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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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I wonder if Brandi meant that Lisa's kids go to a private school where the kids wear uniforms/dress code = more conservative dress.  We saw Lisa's kids in the 1st episode in uniforms.  Some speculated that they might attend a catholic school, not just private.

All I could think of when that nugget fell out of Brandi's mouth was nothing like alienating your kids' teachers, moron.   

  • Love 2

If Brandi has always hated Kyle, even during the seeming détente, what's with having Kyle babysit her kids? That's so bizarre to me. I can't imagine leaving my kids with somebody I hate and plan to ambush just as soon as drunk o'clock rolls around.

When Brandi talked about it she said that Kyle had helped her out when she was in a bind. She said that Kyle had been very kind to her.


I don't think this would mean that Brandi still couldn't hate her in her world. I don't mean hate like she thinks she is evil or will  hurt her kids. She hates her in the way that she is insanely jealous of her (and for the record I hate it when women call other women jealous and rarely do it) and would like it if things didn't go so well for Kyle. She would like for Kyle's world to not be so good. For her to not be so rich, beautiful or have so many friends. Think about what she did to Adrienne. She was so mad at her and revealed the most personal of things. Then later when they were in Vegas, she said she too wished that Adrienne was there because she really liked her, but she couldn't invite her because she was suing her (lying bitch). She could on the one hand be so mad as to hurt someone so much, and then say that she really cared about them. She is one odd duck. 

  • Love 6

Sure she is jealous of Kyle. Kyle has a wonderful family and a husband who loves her and provides her with financial security. What's not to be envious of. I think Kim is envious too but I don't believe Kim hates Kyle even a little bit.


I agree.  Kim takes out her anger on Kyle (just like an addict does) because she knows that Kyle will put up with it and in the end, Kyle is 'family' and will bail her out when needed.  However, she is pushing the envelope.  Kim's kids are grown.  Kyle's daughter was bitten by Kim's dog which required surgery.  Kim took, and is taking, Brandi's side in what happened on the show.  Just like an addict has to reach their bottom to deal with addiction, those who are around it and deal with also get to a breaking point.  Kyle is getting to her breaking point. 


As for Brandi,  she's insanely jealous of Kyle and the other women who have happy relationships.  Her blog was...I can't even describe it.  But really Brandi?  Yo and you have a bond because you both would do anything for your kids?  That's special in some way?  As for her relationship with Kim, Brandi has 'five' years of knowing Kim so she gets her.  First of all, she doesn't have five years.  That's how long she's known her.  Try having that monkey on your back for five years, no less twenty or more. 

  • Love 6

Sure she is jealous of Kyle. Kyle has a wonderful family and a husband who loves her and provides her with financial security. What's not to be envious of. I think Kim is envious too but I don't believe Kim hates Kyle even a little bit.

I said hate awhile  back.  Perhaps resents is a better word.  From Kim's recent blogs it seems she is valuing Brandi's friendship over her sister.

  • Love 5

I definitely think that Kim resents Kyle. Not even taking into account the madness that Kim brings and has brought to Kyle's life away from the cameras both before and after show, just focusing on the show, it seems like Kyle treats Kim *a lot* better than Kim treats Kyle. Whether Kim is "sober" or obviously loaded there are examples from every season of her being thoughtless and rude with her sister whereas I feel like Kyle is more respectful of Kim's feelings in general. 


I think that's why I feel so frustrated for Kyle because Kim never seems to recognize that her behavior is indeed terrible. I'm thinking about sober Kim bringing drama to the opening of The Agency and Kyle trying to talk with Kim about why it wasn't a good idea to bring up the Brandi drama to Paul and Adrienne at her husband's event. Kim was impossibly rude to Kyle, she was unapologetic, and even when Kyle points out to Kim that Kim is being rude it's obvious that Kim couldn't care less because she still continues to have attitude with Kyle.


Kyle's support of Kim is apparent on the show whereas Kim's of Kyle is not. I think of all the times that Kyle has listened to Kim and her problems and tried to comfort her and I don't see the same sort of loyalty from Kim. I'm not expecting scenes of Kyle crying to Kim about all of her problems because Kyle is obviously in a much better place than Kim. I think though there are times on the show where Kim could have shown love, loyalty, affection, etc for Kyle but she's refrained from doing so for whatever reason. It seems like Kim's substance abuse issues give her a pass for doing the things that she does because she's supposedly not in her right mind but I'm starting to think that this is just the way Kim is. Kyle seems like she might be arriving at that conclusion too if next week's episode is anything to go by.


Kim too isn't so stupid that she won't realize that she needs to fix it with Kyle but I wonder if Kim will have the nerve to think that Kyle needs to be apologetic about anything with regard to what happened between them that night. Kim's focus was that Kyle said things that were "way wrong" but couldn't even specify what those things were when asked. 


I think Kyle is doing the right thing by telling Kim to fuck off for awhile. Hopefully it'll be like dumping some cold water over Kim's head and she'll wake up and see that she's a fool to throw in her lot and be loyal to Brandi when Kyle has been so supportive of her in the past. 

