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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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The other cheated on spouse finally says something about Leann and Eddie's affair, and the end of his marriage.

Thanks for the link.  Interesting and such a polite man.  When Brandi first got her Podcast he was suppose to be the first guest.  He cancelled on her and I think it was a wise decision.  They were awfully young when they got married-he must be very mature to have slipped into all those roles so easily.

  • Love 3

The things you find on twitter LOL...



But there something to be said though... Brandi was kind of cute when she first came on HWs as a friend.  Then thanks to all the filler injections her looks have taken a bit of a decline, compared to the other women who are a little older one wouldn't have guessed she's the youngest or the baby of the cast.  Hope I'm not being mean or rude but she needs to calm down with whatever she's doing to her face.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 9

Thanks for the link. Interesting and such a polite man. When Brandi first got her Podcast he was suppose to be the first guest. He cancelled on her and I think it was a wise decision. They were awfully young when they got married-he must be very mature to have slipped into all those roles so easily.

He does seem polite and like he has a good understanding of what went wrong. I sometimes get him and Tori Spelling's ex confused but Leanne's ex is the one Perez Hilton had tons of stories about being on the down low. I always assumed part of her attraction to Eddie was the sex, for that reason. But he married another woman right away so who knows. Edited by racked
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He does seem polite and like he has a good understanding of what went wrong. I sometimes get him and Tori Spelling's ex confused but Leanne's ex is the one Perez Hilton had tons of stories about being on the down low. I always assumed part of her attraction to Eddie was the sex, for that reason. But he married another woman right away so who knows.


Me too! I swear the Tori/Dean affair was 99% identical to the Eddie/LeAnn affair. I wasn't even marginally interested in either of them or Brandi so I didn't bother looking it up, especially when she was talking about how Eddie has his own show with LeAnn. I swear I spent all of S2 thinking that Brandi kept mispronouncing Tori Spelling.

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Brandi gives me the creeps. What she thinks is herself being a strong say what's on your mind woman, is actually no different then how children act. The difference is that kids grow out of that stuff. Her credibility is out the window for sure. The sound of her voice is even getting old.

Edited by Paych
  • Love 4

In the most recent "Ask Andy" segment he answers the burning questions if Brandi has been fired.  Typical answer we don't make that decision until long after the season finishes airing.  He then went on to say any discussions would include her.  To me. it sounds like the Tamra Barney contract I have posted previously where she gets certain bonuses for various things-legal battle (check) for Brandi, family health drama (check for Brandi it is coming up), creating drama -she has four good rounds.  And then no one cared anymore.  I think her final move is to run off and screw some younger guy in Amsterdam.  There was no reason for her to be naked this year so she didn't get the naked money.  Brandi is dealing with a tough group they know how to make her irrelevant and can do it in a hurry.  How desperate was it they had her driving all the way to Malibu for yoga lessons?

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I can't help but think that it irritates the crap out of Brandi that people think Mauricio is hot because I think she thinks that Mauricio is like a candle when placed in comparison to the raging inferno of hotness that is Eddie Cibrian. 


I would agree with her on that.  Eddie Cibrian is hot in comparison to Moe, imo.  But like Kyle, who might be beautiful on the outside, he's likely a simmering crock of crappiness on the inside. Perfume on a pig.  But hot perfume.


P.S.  I'm not Brandi.


I enjoy her frankness, but she's dug herself a big hole.


Oh I so totally agree with this.  I don't know how she'll ever run in the circles that this show afforded her again. She pissed that all away forever.  UNLESS this is all a big joke on us and the Hos are good friends and giggling over what a bunch of gullible bloggers and forum participants will believe. LOL.  (I don't actually believe this scenario is true but if it was, I would be beyond impressed by the Bravo Brain Screw.  Even if appalled by my own gullibility.)

  • Love 2

Thanks for the link.  Interesting and such a polite man.  When Brandi first got her Podcast he was suppose to be the first guest.  He cancelled on her and I think it was a wise decision.  They were awfully young when they got married-he must be very mature to have slipped into all those roles so easily.

I know, right? He's very insightful and doesn't sound bitter at all.

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Funny this topic should come up -- this blind item appeared yesterday, and a number of the readers think Brandi/Eddie/LeeAnn fit.  I know blind items are iffy, but it would allow Brandi to leave RHOBH without too much humiliation, and the RHOBH show would then be vastly (IMO, of course) improved.


Blind items from Wine and Sass usually have something to do with Leann Rimes, so the comments are probably accurate. I "know" the Wine and Sass person from twitter because I followed her until she got too melodramatic.   She has a blog (Wine and Sass at the time, may have changed) and she was forever posting negative stuff and blind items about Leann. 

