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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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I've never said they competed for roles, and it complete misstates comments, including mine, about the competition the girls felt.  It wasn't to get this role or that role, it was to get ANY roles, bring in money and fame for momma.


Kim got roles at various ages that Kyle passed through.  Kyle RARELY did, and certainly never got anywhere near Kim's level of fame.  Big Kathy's friend, and later Kim's friend, until the pit bull bit her a second time, said that she saw that competition, and saw Kathy's favortism play out all the damn time.


It has nothing to do with specific roles, and everything to do with who was bringing home the money and magazine spreads.  Kyle?  Not so much, even when she reached Kim's age when Kim began. 


I think that is at the root of their disfunction, and the reason Kyle rubbed in (according to Kim on this show) that Kyle enjoyed a lot of friends her age and going to a regular school for almost all of her childhood (since she wasn't working much, and never in starring roles.)  I think it's normal for siblings to squabble about that, as normal as "I'm the biggest so shut up."  The added pressure from momma-dearest about earning money just ramped it up, and ramped up the insecurities of both girls, and the way to rub it in to each other.


"Neeeaaaa nah!  I'm going to a slumber party and and you are NOT!"  "Neeeaah neaah!  You aren't pretty enough or talented like I am, they NEVER hire you!"  I really believe it all began then.  I also pretty much think Kim's drug and booze habit began on sets, to stay awake, or to calm down, like many child stars.  They are much more protected now than then.  Sibling rivalry exists, these girls just had better weapons.

  • Love 7

here is a throwback picture of Kim and Kyle in/at Kathy's wedding:  824-kyle-richards-pantene-poster-girl  This is one reason I find it ludicrous when people write Kim and Kyle competed for roles.  Kyle wisely decided NOT to be a hairdresser.  https://www.instagram.com/p/BBppPNpP9Qy/?taken-by=kylerichards18

Wow. Kathy looks like a child bride.

With that head of hair and her mama's pimpage, Kyle could have been a great celebrity hairstylist, IMO.

How many people heard of Vidal Sassoon worldwide and how many people heard of Kyle Umansky?

Yes, I rest my case. ;-)

  • Love 2

I've never said they competed for roles, and it complete misstates comments, including mine, about the competition the girls felt.  It wasn't to get this role or that role, it was to get ANY roles, bring in money and fame for momma.


Kim got roles at various ages that Kyle passed through.  Kyle RARELY did, and certainly never got anywhere near Kim's level of fame.  Big Kathy's friend, and later Kim's friend, until the pit bull bit her a second time, said that she saw that competition, and saw Kathy's favortism play out all the damn time.


It has nothing to do with specific roles, and everything to do with who was bringing home the money and magazine spreads.  Kyle?  Not so much, even when she reached Kim's age when Kim began. 


I think that is at the root of their disfunction, and the reason Kyle rubbed in (according to Kim on this show) that Kyle enjoyed a lot of friends her age and going to a regular school for almost all of her childhood (since she wasn't working much, and never in starring roles.)  I think it's normal for siblings to squabble about that, as normal as "I'm the biggest so shut up."  The added pressure from momma-dearest about earning money just ramped it up, and ramped up the insecurities of both girls, and the way to rub it in to each other.


"Neeeaaaa nah!  I'm going to a slumber party and and you are NOT!"  "Neeeaah neaah!  You aren't pretty enough or talented like I am, they NEVER hire you!"  I really believe it all began then.  I also pretty much think Kim's drug and booze habit began on sets, to stay awake, or to calm down, like many child stars.  They are much more protected now than then.  Sibling rivalry exists, these girls just had better weapons.

It has been said here repeatedly and I am simply pointing out as I have before there was an age difference that would not support one or other going after the same role. You may not have said it but others have,  I am sure there were comments about one or the landing or not landing roles.  Kim had at least four series during her childhood, although she was never a star-she was a series regular and that is huge.  And by star I mean she was not the lead in the series.


Kim had every opportunity to attend school-she was in fact enrolled in school, as all child actors have to be.  That is where the child actor's school work comes from-the school they attend. The fact she chose to drop out has nothing to do with Kyle.  Kyle worked while she was in school she just happened to like being around people.  Look at Kim today-all she can latch on to as a BFF is Brandi?  A old woman who she reclaimed a friendship with (after bashing she and her mother in a book) and the woman's daughter?  (Oops Kim's dog attacked the old woman and sued her-she is off the list.)  On set tutoring has nothing to do with whether or not you have a starring role.  The way it works is you first have your school time and then you do your acting.  So if you are scheduled to shoot that day-you would have your tutor and complete your school day and then work.  Even in sit coms in todays world they shoot two episodes a week and not every scene has every actor.


When Kim waxes nostalgically about her growing up it is all about the famous people they hung out with and other child actors.  I am going to take a wild guess but I bet Kim never went to Dick Van Patten's home.  As Vincent said, "there is reality and then there is reality TV." 


ETA-The parent of the child is on the set with the child so I am thinking the kids aren't drinking and boozing to stay awake.  Even Kim has never said she was under the influence as a child at work.  I think they saved their partying for after hours.  And yes when the Kim would get together with whatever version of the brat pack she was running with I do think they did smoke, drink, probably did drugs.  I just don't think Mama or Grandma or the tutor were juicing it up on the set.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Meh, none of the Richards sisters showed any interest in scholarly pursuits and at that time it was totally ok to go the marriage route.