  • Love 10

I definitely think that Kim resents Kyle. Not even taking into account the madness that Kim brings and has brought to Kyle's life away from the cameras both before and after show, just focusing on the show, it seems like Kyle treats Kim *a lot* better than Kim treats Kyle. Whether Kim is "sober" or obviously loaded there are examples from every season of her being thoughtless and rude with her sister whereas I feel like Kyle is more respectful of Kim's feelings in general.

I think that's why I feel so frustrated for Kyle because Kim never seems to recognize that her behavior is indeed terrible. I'm thinking about sober Kim bringing drama to the opening of The Agency and Kyle trying to talk with Kim about why it wasn't a good idea to bring up the Brandi drama to Paul and Adrienne at her husband's event. Kim was impossibly rude to Kyle, she was unapologetic, and even when Kyle points out to Kim that Kim is being rude it's obvious that Kim couldn't care less because she still continues to have attitude with Kyle.

Kyle's support of Kim is apparent on the show whereas Kim's of Kyle is not. I think of all the times that Kyle has listened to Kim and her problems and tried to comfort her and I don't see the same sort of loyalty from Kim. I'm not expecting scenes of Kyle crying to Kim about all of her problems because Kyle is obviously in a much better place than Kim. I think though there are times on the show where Kim could have shown love, loyalty, affection, etc for Kyle but she's refrained from doing so for whatever reason. It seems like Kim's substance abuse issues give her a pass for doing the things that she does because she's supposedly not in her right mind but I'm starting to think that this is just the way Kim is. Kyle seems like she might be arriving at that conclusion too if next week's episode is anything to go by.

Kim too isn't so stupid that she won't realize that she needs to fix it with Kyle but I wonder if Kim will have the nerve to think that Kyle needs to be apologetic about anything with regard to what happened between them that night. Kim's focus was that Kyle said things that were "way wrong" but couldn't even specify what those things were when asked.

I think Kyle is doing the right thing by telling Kim to fuck off for awhile. Hopefully it'll be like dumping some cold water over Kim's head and she'll wake up and see that she's a fool to throw in her lot and be loyal to Brandi when Kyle has been so supportive of her in the past.

Huh. I have a really different interpretation of events with Kyle and Kim. I think Kim has been really mean and awful to Kyle, but I also think Kyle has been really mean and awful to Kim. I remeber being consistently uncomfortable at how rude Kyle would be to Kim over really dumb stuff in S1. I also feel like Kyle has a tendency to assign Kim an unreasonable amount of guilt in situations when multiple parties are involved. All the fights between Kim and Taylor are one example. The Agency fight was another time I felt that way. Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 4

On the other hand, Kyle's graciousness toward Joyce is why I started to occasionally like her. However, I don't really see how she represents a particularly stark contrast of righteousness on that count. No, she didn't support Brandi's idiocy like Carlton, Yolanda, and Lisa did- and props to her for that. But I don't recall her offering any robust opposition to that ugliness either. She wasn't present for the SUR argument, but I do remember when Joyce was deconstructing Brandi dead to rights (at a golf course?), Kyle was rather reserved and quiet and mostly let Joyce do the talking without adding any opinions. She didn't chime in at the reunion either when Joyce was interacting with Brandi or Yolanda. Maybe that footage is on the cutting room floor, but Kyle still eagerly got into bed with Brandi when it was to her political gain. After the attacks on Joyce, the lawsuit fabrications, the surrogacy reveal, the "you're on meth" remark and its attendant pearl-clutching by Kyle.


The footage that ended up on the cutting room floor, imo, was Kyle being the mean girl that is at her very core. The half-assed defense of Joyce you speak of, in addition to never being able to un-see what a catty bitch she was to Brandi at the fundraiser makes me believe that Kyle would be the first to be tittering in the corner about Joyce's head bouquet.  Or the silly, silly dress she wore to Kyle's Children's Hospital fundraiser.  I'll never believe that Kyle didn't tightly clutch her pearls and dish out loud about Joyce's declaration of love for Michael's big, beautiful pee-pee. Plus, she was jealous that someone actually had better hair than she did.


I thought Joyce was a huge, jazz-handsy dork.  But she was probably harmless.  I think Brandi and Kim are dangerous.

For old time's sake:


  • Love 3

I think it was pretty well understood that Joyce was shilling for Sherry Hill http://www.sherrihill.com/celebrities/ so she would continue to support Joyce's pageant.  Usually one wears something from the store as a show of support.  That dress was hideous.   I don't think Joyce or Kyle ever had an issue.  There wasn't much to defend for Joyce-she was pretty much picked on by Brandi.  What Joyce had working against her-is her father took ill and passed and she missed a ton of filming.  Joyce's  unfortunate pee-pee comments-I just don't see Kyle embarrassing her daughters that way.  By the time the comment came up Carlton had gone into competition with Joyce over their men's penises.


