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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Or, you know, they'd rather gossip about people who aren't there.  Kim, Brandi, and Yo.  Yo's been almost as absent as the two former wives.


They don't have anything good to bring, so they talk about the women who did.  Bravo knew they had bupkis this season, or for most of it.  Now that Erika is really showing her ass (and I don't just mean THE BOSS) she might bring them some story, but until now?  Let's talk about people who aren't here!  Woo!


How exciting for viewers.


Meanwhile I feel that Yours Truly has made excellent points.  Grow the fuck up.  Kim is already paying, has anyone noticed her life now?  Kids abandoning her, not enough money, dog probably dead, tawdry TV shows, lawsuits, public humiliation, and addiction problems she is unable to fix, demons from her past as well.  Just what does Lipsa want to do here?  Nail her to a fucking cross?  She's on it already, and not by choice, by weakness, and sad sad things.  Pretending concern is really sickening.


Kathryn though?  I believed, and I really liked her last show, it's a tragedy, not fodder for your fucking storylines Bravo and especially you Rinna.  Yeah, let's all just push Kim completely over the edge she's barely hanging on to by her home-polished fingernails. 

Yolanda HAS been on the show, quite a bit actually. She just doesn't stay very long at any 1 gathering, just enough to get the others talking about how SHE is doing/FEELING and off she goes to take another sickie selfie. As for the other 2 idiots, IMO, they ALL knew that Brandi/Kim would be back on the show, just that they would no longer be full HWs. Production needs the others to talk about them to explain why they show up ON camera, to keep it cohesive.


As for what Kim was going through, it is all of her own making, none of these women caused any of the arrests, lawsuits, the vicious dog, her addictions....it was all Kim and Kim alone and I don't think ANY of her kids have "abandoned" her.  Nor do I think anything any of these women, with the possible exception of Kyle, says bothers Kim in any way shape or form.  Maybe had Kim not come back to the show, or broken the law, or ruined her daughters wedding party, run away from rehab several times all in the course of a couple of months time, she would not be a topic of conversation on the show. JMO

  • Love 8

Nah, I stand by my posts.  The most sickening thing is Rinna pretending she CARES.  Gimme a break.  Kim is story fodder for her to avoid revealing interesting about herself.  Period. 


ETA, also I edited the original because when I read it, I wasn't clear that I was talking about the housewives here, not people watching it or commenting on it, with my "Grow the fuck up!"  Yikes, hope you all knew that.

Edited by Umbelina

Here is who knew and when-Adrienne knew before Taylor was cast and encouraged her to get on the show and become independent from Russell.  Camille knew early on and offered her and Kennedy a place to stay.  LVP knew before meeting Russell and was never nice about anything towards him.  LVP said Taylor told her on their first meeting.  Kyle and Kim knew but Kyle didn't acknowledge it because she was worried if the police became involved Taylor would be financially strapped and Kyle decided to befriend Taylor even after Taylor screwed things up in New York.  Kim was drunk.  (hey it is her thread I had to include her.)  All the men were uncomfortable and even had a poker night where they took a few jabs at Russell.


Camille knew when Kelsey exited for Broadway that they were separating.  He just let her play it out.  I didn't blame Camille for holding out hope.  It was the perfect season of secrets and hiding them.  Then one by one they all started to come out.


WOW! In other words, until Taylor was ready to divulge the abuse herself, everyone did as she wanted...kept it a secret and off camera. That is until Camille couldn't take it anymore and spilled the beans.


As for Camille/Kelsey, only she knew the truth, none of the other HWs knew about the separation.

  • Love 5

Nah, I stand by my posts.  The most sickening thing is Rinna pretending she CARES.  Gimme a break.  Kim is story fodder for her to avoid revealing interesting about herself.  Period. 


I don't think LisaR cares about Kim either but she isn't responsible for anything Kim has said/done since last season ended, none of them are...only Kim is. I do think the talk about Kim and Brandi on the show is more producer driven because they ARE coming back and soon IMO. They, the producers, have to have a reason to bring them back on that fits with the shows overall "storyline" and by having the HWs talk about them on and off throughout the season keeps that door open for their return.

  • Love 7

I don't know what anyone does off-camera, but the discussions of Kim are not constant. When all the ladies are together, they of course discuss Kim. It is something they all have in common. And they are not "gossiping," they are describing things they witnessed that bore out their theory that Kim was not sober. Now that external events have intervened to confirm that theory, of course it will be discussed. It makes sense to me, "storyline" notwithstanding.

But the women have been on several trips, there are new ladies, Faye Resnick and so forth, so there is more happening. Kim and Yo suck up a lot of energy cause they're each crazy-making in their way.

  • Love 11

The Taylor thing is different than the Kim thing because Kim relapses have been obvious and right there for everyone to see. The stuff with Taylor was a lot murkier. On top of that Taylor was more of a kiss ass and was easier to get along with in general so I'm sure that helped.

So the other ladies should refuse to honor their contracts and mess up their standing with production because they don't want to have to deal with Kim? LisaR should have passed on going to Amsterdam once Kim started treating her like shit on the way to Calgary?

LisaR *is* acknowledging what the situation is. She's being very straightforward about it and has been since the beginning which is what Kim doesn't like. She also isn't expecting anything different from Kim. She sounds like she's accepted the idea that Kim is an asshole and it's only changed behavior from Kim that is going to convince her otherwise.

I'm not going to sit here and say that LisaR isn't justified for having her own reaction to the multiple situations that she was in because of Kim's substance abuse issues and her response to them. To me that's basically saying that she isn't allowed to say how she feels or that she's wrong for feeling the way that she does.

I think it's also skipping over the larger issue of why Kim would be talked about in the first place (therefore absolving her of responsibility for why she's left negative impressions on most of the people she worked with) and how these are natural consequences.

Years ago I worked with a person who was fired for substance abuse issues and because this person didn't make any friends during her short time with the company, every once in awhile her name will come up in 'Remember when' sessions and multiple people have funny stories of how crazy this chick was. I mention this because it just doesn't seem unnatural to me or repulsive or evil to talk about somebody after they've shown their ass multiple times.

If Kim were a nicer person I could maybe see wanting to shield her more but I don't see why these women have any reason to be loyal to her.

I'll repeat though that I don't think LisaR should bring it up on her own or that she should spend all day long talking about it. But to say that the car ride was some scaryfreaky shit? I give her a big old pass.

Lisar is free to react within the boundaries of the law. Assault and threatening text messages are not legal. Lisar is the one getting away with criminal behavior against a coworker.
  • Love 2

Rinna should be responsible for what SHE did though, and she's not.  IMO, she was much worse, and then continued it off camera with the threatening texts and nasty tweets.


