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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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11 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

This is not up to Bethenny. The state has charged him. So the prosecutor would have to drop it. Dennis doesn't get a choice. He can be subpoenaed. It's not Bethenny's decision any more. The state doesn't bring many charges like this if it's he said/she said.  So now that Hoppy has refused a plea.  They go to court.  They drag all the dirty laundry out before the media and then us.  

Fingers crossed it's all over Tuesday.  The long it goes on the more there is for Bryn to find out about in the future.

Prosecutors drop cases all the time over reluctant witnesses.  Judges encourage parties to come to an agreement.  This is three misdemeanors it is not a homicide.  According to Bethenny one of the players has moved on.   I can definitely see a compromise.  Basically Bethenny doesn't want contact with Jason, and Jason wants to be able to go to his kid's school. 

I will say this every activity they enroll the child in that involves, games, meets or performances will need to be hashed out if the two of them can attend and stay civil.  If Bethenny were worried about her daughter she wouldn't go to Page SIx with news of a cease and desist letter.  Those types of letters are not public record.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Prosecutors drop cases all the time over reluctant witnesses.  Judges encourage parties to come to an agreement.  This is three misdemeanors it is not a homicide.  According to Bethenny one of the players has moved on.   I can definitely see a compromise.  Basically Beth

And he would need anger management. And the school would have to sign off on Jason being allowed on premises.  And he would have to agree to no contact except through an intermediary.  And the prosecutors would have to believe that in a high media profile that they had insured that no harm would come to the injured parties.  Remember his restraining order includes the school.  That is a bit out of the norm.  My guess is the school was one of the witnesses when Bethenny applied for a RO.  

At this point he has two choices.  He can fight it or he can let her win.

  • Love 5
57 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

But, if Dennis had every right to be at the school (a possibility) the point is that Jason knew he'd been told to cease and desist.

Oh -- I agree, Dennis could have every right to be at the school - I just think the defense has room in both cases (he has no right to be there/he has the right to there).  And (if I understand it correctly) a Cease and Desist letter is a warning that legal action may come, not an enforcable-by-law situation (like a restraining order, say).  So Jason is not automatically breaking any law by talking to Shields. He's ignoring the warning of a possible lawsuit by talking to him (something to be argued in a court) not an existing legal sanction against himself (the court has decided). 

And I wonder if Jason replying to Shield's lawyer re: that C& D letter means interpretation comes into play around that letter as well (as in, Hoppy explained back in November to Shield's lawyer why he found the charge of harassment bogus, establishing his own side of the divide to show the jury).

Edited by film noire
  • Love 3

Prosecutors drop cases all the time over reluctant witnesses.  Judges encourage parties to come to an agreement.  This is three misdemeanors it is not a homicide.  According to Bethenny one of the players has moved on.   I can definitely see a compromise.  Basically Bethenny doesn't want contact with Jason, and Jason wants to be able to go to his kid's school. 

I think the point of disagreement is the suggestion that Bethenny, and Bethenny alone has the ability to simply say "I don't want to prosecute" - at this point, it is no longer her decision. She can protest she wants it stopped but the prosecutor doesn't HAVE to follow her orders.

  • Love 6

Just because Dennis could be there didn't mean that he should be there. From what I read it was Jason's day. There really is no reason why the guy that Bethenny was currently boning needed to be there. Having different guys come around is not good for kids.

Look Brynn, here's Michael Cerrussi, he was expelled from college for rape, oops, he's gone. Don't worry Brynn, mommy has a new man. Now mommy's dating Dennis who's been in love with mommy for 30 years! Oh wait Brynn, he's gone But now I'm dating Russ Theirot!

Yes, mommy is entitled to have a life but that life really should be kept separate from the kids unless it is truly serious and there is (real) talk of marriage not some guy just saying that stuff.  I don't blame Hoppy for being concerned about bringing these men around Brynn

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, film noire said:

So part of the stalking charge is:  Jason is charged with stalking Dennis (one of Frankel's acquaintances) but if Dennis is the one who made  a point of being in Jason's rightfully occupied space (the school)  then how can *Jason* be charged with something Dennis initiated -- and that's (you think) one possible line of defense Hoppy's lawyers will take? 