On to other Kyle news-Kyle and Brandi go tot Calgary in September-I wonder if they make up:  http://www.realitytea.com/2014/09/29/david-foster-yolanda-foster-host-miracle-gala-concert-raise-8-2-million-david-foster-foundation-photos/#/slide/1

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

I think it was pretty well understood that Joyce was shilling for Sherry Hill http://www.sherrihill.com/celebrities/ so she would continue to support Joyce's pageant.  Usually one wears something from the store as a show of support.  That dress was hideous.   I don't think Joyce or Kyle ever had an issue.  There wasn't much to defend for Joyce-she was pretty much picked on by Brandi.  What Joyce had working against her-is her father took ill and passed and she missed a ton of filming.  Joyce's  unfortunate pee-pee comments-I just don't see Kyle embarrassing her daughters that way.  By the time the comment came up Carlton had gone into competition with Joyce over their men's penises.


On to other Kyle news-Kyle and Brandi go tot Calgary in September-I wonder if they make up:  http://www.realitytea.com/2014/09/29/david-foster-yolanda-foster-host-miracle-gala-concert-raise-8-2-million-david-foster-foundation-photos/#/slide/1

Hmmmmmm, Yolanda did not post/tweet any photos of her real/non Hollywood friend Brandi? LOL

Huh. I have a really different interpretation of events with Kyle and Kim. I think Kim has been really mean and awful to Kyle, but I also think Kyle has been really mean and awful to Kim. I remeber being consistently uncomfortable at how rude Kyle would be to Kim over really dumb stuff in S1. I also feel like Kyle has a tendency to assign Kim an unreasonable amount of guilt in situations when multiple parties are involved. All the fights between Kim and Taylor are one example. The Agency fight was another time I felt that way.



Kyle was clearly on Paul and Adrienne's side during the whole feud they had with Brandi. I didn't feel like Kyle was putting unreasonable blame on Kim for causing the feud, I just thought she was upset that Kim had to pick the opening party for The Agency knowing perfectly well that it would cause conflict. Kyle asks Kim why she had to do what she did when she did it and Kim has tons of attitude with her. Kyle actually tells her at one point that she doesn't have to be so rude to her and Kim snaps at Kyle, shuts her down, puts her hand up near Kyle's face and says something like "Blah, we're done." When I say that Kim seems like she has a history of being thoughtless and rude with Kyle even during her "sober" periods it's an incident like this that comes to mind. Kim has blown off many family events that Kyle has hosted but Kyle seems like she can always be counted on to attend something that Kim has arranged or has to do with one of Kim's children. Provided that she's invited of course. I remember that incident with Chad's 21st birthday and I felt inclined to believe Kyle's version of events in that she wasn't told about the plans until the very last minute when they were all in the party bus ready to go to Vegas. I don't see Kyle doing things like that to Kim and I feel like these things ties back into the resentment issues that Kim has with Kyle. 

  • Love 4

I am wondering if Yolanda didn't attempt to bring the warring factions together.  I would think Yolanda might have asked Eileen or Lisar.

It is possible that she was trying to be the peace maker inviting both but I am not so sure that Yolanda is that clueless! LOL She may have invited all of the HWs and only Brandi and Kyle could attend for all we know, the others may have bowed out and just sent a donation.

Kyle was clearly on Paul and Adrienne's side during the whole feud they had with Brandi. I didn't feel like Kyle was putting unreasonable blame on Kim for causing the feud, I just thought she was upset that Kim had to pick the opening party for The Agency knowing perfectly well that it would cause conflict. Kyle asks Kim why she had to do what she did when she did it and Kim has tons of attitude with her. Kyle actually tells her at one point that she doesn't have to be so rude to her and Kim snaps at Kyle, shuts her down, puts her hand up near Kyle's face and says something like "Blah, we're done." When I say that Kim seems like she has a history of being thoughtless and rude with Kyle even during her "sober" periods it's an incident like this that comes to mind. Kim has blown off many family events that Kyle has hosted but Kyle seems like she can always be counted on to attend something that Kim has arranged or has to do with one of Kim's children. Provided that she's invited of course. I remember that incident with Chad's 21st birthday and I felt inclined to believe Kyle's version of events in that she wasn't told about the plans until the very last minute when they were all in the party bus ready to go to Vegas. I don't see Kyle doing things like that to Kim and I feel like these things ties back into the resentment issues that Kim has with Kyle. 

The Agency party was a good example of Kim wanting to ruin something important to Kyle IMO. I don't think Kim told Adrienne/Paul then because she was sooooo worried about them but more so to take away from Kyle/Mauricio. We hear Kyle sing Kim's praises on a regular basis but not so Kim about Kyle, her resentment towards Kyle runs deep and controls her even without her being aware IMO. Kyle is not quite as bad but the sibling rivalry is over the top with these sisters, including Kathy. They all have this overwhelming need to 1 up the others even as adults. Most of us leave that childish behavior behind when we get to our mid twenties but no, not these 3! LOL 

  • Love 1

Kyle is like the "green eggs and ham" poem to me. 


