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5 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

Are we really supposed to believe that every alternate version of every human in every universe will always meet up with the same people throughout their lives, will always form into the same couples having the same children - thus producing the same descendants - throughout all time? That idea might have worked back when people had no idea of the concept of unique individual DNA, but it just doesn't work today IMO. Anyone have a different take?

As I have mentioned on the Star Trek Forums, this is what always breaks my brain about alternate universes.

On the underrated show Counterpart, the Universe split is two at a specific time, so everyone born after that point will not have a double. Even if the same two people in both Universes have a child, it will be diffrent DNA so John from Universe A and John from Universe B would be more like brothers than doubles. For those born before the split, the phrase "Go f*ck yourself" can and was taking literally.

On Fringe, the  in the RedVerse's 9/11 the World Trade Centre was left standing. Some of those people in those buildings will have had children. These new people cannot exsit in the BlueVerse.

Edited by marinw
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12 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

Mid-S3 in our rewatch. Does anyone else really struggle with the idea of the alternate universe thing? Hubby tells me I'm way overthinking it, LOL, but the idea that there are multiple versions of the same people in different universes, all making different life decisions both small and great, and (more importantly) some versions dying sooner than their alters in other universes, is just absolutely absurd to me. For example, AltRachel died in childbirth, as did Ella. So there is no grownup version of Ella in the alternate universe. Does our Ella never marry, never have children? Same with AltBroyles' son. He mentioned in the Candyman episode that his son will probably not live beyond age 18 because of what the Candyman did to him. So does our Christopher never marry, never have children? Are we really supposed to believe that every alternate version of every human in every universe will always meet up with the same people throughout their lives, will always form into the same couples having the same children - thus producing the same descendants - throughout all time? That idea might have worked back when people had no idea of the concept of unique individual DNA, but it just doesn't work today IMO. Anyone have a different take?

My theory is that Walter traveled to the dimension right next door - the closest to ours, with just a few changes here and there. If it weren't for things like Manhattan being spelled Manhatan and certain people never being president, they could just say "oh it split when Walter went there and broke their dimension - spinning it far off from ours.

Edited by bros402

Almost at the end of Season 3 now. As much as I love Fringe, I really wish the MotW episodes didn't feel like Poor Man's X-Files. I can't appreciate the episodes on their own merit (even though they're really good) as much because I'm continually comparing them to the XF version as I'm watching. Tithonus (XF) was a much stronger, tighter version of Stowaway; Monday (XF) was a much more compelling and memorable version of White Tulip, etc.

Of course, Fringe being filmed in the 2000's has a huge advantage over XF in one distinct way. Fringe has Olivia all dressed up -


Meanwhile over on X-Files.....




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We're about halfway through S5 in our rewatch now. MY GOD this is hard to watch in 2021. I didn't remember much at all about what happened in the later seasons, so I didn't even remember that Observers took over the world. It was like being punched in the gut to see such a stark reminder of what it was like to live in a time when it was still understood that tyrannical government figures were the bad guys and those who fought against the regime were the good guys.


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So we finished up our rewatch a couple of nights ago. Season 5 really was just a hot mess overall, wasn't it? LOL. It did have some really touching moments, though. I loved seeing September again, and seeing him deal with having learned more human emotions but not as easily able to express them. When he got shot and the Boy immediately sat down next to him and started playing the music box (indicating that he did know September loved him and this was how he was acknowledging that) I cried. So sweet.

Speaking of the Boy, I know it wouldn't have worked to have gotten the same actor back since the character didn't age and this was four seasons later, but the first actor was so much better IMO. Even though he never spoke and really never changed expression much, he was able to emote so strongly with his eyes, whereas the second actor just looked dead to the world. If we were supposed to understand why he couldn't communicate with Olivia anymore even though he remembered meeting her, I didn't get it. Felt so weird.

I was surprised how happy I was to see Fauxlivia again. Being with Lincoln for a couple of decades was good for her. Was good for him, too. I always loved Lincoln (every version of him) but the competent, confident, and carefree RedLincoln (RIP) was always my favorite. I legit LOL'd when Faux told him to stop checking out Young!Olivia's ass and he smacked her on hers like 'I ain't complaining about what I got right here'. Hee.

What else? Season 5's Observers - what the actual eff? I never could get a good feel of them other than they were EEEEEVILLLLL. But at the same time I just never could care enough to try to figure them out. They were way too one dimensional.