She's not that smart. It's not her m.o. to think of a way to embarrass Brandi via a bold-face lie. I'm sure she's telling the truth; I just can't figure out why the lawyer would give her this warning when pot is legal in Amsterdam.

She still had to face Eddie in court about the overpayment. Her Lawyer needed her to look sympathetic/hard working and getting drunk and or high would not be a good idea. I don't think Brandi was trashed on camera after that meeting with her lawyer was filmed other than poker night. We have yet to see a few more episodes but I suspect she will not get totally wasted in all of them like in prior seasons. There are only 3 episodes left and I think Brandi was only wasted at 1 event so far!!!

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She still had to face Eddie in court about the overpayment. Her Lawyer needed her to look sympathetic/hard working and getting drunk and or high would not be a good idea. I don't think Brandi was trashed on camera after that meeting with her lawyer was filmed other than poker night. We have yet to see a few more episodes but I suspect she will not get totally wasted in all of them like in prior seasons. There are only 3 episodes left and I think Brandi was only wasted at 1 event so far!!!

That's an interesting theory, but I think the scenes of Brandi talking to her lawyer about this case were at the beginning of the season, and Brandi's been drinking up a storm since then, save this 21-day "cleanse," if it's even real. But they certainly play around with the timeline a lot, so you could be right.

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That's an interesting theory, but I think the scenes of Brandi talking to her lawyer about this case were at the beginning of the season, and Brandi's been drinking up a storm since then, save this 21-day "cleanse," if it's even real. But they certainly play around with the timeline a lot, so you could be right.

The cleanse was over before they went to Canada for the fundraiser. Brandi claimed in either a TH or in her blog that she was not drinking or indulging at the coffeehouse/Amsterdam because she needed to keep her wits about her with these women, the Lisas, Kyle and Eileen, but IMO, that is a BS story and I suspect Kyle was being honest and threw out some behind the scenes dirt on her! LOL It will be interesting to see what Brandi has to say in her blog next week about what Kyle said! LOL

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The cleanse was over before they went to Canada for the fundraiser. Brandi claimed in either a TH or in her blog that she was not drinking or indulging at the coffeehouse/Amsterdam because she needed to keep her wits about her with these women, the Lisas, Kyle and Eileen, but IMO, that is a BS story and I suspect Kyle was being honest and threw out some behind the scenes dirt on her! LOL It will be interesting to see what Brandi has to say in her blog next week about what Kyle said! LOL

Yes, I know. I wrote "save" the cleanse, not since. Anyway, I still think you might be right, since I can see a lawyer advising a client to be on their best behavior when custody issues might be involved. But Brandi's been such a drunken fool on so many episodes, and then there's the upcoming "slap..." So I think the lawyer is going to have to deal with the client he has, and not the client he wants!

  • Love 2

Yes, I know. I wrote "save" the cleanse, not since. Anyway, I still think you might be right, since I can see a lawyer advising a client to be on their best behavior when custody issues might be involved. But Brandi's been such a drunken fool on so many episodes, and then there's the upcoming "slap..." So I think the lawyer is going to have to deal with the client he has, and not the client he wants!

lol, I am Sorry, I misread! It will be interesting to see if Brandi is drunk or sober when she slaps Lisa. From what I read, Lisa did not consider the slap "playful" but who knows since that episode hasn't aired. I am tired of all the fighting already! LOL

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So I just read Kyle's blog, and she claims that Brandi didn't indulge in space cake fun because her lawyer told her she couldn't? What?! What does this mean? Do you think it has to do with her constant battles with her ex over the kids? Or is she on probation for a DUI or something?

Last season during her fight with Joyce, Brandi claimed that Joyce calling her a racist could impact her custody arrangement. This was when they were getting into it at Lisa's brunch where they were gathering to donate dresses for those girls. This was right after the tampon reveal. My thinking at the time was that Eddie issued a warning to Brandi to clean it up a little bit if she wanted to keep the kids. If you look back at last season, we didn't see her hammered anymore after that, but a lot of the time before that. True, she has had her moments this year, but you don't hear about the public displays like you did last year.

I think she intended to partake in the pot and someone changed her mind. Someone that she listens too - like her attorney. She was the first one to throw her hands in the air and scream in excitement "we can smoke pot" when Yo first told them about the trip. The gal was almost giddy at the very thought, but something make her not do it. I do think her attorney said that it wasn't the best look for a girl with potential custody issues.