I do not like them
In a house.
I do not like them
With a mouse.
I do not like them
Here or there.
I do not like them


Actually, I could choose any stanza of the poem.  Ha.  http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/dr+seuss/green+eggs+and+ham_20208487.html


She just bugs the crap out of me.  I think she's a mean girl, wanna be Queen Bee, childish, immature, selfish, and vindictive woman.  I am so very tired of her victim routine at this point.  It's not that I don't believe she is, or has been one, or won't be one again.  There is just nothing likable about her to me.  She always seems so calculated, until she loses it on camera--about the only time I think we see the real Kyle. 

  • Love 2

Kyle is like the "green eggs and ham" poem to me. 


Actually, I could choose any stanza of the poem.  Ha.  http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/dr+seuss/green+eggs+and+ham_20208487.html


She just bugs the crap out of me.  I think she's a mean girl, wanna be Queen Bee, childish, immature, selfish, and vindictive woman.  I am so very tired of her victim routine at this point.  It's not that I don't believe she is, or has been one, or won't be one again.  There is just nothing likable about her to me.  She always seems so calculated, until she loses it on camera--about the only time I think we see the real Kyle. 

IMO, just mine, she is as you describe but Kim and Brandi are worse. LOL

  • Love 1

To me, it's just not an "either/or."


I can dislike all of them.


Kim or Brandi being assholes doesn't make Kyle LESS of an asshole to me. 


I do think Kyle wanted her camera moment/martyr scene with Kim, for example.  Does that mean Kim or Brandi behaved appropriately?  No.  I do think Brandi's initial reaction was about protecting Kim, by preventing Kyle using her issues for a Bravo scene.  Then it just all disintegrated, and Brandi's subsequent motivations were messier.  Kim really seems to not be able to cope with her extreme love/hate motivations with Kyle, and her (whatever the substance was) tends to make her brave or angry enough to try to "get" Kyle.


I think Brandi was really shocked that Kim wanted to go back.  (To FIGHT.)  She was too inebriated to cope with that.  She certainly should be reflecting on that now though, although maybe she knows more about why Kim dislikes Kyle so much, so understood it, or thinks she does?

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

To me, it's just not an "either/or."


I can dislike all of them.


I *do* dislike them all.  Well, except Eileen and Lisa R.  But Lisa R is going to disappoint me, soon.  And Eileen will, too, eventually.  They all do.  {{{{sob}}}}


Kim or Brandi being assholes doesn't make Kyle LESS of an asshole to me.


I agree with your whole post.  But I especially like that part.  Take out any of their names and fill in the blanks with someone else's.  They're interchangeable like that.  Across all franchises, even.

  • Love 3

To me, it's just not an "either/or."


I can dislike all of them.


Kim or Brandi being assholes doesn't make Kyle LESS of an asshole to me. 


I do think Kyle wanted her camera moment/martyr scene with Kim, for example.  Does that mean Kim or Brandi behaved appropriately?  No.  I do think Brandi's initial reaction was about protecting Kim, by preventing Kyle using her issues for a Bravo scene.  Then it just all disintegrated, and Brandi's subsequent motivations were messier.  Kim really seems to not be able to cope with her extreme love/hate motivations with Kyle, and her (whatever the substance was) tends to make her brave or angry enough to try to "get" Kyle.


I think Brandi was really shocked that Kim wanted to go back.  (To FIGHT.)  She was too inebriated to cope with that.  She certainly should be reflecting on that now though, although maybe she knows more about why Kim dislikes Kyle so much, so understood it, or thinks she does?

I think Brandi has latched onto Kim like she did with Lisa, then Yolanda and then tried to do with Kyle because there is no one left. IMO, she is counting on Kyle protecting Kim's Bravo paycheck and thinks they will keep her for Kim, thus protecting her paycheck.


I'm not convinced that Kyle was making a play for more camera time when she followed Kim out of Eileen's house that night. Of course it is a strong possibility but it is also possible that she was taken aback at Kim's abrupt mood change toward her. Kyle did not try to stop Kim from leaving initially and did not try to step in front of the cameras then, that happened only after Kim's snarky "Thanks" to her when she came back into the house. At that point, it is possible that both Kyle and Brandi were trying to get extra camera time and only Kim was oblivious to everything because she was so high at the time.


That Kim and Brandi seemed to team up, IMO for camera time, does make them more vile than Kyle at that time and does lessen her behavior some what. I really do not care for the sisters, I see more ugly behavior in common than not but Brandi leads with the vile behavior overall. LOL     JMO

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 4

To me, it's just not an "either/or."


I can dislike all of them.


Kim or Brandi being assholes doesn't make Kyle LESS of an asshole to me. 