I never found Peter particularly attractive (JJ is just too soft looking for my tastes) but, damn. Seeing him casually walking around with two guns strapped under his arms in S5 was HOT. Yum.

Overall I'm glad we rewatched, but eh. Fringe didn't seem to hold up as well for me as I thought it would. Definitely ended up feeling like Poor Man's X-Files to me, as I mentioned a few posts ago. I never got nearly as emotionally invested in it as I would have liked.

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Just finished Season 5. I don't think I actually made it to Season 5 during the original run. I might have stopped some where in Season 3.

I don't understand what Michael was telling Olivia by pressing his finger to his lips. I also don't understand why he let himself be captured by Windmark. Was it just so Olivia would take the Cortexiphan that would allow her to kill Windmark?

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Damn, just caught a young Betty Gilpin in the second episode. I was like, I know her from somewhere but I couldn't quite place it. 

I remember some of the big plot elements but monsters of the week and little plot points are just not in my memory at all.

I also remember as the time frame when network TV was really trying to make Mark Valley happen. Especially Fox.

Edited by Racj82
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9 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Damn, just caught a young Betty Gilpin in the second episode. I was like, I know her from somewhere but I couldn't quite place it. 

I remember some of the big plot elements but monsters of the week and little plot points are just not in my memory at all.

I also remember as the time frame when network TV was really trying to make Mark Valley happen. Especially Fox.

A lot of people only seem to appreciate and/or just like to talk about the longer mytharcs, but I think most of the 'MotW' eppys are quite underrated.  Some good moments to be had in those and they still help move along other series-spanding plots;  such as the P/O, multiverse and such.

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40 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

A lot of people only seem to appreciate and/or just like to talk about the longer mytharcs, but I think most of the 'MotW' eppys are quite underrated.  Some good moments to be had in those and they still help move along other series-spanding plots;  such as the P/O, multiverse and such.

Yeah I didn't hate the monster of the week stories. I enjoyed Fringe as is even before the season 1 finale. Bringing in more of the mythos just put the show in another gear.

I remember stories involving Stephen Root and Peter Weller being all timers while kind of being their own thing.

I also kind of love how the plot with the guy in the second episode led directly into Walter and his relationship with Peter even though we don't know that yet. Walter's former colleague becoming too attached to his work to let him go.

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Just watched episode 4 again. 

Please ignore me if I'm just posting too much.

The observer has arrived. The moment when he and Peter meet is truly chilling. Him going from saying what Peter will say to just saying what he is thinking is amazing.

My heart broke during the Walter/Astrid scene. Walter was fucked up for what he did but I know how close they become. It made it hard to watch.

This episode was really needed to progress Walter and Peter's relationship. Peter being angry all the time and Walter withholding secrets was already getting old.

Most telling line was Peter telling Olivia that she knows how much he hates staying in one place. So, so very telling of Peter after knowing what we know about him. Of course, he never feels comfortable in one place for too long.

Edited by Racj82
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7 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Just watched episode 4 again. 

Please ignore me if I'm just posting too much.

The observer has arrived. The moment when he and Peter meet is truly chilling. Him going from saying what Peter will say to just saying what he is thinking is amazing.

My heart broke during the Walter/Astrid scene. Walter was fucked up for what he did but I know how close they become. It made it hard to watch.

This episode was really needed to progress Walter and Peter's relationship. Peter being angry all the time and Walter withholding secrets was already getting old.

Most telling line was Peter telling Olivia that she knows how much he hates staying in one place. So, so very telling of Peter after knowing what we know about him. Of course, he never feels comfortable in one place for too long.

Great points.

That's what I love about rewatches, is witnessing something in earlier episodes and then connecting the dots to knowing what is coming down the road.  Also watching character progression from earlier episodes to the later ones.

Or the fun part of seeing something occur on a show and having forgotten about it, and then connecting that to later events.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I really love episode six.

The cold open with the bleeding/exploding heads may have been pushing it for network TV. I even got squeamish and I love horror movies.

I feel like two things were addressed here for me.

One was I felt that so far, the women in the cases seemed to be cannon fodder for whatever was going on. No story of their own. They kind of still were here but they were actually fleshed out.

Olivia also finally got to be more than pleasant and tough but kind of bland lead. She unethical left and right. She finally gave Broyles a reason to be pissed. I even loved her speech in the end to Broyles that was built as a tough feminist moment but Broyles was having none of ignoring her behavior just because of said speech.