Can someone point me to a source for that reports Jason is facing criminal charges regarding his behavior toward Dennis please?

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

And he would need anger management. And the school would have to sign off on Jason being allowed on premises.  And he would have to agree to no contact except through an intermediary.  And the prosecutors would have to believe that in a high media profile that they had insured that no harm would come to the injured parties.  Remember his restraining order includes the school.  That is a bit out of the norm.  My guess is the school was one of the witnesses when Bethenny applied for a RO.  

At this point he has two choices.  He can fight it or he can let her win.


This must be so stressful for Bryn.

Let Beth win and be the bigger person.

It is actually the real win as her daughter will know as an adult that he did the best for her.

  • Love 1

Just because Dennis could be there didn't mean that he should be there.

You're talking emotional stuff. Emotionally I agree. He's just a random boyfriend.

Legally, if he has right to be there, then Jason approaching him after being asked not to do so and then possibly being threatening is the issue.

The issue, legally, is not in any way about how Bryn will feel.


Let Beth win and be the bigger person

It's actually the State of New York that will win. They're the ones who arrested Jason and who are insisting on a trial.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 8

Let Beth win and be the bigger person.

It is actually the real win as her daughter will know as an adult that he did the best for her.

But it isn't Bethenny's case "to win" at this point. He can't be the bigger person in a criminal trial, unless he pleads out, which most likely isn't in his best interest unless he ends up with a really, really good deal.

  • Love 3

Overall, I'm surprised that with as acrimonious as things were between them, B and Jason didn't manage to put any sort of rules into place about significant others in their custody plans (I'm guessing this based on the fact that Dennis was at the recital).  If they don't have one, then there was no reason Dennis couldn't be there (though, that doesn't mean I think it's a good idea). 

That said, Jason still has to act like a reasonable adult when there are people there he doesn't like.  I would imagine that there is some sort of provision that allows B or Jason to attend recitals/class plays/etc even if it isn't "their day" (and, tons of people here had absolutely no issue with Jason showing up on B's day just to walk Brynn to the car, so there's that).  Jason just needs to steer clear of B and whoever she shows up with.  It can be done.   I have a sibling that I really, really do not like.  I try my best to not be near them, but at some family functions, it's unavoidable.  Even there, I do my best to be busy helping in the kitchen or whatever.  But, I can say hi, and then stay across the room and talk to other people, pretty much ignoring them.  Jason could have done this with B and Dennis instead of flipping out and confronting them.

  • Love 5


4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

One more time, Stalking in the Fourth Degree is being charged against Hoppy because he allegedly initiated contact with an acquaintance of Bethenny Franke, to wit Dennis Shields, after that acquaintance previously and clearly informed Jason Hoppy to cease such conduct.


2 hours ago, film noire said:

I don't think that's the point - the issue is, how can you charge Jason for stalking Dennis (at the school) when Jason was legally allowed to be at the school (he had "legitimate purpose") and Dennis chose to place himself in Jason's proximity (not the other way around)?

Unless the custody agreement includes provisions for dating partners around Bryn, Dennis may have every right to be at the school -- but you cannot then charge Jason for stalking HIM at the school,  if Jason had nothing to do with Dennis being there.  Jason did not seek out Shields; Dennis chose to cross Hoppy's path all on his own. 


Jason is being charged with stalking Bethenny, not Dennis.  Bethenny sent Jason her own cease and desist letter on November 22 but he persisted, culminating in the blow-up at school.  Dennis was just a witness.  He never filed a criminal complaint against Jason.  Only Bethenny did.  

Thus the whole line of discussion about whether the C&D letter Dennis sent makes his stalking case against Jason moot because there IS no Jason-stalked-Dennis case.  


Edited to add: And when did the story become this all happened when Dennis invaded a dance recital that should have been just mommy and daddy time?  Every report I have read said this happened early in the morning when Beth was just dropping Bryn at school. 

This is starting to get really convoluted ... 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


Edited to add: And when did the story become this all happened when Dennis invaded a dance recital that should have been just mommy and daddy time?  Every report I have read said this happened early in the morning when Beth was just dropping Bryn at school. 

This is starting to get really convoluted ... 