  • Love 2

Last season during her fight with Joyce, Brandi claimed that Joyce calling her a racist could impact her custody arrangement. This was when they were getting into it at Lisa's brunch where they were gathering to donate dresses for those girls. This was right after the tampon reveal. My thinking at the time was that Eddie issued a warning to Brandi to clean it up a little bit if she wanted to keep the kids. If you look back at last season, we didn't see her hammered anymore after that, but a lot of the time before that. True, she has had her moments this year, but you don't hear about the public displays like you did last year.

I think she intended to partake in the pot and someone changed her mind. Someone that she listens too - like her attorney. She was the first one to throw her hands in the air and scream in excitement "we can smoke pot" when Yo first told them about the trip. The gal was almost giddy at the very thought, but something make her not do it. I do think her attorney said that it wasn't the best look for a girl with potential custody issues.

Hint why she was pissy and wanted to ruin everyone's time and all the whining she made about her parenting vs the group's. Did she really need to get high because she was already blowing her top without it.

  • Love 5

Last season during her fight with Joyce, Brandi claimed that Joyce calling her a racist could impact her custody arrangement. This was when they were getting into it at Lisa's brunch where they were gathering to donate dresses for those girls. This was right after the tampon reveal. My thinking at the time was that Eddie issued a warning to Brandi to clean it up a little bit if she wanted to keep the kids. If you look back at last season, we didn't see her hammered anymore after that, but a lot of the time before that. True, she has had her moments this year, but you don't hear about the public displays like you did last year.

I think she intended to partake in the pot and someone changed her mind. Someone that she listens too - like her attorney. She was the first one to throw her hands in the air and scream in excitement "we can smoke pot" when Yo first told them about the trip. The gal was almost giddy at the very thought, but something make her not do it. I do think her attorney said that it wasn't the best look for a girl with potential custody issues.

Brandi just pulls things out of her butt for attention.  For there to be a change in custody there has to be a change of circumstances and they need to be significant.  Someone who doesn't like Brandi saying she is a racist is not even enough to get an attorney to start the clock. I have always been surprised that Brandi didn't fight for full custody with weekend visit to Eddie.  It would have provided her with far more income.  I think she wanted her free time to do what Brandi likes to do. 


Brandi saying her attorney said she shouldn't smoke pot is laughable. She sure doesn't listen to his advice regarding on air drinking and misbehaving or violating the gag orders regarding discussing their divorce and speaking disparaging about Eddie.  The kids are 9,000 miles away I doubt it would even be noticed.  What Brandi did do was draw all kinds of attention to herself being the sober one while the others ladies weren't.  Ridiculous. 


I think Brandi custody issues will arise  in a couple of years when the oldest boy just doesn't want to be with her that much-like Tamra Barney's daughter.  Brandi needs to prepare herself for the inevitable and should be priming herself with legal and psychological counseling to prepare for the day.  I don't think Eddie and LeAnn want to deprive Brandi of shared custody because deep down they know it is what is probably best for the kids-right now.

  • Love 2

I can believe her attorney told her not to smoke. It's not about custody because neither one of them care that much. The kids are just money and that's what they are fighting over. Money. She probably told her attorney about the 21 day cleanse that just so happened to end before her week long vacation. Her attorney might have advised her to go with that. 21 days of cleansing, plus 7 or so of vacation. That's almost 30 days. Don't drink any alcohol after the plane ride home, don't smoke, and two days after you get home-voluntary urine analysis that will be clean. Submit that to the court before the court even asks for it. Brandi wins that round, by accident or coincidence, but she still wins it.

That's my theory anyway.

Last season during her fight with Joyce, Brandi claimed that Joyce calling her a racist could impact her custody arrangement. This was when they were getting into it at Lisa's brunch where they were gathering to donate dresses for those girls. This was right after the tampon reveal. My thinking at the time was that Eddie issued a warning to Brandi to clean it up a little bit if she wanted to keep the kids. If you look back at last season, we didn't see her hammered anymore after that, but a lot of the time before that. True, she has had her moments this year, but you don't hear about the public displays like you did last year.

I think she intended to partake in the pot and someone changed her mind. Someone that she listens too - like her attorney. She was the first one to throw her hands in the air and scream in excitement "we can smoke pot" when Yo first told them about the trip. The gal was almost giddy at the very thought, but something make her not do it. I do think her attorney said that it wasn't the best look for a girl with potential custody issues.

I suppose this could be the case. I guess my question is why then would Brandi admit to smoking pot with Kyle? It's true that we don't have a solid timeline but the indication is that it had to have happened within the past year or so since it's unlikely that they would have felt cool enough with each other prior to that point to do something like that with each other.