We learn more about her, her shitty dad and we get out first really sense of chemistry between her and Peter even if one didn't want them together.


"White is for Walter (regarding the toothbrush mix up)...right?"

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After all my introspection about the use of women in the case of the week's, they drop to female villains on us and one of them is Gillian Jacobs!

That parasite that was attached to that mans heart was freaking gross.

Something I love about Olivia is that she loves to smile. This isn't a woman should smile more thing. It's just rare to have a hero smile as much as she does. 

Two random tidbits from episode 10.

Olivia can count numbers.

Walter retrieves Peter's toys for an experiment but Peter says they are not his toys. 

My favorite part of this rewatch is seeing the breadcrumbs to Peter's backstory. It's not overt but it's also clear that had a plan. 

ETA...multiple times by episode 10, Walter has brought up the fact that Peter almost died. Peter never seems to remember this or even react to it. Realistically, Peter would already know all this even if it was just by his parents talking about it. But...you know.

Edited by Racj82
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17 hours ago, Racj82 said:

After all my introspection about the use of women in the case of the week's, they drop to female villains on us and one of them is Gillian Jacobs!

That parasite that was attached to that mans heart was freaking gross.

Something I love about Olivia is that she loves to smile. This isn't a woman should smile more thing. It's just rare to have a hero smile as much as she does. 

Two random tidbits from episode 10.

Olivia can count numbers.

Walter retrieves Peter's toys for an experiment but Peter says they are not his toys. 

My favorite part of this rewatch is seeing the breadcrumbs to Peter's backstory. It's not overt but it's also clear that had a plan. 

ETA...multiple times by episode 10, Walter has brought up the fact that Peter almost died. Peter never seems to remember this or even react to it. Realistically, Peter would already know all this even if it was just by his parents talking about it. But...you know.

You're right, in that most of the individual clues weren't very overt, but just the sheer number of them in most of the episodes was totally a clue in itself that something was definitely up with Peter's backstory.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
18 hours ago, Racj82 said:

ETA...multiple times by episode 10, Walter has brought up the fact that Peter almost died. Peter never seems to remember this or even react to it. Realistically, Peter would already know all this even if it was just by his parents talking about it. But...you know.

I was always quite confused by that, since BOTH Red Peter and Blue Peter were so physically ill. He was definitely old enough to remember being so sick, it's not like he was only 2 or 3 years old at the time, and both Peters were on the verge of death so you couldn't make the argument that Red Peter's illness had not progressed as far as Blue Peter's. It really did not make any sense.

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54 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

You're right, in that most of the individual clues weren't very overt, but just the sheer number of them in most of the episodes was totally a clue in itself that something was definitely up with Peter's backstory.

Oh yeah. I also think that was by design. I just appreciate the subtlety. It was presented but in different ways. Once, Walter is just reminiscing. The next, he is talking about it but it's order to work out a case.

28 minutes ago, Taryn74 said:

I was always quite confused by that, since BOTH Red Peter and Blue Peter were so physically ill. He was definitely old enough to remember being so sick, it's not like he was only 2 or 3 years old at the time, and both Peters were on the verge of death so you couldn't make the argument that Red Peter's illness had not progressed as far as Blue Peter's. It really did not make any sense.

That is a question I had. Peter doesn't question it but he wasn't a baby so I don't why he has no reaction to the event. I'm curious to watch it play out and see if it makes sense. More sense anyway.

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I did not notice how long Fringe episodes were. I forgot that Fox tried airing the show with less commercials in the beginning.

Just finished season 1 episodes 11 - 15 again.

I remember being annoyed by Olivia's sister and niece first time around. Just because they seemed pointless. But, they were barely on screen to cause a major issue.

I now remember a huge theory from when these first aired. When Olivia turned the lights off with her mind. I remember the theory being that Peter did it because he came back or that they turned them off together.

I forgot that the observer is always around but there was the episode where the guys face completely closed up and damn can you not miss him.

I love Walter needling Peter after he starts to figure out Peter has a crush on Olivia.

I feel so bad for Charlie. He was left in the dark for too long.

The funniest bit to me was the shitty investigator that came in listing all the character traits of our leads while she is chained to the bed. If you didn't know that was a back from hiatus episode, there you go.


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Back on my mini binge

Season 1 episode 16 unleashed

I forgot that they teased Peter and Olivia's sister dating. I'm sure I'm right in that it didn't go anywhere. I just remembered it being dropped immediately.

