added bits that I might have otherwise rushed past or not considered had I not known there was interest.   

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6 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

That Happened by Book of Life

Really good! I haven't read her other stuff because it's a bit heavy for me but this had a lovely fluffyish second half and I really enjoyed it. 

Just finished reading this. Really enjoyed it. A nice long one-shot. It's an AU for the end of S2 if anyone is interested. :)

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11 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

That Happened by Book of Life

Really good! I haven't read her other stuff because it's a bit heavy for me but this had a lovely fluffyish second half and I really enjoyed it. 

Thanks for the rec. That was quite emotional. And I like how she handled the end of S2. Only weird thing was that note in the middle about writing using facts, LOL! 

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23 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

 Only weird thing was that note in the middle about writing using facts, LOL! 

Yeah, that was odd. I liked it for the most part even though I still prefer 


Oliver and Felicity both declaring their love for each other before going to sex on the show, than the other way around that fic authors mostly turn to.

And I still don't think that would have been the best time for them to get together, but it was mostly well written and not much is catching my attention these days. I'm a bit iffy on Oliver's plan to get Slade to be honest.

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21 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Yeah, that was odd. I liked it for the most part even though I still prefer 

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Oliver and Felicity both declaring their love for each other before going to sex on the show, than the other way around that fic authors mostly turn to.

And I still don't think that would have been the best time for them to get together, but it was mostly well written and not much is catching my attention these days. I'm a bit iffy on Oliver's plan to get Slade to be honest.

I enjoyed that fic, for the most part, but I did think the timing was all wrong, and I side eyed Oliver's plan a lot.  I would have had no problem with Felicity telling Oliver to never speak to her again when all was said and done.

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Somewhereelse has a new fic which I haven't read yet! Saving it to read with my macaron later. 

Anyone have a routine when they read fics or do you read on the fly?

My favourite authors are saved for snuggle bedtime or afternoon tea time with a snack and a cup of tea.

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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Somewhereelse has a new fic which I haven't read yet! Saving it to read with my macaron later. 

Anyone have a routine when they read fics or do you read on the fly?

My favourite authors are saved for snuggle bedtime or afternoon tea time with a snack and a cup of tea.

I bookmark stories and usually read them in the evening in bed on my ipad rather than during the day on my PC.  Downside, if it's a very long fic I don't get the sleep I need or if I'm too tired to stay awake I have been known to drop my ipad on my head.  That will wake you up.  

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On 9/3/2017 at 2:51 AM, Mellowyellow said:

That Happened by Book of Life

Really good! I haven't read her other stuff because it's a bit heavy for me but this had a lovely fluffyish second half and I really enjoyed it. 

I really enjoyed this - but S2 fic is my kryptonite.  I guess because the possibilities were endless, but it's my happy place. 

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Guys what is a muse when people talk about it in fanfic?

I keep seeing the term and it's confusing me.

I always thought a muse was a person who inspired another person in something artsy. For example Audrey Hepburn was a muse for a lot of fashion designers.

Are they referring to someone else who is inspiring their fanfic? Like a friend/fellow shipper? Or is it like an imaginary person? Imaginary person who is inspiring fanfic ideas?

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On 9/3/2017 at 4:51 AM, Mellowyellow said:

That Happened by Book of Life

Really good! I haven't read her other stuff because it's a bit heavy for me but this had a lovely fluffyish second half and I really enjoyed it. 

Mostly enjoyed it but the writing was not what I'd call tight.  It had a solid, steamy ending but I got the impression the first half at least needed another round of editing before it had been posted and I never did think the "plan" really made sense (I think Felicity just got lucky that she even dared to act) and that author's note in the middle of the story was the strangest thing I've come across.  But the ending was worth the read, lol, if you like that kind of thing.  ;)


I've also been reading "Oliver on Vacation" http://archiveofourown.org/works/4662243/chapters/10637169  and that's really well written and engaging but it's about the best proof I've ever had that the Felicity on the show is no Manic Pixie Dreamgirl.  The girl in this story clearly is, but yeah, she really isn't Felicity at all and Oliver is barely Oliver.  I'm only on the third chapter so maybe they become more like the characters as it goes on?  But I don't care, it's a really good story.  I almost left a message for the author suggesting she pull it, change the names and sell it.  Remedial Rocket Science was soooo Arrow but this no one would have a clue without the familiar names.  