I agree though that it was an odd about face. Maybe it was simply down to strategy for the show and wanting to look more disciplined than the other women? Even that doesn't really work thought because again, why would she bring up smoking with Kyle? 

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I suppose this could be the case. I guess my question is why then would Brandi admit to smoking pot with Kyle? It's true that we don't have a solid timeline but the indication is that it had to have happened within the past year or so since it's unlikely that they would have felt cool enough with each other prior to that point to do something like that with each other.


I agree though that it was an odd about face. Maybe it was simply down to strategy for the show and wanting to look more disciplined than the other women? Even that doesn't really work thought because again, why would she bring up smoking with Kyle?

So that no matter what his attorney throws at her, her attorney can say "yes, you are right. She did in the past, and admits to it, but she doesn't now. See?" And he submits the clean UA. That puts an end to that argument and opens the door to move on to the next one.

  • Love 2

I suppose this could be the case. I guess my question is why then would Brandi admit to smoking pot with Kyle? It's true that we don't have a solid timeline but the indication is that it had to have happened within the past year or so since it's unlikely that they would have felt cool enough with each other prior to that point to do something like that with each other.


I agree though that it was an odd about face. Maybe it was simply down to strategy for the show and wanting to look more disciplined than the other women? Even that doesn't really work thought because again, why would she bring up smoking with Kyle?

I think her mouth just gets the better of her. She simply could not stand that the ladies were laughing and having a good time and she had to put a stop to it. The best way to do that was to mock them ("wait, is everyone here pretending they have never smoked before"?) Then to make it very clear she was in the loop on what went on behind the scenes with Kyle, she threw out her statement. She was willing to reveal her own behavior because that was the most credible way to make it clear she knows of what she speaks. If she had just said "c'mon Kyle, we both know you get high" Kyle would have gone nuts, and more than likely so would everyone else. She couldn't leave it vague. And make no mistake, her entire intent was to let folks know about Kyle.

  • Love 3

I think her mouth just gets the better of her. She simply could not stand that the ladies were laughing and having a good time and she had to put a stop to it. The best way to do that was to mock them ("wait, is everyone here pretending they have never smoked before"?) Then to make it very clear she was in the loop on what went on behind the scenes with Kyle, she threw out her statement. She was willing to reveal her own behavior because that was the most credible way to make it clear she knows of what she speaks. If she had just said "c'mon Kyle, we both know you get high" Kyle would have gone nuts, and more than likely so would everyone else. She couldn't leave it vague. And make no mistake, her entire intent was to let folks know about Kyle.

Since Brandi got caught in bold face lies about being sued and receiving letters from Adrienne she has learned to make her statements a little more vague.  I though her comment was awkwardly worded with, "the last time I smoked pot I was with Kyle."  She leaves it open to interpretation but it definitely came off as Kyle was partying down with Brandi.  Had it not been for Lisav saying she was there and Kyle wasn't smoking pot we would have been left with a he said/she said situation.  Brandi just doesn't get it-cleverly worded ah-has only alienate you from the people you want to be around.

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Bringing this over to Brandi's thread from small talk.  The latest comment implied Brandi slept with JR when he was living with another woman, in response to her calling Eileen a homewrecker.


I think adultery is quite different from being with a guy who is a player.


Brandi has pretty obviously never gotten over the way her marriage was destroyed.  Since she only has her kids 1/2 the time, maybe she never will.  Frankly, that would kill me, even if the new step mother didn't constantly copy me, and provoke me on twitter.  Leann is seriously nuts, buys the same bikini, car, skirt, dress, sunglasses, (etc) as Brandi and makes sure to tweet a photo within days of one with Brandi in the same car/dress/etc.


I don't think Eddie was completely over Brandi either, and I do think he kept trying to "be" with her, as she's said.  He's a man-whore, and I suspect Leann's money was the main reason for their marriage, because it's certainly not that skank's looks or personality.  Hell, Sheaeanananaae  seems nicer, and certainly better looking that Leann, and reportedly he cheated with tons of women, as the clueless wife found out during the divorce and after.


I wish she'd be able to get over it, because I think it cripples her, and her interactions, and makes her bitter. 


How do you get over it though, when it's present in your life constantly, since her boys are gone 1/2 of the time, and their step mother is having birthday cakes made with her in bed with Brandi's ex, with the boys looking on from the bottom of the cake?  I kind of understand why she can't put it behind her, especially with Sheanneananae being dragged into her best paying job, the RHBH?