I do think Kyle wanted her camera moment/martyr scene with Kim, for example.  Does that mean Kim or Brandi behaved appropriately?  No.  I do think Brandi's initial reaction was about protecting Kim, by preventing Kyle using her issues for a Bravo scene.  Then it just all disintegrated, and Brandi's subsequent motivations were messier.  Kim really seems to not be able to cope with her extreme love/hate motivations with Kyle, and her (whatever the substance was) tends to make her brave or angry enough to try to "get" Kyle.


I think Brandi was really shocked that Kim wanted to go back.  (To FIGHT.)  She was too inebriated to cope with that.  She certainly should be reflecting on that now though, although maybe she knows more about why Kim dislikes Kyle so much, so understood it, or thinks she does?

As noble as Brandi was trying to be-Kim had not asked to leave-Brandi was shepherding Kim around like an errant member of the flock.  In defense of many  of these ladies whatever the franchise-they are given a schedule and time frame for filming on a particular day.  If the schedule limo pick up 7 pm each RH knows from then on they are on camera.  My guess is this event was blocked from 7-12 pm.  When Brandi just up and decided to cut the event short on Kim's behalf-Brandi had every intention of going back in for more camera time and apparently did as there is film in the extra footage.   They are paying a production crew and shooting was cut short earlier in the week when the hotel screwed up and did a full on wine tasting instead of a luncheon.  So at this point they are close to midway through shooting and all they have are a wine toss, and a bunch of evergreen scenes and kids going to college.


I will say in this instance between Kim and Kyle in reminded me far more of "Dinner Party from Hell" at Camille's than Game Night.  Kyle is getting blasted Kim sits there and when shit hits the fan Kim decides to pick a fight with Taylor.  A drunken Kim that night goes back into the house stumbles and thanks Camille for the nice time she had.  Kim then-because she lives in the opposite direction, is put in a limo and sent to Westlake-where she lives.  Kim is unhappy about being cut from the herd and keeps calling Kyle in the limo where the group is- Adrienne, Taylor, Kyle, Lisa, and Faye.  Kim then calls out Kyle for not letting her go for a drink after the dinner party.  I just don't think there was any way come hell or high water that Kyle was just going to let Brandi pack Kim off in a limo.  It didn't appear to me to be the usual let's hash this out on camera as Kim and Kyle had secured a spot in the driveway and KYLE suggested Kim whisper.  Brandi was the one that kept bringing the camera drama. 


Another instance of someone having to say something is Kyle with the Wiccan thing.  The audience knew Carlton was Wiccan but there is no way that the audience would know  all the other ladies knew and Carlton knew they knew, unless someone asked a question.  Lyme brain when blogging about said she didn't need to ask because she Googled it. Which good for Yolanda but it does nothing to convey the message to the viewers.   Carlton perhaps instead beating around the bush could have brought it up earlier but the viewers need to be aware that the cast knows and Carlton knows they know she is a witch. 


On key cast people leaving when they are not getting good camera time or in the case of Kim stoned.  Lisa did it in Puerto Rico and again at the finale.  The finale was only 30 minutes long with the balance of it focusing on getting ready for the Reunion.  Same with Puerto Rico they lost probably the better part of an episode with Lisa and Ken disappearing.  I will say this about Lisa-when Brandi was getting her ass handed to her on a platter and Yolanda ushered her out at SUR dinner last year, Lisa was the one that appeared peeved at Yolanda for taking it upon herself to do such a thing.  That dinner had two shows riding on it.  Lisa did the same thing in Palm Springs when Kyle and Yolanda got up from the dinner table-Lisa was there ensuring the cameras would follow.  So to me even though it is a reality show-they are still paid hacks and need to stay until they finish filming.  Voluntary intoxication is not an excuse to leave early and be able to keep your job.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

It was not an act, when Paris's sex tape became public, it was reported that Big Kathy was very proud of her grand daughter and she and Little Kathy helped Paris use it for celebrity status/to make money!  They are 1 very twisted/sick family. IMO, Kyle's saving grace was/is her mother in-law.  Kim looks to sister Kathy and now Brandi as her protectors and guides in life! Scary sad!


I think you're on to something about the mother-in-law, but I think there may have been a few other factors.  Since Big Kathy seemed to spend the greatest amount of time accompanying Kim on set, Kyle had less "nurturing" from her mother.  That may have led to spending more time with her father, who seems a saint when compared to the Dugans.  Kyle also converted to Judaism, and perhaps that helped ground her.  She also married a man who didn't come from Hollywood, and seems to share her values when it comes to prioritizing children and family.


I think Little Kathy is the worst kind of protector and guide.  I believe she was a major enabler of Kim's, but I also think she was on Kim's side when it didn't take up too much of her time to do it.  Kind of like how she's with the four Hilton kids - shower them with money and love, but don't trouble yourself doing anything hard like discipline, setting boundaries, teaching empathy, humility, etc.

  • Love 1

 At that point, it is possible that both Kyle and Brandi were trying to get extra camera time and only Kim was oblivious to everything because she was so high at the time.