Big Kathy pushed her girls to marry well and obviously that tradition is upheld to this day.

As far as Kim, I am pretty sure that she started using on sets.

It just is so easy and part of the culture anyways....

Her mother had addiction issues as well so who knows, what really went down in this household?

Kyle took the path of least resistance IMO however it is undeniable that the tide has turned and that it is her turn to shine among her 3 sisters.

She just doesn't have to be a bitch about it, and all the gloating is ungraceful ,IMO.

  • Love 4

If all the housewives were lined up and each was given an ego test, I've always felt that Kyle would come in with the highest score.  They all have egos, no doubt about it, but Kyle's ego trumps them all.  She doesn't seem to care about how some of her remarks sound or some of her acts seem, she'll still continue to make the same misjudgments because her ego tells her that she's sensational. 


I always fall back on the same two examples -- twirling her hair and doing the splits -- but if I tried, I could come up with 50.  Kyle is a grown woman, so she HAS to know that she makes a fool of herself time and time again, but her ego tells her that she's cute, clever, entertaining, and highly humorous.  Even Portia has begun to take on some of her mother's mannerisms and expressions, a natural thing for a little girl to do, but unfortunately that little "I'm cute" attitude is beginning to creep in.


I don't hate Kyle, but she does irritate me.  She's too old to behave the way she does.  Even her mean moments are driven by her ego, such as inviting Faye to her BBQ and seating her across from Kathryn or wearing a gown to her own BBQ to outshine the others.  No matter how you slice it, Kyle has the ego to put her at the head of the class, and I wish someone would tone her down.  Put a lid on it, Kyle, and act your age.

  • Love 3

I've never said they competed for roles, and it complete misstates comments, including mine, about the competition the girls felt. It wasn't to get this role or that role, it was to get ANY roles, bring in money and fame for momma.

Kim got roles at various ages that Kyle passed through. Kyle RARELY did, and certainly never got anywhere near Kim's level of fame. Big Kathy's friend, and later Kim's friend, until the pit bull bit her a second time, said that she saw that competition, and saw Kathy's favortism play out all the damn time.

It has nothing to do with specific roles, and everything to do with who was bringing home the money and magazine spreads. Kyle? Not so much, even when she reached Kim's age when Kim began.

I think that is at the root of their disfunction, and the reason Kyle rubbed in (according to Kim on this show) that Kyle enjoyed a lot of friends her age and going to a regular school for almost all of her childhood (since she wasn't working much, and never in starring roles.) I think it's normal for siblings to squabble about that, as normal as "I'm the biggest so shut up." The added pressure from momma-dearest about earning money just ramped it up, and ramped up the insecurities of both girls, and the way to rub it in to each other.

"Neeeaaaa nah! I'm going to a slumber party and and you are NOT!" "Neeeaah neaah! You aren't pretty enough or talented like I am, they NEVER hire you!" I really believe it all began then. I also pretty much think Kim's drug and booze habit began on sets, to stay awake, or to calm down, like many child stars. They are much more protected now than then. Sibling rivalry exists, these girls just had better weapons.

And if Big Kathy was really narcissistic in the clinical sense (npd), she would have used typical divide-and-conquer tactics, pitting the girls against each other as they fought for her attention and approval. Narcissistic mothers constantly undermine trust between siblings because the last thing they want is the kids comparing notes and uniting against them. Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5

"No Assholes" is the basic tenant of The Agency. It was the premise upon Mo starting his own agency - you can't work for the Agency if you are an asshole. Every decision the employees make needs to be guided by whether or not the decision makes them an asshole. So, it would make sense that it would be visibly posted around the office.


He most likely should not have posted a picture of Portia in front of the sign without cropping the sign out, but I think the phrase is so ingrained in the company culture that he most likely didn't think about it. I can't get really be bothered by it because it is no different than posting a picture of her in front of one of those "Inspiration" posters that were so popular a few years ago. At least that's how I see it, mileage always varies. 


Neither Kim nor Kathy speak with Kyle.  We know there is bad blood between Kyle and Kim and bad blood between Kathy's husband and Mauricio.  Seems as if Kyle and Mauricio handle certain things in ways that piss others off for this kind of familial track record.


They are an odd pair to me.  They lack a level of sensitivity that many of us have and can't seem to comprehend how certain comments and actions impact others.  I don't think they are bad people, but they need to learn how to better see and understand the perspective of others.  Kyle talks alot about being compared to her mother.  That's not saying much if the Hilton biography is to be believed.  I think Kyle and Mauricio are two peas in a pod.  They are out for number one - which isn't necessarily a bad thing - they just take it too far.


Kim is the exact opposite.   She's had some challenges in life and is super sensitive - so much so that she has problems seeing things objectively.


I think therapy could help them all reconcile but they'd need a good, hard-ass therapist and they'd need to work at it.  Kyle pisses me off because she says time and time again that "nothing can be done" with her and Kim, but that's not true. What she is really saying is that she is not willing to work at it nor is she trying to see Kim's perspective.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 5

Kyle is insecure and Mauricio feeds her insecurities, IMO.

It is remarkable that his mother is a psychologist.