"Kim MADE me to it!"  Really, that stopped working for me when I was 3 years old.

LisaR DID apologize for the threatening tweet/email at the reunion. She admitted to it, apologized for it and tried to make nice with Kim but .....nothing from Kim, no apology, not recognition of what SHE did wrong in any if that fight...nothing. IMO, that IS a big part of the problem, that Kim takes zero accountability for HER actions, ever.

  • Love 8

Lisar is free to react within the boundaries of the law. Assault and threatening text messages are not legal. Lisar is the one getting away with criminal behavior against a coworker.

Lisa has repeatedly been criticized for *talking* about Kim at all and I was responding to that. My entire post was about LisaR talking about Kim and giving her opinions on Kim if she happens to be asked about Kim. 


I understand perfectly that the housewives should react within the boundaries of the law. Lol. 

  • Love 4

WOW! In other words, until Taylor was ready to divulge the abuse herself, everyone did as she wanted...kept it a secret and off camera. That is until Camille couldn't take it anymore and spilled the beans.


As for Camille/Kelsey, only she knew the truth, none of the other HWs knew about the separation.


Lisar is free to react within the boundaries of the law. Assault and threatening text messages are not legal. Lisar is the one getting away with criminal behavior against a coworker.

Don't forget Taylor also told each woman not to tell any of the others what she had told them. So when they got together at the tea party and had a chance to compare notes, that was when Camille had had enough and put it out there.

LisaR never assaulted Kim. If reaching for Kim's chin is assault then certainly Kim's kicking at a perfectly still Rinna in a confined space also constitutes assault, and I don't think anyone has said Kim assaulted Rinna on poker night.

  • Love 6

Or, you know, they'd rather gossip about people who aren't there.  Kim, Brandi, and Yo.  Yo's been almost as absent as the two former wives.


They don't have anything good to bring, so they talk about the women who did.  Bravo knew they had bupkis this season, or for most of it.  Now that Erika is really showing her ass (and I don't just mean THE BOSS) she might bring them some story, but until now?  Let's talk about people who aren't here!  Woo!


How exciting for viewers.


Meanwhile I feel that Yours Truly has made excellent points.  Grow the fuck up (to the other wives.)  Kim is already paying, has anyone noticed her life now?  Kids abandoning her, not enough money, dog probably dead, tawdry TV shows, lawsuits, public humiliation, and addiction problems she is unable to fix, demons from her past as well.  Just what does Lipsa want to do here?  Nail her to a fucking cross?  She's on it already, and not by choice, by weakness, and sad sad things.  Pretending concern is really sickening.


Nah, I stand by my posts.  The most sickening thing is Rinna pretending she CARES.  Gimme a break.  Kim is story fodder for her to avoid revealing interesting about herself.  Period.



I completely disagree that a person has to like Kim in order to be concerned about her. Her behavior is concerning and troubling. Just the fact that this woman drives in the same city that I do is concerning. 


The idea that LisaR talks about Kim to avoid her own life is laughable to me because the context in which she's talking about Kim are situations where she was dealing with Kim personally. When she talks about the incident in Amsterdam she knows that she doesn't come across well and that this was an example of her totally losing it and behaving horribly. When Kim comes up the focus turns to Kim making the comments about Harry and it's brought back talk about her alleged eating disorder. Bringing up Kim doesn't and hasn't made it so that LisaR avoids having to reveal info about herself. It's been quite the opposite actually. 


The most sickening thing about all of this is the way Kim routinely treats people. Take away LisaR and you still have a long ass list of offenses from Kim Richards that make LisaR seem like an amateur offender in comparison. 

  • Love 12

Well, it is ridiculous. REAL Housewives ridiculousness. Kyle is usually pummeled into positions of 'She can't win for losing, and 'Damned if she does; damned if she doesn't'. Therefore, Kyle should cease any and all efforts to curtail Kim Konversations by others. Kyle gets battered, berated, and condemned if she dares to mention Kim, ergo, Kyle should not be damned if she does not hinder, obscure,... these conversations by others. So, Disengage. Although, more's the pity, I am certain that Kyle WILL continue to be blamed for arsehole Kim's Klashes and Klunks as well as Kim's general bitchitude and bitchery.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 10


When did LisaR assault lunatic Kim? When?

Early October 2014, in Amsterdam when the attempted face grabbing, glass thrusting and glass smashing happened. An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. As far as I know.

I rewatched the limo ride to Eileen's house on Hulu, I didn't see anyone kick or try to kick anyone. Am I looking at the correct limo ride?

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Early October 2014, in Amsterdam when the attempted face grabbing, glass thrusting and glass smashing happened. An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. As far as I know.

I rewatched the limo ride to Eileen's house on Hulu, I didn't see anyone kick or try to kick anyone. Am I looking at the correct limo ride?

LisaR was definitely violent and sent a nasty and threatening text to Kim.

I thought that during the limo ride, Kim was high and in a weird and dark mood, never realized that she even made contact with Rina.

Both of them acted poorly but since Kim is the certified addict, Rina gets a pass at bad behaviors, IMO.

Kim can never win or even be forgiven with this group of women because they are judging her thru her past actions.(which have been irrational but still)and are refusing to let go of anything for their own gratifications.

It is boring and reflects poorly on those who are well, IMO.

  • Love 1

Early October 2014, in Amsterdam when the attempted face grabbing, glass thrusting and glass smashing happened. An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. As far as I know.

I rewatched the limo ride to Eileen's house on Hulu, I didn't see anyone kick or try to kick anyone. Am I looking at the correct limo ride?

There was no glass thrusting. It simply did not happen. Kim was too far away for the glass breaking to have any effect on her and Rinna dropped the glass after breaking it.

Kim kicked in Rinna's direction more than once in that limo ride. I don't know if Hulu is showing the full scene but my dvr shows Kim kicking very clearly.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 10

LisaR was definitely violent and sent a nasty and threatening text to Kim.

I thought that during the limo ride, Kim was high and in a weird and dark mood, never realized that she even made contact with Rina.

Both of them acted poorly but since Kim is the certified addict, Rina gets a pass at bad behaviors, IMO.

Kim can never win or even be forgiven with this group of women because they are judging her thru her past actions.(which have been irrational but still)and are refusing to let go of anything for their own gratifications.

It is boring and reflects poorly on those who are well, IMO.

Lisar text was out of bounds-they got together and Lisar apologized.  And that continues to be a measure by which Lisar is judged.

Kim coupled with kicking Lisar in the limo and kicking a cop-which she plead guilty to misdemeanor battery on a police officer.  So Kim when intoxicated apparently kicks people.

Rinna hasn't gotten a pass from the others, it is just that she doesn't owe them any further apology.  She has apologized to the others for "losing it".