Speaking of not being like the characters, I took the plunge and read what available so far for the soulmate AU Cross My Broken Heart,  http://archiveofourown.org/works/11039502/chapters/24607503  and I am enjoying it but I realized it's really not Oliver and Felicity but rather Ollie and Felicity and only as the fic goes on does he become Oliver.   Also, while it's not a deal breaker, how in love Moira and Robert are kind of creeps me out, lol.  And poor Ray.  

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Ya just had to ominously say "Poor Ray" didn't you lol! Nevermind I shall never know! Everytime I see it update I think of @Morrigan2575 on the forum and wonder if she's still hooked on it. 

Oliver on Vacation is awesome! One of my all time favourites as she writes superbly but it ain't got nothing to do with Olicity as we know them in show. I just think of it as a new series starring EBR and SA. Incredibly well written though.

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Ya just had to ominously say "Poor Ray" didn't you lol! Nevermind I shall never know! Everytime I see it update I think of @Morrigan2575 on the forum and wonder if she's still hooked on it. 

It's my crack, I can't quit that fic. You will NOT like it, Ray is hardly in it but, he's not a good person.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It's my crack, I can't quit that fic. You will NOT like it, Ray is hardly in it but, he's not a good person.

See, I'm not convinced he's a bad person.  So far he's only been rightfully bitter and angry in reaction to what Oliver and Laurel had been doing to him and applied all that frustration and contempt to Felicity, unfairly, but not unreasonably.  Before that, he seemed like a nice enough guy, lol.  

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I did a search and this was the closest I found.  As You Wish  



After his duel with R'as al Ghul, a gravely-wounded Oliver is found on a snowy mountainside and airlifted to Starling City's hospital to reunite with his team. As he heals, he must come to terms with his trust issues. Written with underlying themes from The Princess Bride because "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."

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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I did a search and this was the closest I found.  As You Wish  



After his duel with R'as al Ghul, a gravely-wounded Oliver is found on a snowy mountainside and airlifted to Starling City's hospital to reunite with his team. As he heals, he must come to terms with his trust issues. Written with underlying themes from The Princess Bride because "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."

Thanks! I'll check it out.

Also, jesileigh just wrote a lovely shot set in season 5.5, but I'm ready to replace whatever we'll see in 601 with this story as my head canon. 

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Do you like dialogue fics? They're very hard to do but CheerUpLovely on Ao3 does these short ones that are really cute. 

Also, does anyone know which episode this scene is from?

tumblr_ovyvfzGAgB1u7apz5o3_400.gif tumblr_ovyvfzGAgB1u7apz5o4_400.gif

10 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Also, jesileigh just wrote a lovely shot set in season 5.5, but I'm ready to replace whatever we'll see in 601 with this story as my head canon. 

That is lovely. But I can't see it happening on the show, mostly because it would involve the actor who plays the kid to show emotions :P

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Ugh, I don't want to remember that scene because Oliver called Susan immediately after.  It's like in s1 when Thea told him he had to open up to someone about his years away so he went to Laurel.  Oliver has bad judgement when it comes to women.

CheerUpLovely's Zephr has sweet Olicity moments.  I especially like how she used a phrase from the show in the second one Date Night.

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15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

CheerUpLovely's Zephr has sweet Olicity moments.  I especially like how she used a phrase from the show in the second one Date Night.

I couldn't imagine what you'd be referring to but when I read it, it was pretty awesome! Put a huge smile on my face! 

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Is anyone reading The Wrong Omega and if so can you clear up my confusion?

Let me preface this by saying I started at the end (last chapter) jumped back to the 1/2 way point (chapter 5) and started reading forward. It's a weird thing I sometimes do when I don't know if I'll like the fic. 

So here's my question/confusion 


In chapter 5 or 6 Tommy/Felicity are on a date and Tommy starts talking about Oliver/Laurel. In the backstory Tommy mentions that Oliver straightened up 2 years ago after his mother died.