Boy, she must have a field day with the Richards/Hilton.

On a super shallow note, she looks just like Maurice with a wig.

she and her son resemble sharks.

I totally agree with Jextella that things can change for the best or the worst for that matter but since they are still stuck in the status quo regarding their childhood, it is going to be difficult, IMO.

  • Love 5

And if Big Kathy was really narcissistic in the clinical sense (npd), she would have used typical divide-and-conquer tactics, pitting the girls against each other as they fought for her attention and approval. Narcissistic mothers constantly undermine trust between siblings because the last thing they want is the kids comparing notes and uniting against them.

Their mother wanted her girls and family to be supportive of each other.  What she did not count on was Kim becoming an alcoholic.  For almost 50 years these sisters stood by each other.  It has only been in the last five years or so their relationships came apart publicly.  There is just no way the kids would all have independent close relationships with Kathy and Kyle if there was so much insistence on divide.  Even on her deathbed Kyle was tasked with taking care of Kim.  So I think they competed for their mother's attention-absolutely just like many other siblings but I also think iron hand Big Kathy made the sisters close.  To me, the issues hit when Kyle took the reigns on the RHBH and Mauricio opened his own agency.  The starter was the limo scene for which Kim and Kathy have never forgiven Kyle.  Because pretending Kim didn't have an addiction problem was working so well for the lot of them.  It is okay though for Kathy to drag Kim on Dr. Phil.


Twice during Big Kathy's lifetime Kathy and Rick lived in New York and Kyle was the one living in California, Kim bounced about but Kyle was the anchor child, never straying from Bel Air.  When mom was alive she was in constant contact with her daughters as in two or three times daily with phone calls.  Do I think Big Kathy was a narcissist -I do but I also think her bigger misjudgments had to do with pretending everything was okay with Kim.   I am sure Big Kathy would have been mortified of her little Star's (Paris Hilton's) video tape and subsequent bad behavior recorded by the press.   


Kathy and Kyle have too many cross over good friends.  Most of whom have elected to stay out of the fray between Mauricio and Rick.  Kim and Kyle speak, but to me it seems that they have to kept their distance from one another.  Kim has had a really bad 18 months with her drinking and recovery and Kyle can't do anything about it.  There is no sense in Kyle inserting herself when Kim doesn't want her around.   Kim can't blame Kyle or her mother or Monty's illness and subsequent death for her using drugs and alcohol-Kim drinks and uses drugs because she is an alcoholic and an addict and refuses to do the work to stay sober. For Kyle to insist on inserting herself would be on Kyle and her ego. (A little note to Brandi on that comment-first Kyle needs to take care of herself and her family.) Far more important in Kyle's life are her daughters and husband.  Kim has shown repeatedly she will hurt Kyle's husband and children because in addition to being an addict she is a evil bitch.

  • Love 6

Kyle is insecure and Mauricio feeds her insecurities, IMO.

It is remarkable that his mother is a psychologist.

Boy, she must have a field day with the Richards/Hilton.

On a super shallow note, she looks just like Maurice with a wig.

she and her son resemble sharks.

I totally agree with Jextella that things can change for the best or the worst for that matter but since they are still stuck in the status quo regarding their childhood, it is going to be difficult, IMO.

I think the same thing about Mauricio and his mother on all counts.  Esp. the shark resemblance!


My take on the snippets of the Hilton bio is this.  The mom was a gold-digger and she imparted a "marry rich" mentality proactively and aggressively to her girls.  Kathy fled the home at a very young age because it was too tumultuous if I recall correctly - leaving Kim and Kyle alone with the mom.  Kim's career did overshadow Kyle's and paid the family bills.


I did sense that the mom loved her girls deeply and that her gold-digging ways weren't all about her but rather to better the positions of her daughters.  She was just a little misguided in how to do it.  Jealously among the siblings didn't seem to be an issue.  Kathy quickly married very rich and Kyle idolized her mother and has teflon skin.  She just doesn't let stuff get to her the way it does many others.


Kim struggled from a very young age and it has continued through adulthood.  My take on this as well as some comments she made while on the show  indicate she didn't put her mom on a pedestal like Kyle does and that she has some built-up resentment for being pushed too hard as a child star, i.e. she turned into the family paycheck. Kyle may have worked a bit but Kim was the breadwinner.


Kim also lost one of her boyfriends to murder when she was in her 20's.  She was on the phone with him when the guy was shot.  He was supposed to be a crook, so whatever....but it doesn't negate the trauma Kim experienced.  That was a tough thing for her to go through.


The soured relatinship between her and Kyle dates back to well before the RHBH - and part of it has to do with the home that Kim basically paid for with her child-acting work.  At some point Kyle and Mauricio took it.  Could be Kim wasn't able to afford it and was drinking too much - or whatever.  Doesn't matter IMO ...   Kyle and Mauricio have more than enough and they could have let the house be for Kim and move on.  Material stuff trumped trumped family for them.  Not sure how this could be described as "taking care of Kim" either.  How in the world did Kyle and Mauricio not understand this would due a number on Kim. I don't get how they didn't get it.


This is my interpretation - take it at that.  I'm team Kim all the way.  It's sad she can't get things together for herself and she's kind of turning into an angry person, but I also get how life can become so difficult that people check out. 