I have asked about this before, but never received an answer. Every single article I have ever read states what you said above. I have never read anything about a recital or anything. Maybe there is a random article out there somewhere, but I have never seen it. Maybe someone has a link stating that it was Jason's day and there was a recital? Actually, the reporting has remained fairly consistent on this since the beginning with one exception. The early articles said that Beth was with a "friend" at the time, and articles the next day identified the friend as Dennis. 

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:




Jason is being charged with stalking Bethenny, not Dennis.  Bethenny sent Jason her own cease and desist letter on November 22 but he persisted, culminating in the blow-up at school.  Dennis was just a witness.  He never filed a criminal complaint against Jason.  Only Bethenny did.  

Thus the whole line of discussion about whether the C&D letter Dennis sent makes his stalking case against Jason moot because there IS no Jason-stalked-Dennis case.  


Edited to add: And when did the story become this all happened when Dennis invaded a dance recital that should have been just mommy and daddy time?  Every report I have read said this happened early in the morning when Beth was just dropping Bryn at school. 

This is starting to get really convoluted ... 

I have decided since there is no verifiable source as to why all three persons were at Bryn's school the recital or his day or her day is irrelevant until proven.

I am really trying to explain this to you why Dennis is involved and in fact his C&D satisfies an element of the crime.

Let's try this:  Annie divorces Bill and Bill isn't happy with the way he and Annie are communicating regarding their minor child, Dottie.  Bill decides to reach out to Annie's new friend Carrie and eventually Annie's friend Carrie advises Bill via a C&D through her attorney she wants BiIl to stop contacting her.  A couple of months go by and Carrie accompanies Annie to the school where Bill and Annie child attends.  Bill approaches Carrie and starts a conversation with her about the C&D letter or her being there.  Annie asks the police to intervene because her acquaintance Carrie, after clearly and previously notifying Bill she wanted no contact contacted her and it caused material harm to the mental and emotional health of Annie.

Essentially it is a statute that is written to protect family members, employees and acquaintances from unwanted contact from party that is at odds with the family members, employees and acquaintances of a specifically identified person.  One of the elements is a person who does not want to be contacted has to clearly notify the person they don't want to be contacted. 

I find it pretty clear.  And I have provided the jury instruction language, which is what the jury gets in deciding the guilt or innocence of a defendant. 

One last breakdown:

The Elements:

(1) Date and place asserting the court has jurisdiction and it is within the statute of limitations and which person the course of conduct was directed.  (Annie)

(2) Defendant (Bill) did so intentionally and he or she had no legitimate purpose

(3) The conduct consisted of following, telephoning or initiating contact with a third party acquaintance with whom (Annie) is acquainted.  (Carrie)

(4) That the defendant (Bill) knew or should have known that such conduct would cause material mental or emotional health of (Annie)

(5) That the defendant was previously and clearly informed to cease such conduct. (Carrie's C&D letter to Bill).



Carrie= Dennis.

  • Love 2

I have asked about this before, but never received an answer. Every single article I have ever read states what you said above. I have never read anything about a recital or anything. Maybe there is a random article out there somewhere, but I have never seen it. Maybe someone has a link stating that it was Jason's day and there was a recital? Actually, the reporting has remained fairly consistent on this since the beginning with one exception. The early articles said that Beth was with a "friend" at the time, and articles the next day identified the friend as Dennis. 

Maybe the school was having an early dance recital? Mot articles do say Bethenny was dropping Brynn off at school that day. So it seems like it was a normal school day, and Jason just happened to be there...?

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Well there it is- recital courtesy of  US Weekly,  Thanks Luna.

If this is accurate, it was his custody day & she just turned up with her fuckbuddy -- wonder what the custody agreement says about that? (Need to get the other parent's permission, or not; agree to not bring partners who are not a permanent part of Bryn's life - or not -  etc etc).  I know one thing; if he'd done that -- just turned up (everything else aside) Frankel would have ranted about the horror of that surprise. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 5
50 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

That was a good explanation of what's going on. I had only paid attention to the dog story because that was such a shitty thing for anyone to do to a dog. 

From the story it appears the last straw was when Jason threatened to destroy her. This was after Jason received a letter from Bethany's attorney asking him to stop contacting Bethany. And he also sent another 160 emails after he got the letter.