That Kim and Brandi seemed to team up, IMO for camera time, does make them more vile than Kyle at that time and does lessen her behavior some what. I really do not care for the sisters, I see more ugly behavior in common than not but Brandi leads with the vile behavior overall. LOL     JMO

 I just remember that sad assed stalking JR plot that Bravo subjected us to. I didn't watch it, I just fast forwarded past Lurch and Baby Jane.

  • Love 1

I think you're on to something about the mother-in-law, but I think there may have been a few other factors.  Since Big Kathy seemed to spend the greatest amount of time accompanying Kim on set, Kyle had less "nurturing" from her mother.  That may have led to spending more time with her father, who seems a saint when compared to the Dugans.  Kyle also converted to Judaism, and perhaps that helped ground her.  She also married a man who didn't come from Hollywood, and seems to share her values when it comes to prioritizing children and family.


I think Little Kathy is the worst kind of protector and guide.  I believe she was a major enabler of Kim's, but I also think she was on Kim's side when it didn't take up too much of her time to do it.  Kind of like how she's with the four Hilton kids - shower them with money and love, but don't trouble yourself doing anything hard like discipline, setting boundaries, teaching empathy, humility, etc.

My friend who grew up with the Richards said Dodo, who lived with Kathy and the girls (Kyle's grandmother) and her other children are quite nice and well respected-they all live on the east coast for the most part on Long Island.  As a matter of fact one of Big Kathy's brothers had restaurant that was featured on RHONYC-sadly it was lost to Superstorm Sandy.  Big Kathy was always the stand out in the family.  I don't know how the time was divided but as child actors they have to have a parent on the set and Mr. Richards worked so that was left to Big Kathy and Dodo to accompany Kim or Kyle on the set. 


I love Kyle's mother-in-law, she and Eduardo are good examples of how to behave post divorce.  Kyle tweets pictures from Portia's classroom and Eduardo will be helping for the day.  She co-hosts a radio show http://www.latalkradio.com/Today.php


She just bugs the crap out of me.  I think she's a mean girl, wanna be Queen Bee, childish, immature, selfish, and vindictive woman.  I am so very tired of her victim routine at this point.  real Kyle. 

But is Kyle the one who plays the victim routine the most on this show? They all do it. The entire basis of the show is about someone saying something about you, or accusing you of something, and you defend yourself, thereby being a victim in some way. This is the way the show works. Some clearly play the victim more than others. To me, when it gets annoying is when they do something horrible, and then become the victim because of the way folks judge the terrible thing that they did. To me this makes Brandi far and away the biggest one to play the victim on this, or probably any of the RH shows (save for Teresa G). Wasn't her entire first season about her being the victim of Eddie and Leanne? And her 3rd season? Didn't she literally write a book - or two - about being a victim? Wasn't she then a victim of Adrienne's, even though she was the one who actually did the terrible thing? Then she was the victim to Mauricio and Faye, who dared to give their opinion about the terrible thing? Didn't Brandi sit on the curb outside of Kyle's house because actually hearing someone tell her she had done a terrible thing was too much to handle? Everyone suddenly felt sorry for Brandi, even though she was the one who was wrong. Wasn't she the victim of Lisa when she started paying attention to Scheana? She was actually able to turn the Joyce thing around to make herself the victim. After she said something that many people besides Joyce felt was racist, she was mad at Joyce for calling her a Racist. She said it could hurt her custody arrangements with Eddie, so suddenly once again Brandi does the terrible thing, but plays herself as the victim in the aftermath.  


Come to think of it, has Brandi ever had any storyline where she wasn't in fact the victim? 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 7

When I think of Kyle I think of the person who is most likely to make a decision and be criticized for it.  She tends to get herself in situations where there more grey area than black and white.  One example is turning Taylor and Russell away from the White Party-she obviously felt bad and even went so far as to take a straw poll but there was no right or wrong answer and she got criticism from all sides.   Same with agreeing and encouraging Kim to join the cast-I think Kyle thought Kim has never misbehaved on the set and this will be just like when she was acting and that did not turn out well at all for her.   I think she would be more sympathetic to many if once she made a choice she didn't show her uncertainty.


For the most part Kyle is honest but the exception is her sister and health and sobriety.  There is just no way she will ever depart from the Kim Richards script again.  In sticking to the script there is now an * next to her name when it comes to honesty.  One area that I believe she tends to allow herself to get victimized is in the Mauricio cheating rumors.  I have no idea if they are true or not but Kyle must know as soon as he became such a public figure there will always be those that will bring up infidelity rumors.  Her reaction is such that she invites the anti-Kyle forces and certain cast members an easy target to unhinge her.  I feel worse for Mauricio because he has to deal with Kyle once the allegations are made. 


Brandi on the other hand thrives on victimhood.  I will never forget after her unfortunate choices regarding Joyce the world was suppose to feel sorry for her because someone at Home Depot called her a racist.  The world is suppose to feel sorry for her because Lisa has a staff/cast person in her life that Brandi is fine around apparently off camera but becomes such a victim if she is subjected to her on camera.