Addiction, IMO, is all about coping skills.  Some thing needs to be coped with and the person going through it doesn't have to necessary tools - or will - to cope with it effectively.   Kim wasn't born with the teflon skin Kyle was born with. And neither her experiences nor perceptions are the same as Kyles.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 6


I think therapy could help them all reconcile but they'd need a good, hard-ass therapist and they'd need to work at it.  Kyle pisses me off because she says time and time again that "nothing can be done" with her and Kim, but that's not true. What she is really saying is that she is not willing to work at it nor is she trying to see Kim's perspective.

Kyle's mother-in-law, Estella, is a fairly esteemed Psychologist. I believe at one time she even had her own call in radio show. I think she now focuses on sexual issues, but if memory serves she has also practiced marriage and family counseling.  We know from the show that Kyle is extremely close to her. I cannot imagine that she hasn't talked through issues with her, at the very least. It seems like Kyle is doing a better job of working through her issues with Kim, but regardless of counseling, sometimes people are simply not successful in getting all the way to the place they probably need to be. 

  • Love 6

I think that Kyle for all her bravado, expresses regrets and remorse here and there.

Yes, She copes better in general but her life is not as easy as she let on, IMO.

Estella while possibly offering moral support here and there, cannot possibly engage in a therapeutic relationship with her DIL.

Kim besides her addiction is a fragile individual.

Interestingly, both sisters have suffered from mental illnesses:

Kyle had depression and Kim has an anxiety disorder.

  • Love 7

Kyle certainly is divisive isn't she? It's funny how people can watch the same show and see things so differently. I really like her probably the best of any housewife across all the franchises . I feel she is productions water boy and gets a lot of slack for that. That maybe a self appointed role, I don't know . I sense that she's getting stronger and happier as a result of not having Kim on the show. That dynamic was not good for anyone. Including us.

  • Love 11

Neither Kim nor Kathy speak with Kyle.  We know there is bad blood between Kyle and Kim and bad blood between Kathy's husband and Mauricio.  Seems as if Kyle and Mauricio handle certain things in ways that piss others off for this kind of familial track record.


They are an odd pair to me.  They lack a level of sensitivity that many of us have and can't seem to comprehend how certain comments and actions impact others.  I don't think they are bad people, but they need to learn how to better see and understand the perspective of others.  Kyle talks alot about being compared to her mother.  That's not saying much if the Hilton biography is to be believed.  I think Kyle and Mauricio are two peas in a pod.  They are out for number one - which isn't necessarily a bad thing - they just take it too far.


Kim is the exact opposite.   She's had some challenges in life and is super sensitive - so much so that she has problems seeing things objectively.


I think therapy could help them all reconcile but they'd need a good, hard-ass therapist and they'd need to work at it.  Kyle pisses me off because she says time and time again that "nothing can be done" with her and Kim, but that's not true. What she is really saying is that she is not willing to work at it nor is she trying to see Kim's perspective.

Or maybe Kyle is saying that Kim won't work at it - which seems very likely.
  • Love 4

Kyle certainly is divisive isn't she? It's funny how people can watch the same show and see things so differently. I really like her probably the best of any housewife across all the franchises . I feel she is productions water boy and gets a lot of slack for that. That maybe a self appointed role, I don't know . I sense that she's getting stronger and happier as a result of not having Kim on the show. That dynamic was not good for anyone. Including us.

Kyle took some big steps last year, listing the Indian Wells house.  Kyle has always been the keeper of her mom's memory.  Sometimes she grows stronger when she has to make tough decisions.  It has to be hard to admit she can't fix Kim.  They were together in Mexico until Kim went off on the groom's mom, one of Kyle's closest friends.  Then it was Kim on the run and Kyle having to film.  I think Brooke needed a sane relative and Aunt Kathy could not be bothered to attend, so Kyle was left mending fences, again.


I think Kim comes back on to take on Rinna again.  Amazing how Kyle can't have friends at odds with Kim, but Kim sure can be up Brandi's butt.

  • Love 7

I think the same thing about Mauricio and his mother on all counts.  Esp. the shark resemblance!


My take on the snippets of the Hilton bio is this.  The mom was a gold-digger and she imparted a "marry rich" mentality proactively and aggressively to her girls.  Kathy fled the home at a very young age because it was too tumultuous if I recall correctly - leaving Kim and Kyle alone with the mom.  Kim's career did overshadow Kyle's and paid the family bills.


I did sense that the mom loved her girls deeply and that her gold-digging ways weren't all about her but rather to better the positions of her daughters.  She was just a little misguided in how to do it.  Jealously among the siblings didn't seem to be an issue.  Kathy quickly married very rich and Kyle idolized her mother and has teflon skin.  She just doesn't let stuff get to her the way it does many others.


Kim struggled from a very young age and it has continued through adulthood.  My take on this as well as some comments she made while on the show  indicate she didn't put her mom on a pedestal like Kyle does and that she has some built-up resentment for being pushed too hard as a child star, i.e. she turned into the family paycheck. Kyle may have worked a bit but Kim was the breadwinner.


Kim also lost one of her boyfriends to murder when she was in her 20's.  She was on the phone with him when the guy was shot.  He was supposed to be a crook, so whatever....but it doesn't negate the trauma Kim experienced.  That was a tough thing for her to go through.