And Bethany saved every contact she received from him. Jason needs to calm down. 

  • Love 5

If it was a surprise, I wonder if Jason thought she was trying to put him in a compromising position re: the C & D letters (that could be where this comment of his came from:  “‘You can play your game. It doesn’t matter. You can get 10 lawyers, there’s nothing you can do to stop me. You’ll be sorry.') eta: Jason should have kept his mouth shut, but I don't understand her thinking here --  wouldn't having your lawyer (if you don't want to email him yourself, understandably) or whoever give him a heads-up this was coming make it likelier your daughter's recital would go smoothly?

Edited by film noire
  • Love 2

f this is accurate, it was his custody day & she just turned up with her fuckbuddy -- wonder what the custody agreement says about that?

Well, if it says she can't bring dates, then he should have contacted his lawyer. If she's simply not allowed to attend events when Jason has custody, then he should have contacted his lawyer.  The correct answer, both legally, and for Bryn's sake, is not to tell Bryn's mom "I will destroy you".

Since no one has ever suggested that Bethenny was violating the custody agreement, then I'm gonna take a wild guess and say she wasn't violating the custody agreement.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Since no one has ever suggested that Bethenny was violating the custody agreement, then I'm gonna take a wild guess and say she wasn't violating the custody agreement.

I dunno, Zoloftblob -- on just this page alone, we've gone from conventional wisdom thinking it was just a regular day & Bethenny was dropping Bryn off at school, to knowing it was Jason's custody day,  a recital, and likely a surprise visit by Frankel and Shields -- given that, I wouldn't be surprised if more info comes rolling in ; )

Edited by film noire
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Well, I am sure now that I have raised the issue, that someone will soon note how Bethenny WAS violating the custody agreement but like I said earlier, I'm ready to see what the trial says. ;)

We will have to see, but it would surprise me to find out she had done this. She is careful to not even speak about the custody arrangement for the most part for fear or retribution. Why go to the police to call out a situation that showed that she herself wasn't living up to their arrangement?

  • Love 9

Every divorced couple I know (including me and my ex) attend school events, no matter whose day it is. I don't even remember that coming up in our mediation. I assume, like all divorced couples with kids, they have stipulations about dating and when to have a SO involved with their child. Since it doesn't sound like Jason has raised this with his lawyer, I don't see why there's any reason to assume that she is doing something that is against what they have already agreed upon. He might not like it (this doesn't make him crazy, it's not fun), but I would assume that that's what they agreed to. 

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

 Why go to the police to call out a situation that showed that she herself wasn't living up to their arrangement?

I think there are two very likely scenarios:

1) It was a calculated risk she took to set Jason up, and then set him off,  in the best place possible; her daughter's school. That way, she'd end up with enough evidence to charge him with a crime that might stick.  She wasn't really afraid of him;  if she were, she wouldn't play fast and loose with her kid's safety like that. No mother would put her child in the middle of a dangerous surprise.  No, if Hoppy were the madman she said she feared him to be, Bryn would be right in the middle of whatever crazy thing Hoppy might do -- so it was intentional.  Frankel and Shields got up, got dressed, and then she took his hand and said  "Straight down the line" and off they went off to sabotage Hoppy.  (For the purposes of this dramatization, you must imagine Frankel in the blonde wig Stanwyck wore in "Double Indemnity".)

2) Frankel told her lawyer to email Hoppy she was going to the recital, and was waiting for confirmation of that email having been sent. She was relieved to not hear from Hoppy himself  -- for once -- but she knew she needed to follow up.  At least his family wouldn't be there-- one blessing the divorce brought her, freedom from the royal family of Hazelton. She was so looking forward to her little girl dancing, like the princess she knew Bryn to be. She had dinner with Shields the night before -- so in love, so much to look forward to -- he even talked about taking her to Paris.  That morning, on the way to Bryn's school, they were chased by the paps all over the city and Bethenny narrowly escaped with her life, which is why she did not think to check her phone as to whether Hoppy had indeed been informed she was coming. (For the purposes of this dramatization,  you must imagine Frankel in a Princess Diana wig).