Peter and Waltercare the new odd couple we all deserve.

Walter growing an ear in a damn omelet. So gross.

Aww. I forgot Charlie's wife is the quirky girl from Saved by the Bell the New Class. She also gets a very close look at the initial alien attack in independence day.

The dead body....the maggots. I'm okay with a lot of gross stuff but I can't with scene.

I'm glad this episode really deals with the fact that a lot of these incidents arise from Walter's work. Not just him but it's happening. It should have hit him harder before someone he knew was hurt but at least they addressed it.

I love Peter's freaking when it seems like Walter is going to get himself killed. 

I will always love any moment that illustrates how much they do love each other.

Edited by Racj82
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52 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Aww. I forgot Charlie's wife is the quirky girl from Saved by the Bell the New Class. She also a very close look at the initial alien attack in independence day.

OMG, that totally is her! I never picked up on that.

Perusing imdb, it appears she's Kirk Acevedo's real life wife too. Married in 2005 and still married unless it hasn't been updated.

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1 hour ago, Taryn74 said:

OMG, that totally is her! I never picked up on that.

Perusing imdb, it appears she's Kirk Acevedo's real life wife too. Married in 2005 and still married unless it hasn't been updated.

That is awesome. I think I found that out at the time and totally forgot. It makes sense why she's there then. I cant remember her doing much past the mid 90s. Makes the moment where Charlie talks to her on the phone hit harder too.

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Season 1 episode 17 bad dreams 

It was really trippy seeing the bad guy as Olivia for most of the episode.

Also, Nick wasn't really a bad guy. That was a twist. It's probably the hardest part of watching this is how many unwilling victims are involved.

This was also sharp writing. In the previous episode they showed Walter being affected by his role in these occurrences. This episode we see how deep he's involved.

I feel the worst for Olivia and Peter. They really go through a lot in this series partially due to his actions.

On the lighter side, I laughed at the gang realizing that Olivia was shall we say, enjoying herself, while in Nick's mind.

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Episode 18 - Midnight 

Another twist on the usual formula of having women being unwilling victims. Now that I wrote that out, I realize the twist was a poor choice of words. That neck snap was gross.

That dating site for singles that want to be with someone but not have to change their daily life sounds like my dream come true. Where is that app at?

One thing Fringe did better than most was balance case of the week with mythos building. 

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Episode 19. The Road Not Taken

As much as I'm remembering things bit by bit, I remember Peter with the using a record player to get sound off of glass bit specifically. Especially Astrid saying Peter sounds just like Walter while explaining it.

While I know we are just beginning, it feels like we are in the Endgame now with Olivia and her "deja vu" now occurring. This show will never be the same. For the better.

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I've been watching a ton of Fringe lately while on vacation. I was just planning to watch till the end of season 2 but I just kept going.

Im on season 3 episode 4 right now. 

For one thing, I never thought I saw Paul Giamatti's brother Marcus act in anything except for a underdog sports movie called Necessary Roughness from 1991. But, here he is in this episode. Him hitting Walter hurt more than it probably should have.

How the hell did John Noble never win an Emmy for his roles here? Damn that man is good.

I remember a big issue for Olivia when she returns is that Peter couldn't tell the Olivia he was with was Alt Olivia. But...this episode points out that he did notice. But, he didn't overthink it. Probably because he was happy. 

The dual Olivia plot line was a master stroke in that it made monster of the week episodes even more entertaining because no matter what, Olivia going through what she is puts a extra layer on every scene she is in. There is always more going on.

Anna does such a great job in this arc. She never feels just quite right in either world. It's also really smart that she has a different hairstyle in out world. So, she always looks off and not quite like our Olivia no matter what.

I love Alt Olivia before she jumps world though. She had so much swagger. She was like Black Widow before we had that character represented on screen. 

I sometimes take Torv's acting for granted because I feel like Olivia has to be played so singular and inside her own emotions that it's creates a less dynamic character. But, she is great and Olivia is very complex character even if it doesn't feel that way.

Astrid is so interesting in the other universe. She is so not our Astrid. She is like a walking calculator. Not a person. Does she even move from that work station?

I feel like Peter seemingly not missing his real mom went jumps back to our world is a misstep.