Kyle just got up from the dinner table and announced that Rinna was not innocent in the Kim situation, she has written the same in her blog.

Everyone is judged on past behavior-you can't judge people on behavior that has not happened. In the world of judging people on past behavior I think there are a couple of people in the cast that reached into the way back machine to judge Faye Resnick, as a matter of fact prejudge her before ever meeting her or even reading what she wrote.  Kim's most present behavior was to send out social media messages critical of LVP.

There comes a time when you have to insulate yourself from the crazy.  It is not gratification it is not being a fool to let history to continue to repeat itself.  Kim has done little to make amends to Ken, LVP, Eileen or Kyle.


Rinna wants credibility she needs to stop beating the Kim drum.  It happened, she has discussed her feelings about Kim on camera with everyone and now those who have never had the pleasure of meeting Kim need to make their decision regarding Kim.

  • Love 10

There was no glass thrusting. It simply did not happen. Kim was too far away for the glass breaking to have any effect on her and Rinna dropped the glass after breaking it.

Kim kicked in Rinna's direction more than once in that limo ride. I don't know if Hulu is showing the full scene but my dvr shows Kim kicking very clearly.

Yeah, it's crystal clear that Kim is physically kicking at at LisaR.

I agree with Matilda that there was no glass thrusting. At no point is LisaR thrusting a broken glass into Kim's face.

I disagree that LisaR is being given a pass for bad behavior while Kim is being cracked down on. The difference between them is that Lisa can admit to being wrong, she's capable of apologizing, she's able to recognize when her behavior isn't okay, and she at least seems willing to alter her behavior. All of that goes a long way to her being more tolerable than Kim. She's also more fun to have around the women than mean, grumpy, and quick-to-be-offended Kim.

LisaR was definitely violent and sent a nasty and threatening text to Kim.

I thought that during the limo ride, Kim was high and in a weird and dark mood, never realized that she even made contact with Rina.

Both of them acted poorly but since Kim is the certified addict, Rina gets a pass at bad behaviors, IMO.

Kim can never win or even be forgiven with this group of women because they are judging her thru her past actions.(which have been irrational but still)and are refusing to let go of anything for their own gratifications.

It is boring and reflects poorly on those who are well, IMO.

Kim has always been welcomed back with open arms on this show no matter how much of an ass she's been. She's only just now having to see what it's like when she's pushed someone to the point where they're past giving a shit whether her feelings are hurt or not.

I disagree that Kim can never win with the other women. More often than not Kim has been allowed to win because most people felt like challenging her and speaking honestly about whatever was going wasn't worth the grief they'd have to consequently deal with once Kim registers them as being an enemy for not going along with whatever cockamamie nonsense she's most recently come up with.

She acted like an ass on Poker Night and the ladies treated her with understanding and concern (yes, concern. Genuine concern because it was concerning behavior and it makes no difference whether or not these women like her personally.) It was the same during Game Night. Kim's acting like an asshole? Let's comfort her, hold her, baby her, say that she isn't drinking, and defend her actions. Kim was completely protected during Puerto Rico. The list goes on and on with Kim getting away with bad behavior and even sometimes being rewarded for it.

Kim continues to behave like a jerk when she's given nonstop opportunities. I'm not talking about opportunities like this show. I'm talking about opportunities to get well and have people help her get her life and health together.

I thought the car ride went well beyond being a little weird and dark. The craziest thing is that we only saw less than 5 minutes of the madness out of nearly two hours of footage. She was made it clear at several points that she was in a bad mood and feeling combative, er I'm sorry, ornery; she kept saying fuck you, she called LisaR a slut and didn't back down when it became obvious that she was offending LisaR; she complained about Monty and when Lisar tried to be sympathetic to Monty, Kim didn't like it and started ranting about her own pain and reminded Lisa that she doesn't know what Kim goes through at night; seven went into Kim the Diva mode at one point. I'll go so far as to say that LisaR actually handled herself well during the car ride. Not everyone would have been able to remain calm especially when Kim started kicking and acting unstable and aggressive.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 13

Lisar text was out of bounds-they got together and Lisar apologized.  And that continues to be a measure by which Lisar is judged.

Kim coupled with kicking Lisar in the limo and kicking a cop-which she plead guilty to misdemeanor battery on a police officer.  So Kim when intoxicated apparently kicks people.

Rinna hasn't gotten a pass from the others, it is just that she doesn't owe them any further apology.  She has apologized to the others for "losing it".

Kyle just got up from the dinner table and announced that Rinna was not innocent in the Kim situation, she has written the same in her blog.

Everyone is judged on past behavior-you can't judge people on behavior that has not happened. In the world of judging people on past behavior I think there are a couple of people in the cast that reached into the way back machine to judge Faye Resnick, as a matter of fact prejudge her before ever meeting her or even reading what she wrote.  Kim's most present behavior was to send out social media messages critical of LVP.

There comes a time when you have to insulate yourself from the crazy.  It is not gratification it is not being a fool to let history to continue to repeat itself.  Kim has done little to make amends to Ken, LVP, Eileen or Kyle.


Rinna wants credibility she needs to stop beating the Kim drum.  It happened, she has discussed her feelings about Kim on camera with everyone and now those who have never had the pleasure of meeting Kim need to make their decision regarding Kim.

Well , I agree that one has to avoid crazy to some extend, however one does not need to poke the crazy constantly and be surprised they get crazy back.

Speaking of crazy, it is great that Faye gets a paycheck just to be on the show and do absolutely nothing.

I could learn a thing or two from that person. ;-)

  • Love 5

Lipsa hadn't seen Kim in a year. She was much worse than Kim during that whole trip, and after with her texts and tweets. AT BEST it was a draw.

I'm tired of nothing but gossip about Kim, Brandi, and Yolanda.

What else you got ladies?

  • Love 2

Lipsa hadn't seen Kim in a year.  She was much worse than Kim during that whole trip, and after with her texts and tweets.  AT BEST it was a draw.


I'm tired of nothing but gossip about Kim, Brandi, and Yolanda.


What else you got ladies?

They filmed the Reunion in February.  They started filming again in April.  So it was a little fresher than a year.


Yolanda is on the show-might want to cast a sideways glance at Erika.  She seems to be the one creating the drama.  Oh and Yolanda's delayed response to Munchausen's. 

  • Love 8

Or, you know, they'd rather gossip about people who aren't there.  Kim, Brandi, and Yo.  Yo's been almost as absent as the two former wives.


They don't have anything good to bring, so they talk about the women who did.  Bravo knew they had bupkis this season, or for most of it.  Now that Erika is really showing her ass (and I don't just mean THE BOSS) she might bring them some story, but until now?  Let's talk about people who aren't here!  Woo!