Trying to put myself in her shoes, I just don't know, probably because it didn't happen to me, and isn't STILL happening to me every time Leann tweets or pulls another stunt, and I'm not face-to-face with a chick who went on TV to talk about her affair with my husband.  Not to mention squabbles with the ex about child support...ugh.


I like to think I would be over it, but would I?

  • Love 1

Bringing this over to Brandi's thread from small talk. The latest comment implied Brandi slept with JR when he was living with another woman, in response to her calling Eileen a homewrecker.

I think adultery is quite different from being with a guy who is a player.

Brandi has pretty obviously never gotten over the way her marriage was destroyed. Since she only has her kids 1/2 the time, maybe she never will. Frankly, that would kill me, even if the new step mother didn't constantly copy me, and provoke me on twitter. Leann is seriously nuts, buys the same bikini, car, skirt, dress, sunglasses, (etc) as Brandi and makes sure to tweet a photo within days of one with Brandi in the same car/dress/etc.

I don't think Eddie was completely over Brandi either, and I do think he kept trying to "be" with her, as she's said. He's a man-whore, and I suspect Leann's money was the main reason for their marriage, because it's certainly not that skank's looks or personality. Hell, Sheaeanananaae seems nicer, and certainly better looking that Leann, and reportedly he cheated with tons of women, as the clueless wife found out during the divorce and after.

I wish she'd be able to get over it, because I think it cripples her, and her interactions, and makes her bitter.

How do you get over it though, when it's present in your life constantly, since her boys are gone 1/2 of the time, and their step mother is having birthday cakes made with her in bed with Brandi's ex, with the boys looking on from the bottom of the cake? I kind of understand why she can't put it behind her, especially with Sheanneananae being dragged into her best paying job, the RHBH?

Trying to put myself in her shoes, I just don't know, probably because it didn't happen to me, and isn't STILL happening to me every time Leann tweets or pulls another stunt, and I'm not face-to-face with a chick who went on TV to talk about her affair with my husband. Not to mention squabbles with the ex about child support...ugh.

I like to think I would be over it, but would I?

I didn't imply, I asked if Brandi herself said on camera that she hooked up with JR while he was living with another woman (whatever that implies)?

That is what I remembered.

Brandi herself was with a player. Eddie didn't start cheating with LeeAnn.

As I said in my original post JR wasn't married to the other woman but I don't think not being married doesn't mean there was no commitment.

I was responding to the posts about Brandi Hating cheaters, Brandi doesn't own disliking cheaters. I think most people are against it.

My original post point was that Brandi with all her bullshit shady behavior really should shut up about trying to shame or call people immoral, please sit down with that shit Brandi.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

I'm sorry, I should have said I was paraphrasing a couple of posts.

I still say adultery is in a different ballpark.

That's fine, sorry if I came off bitchy.

OK here's a question, do you not think a committed living together relationship is as strong as a marriage?

Cheating can be devastating in any relationship. Not just a marriage.

  • Love 2

It depends.  A 12 year relationship with kids?  Yes.  A player who started seeing some other chick a few weeks ago and lied to me about it?  Maybe not.


In general, adultery packs a bigger punch.  There is a reason it used to be against the law.  Add kids?  Even bigger punch.


I was mostly reflecting on how frustrated I've been with Brandi for not just getting over it, or getting past it, because it is crippling her, IMO.


Then I decided to try to put myself in her 5 inch heels, and looked at the specifics of her situation, the boys, Leann, Sheaeannea on TV, just all of it.  I kind of get it now that I really tried to imagine myself there.  For me, the biggest factor is her kids being gone, and being with a woman who has done the things Leann has done to her. 


I get it more now, but I still wish there was a way for her to move on.  I even see why her reaction to Eileen is about that, (but probably more about Eileen making the highest salary on this show.)  Both had two boys, both marriages lasted about 12 years, but spurned wives learned about it through TV/gossip rags.  Oh holy hell, Brandi was actually pregnant at the time, I'd forgotten.


How do you get over that when it's in your face all the time?  I was completely on Lisa V's side last year, but when I look at it this way, the whole Sheanannea crap is just another knife in an open on-going wound.

Edited by Umbelina

I didn't imply, I asked if Brandi herself said on camera that she hooked up with JR while he was living with another woman (whatever that implies)?

That is what I remembered.

Brandi herself was with a player. Eddie didn't start cheating with LeeAnn.

As I said in my original post JR wasn't married to the other woman but I don't think not being married doesn't mean there was no commitment.

I was responding to the posts about Brandi Hating cheaters, Brandi doesn't own disliking cheaters. I think most people are against it.