If I have one major critique with Fringe, it's that complex emotions don't always linger. Case and point, Olivia losing our Charlie, Peter having to leave his mom and how angry he should still be about Walter. Don't get me wrong on the last one, I do not want constant mopey Peter. They don't have him lingering in those emotions enough either.

Lastly for now, one tip off for Peter should be Alt Olivia using sex a distractions. I feel like our Olivia wouldn't use sex to make someone feel better or to avoid a discussion. But, sex does cloud the mind.

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I realize that I really do not remember certain elements of the plot at all. 

In the season 3 finale when Peter vanished I literally gasped. The man that should of probably never been ceased to exist.

I know some people hate the Bell's soul being Olivia thing but I loved it. Anna was damn revelation in season 3. Everyone was great but man! 

I have zero recollection that we had an adult version of Olivia's niece. I'm was so thankful that she doesn't say Aunt Liv every ten seconds.

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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I realize that I really do not remember certain elements of the plot at all. 

In the season 3 finale when Peter vanished I literally gasped.

Ha ha ha I had the same issue. Major plot points I didn't remember at all.

3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I know some people hate the Bell's soul being Olivia thing but I loved it.

I liked it, I just felt like it went on too long. Got really annoying really fast.

On 4/10/2022 at 12:34 PM, Racj82 said:

How the hell did John Noble never win an Emmy for his roles here? Damn that man is good.

The Emmys seem to have a bias against genre shows. Even if it was deserved, I didn't expect any acting nominations for this show. However, I was always disappointed that they never got acknowledged for production design (special effects/hair/makeup/editing/etc.), which I thought was excellent for a network show.

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Mid way through season 4 now. I can't put my finger on it but this kind of feels like my least favorite season so far upon rewatch.

I think there are multiple things at place.

I really don't enjoy this version of Olivia. I know it eventually changes but it's like having a Olivia without the fun of Alt Olivia and lacking some of the heart of our Olivia.

Part of the season is without Peter and the show doesn't work without him. 

Monster of the week cases aren't as engaging.

Money Walter is not greatest character.


Astrid finally getting an A plot was long awaited and a really touching episode.

My man Chadwick Boseman was in the house. He was great as usual. He always brought such strength and dignity to his performances.

I love Peter's mom getting more to do.

I love that there is no circumstance where Walter doesn't love his son so so much.

I love Peter desperately trying to not fall for this Olivia when she starts behaving like our Olivia because he doesn't want to make that mistake again.

Really good pieces. It just doesn't all come together as good. Also, I feel like they didn't do enough with the two universes working together.


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I just finished a complete rewatch with a friend who'd never seen it before. Both of us were confused by the abrupt ending in the series finale. I kept thinking there was one more episode out there, wrapping things up, tying up loose ends, or just giving us some closure. Season 5 was confusing and felt random. It made an unsatisfying end to a really great show, imo. The show should have ended when peace was made between the 2 universes and when David Robert Jones and Evil William Bell are out of the picture.

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3 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

I just finished a complete rewatch with a friend who'd never seen it before. Both of us were confused by the abrupt ending in the series finale. I kept thinking there was one more episode out there, wrapping things up, tying up loose ends, or just giving us some closure. Season 5 was confusing and felt random. It made an unsatisfying end to a really great show, imo. The show should have ended when peace was made between the 2 universes and when David Robert Jones and Evil William Bell are out of the picture.

Still need to get around to finishing the complete series, but have watched up to about halfway or 3/4 of the way through S5.

And I agree.  S5 feels like an almost different show altogether, only with the same actors/actresses in the main cast roles.  The tone is a good deal right, but the 'feel' was different.  Not wrong, per se, but different enough to make the experience seem an unnatural continuance of things, as compared to the first four seasons.

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7 hours ago, WAnglais1 said:

I never watched this in the original run but have mostly enjoyed it. I'm halfway through S5 now and it's kind of a hot mess. 

Through all of this, Astrid and Walter have kept me coming back. Peter and Olivia, meh. John Noble can break your heart. Such a darn fine actor. 

Season 5 was odd, but also a cool experiment. It wasn't great, but it was an interesting watch.

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I've been rewatching Fringe lately, and what really sticks out to be about the 4th season was how the prime and alt characters got to like each other so much that when the bridge needed to be closed, everyone was upset it had to happen.  I liked how Walter and Altlivia friendship turned out, after initially being combative.  Think of the time AltLivia got drunk and Walter make her eggs.

