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I had such a great time watching that finale. I really really dig Joss and Harry together and I just loved the opening of the show with the restaurant opening and April and Dom and Dom representing her, it was just soapy goodness and reminded me of Melrose Place 2.0 which I miss so much. I like that April didn't give Paul up, it showed conviction which I can appreciate and that she called Dom before she did it, I like it when storylines and characters merge. I'm also glad Daniel is back and wasn't married, that's a hottie that can show up on my screen anytime he likes and April, Daniel and Lucy make an adorable family, so sad Lucy had to find out about her father in the end. 


I'm so glad I found this show, it's the perfect, summer, gym show, I've burned so many calories watching it. Just a blast.

I like to watch Mistresses on the eliptical so it got a little awkward when I was nearly wiping tears from my eyes watching Karen and Anna's phone conversation. They have a great chemistry and I really enjoy their friendship. Also Karen must have been the voice of reason in this episode because what she was saying to Savi was spot on. After only a season of watching this show (season 2) Savi is the only one that I just cannot relate to or give a damn about, I think I might even be more empathetic to the trouble-making sexual harassment lady.  Savi just seems to have a black hole need for male attention and I can't understand why they keep giving it to her, I find Joss waaaay more likeable, and relatable of the two sisters and I'm glad Savi will walk in (or out) on them rolling around in the sand and realize that she is not in fact the centre of the damn universe or the centre of Harry's. Like he was just sitting around waiting for her to fall back in love with him? Really Savi? Get real, seriously.


I am feeling for Scott however, it may not be the most tactful or prudent thing to be rolling around in the sand in your wedding dress with someone  who was once married to your half-wit sister and who's not your betrothed while your fiance waits patiently with friends and family at the altar, but it sure does make good tv. He really should have taken her up on her offer to go to Cabo.


ETA: Thanks for posting the interview, that was a fun read.

Edited by slayer2
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This season is just so deathly boring.  Last year was dumb but at least there was a plot.  


April and the artist were sleep inducing.  Karen is over Elizabeth Gray just like that?  Joss and Harry had no chemistry in this one.  And as much as I hate Toni, I suppose at least one character's subplot is at least about to start.

Edited by Camera One
It is terrible, and not in the fun way either.


Last year, the show was terrible but fun to watch in the so-dumb-it's-almost-entertaining sense.  This season is just so dull.  


That "dad" flirted with April at a school party where all the other parents attended? 


Karen doesn't even have a storyline at this point.


I hate how Harry keeps yelling at Joss.  He's kinda scary now and I can imagine him becoming abusive.  Such a shame since was a decent leading man last year.

Picked up for Season 3 -- the stupidity continues, at least Savi won't have to fake not looking pregnant anymore (no more large pillows in her lap while sitting in chairs and no more standing behind kitchen counters), that is if she survives the shock of seeing Harry and Joss making out on the beach on Joss/Shoeguy's wedding day



Alyssa Milano Exits


Sadly, I won't be returning to #Mistresses. Here's why: http://alyssa.com/?p=5294

— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 1, 2014


I wonder how they are going to explain that away -- I guess we know that Savi won't be the one finding Harry and Joss on the beach (or will she, and the shock will kill her).


Maybe Rose McGowan or Shannon Doherty will show up as yet another long lost half-sister Mulva (Savi/Joss dad was a horndog too after all) -- who has also been longtime friends with April and Karen all this time, but has been vacationing in Europe for 2 years so that she has never been mentioned by anyone before.

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OMG, they renewed it without her?  I'll never have to see those frumpy sweaters again?  Yeah!!  Seems a shame they ruined a whole season working around a pregnancy with that wardrobe and no story line! And now we won't get to see her find Joss/Harry and take off for her volunteering in New Guinia and finding multiple loves there. (Every man loves Savi!)


Actually, I'm just amazed we're gonna get a third season of it.  And the departure should make for some interesting developments...no more Savi's kitchen, Savi's advice, Savi's mother hen-ness. 