How exciting for viewers.


Meanwhile I feel that Yours Truly has made excellent points.  Grow the fuck up (to the other wives.)  Kim is already paying, has anyone noticed her life now?  Kids abandoning her, not enough money, dog probably dead, tawdry TV shows, lawsuits, public humiliation, and addiction problems she is unable to fix, demons from her past as well.  Just what does Lipsa want to do here?  Nail her to a fucking cross?  She's on it already, and not by choice, by weakness, and sad sad things.  Pretending concern is really sickening.


Kathryn though?  I believed, and I really liked her last show, it's a tragedy, not fodder for your fucking storylines Bravo and especially you Rinna.  Yeah, let's all just push Kim completely over the edge she's barely hanging on to by her home-polished fingernails.  After all, Russel offing himself brought ratings right?  Let's go for number 2!  Storyline for AGES with that!

Thank you!!! I don't get why ANY ONE of these women would even want Kim's name to spill out of their mouths, yes, even with a paycheck in the background. I mean, her acting out in passed seasons, or "bringing it upon herself" wouldn't EVER give me enough of a reason to sit around discussing or "reminiscing" or asking about crazy Kim, completely disregarding the very obvious fact that everything about that woman's life is a tragedy. It's the skewed perspective that really troubles me. Like any of them are going through anything life threatening due to her treatment towards them. Meanwhile it looks like she's losing her life threatening battle. But whatever, LisaR needs resolution Dammit and her lips are made for talkin'.. and that's just what they'll do. Come hell or highwater!! 


Well Nuh-Uhh!! I would be putting a pin in that grenade, wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, no matter how direct my experience was with it. I'd be chanting like a mo-fo to keep the dark karma away cause indulging in such heartless chatter the way these women do over this disturbed woman just has me praying for their souls.  For real.

Rinna should be responsible for what SHE did though, and she's not.  IMO, she was much worse, and then continued it off camera with the threatening texts and nasty tweets.


"Kim MADE me to it!"  Really, that stopped working for me when I was 3 years old.

Me too!


As well as "she had it coming"

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5

Really Kim? So the best idea you could come up with was dragging your youngest on yet another "Reality" show?  https://www.yahoo.com/news/kim-richards-admits-devastating-her-170556603.html


Her daughter needs therapy imo based on this quote from Kimberly Jackson ""I feel like I'm her caretaker because she's fragile physically and emotionally. And it does overwhelm me."

Well then DON'T be her caretaker/enabler!


Has anyone seen that show (the new show where Kim is part of an ensemble cast)? I guess she wants people talking about her so HWs, feel free to talk about Kim since she keeping putting herself up for media/public consumption

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 4

I think ALL of Kim's children should be in therapy, and should be in some kind of "children of alcoholics" support groups.  I can't imagine what it's like to have your entire childhood, from baby to adult, impacted by a parent's addictions.  I wonder if they have ever even seen the real, sober Kim.


I'm not surprised Kimberly feels like her mom's caretaker.  She probably also feels a hell of a lot of other things, too.  The last place she should be trying to work through all that is on tv.

  • Love 15

Really Kim? So the best idea you could come up with was dragging your youngest on yet another "Reality" show?  https://www.yahoo.com/news/kim-richards-admits-devastating-her-170556603.html

But the shadow of secrets continues to hang over Richards, who successfully hid her addiction from the RHOBH cameras for several seasons. She says cryptically to the fellow participants in the group therapy session: "There is something that's going on at home that has nothing [to do with this]," says Richards. "There's other things."

Looks like Kim continues to not take responsibility for her actions.  Queen of deflection.  Own your shit!/LisaR

  • Love 6

But the shadow of secrets continues to hang over Richards, who successfully hid her addiction from the RHOBH cameras for several seasons. She says cryptically to the fellow participants in the group therapy session: "There is something that's going on at home that has nothing [to do with this]," says Richards. "There's other things."



Lol, at the bit in bold. Like, what?


My question is, why does this seem like it's all on Kimberly? I get that the son has a bunch of issues but what about Brooke and Whitney? Why can't they share in the responsibility especially since Kimberly is the only one in school. 

  • Love 8

Kim "There is something that's going on at home that has nothing [to do with this]," says Richards. "There's other things."


so is this her attempt to blame everything on having a mentally ill son, dying ex-husband, or Kyle. It's NEVER Kim and there is ALWAYS some other reason/excuse/justification/rationalization....girl, please.....just go away!

  • Love 10

Lol, at the bit in bold. Like, what?


My question is, why does this seem like it's all on Kimberly? I get that the son has a bunch of issues but what about Brooke and Whitney? Why can't they share in the responsibility especially since Kimberly is the only one in school. 

Brooke was engaged, Whitney lived with her dad for a while and Chad had/has his own issues so that left Kimberly. Sadly, Kim put it ON Kimberly and we saw this on the show when they took her to college. Kimberly was afraid her mother would "fall of the wagon" without her there. Sadly, I don't think Kimberly realized that Kim wasn't "ON the wagon" back then either.

Kim "There is something that's going on at home that has nothing [to do with this]," says Richards. "There's other things."


so is this her attempt to blame everything on having a mentally ill son, dying ex-husband, or Kyle. It's NEVER Kim and there is ALWAYS some other reason/excuse/justification/rationalization....girl, please.....just go away!

Don't forget, it was also Kingsley's fault and anyone that walked into that house with the dog there as well.

  • Love 9

Lol, at the bit in bold. Like, what?


My question is, why does this seem like it's all on Kimberly? I get that the son has a bunch of issues but what about Brooke and Whitney? Why can't they share in the responsibility especially since Kimberly is the only one in school. 

Well Brooke is married travels a lot, and had a dying father to deal with, Whitney works full time (we didn't see Whitney much because she went to Boston University (during the earlier seasons) and doesn't really like to be on camera.  My guess is Kimberly may have a flair for the dramatic if she is claiming to be the only caretaker.   Kim tends to reject those she cannot control.  Fingers crossed she didn't drop out of college to take care of mom between rehab sessions.  Kimberly lived with her dad before Season 1 filming began and all the way through high school.  (Season 4)  It sounds to me like the other kids wisely stayed out of doing this new show. 

  • Love 3

I've never really followed Kim's family dynamics particularly closely but I guess I just assumed that Whitney had the most sense among the children and refused to participate in her mother's toxicity since she was the only offspring who didn't film for Dr. Phil. Did she just decline because she didn't want to appear on television? I'd kind of hoped she had severed contact with Kim. I've always been unsettled by Kimberly; she telegraphs as potentially intellectually and emotionally immature, which is understandable but inauspicious considering her mom's antics. Didn't the Richards sisters discuss how she was dating a 20-year-old back in season 3 when she was 16?