And of couse, Astrid and Alt-Astrid.  Alt-Astrid talking to prime Astrid about her father dying and how she believed he wished she were "normal."  Just shows you that late in its, Fringe could still do top-notch human drama.

I like Olivia's farewell line to AltLivia-"keep looking up." AltLivia mentioned that she hadn't seen a rainbow in 20 years. Imagine living in a world with no rainbows...and no coffee, for that matter..

And Walter-"I believe I shall miss them."

On 8/5/2022 at 6:33 PM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Still need to get around to finishing the complete series, but have watched up to about halfway or 3/4 of the way through S5.

And I agree.  S5 feels like an almost different show altogether, only with the same actors/actresses in the main cast roles.  The tone is a good deal right, but the 'feel' was different.  Not wrong, per se, but different enough to make the experience seem an unnatural continuance of things, as compared to the first four seasons.

Season 5 did have a different tone, and I did like it, but it's low on the totem pole compared to other seasons.  I was watching mainly to see how the show would end.  I did like Olivia and Peter's relaionship with Henrietta-who to them went from being a young child to an adult in a flash-and it's too bad it was such a small part of the season.

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15 hours ago, bros402 said:

I know, holy crap. Those two did some amazing work.

These two are proof of how being successful and being super famous aren't always the same thing. I'm sure these two are being mentioned on many forums, we all have are favourite Lance and Annie roles. For me, it's Phillip Broyles on Fringe and Renee Walker on 24.

Edited by marinw
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Doing a rewatch of the show with my friend who has never watched the show. I haven't watched it since it aired. I was surprised by how many seeds were dropped so earlier. I was also surprised by how many great episodes I remembered when I saw certain ep titles.

I enjoyed it very much. And unlike (seemingly everyone else, LOL), I quite loved season 5. I thought they did a rather marvelous job wrapping the story up, and essentially presented a love letter to the fans. There were so many callbacks to previous things in the series, and such a deep exploration of the main three and the core relationships in big and small ways as the machine was built. And the finale was just excellent. I about dang near cried throughout the whole thing.

Things, arcs, episodes I had issues with while watching it the first time, I didn't this time around knowing where we were going. So, yeah, I loved it overall. Very happy.

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I'm doing a small re-watch myself, and Season 3 is just top-tier for me! I really liked how the show was able to tie together the season-long arcs with the cases-of-the-week and character journeys.

I got to "Reciprocity", and I had completely forgotten that Peter was killing shapeshifters! I'll probably get the answer later, but was there ever any fallout to that?? I think later on he got some info from them, but don't remember if anyone other than Walter found out about the killings.

I'll forever be annoyed that this show never got the accolades it deserved for its production design, VFX, etc., which were excellent for a network show.

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Fringe never got the respect it deserved especially at the time for a bunch of different reasons.   The biggest is people kept referring to it as the poor man’s xfiles.   Season 1 a huge group of people thought Anna Torv couldn’t act because she was “so wooden”. Not realizing until later that was an acting choice.   It’s only very recently that genre shows have been getting any kind of respect as anything other than loud fx monster shows.   But Fringe was literally in the bubble of all that and kinda reveled in it.   Reveled in being on the bubble of almost getting cancelled.   If I remember correctly every year there was a “don’t cancel Fringe” thing that went on. 

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

Fringe never got the respect it deserved especially at the time for a bunch of different reasons.   The biggest is people kept referring to it as the poor man’s xfiles.   Season 1 a huge group of people thought Anna Torv couldn’t act because she was “so wooden”. Not realizing until later that was an acting choice.   It’s only very recently that genre shows have been getting any kind of respect as anything other than loud fx monster shows.   But Fringe was literally in the bubble of all that and kinda reveled in it.   Reveled in being on the bubble of almost getting cancelled.   If I remember correctly every year there was a “don’t cancel Fringe” thing that went on. 

Remember those dreaded Friday night slots that Fringe, Firefly, and many of these other shows got relegated to? Those were rough times....

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1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

Remember those dreaded Friday night slots that Fringe, Firefly, and many of these other shows got relegated to? Those were rough times....

Sometimes I wonder if these Friday night genre shows would do better today on streamers.   Firefly was good but was it “Netflix”. “Paramount Plus” “Peacock Tv” Good.    Then again Netflix cancels half its shows after a couple of season.  I actually really love Paramount Plus and it had a fair share of oddball shows on it.   Peacock I got for wrestling and haven’t really checked out much.   

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