The soured relatinship between her and Kyle dates back to well before the RHBH - and part of it has to do with the home that Kim basically paid for with her child-acting work.  At some point Kyle and Mauricio took it.  Could be Kim wasn't able to afford it and was drinking too much - or whatever.  Doesn't matter IMO ...   Kyle and Mauricio have more than enough and they could have let the house be for Kim and move on.  Material stuff trumped trumped family for them.  Not sure how this could be described as "taking care of Kim" either.  How in the world did Kyle and Mauricio not understand this would due a number on Kim. I don't get how they didn't get it.


This is my interpretation - take it at that.  I'm team Kim all the way.  It's sad she can't get things together for herself and she's kind of turning into an angry person, but I also get how life can become so difficult that people check out. 


Addiction, IMO, is all about coping skills.  Some thing needs to be coped with and the person going through it doesn't have to necessary tools - or will - to cope with it effectively.   Kim wasn't born with the teflon skin Kyle was born with. And neither her experiences nor perceptions are the same as Kyles.

Kim/Kyle's father was THE bread winner in the family until they divorced, NOT Kim, even the book, HoH, does not claim she was the bread winner. Also, the house in PS was bought by Big Kathy's third husband, NOT Kim and Big Kathy bought Kim a house in the same neighborhood (Kim hadn't acted in years, was divorced and had kids), not the other way around, which Kim LOST because she could not afford to pay the bills. Kim's claim to the PS house being her "GD house" was in reference to the 1/3 part ownership she had when their mother died. Kim took a loan out on the house and could not afford to repay the loan so Kyle/Mauricio bought her out at the same time they bought out Little Kathy's 1/3 ownership. Kathy got more money because Kim still owed on the outstanding loan she took out.


The only one claiming that Kim "supported" her family is Brandi, not even Kim has made that claim. LOL

  • Love 16

Kim/Kyle's father was THE bread winner in the family until they divorced, NOT Kim, even the book, HoH, does not claim she was the bread winner. Also, the house in PS was bought by Big Kathy's third husband, NOT Kim and Big Kathy bought Kim a house in the same neighborhood (Kim hadn't acted in years, was divorced and had kids), not the other way around, which Kim LOST because she could not afford to pay the bills. Kim's claim to the PS house being her "GD house" was in reference to the 1/3 part ownership she had when their mother died. Kim took a loan out on the house and could not afford to repay the loan so Kyle/Mauricio bought her out at the same time they bought out Little Kathy's 1/3 ownership. Kathy got more money because Kim still owed on the outstanding loan she took out.


The only one claiming that Kim "supported" her family is Brandi, not even Kim has made that claim. LOL

Another strange rumor that gets passed around is that Kim role on Nanny and the Professor was the reason the family moved from Long Island.  First off, Kyle was born in January of 1969, in California and Nanny and the Professor  was not picked up until 1970.  originally Dawn Lyn, Dotie on My Three Sons had shot the pilot.  She had been released when  Nanny was not picked up.  Kim was hired.  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0528184/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm So there have been many misnomers when it comes to Kim and her earning prowess.   Secondly, the home was built before Kim had any real earning power.  Also, once Kyle got to be of acting age, the maternal grandmother moved in to help with the sitting on set duties.


Kim and later Kyle, to a lesser degree may have contributed to the family income but grandma and Big Kathy had by law to be on set and that precluded them from having normal jobs.  It is a little like a racehorse not paying for a trainer and jockey.  I don't mean to put children in the same class as animals but as performers they have to pay the folks that facilitate them.

  • Love 6

I  think Kyle's daddy went broke at some point.


Anyway, I'm really tired of Kyle's version of what her mother asked of her on her death bed.  "Take care of Kim."


Kim has said MANY times that their mother asked ALL of them to "take care of each other."  Not just Kyle.  Kyle has never contradicted Kim when she's said that on camera, in fact, she nodded her head.


Kim earned a lot of money.  As that pit-bull torn friend said in House of Hilton, Big Kathy spent it.  Kim spent some of it on cars for Kyle, or herself, but most of it went directly into Big Kathy's checking account.  Later, Big Kathy snagged another guy by posing in scanty clothes at the golf course by her house.  She broke him too, he didn't have as much money as she thought.  Horrible woman~

  • Love 4

I  think Kyle's daddy went broke at some point.


Anyway, I'm really tired of Kyle's version of what her mother asked of her on her death bed.  "Take care of Kim."


Kim has said MANY times that their mother asked ALL of them to "take care of each other."  Not just Kyle.  Kyle has never contradicted Kim when she's said that on camera, in fact, she nodded her head.


Kim earned a lot of money.  As that pit-bull torn friend said in House of Hilton, Big Kathy spent it.  Kim spent some of it on cars for Kyle, or herself, but most of it went directly into Big Kathy's checking account.  Later, Big Kathy snagged another guy by posing in scanty clothes at the golf course by her house.  She broke him too, he didn't have as much money as she thought.  Horrible woman~

I agree, from what was written in HoH, that Big Kathy was a piece of garbage but her daughters love her to this day, all 3 of them. As messed up as you claim Kim was, so was little Kathy and Kyle and Kyle WAS a working child actor and her mother would have procured HER earnings as well but so many either forget that fact or overlook it because they dislike the adult Kyle. We need to remember that child actors back then did NOT earn big money and rarely got any residuals from either TV series OR movies they made.