  • Love 3

I think Kyle likes to feel needed and a bit superior. That's why she loved Taylor. Taylor was just as much, if not more of a mess than Kim, She was needy, clingy and manipulative and Kyle loved the attention and adoration that came from Taylor. No one else could stand her and her antics but Kyle. She likes playing the part of supporting troubled people as long as they properly appreciate her. Now, I like Kyle. She can be fun and I think she is a loving mother and wife. I just don't understand why we have to pick one or the other. They are all flawed just like we are. People are complicated and we really don't have any idea all that makes them who they are or get any real sense of them except in a 2 dimensional way. So, I would never choose to be friends with Brandi but her issues are complicated and nothing is black and white. We are also at the mercy of Bravo and their narrative editing that shapes perception by showing some scenes and not others and even in scenes we are shown, they edit them is such a way that makes things appear very different from what really happened.

Edited by Higgins
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I lost count somewhere after 11 "fucks" or their the derivatives with Kyle tonight.  Anyone get a full count?  No more pearl clutching when Brandi says it for you Kyle.

I real this all the time. When has Kyle ever clutched pearls over Brandi specifically saying "fuck"? Kyle says, and has said it over and over again since S1. 


I think that people seem to get caught up in the word and not the connotation. I assume this all started in S3 in Ojai? When Brandi yelled down the table "shut the fuck up"? I don't think Kyle had a problem with the word "fuck", or she never said that she did. I think her reaction would have been the same had Brandi screamed "shut the hell up". It wasn't that word, it was the aggression in the moment, and the fact that she screamed it all the way down a table in a nice restaurant where folks were enjoying their Salmon. No one knew why Brandi was suddenly screaming at Adrienne and in the moment it was shocking to everyone. Even Lisa, who initially defended Brandi in front of everyone, later told Brandi privately that she couldn't behave that way. 


Brandi can say "fuck, fuck, fuck" all day long and I don't think anyone really cares that much about the word in itself. It is the times she uses it and the way that she uses it that is the problem. That and talking about "finger banging" at dinner parties. 

  • Love 5

I lost count somewhere after 11 "fucks" or their the derivatives with Kyle tonight. Anyone get a full count? No more pearl clutching when Brandi says it for you Kyle.

To me there's a bug difference in yelling out "fuck you" during a fight and asking a person at a dinner party "so how many times a week do you fuck your husband" (or insert any other random and inappropriate time to speak like that).

  • Love 2

I real this all the time. When has Kyle ever clutched pearls over Brandi specifically saying "fuck"? Kyle says, and has said it over and over again since S1. 


I think that people seem to get caught up in the word and not the connotation. I assume this all started in S3 in Ojai? When Brandi yelled down the table "shut the fuck up"? I don't think Kyle had a problem with the word "fuck", or she never said that she did. I think her reaction would have been the same had Brandi screamed "shut the hell up". It wasn't that word, it was the aggression in the moment, and the fact that she screamed it all the way down a table in a nice restaurant where folks were enjoying their Salmon. No one knew why Brandi was suddenly screaming at Adrienne and in the moment it was shocking to everyone. Even Lisa, who initially defended Brandi in front of everyone, later told Brandi privately that she couldn't behave that way. 


Brandi can say "fuck, fuck, fuck" all day long and I don't think anyone really cares that much about the word in itself. It is the times she uses it and the way that she uses it that is the problem. That and talking about "finger banging" at dinner parties. 

I don't see Kyle being any more or less appalled at Brandi's behavior than anyone else.  Brandi's STFU - to me it was telling someone to shut up that was rude the rest was just icing on the cake.  Eileen wanted the swearing toned down at her home because her son was upstairs-probably more of a volume thing that the actual word-in that case I think both Rinna and Kyle were more offended by the repeated use of the word "stupid".   Brandi making the fingerbanging comment, criticizing the size of the diamond at Fosters pretty much turned everyone off except maybe Kim, who at this point seems to have a girl crush on Brandi.


I have never gotten that Kyle objects to the word FUCK unless it is in the presence of children.  I do think the term "pearl clutching" gets used on this board more than any place on the planet.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

I have never gotten that Kyle objects to the word FUCK unless it is in the presence of children. 


I don't think she's much bothered by it either.  Which is what bothers me. LOL.  I was really surprised how easily it rolled off her tongue.  Makes me think she uses is on the regular. I don't know why, it just surprised me.  I'll cop to using it on this forum on occasion but rarely IRL. Not because I'm some bastion of propriety, but because as a former school teacher in the public school system I heard it used casually as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb from kids as young as 7 all the way up. It's likely the norm in private schools, too. And when it's used 20 times in a 30 minute conversation it makes me weep for the English language.  And yeah, then I do get kind of judgey then.


Kyle using it so often, in anger and in jest, shows me that it's just another word for her.  Which it is.  It's just a word.  So she and Brandi are on the same page there.