My original post point was that Brandi with all her bullshit shady behavior really should shut up about trying to shame or call people immoral, please sit down with that shit Brandi.

Brandi started sleeping with Eddie when Eddie was still living with Julianne Morris, right? I'm pretty sure that Eddie and Julianne were in a pretty serious relationship at that time. Also, IIRC Julianne Morris was fairly outspoken about being a virgin in the early days of her relationship with Eddie so I'd have to think that she was extra hurt since she thought they'd eventually get married. Does anybody else remember this? I swear she gave an interview in soap opera digest about being a virgin when she first got together with Eddie and made comments to the effect of feeling like the situation just wasn't funny anymore. 

  • Love 2

Bringing this over to Brandi's thread from small talk.  The latest comment implied Brandi slept with JR when he was living with another woman, in response to her calling Eileen a homewrecker.


I think adultery is quite different from being with a guy who is a player.


Brandi has pretty obviously never gotten over the way her marriage was destroyed.  Since she only has her kids 1/2 the time, maybe she never will.  Frankly, that would kill me, even if the new step mother didn't constantly copy me, and provoke me on twitter.  Leann is seriously nuts, buys the same bikini, car, skirt, dress, sunglasses, (etc) as Brandi and makes sure to tweet a photo within days of one with Brandi in the same car/dress/etc.


I don't think Eddie was completely over Brandi either, and I do think he kept trying to "be" with her, as she's said.  He's a man-whore, and I suspect Leann's money was the main reason for their marriage, because it's certainly not that skank's looks or personality.  Hell, Sheaeanananaae  seems nicer, and certainly better looking that Leann, and reportedly he cheated with tons of women, as the clueless wife found out during the divorce and after.


I wish she'd be able to get over it, because I think it cripples her, and her interactions, and makes her bitter. 


How do you get over it though, when it's present in your life constantly, since her boys are gone 1/2 of the time, and their step mother is having birthday cakes made with her in bed with Brandi's ex, with the boys looking on from the bottom of the cake?  I kind of understand why she can't put it behind her, especially with Sheanneananae being dragged into her best paying job, the RHBH?


Trying to put myself in her shoes, I just don't know, probably because it didn't happen to me, and isn't STILL happening to me every time Leann tweets or pulls another stunt, and I'm not face-to-face with a chick who went on TV to talk about her affair with my husband.  Not to mention squabbles with the ex about child support...ugh.


I like to think I would be over it, but would I?


It absolutely cripples her, but she won't give it up.  This is her identity, her career; being the cheated on wife, and now single mother with a (marginally) famous ex who's a womanizer.  With one hand she has made a name for herself from being cheated on, and on the other hand, she's typecast herself as not only, the bitter ex-wife, but as a women with whom men do not want a monogamous relationship.  It's kind of her "thing", even though it's very unhealthy. 


I don't think she'll be able to get over if she isn't willing to put time and effort into creating a different identity for herself. Otherwise, if she removes the bitter ex-wife hat, who, then, would she be?  I think she fears that, more than anything else, imo. 

  • Love 4

Brandi didn't have to film with Scheana. Brandi chose to do that so that she could get attention, sympathy, air time, and so that she could tell Scheana "I win." 


What Brandi didn't like was that Scheana was finding success with her new job and that LisaV was a part of that. I don't see any reason why LisaV should have ceased having any involvement with Scheana. Scheana was already working for Lisa and even if she weren't I don't think that somebody should be fired because of their sexual history unless of course we're talking about something criminal and then of course it wouldn't fall under sexual history anyway. Furthermore Brandi went out of her way to film a scene where she said that she was fine seeing Scheana when it came to Lisa having events where Scheana would be working. That was the whole damned point of having the sitdown and then Brandi wants to pretend like she's the one being taken advantage of when she could have simply refused to film with Scheana. We know Brandi didn't refuse because she likes the attention and she likes any and every opportunity where she can play the victim. 


I think Brandi also more than likely read the many comments where people opined that they didn't really see how Brandi was winning and in a much better position in life than Scheana. At the time they were both reality TV stars, Bravolebrities, whatever, they both had beneficial relationships with Lisa (Scheana still does) and both wanted to be on her good side, the main difference is that Scheana launched her reality TV career when she was still in her twenties while Brandi got into the game when she was in her late thirties. I feel like Scheana and Brandi are in very similar positions career wise only Scheana got a roughly fifteen year head start. 