Kyle has also said that their mother told ALL of them to take care of each other, sadly, the ONLY one that seemed to get that was/is Kyle. Little Kathy was married with children and a jet setting, partying lifestyle and Kim was divorced a second time with kids, heck, Kim didn't even own her own home because, IMO, of her addictions/spending habits. Only Kyle/Mauricio were there for Kim on any regular basis because Kathy/family traveled and for a good amount of time they lived in NY, so it was Kyle that took care of Kim to the best of her abilities as well as taking care of her own family/husband/children. I also think Big Kathy knew the mess that Kim had made of her life and did ask Kyle, the most responsible of the 3 daughters, to specifically "take care of Kim" because she knew Kim was incapable and unwilling to do so herself. Blame Big Kathy, not her daughters, for the mess she created. JMO

  • Love 10

I  think Kyle's daddy went broke at some point.


Anyway, I'm really tired of Kyle's version of what her mother asked of her on her death bed.  "Take care of Kim."


Kim has said MANY times that their mother asked ALL of them to "take care of each other."  Not just Kyle.  Kyle has never contradicted Kim when she's said that on camera, in fact, she nodded her head.


Kim earned a lot of money.  As that pit-bull torn friend said in House of Hilton, Big Kathy spent it.  Kim spent some of it on cars for Kyle, or herself, but most of it went directly into Big Kathy's checking account.  Later, Big Kathy snagged another guy by posing in scanty clothes at the golf course by her house.  She broke him too, he didn't have as much money as she thought.  Horrible woman~

By the time Kyle was driving-Kim was married with a child and working in film-not a long career but she had married well.  So I am really questioning the buying of carS.  She did buy Kyle's first car but how is that a bad thing-it wasn't some big expensive car.   When she and Monty were dating he bought Kim a Ferrari-they had his and hers Ferraris.  This is one thing that has never made sense to me, say Kim did help support the family, does that mean Kathy and Kyle are indebted to her for the rest of their lives and do not have the right to challenge Kim ever? 


By the time Big Kathy was dying-it wasn't a blanket take care of each other-Kim needed help, a lot of help.  She had developed a drinking problem and her mom could not cover for her.  Kim's second husband was not a nice man and challenged Kim's custody a time or two. He was also the source of income for Kim. Big Kathy was very worried she might lose custody of the middle two children and her custody of Kimberly was very strained over the years.   No one seems to dispute Kim was Big Kathy's favorite.  I don't think it was because she was a cash cow but more so because they had similar sense of humor and could both be bawdy.   


Doesn't someone's account of posing in scantily clad clothing near the golf course almost just sound too stupid too believe?  I don't know if anyone saw pictures of Big Kathy in her 50's but let's just say she wasn't a bikini candidate.  She was mean to that husband though, when they separated he moved into a house (the third house she owned in the community) once she found out he had been cheating she threw him out and rented the house. By the time Big Kathy was buying houses in Indian Wells (in the 90's) Kim had long been over 18 and in control of her own money. 

  • Love 6

Kyle implies that Kim's money and her mother's efforts paid for the house



What she was saying is that their mother was their manager and got a % of all their acting paychecks, both Kim's AND Kyle's, when they were KIDS, which in turn their mom used to help pay the bills.


Big Kathy bought the PS home after Kim had married and divorced 2 times and had 3 kids, little Kathy married Hilton well before Kim dropped out of HS and Kyle was already married to Mauricio, her second marriage when that house was bought with her, Big Kathy's, third husbands money from the sale of his PS house. By the time that house was bought, neither Kim OR Kyle were still acting, it was bought years later.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

Kyle implies that Kim's money and her mother's efforts paid for the house



They are different houses.  Kyle clearly states it is an insult to her mother for Kim to say she paid for the house.  Again this is the situation with child actors parents have to be compensated if it becomes their full time job.  Not only was it Big Kathy's but her mother had to help once Kyle started acting.  


My issue with kid actors, and now it is far different, is they may want to enjoy a better lifestyle.  Under Coogan Laws a percentage of their income is protected and available to them when they turn 18 years old.  In a perfect world it would be wonderful if your entire salary was just savings.  It just isn't so.  Kim's earnings had retirement, health insurance, taxes taken out and she had an agent.  I think it would be unfortunate for the Richards girls to live in squalor so Kim could retain all of her earnings.  They had a lifestyle before Kim landed steady work, all that happened is they maintained it.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

Kyle was entrusted with big Kathy's financial dealings because she is the only one in that charming family without addiction issue.

While big Kathy was as vile of a person as they come, she was far from being stupid and recognized early on that Kyle was and still is, to this day the responsible one.

In addition, BK did not want to jeopardize LK's marriage by having to take care of the problematic Kim.

Her role is to bankroll, Kyle is charged with the day to day operation, IMO.

Kyle is also the natural nurturer among her sisters, it is no accident that none of her kids have any deep problems and are somehow well adjusted.

Kim while childish has a soft side to her and it is incredibly cruel to constantly bring her chemical dependency issues out for all to see.