  • Love 4

Kim "There is something that's going on at home that has nothing [to do with this]," says Richards. "There's other things."


so is this her attempt to blame everything on having a mentally ill son, dying ex-husband, or Kyle. It's NEVER Kim and there is ALWAYS some other reason/excuse/justification/rationalization....girl, please.....just go away!

But doesn't real life grief and turmoil affect how well people can function? I mean I understand Kim's and addict and all that but I think it's unfair to act like Kim can't refer to there being reasons for her failures and struggles. I mean that's just ridiculous. I mean would we roll our eyes if a sober person expressed that a dying father or friend and challenges with a family member affected their behavior and caused them to falter in areas of their life would we really blow that off as unimportant and dismiss how deeply affected they are claiming something has been to them?


I guess the reason I've seen Kim's side all this time is because I've never seen any true sincerity anywhere on that show. There were a few concern moments but all in all the "concern" never really last long once the "concerned" party felt uncomfortable or slighted or imposed upon. I man hey that's all well and good nobody is required to extend sympathy or understanding to anyone they don't deem "worthy" so to each their own but I don't see her time on the show as a fair display of who she really was or as an accurate picture of what her struggle with addiction truly is. I think her time on the show exasperated her already long struggle and the aftermath sent her reeling into a downward spiral. Bad decisions has put her where she is there's no doubt about that but I don't get why she can't try to express what contributes to her struggles and to her addictions and why all that should be focused on or relevant is how horrible she is for being weak.


I for one would like to hear what it is that keeps her up at night. That little discussion would have had more impact if anyone posed that sort of question to someone who would probably like to unload it all without being judged for admitting that yeah she blames this that and the other for wanting to take a drink, a pill, a hit. I think its really significant that it seems like she can't speak freely about what she's mad about or what she finds unfair or hurtful until she satisfies the needs of what others want from her. I just think it doesn't work that way and being so rigid about how to go about extracting these things from her before she's even allowed to start trying to express what she's hurt about gets in the way all the time. I think its sad that at this point the consensus is that she should only have conditional support and that's one sure way to push people towards failure.


It's the scariest thing in the world for someone as flawed as Kim to be faced with love that has conditions attached and as bad as her behavior has been I so truly feel terrible for her. I'm happy to see that her daughter is showing her that no matter what she's there for her but I get that for some people that's unfair to Kim's daughter. As the daughter of an addict and alcoholic I can assure you that loving and standing by an alcoholic thru good times, bad times and failures doesn't necessarily destroy a childs future. Sure it's a shame that I had to deal with that but it was also a shame that my mother had deal with being molested when she was a child and that she was raised by her aunt instead of her mother. It happens. It's not always possible for children to be shielded because they have parents with problems. Not new. But  I wouldn't have done anything differently and would have resented anyone who would imply that turning my back on her was something I absolutely should have done. I wouldn't have dreamed of it and I don't get whats so surprising about seeing family offer up unconditional love even when circumstances are so dire. Some do, some don't but I'm not surprised by it or saddened by it because I think Brandi had it right. If Kim had more people that didn't chronicle her every failure and judge her for each and every flaw (because I don't believe for one second her family hasn't spitefully thrown that shit in her face in the heat of the moment. Oh yeah, I truly believe that they can be cruel like that with each other) then maybe she will actually feel safe enough to step outside of that shell of denial she shields herself with and actually be able to accept responsibility for her actions with less fear.


I think she's so worried about admitting something to then be on the receiving end of ridicule and belittlement that instead she just doesn't let a conversation get to that point which is not acknowledge it at all since she feels that if she opens that door she's only going to receive hurtful blows instead meaningful resolution. She knows most people are armed with her addiction as a weapon and a go to if or when the conversation hits a rocky spot or impasse and she knows you can't really counter something like that so she tries her best to take it off the table. I also think this is why she tries to control her conversations to such an intense degree knowing that the accusation is on the tip of everyone's tongue even if it's not subject of the discussion or the issue. Every time a resolution was needed, regardless of what the immediate issue or problem was it would always manage to weave it's way back to Kim's addictions and I found that to be a bit unfair. Sometimes resolving one thing at a time, small issues at a time would have probably gone a long way with Kim. Just knowing that not everything was going to be a big thing about her and her addiction would have probably garner more trust and therefore she wouldn't have been so guarded and unwilling to address certain matters. 


I just wish Kim could figure it out and I'm so scared of this new show. I don't think it's the best idea but they are doing it so I guess we will see what happens. I'm hoping for the best as usual.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3

The issue I have with Kim is she signs up and takes a paycheck for her reality, then spends a significant amount of time hiding it or alluding to how bad she has it.  If Kim wanted help dealing with Monty from the others then she should have expressed what she wanted from them to help her.  Kim calling in the middle of the night so she doesn't succumb to drink or drug might be beyond what these women can give.  They work and have families and may not be able to provide that type of support.   Saying they aren't supportive isn't cool though, as she needs to let others decided what she expects is realistic or within their comfort zone.  Sitting around with Brandi calling the others fake, phony, c&nts, is no way to endear yourself. 


Kim said last year, "you are only as sick as your secrets."  Apparently Kim has a long ways to go to getting well.


Kim's armor is her addiction.  She wants a pass in life and it isn't working for her.


My guess is because of her past, Kim is not a terribly interesting person, sober or inebriated to spend time with.  Her children range in age from 21-28, they are out of the house, so to speak, and either because of addiction, or her personality she just doesn't seem to have developed any interests.  Stay sober is not of interest to anyone.  It is a personal journey.  So it becomes about how many times a day someone calls and  who takes time away from their family to take Kim to dinner.  I think Kim would be better served if she found a charity (not court ordered community service) to spend some of her days. 


Kim had 18 months to spend with Monty. (Of course going in she had no idea how much time they would have.) She worked for four of those months, was in the hospital and/or rehab for about four of those months, was under the influence for about 14 of the months, got arrested a couple of times, lost her home and therefore the ability to take Monty in for eight of those months.  Also considerable energy by the deceased was spent on Kim and her troubles during the last months of his life.  Of course that was his choice.  Now I suppose we will hear about the void in her life.  To me, when she had the time with him, she didn't necessarily use it wisely.  Something tells me we or her cast mates, if she returns, will hear how it was all about Monty.  It just wasn't. 

  • Love 8

The issue I have with Kim is she signs up and takes a paycheck for her reality, then spends a significant amount of time hiding it or alluding to how bad she has it.  If Kim wanted help dealing with Monty from the others then she should have expressed what she wanted from them to help her.  Kim calling in the middle of the night so she doesn't succumb to drink or drug might be beyond what these women can give.  They work and have families and may not be able to provide that type of support.   Saying they aren't supportive isn't cool though, as she needs to let others decided what she expects is realistic or within their comfort zone.  Sitting around with Brandi calling the others fake, phony, c&nts, is no way to endear yourself. 