Edited by film noire
  • Love 7

Does PTV give prizes for fan fic?  Because I think we have a winner up above!!! 

1 hour ago, film noire said:

If this is accurate, it was his custody day & she just turned up with her fuckbuddy -- wonder what the custody agreement says about that? (Need to get the other parent's permission, or not; agree to not bring partners who are not a permanent part of Bryn's life - or not -  etc etc).  I know one thing; if he'd done that -- just turned up (everything else aside) Frankel would have ranted about the horror of that surprise. 

I know one thing, too ... if Bethenny had done that, Jason would have taken advantage of the opportunity to haul her into court over it, lol

Suggests to me it never happened

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 11
34 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

We will have to see, but it would surprise me to find out she had done this. She is careful to not even speak about the custody arrangement for the most part for fear or retribution. Why go to the police to call out a situation that showed that she herself wasn't living up to their arrangement?

Bethenny is not claiming any kind of custodial interference she is just claiming harassment and stalking.  I doubt they were investigating custody -just the e-mails and the statements Bethnny and Dennis claimed Jason made at the school.  It was enough for a warrant and to arrest.  As has been said many times, Bethenny is not on trial-Jason is.

  • Love 1

Beyond people perceiving Bethany being a bitch and asking for sole custody,  which as a parent who loves my child fiercely I would have done if my ass of an ex wanted him full time /good father when he's with him,  but still,/  what has she done? 

Has she taken Hoppy's elderly dog,  who he loved like a child out of their house out of spite and put it in a dangerous position? /Personally,  I think anyone who is deliberately cruel to an animal is evil. / Has she emailed him with a couple hundred unpleasant at the least emails? Has she stalked him in public in a threatening manner? Has she gone out of her way to email his girlfriend's and talk about what a manipulative emotionally abusive Dick bag he is? Has she gone after his money that he earned?

 If she'd done any of this,  we'd know,  from an "anonymous" source.  ... 

No. She's considered to be a bitch. A woman in power who doesn't let herself be pee'd on is often considered a bitch. Hey,  I don't think she's all that great,  she's moody and can be a real mean girl,  but I just don't see how that equates in people's to her deserving this emotional terrorism.

On 6/23/2017 at 8:41 PM, Martinigirl said:

Ahhhh...kinda like "Bless your heart"?

Well Bless Your Heart is usually used when someone is acting stupid,  this is darker, you're gonna buuuurn!

  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Beyond people perceiving Bethany being a bitch and asking for sole custody,  which as a parent who loves my child fiercely I would have done if my ass of an ex wanted him full time /good father when he's with him,  but still,/  what has she done? 

Has she taken Hoppy's elderly dog,  who he loved like a child out of their house out of spite and put it in a dangerous position? /Personally,  I think anyone who is deliberately cruel to an animal is evil. / Has she emailed him with a couple hundred unpleasant at the least emails? Has she stalked him in public in a threatening manner? Has she gone out of her way to email his girlfriend's and talk about what a manipulative emotionally abusive Dick bag he is? Has she gone after his money that he earned?

 If she'd done any of this,  we'd know,  from an "anonymous" source.  ... 

No. She's considered to be a bitch. A woman in power who doesn't let herself be pee'd on is often considered a bitch. Hey,  I don't think she's all that great,  she's moody and can be a real mean girl,  but I just don't see how that equates in people's to her deserving this emotional terrorism.

Well Bless Your Heart is usually used when someone is acting stupid,  this is darker, you're gonna buuuurn!

Bethenny filed for "sole" custody then changed it to "primary" custody, Jason filed for "primary after Bethenny did. Bethenny wanted sole or primary to move Bryn out of state, the LA area of California actually. Jason never put Cookie in a dangerous position, Bethenny herself has placed the dog in kennels before, so it wasn't something the dog was not use to. Yes, he did e-mail her a couple hundred letters over several months time but we have no idea how many she sent him or why he sent them as Bethenny has not told the press anything about what she, herself, did/didn't do. Also, he has not been convicted of anything he has been charged with, soooo, we have to wait and see how that plays out. It is possible that Jason went BSC, that Bethenny is a liar/exaggerator or that they are both at fault. 