When in active addiction, Kim is a horrible person but when she is not, she is a bit weird and endearing IMO.

She also cracks me up when in drunken tirades, she outs people out.

She is a perpetual teenager.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 3

Kyle was the best choice for a fair and reasonable executor. Kyle clearly cares about her sisters. I don't know much about Kathy Hilton, but she's raised some awful, selfish, antisocial children. There's a chance she'd fuck over her sisters in a heartbeat. Kim's children are doing okay, but Kim herself is also essentially still a child.

  • Love 7

Isn't Kathy a recovering drug addict herself?

It is way too easy to blame Kim for the entire family dynamic, IMO.

Kathy Hilton is not a recovering addict.  I think she and Rick use to party back in the day. Big Kathy was never treated for alcoholism and although people claimed she would party it never rose to an intervention, detoxification or rehab. 

  • Love 2

Kathy Hilton is not a recovering addict.  I think she and Rick use to party back in the day. Big Kathy was never treated for alcoholism and although people claimed she would party it never rose to an intervention, detoxification or rehab.

It does not matter that neither one of those women got treatment, they clearly had issues with substances.

Many of my relatives have issues with alcohol and/or substances, some receive medical help and some did not.

They are still all addicts, IMO.

  • Love 6

It does not matter that neither one of those women got treatment, they clearly had issues with substances.

Many of my relatives have issues with alcohol and/or substances, some receive medical help and some did not.

They are still all addicts, IMO.

Well you asked.  This is why treatment can fail.  If a person on occasion gets drunk it doesn't do much good to treat them for addiction.  Not everyone who snorts cocaine or takes a pain pill that isn't prescribed to them or take three instead of one pain pill when prescribed, is an addict.  It would be like sending entire families to Overeaters Anonymous the day after Thanksgiving. Every year on the fourth Thursday of the month they all overeat and swear to never eat that much again. To me there is a difference between addiction and imbibing.  If issues means ever using then I guess they are addicts.  It just doesn't seem to do much good to treat someone for a "disease" they do not have.  (See entire Yolanda thread.)  Of course doing that creates a whole new class of mental illness.   


We have never seen Kathy Hilton under the influence or Big Kathy nor has either admitted to being addicted to anything.  Kim is a whole different ball of wax-she has had repeated treatments and public behavior while under the influence.  Oh and she told Andy, "I am an alcoholic," granted she would not cop to the pills.

  • Love 6

Well you asked.  This is why treatment can fail.  If a person on occasion gets drunk it doesn't do much good to treat them for addiction.  Not everyone who snorts cocaine or takes a pain pill that isn't prescribed to them or take three instead of one pain pill when prescribed, is an addict.  It would be like sending entire families to Overeaters Anonymous the day after Thanksgiving. Every year on the fourth Thursday of the month they all overeat and swear to never eat that much again. To me there is a difference between addiction and imbibing.  If issues means ever using then I guess they are addicts.  It just doesn't seem to do much good to treat someone for a "disease" they do not have.  (See entire Yolanda thread.)  Of course doing that creates a whole new class of mental illness.   


We have never seen Kathy Hilton under the influence or Big Kathy nor has either admitted to being addicted to anything.  Kim is a whole different ball of wax-she has had repeated treatments and public behavior while under the influence.  Oh and she told Andy, "I am an alcoholic," granted she would not cop to the pills.

Of course, there is a difference between recreational drug and alcohol use however since addiction has a strong genetic component, it makes sense to me as a lay person that Kim is not the only person with an addiction.

All of Kathy's kids have been to rehab with perhaps one exception being Nikki.

Where do you think they got that habit????

The new drug tsar admitted himself that even today, it was easier for him to call himself an homosexual openly than an alcoholic.

There is a strong element of shame involved in this disease.

In my opinion, Kim is the only one who has admitted (reluctantly) to having the disease.

Remember that they have sanctified big Kathy.

One person was an addict in this family prior to Kim.

  • Love 2

Of course, there is a difference between recreational drug and alcohol use however since addiction has a strong genetic component, it makes sense to me as a lay person that Kim is not the only person with an addiction.

All of Kathy's kids have been to rehab with perhaps one exception being Nikki.

Where do you think they got that habit????

The new drug tsar admitted himself that even today, it was easier for him to call himself an homosexual openly than an alcoholic.

There is a strong element of shame involved in this disease.

In my opinion, Kim is the only one who has admitted (reluctantly) to having the disease.

Remember that they have sanctified big Kathy.

One person was an addict in this family prior to Kim.

Well we don't know about Kim's father and his side of the family.  The Dugan siblings weren't/aren't addicts.  Just because someone in a tell all book claims Big Kathy went out to bars and drank does not necessarily make her an alcoholic.  I will look forward to Kim's new show to see if she claims her mother is an alcoholic.  I do think all three sisters have huge anxiety issues and Kathy and Kyle have body image issues. 


I don't know that Paris has ever been to rehab.  I think she cleaned up her act after the cocaine incident. 

  • Love 1

No way do I think Kim would ever say that Big Kathy was an alcoholic even if it's true. I can't see the girls saying anything bad against their mother. Even when Kyle does reveal something that raises eyebrows it's like she's not entirely conscious of the fact that BK didn't always make the best choices for them as a mother. 