Kim said last year, "you are only as sick as your secrets."  Apparently Kim has a long ways to go to getting well.


Kim's armor is her addiction.  She wants a pass in life and it isn't working for her.


My guess is because of her past, Kim is not a terribly interesting person, sober or inebriated to spend time with.  Her children range in age from 21-28, they are out of the house, so to speak, and either because of addiction, or her personality she just doesn't seem to have developed any interests.  Stay sober is not of interest to anyone.  It is a personal journey.  So it becomes about how many times a day someone calls and  who takes time away from their family to take Kim to dinner.  I think Kim would be better served if she found a charity (not court ordered community service) to spend some of her days. 


Kim had 18 months to spend with Monty. (Of course going in she had no idea how much time they would have.) She worked for four of those months, was in the hospital and/or rehab for about four of those months, was under the influence for about 14 of the months, got arrested a couple of times, lost her home and therefore the ability to take Monty in for eight of those months.  Also considerable energy by the deceased was spent on Kim and her troubles during the last months of his life.  Of course that was his choice.  Now I suppose we will hear about the void in her life.  To me, when she had the time with him, she didn't necessarily use it wisely.  Something tells me we or her cast mates, if she returns, will hear how it was all about Monty.  It just wasn't. 

Oh no doubt. Unless you can completely or at least strongly be ultruistic then standing by an addict isn't the position to take and most people can't really take their support to that level which is why I'm so sad for Kim cause she's such a mess she's longing for that level of commitment but acts out because she knows its not really realistic. I just feel for her. No one wants to live that life some people are just too weak to overcome it.  I think I'm so sad because it's gotten so out of control that all she seems to be is her addiction and that keeps people from actually helping her with what's at the heart of her (and that families) problems.

  • Love 1

Here's the thing when you asking for support for addiction or a sick relative ask for assistance in such a way that a person can commit to something.  Even if it is a walk once a month or lunch.  Maybe others would have her as a guest at their church, or invite her over for dinner or offer to stay with Monty for the afternoon she could meet some or all of her children for lunch.  I think even within this group they could if called upon support her.  I am not a fan of asking for blind loyalty or unconditional support-start small and see what happens from there.

  • Love 7

Here's the thing when you asking for support for addiction or a sick relative ask for assistance in such a way that a person can commit to something.  Even if it is a walk once a month or lunch.  Maybe others would have her as a guest at their church, or invite her over for dinner or offer to stay with Monty for the afternoon she could meet some or all of her children for lunch.  I think even within this group they could if called upon support her.  I am not a fan of asking for blind loyalty or unconditional support-start small and see what happens from there.


I agree. I think a lot of Kim's issues with getting people to support (not enable) her came from her expecting complete and total blind loyalty and devotion. I think Yolanda has the same narcissistic trait. It isn't enough to make a monthly or bi-monthly visit or a once a week dinner invitation. You have to be at their beck and call in order for them to consider you a loyal and true friend. You also have to accept what they say at face value without questioning anything even if what they are saying is obviously questionable. 

  • Love 10

I agree. I think a lot of Kim's issues with getting people to support (not enable) her came from her expecting complete and total blind loyalty and devotion. I think Yolanda has the same narcissistic trait. It isn't enough to make a monthly or bi-monthly visit or a once a week dinner invitation. You have to be at their beck and call in order for them to consider you a loyal and true friend. You also have to accept what they say at face value without questioning anything even if what they are saying is obviously questionable. 

When Kim came on the scene she seemed unsure, intimidated and unsure and was annoyed that Kyle wasn't more of a bridge for her which I can understand ESPECIALLY now that we know what she was facing and struggling with so new friends/ acquaintances would be a trying endeavor. I think her insecurities make her abrasive and on guard. I don't think she needs blind loyalty I just think see needs people she can trust who won't use her addition as a go to every time her flaws show or anytime someone wants to shut her down or is disagreeing with her about something. I dunno, there's something very defensive and vulnerable that I see in her and that she's built up this wall of finger pointing and deflection as a result of many years of being told how much of a burden and disappointment she is. Of course, I have no way of knowing but I wouldn't be surprised if humiliating, mocking and belittling Kim was a regular way her family handled her addiction. For some reason I feel like it really isn't ALL on her and that there were other contributors involved in making the monster that is Kim Richards which is why we do see and which I have no problem with, her pointing out what others have done as a way for them to own their shit and the negative ways they chose to deal with Kim's addition. Just because she's an addict doesn't mean she hasn't been and doesn't have a right to feel wronged and I would love to hear all those sordid details.


Unfortunately whenever she went there or tried to point something out while on the show and usually with Kyle her point mostly gots lost in the whole HOW DARE THE ADDICT think she's in a position to be wronged while we are the victims of your substance abuse. I used to be like, oh God, this again? Can't the woman complain about something without THAT coming out? I would watch and be mad cause I'm thinking there's more, she's trying to express more to the sentiment but then the conversation always derails into "YOU KNOW I'VE SUPPORTED YOU" with that intense look that says "and you know what I'm talking about" which always had the desired affect on Kim which is she would end up talking in abbreviated manner, panic a little and rethink what she does and doesn't want to say which of course doesn't allow her to get truly into whatever she wanted to express because she knew had to tread lightly now that the threat "of going into detail" was put out there. I saw it plain as day each and every time Kim would be engaged in some confrontation. I felt so bad for her because ultimately her point would usually get cut off cause the addiction card was played or was vaguely introduced into the picture. I don't know, I just saw so much in the interactions over the seasons and mainly between Kim and Kyle but it happened with some of the other cast members as well. I really would love to hear what goes on in that women's head. What she wants to say. What she wants to be understood and I would love it to come from the safe place that it needs to come from within in order for it to be complete and 100 truthful but I don't think she trusts anyone to that degree so the denials and lack of acknowledgement is what we get.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

When Kim came on the scene she seemed unsure, intimidated and unsure and was annoyed that Kyle wasn't more of a bridge for her which I can understand ESPECIALLY now that we know what she was facing and struggling with so new friends/ acquaintances would be a trying endeavor. I think her insecurities make her abrasive and on guard. I don't think she needs blind loyalty I just think see needs people she can trust who won't use her addition as a go to every time her flaws show or anytime someone wants to shut her down or is disagreeing with her about something. I dunno, there's something very defensive and vulnerable that I see in her and that she's built up this wall of finger pointing and deflection as a result of many years of being told how much of a burden and disappointment she is. Of course, I have no way of knowing but I wouldn't be surprised if humiliating, mocking and belittling Kim was a regular way her family handled her addiction. For some reason I feel like it really isn't ALL on her and that there were other contributors involved in making the monster that is Kim Richards which is why we do see and which I have no problem with, her pointing out what others have done as a way for them to own their shit and the negative ways they chose to deal with Kim's addition. Just because she's an addict doesn't mean she hasn't been wronged and I would love to hear all those sordid details.