Hope they keep Dom somehow!

Edited by Jlina
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Will not miss Savi and thank heavens I won't have to sit thru a pointless love triangle in Season 3. They need to introduce a feisty new character. But what will they do with the Dom character? Also, if the writers knew Alyssa would eventually quit if production would ever move out of the US they may have killed her off after Season 1.

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Savi, April and Karen are so idiotic.  I had to laugh when Joss was staring at them in disbelief after their "intervention".  Each is more delusional than the next.  I really can't believe Joss is actually the mentally sane one.  Savi and Karen should be locked up in a mental institute and April maybe in an idiot asylum.


I must say Karen gave some funny facial expressions in this episode, all bright-eyed looking at her evening wear.  And then eating an entire bag of chips on that sad night she was alone.  As if!   I thought the "poor lighting at Starbucks" line was hilarious.  


So overall, I actually did like this episode more than the last one.  I'm starting to feel badly for Dom.  Savi's becoming outright unlikeable.

So Anna lives in Karen's building, and she didn't know this all along?  And knowing this, she goes into an elevator with Jacob timing the kiss just when the doors open?  Just when you think she can't be stupider, she sets the bar another notch lower.  


They never really showed how Joss "tricked" that restaurant owner into dumping her "old friend" for Harry as chef.  I was wondering how she was going to do that, and they just skipped right over it.


April just can't resist, eh?  So much for integrity...


I was more open to Joss and Harry together, until they brought this shoe guy into the picture.  I'd feel badly for him if Joss dumped him for Harry.  Though asking her to move in happened way too quickly.


So Toni will seduce Dom, just in time for him to realize he still loves Savi despite Zach?  

Karen got an out from that psycho patient, and she insists on one final session?  What are you going to bet that Anna made up that one on the spot since Karen "cleverly" deduced that Anna's mom called from Korea?  Really hoping for the reveal that Anna is an axe murderer and she has it out for Karen.  They could take clips from this show to make a video "How do you know if being a clinical psychologist is NOT for you?" and show it on campuses around America.


I thought Savi's ex was going to volunteer to sleep over if April is being followed by a creepy guy. And then we could have a triangle with Joss.


Oh Dom... so disappointing.  Though Savi called Zach again, so maybe I shouldn't care anymore.

It looked like Yunjin Kim was playing Karen for laughs when she started scaring April with the idea that she was under surveillance, her home was bugged, and they were watching her daughter.


So it looks like the FBI just lets everyone upstairs.  


I'm glad we didn't have to wait weeks for Savi to find out about Dom.


I'm a little bored by the Joss/Harry stuff.  Seems a bit too obvious where this is going.


I can't believe Karen is letting Psycho living in her apartment.  

I had to laugh at April asking Daniel what he was doing at the FBI office.  He was wearing a badge, talking to an FBI agent, and wearing a jacket with an FBI logo on it.  He tells April "Let's go to my office."  I think it's a safe bet that he might be an FBI agent. 


I was laughing too.  Plus it was the "shocking "revelation" before the title card for the episode.


Wow, I was surprised Anna left the show without drama.  What are we going to do without the Karen-does-inappropriate-things-with-her-client subplot each episode?

I guess they have pretty much milked that dry by this point.


I really hoping Toni works at the firm and keeps so quiet we never see her again.


I can't stand Zach.  Why do we have him back?  


Didn't Savi already tell April last episode that she could be on the hook for insurance fraud?  What does it take for something to enter that thick skull of hers?


I feel badly for Jacob.  So who's above him on Karen's priority list?  Anna, Joss, April, Savi, her apartment, her clothes, her kitchen appliances...

Edited by Camera One

I am still torn about Joss and Harry, so I'm not sure what to think about the ending.  With Alyssa Milano off the show, though, a lot of the painful-to-watch betrayal stuff will hopefully be off-screen, which should make it more palatable.


If Karen is pregnant, will next year be trying to figure out which of the men is the father.  Oh for pity's sake...