In the next chapter Robert/Oliver/Felicity/Ray are in a meeting and we later get a scene where Oliver/Laurel are talking about Robert's expectation that Oliver take over the company.

Then 1 or 2 chapters later,  Oliver/Thea are talking about Olicity and Moira comes in and says she approves. 

So, here's my confusion was Moira dead and the writer just forgot/ignored it? Did I totally miss something in the first few chapters that explained Moira's return? Did Oliver have a different mother? 

I checked the comments and no one mentioned anything weird about Moira so I'm confused.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Wow, she actually forgot what she wrote in her own story.

If ever there was an example of why fanfic writers need a Beta this should be it.

Wow, that's a pretty big thing to forget. It's not someone's eye color.

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On 12/09/2017 at 5:40 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

Is anyone reading The Wrong Omega and if so can you clear up my confusion?

Let me preface this by saying I started at the end (last chapter) jumped back to the 1/2 way point (chapter 5) and started reading forward. It's a weird thing I sometimes do when I don't know if I'll like the fic. 

So here's my question/confusion 

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In chapter 5 or 6 Tommy/Felicity are on a date and Tommy starts talking about Oliver/Laurel. In the backstory Tommy mentions that Oliver straightened up 2 years ago after his mother died.

In the next chapter Robert/Oliver/Felicity/Ray are in a meeting and we later get a scene where Oliver/Laurel are talking about Robert's expectation that Oliver take over the company.

Then 1 or 2 chapters later,  Oliver/Thea are talking about Olicity and Moira comes in and says she approves. 

So, here's my confusion was Moira dead and the writer just forgot/ignored it? Did I totally miss something in the first few chapters that explained Moira's return? Did Oliver have a different mother? 

I checked the comments and no one mentioned anything weird about Moira so I'm confused.

Ha As soon as I read "Tommy/Felicity on a date" or "Oliver/Laurel talk" I noped out. Why fic writers, why?! 

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15 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Ha As soon as I read "Tommy/Felicity on a date" or "Oliver/Laurel talk" I noped out. Why fic writers, why?! 

Actually it wasn't bad, the Tommy/ Felicity date was half a chapter and the other half was Oliver/Laurel talking....you could just skip chapter 6 ??

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Gripe: I just cannot deal with William in fics, even incredibly well written ones because of how simple he is in the show. And the more previews I see the more I am convinced the kid is a 2 bit moron with very little going on in his brain.

He's RUINING canon fanfic for me! Every time I read a good one that has a normal William I think "But the William in show is a moron who doesn't have the vocabulary for this dialogue." And it's not the poor fic writer's fault because I don't think anyone could write him as basic as he appears in the show even if they tried! 

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ooh I'm the complete opposite! I hate him either way (would prefer he does not exist and replace him with proper Olicitots) but I appreciate that a lot of the canon compliant fic writers try their best to make him a tolerable character. The show constantly undermines them though with how simple he is.

I WILL NOT tolerate him an AU and WILL NOT read anything with him in it if it's an AU! It's a freaking AU which means I want my real and proper Olicitots and that idiot child should be erased from existence in all AU fics! 

Haha obviously I feel strongly about this! 

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Weirdly enough I mostly don't have a problem with William in fics. I do have a problem with Samantha though. The amount of times I've read her painted as a saint...Ugh.

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I've never had a problem with William in fic although the sheer number of fics that have William in them are starting to annoy. Then again I also find fics that have Dinah/Rene/Curtis in them to be slightly annoying too. I'm not attached to these characters, I'd rather read fic with S1-3 characters.

My issue (in relation to the discussion) has always been Samantha in fic. 

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I'm really getting annoyed by the number of fics that include William. It feels like S2 all over again when people kept including Sara except the Sara they wrote is not the Sara on the show and they kept doing threesome with her, Oliver and Felicity. (I'm starting to see Tinah, Curtis and WD, too, and just NO!) The William in fics has a personality so I just grit my teeth and power through but man that kid is gonna suck on screen unless he got a crash course on acting during the summer. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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