  • Love 2

I use the word numerous times a day without shame. It doesn't even require anger of any type to be used.

It's my favorite word because it can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, etc. Some people curse, some don't. It isn't any measurement of intelligence or class. Of course I also hate the word classy because it is always used as a way to put people down.

  • Love 4

I don't think she's much bothered by it either.  Which is what bothers me. LOL.  I was really surprised how easily it rolled off her tongue.  Makes me think she uses is on the regular. I don't know why, it just surprised me.  I'll cop to using it on this forum on occasion but rarely IRL. Not because I'm some bastion of propriety, but because as a former school teacher in the public school system I heard it used casually as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb from kids as young as 7 all the way up. It's likely the norm in private schools, too. And when it's used 20 times in a 30 minute conversation it makes me weep for the English language.  And yeah, then I do get kind of judgey then.


Kyle using it so often, in anger and in jest, shows me that it's just another word for her.  Which it is.  It's just a word.  So she and Brandi are on the same page there.

I confess it is my all time favorite word.  I have this in common with Brandi, which considering the things I could have in common with her, doesn't seem so bad.  I never used it in front of my kids when they were young, and now that they are grown, still rarely do. My 20 year old son heard me say it recently, and he was shocked and asked me when I had starting using profanity. Listening, my husband almost choked on his wine because I have always had somewhat of a potty mouth. I just did a really good job job of always hiding it from my kids. Always. Kyle has always said the word. This use to be the biggest beef that folks over on the Bravo board had about her - that she would use the word, but become offended by some of the things that Brandi would say. Apples and spaceships, IMO. 

  • Love 3



Just kidding.  I'm just sorry that it's become so overused that it's said in front of little kids at sporting events, the grocery store - I heard it in the dentist waiting room, ten times in five minutes by some clown on his cell phone.  (See the sign, Bozo?  No Cellphones???)  At the gym.  Why must you scream, "FUUUUUUCKKKK" when you've finished that grueling set and not just grunt like everyone else?


Just a pet peeve. Some people don't like the word 'moist' but will use 'fuck' in every other sentence.

  • Love 2



Just kidding.  I'm just sorry that it's become so overused that it's said in front of little kids at sporting events, the grocery store - I heard it in the dentist waiting room, ten times in five minutes by some clown on his cell phone.  (See the sign, Bozo?  No Cellphones???)  At the gym.  Why must you scream, "FUUUUUUCKKKK" when you've finished that grueling set and not just grunt like everyone else?


Just a pet peeve. Some people don't like the word 'moist' but will use 'fuck' in every other sentence.

It's funny you said that because moist does sound much "dirtier" to me.

Edited by Higgins
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It's funny you said that because moist does sound much "dirtier" to me.

I read an article a long time ago about why 'moist' is so bothersome for some people.  It had to do with it being one syllable, such a clipped word.  What it could possibly represent.  It was funny and very true. I'll look for it.


When Heather Thomson was on her 'Mother Fucker Tour' of Season 6 in NYC, I'll admit that made me judge her harshly.  I'll also admit that had she instead been yelling, 'Mother Moistness'  - it would have been dirtier for me, too. LOL

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 1

I read an article a long time ago about why 'moist' is so bothersome for some people.  It had to do with it being one syllable, such a clipped word.  What it could possibly represent.  It was funny and very true. I'll look for it.


When Heather Thomson was on her 'Mother Fucker Tour' of Season 6 in NYC, I'll admit that made me judge her harshly.  I'll also admit that had she instead been yelling, 'Mother Moistness'  - it would have been dirtier for me, too. LOL

This is so educational.  I had no idea there was a thing about the word "moist". I have never heard this before. 


Ryebread, I would love to read the article if you find it.  Dinner conversation for later. 

  • Love 2

This is so educational.  I had no idea there was a thing about the word "moist". I have never heard this before. 


Ryebread, I would love to read the article if you find it.  Dinner conversation for later. 

Seriously?  It's a thing.  For real.  You westsiders are so behind the times.  If you do discuss this at dinner, do it with dessert.  I hope your cake is moist.



If you're looking for a way to turn someone from a reasonable adult into a whiny, squeamish baby within seconds, try dropping the word "moist" into your conversation. In fact, "moist" is so effective in derailing a whatever it is that you're talking about that I'm willing to bet cold hard cash that some of you are even flinching at your computer screen just having read it, but why does everyone hate such a seemingly innocuous word?


This is for those of you that are more visual. Pretty funny.


  • Love 1

Seriously?  It's a thing.  For real.  You westsiders are so behind the times.  If you do discuss this at dinner, do it with dessert.  I hope your cake is moist.




This is for those of you that are more visual. Pretty funny.


I seriously cannot overstate what a revelation this is to me. How have I never known that this is a disturbing/disgusting/not-to-be-said word? 

  • Love 2

The guy is obviously a total tool but I question trying to restrain a sleeping passenger.  A little like Gulliver's Travels.


If he plays his cars right he could probably join Joe Giudice in a Club Fed.

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