So of course Lucy is watching the news.  Don't know how much bratty Lucy I can stand next year.

Alyssa Milano talks about Savi's 'Mistresses' Ending: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/31/mistresses-alyssa-milano-savi/?hootPostID=564ca250b993cc0d32c65d26bfad6061

Basically, she knows nothing.

Sorry for the long link, can't hyperlink on mobile apparently.


Thanks for the link! Well I guess in the position she's left them in they really do have to recast as she hasn't given much for them to go on. She knows they left it with her walking on the beach. I think it's such a selfish way for her to behave personally, to not come wrap up her storyline because it's in L.A. Personally I felt Savi to be the weakest link of all the girls, the most boring, frustrating and downright annoying but I am (as another poster said) worried about where this leaves Dom, I really liked Dom and frankly I like her car accident boy too.


The show doesn't have a ton of viewers and nor does the network, they are obviously moving it here to Canada for financial reasons. Does she really think that if they could afford it they wouldn't just stay in L.A? The crew are losing their jobs as well and it's not as if that's what the producers wanted but it could very well be a Nashville (tv show) thing where they had to make certain concessions with the network to keep it on the air. If she wants to leave and doesn't want to jump the country fair enough (although the job of actor does call for a fair amount of moving around) but at least do your audience/fans and cast the courtesy of taking an episode or two to wrap up your storyline.


It reminds me of the way Jennifer Love Hewitt single-handedly cancelled The Client List by trying to force her new baby daddy on the storyline irrespective of what the producers or network wanted (I could bitch about that for days). It may be petty but I really hope they recast with Shannen Doherty or Rose McGowan like someone upthread said.Yes, I am 5.

Edited by slayer2

I agree, she's acting like a spoiled brat.  I think her reasons for not wanting to leave LA are bunk.  Her children are how old?  I hardly think it will hurt them to leave LA for a while...hell, I grew up a Navy brat and we never stayed in one place for more than 2 - 3.5 years at a time, including moving to Europe for a combined 7 years.  I may not have appreciated it at the time, but I'm now I'm so glad I had those experiences.

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I agree, she's acting like a spoiled brat. I think her reasons for not wanting to leave LA are bunk. Her children are how old? I hardly think it will hurt them to leave LA for a while...hell, I grew up a Navy brat and we never stayed in one place for more than 2 - 3.5 years at a time, including moving to Europe for a combined 7 years. I may not have appreciated it at the time, but I'm now I'm so glad I had those experiences.

A wonderful point. In the real world a job transfer is a job transfer and most don't have the luxury of saying no. Her career is kind of played out as well so I don't see how she plans to get work after this unless it's TV movies. She is (at least to me) the least interesting actor in the cast.

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The only way two hours would possibly make any sense to me is if Alyssa Milano had agreed to do one episode in order to wrap up her storyline and send Savi off. I could see them needing a two-hour premiere to deal with fallout from Savi finding out about Joss and Harry and then deciding to leave. But as far as I know, that's not happening.


I don't even remember where Karen left off last summer, but I'm sure she was doing something stupid. I doubt she'll be allowed to receive the few brain cells that Savi had. We'll have to see how brainless the new addition is.


Honestly, all I ask is that April still be hooked up with the hot FBI guy. I need my eye candy.

I don't even remember where Karen left off last summer, but I'm sure she was doing something stupid. I doubt she'll be allowed to receive the few brain cells that Savi had. We'll have to see how brainless the new addition is.


Honestly, all I ask is that April still be hooked up with the hot FBI guy. I need my eye candy.


I think Karen just got a phone call about something, right?  And Ricky Whittle is a main character on The 100, so not sure if he'll be around for Mistresses or not this year.

I don't even remember where Karen left off last summer, but I'm sure she was doing something stupid. I doubt she'll be allowed to receive the few brain cells that Savi had. We'll have to see how brainless the new addition is.