  • Love 4

I asked this question last year and I don't think it was ever answered. In the often quoted House of Hilton book, Big Kathy was portrayed in a very negative light. Monty as well as pit bill victim bite friend ( sorry I can't recall her name) were sources for that book yet they remained close with Kim. Has does that work? Did Kim give her consent to trash her mom in print? We know Kim isn't a forgive and forget kind of gal so why did she maintain a relationship with the detractors? Monty, I can understand ,somewhat, he's the father of one of her children so she had to maintain some type of relationship with him but she clearly seemed to adore him until his dying day. She dumped pit bill lady after the bite but remained friends after she revealed Big Kathy trolling for men? This never made sense to me.

  • Love 6

I asked this question last year and I don't think it was ever answered. In the often quoted House of Hilton book, Big Kathy was portrayed in a very negative light. Monty as well as pit bill victim bite friend ( sorry I can't recall her name) were sources for that book yet they remained close with Kim. Has does that work? Did Kim give her consent to trash her mom in print? We know Kim isn't a forgive and forget kind of gal so why did she maintain a relationship with the detractors? Monty, I can understand ,somewhat, he's the father of one of her children so she had to maintain some type of relationship with him but she clearly seemed to adore him until his dying day. She dumped pit bill lady after the bite but remained friends after she revealed Big Kathy trolling for men? This never made sense to me.

I am going to go out on a limb here as a potential MIL, if one of my kids married someone, who never worked except for making a movie (his parents funded) I could see being a little hard on Monty, the bon vivant.  I think Monty probably thought bon voyage to Kim, so he could pursue his  Las Vegas lifestyle.  I don't think Monty was all that great a catch and someone in the family needed to work.  I can't remember if they remained friends from the onset of the divorce or reconnected a few years later-maybe even after his marriage to wife number two.  I don't think Big Kathy appreciated a very party-hardy Monty hanging out with Kim and her subsequent children. 


Kay Rozario is the mother of Kim's BFF, the one whose name Kim wrote in her blog after Brandi said Kim had no friends and she was her only friend.  They reunited after many years and the reunion ended with the dog bite.  I believe Rozario commented mainly on the fact that although Kathy had a great voice, she seemed more interested in getting married than pursuing a career. 


Now the third man who Kim had children with, John Jackson, commented on the doings at the Hiltons when they were having the OJ Simpson parties.  He said all of the Richards women were catty.    I too, am amazed that with Kim's total inability to forgive she manages to stay tight with these people who tear down her family.  Jackson was not complimentary of Kim at all.  It was all about her partying and spending money-child support, from the ex.

  • Love 4

Their mother wanted her girls and family to be supportive of each other. What she did not count on was Kim becoming an alcoholic. For almost 50 years these sisters stood by each other. It has only been in the last five years or so their relationships came apart publicly. There is just no way the kids would all have independent close relationships with Kathy and Kyle if there was so much insistence on divide. Even on her deathbed Kyle was tasked with taking care of Kim. So I think they competed for their mother's attention-absolutely just like many other siblings but I also think iron hand Big Kathy made the sisters close. To me, the issues hit when Kyle took the reigns on the RHBH and Mauricio opened his own agency. The starter was the limo scene for which Kim and Kathy have never forgiven Kyle. Because pretending Kim didn't have an addiction problem was working so well for the lot of them. It is okay though for Kathy to drag Kim on Dr. Phil.

Twice during Big Kathy's lifetime Kathy and Rick lived in New York and Kyle was the one living in California, Kim bounced about but Kyle was the anchor child, never straying from Bel Air. When mom was alive she was in constant contact with her daughters as in two or three times daily with phone calls. Do I think Big Kathy was a narcissist -I do but I also think her bigger misjudgments had to do with pretending everything was okay with Kim. I am sure Big Kathy would have been mortified of her little Star's (Paris Hilton's) video tape and subsequent bad behavior recorded by the press.

Kathy and Kyle have too many cross over good friends. Most of whom have elected to stay out of the fray between Mauricio and Rick. Kim and Kyle speak, but to me it seems that they have to kept their distance from one another. Kim has had a really bad 18 months with her drinking and recovery and Kyle can't do anything about it. There is no sense in Kyle inserting herself when Kim doesn't want her around. Kim can't blame Kyle or her mother or Monty's illness and subsequent death for her using drugs and alcohol-Kim drinks and uses drugs because she is an alcoholic and an addict and refuses to do the work to stay sober. For Kyle to insist on inserting herself would be on Kyle and her ego. (A little note to Brandi on that comment-first Kyle needs to take care of herself and her family.) Far more important in Kyle's life are her daughters and husband. Kim has shown repeatedly she will hurt Kyle's husband and children because in addition to being an addict she is a evil bitch.

Yes, exactly.

  • Love 1

Kyle certainly is divisive isn't she? It's funny how people can watch the same show and see things so differently. I really like her probably the best of any housewife across all the franchises . I feel she is productions water boy and gets a lot of slack for that. That maybe a self appointed role, I don't know . I sense that she's getting stronger and happier as a result of not having Kim on the show. That dynamic was not good for anyone. Including us.

Perspectives DO differ. You are correct. For instance, I cannot view Kim as a sensitive suffering soul in ANY manner. She is a true and through asshole.


Edited by BookElitist
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