1 final thing, Your right, Bethenny doesn't allow anyone to "pee" on her, she is the one "peeing" on others telling them it is raining and that they "made her go there".

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny filed for "sole" custody then changed it to "primary" custody, Jason filed for "primary after Bethenny did. Bethenny wanted sole or primary to move Bryn out of state, the LA area of California actually. Jason never put Cookie in a dangerous position, Bethenny herself has placed the dog in kennels before, so it wasn't something the dog was not use to. Yes, he did e-mail her a couple hundred letters over several months time but we have no idea how many she sent him or why he sent them as Bethenny has not told the press anything about what she, herself, did/didn't do. Also, he has not been convicted of anything he has been charged with, soooo, we have to wait and see how that plays out. It is possible that Jason went BSC, that Bethenny is a liar/exaggerator or that they are both at fault. 

1 final thing, Your right, Bethenny doesn't allow anyone to "pee" on her, she is the one "peeing" on others telling them it is raining and that they "made her go there".

I'm just not going to agree and you aren't either.  He didn't place the dog in a kennel. He comes across to me as an underhanded person.  Bethany can be awful but she doesn't come at a person from behind. 


And if my ex had been as hateful to me,  I'd go for primary custody too. He isn't healthy. I'd worry for safety. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm just not going to agree and you aren't either.  He didn't place the dog in a kennel. He comes across to me as an underhanded person.  Bethany can be awful but she doesn't come at a person from behind. 


And if my ex had been as hateful to me,  I'd go for primary custody too. He isn't healthy. I'd worry for safety. 

Bethenny IMO is the one who has come closest to physical violence upon a person by admittedly throwing water on Jason. She also told him that she would ensure he never saw Bryn again and called him white trash. 

I don't think either of them have exhibited collected behavior. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 7
On 6/24/2017 at 3:01 PM, zoeysmom said:

Gosh maybe the story that ran with the photo would have answered the mystery:   http://www.eonline.com/news/562542/bethenny-frankel-s-ex-jason-hoppy-sports-bright-pink-nail-polish-while-strolling-in-nyc-see-the-pic  Sounds to me like the people at E1 may be on to something. 

That was my first thought, without the story. 

I am annoyed to be defending this woman,  because she's not likable,  but damn. 

Anyhow,  I could see him keeping it on and going out to be photographed as a blatantly manipulative mood to garner the aw isn't he a good dad vote. You know,  this man who despises being in the spotlight.  .... 

But that's just me. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
Because my phone adds random words!
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Ki-in said:

Just because Dennis could be there didn't mean that he should be there. From what I read it was Jason's day. There really is no reason why the guy that Bethenny was currently boning needed to be there. Having different guys come around is not good for kids.

Look Brynn, here's Michael Cerrussi, he was expelled from college for rape, oops, he's gone. Don't worry Brynn, mommy has a new man. Now mommy's dating Dennis who's been in love with mommy for 30 years! Oh wait Brynn, he's gone But now I'm dating Russ Theirot!

Yes, mommy is entitled to have a life but that life really should be kept separate from the kids unless it is truly serious and there is (real) talk of marriage not some guy just saying that stuff.  I don't blame Hoppy for being concerned about bringing these men around Brynn


  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Bethenny IMO is the one who has come closest to physical violence upon a person by admittedly throwing water on Jason. She also told him that she would ensure he never saw Bryn again and called him white trash. 

I don't think either of them have exhibited collected behavior. 

Water in face and calling him white trash still doesn't come close to what he's done. Just with what we know of.  And we'll find out more. 

I never said she is a saint,  but I find it interesting that the hate for her trumps every other feeling of,  as clearly shown in this thread,  giving the recorded victim of abuse the courtesy of believing the.  

If B had done anyThing close to what Jason has done you can bet Jason would have pursued it. And I wouldn't blame him. 

Also,  locking her elderly dog away and, not at a kennel,  and referring to her as her mom,  digging in bad wounds is the kind of thing a backstabbing psycho would do.  As I stated,  B might be a B,  but she comes at people from the front. 

  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm just not going to agree and you aren't either.  He didn't place the dog in a kennel. He comes across to me as an underhanded person.  Bethany can be awful but she doesn't come at a person from behind. 