Let's see where Season 2 left off:

  • Paul, April's formerly dead husband, is actually dead this time.  For some reason, April still hasn't paid back the insurance money from the first time he "died"
  • April sees a future with Daniel the FBI guy, after spending that weekend at the cabin with him (and Lucy)
  • Lucy discovered that Paul was dead on the TV, and is supremely pissed at April
  • Joss's engagement party to Shoeguy turned into a surprise wedding, and Shoeguy had already picked out her dress and shoes
  • Karen got a call from a doctor that she was HIV negative, but "something else came up" -- so she's probably pregnant. 
  • Harry shows up at the wedding, Joss spots him on the grounds and they lock eyes, then Joss runs away down to the beach so they can make out
  • Savi spots Joss' shoes on the stairs down to the beach, and heads down to find her
  • Love 4

Don't know how much stock to put in this one, but:

According to IMDB, the actors playing Harry, Joss, Karen, and April appear in 39 episodes of the series (i.e., including all of season 3). Alyssa Milano and Jason George (Dom) are only listed as appearing in 26. It's been reported elsewhere that AM will be in the premiere and will be written out after, but is Dom leaving along with her? Looks like they're also laying the groundwork for a season-long arc on Joss/Harry. ETA: Jason George also recently shared a cast photo on Twitter, so hopefully that means I'm wrong. I'd like to see Dom stay around on the show in some capacity.

Edited by LaChavalina
In the third-season opener, Karen delivers some bad news to Joss, who then hurries to join Scott. Meanwhile, April invites relatives to stay with her; Karen receives her test results; and a driven fashion designer named Calista arrives on the scene.


So, did Savi trip going down the stairs to the beach and die, or have a heart attack when she saw Joss kissing Harry and die -- but why would any of that send Joss back into the arms of Shoeguy ?

That SpoilerTV article revealed quite a few things, actually.  I knew Alyssa Milano wasn't returning this season, and I can't say that I'm sad about that at all.  She had no chemistry with any of the men on the show, and unfortunately for her, the best part of her storyline involved her ex falling in love with her sister!


I'm hoping that Joss and Harry take center stage now, but I'm afraid that with Savi gone, the show is going to have to introduce some sort of complication/roadblock in their romantic relationship.  Hello love triangle...ugh!  It looks like Justin Hartley (creepy shoe fetish fiancee) is out of the picture when the wedding is inevitably called off in the season premiere, so the third part of the triangle will have to be a new guy, or maybe even a new woman chasing after Harry (maybe Jennifer Esposito?). 


That was really terrible -- even for this show. 


The fact that none of them even noticed Savi was missing for an entire day was just weird, and they just write her out by having Savi disown Joss as her sister and leave the country.


Shoeguy doesn't take bad news well at all -- tells Joss to GTFO of their house and beats up Harry for good measure. And then after taking said beating, Joss gives him a relationship timeout.


April calls up her husband's 2nd wife and invites them out so the kids can meet each other. And then the 2nd wife leaves, saying she's got a gig on a cruise ship leaving her son with her brother in an RV, who end up staying at April's house.  April is a really bad parent -- she's willing to let Lucy walk all over her and treat her like crap just to get her to like her again. Which is never going to happen.  And where was Daniel ?  He seems to have up and disappeared like a fart in the wind.


The introduction of Callista was really lame. And she somehow drags Joss into her husband stalking plans, and now she's after Harry.  And she's supposed to be someone famous in charge of her own fashion empire, yet does her own sleuthing.


Karen doesn't have HIV, and isn't pregnant -- but her doctor secretly tested her blood and now Karen has agreed to be a blood bag for the doctor's wife since she's a match.  And now she thinks that she is going to be left out of the group since Savi was the glue.  Making them all go to church instead of brunch on Sundays isn't helping Karen.


After the first hour, they needed the mice from the movie 'Babe' for that "Two Weeks Later" placard.


You can really notice the fact that they have changed the filming location to Vancouver -- new characters played by Canadian actors popped up like Ellis and Vivian (the doctor's wife).

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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You can really notice the fact that they have changed the filming location to Vancouver -- new characters played by Canadian actors popped up like Ellis and Vivian (the doctor's wife).