  • Love 5

I just can't get with the poor Brandy crap anymore. Do I think what Eddie did was wrong absolutely, but didn't Brandy say they had thressomes? Not knocking what people choose to do but be careful what you invite into your marriage. Brandy seems like she's always been a broken person and I think she sucked the life out of Eddie. A few years ago my whole life was shattered and forever changed. My now ex-husband was having an affair that resulted in a baby. I was angry, hurt all those things. For my kids sake and mine I had to forgive and move on. She is choosing to be a bitter bitch when it's way past time for her to create a new and positive life for herself and her kids. I have zero sympathy.

  • Love 15

Bringing this over to Brandi's thread from small talk.  The latest comment implied Brandi slept with JR when he was living with another woman, in response to her calling Eileen a homewrecker.


I think adultery is quite different from being with a guy who is a player.


Brandi has pretty obviously never gotten over the way her marriage was destroyed.  Since she only has her kids 1/2 the time, maybe she never will.  Frankly, that would kill me, even if the new step mother didn't constantly copy me, and provoke me on twitter.  Leann is seriously nuts, buys the same bikini, car, skirt, dress, sunglasses, (etc) as Brandi and makes sure to tweet a photo within days of one with Brandi in the same car/dress/etc.


I don't think Eddie was completely over Brandi either, and I do think he kept trying to "be" with her, as she's said.  He's a man-whore, and I suspect Leann's money was the main reason for their marriage, because it's certainly not that skank's looks or personality.  Hell, Sheaeanananaae  seems nicer, and certainly better looking that Leann, and reportedly he cheated with tons of women, as the clueless wife found out during the divorce and after.


I wish she'd be able to get over it, because I think it cripples her, and her interactions, and makes her bitter. 


How do you get over it though, when it's present in your life constantly, since her boys are gone 1/2 of the time, and their step mother is having birthday cakes made with her in bed with Brandi's ex, with the boys looking on from the bottom of the cake?  I kind of understand why she can't put it behind her, especially with Sheanneananae being dragged into her best paying job, the RHBH?


Trying to put myself in her shoes, I just don't know, probably because it didn't happen to me, and isn't STILL happening to me every time Leann tweets or pulls another stunt, and I'm not face-to-face with a chick who went on TV to talk about her affair with my husband.  Not to mention squabbles with the ex about child support...ugh.


I like to think I would be over it, but would I?

IMO Eddie is so over Brandi, he was over Brandi while he was married to her as demonstrated by him not just cheating on her, but having his mistress hanging out and developing a relationship with his close friends. I don't know if Eddie has tried to get with Brandi after he and LeAnn got together but it would not shock me if he did especially during those initial weeks and months, and especially, as LeAnn's ex recently shared, LeAnn was conflicted and waffling between Eddie and Dean.  Eddie better than any other man knows what Brandi is capable of sexually and I can see him wanting to get with her to have a freak nasty good time, but make no mistake about it, Brandi was going to get discarded again, and Eddie's crap treatment, that seems to have been in place while they were married and she was having their children, was going to continue.

Eddie was in a relationship with Julianne Morris when he and Brandi got together, Julianne was a soap opera actress and their relationship got coverage in soap opera magazines including that  Eddie planned on proposing to Julianne - Brandi knew that she was the side chick.  I agree in theory that adultery is more serious than being in a relationship with a player but Eddie's brand of "playa playing" was perverse and brazen and Brandi knew exactly what she was getting into with when she got with Eddie and ultimately married him.  Fast forward more than a decade and there are still breadcrumbs that show that Brandi has questionable taste and attitude about relationships.  I still recall Brandi's comments about how Joyce's marriage to Michael constitutes settling.  Then there is the relationship with Jonathan Ruiz - where depending on how you look at it, he is cheating on Brandi with some woman he met in Europe, or he is cheating on the European woman with Brandi, whatever is going on it twisted, and as recently as a few weeks ago she was talking as if they were contemplating a future together.


As far as having to deal with LeAnn, Brandi herself is a piece of work so it stands to reason that Eddie's next partner would also be a piece of work.  I don't believe for one minute that LeAnn's antics and crazy is the sole cause of discord, I think that all three contribute their fair share.  




Brandi just pulls things out of her butt for attention.  For there to be a change in custody there has to  be a change of circumstances and they need to be significant.  Someone who doesn't like Brandi saying she is a racist is not even enough to get an attorney to start the clock. I have always been surprised that Brandi didn't fight for full custody with weekend visit to Eddie.  It would have provided her with far more income.  I think she wanted her free time to do what Brandi likes to do.