And if my ex had been as hateful to me,  I'd go for primary custody too. He isn't healthy. I'd worry for safety. 

According to Bethenny's testimony, Jason took her dog to a dog hotel.  So you would be correct it was not a kennel but an upscale dog accommodation.  As far as the dog, Jason did provide care for the pooch while she traveled with a guy on vacation to Hong Kong, St. Tropez, Aspen and  St. Barth.

If Jason were so awful why didn't she fight it out and finish the trial?  Instead she agreed to joint custody.

I would think sending someone you are  married to a letter saying you want a divorce and to clear the property, provide life and health insurance  for you and the child, child support, sole custody and you want to move the child to Beverly Hills might be considered a bit of an ambush.

  • Love 9
Just now, zoeysmom said:

According to Bethenny's testimony, Jason took her dog to a dog hotel.  So you would be correct it was not a kennel but an upscale dog accommodation.  As far as the dog, Jason did provide care for the pooch while she traveled with a guy on vacation to Hong Kong, St. Tropez, Aspen and  St. Barth.

If Jason were so awful why didn't she fight it out and finish the trial?  Instead she agreed to joint custody.

I would think sending someone you are  married to a letter saying you want a divorce and to clear the property, provide life and health insurance  for you and the child, child support, sole custody and you want to move the child to Beverly Hills might be considered a bit of an ambush.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with court.  I think B is a B,  but Happy comes across as cruel and malicious and dangerous. 

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think he is bitter.  I don't believe him to be dangerous.

If I were in B's position,  I'd worry about him being dangerous. I'm bitter at my ex too by the way and said some pretty horrible things,  he cheated with a friend,  and so on,  and I was bitter,  but you know what? Five years later,  and at the time,  I did not act like him.  I didn't react well,  but still better than Happy. 

That is obsessive and dangerous hate.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 8
47 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm just not going to agree and you aren't either.  He didn't place the dog in a kennel. He comes across to me as an underhanded person.  Bethany can be awful but she doesn't come at a person from behind. 


And if my ex had been as hateful to me,  I'd go for primary custody too. He isn't healthy. I'd worry for safety. 

Yes, he did place Cookie in a kennel/dog "hotel". Are you referring to him placing her in the in apartment storage room with her food/water/dog bed earlier that evening? That is something we saw Bethenny do in their old apartment when they had guests that Cookie did not like, she was/is a biter. 

Jason didn't do anything to Bethenny, at least nothing she didn't do to him as well. Her biggest complaint was that viewers liked him more than they liked her (BEA show) and that he refused to move to LA. IMO, they were/are mutually nasty to each other.

I also disagree, Bethenny loves to come at people from behind, it is her MO and she loves to blame them for "making" her "go there". 

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Water in face and calling him white trash still doesn't come close to what he's done. Just with what we know of.  And we'll find out more. 

I never said she is a saint,  but I find it interesting that the hate for her trumps every other feeling of,  as clearly shown in this thread,  giving the recorded victim of abuse the courtesy of believing the.  

If B had done anyThing close to what Jason has done you can bet Jason would have pursued it. And I wouldn't blame him. 

Also,  locking her elderly dog away and, not at a kennel,  and referring to her as her mom,  digging in bad wounds is the kind of thing a backstabbing psycho would do.  As I stated,  B might be a B,  but she comes at people from the front. 

Bethenny does not believe in "abuse."

  • Love 5

I don't understand the basis for dangerous and obsessive hate.

On another note, there's a difference between 'rights' and 'common sense'. 

In any case, Dennis Shields never filed for divorce during his and Beth's relationship.  Yet, apparently, both his and Beth's children had a relationship with both of them.  That's just not in their (the children's) best interest.  Did they have the 'right' to introduce their kids?  Maybe.  Was common sense used?  Nope.  IMO.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

It's odd she started a group to assist abused women (among others) if she feels that way.

Not at all.  Beth has always been about playing the game in the media.  It's just another PR move (Wire beat me to it).  If she was truly concerned, she would have made a concerted effort with her mother.  Not a PR move about having Bryn call her grandmother that she  decided to share .  BTW, she never followed through with - having Bryn meet her grandmother.

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