I was wondering where all the new obnoxious were coming from.



The introduction of Callista was really lame. And she somehow drags Joss into her husband stalking plans, and now she's after Harry.  And she's supposed to be someone famous in charge of her own fashion empire, yet does her own sleuthing.


Sadly I'm already annoyed with her character, it's too contrived even with this series and it clashed with the other main characters if she's really supposed to be the replacement.



That was really terrible -- even for this show.


The fact that none of them even noticed Savi was missing for an entire day was just weird, and they just write her out by having Savi disown Joss as her sister and leave the country.


It felt  too sloppy even though they did have plenty of time to think up of an exit since last season when the announcement was made.  Not only did she shut Joss out, she up and left her friends and her job over the cheating they had nothing to do with.

Edited by Free

I was glad Harry called Savi out on her shit, actually.  He was spot on and Joss being that over the top was hard to stomach.  St Savi can now become ugly sweater ass Savi. :)  Dom really got the short end of that stick.


April not proclaiming herself able to make decisions for her daughter because she is the adult was just beyond painful  watch.  But not as painful as giving someone $300 sheets instead of hauling their asses to Walmart.


Karen really does need a friend - and it looks like she lip locks one soon?


Joss and Harry make the show for me, but it really should be called Ridiculous Problems of Faux Riche Beyotches.

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Well, it was lots of fun for me. I was a casual viewer so far, I think I'll be more of a regular one this season.


The reactions to the BFD were more than what I expected from a guilty pleasure show, actually. Everybody's POV was at least exposed, and I didn't feel that there was a "right" or "wrong" label imposed on any or that anyone wasn't entitled to how they felt. Nobody's perfect, so nobody dealt perfectly with the situation, but nobody was evil either imo. (For me, the surprise wedding was a douchebag move, more than well pissed and pissed off Scott's remark about Joss in this episode.)

This show must have done something right somewhere, since sharing relatives is usually a big NO(-NO-NOOO!) for me -I almost wrote off the show during the first season thinking that Harry would cheat on Savi with her sister...and now I'm rooting for Joss and Harry. They sneaked up on me with the best friends thing. I guess that I will root for them until he sleeps with the bartender (E.Vaugier, nice to see you again, though).  Because as I said, sleeping with exes' family is a BFD for me so the relationship that ensues had better be a solid and enduring one. On this show, LOL, I know.


I love Jennifer Esposito and I loved Calista's OTTness. I felt it was fun, it was crazy, it was welcome. Every storyline is so serious: Karen and her saintly mood, Joss and her emotional crisis, April with her daughter not talking to her. So I was glad for Calista, and Harry's smart move that got him the upper hand at the restaurant.


Talking about Karen, I first thought she was going to sleep with her hot doc, now my money's on the wife. Because sleeping with terminally ill people is somehow her thing.


Cool uncle Mark didn't vow me, but I'm not crazy about the manchild type, to say the least. I was bordering on dislike until the end of the second hour. Now, the jury's back deliberating. But I don't see any sexual chemistry between him and April which, considering the nature of the show and the unavoidable hook-up coming, might be a problem for me.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Karen doesn't have HIV, and isn't pregnant -- but her doctor secretly tested her blood


So basically the big "cliffhanger" is that Karen has AB- blood, something she presumably already knew. What does profiling someone's blood mean? Couldn't the guy have asked Karen what her background was? Why all the secrecy? Though I enjoyed Karen getting all huffy about the doctor's unethical behavior. Oh, Karen. You're in the glassiest of glass houses there.


I guess that I will root for them until he sleeps with the bartender


Hello, anvil. Not that this show is ever subtle, of course.


It's kind of comforting to see the show is as stupid as ever. April is still the worst parent ever, Uncle Mark is going to be big trouble, I don't miss Savi, and I'm leaning on don't-like for Calista, though if she tries to take Harry from Joss, that might be fun to watch.

Edited by dubbel zout
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