Unfortunately whenever she went there or tried to point something out while on the show and usually with Kyle her point mostly gots lost in the whole HOW DARE THE ADDICT think she's in a position to be wronged while we are the victims of your substance abuse. I used to be like, oh God, this again? Can't the woman complain about something without THAT coming out? I would watch and be mad cause I'm thinking there's more, she's trying to express more to the sentiment but then the conversation always derails into "YOU KNOW I'VE SUPPORTED YOU" with that intense look that says "and you know what I'm talking about" which always had the desired affect on Kim which is she would end up talking in abbreviated manner, panic a little and rethink what she does and doesn't want to say which of course doesn't allow her to get truly into whatever she wanted to express because she knew had to tread lightly now that the threat "of going into detail" was put out there. I saw it plain as day each and every time Kim would be engaged in some confrontation. I felt so bad for her because ultimately her point would usually get cut off cause the addiction card was played or was vaguely introduced into the picture. I don't know, I just saw so much in the interactions over the seasons and mainly between Kim and Kyle but it happened with some of the other cast members as well. I really would love to hear what goes on in that women's head. What she wants to say. What she wants to be understood and I would love it to come from the safe place that it needs to come from within in order for it to be complete and 100 truthful but I don't think she trusts anyone to that degree so the denials and lack of acknowledgement is what we get.

In the first season, NO ONE belittled Kim, NO ONE called her out on her addictions until the limo scene at the end of the season. What more was Kyle to do in helping Kim try and make friends with the other HWs? She introduced her and included her in everything and IMO, Kyle can not force anyone, including Kim to accept someone as a "friend", that decision is up to the individual(s) to make.

  • Love 14

In the first season, NO ONE belittled Kim, NO ONE called her out on her addictions until the limo scene at the end of the season. What more was Kyle to do in helping Kim try and make friends with the other HWs? She introduced her and included her in everything and IMO, Kyle can not force anyone, including Kim to accept someone as a "friend", that decision is up to the individual(s) to make.


I remember that as well. I also remember that Kim would back out of events at the last minute in order to avoid interacting with the other women. There wasn't a lot that Kyle could do to bridge the gap between Kim and the rest of the cast when Kim just didn't want to interact with them. 

  • Love 13

In the first season, NO ONE belittled Kim, NO ONE called her out on her addictions until the limo scene at the end of the season. What more was Kyle to do in helping Kim try and make friends with the other HWs? She introduced her and included her in everything and IMO, Kyle can not force anyone, including Kim to accept someone as a "friend", that decision is up to the individual(s) to make.

And it's okay that you didn't see what I saw. But I stand by my observations and they aren't necessarily taking only the cast members into account. I'm also referring to her family throughout the years.

  • Love 2

I remember that as well. I also remember that Kim would back out of events at the last minute in order to avoid interacting with the other women. There wasn't a lot that Kyle could do to bridge the gap between Kim and the rest of the cast when Kim just didn't want to interact with them. 

I see it through a different perspective. I saw Kyle's interactions with her sister, the other women and some stuff that didn't jive right with me when it came to some of those interactions as well as her reaction to Kim trying to level with her about being uncomfortable in those situations and basically asking Kyle if maybe she could hold her hand a bit while she was in the beginning stages of getting to know these women since they were more Kyle's friends anyway. That seemed like a pretty reasonable request and to me it actually put Kim's insecurity front and center. I mean I didn't see it like such a big deal. You know to be a little more attentive and inclusive and kinda makes sure the circle connects all around instead of anyone feeling like the odd man out. I know, my sister would do it for me and vice versa so I really didn't get why it was such a huge imposition for Kim to have shared how awkward she was feeling around the other women and ask if maybe Kyle help her with that. That's seems like a common thing for sisters or friends to do for one another. At least to me anyway.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

When Kim came on the scene she seemed unsure, intimidated and unsure and was annoyed that Kyle wasn't more of a bridge for her which I can understand ESPECIALLY now that we know what she was facing and struggling with so new friends/ acquaintances would be a trying endeavor. I think her insecurities make her abrasive and on guard. I don't think she needs blind loyalty I just think see needs people she can trust who won't use her addition as a go to every time her flaws show or anytime someone wants to shut her down or is disagreeing with her about something. I dunno, there's something very defensive and vulnerable that I see in her and that she's built up this wall of finger pointing and deflection as a result of many years of being told how much of a burden and disappointment she is. Of course, I have no way of knowing but I wouldn't be surprised if humiliating, mocking and belittling Kim was a regular way her family handled her addiction. For some reason I feel like it really isn't ALL on her and that there were other contributors involved in making the monster that is Kim Richards which is why we do see and which I have no problem with, her pointing out what others have done as a way for them to own their shit and the negative ways they chose to deal with Kim's addition. Just because she's an addict doesn't mean she hasn't been and doesn't have a right to feel wronged and I would love to hear all those sordid details.


Unfortunately whenever she went there or tried to point something out while on the show and usually with Kyle her point mostly gots lost in the whole HOW DARE THE ADDICT think she's in a position to be wronged while we are the victims of your substance abuse. I used to be like, oh God, this again? Can't the woman complain about something without THAT coming out? I would watch and be mad cause I'm thinking there's more, she's trying to express more to the sentiment but then the conversation always derails into "YOU KNOW I'VE SUPPORTED YOU" with that intense look that says "and you know what I'm talking about" which always had the desired affect on Kim which is she would end up talking in abbreviated manner, panic a little and rethink what she does and doesn't want to say which of course doesn't allow her to get truly into whatever she wanted to express because she knew had to tread lightly now that the threat "of going into detail" was put out there. I saw it plain as day each and every time Kim would be engaged in some confrontation. I felt so bad for her because ultimately her point would usually get cut off cause the addiction card was played or was vaguely introduced into the picture. I don't know, I just saw so much in the interactions over the seasons and mainly between Kim and Kyle but it happened with some of the other cast members as well. I really would love to hear what goes on in that women's head. What she wants to say. What she wants to be understood and I would love it to come from the safe place that it needs to come from within in order for it to be complete and 100 truthful but I don't think she trusts anyone to that degree so the denials and lack of acknowledgement is what we get.