Brandi saying her attorney said she shouldn't smoke pot is laughable. She sure doesn't listen to his advice regarding on air drinking and misbehaving or violating the gag orders regarding discussing their divorce and speaking disparaging about Eddie.  The kids are 9,000 miles away I doubt it would even be noticed.  What Brandi did do was draw all kinds of attention to herself being the sober one while the others ladies weren't.  Ridiculous.

I think Brandi custody issues will arise  in a couple of years when the oldest boy just doesn't want to be with her that much-like Tamra Barney's daughter. Brandi needs to prepare herself for the inevitable and should be priming herself with legal and psychological counseling to prepare for the day.  I don't think Eddie and LeAnn want to deprive Brandi of shared custody because deep down they know it is what is probably best for the kids-right now.


Brandi wanted full custody with Eddie having visitation and Eddie wanted 50/50 custody, Eddie won. Part of the Brandi tale of woe where she expects sympathy and passes to be given when she acts out is because her children were "taken away" from her.

I'm on the fence about whether or not Brandi's oldest son will ask to go with his father.  I think that the children definitely love Brandi but I also suspect that she has filled both of her sons heads with crazy talk like how she is lost when they are not with her (which is what she said after the drunken, tampon string incident) and that she only has them while Eddie has LeAnn and his and her family close by.  She probably also guilts them over her not having as much money as Eddie and LeAnn - IIRC when she either got her new car or moved into her current abode she said they asked her, "are you/we rich yet?"  So maybe the kids will want to stay with her out of pure and functional love, and if not that, then manipulation and brainwashing.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

I think it's hard to put behind her when she hands off the kids for half of every month.

I just can't imagine having to do that.

Then have Sheannaea thrown in her face at her "new" job. That must have been hard too.

I've never heard of Eddie/Julianne Aveleigh.

Believe it or not there are millions of is out there that do this very thing every day. Yet manage to keep our tampon strings tucked away where they belong.

Brandi milks her marriage and breakup for a payday plain and simple the way I see it.

  • Love 9

Eddie was in a relationship with Julianne Morris when he and Brandi got together, Julianne was a soap opera actress and their relationship got coverage in soap opera magazines including that Eddie planned on proposing to Julianne - Brandi knew that she was the side chick.

Seems like what goes around comes back around.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

I haven't heard of too many 2 weeks on 2 weeks off custody arrangements, but maybe they are a thing now, and I just don't know about them?  Also, the whole shamed by the press thing, and Leann being a bitch does play in.


It's that every two weeks give your kids over to a woman that is sickening thing though.  Even if she wants to move past it, how do you?  It's present and will be for more than another decade.  At least Leann seems to be laying of the weird tweets lately, but then again, they did just have a (failed) reality show that was pretty much all about Brandi.

Believe it or not there are millions of is out there that do this very thing every day. Yet manage to keep our tampon strings tucked away where they belong.

Brandi milks her marriage and breakup for a payday plain and simple the way I see it.

& Their/Our Nipps Covered








& Our Derrieres



I haven't heard of too many 2 weeks on 2 weeks off custody arrangements, but maybe they are a thing now, and I just don't know about them? Also, the whole shamed by the press thing, and Leann being a bitch does play in.

It's that every two weeks give your kids over to a woman that is sickening thing though. Even if she wants to move past it, how do you? It's present and will be for more than another decade. At least Leann seems to be laying of the weird tweets lately, but then again, they did just have a (failed) reality show that was pretty much all about Brandi.

If a judge thought Leann could be around and parent their kids half the time then she's doing something right.

And as far as the reality show seems like they were just returning the favor with talking about Brandi. Brandi has no story but to talk about them.

  • Love 2

Believe it or not there are millions of is out there that do this very thing every day. Yet manage to keep our tampon strings tucked away where they belong.

Brandi milks her marriage and breakup for a payday plain and simple the way I see it.

Exactly! Divorce started to become commonplace during the 70s and 80s and the typical custody arrangement was for one parent to get primary custody and the other parent to get visitation, so tens of millions of people have experienced the heartache of losing their kids in some measure long before Eddie divorced Brandi.  I don't begrudge Brandi her individual heartbreak but she is hardly a special snowflake when it comes to having to adapt to a major change relating to her time with her children resulting from a divorce.


Also I am side-eyeing that Brandi has some kind of special hardship because of LeAnn Rimes.  To be sure LeAnn's has been an inappropriate bitch because she is an entitled brat, but Brandi did stories trashing Eddie and LeAnn since before Eddie even filed the papers to divorce her, by her own admission sold stories to tabloids, and I have no doubt that Brandi was also a horror to deal with in ways that never became public, or did become public but then got excused because she was the wronged party.

Edited by quinn
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