If you find this group of people who Kim needs who just overlook her bad behavior, addiction, fawn all over her while she craps all over  them-you better clone the whole group because people like that just don't exist.  If they do they would be called superenablers or slaves.  It doesn't matter if Kim was wronged-all that matter is she find her way to a sober existence.  Having baggage may be a cause but it is not an excuse for addiction or to continue using.


I think both Kim and Kyle have been pretty clear how Kim's addiction issues were handled-they swept them under the rug.  So again this is a case of someone substituting their flights of fantasy for what the viewers have been presented over and over.


I have seem Kim feel for another person exactly twice-once when she wanted Kyle to go after LVP for allegedly asking Brandi to take magazines to Palm Springs and when she decided to tell Paul and Adrienne about the surrogacy.  The only thing Kyle called her out on was the timing and venue in the surrogacy matter.  Other than that it has been pretty much about Kim. 

I remember that as well. I also remember that Kim would back out of events at the last minute in order to avoid interacting with the other women. There wasn't a lot that Kyle could do to bridge the gap between Kim and the rest of the cast when Kim just didn't want to interact with them. 

Kim told the whole lot of them at the Season 1 Taylor birthday/finale party she didn't like them as they were Kyle's friends.  IIRC she even asked Taylor to leave the party.  Taylor had to remind Kim it was her party.  That pretty well throws a wet blanket on the "let's be friends" scenario.

I remember that as well. I also remember that Kim would back out of events at the last minute in order to avoid interacting with the other women. There wasn't a lot that Kyle could do to bridge the gap between Kim and the rest of the cast when Kim just didn't want to interact with them. 

Kim told the whole lot of them at the Season 1 Taylor birthday/finale party she didn't like them as they were Kyle's friends.  IIRC she even asked Taylor to leave the party.  Taylor had to remind Kim it was her party.  That pretty well throws a wet blanket on the "let's be friends" scenario.

  • Love 10

I see it through a different perspective. I saw Kyle's interactions with her sister, the other women and some stuff that didn't jive right with me when it came to some of those interactions as well as her reaction to Kim trying to level with her about being uncomfortable in those situations and basically asking Kyle if maybe she could hold her hand a bit while she was in the beginning stages of getting to know these women since they were more Kyle's friends anyway. That seemed like a pretty reasonable request and to me it actually put Kim's insecurity front and center. I mean I didn't see it like such a big deal. You know to be a little more attentive and inclusive and kinda makes sure the circle connects all around instead of anyone feeling like the odd man out. I know, my sister would do it for me and vice versa so I really didn't get why it was such a huge imposition for Kim to have shared how awkward she was feeling around the other women and ask if maybe Kyle help her with that. That's seems like a common thing for sisters or friends to do for one another. At least to me anyway.

I'm asking because I don't recall--when did Kim ask Kyle to hold her hand through any of this? I'm not saying that you're saying those were her exact words but if I'm understanding correctly, the implication is that Kyle didn't support Kim was she was getting to know these women, right? I'm not sure what else Kyle could have done to make Kim feel comfortable filming.


I remember Kim saying that these were Kyle's friends and I remember Kim saying that she was "nervous" and that was the reason why *she* didn't support her sister Kyle during the first season, but I don't recall Kyle not being there for Kim.  

  • Love 4

If you find this group of people who Kim needs who just overlook her bad behavior, addiction, fawn all over her while she craps all over  them-you better clone the whole group because people like that just don't exist.  If they do they would be called superenablers or slaves.  It doesn't matter if Kim was wronged-all that matter is she find her way to a sober existence.  Having baggage may be a cause but it is not an excuse for addiction or to continue using.


I think both Kim and Kyle have been pretty clear how Kim's addiction issues were handled-they swept them under the rug.  So again this is a case of someone substituting their flights of fantasy for what the viewers have been presented over and over.


I have seem Kim feel for another person exactly twice-once when she wanted Kyle to go after LVP for allegedly asking Brandi to take magazines to Palm Springs and when she decided to tell Paul and Adrienne about the surrogacy.  The only thing Kyle called her out on was the timing and venue in the surrogacy matter.  Other than that it has been pretty much about Kim. 

Kim told the whole lot of them at the Season 1 Taylor birthday/finale party she didn't like them as they were Kyle's friends.  IIRC she even asked Taylor to leave the party.  Taylor had to remind Kim it was her party.  That pretty well throws a wet blanket on the "let's be friends" scenario.

Kim told the whole lot of them at the Season 1 Taylor birthday/finale party she didn't like them as they were Kyle's friends.  IIRC she even asked Taylor to leave the party.  Taylor had to remind Kim it was her party.  That pretty well throws a wet blanket on the "let's be friends" scenario.

Flights of fancy?


I think it's less accurate to use bits and pieces of edited footage that has ratings as an agenda to consider concrete evidence of  what EXACTLY went down with Kim, her addiction and her family for the decades it's been going on.


Like my post said I have no way of knowing but my life experience and what me, myself and I was able to pick up on over the seasons, things that are easily overlooked but are very present, things that I think are very relevant as well as things that weren't but are somehow considered valid tells me that Kim isn't the sole villain in all of it. I think taking a position that outlines the complexity of addiction and those who are suffering from it and with it seems more open minded than taking such a blanket black and white right and wrong approach to it. The former offers more consideration, the latter gives off a "stick a fork in it it's done", "giving up, lost cause" vibe to such a sad situation. I like the former and since my opinion won't matter either way in the life and times of Kim Richards. I'm more inclined to turn it over in my head in a more thoughtful way instead of taking the alternate depressing route that pretty much writes her off as not worth it. 


I guess it's that part of me that always tries to find the hope in every situation.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

I'm asking because I don't recall--when did Kim ask Kyle to hold her hand through any of this? I'm not saying that you're saying those were her exact words but if I'm understanding correctly, the implication is that Kyle didn't support Kim was she was getting to know these women, right? I'm not sure what else Kyle could have done to make Kim feel comfortable filming.


I remember Kim saying that these were Kyle's friends and I remember Kim saying that she was "nervous" and that was the reason why *she* didn't support her sister Kyle during the first season, but I don't recall Kyle not being there for Kim.  

There was an episode where Kim was talking to Kyle and she was pretty much saying she was hoping Kyle could be a bit more interactive with her while they were within the group since she felt awkward around them. I don't know how to explain its like when my girlfriend introduces me into a group I may not be completely comfortable with or don't know she'll set the tone sort of mingles with me and gives off this inclusive vibe while she's talking to someone else and you know includes me in the chatter, sets it in motion and once she's see that things are jiving she may leave us and continue to mingle. She's good like that. And she does that frequently even with people who've met before. Since we are her friends and we are meeting each other through her she likes to stack the odds in favor of everyone getting along.  Made meeting new people in a new city a little less intimidating, its helpful and I'm 40 years old. LOL!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3

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